Session 3 Full Length // Rachel Faagutu and Misty Edwards // Fascinate 2017

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[Music] [Music] Vasiliy is never gonna be the same again because you guys are here it's gonna be absolutely amazing before we get into all this I'm gonna have a little crowd participation we're gonna have little worship stretches you guys ready for this all right everybody reach for that wall over there and there you go come on come on stretch those calves or whatever it's stretching right there come on breech yeah there you go no next the other wall reach as far as you can all right that's good now reach for the sky there you go both hands come on yeah okay adults this is a little dangerous so enter at your own risk okay reach for your toes okay if you can't touch your toes touch your knees and get that your knees you can't touch your waist just stay straight up and let your forehead or something all right hey listen guys this conference is to teach you identity I mean Alan hood already came up he brought the word Kobe Russell okay that he brought the word but this is all about identity and all about you knowing your identity and the father so we're about to sing this song it comes with hand motions and this speaks about the identity who what you were made for you were made to worship you were made to love God you were made to pray you were made to love others so we're gonna be doing this song right here and all you gotta do is just follow me with the hand motions y'all ready all right everybody already [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right here we go one two three four I was made to worship I was made to praise I was made to worship I was me to pray [Music] and I was made to talk to God I was made to pray I was too big to talk to God I was made to pray [Music] I was babe I was baby I was babe [Music] [Music] but I was made fun I was made to love God I was made I would speak to love God I was made for [Music] I was [Music] this farmer to do is you you turn to your neighbor and you say I was made to love you and you give them a high-five or a slider to your neighbor you're either neighbor give him a high five and say I was made to love you I'm so glad you came to fascinate [Music] I was me too I was babe [Music] I was made I was made now [Music] what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys ready to have fun that's ready to dance your hearts out here this morning so if you haven't woken up you might want to leave your friends up wake your friend up you see [Music] up sealant whose love is mighty and so much stronger that Kingdom the king King [Music] who shakes at home with all inside [Music] that Gino glory amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] all that you've done for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] that King of glory [Music] that [Music] fifteen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] snake [Music] worthy [Music] is the king [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah come on now [Music] right now my heart right now right now Oh [Music] in [Music] tt sing this after me kisses [Music] me [Music] bull Jesus I see all that you've done for [Applause] [Music] [Music] bring the Reid Oh [Music] oh Jesus [Music] keep my shining the light when you come bring the freedom [Music] brings our chaos back into [Music] [Applause] just love of all teasing is no more time [Music] all that you've done for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my heart increase in US wheat three [Applause] please like we made [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] jeez [Music] captain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] breathing fire bring your fire [Applause] [Music] kingdom style reach in here and changing heart much more than this away [Music] [Music] young smart [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] James [Music] [Applause] [Applause] bring your diary [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just give it permission today I invite you in Holy Spirit No [Music] [Music] Cygnet again given free access today [Music] you Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh I'm joking down [Music] livvie kingdom come a new job chin job Oh [Music] just [Music] my mom wanted to tell Jesus you're my sustenance you are my son Jesus and there is no you are mama [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a fiancee [Music] you are my father you got me in to your game you love my love Patrol will you call me and there is no [Music] no one liked this gang I know my friend when she loved my father you want me to ruin ring with you in your key [Music] and there is no one [Music] Oh my way you [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] from my seat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this means holy in Hebrew singing out cut out [Music] sing holy holy holy [Music] [Music] holy [Music] singer Lorde I got this just raise our hands god [Music] we worship you Lloyd [Music] Oh sing holy holy holy worship Lord whoo [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] who who [Music] [Music] our Lord our time [Music] [Music] [Music] missing a Lord our God [Music] he's here he's here this morning [Music] [Music] we wait food [Music] this is a holy moment cuz his eyes are looking that too and his heart is beating for you and his feet are walking to you young man yes his eyes I'm looking at - and his heart is beating for you and his feet a walking tour - young woman you have ravaged his heart with one glance of your eye you have ravaged his heart young you have ravished his eye with one glance of your eye you have ravished his heart and you would say today Who am I in this steve aces you would say today Who am I do I stand out to the Lord at all you even came to this conference wondering if the Lord even cared about you ask why am I here today and why is fun [Music] anyone care [Music] me wanna see me he says you know when I rise and when I fall when I come you see it on you huh mr. overseas yeah and still you know me [Music] [Applause] [Music] get out you know me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not invisible [Music] Jesus sees you you know [Music] right in the little when I'm broke don't miss a moment when my brain fails you might have to uphold me told me right in the middle when I'm broke you don't miss a teen no you don't miss a moment when my brain fails you are there to hold me right in the middle when I'm broke [Music] oh my [Music] when I'm broke [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so mindful of me that you place my head above I'm used you make me rise [Music] my [Music] ooh you make me rise Oh [Music] [Music] to camp around you are with me you [Music] you are always with me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will never leave me not forsake me you amaze [Music] my life jung yoojin idea when the people to us come to devour my flesh even if they would be an army of straighten up my life tell me whether you know too much time to devour [Music] [Applause] [Music] my strength of my life we shall I [Music] that's right now right now [Music] the street right now [Music] slipstream my people dance [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] the ways gave me you are so amazed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] at the beginning we're just hanging out or just practicing and there's couple of passionate kids that just started doing Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] gee Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus hey hey let's lift up our hands in the air like this with me just pray this prayer after me say Jesus baptized me again with the Holy Spirit and fire open my ears to hear you open my eyes to see you and open my heart to receive you I want more of you in your beautiful magnificent fascinating name Jesus amen thank you Rachel and les same team so fun well it's good to be with you this morning go ahead and make your way back to your seats we've got some important announcements for you as it relates to this afternoon and some products we want to highlight for you we're just so glad to be here with you this morning okay so the way that it's gonna work is after the morning session which is right now and after the lunch break all of the afternoon breakout sessions are gonna happen over at our I hop University that's our Bible School and it's not that far from here it's just down the road five minutes and there are several breakout seminars that are gonna be happening and you have the ability to choose which one you want to go to so I just want to highlight which ones will be happening this afternoon we have Ritchie Bickle who's one of our leaders at our hope city prayer room and he's gonna be leading a breakout session on social justice and the future of America and Ritchie is a very passionate and dynamic speaker and if that's something that's been touching your heart related to current events