SESSION 2 : Keys To Fulfilling The Mega Church Vision

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Wow can you open the windows that are not open open them nicely all right now we want to continue on this very important message on the megachurch hallelujah now for this mega church vision to be accomplished all right we need to follow the steps of Jesus amen are you listening to me so the steps of Jesus very very important Matthew chapter 3 Wow Matthew makes you trust a three in those days John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness now the first steps towards the megachurch vision of 10,000 children of God okay is humility in those days John the Baptist came preaching and saying repent and they went out to him Jerusalem and all Judaea all right when he saw many of the Pharisees he said old generation of vipers verse 7 and he warned them that the ax is laid to the root of the tree verse 11 I did baptize with water but he that cometh after me is mightier than I Amen I am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire all right now humble people are friends when you are humble your friends are usually humble because proud people look down on humble people that's why the Bible says 9 not high things noise not high things if you want to be a megachurch pastor not by the way what I'm talking about this is your career like your career as a megachurch by the time we finish this come New York areas all set if you follow it you never like a job true and I told you it's better to be a megachurch pastor than I was an accountant it is modern career guidance amen now humble proud people don't have friends who are humble yes so humility goes in groups so you see John the Baptist about to have a close interaction with none other than Jesus but he says the one who is coming after me is mightier than I now anytime you are genuinely able to praise someone else or identify the greatness of somebody who is like a colleague or seems to be similar so John the Baptist was a little older than Jesus but he said oh he is greater than I am even though I'm older than he is Wow and be able to say this is a great person then you are walking in some kind of humility some of you cannot even say that your biological father is a great man think of other because all of you when I said that you all said to yourself oh well that's not difficult when the person is great we can all see that is great you see and what you didn't realize is that is it your own biological father you are not able to see that he's great there's a problem cause whoever your father is is not the king of kings on a lot of Lord and there will be somebody nicer than him in this way better than him is a traitor but you must be able to see your biological father as a good and a great person even if you didn't look after you even if you didn't look after you even if he doesn't have money you must you must listen you must have a hat that is ten towards a father I tell you it's very important it's very important for your future one day one of one of the daughters in the church was getting married and she will always have problems with her father and immediately it spells a bad friend to my isoda you know everything about you is neither way you flowing Church and everything but this particular thing it worries me about you yeah because I have not seen people do well who don't like their father yeah you have to like your father every bad thing about your father that you see you will learn and grow to make an excuse for him and you have to you have to maybe your father didn't stay with your mother and got another lady if you must show your eyes mature you will look at look and say that you know my father did well to stay for four years and the marriage he did well to stay for four years oh if he didn't stay at all and he went you may have to think to yourself hey I'm sure my father was tempted that is why he fell for my mother like I'm trying to help you to make excuses your father hasn't given you money to go to school analyze it carefully and even say the fact that you are even in university or Polytechnic like he a mess up even without the money has a maid or some kind of floor to a school that means you go to the school excuses very important for your own sake the one that is coming after me is mightier than I humble people are friends or fellow humble people proud people they look down though but what family do you come from what is your name what's your family name oh why did you say what ah who is this oh you are from here oh ah this that's how bad people think that's how they talk you are low so when you meet somebody who is generally humble who doesn't follow high things they don't throw with it you know they don't get all together yeah are you there oh you're going home you can't even see that your biological father is a great person and you're so but that's what from it if somebody's mighty was also died he's mighty your own father you cannot see that there's something good about him you know what it's like when your mother fell in love with him she must have seen him as a great weapon she must have found this a wonderful man to have fallen in love with him and had sex with him hey imagine your mother doing that very well hey Collette and for you to have been produced you know the number of times they had sex before you you came so he was nice at a point yes please everybody here change your mind towards your father okay a good father is not necessarily a rich father a good father it's not somebody who has a car or hasa out or somebody was go to house you don't know yes one day I was talking to bishop oku Botello who I was telling him about his father I said look when I see all of you the children Christians used to write to them like us in gum teaching them the web of God scriptures yeah and all they are all process of most of them or some of them correct people who time ministry different things serving God wonderful I used to take to your fan I said wonderful man yes never divorce your mother is the mother love thing some of you don't know your mother's ooh your mother may be a nice mother but it's very wicked wife you may not know limited limited limited are you listening to me it may not be a nice experience as poor to marry your mother the mother may be sweet mama but not sweet wifey so please learn to make some kind of analysis of your father in a positive way yes look Ecclesiastes it says who knoweth the interpretation of a thing who is a wise man when we see something you have to interpret it well or come to the right conclusions about it and about it who is a wise man and whom do with the interpretation of a thing yeah when you see your mother living here your father living here kundo with the interpretation of that face when you go after you see you've never met your father before who know who is a wise man and who know what the interpretation of a thing yes who knows the meaning the meaning of that thing why did it happen that way who Lewis Wow is it amazing fantastic so please humble people are humble people's friends now first fourteen but John forbade him saying I have need to be baptized of thee and cometh down to me and Jesus answering said unto Him suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness and he suffered him and when he was baptized he went up straight out of the water and lo the heavens were open and his the Spirit of God descending like enough lighting upon him and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased amen Jesus was humble and that is why he was pleasing to God he hadn't won any soul and his father said this night the other time yeah dr. H said father this my son I like my Santa he has not witnessed to anybody that this is my best boy yeah yeah not organized a choir he had not called even one apostle and his father said this is my beloved son I really like my boy you will be liked by the father so why did the father like him so much what did he do what had he done only one thing he had gone and submitted himself fully to be baptized and under John the Baptist even though he was the son of God so humility is very attractive I mean if you ask me who would I like to be with to work with a humble person who would I like to marry a humble person everybody wants a humble person to relate with if you will get it's an unopposed are you listening yeah so dear friends humility as you are here humble yourself because you can be very young but proud you don't really learn you don't really do what is said you know and unfortunately unfortunately you know you need to you need to be humble in time yeah you need to be humble in time hmm akley's yeses 8 this one always have the wise man who knoweth the interpretation of a thing ok did you see that are you finding