and just the social environment what's been happening in the earth right now and and specifically in America we want you to jump in with us on that one that's gonna be in room 105 then myself and my beautiful wife who's not here our name's Morgan and thus likers David Tracy slacker are going to be doing a break session on godly dating and relationships so it's on it's on it's a fun subject to talk about and think about it there's gonna be time to ask questions relate it to that and so we are so excited I love doing these thus likers and and my wife and I have done these for several years now and we just really enjoy this wheel of the questions we love the interaction and being able to just set people up to walk in victory and have amazing relationships of fun and love and pursuing Jesus excuse me pursuing Jesus and then Gabrielle Malone is gonna be doing one on friendship with God gabby is a I hope you graduate that's gonna be in room 109 and we want to encourage you to jump in on that one she just has some real insight on that subject and on that topic so jump in with her on that one it's definitely don't miss that so tonight at 6 p.m. there will be a prayer meeting right here at FCF and Rick Pino will be leading that and tomorrow night there will be another prayer meeting at 6 p.m. and misty Edwards will lead that so please remember to come a bit early in a meeting those are during the dinner breaks so those are optional if you want to jump in and do the prayer meeting feel free but don't feel guilty if not it's kind of like the don't feel the Christian guilt of like I'm not going to appear me because I'm eating lots of pizza that's totally okay but if your heart burns for intercession and you you're just like I'm here man I'm getting the full experience then jump in with us on that okay we have on Saturday afternoon during the lunch break we have an info meeting for our I hop internships and our Bible school and if you're interested in that and you want to come and spend a season of time here at IHOP being trained going deeper in the word we have three-month programs six months program and up to a four year ministry in Bible School we want to encourage you to sign up for this luncheon there's a free lunch that's provided and right over here at the booth by the bookstore where Matt Kendler is and this team right here he's waving in orange bat he's not going use it against you he's gonna use it for you okay where's waving that bat go sign up you have to get and secure a ticket to come to that luncheon and we're really looking for those that are wanting to come here we want to connect with you relationally the leaders of our internship and bible scar going to be there to meet you and give you more information about those programs and you get free lunch free lunch is amazing yeah Pizza Providence pizza which is exceedingly good delicious you I want to draw your attention so I know you guys have a lot of energy because last night when everything was over here people were still jumping around so I'm gonna help you and give you an option to channel that energy so tonight they will be late night activities at the camp building and so if you want to do that you can go sign up after the session over there near the bookstore they will be volleyball Gaga ball what on earth is that Gaga ball and basketball ball I heard there might be next a an appearance from a football player here in our mouth certain mike biggle oh come on anyway you don't have to sign up to come but you have to sign up if you want to be a part of the tournaments for those specific things but otherwise you could come and hang out so they will be specific teams if you want to get your buddies and go sign up go just off the decision well in just a moment we're gonna be hearing from misty Edwards and we're really excited to be receiving the word from her this morning she has several products out I'm sure you've heard of her CDs she has a book called what is the point and I want to encourage you to go pick this up in the bookstore and here's why here's what I love about misty misty is not afraid to ask really hard questions you know like the questions that we all have that we're afraid to ask our leaders our teachers and our parents things like what is the point of my life and and she just in this book tackles so many of these issues and ask these really hard questions and talks about her journey with the Lord of in her young years just asking really challenging things and the Lord meeting her in a powerful way I love that how many of you have those questions you have doubts in your heart you feel like man I need some questions answered from the Lord and I need to hear from the Lord come on raise your hand I know there's more of you you want to ask those hard questions that's awesome we want to encourage you pick up this book and this morning Missy's gonna be sharing with us and we're just so excited for that and I want to highlight one more product so I don't know about you guys but I thoroughly enjoyed the fog hoot is leading worship then they do a great job this morning and so I'm gonna draw your attention to little songbirds they have two albums out this is little songbirds too but both the first album and the second it's just amazing so technically it's the kids album but I listen to it all the time real so if you want to get this head over to the bookstore afterwards great thank you so much we have David's liker he's gonna be sharing some testimonies that we have this morning so let's give them a warm welcome morning everybody so we've got three folks that are here that went through our one thing internship one thing internship starting with Lana [Music] so tell me your story so why did you come to do the internship yeah so I came to do the internship because I went through high school and all throughout high school I felt like man I just need to know God and I knew that going into college and going into my career and what I had chosen that I really wanted a foundation in the Lord and I really wanted to know that he was real and that I could lean on him in every circumstance so that's how I came here so you come and your expectation is what happens my expectation was that I would get here and that the Lord would just be like Here I am you know he would tell me everything about him and that it would just be so easy and I would walk away being like yes I have a firm foundation in the Lord and I know everything about him and everything everything yeah so just so we're clear though a billion years from now you'll still have that expectation unfulfilled yes absolutely just so we're clear yeah so if you're thinking you're coming to a program here and you're gonna know everything there is about God I just want to be clear that's not gonna point zero chance okay so yeah so I got here and when I arrived I was like I just need god I'm gonna get here and it's gonna be just me and God just me and God I even told my core group that I was like I'm just here to know God like I'm not here to make friends you know oh but then when I got here I know it's super funny about actually sitting here leaders I'm not here to make my first day that was first thing like drop yeah awesome everyone was like terrified of me yeah so I got here and the Lord actually began to speak to me about how I actually need a community and so throughout the internship I realized that being in community and being around like-minded believers was actually gonna help satisfy that longing to know God because people around you actually can reveal Jesus to you in a way that you can't always discover yourself and so being in the internship I realize like man I actually need people and yes I need God but people actually can enhance your relationship with the Lord and reveal things to you that you wouldn't be able to discover on your so this is the famous Gabriel Malone famous as of the announcement ten minutes ago that you're doing a breakout this afternoon on friendship with God I'm so excited I wish I could go yeah you're doing a talk on dating I'm gonna be talking about dating so I want to be there no you guys need to give me the talk so so he did the one thing internship as well why did you do it yeah so I actually did the internship almost I was a little over seven years ago makes me feel kind of old but I I came right out of high school so I was oh yes I've been on staff with the internship for four years now yeah so I did the internship seven years ago now I'm on staff I'm gonna share a little testimony from the internship there's this one class and I remember it so clearly like it was yesterday where one of the core leaders in our class was talking about Jesus and he was sharing this testimony on evangelism and he shared this story of this guy that got up in the middle of a mall and to open air preach and he started to preach and this guy just comes out of nowhere and starts beating this guy up and this crowd gathers around the guy and gets you know the guy that's beating up the