it you need to find it so you really with me okay akley's yeah it's all about the interpretation of a thing now listen to this wonderful scripture whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing and a wise man's heart descendeth both time and judgment Wow why because look at this takes to every purpose there is time and judgment there is time and judgment every type of has time and judgment therefore the misery of man is great upon him for he knoweth not that which shall be who can tell him when HIV or when he is going to die nobody can tell you when you're actually gonna die there is no man that has the power over the spirit to retain the spirit neither has he power in the day of death there is no discharge in that way in other words there's no escape from that neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it okay but look at rs5 a wise man's heart discern us both time and judgment because to every temple there is time in judgment the purpose of being humble so that you can write why why is it that humility make you a megachurch pass without humility you cannot be a pastor a maggot a placer you need even more humility it takes humility to receive from someone wholeheartedly I got on my phone here somebody sang a song I was just watching it the other moment right here she's saying it she's a little girl I see when you have a little girl you don't think of how much [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you went you out when you are small you're humble you swallow everything he's almost as tall as a puppet or just a little of other puppets yeah when you are humble you just swallow everything you know that's what it means to be baptized yeah you are swallowed by the water so it without humility you can't like somebody's he mess you and make you disappear into the water and come out totally wet and that is why is he humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord he shall lift you up to be Express of a Megatech is up you can't get there without being humble you won't get there without the number you have to be humble to learn and unfortunately people become proud even when they are young one of the greatest results in pride is musician especially when they come from schooling University they feel they know a lot yes and they don't know they don't really know much about music and that is why after school got musica if you are if you have music up your sleeve um I am I am or in my 50s I'm still making music I was playing instruments when I was a teenager when I was when I joined Cairo and I've been involved with music and I'm in my things taking yes after some of your age now I'm still I'm still into music I took a practice tree as well this that whatever yeah that's music it's not a kind of inflation of your mind when you I school you think you know one or two small things like you've had and listen to no so musician linea that they can learn anything they can learn real music that's why you don't really see people after school and also become stars in Ghana didn't go to university most of them everyone in the universities in the university the students saying they sing a lot they have intellect York where they have grooves they have what about after so you'll note you it is illiterates who become musicians and start it's not noticed it's right side brings you down yes right brings you down truth so allow yourself to be holy like what we have in the church that God has given to me given to us if you can fully learn that one it should be great before going to learn what part of this heart and Reverend this as an apostle this and that bridge if you can even just learn this one fully being miss in this one you are likely to do something for God and all the other things too you can lender but you can even just please land this one because you see it in people go to Bible School come around after they come around after they've been around when they go they feel that what they have length is too simple to be used on the ministry field so they don't do it and that's one of the things I thought when a great person is really speaking what he saw what he says as the keys sound too simple to be true that at least I know when I was started going to Korea eat your content he's going to be telling you what fantastic scene is equal to say okay the Lord's Prayer he would just see the Lord our Father which art in heaven so number one you pray our Father - number two you pray this and mitrice you faith a lot give us this day our daily bread Emma for forgive us our trespasses the my five that's all because this Bible he preaches doesn't read lose and his condition is that also yeah this is a key tool or instead is prayer yes they're lost prayer the fog lights and the formula to keep pray for a long time is to use the Lord's Prayer as a guide to what you pray next what should you predicts what should you bring it that's all it sounds too simple to make four Olympic World Cup stadiums to be full on Monday morning isn't it true that is how great things are they will they give you the key you wouldn't believe it you get it so be humble another group of people that I've noticed to be proud a businessman who claim that they are doing business instead of learning some of the principles that have led and raised up an organization that started in a classroom with five people to become an organization in international nations with hundreds of employees and per practice you know we are aiming to build 1,000 church builders we are we are we are built over we are building or have built over 400 and something already our aim is to go 1,000 chech buildings and I'm sure we'll pass it by groceries yeah instead of landing I mean a thousand Church moody's what denomination you Ghana has a thousand check buildings think about it oh yeah yeah it's a very great people you will be standing by something great and you say can I see what is behind I've seen something at the back of there instead of looking at something to learn from it that's how people are and that is why they don't have many genuinely rich people because humility makes you go up humility makes you go up if you humble yourself humble yourself by the sign of the Lord and He will lift you up how about yourself either side of the Lord he shall lift you up if you humble yourself by the side of the Lord he will lift you up if you don't remember yourself on the side of the Lord you will not receive the lifting up in your life amen are you listening to me yeah so humility be humble Jesus when somebody's up you cup ties me you know so they don't create a confusion at the door hello then it's a good don't create that confusion at the door just move in to the back don't create f-code remove people from there and creature if people come they go cause as your cause a commotion that it distracts me the understand is destructive to me so clear the way and then make some seats at the back so that there's no holdup somewhere some people talking lot of meetings all right now listen humility a wise man every purpose there is both time and judgment so a wise man does not only know that there is judgment or I'm going to be punished for not being humble but he also know that there is a time related to the humility it is able to do a megachurch time and judgment so the judgment is like the main purpose okay and you are preparing for the judgment and there is a time that both with it so a wise man knows that it's not just doing what is right for the sake of judgments but doing it in a particular time yes that's what a wise man descent not only what is right for that member what is right in time so that's why I say that a wise man dissent both times and just look at the death again try to understand it for yourself amen what what I've missed 5c evil things a Wiseman has descended both time and judgment because to every purpose there is time and judgment to every thing you are aiming to do like this mega chasing various time each time related and there is attachment or like the falling the ending of the opportunity and the time for you to be assessed there's time and judgment so you have to be send God is going to judge me God is going to bring me to judgment for what he has given me and also know that God is going to give you each other but this is the kind that I must do it in time oh yes I know that this I come I do not have to learn I have to learn in time and have to learn I was talking to one lady and I was explaining to her the difference between she and her sister and I said both of you came as a point to ask the pastor's helped me to get marriage but your sister came when she was 30 something years old maybe 37 or I don't know what age that you see that all the ways you are trying to get a husband for yourself has not worked but it's taken you 37 years to see it and you saw that a little Ella even that was a bit late 29 29 30 you started to see and that humble yourself by the side of a lord and he will lift you on a wise man's heart does not only descend that judgment of what is right but he also descent that time there is time and there is judgment megachurch I I was passed up that he was knows at the age of two five not from somebody I was appointed I pointed myself I had nobody to appoint me I had nobody to appoint me I had no exams to do no counselor no helpless no support twenty five I knew that this is a time a white man has dissent both time and judgment twenty-seven years later I'm standing here yeah and there's fruits to see to 27 years later yeah so but I could have decided oh when I'm 40 I've been thought life begins at 40 I'm going to take that on we wouldn't be here would it be here so if you want to be a missionary and you want to serve God you want to do this you want to do this you want to do this so underrated for my sexual desires to go down fast I need to calm down look if you like if you like you can check on the internet the rate of people having sex in the app site is forties fifties sixties and seventies and you will be surprised to see the figures that you see over there you may have to wait till your seventies a white man's heart descends both time and judgment I want to get married you gotta decide early I wanna choose somebody it's a good judgment you have made see God make his decision and wisdom I was it up the judgment has been passed judgment like a dizzy like this dream court cases like the wisdom of this Supreme Court that is we have in Ghana has been declared so their wisdom their understanding and they are wonderful decisions that they've taken has been decided anyhow to be decided and in a certain time as well can't go on forever to they decided they are wonderful decision and wisdom when they did and it's added it within a certain timeframe so a wise man's heart descends both time and done so what do you want to do for the Lord one other megachurch want to be a megachurch pastor hey the best time to be a mega check pasta and to start on that career is is when now stop structures in your preaching start practicing your Bridget start practicing your singing start practicing what how did you be a beloved start practicing how to support one another that you want to get married stop being humble sister that now because you are the nicest now you don't know how they're going to change you are very nice now this is actually your best looking now even your best looking you are not able to settle down what's gonna happen will cease get wet are you listening I assure you are listening yeah hey listen this your career as an accountant cannot be compared to your career as a megachurch pastor and so decide early in time and doesn't so Jasmine is wonderful decisions when the Supreme Court took the decision that the election was fair weather bad my trick even though that numb people who had had no vote look but no biometric registration no hood they said it wasn't important although the presiding officer had in science who so many they say it wasn't important although the people who had counted like more people have voted than the human beings aware that it didn't matter so this wonderful decisions join us at the wonderful thought and the wonderful decision is taken and that is taken in a second time you get it they decided all that was not important so what wonderful decision are you going to take in your life take it in time in Jesus name I [Applause] shall glad you give me Bassam 25 or 25 hey I wasn't married I was a student I was in finals yes I think Pat 1980-1988 yeah I was in I was in I was in fifth year I was in city I was not even family was in sixth year yeah and I started the church when I was in about stadia yeah like started the maneuvers this is your time of maneuvering it's a better career than being a pilot pilot is just a glorified bus driver Jonathan [Applause] it's a glorified bus driver you want to be an air hostess not a maid in the egg and make servant in the end and you want to work for which aeroplane Hey nah it's not important to be a bus driver eight o clock you stop you are going from here to here and from there back and from here back and from there back and from there back seven times in a day and you've closed and you come a repeat it till you are 70 years Road now to be a megachurch pasta I tell you everything about you in these small intelligence to be called upon yes to do well in the house of the Lord so humility now is the first key second key is overcoming the devil if you notice miss you chapter 4 after Jesus was baptized and received the Holy Spirit he was led up of the spirit into the wilderness amen now this is where you see the difference between being an accountant and being a megachurch pastor if you're gonna be an accountant you will not be tempted of the devil like this it is no stretch away so many people are filtered out three temptations first temptation can the bread into the stones into bread so that you feed yourself and satisfy your flesh one day a pastor friend of mine was telling me that he was at an airport and then he was they were doing the lounge so ask him as he went walking through the lounge people were on their laptops and screams so he just happened to pass behind all of them are watching pornography and they diplomatic people in suits and everything the business class lounge they were all watching pornography yes all of them so somehow you have to overcome your flesh practically because you cannot be a megachurch pastor and sleep with people yes I don't know if you are getting that is why if you are a lady you must be humble I know you'll be humble later like when later you don't have a husband you become very humble you come a little bit obscure we can you help me I want somebody to marry and I don't know who I don't know what to do all my own effort have not worked if you can help and as our dialog that you mention where they say look because of trying to avoid fornication almost all the good brothers married Ellie this is a certain type of brother he knows that Kali is the pleasure it's like it's like what you call it ethnic you see next when when it is one it can swallow the whole antelope with the hoofs the horns they had the hoofs the whole head every is swallowed with the skin the fair everything and dissolved the whole thing so you will see the snake lying there forced on us and it easily he will sleep for over the whole year yes so the flesh is like it's mixed you see when you give it a meal let it slip and it doesn't cause any problem for a long time do the water practices so we got that flat you cannot kill it because a solid to kill flesh now it's like you should kill it kill which place can you kill the flesh kill the flesh is breathing it's pretty it's hot what you need is a meal that will put you to sleep you are finding that meal in the name of Jesus so you see the stick a flip so snake can eat once a year even probable can sometimes it they may get one one chance a year to eat Adam a guest they be able to stay gladly yes and a lot of things is a meal that is needed so you see that as a young man you rely on your flesh and we saw something you can always before in what the unsealing fire biases we shall look at a pointer you save your meal when you get your meal you sleep hey are you understanding what I'm talking about that is what so that when you see a young man who is married or a young lady smiley look like or a restless man you know that they are not looking for anything so then you say they are looking for God because it's something it's a sleep the flashes have been given something to reason is roughly about lunch your flesh is agitated it is people letter it is provocative I [Applause] that is what people don't understand why Christians marry young the two of you marriage as we become [Music] Wow sonson here what what is it like to be a married man like as a flesh that is educated or pleasure distress can you give a testimony to the people how old are you how old are you valiums 26 26 years old this this type of 26 year old flag is not a small pleasure 26 year old flesh as is it to control it if I realize our goal here they come back unless our goal is a CAPTCHA hey tell us what when you get married there's a scripture that is fulfilled in your life Allah but you don't know what yet experience I love it you cannot turn out somebody said the scripture says are to the hungry man every bit of Tennessee [Applause] the flesh always wants to be satisfied yes almost every minute every second every time and but since I got married I mean whenever that Jesus comes up I don't look for time to time