one preaching gets him off of that guy and the first thing that that guy thought was I have a crowd now I have a crowd to preach to and I remember thinking that was the first thing that went through his head that the gospel was so important to him that he wanted to get up and he saw this as an opportunity to keep sharing it and I I remember asking myself the question does the gospel mean that much to me that I would get back up after just being beat up like that and and see that as an opportunity to to keep sharing to share the gospel and then that core leader began to talk about Jesus on the cross and we actually had a corporate encounter as an internship what I would call as a corporate encounter where for the first time some us we're actually connecting with what Jesus really did and in the pain that he went through to to die on the cross and right after that I went into the prayer room and I felt like I was supposed to take communion and this is a girl that I've grown up in the church I have parents that love the Lord but I took communion that day for the first time and said this is the first time I'm actually doing this in remembrance of you Jesus and it was something that I still remember this day as a moment that marked me just for a second talked about there's a little nugget in your story there's a lot of nuggets but the Nugget I want to focus on you talked about you hear about Jesus in the class and there's struck and you go into a prayer room to get more from the Lord what was that like yeah well there's a difference between hearing about him and then actually encountering him for yourself and I realized that going into the prayer room after hearing that core leaders speak that I could actually have a conversation with the man that he was just talking about and so I got to go into that room and I was speaking phrases to the Lord and actually hearing him speak phrases back to me it's the most beautiful thing that's powerful also powerful who's this guy this is my husband David Malone you can give him a round of applause almost as powerful how did you guys meet wait back blank I want to hear the story from her side all right I was I was a leader in his internship he came even did the one big internship and I'm just gonna add he did it really well I didn't know that he liked me told after the internship but we did meet in the n32 he has a title that anyone that comes here has to kind of live up to out of all the internships we've ever done supposedly he is the best intern of all time they call him the legend Malone and so when did you find out that he liked you uh it was it was like the day of graduation but he didn't tell me it wasn't him that told me I don't want to go into the hole it's a long story it really is just so we're clear there's another story like that Isaac and Morgan Bennet same thing that not till the end of the internship though they honored the whole thing and then the end of the internship he had a bouquet of flowers and the car ready for a date it was amazing yeah I love it so anyways I gotta ask you about Jesus so but I do love your story so come over here Thank You gobby so you did the internship that's right and tell me about it why did you do it and what happened yes so I did it I didn't want to come and do it I was like I'm gonna find Jesus in the real world and so I'm just gonna do my thing and right after I graduated college right before I just felt like the Lord it's like said come do one thing that's all I heard was one thing and I knew I was like alright I need to do this thing came here 23 right after college and I didn't I mean I was saved for twelve years but I had never really encountered Jesus really with like with my mind with my heart together and I came in and I encountered I came across revelation 4 and 2 it talks about a throne in heaven and it talks about somebody being on that throne and it hit me that there is a real person and there's a man in the sky and he's for real and when I encountered that what happened was I realized that unbelief had been dictating my life and it had been holding me down for sin and shame and in this internship when I encountered this this is a verse that I've been going back to for a long long time but I hid faith my faith went to the next level I encountered Jesus and sin and shame and addictions all broke off in this internship and so I just encountered something that was real and it was tangible so you'd been saved twelve years but in that moment he realized that you really didn't know Jesus at all that's right I did not believe it and I had unbelief I was like I I was able to sin in the closet by myself and justify because I was like I don't really believe that this thing's real Wow and then so what clicked what shifted you into I'm in I mean that verse or what happened yeah so I that verse unlocked faith in my heart and Jesus encountered me and my whole life came up to that point and something happened not of myself it was not my own strength but something from God from Jesus and it was the spirit of wisdom and revelation hit me and I was like oh my goodness this thing is for real and at that point it all to the Lord and as a result I've been free from sin and I've just given everything over to the Lord I love it I love it thank you here's here's why I like that we do this the reason I like that we do this is because I believe if you're in high school right now which we have you raise your hands so much in these conferences raise your hand if you're in high school there you go so I believe if you're in high school I'll be bold about it every single one of you should take at least a gap year and go somewhere to have a season of growing in the Lord before you go on to college before you go on a career I am unapologetic about you don't have to come here you can go anywhere but go somewhere to encounter the Lord that a foundation of encounter and his love would set the next season of your life it's so important here's why I love one thing here's why I love oti because because of this this internship and our other internships you know I speak Adam Alan Cory who you heard the different the different preachers Isaac speaks and ministers at these internships but I never hear from the interns how awesome the IHOP leaders are they don't care well I want to say how's the internship they're like my leaders David gobby Lana are so amazing I always hear about how amazing the leaders are and so I'm proud of these guys I'm proud of what they've laid hold up in the Lord and how they lead and serve young people I'm so proud of what the Lord's done here so we want everyone to come here that's called to be here but you have to know that the Lord calls you to be here there are amazing leaders waiting for you here so I love you guys so anyways thank you thank you so much right before misty comes out we want to show you a little video that tells you even more about our internships thank you a restlessness exists in the hearts of many a dissatisfaction but the solutions culture has to offer a yearning that is only answered from heaven but where can you find a community committed to crying out for heaven solution where can you dedicate a focused season of your life to pursue God where can you join with the people who resonate with the same heart cry the International House of Prayer is a community committed to advancing 24/7 prayer and proclaiming the beauty of Jesus and his glorious return the main on-ramp into our spiritual family is through one of our four internships the one thing internship is a season where you can come alongside your peers and run wholeheartedly after the Lord farlen night is a season where you behold and bless the Lord the night intro is a place where you can come and hear from the Lord with families with married couples with children semion company is an opportunity for those 50-plus to set aside three months six months to give their heart completely to the Lord of the internship community because it brings in people from all across the earth and just iron sharpening iron in the classrooms in the prayer room we all came together and had this vision of one thing we desire to run after the Lord with all of our heart soul mind and strength we developed these deep bonds and relationship that to this day are some of the deepest friendships and relationships that I have I came to know what God is doing all across the earth in this hour of history and then I realized my part in his story the reality and the encounter with the person of Jesus Christ came alive to me and it shifted how I see him and how much more I love him because of who he is I went from seeing prayer as a duty as something I had to do to being a relationship talking with the Lord partnering with his heart [Music] now my wife and I are going to be moving to the Middle East and preaching the gospel to the unreached people groups implanting houses of Prayer I joined staff with far the night out of a desire to continue to give the Lord my night seasons and