look what I don't look you don't look what you don't look what you don't look what some of y'all be lookin fine you'll be looking to the television into your phone it's your iPad hey America China Japan Asia Africa Haiti hi Syria [Applause] and even when I'm walking around and I see another lady and I look at hands like you know I'm trying to get writers like this but I have this I mean I just call my wife like are you around I mean golly what what it is it it was when it's moving around and I see other ladies other ladies and I'm like being attracted yes and it just I just remind myself but I wake my wife and I just have to Coweta where are you where are you and I guess where are you that's somebody where are you where are you you asked where are you you you know yeah I hear you yeah I am NOT that I'd like this [Music] when when I decided to come down and get married my cousins my uncles I mean most of them do I like you're too young to get married young take your time but I know what I do yes and I know I have to get my Wow yeah because the way I do I meet a lot of ladies and all I do is lady and lost yeah and most times I mean I know what I do so for what I do to save my life my reputation my salvation I must get married at all cause I understand in Christianity that's like that's what when you stay at to a certain age even sssi difficult to get people because this type of people those who want to say their salvation want to like forego who know what they are generous they realize I know by even by the age of 25 for me to wear like that thing [Applause] estradiol in 3i [Applause] how many limping brothers are there somewhere now while you sitting down artist I'm the only one listed fire the nearest brothers who didn't stand up when the little okay [Applause] I give them a special seat somewhere over here so now there are some sentences just here so just around somewhere there oh yeah happy people yeah gran did you have a special a good generous hotel in your daddy how are the place - beautiful - beautiful was it bunk bed no it was my bangles Wow it was just the inside the hotel type of hotel time yeah Wow would you recommend it to those who are getting married I so do and I know most of them are already jealous terracotta yellow just be humble and I think [Music] Wow okay take down CDFG Lana escort them to their feet yeah new seat [Applause] [Music] fire boys who didn't live sit down what you cannot fight you must have a way of defeating yeah are you there then the temptation is that bow down and you have all this bow down you have everything that's a shortcut there's no shortcut to ministry yes if you start a church today in 10 years time what you started today will be different from what it is like today even five years will be different from view fifteen years will be different twenty years will be different on the same thing oh yes that's what people don't realize it takes your whole life so don't think you are going to have a quick escape a quick way as fast ministry so Jesus was offered a fascinated Oh bow down showed him all the kingdoms oh is it noticeable you come to save all these kingdoms he showed in Japan England America everybody was there oh just when you do this no I'll give everything everything got your mind it's fast there's a short way and a quick way to end all these struggles that's across all these bad things you not having to Jesus said no I'll take the long way so all of you must decide to choose the long way which is that now it doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a full time ministry no even when you on campus being an elder you must fight to become an elder hubachek is your first practice is when I make the singers thing is practice and making them practice mistakes and other things so that they make all the mistakes here so that maybe there is a stage one day somewhere very important they will never make such a mistake so you have to do things you start the ministry wise well that's why you're given the opportunity on campus start a church have numbers follow them up preach learn to do other course pray for the people do everything that's the best opportunity when you finish school if you are working whatever you are you still have a chance you can do it as you are working it doesn't necessarily mean full-time you are not you don't go and work anywhere you cannot work in a church that is not we know we know organization which is well run wants to employ more people every presentable manager of any organized doesn't want to employ people and the same thing will attach we also don't want to employ a lot of people because it's very expensive to pay people to look after them anybody who come to work so many things about the peasants life are your responsibility you have to have a card you have to have how they have to have this and it's very difficult we are not looking for more people to employ we are looking for people to work for God this is what we want and you don't have to be an employee to work for God don't follow evil 9 that's some late pass a top hat you see whenever someone is rejecting your wisdom the person will say something oh he like this oh he doesn't like this don't notice the way of is what upset you without you to reduce what we are saying to absurdity oh he doesn't like it doesn't he wants everybody to be full time ministry Hawk and everybody be full time ministry you are speaking like a fool like a lighthouse 90% lake has always been 90 percent flat even of the process all always it when it even when the full time people become a lot is still not below 90% of the less everybody's a lay person I'm the one teaching the importance of lay ministry we cannot receive or do much without lay people working for God is one of the great keys to ministry and the latest is either a student or a wake-up but you are not giving money by a catch are you listening to me yes so don't sit down Christianity is not enjoyable when you sit and watch it's very nice to give to share and you look after others so rise up to that occasion now and you get involved now probably be and the authorities learn what we are teaching and learn how to do the things grow in it it takes time to be experienced you know when you do things you never know that experience is working yes that experience is as impatient I'm using experience to preach using a lot of experience oh yeah using a lot of experience yeah without experience I shall not be preaching what I'm preaching here using experience are you listening yeah so brothers and sisters the devil must be overcome now why must the devil bilva content to mark chapter 5 and then we are going to have a pathology discussion now many people don't know what pathology is pathology is the study of disease okay and what happens when a disease wax in somebody's body okay do you understand it have I explained it Nathan do you understand it stand up you don't look like you understand pathology what's causing you to iron a student international trade and economic so do you understand pathology do you understand anatomy I think I want to do the body and not to me it's like what is where okay here is what yeah like if I spread here what is under here okay and what is this meat what does this meat call this one what we called it has a name like Sir Alex major this is the pectoralis major and special what is this one this is a mixed particularly it's called what deltoid muscle what is this one of the back here that is the most docile Wow [Applause] okay listen so these are names of your mix different parts of your mix we have name and then your net you have to know where they are see like yeah and I have the under elbow here this one and if you put your hand behind you can feel some kind of like a cable can you feel me like when you press it hard it gives Elektra showed us a net all net easy so we know where they all are Wow and if you cut this one we know all the fingers which will not work three and a half two and a half or not gonna work this one this one this one is not going to work again yes you have to do that another so we know everywhere that I want to operate on you all know where I shouldn't cut yeah you got that I'm naturally a plaintiff okay you know physiology 15% of your life you know physiology know physiology is how things work how are things working like when you eat where it goes how it goes and then it comes out when you eat YouTube saliva comes it dissolves the carbohydrates a lot blows your stomach mix for hours to stay here for hours especially meat then it will be mixing it Machinist then goes down into your duodenum ileum and it goes to your colon large colon enters here here this way it enters from here is becoming poopoo then it goes like this and goes here and by the time it gets all what