I get to teach interns the truths that I learned about prayer I'm gonna take what I've learned in the place of prayer and worship and intercession and bring it home to my family spend a gap year at IHOP Casey set aside a season of consecration and encounter seek direction for the next season pursue a deeper prayer life join our family join off and join our join our family well I really don't have to introduce misty Edwards but I like that I get to misty has been here from before the beginning she was so talking about internship she was in the very first internship I think there were five of you and from that point forward what what I was actually praying for you this morning I say actually like it's a surprise I was praying for you this morning and the thing that struck me as I was just thanking the Lord for you is that you haven't just been here since the beginning you've given your life to build this place and so I am so filled with gratitude over the way that you've poured yourself out the way that you've given yourself you've given I mean I don't I can't say this as many people because it's it's flattery and height but you really have given all for the purposes of God in your generation in terms of this house and beyond and so thank you it's my honor to introduce misty Edwards this morning thank you for being thank you oh thank you thank you it's so good to be here this morning I love this house I love the summertime when we get to host all of you guys it was so fun watching you guys worship this morning I remember I used to be a crazy wild dancer whenever I worshiped I used to be at the back when I would come here for conferences in the summertime just like you're doing right now when I was 13 14 15 years old I've come to passion for Jesus is what it was called back then and I would be at the very back and I was like Riverdance on the bottom and like a head banger on the top so not a pretty dancer but I was a wild dancer so I love to worship God with my whole body with my whole strength so it's good to see you guys moving this morning and worshiping God so I just want to open up with prayer and then I want to share something that a little bit of my own story into what I think one of the main things that the Holy Spirit is emphasizing in your generation so a Holy Spirit I just ask that you would continue to move in this room or die thank you for your presence this morning during worship and God I ask that you would just take weak words from my lips this morning and you would cause them to go forth like arrows but you would come with a spirit of prophecy Lord I lean into you and I asked you to come but the very testimony of Jesus the very voice of God would be heard in our hearts through a spirit of wisdom and a spirit of Revelation amen amen well I want to talk to start with something a little bit heavy and that is what I believe to be is a huge crisis in your generation I believe there is a growing crisis all around the world and that it's mostly about the crisis of truth now more than ever in any generation you must know what you believe you can't just go off the faith of your parents you can't go off the faith of your teachers off of your youth pastors now more than ever you must know what you believe you know I grew up in the church I'm from a tiny little town in West Texas little bitty town I'm an Avery from Texas see I knew I could feel you I knew you were I knew I had some people in here so I'm from West Texas little tiny town and then even smaller than that I homeschooled yeah my dad was a pastor so I grew up in the church I have preachers kids yeah I'm among good company it sounds like so my dad was a pastor I grew up in a very godly home a loving environment but in my heart in my soul I had a lot of questions and a lot of even secret doubt and for years I wouldn't even deal with that I wouldn't let it come to the surface because I was too embarrassed to vocalize it or I thought lightning might strike me if I really asked the question but I'm telling you now more than ever you must deal with any secret doubts that you have in your heart and you need to wrestle with the scripture wrestle with God until you come to a conclusion about what you believe what you believe about God what you believe about Jesus what you believe about the scripture I really believe that in your generation you're at your feet are gonna be held to the fire even more than in my generation and the generations above us I mean you can see it growing in the culture not just in the moral crisis that challenges the written word of God but even within the church there's so much argument today about is Jesus really God there's even arguments today if Jesus was really a man was he that he even ever exists there's so much arguments and chaos around the truth and then you add the moral chaos that is rising within the church and without the church now more than ever you must know what you believe about God what you believe about Jesus and what you believe about the scripture I believe that we are moving closer and closer to the return of the Lord I don't know if I'll see it I don't know if you'll see it maybe your children will see it but either Jesus is coming back or Jesus is a liar right and if Jesus is a liar why are we here so he's gonna come back at some point right and we know there's a hundred and fifty chapters that talk about the second coming of Jesus did you know that there's a hundred and fifty chapters that talk about the generation one generation one time period when Jesus is actually going to come back to the planet I believe that you might even see it with your own eyes and we know from those hundred and fifty chapters that the environment of the earth is going to be intense Isaiah described it as a city of confusion it talks about a wave of delusion that there would be much scoffing many many people will come and they'll say Jesus has been dead for two thousand years you might as well say Elvis is coming back if you're gonna say Jesus is coming back you do realize that as a Christian if you believe the scripture you are saying that you believe a dead man who's been dead for two thousand years is gonna come back as a man brown eyes brown hair Jewish man not the ethereal God but the man is coming to the planet as king of Israel to take over the universe do you know that that's what you're that's part of your faith you believe in the cross you believe he came as a baby you believe he was born as a child you believe that he's a man today do you know that even today Jesus is not just the omnipresent spirit Jesus is a man he said fully a man with with bone and skin and he's before the Father for 2,000 years where he's been making intercession he's been praying for the nation's do you know how crazy that sounds if you really think about what you believe now more than ever you need to put your feet to the fire do you actually believe this whole thing do you actually believe this whole story do you actually believe that Jesus is coming back to the planet do you believe in heaven do you believe in hell now more than ever we need to know what we believe because there's coming such a spirit of scoffing in your generation that's going to come from your teachers it's gonna come from your peers it's gonna come from the voice in your own head and now more than ever we need a spirit of wisdom and we need a spirit of Revelation to open up our eyes that we could know that we know that we know we are planted on a rock and we will not be shaken isaiah spoke a lot about this generation he spoke about the generation that Jesus was going to come back and he described it you know it's gonna get a lot darker the sin is gonna rise even more the rage of Satan is gonna rise the judgments of God's God is gonna increase but at the same time in Acts chapter two we know that there's gonna be a great outpouring of a spirit of prophecy I believe that they're gonna be men and women messengers of God who are gonna be so anointed with the power of God that even the atheist are gonna be silenced because in an hour when truth truth is at odds when truth is in a crisis the Lord is gonna break in and confirm his truth with signs and wonders he's gonna see we're gonna stand up and say Jesus is the only way and then we're gonna speak to the rock and the rock is gonna move we're gonna speak to the mountain in the mountains gonna move like literally mountains are going to move there is a generation when those kinds of signs and wonders are going to happen we're dead people are gonna actually rise deaf ears are gonna open there is a generation that's gonna prophesy but it's gonna be because God wants to confirm the word of his messenger so that he wins the hearts of people God is after the hearts of people what Isaiah talked about this generation and Isaiah chapter 24 and I say I want to read part of it I like to read the prop the prophetic scriptures like their headlines like kind of like it's a newspaper so if you were reading the Sunday the Sunday morning newspaper or if you were online and you're reading your news online and it says starting in verse 1 behold the Lord makes makes the earth empty and makes it waste he scatters abroad its inhabitants and it shall be with the people so with the priest with the servant with the master with the maid with the mistress with the buyer in other words nobody's gonna buddy is gonna escape this day when the day of the Lord is on us these years that lead up right into his return which again I'm gonna say I want to say I'm I'm gonna say a lot of things this morning that I'm not going to take a lot of time to qualify but there's a there's tons of resources online I would encourage you to go to Mike Bickle org and you can he has Studies on the book of Revelation the book of Daniel a hundred and fifty of those chapters on many of them so I just encourage you to search it out this is one of those topics that you got to figure out what you believe because you can't just kind of figure figure it out later so Isaiah is talking about this time period and he starts to paint this very bleak picture the earth mourns and fades away the world languages the proud people of the earth languish because they have transgressed the laws does it Devender that you're kind of reading this and you're like where's the message of hope yes I come on Isaiah why is such a downer why so negative you kind of want to be like let's don't sing that song let's skip to the next chapter let's go to the next worship song please fast forward right it's so heavy and he goes on and on and he's like the earth is tottering to and fro and and all the merry heart it's sigh and that there's no more tambourines there's no more dance the wine doesn't even make people happy anymore the party is over well there's coming an hour as the Lord begins to take the earth like this and he's going to shake it that he's actually what he's gonna do is he's gonna make people so miserable even in their pleasure like even wine it says won't satisfy won't get them out of it because he wants them to look up and call on him do you know what I'm saying because do you know that this life is just a vapor like it's a vapor it really is you are literally in a womb well not literally you are metaphorically in a womb being formed and what you're going to be born into you have no idea but you're still forming fingers and toes and this 70 80 years maybe 90 due to strength is over like that but then you're gonna be born and you're gonna live for billions and billions and go you are never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever not going to be think about that from the moment you were conceived in the womb of your mother you will never never never never not be and you have maybe 90 years on this on this side so whenever you see these passages in it it talks about this generation how the Lord is going to shake everything don't get offended at God because remember he's from eternity and he's more interested in the eternal perpetual you than just your temporal comfort and your temporal satisfaction he cares about that but when that temporal party but the earth is having at that time when that that temporal pleasure pushes him out he's gonna shake the earth like this and get the world's attention he's trying to say look up look up I'm here I'm here he's leaning over the balcony of heaven and he's looking and he's pleading with the people look up look up and if kindness won't get their attention he'll shake the earth so that the shaking will get their attention well Isaiah is painting a pretty bleak picture right he goes on and on about this shaking and then suddenly right in the middle of a chapter and verse 14 look at this they shall lift up their voice and they shall sing they shall what they shall sing now if I were the one writing the prophetic scripture and I just painted such a bleak picture I would say they shall run to the mountains and hide and in that day they shall store up water and guns and in that day they shall what shall they do they shall sing in the middle of the darkest hour of human history that the earth has ever seen they shall sing sing why are they singing for the majesty of the Lord I believe that that majesty that they're singing of their singing because they see it do you know that worship is a response to something it's not music music is not worship worship is a response to something you see you don't worship unless you see you see and then you respond they're worshipping for the majesty of the Lord because their eyes have seen have your eyes seen because it's only with our mind I set on him this is where quietness and confidence will be this is be the stability of our time the only safe place is if your eyes are fascinated and fixed on him like for real fascinated and fixed on him your eyes see in that hour they're gonna sing and it says therefore glorify the Lord in the dawning light and the dawning light is talking about the Millennial Kingdom which is 4000 years when Jesus is coming back to the planet and is gonna set up a kingdom that's the dawn it's talking about Isaiah chapter 42 speaks of the same time period I remember when I first started studying these in time passages I was a little bit pushed back because I didn't I didn't have any comprehension side I wanted to say again go deep on these passages search them out go online and and find the truth about them there's much much much gold in here for your generation and Isaiah chapter 42 he's talking about the same time period the first few verses of Isaiah chapter 42 is talking about Jesus at his first coming now you know that Jesus at his first coming right that those 12 young men they say that there could have been 15 to 25 something like that the disciples so they're like your age we're talking about the 12 disciples they were revolutionary men how many of you have ever said I want to do something I want to change the world I want a revolution when I was when I was a teenager I wanted to do something I remember pacing in my hallway one day and I was like I'm 17 years old I'm in podunk Ville in the middle of nowhere the world is going to hell and I'm doing nothing I'm doing nothing and I could hear my mom in the background calm down misty calm down my sister's just like just be calm just be happy be happy and I'm like I'm doing nothing I remember I had this thing inside of me that was like impact impact impact impact impact I wanted to do something that mattered I wanted my life to matter and that I for my life to matter I had to do something and so I know that these twelve young men they were ready for a revolution and so when Jesus came on the planet they were looking for the king of Israel I mean he was a they were looking for a political leader to come and take over the nation of Israel so when Jesus shows up and he's doing that Isaiah 61 thing where he's anointed and he's healing and he's raising the dead they said this is our guy can you imagine if you finally found the political leader or the political cause that your heart just races to that finally you found your purpose and you found your meaning and you found your impact and you found your influence and this is it well it says in Isaiah chapter 42 that Jesus at his first coming he didn't cry out in the street he came kind of silent in other words he didn't start a revolution he was God he could have come and he could have started a revolution he didn't have to die he didn't have to go through the whole process he chose to I mean think about it so these young men they were ready for a revolution they did not know that there would be a 2000 year gap between his first coming and his second coming it said that he didn't cry out in the street that he was relatively silent do you know the first 30 years of his life we don't even know what he did and then the three years of his life he did raise a few dead people but he was God I've heard Mike say before if he wouldn't have said Lazarus come forth all the dead would have raised imagine that if he would have just been come forth and all the tombs in all the earth just started opening up you know that's gonna happen at the second coming oh the dead are actually gonna rise can you fathom what we believe the dead are actually going to rise at the second coming to the the decomposed bodies are gonna come back together and meet him in the air can you even fathom that where the first coming he was relatively silent and then for 2,000 years you don't hear about him but get this Jesus died right Jesus the man 2000 the historic figure the real man he died he goes into the ground and he's we know that he ascended we have faith that he he was resurrected from the dead and for 2,000 years he has been praying he has been interceding father give me the nations father I desire that they would be with me where I am father I desire this one I desired that one father I desire for - I pray for something for two weeks and I give up 2000 years and on the earth his name has been spreading like a