ripple but there's a place there called rectum that's what called a drying machine it drives the poop when makes it nice and solid you get it then it comes out so that is gastrointestinal systems how it works all your heart when it's found that the cardiovascular when it comes then it goes out into some big blood vessels and it goes out one to the back descending aorta at the back of your back goes down a nifty piece all your legs goes down to be good and we have to know where all those ones are if I know where I can't kill you yes when I catch money to the buzzer to comment on your battle commas have to know it when I'm operating on you I should know where it is and I should know higher legs and so when it gets to the end where it has bumps there is no pump at the end to pump it back so how does the blood come back backwards to here you get it the value of things so gravity and when you move your legs then it's like it pushes it back like try to go back try to go back all the way up here so it's more you know and the fact is if that's how this heart is working is pant a nice fun and also the blood it has to be pumped through that lungs so we have two patios in the lungs we get oxygen a so when it comes to a language get some air then from there straight to the heart so oxygenated blood and pump a trick type 720 our little boys 120 then gradually reduces our 280 and it should be pumping either it should never get tired so how is that I have never guessed about your legs when you run you get tired whether the passion is pumping it doesn't get tired because it's a special type of muscle so that's this shows how that we were special about it recharges itself after each pump yeah unlike your legs we don't recharge your legs down which has normal skeletal muscle that's how it works but the Hat it has a special recharging like when it comes is that object inside and recharges of them is able to pumping so eat it up to 200 you're liable to never stop it's a wonder so so when you learn how the body works you start clapping for Oh God that's why people go so this this match the muscles in your heart but when you cut when you cut out your heart look at nice features Mexican slice if you have fried hat this is a hot sauce you get it it's a specialist but the others pochamma so you have it your bladder that's the genitourinary system your kidneys one here one here and your bladder is down here when you feel like we will compress you see that if you like and that bladder if you like from now till tomorrow you know we even tomorrow evening you'll be there the blood gods are so a special muscle ended up when it company feels the pressure makes you see like we invite you don't we we have a power need to relax and just relaxes although it's big then it will tense up again that you see like we just I can't really account with it you just relax in the lab side is very fantastical stop oh Jesus I tell you that is that is your Prada got your bladder la donna so that physiology okay how it works what about biochemistry you know biochemistry given by chemistry mr. Nuttall by chemistry can make our reactions that are taking place in your blood yeah there are or in your body not only your blood like there are chemical that this to this become this to this becomes with this because we're so low so low moon come and tell us some of the reactions 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 yeah yeah yeah kofi see da Vinci tell us some of the reactions there are happening in your body all the time come just give us an example yes okay there are some on cycles for instance we have and curve cycle Mykel cycle is a continuation of another process which is called glycolysis glycolysis that sindell at some of the reactions that starts with glucose and glucose is converted to glucose 6-phosphate yeah and it's also converted to glucose 1 6 bisphosphate and glucose wanted this phosphate is whole but let's let little fructose 1 6 bisphosphate and which is also converted after some time to plus variety height class ready I'd is they are coming and it's yes and it also be converted and I got only P they added on enzymes to either X is 4,000 okay so from glucose to glucose 6-phosphate eggs or kindness and kindness needs to add a phosphate instead of the kindest it can also have gluco kindness and cytokinesis specific in general to call the others mariko konjo is only 2 demo of these are chemical reactions inside the body now medicine that you take and also chemicals so those can come may block that as I said heck zucchinis when it blocks it it will cause something to happen so where's our one of the common blood pressure medicines it is angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor it blocks the angiotensin and you tension like the one that causes the tension in the NGO the NGO is the blood vessels so the black vessel tension causing enzyme if they found it and so they found a medicine that block that enzyme so that's how glass is pressure is treated that's all so that's why biochemistry is important because you will land all the reactions and then you will be landed things that block them and when you block this one this happens when you plug this one this happens when you block this on this app so that's biochemistry we understand anatomy you honest honest on physiology how it works so I just gave you two the heart the lungs the blood and the neural neurological the net so many defense systems I can talk about okay now we've learned biochemistry two that went to all the chemical reactions played within the body okay now it is pathology sit down sit down pathology is when the body is sick how is it like do you see so that is pathology the diseases in the body of the body so some of the other I thought pathology is just looking at dead bodies yeah the reason why I look at that they look at that bodies in the faceless is that when you die of that disease and they operates on you and they open and they see then they see hah look at what this disease this to this part of the body so if somebody has hypertension they open the person up you see other heart which was supposed to be like your face have become huge because there was so much tension in the blood it was pumping episodes but we see how cripples their hands become big because of the pressure they get for them so it makes a pretty big to other half is pumping pumping it becomes bigger more tension oh so the two years of patient Reyes oh yes five years is getting because only taken x-rays the heart which was opposed to this what I've become back hey the heart is and life so when we open the dead bodies then we see one of the things that he wanted it open their bodies and they check the blood vessels and they found more salt in the blood vessels and I realize are people who take a lot of salt and make their blood pressure go high so pathology is to study the diseases and how it does for the whole body so if I cut you off you had a stroke when I cut off your head now see oh this must be filled with blood because you had a stroke your blood entered your brains and just spread flooded your whole brain with your whole brain was flooded with blood yeah now you see it when you look at the dead people I understand what I'm saying so is that disease now when you look at Sydenham when you look at the Batman of Ghaderi in mark chapter five you see the highest effect of demons how they work the understand it's like dissecting a dead whale like is the most evil right the devil can affects you you can sit on your shoulders cause you you can sit on your head give you tension you can cause you headaches cancer this difference is up if you want to see the full expression which is like pathology discussion is to if you look at the mad manager because he was fully processed with 6000 demodulating take of this flow there was nothing left is this a man who has come under control of the devil fully that's what it's like if you ever fall fully another control that the music of your clothes immediately and you will be out in town nobody can control you so when you want to build a mega church you can understand what you are fighting because you are fighting this creature yes and when we are praying these are the creatures we are dealing with yeah now notice Matt chapter 5 verse 1 they came to the other side then let him a man out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs no man could find him no not with chains because he had been often bound in fetters chains and the case of in platters onda and the feathers broken in pieces not I could any man claim him always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones all right when he saw Jesus afar off he ran and worship Him and he cried with a loud voice and said what I have to do with you Jesus stones torments me that's five that's six that's eight he stopped him come out unclean spirit and he said what is thy name and he answer saying my name is legion for we are many and you besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country now there was nigh unto the mountain a great herd of swine feeding and all the devil's besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter them and the Lord gave them leap and the unclean spirit went out into the shrine and the head round violently down a steep place into the sea about two thousand pigs hmm demon for one man went into two thousand pigs and they were talking to see and then I said the swine fled and told it in the city and they went out to see what was done okay the creature we are dealing with when we want to build a church okay number one is somebody who stays in particular areas you see the difference this the demos the man was possessed like he was now old so that is like seeing a physical devil free and Devils like animals are territorial existing the cemetery and the mountains which any drama peasant won't even stay like if you know that next door they are burying people there you may want to move from that house is it all true yes so when you are when we are start having a Chechen Methodist University or a check at Lagaan or a check in tech or a church in UCC or chatter senticles university at the budweiser what is up let's go salute room or a church in kalibo you are met you have gone to a place where our spirits that are in that area this is where they are is or what until you are applying direct confrontation with some people that were there before you even born yes so in this case we see the very good pathologies precedence the extreme so it's clear that everything about the devil is clear from this story is this thing you want to know about the devil you can see from this story the tombs and the mountains so there are particular spirits in college when you are building a church there are particular spirits in Lego when we are those in a church oh yes pentagons they are different from New York City Legon Devils are different from tech Devils leghul have more cool a diplomatic type of spirit but as I think is even less and control now but they still have that feeling and that is more how the world is so when people go to Legon usually they do well spiritually when they come out they usually still do well the fact people have it a slightly artificial environment it's like slightly not the same as out in the world and you think having a church in Kumasi de firma having a church in a crank having a church in Barbados is different from having a church in Accra everywhere the main thing you are dealing with it's not the location or the geography or whatever is the difference that are in that area that is right look if you find a snake here you find out eating the workers they will tell you they will tell you that there is a snake here it doesn't go far from where it is they don't tell you there is a brown snake here and it is that it's a yes eight we can show you all the snakes we've caught usually when you get the residents legs that's it you dispossessed him of the area and usually you you it is gone but it's not in the hotel how is that basalt so down here where the behind there and 50s are there they showed us so there is a snake there the even the people in the area know that he is there oh yes and they saw today the action yes let's Karla everything yeah so if you are not into prayer you are you are joking you are joking that is why in our prayers we have to mention the place you also pray for the place yes recently a country like Liberia is like there's a spirit of death mass murder Satan is roaming freely in the nation killing the people through war through Ebola through bad leaders to civil strife to a civil war and then about new people coming to fight from Sierra Leone yeah so when you go to such a place you know if you look at the people that everybody's talking about Christ you need the person look I'm hungry oh I need I need I need food what you are saying doesn't make sense to me yeah it is not a natural fight so there must be intercessory prayers to bind the strongman that is present whether you believe or you don't believe is that and the greater danger of not believing is what can happen to you because your type has been there before and your site may have been there and did not succeed when we went to colleague oh no they told us this place that use come to somebody had a wedding on Saturday died on Monday yes yes yes somebody had a wedding is a destroyed on Saturday Monday's he died the wife became a widow within two days yeah and I mean that kind of things that are in that area the witches and others from Polly boo when people die the spirit will move from Cali boo straight into Callaghan oh and all kinds of things so going there to do a catch it's not a small thing you can't go back eating drinking flowing happy drinking songs you need intercession that is why we are here praying for 27 hours for salvation and breakthroughs in catch planting and church group in all these different campuses and you can know the kind of spirit set up there by the activities on the campus what is tech known for evil things jack is known for us see can us see what is it's known for do you know say again give a microphone there's there's a main events on campus called repo whole week and during that time is like having sex is a very normal thing drinking is very normal a lot of very bad things have been people smoke a lot in the open and it isn't a problem at all and people take drugs a lot or you pass by them away plasma behind their windows you can smell it with the air condition you can really smell the drugs on them and their eyes are always red if we are going to preach to them about what what is checking over what is leg on noon for leg on it's also us track is known for armed robbery yes I'm Ravi attack both students are involved and the Missis of the sounding is like ideas a new side can sink oh no the Rope as a loss what are the doors locked or not and what is Legos of what is legal known for what turn affects a lot to give you the mic that is back in this and resin and then party I'm delicious what is called house-passed they've run the whole week and they've each budgeted so a house what they did not like it around the beach parties yes because what I've been buying almost every year people done it so delicious delicious one is called and house watch the idea is that your parents are neurons like you're in a house a big house and there are no parents also all the things you imagine you do inference tomorrow you sleep with people in the pools you drink you smoke and everything you want to do it your parents are not round like they preach at the atmosphere for you to do it yeah you know what you sleep there for days it's like a camp party you sleep that to date or have impact you do what we can't hear please you see speaking the microphone and it's like a camp through these and I just have been Patty's continuous you don't worry about going home no stress just over there having a passion give him some volume mister man so it's like as we've come area here for days do I have to say to give him volume before you give in volume is your mind working what's the use of having you behind up on so when you are not thinking there's no point in having such people you don't have to start on my microphone for the volume to the race yeah okay so as we are here for days and they also have a party for these where do you don't worry about going home so you come in the evening sleep over and stay a continuous throughout the night so it can be two days you don't worry about going home just enjoy yourself Wow and what is skeptical University known for wish of poverty for my people oh thank you yeah I will allow allow allow the young man to speak please just because though because of the way to keep pose as a region is the school is affected by the community and there are residents in the school the leave in the school and they also look for armed robbery the residents who come around still in your hostels I mean people don't give them money to help pay for the hostels and the well live in houses that I mean even to go there you can find a way to their houses so don't keep the money and want to live in a place that do not feel comfortable so I mean they take you take profits that's poverty and I'm robbery then of course isn't like marah boys I mean a lot of air you go to the beach late in the night I know like 100 every good people every time you are from you this start looking at you from 100 you choose someone to be chief idea condom chief every hole every whorehouse has their traditional console so there's some