wild wine think about it there's not a single person more famous than Jesus how did that happen like really how did that happen he had 120 people in an upper room that's that's that was his group of followers by the end of his life 120 he had how did 120 turn into a global movement of such proportion when the the leader of that movement is dead or supposedly dead that's a sight that's that's a sign in a wonder that in of itself is a sign in a wonder for 2,000 years and now here we are in Kansas City our Grandview Missouri our eyes closed talking to a man we can't see 2000 years later because he had a plan he had a purpose that was bigger than just Jerusalem he didn't want to just cry out in the street and be King of Jerusalem he wanted to be king of your hearts and he wanted to be king of the universe but first he wanted to conquer your hearts so mostly the kingdom of heaven has been inside for the last two years 2000 years there's coming a day what it's going to break out and he's actually gonna manifest that Kingdom in the earth we are a part of something epic well Isaiah says that at the first part the the chapter of Isaiah chapter 42 it says he was relatively silent and then in verse 10 the same is so random he just throws it in there sing to the Lord a new song and his praise from the ends of the earth you who go down to the sea and all that is in it the coastlands the inhabitants the wilderness even the villages of Kedar which are like Islamic villages do you know that there is coming a time when all around the world and we can already see it there will be places of worship even in the hardest villages of the earth Islamic hard-to-reach places are gonna have an incense that rises to Jesus it's gonna happen it's already happening it's kind of underground but it's gonna happen they shall sing but look at this so we Isaiah paints this whole picture there's a transition there's a transition in between the first coming and the second coming and that transition is with this worldwide worship movement I think that this is so exciting that you are a part of something global you are part of something that is transitioning the Earth from one order to the next order there's only three generations when the way that God relates to Humanity changes it was the generation and Moses and it's the generation that of Jesus the generation that we're in you know the dispensation that we're in now which is we have the Holy Spirit and then the third one is the generation when Jesus is on the planet you were in that window of time you really really are you were in that window of time and look at this they says let him give glory says he's like let's just sing he goes through the transition all around the world and then he says then in verse 13 the Lord shall go forth like a mighty man he's gonna stir up his zeal like a man of war he's gonna cry out yes he's gonna shout aloud and he would prevail against his enemies this is the Lord speaking he says I have held my peace long time you thought I was dead he could say to the nation's do you think I've been disinterested you think I've been I was I'm gone you think I'm not paying attention you think I don't see you think I don't know I am your Creator I am insuk utley involved with the nation's I'm intricately involved with your individual soul it says in the book of Revelation that he even searches the hearts of men he is so involved he is so involved he's involved in your life he an art our own soul wants to go like he's not there he's like it's this isn't real he's been dead for 2,000 years he goes oh I've held my peace for a long time letting the process play out but I'm about to shout what is it gonna sound like when Jesus shouts if his first coming was considered silent what is a shout gonna be can you even imagine Jesus is gonna stir himself up like a man of war and this means he is gonna have zeal because the environment of the earth is gonna be so hostile against him and against his people he's gonna come back and he's gonna deliver his people from the hand of the enemy and is gonna deliver the Earth from wickedness and he's gonna wash the earth from sin he's gonna stir himself up like a mighty man of war but do you know what it's in response to this song I know that Mike had all the singers and musicians raised their hand last night I was watching online I didn't see how many of you are singers and musicians I think that this is a sign of the times and I want to say for those of you who are not singers and musicians that this global worldwide worship movement is a movement of Prayer it's not a movement of music it's a movement of Prayer it's about connecting with God so if you're if you're not a singer you're you're still called to pray every Christian is called to pray every single Christian is called to pray that's like saying you you want to be in a marriage and never talk to your spouse every single Christian maybe some of you feel like that but every cent every single Christian is called to pray and even more as we get closer to the return of the Lord so this when I say worldwide worship movement I'm not talking about just the musicians but it is going to be centered around music I think that this is brilliant I think this is amazing do you know that there is more music in the earth today than any time of history I mean that has to be true just do the math even a hundred years ago you couldn't even get recorded music 150 years ago can you imagine 150 years ago never even hearing a recording of a symphony and getting all dressed up and going to the symphony and hearing like the whole Orchestra how I mean that must have just been like like mind-boggling now we hear we hear soundtracks constantly I mean you could hardly get away from music it's everywhere it's in the grocery store it's in the car I mean there's so much music in the earth today to me that is a sign of the time do you know how many young men and young women are watching music videos online and just picking up guitars or picking up the drums or and learning teaching themselves learning how to play instruments way more now than a hundred years ago even more now than 50 years ago think in the 70s was when we really started to see that awakening of music all around the world and every since then is just could be growing and growing and growing so to me that's a sign of the time I think the Lord Himself is stirring you know all kinds of music but this thing is more than just a house of music this is a that I believe that there's gonna be such a presence on our worship that literally there's gonna be a place where young men find deliverance but they're gonna come in filled with their demons and I say young men and women I don't mean exclusively men but young men and young women will be able to come in and find deliverance in our worship in our worship times because the presence but beloved we must cultivate the presence in our own lives if we want to cultivate the presence in our corporate expression he's gonna transition the earth with this global X rushon of prayer and worship and i believe that the whole earth the whole church will be caught up in it the whole church will be called a house of prayer it's not just a side stream the whole church and you can see it in the worship movement today there's the worship movement is booming and I believe that he's putting in a hunger in our hearts for an increase of of presents an increase I had a dream that kind of depicts this time period I was this I had this dream way back at the beginning of IHOP I hadn't studied like end-times at all in fact I was going to bed meditating on the Song of Solomon and I was just meditating on the Song of Solomon I was really I need to get back into this but back then I was really just committed to going to bed meditating on the scripture which I really recommend that you do that just take a scripture and repeat it over and over in your mind slowly you know where you emphasize one word and then emphasize the next word and it's just a great way to fall asleep well I was meditating on the Song of Solomon so all the sweet gooey gooey love stuff you know I was just thinking about about God and how much I loved him and that's what I was meditating on and suddenly I'm in a deep sleep and in this dream and I've told this dream before but it's just to me I think how many of your dreamers see I think God gives us prophetic dreams to give us pictures of the scripture leave it and he never gives us dreams that go contrary to the scripture obviously but often he'll give me a dream or give you a train that gives you a picture because you're a visual person so you you get an image and that image impacts your emotions and it impacts your faith so in this dream I'm in a church and in the church everything is like plastic you know like those horror films where everybody's just kind of moving like clowns and kind of mechanical and plastic and they had these fake smiles and like hollow shells it was so eerie everybody in the church is moving that way and they're having a big party and I'm at the back of the church and I'm looking around and I'm going I hate this and I remember growing up in the Church and now I didn't see everybody wasn't a hypocrite in a church but when you're a pastor's kid you see a lot of hypocrisy you see a lot of fake you see didn't you just do and so I remember thinking that even as a child like I know I don't want I've even thought for a while I don't want anything to do with the church so I remember those feelings very well there's obviously a lot of good in the church as well but in this dream I'm in this church everything's plastic I'm going I got to get out of here I got to get out of this place then all of a sudden I start to hear this rhythm this rhythm is coming from inside of me but it's coming from far far away and it's just going like that like a tribal almost tribal beat and it's making my adrenaline pump so I start to run to the rhythm of this beat and I'm running and I'm running out of the church and I as I'm running I pass all these like boxes that they were shipping out and I looked down and one of them was like the size of a casket and I kicked open the lid and I went what is that a Nazi soldier just sat straight up and I was aghast when I went like that I kind of just kicked the box out of the way cuz I was so just startled by what I had seen and I'm running to the rhythm of this beat I run out of the church I run into the parking lot and there is like this crater this huge deep crater in the earth and it was just like smoke and all of this dust and smoke was coming out of this huge crater now in my dream I am literally trying to get out of the dream because I was scared so I'm standing on the edge of this and I'm literally trying to shake myself awake like I'm trying to get out of a dream and there's someone standing next to me and I say I'm not going near that I don't want to go near that and the next thing I know I am falling right into the middle of this crater in the earth and I hit the ground and I look around and it is Code Red it is blood it is fire it is smoke it is the scene of war it is chaos I could almost hear the sirens going off in the background and there was just smoke and billows of smoke all around and my adrenaline is pumping and rhythm is getting louder and louder this louder and louder and I look up and I see the Lord oh and I looked at the Lord I knew that he was one of the causes of what I was seeing he was shaking things now I don't believe that all of the the shaking of the earth is at the hand of God some of it's the rage of Satan some of its just the sin of a man and some of it is the shaking of God it is his own judgments it's a combination you don't you don't always know which ones going on but when I looked at him I knew ultimately he was that he was shaking the earth and he was moving like a lion he was running like a lion you know like on National Geographic you see how Lions move and he had the most intense look in his face like like intense and I was so confused I went to bed meditating on the Song of Solomon how did I get here this is not what I wanted to dream about like how did I get here I'm not even thinking about these scriptures I'm not nothing I mean this is not on my mind how did I get here and I look up and I see the Lord he's running like a lion and he is beat is coming from inside of him this to me I could feel it coming from inside of him and I start to back away and I said Lord Lord what is going on I'm backing up like this Lord Lord what is going on and he looked right at me and he says Neil from my house consumes me zeal from my house consumes me I said yes Lord yes I go but Lord there's no evil in you if this is you what is evil any points like this and I watch and I see it looked like some kind of priest but but like a it was a false religion some kind of priest and the priest says growing these flowers and there's this aura of peace all around him and the Lord looked at mean he goes woe to those who call good evil and evil good in that day and blessed are you if you are not offended woe to those who call good evil and evil good in that day and blessed are you if you are not offended I said Lord I am not offended I was trying to figure it out I wanted to get out of this dream I was not gonna argue with him in that moment I wanted to wake up so I said Lord I am not offended but if this is you what do you want me to do and he goes sings I and sing sing Zion sing and then I wake up with the presence of God so strong in my room and the Holy Spirit tells me Jeremiah 50 and 51 which is the fall of Babylon which I believe there's a whole there's a whole thought process around that but the Lord said in that hour he said sing sing why why a song I can think of several reasons why a song one a song tenderizes the heart a song unifies the human being you know there's no other way to get your mind your body soul your spirit all unified except through song I mean like like in right now if we were singing this room would be more unified like right now you're all daydreaming you've got a whole world inside of your head I don't know what you're thinking you got you are like a universe of worlds you know you're got a whole world inside you're like a shoreless ocean on the other side of your face and that's where most of your life takes place but with song we become unified because we're all saying the same thing at the same time to the same man there's so many reasons why I believe that God is choosing a song in this hour one of the things that I want to you to walk away with is I want you to start prayer meetings I want to bring it down to something really really practical start prayer meetings like I remember whenever I first started doing this the House of Prayer I knew two chords maybe three on the piano I did not think I was a singer I did not want to be a singer my sister was a singer my brother is a singer he was a worship leader I didn't think I had a very good voice I wanted to be a lawyer I was I need to go to law school and fight for social justice issues I kind of stumbled into the House of Prayer and the next thing I know I'm singing hours and hours a day but I just thought you know I'll do this until more singers come you know the 17 years later I'm still doing it but I remember the first time I led in the House of Prayer you know I was 17 I mean I was 19 years old I shouldn't tell you that cuz she can do math I was five years old obviously I was five no I was 19 years old and I led a Devo so it was just me at the keyboard by myself so I had to go for two whole hours with like two or three chords and I did like three songs it was so mortifying I was just having to make stuff up cuz I couldn't stop the fire can't go out when it's a the day and I pray we were going 24-hour seven days but you can't stop the fire will go out I mean there's no way out of this thing I was like hitting the drone button you know like and then just hope just making stuff up cuz I didn't know what else to do and when I was done I literally stood up and I ran out the back of the prayer room and I said I will never do that again and I remember Mike came out there he's like yes you will you will do it again he's like you're gonna be fine yeah it was great you'll do it again I was like never again I'm telling you that because don't despise it when it's little don't despise it when you don't sound good even the first three years of IHOP like I did the Nightwatch for the first three years this was my band I'm not kidding me on the keyboard I was learning a little bit more you know the more you do it the more you learn I had five Jim Bay's a didgeridoo do you know what a didgeridoo is those long pole things that you blow into and it like that a didgeridoo five percussionist and me on the keyboard that was my band so I'm saying but I you know what I did learn in those years I learned to prophesy because I had to prophecy because I had two hours to fill I'm like I got to make stuff up I gotta get in a flow because the music isn't good ah this is too boring but I just learned this to float my heart and I learned to flow at the scripture I took the scriptures I started to sing it I would sing Isaiah I would sing revelation I would sing the Book of Psalms and over and over I would sing the truths about God and then I would prophesy them and I would expand upon them like much like a teacher would but I would be doing it through song and then I was doing it with other people because I would never do it on my own so I want to encourage you if if you're a singer in a musician get a couple of other singers and musicians and start prayer meetings if you're not a musician find some musicians and start a prayer meeting you be the prayer leader and let them play the djembe if all you have is a djembe get a djembe you can do a lot with the rhythm just get a shaker get a tambourine the scriptures full of tambourine we need to bring it back right bring it back percussion percussive instruments can