training you the get boys they call them the more up boys they have a block you know I was in Omaha and the other block the gene block does the last block and the old city so when the cheat is coming you follow - is like recruiting a patch that they are made from level hundred so at the point will just choose one person to be the chief and that's it so useless nothing okay yeah now thank you listen how can one enter into Matthew 1229 how can one enter into a strong Mans house and spoil is good except he first bind the strong man how can you enter UCC and do well except we first bind so there must be a lot of binding prayers of binding powers and you are buying a flower that is there and even the binding is not likely to relocate the devil even Jesus did not travel to relocate the law when the devil said you will not don't set the question was don't send us out of this country the first verse says and Jesus came into the country of the gadarenes the weather Devils were pleading with Jesus they said don't send us out of this country so they'd be sorting that they might send it into the shrine so he allowed them to go into the swamp but it's like leaving the area is the big thing they don't want yes that's the big thing so many of the animals which many animals are even possessed by Devils many tangled it was very is going to animals so sometimes you see a dog it doesn't evil spirit annoy cat or a snake or a bed why dry face because it's a cat the devil and they went into the pigs that's why you must pray before you eat because it may have been a demon in the in the mist before you you you you bought it yes so a lot of animals are possessed and have Devils in them also not only human beings are you with me yes and so the very thing was not to go out now if you study even Lions and the Bible talks about the devil is like a roaring lion look Lions go around in particular areas and they will be on the trees and the mass this is my area if an another lie on a male lion comes and process it like this is here maybe over there where those houses are it's the territory that's market if you just cross that line they lie on the male here we'll go there and they will fight almost to the death for that area and it's like it's very strong mind that this area should be left don't come into this area this is where I want to be and so the deep the demon said to Jesus don't send us out of distance nothing about Jesus options one was to send six thousand demons out of the country which look like something quite difficult compared to somebody's fun somebody has a farm the bubble suit always keeping the pace and when he said it to the big stress for the presence of other things right into the water they became suicidal the presence of the demos in them make them behave abnormally all of nahma behavior often can be traced to evil spirits so the hypocrite major pig behave abnormally and then run into the water and it was I deserve saw that option because it's like the Sun in the out of the area seems to be even more problematic so he said okay go but they will be in the same area so you see the lake on is the same yes after we were there I went to leg on 1982 that's 33 years ago it's the same and see God are they that the churches out of this like I have always been like that it has always been either they don't like God they don't like care they don't one this is like we are some elites whatever group of professors intellectualism that is it anyone that depravity is going on under the system so these areas America have certain spirits that are better if you joke with it the one I was to get you a brother who was getting divorced we are going to live in America I said look if I had not come to America I would never be divorcing never it's because we came here because when they skidded like the bosses nothing's about divorced units or whatever because you can go to some chat you see one past I was telling me he went to a check so a big billboard that they were taking on a tour around the church jiu-jitsu the pastime is beautiful why they were standing in the billboard and so this man Custer is the founder or the founder of the Church of whatever this is his dead wife I mean for the first one is what the second one does I said was big billboard at the church big premises mega church so this is my third wife yes it was the first true cry it's America yes you have certain things that are there that we are not so it's also acceptable somewhere else yes so you better watch out and that is why some people will backslide as soon as they finish tech device flight because the environment in tech it's easier to be a Christian sometimes than town so when you come to town and you come to run a town Norma Pez no you are off the different spirits that are dominating at they dominate they don't mean it they don't mean it they control they dominate so to go to a place to fight to get their souls somehow your prayers are and weakening you see the mad man of God are the commands of Jesus reckoned the control that they have on him and it wickedness to even amount of the person so we need to have the power to make that occur so that even our preaching will have power to it will weaken the control of the people you just shipped out like some of the people assessment Michael & Co and even our brother Kwabena isn't it who was a Buddhist and all those you see that they can't just five of the days like the power of darkness was wicked to to let them go free yeah the mother power is there in the in that area if they were not in the power of darkness is not we can you still be in captivity so basically your prayers with strong already strong goes up how do you strongly that is what it means strong old I hold you strongly so you are you are you fight to weaken the whole because the pressures of prayer and intercession carries have an effect that's why Jesus taught when he came in the garden get up and pray he took the trail three ministry is not just standing there and see wet that's what some people special it has no effect so the wife I tested whether the people in the area are under powers you can't they do not just be freed just easily Jesus have been to the garden for forty days and night before he came this much this Mac psyche is that early in his ministry updated over the nettle almost every aspect of the ministry I can show you the long wilderness prayer that I prayed before I started oh yeah before we started the church every night I was at the beach pray before I went to lagoon I thought that that catfish is still there I was at the guidance you see me sitting in trees alone sometimes I take off my betcha said I'll be in the garden like a monkey in the wilderness before I saw the healing Jesus who said I went and prayed for out more than 100 hours before I came for the first crusade so before almost everyday I can point to places that I sprayed our depth profile of us before I come so I'm explaining to you how to be a mega checks pasta it's not just like this yeah we are all called we all call it so it's not like that there's even things that go into having that mega check vision if I go to Sao Tome I go to dance Amon I go to wherever I am going to fight with the prince that is dead oh yes oh yes so those are some of us people in this area are not interested in vector that we are doing my friends help or whatever Jessa it's not that people are not interested in the church you are you are not going to press it is some of you you've never prayed as long as we pray since we came here that's never happened to you before but that is why I'm doing it that's why I'm doing it yes how many hours have you done now 20 yeah so you have seven hours more to go the magic number 27 yes you'd answer anyone yeah so this time when we get it I want everybody your area where you use you must stock the reset press one day I went to add bishops house I think he was talking about he was talking about a ribbon issued and a revenge would have had some crisis and he said this would issue the Prince of Ghana has located you yes because the problem that he was having a crisis that he was having in his ministry I mean at that time Assam news the people along the water by sir he said useful this was the Prince of Ghana has located you it's like the Prince of the nation has located you that you are a spiritual problem to him [Applause] because when you when you when you when you become a minister and you become not just a local or regional minister but you are a national figure then the prince of the nation will take notice get person itself some of a problem for me and you got to be careful yes are you listening to me now the next thing that you must know when you are dealing with it as I said I like this this story mark chapter 5 go bottom at 5 is the