stir up all kinds of melody and just lyrics so I'm telling you start prayer meetings do it on a Tuesday night do it in a in the morning before school do don't don't say I'm gonna do seven days a week until Jesus returns don't go that far just do something that you can maintain and then stay with it stay within over time you're gonna find that you're gonna be caught up in a movement that is global and you're gonna be right in the middle of it and you're gonna be prepared in and out of season and the Lord is gonna start to change your own worldview what happened to me when I started singing the scripture when I started singing and I was singing a lot back then because like Mike's art like David said there's only five there were only five interns in the beginning so what they did when we the 24/7 they would spread us out so there was one intern there all the time so we were singing a lot but what happened was my brain started to change do you know that music literally changes your brain not just your mind it changes your physical brain it's brilliant that God chose music music affects your memory almost more than anything fragrance would be another thing that affects your memory if you want to remember something seeing it and do you know that that's that's why in the scripture when it talks about the new song do you that the new song is mentioned nine times in the scripture and every single time it's mentioned except Psalm 40 it is talking about the second coming it's a new thing that he's doing and he wants you to sing about that new thing so that it gets written on your brain so it gets written on your heart so it gets written in your memory because back in the ancient world they didn't have tons of books so they would sing their history and they would pass on their history from generation to generation through song because song makes you remember the new song is because he's doing a new thing in the earth and he's raising up singers and musicians who will be messengers not just flaky musicians guys like I love the worship movement now and this is not a statement about anybody but I have been in the worship movement a long time and I have seen a lot of flaky musicians we need to change that we need to change that the Lord wants to raise up messengers who live a lifestyle like John the Baptist who give themselves to the study of Scripture so that they can they can worship because if you don't see you're not gonna worship it you can't lead people where you don't go and if you don't have this if you're not studying the scripture what are you looking at what are you seeing what image are you portraying beloved we want to be messengers we want to be those who see we want to see we want to see the story we want to see God we want to see what he's doing in our generation we want to see those hundred and fifty chapters and then we want to respond to what we see through song and we want to bring people into it so that people will love him so that people will know him so that people will encounter him but you're never gonna lead people where you don't go like if I don't talk to him so much of our worship music isn't even directed to God like talk to him not just about him all around the world the Lord is raising up singers and musicians and prayer leaders and messengers who are gonna give themselves day and night I want to challenge you to give yourself a season of consecration when I was when I was 19 years old I told the Lord I said I'm gonna give you a certain amount of time I'll give you X amount of years I then the Lord will lead everybody differently so I've never even like to say how long I told him I would give maybe it's a year maybe it's two years whatever whatever it is so I said I'm not gonna date I'm not gonna build my own ministry I'm not gonna stress about my bank account I even my own career I'm not gonna measure my success or my my failure I'm not gonna even look back I'm just gonna plumb it full as fast as I can to study the word too fast as much as I have grace too fast to pray and to live in a community that does it and this is what I said I go if this thing doesn't work I'll still be young I can still go to college and hopefully become maybe a schoolteacher and influence some kids before I die that's literally what I said if this thing doesn't work so you give yourself an out if that helps you're not you will not regret it so I want to say two things one start prayer meetings you you don't don't wait for the pastor to come and give you the Wednesday night Bible study don't wait for the worship leader to invite you on the worship team if you are a singer musician be a singer in a musician because it's who you are you're an artist because you're an artist no matter whose looking you're a singer no matter who's listening you're an intercessor because you have the audience of one he is the audience he is the congregation so start prayer meetings get the Jim pays out get again get all the rhythmic instruments out and just start and be really consistent and don't get don't get dissatisfied when it's only two or three people you know Mike Bickle before the House of Prayer started for 17 years he did three prayer meetings a day with like five to ten people in the room for a long time but that burst the prayer the prayer room that we have now don't despise it because because get this every time you pray you are surrounded by all of the angels you're on that revelation force sea of glass you have the God of the universe you have his attention so number one start prayer meetings you can't do it on your I would never have been consistent in prayer had I just decided to do it on my own I just wouldn't have I had to have other people learn to pray the Scriptures seeing the scripture pray the scripture and then third consider a time of consecration to give yourself to the study of those hundred and fifty chapters to the study of the word that we would be messengers in this generation not tossed to and fro by all manner of doctrine so that you really know what you believe I want to pray for the singers and the musicians this morning and the intercessors so if you us all stand together I don't have the worship team to come up let's just posture our hearts to receive if you want prayer if you're a singer a musician or you feel like you're called as a messenger and you want prayer do you want to come up and stand on these lines you can or we can just pray and then can go your way it's a Holy Spirit we just ask that you would come what I ask that you would you would mark singers and musicians lord I ask that you would mark singers and musicians again that you would take weak words Lord that you yourself would set us apart Lord that you would mark intercessors and messengers to go deep in your word to go deep in understanding lord I ask that you would give him revelation of the times that you would open up our eyes that we could see the times that we live in [Music] just wanna have those of you in the room the rest of you to come up in prey hat how do we do that anybody that's willing to come up because we we don't have a ministry team big enough if you could come up and just make sure that everybody has hands laid on them [Music] but I just asked or I asked that she would set apart singers and musicians Lord that she would call us out that we would take ourselves seriously the Lord says I take you seriously do you take yourself serious those those little worship meetings that you're gonna call those campus meetings start pre meetings on your campus start in your basement have a garage night where you're just in your garage you've got friends come over instead of watching movies have a prayer meeting [Music] [Music] but I ask that you would touch and mark Brandis and Klamath [Music] I we'll bring you more ever my heart here's my love it's worth living my life for what was it heart when you make me here it is my life I'm living for a day when I will see you you know me [Music] I this is my [Music] these are the [Music] these are [Music] it's [Music] when you made me [Music] me [Music] I [Music] [Music] this is my these [Music] I bring [Music] I bring suit Mikey Jesus [Music] this these are I bring to my [Music] I break [Music] you can never every part [Music] take this my friend [Music] this heart you can have it [Music] yes [Music] the joy [Music] peace [Music] [Music] you can [Music] you travel [Music] if [Music] say this [Music] this heart is [Music] you can help me [Music] every [Music] laughing [Music] Oh if we fall [Music] this [Music] you every [Music] this this heart you can have you
Channel: International House of Prayer
Views: 13,170
Rating: 4.8853502 out of 5
Keywords: ihopkc, International House of Prayer, Rachel Faagutu, Misty Edwards, Fascinate 2017, Conference, Prayer, Worship, Chrsitian, Christianity, Religion
Id: _4aoLOCOcb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 9sec (8169 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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