pathology of demons you see the full effect now is that no one could find him neither could any man tame him jonna son and this is the characteristic of the devil stubbornness doubleness nobody can control you nobody can say anything about you or change you meeting advice discussions powerful people speaking none who tame him no not with change so this is also what you must realize couple Ness and failure to change or to be tamed it's a characteristic of demon presence when you can't change you can't be controlled and gain it's the characteristic of the devil that was at this story there it shows all the characteristics now if you want to have a mega Chad you must do that the person you are trying to move is very stable so your forehead must be sadder than his forehead and your faces must be more that is why people who want a fast ministry so when I was 43 I was fat my church when I'm when I'm when I'm when I'm in my 60s or whatever you don't know the kind of devil Dajjal oh he's just laughing is this when you are 60 is that laughing I thought you are suggesting those of you who go so we are going to try the work of God for three years that is why things don't work after three years why not Bishop Richard in London after two years when I went to visit the researcher that said we're about five members in London when we started after - yes then they were just about 14 people after three years remedies 14 15 maybe 19 3 years because the person we are fighting with I'd like to give up today we have thousands of people in the UK before those people be released you are going to struggle with life FSO say no no no go go go for a very long time look like that why you call it off we are tied it for 2 years we are doing it for 3 years you gotta founded ministry can also not given over this ministry when I 10,000 children of Gordon it's like there's a circus you must also develop a city hotness like I will never change my mind I will never give up I'll never back down and so the stubbornness is to some people have to meet first up only the two stubborn people have to make before things can be sorted out you cannot crush Sabonis with discussions harder than you must rise and all of you who are stubborn and it's a sign of the presence of Devils in you Devils you can't know by how you'll paint your face and how you look if you if you watch hit like I was like like an old Oh gentlemen you can know a person like a tie no judgment on his last birthday 56 he came out I went I get some medal to some young boys who were fighting he just held their chicks oh well does spatter their shoulder when around it's an old man who is like fighting stack whatever you know you'll be rewarded you know here Samara few days a couple of days later he was dead Camilla Souza there's the man who caused the death of 50 million people this is the man who hated Jews and optimized their mass murder but you can see when it has sorry okay yes your meta see catchy Nicoletta old man and that his hand was shaking like this thank you dasu you can't see stakin is seen by the behavior the fruit that's a disaster forget about how people look ooh look at what the ad what is the end of that thing don't look at the discussion don't follow discussions discussion cannot rehab somebody look and not tell you what's the paper what is the patient has done that's is it and know them only by foot not by any leaf stem root only fruit if I'm a product the fruit top wholeness presence of tables and the devil that we are going to deal with your area leg on devil very stubborn do you think we will get 10,000 children of God easily we are dealing with somebody like you not allow so you have to be more wicked most of all so Hitler Hitler he was a very wicked man in Germany but among more wicked more wicked more stable more intense more evil was raised up to fight with him and that man was Talan yeah when Hitler advanced you in somebody's country you've entered like about 4000 miles we've gone to the peasants capacity with your cast to go and catch him when they go to the gate of Moscow recently when I was in Mosul I looked on the ground but the Sun is that there's a type of Sun when it rains it becomes very muddy all the cars got stuck in it so all hitlist arduous tucker's Masuda could see the lights by the Korean War Colin brought soldiers and and make them dick in front of Moscow says he will never prepare the train and everything for him to leave the city I will not leave Stalin means steel is that one is real name peel Fallon is steel and he made them line up then he form another row of soldiers behind the soldiers were facing hitless hooded to shoot his own soldiers if they run away so he shot them shot several of them try to escape me shoot you he was wrong oh yes it's Sunday wha-wha danger so when you are going to fight the devil and there is a certain attitude everybody who wants a quick ministry please come immediately after church accounting you be an accountant are appointed you'll be an accountant okay this work you cannot do it if you are not a bond against the devil you have to be an accountant it can't be a pastor of a mega church a mega test as I thought and Mimi was president yes we need president spiritual mini president wow how many want to be mega church are you lost a bond on the devil are you sure some of you don't look very patient huh yeah you have to be patient be on it I will never change my mind when I started a crusader I decided that I will never stop this crusade and if nobody comes out to have leprosy so I had to plan everything so when people don't come for the Crusaders where I'll do appreciate people the Adam and I tell my people nobody should have discussion when I'm preaching door talk I'm very serious that won't be discovered for I realize we are discussing the people having camp and that that crusade is not working I know I don't want that to happen yes don't discuss don't talk when I'm preaching let us all be concentrating on this work that we are doing we are here to Windows and we are never turning back hey no man could tame him that characteristic was given to him by the Devils that way in him uncontrollable untamable you also be untamable aside the devil is concerned when the devil sees that this one is not controllable I don't like the way he's behaving right we are injector hey I did job tell me I did jump and you see that the idea they are running away from you yeah yeah this guy cannot be cool down when they say your mother said this your father said this your brother said your wife the holidays oh that is not gonna control that is why people who cannot control white cannot be strong pata the God if your wife says hailing get a little hay a lot of men when you when their wife says you know they become or whatever they cannot reach I've seen we know what else I wish maha don't be strong as it is something clear just everything okay let the girls besides whatever they say you will be hard you will be hard you will be hard me for the enemy I tell you you are bad news for the devil I said you are bad news for the devil in Jesus name no one could tame him no not with James James could not control this guy yes tampon uncontrollable finances cannot control you oh yes so much away with your childhood so I said I cannot control me oh yeah well we are kind I cannot control it cannot make me not do what I'm doing my mother-in-law could in control now mad I lost try it I said please - don't don't no this is what a visa from today's one day I had to memorize that list from today don't talk about this I thank you with respect please have decided to be in the ministry my mother-in-law my mother-in-law could not keep me my father lost tried to reappoint me - to the another department at Kali voices no no my father said you can do whatever you want to do you don't want to go to Oxford I said I would like to be in the ministry here my wife made a comment when I said look never say anything negative about the church oh yeah you have to be strong never never only go see this yeah one day I showed my wife one day tomorrow I will never follow you and so I will never pull a wonderful oh god never I promise you I will never follow you I'll follow God it's a promise I make I was a boat abraham and adam and i say no i forgot some of you men i'm saying because we are the most pragmatic weaklings if I ever find ya pragmatic what weaklings your wife can just twiddle you around other even now that you are in a relationship you're your beloved is your controller when she says come you cometh when you say go you go do you know that a lot of flag Matic brothers like the ministry most of the pastor's we have our phlegmatic so it actually doesn't let a lot of the churches grow it does that nature that like Matt it's like okay peacefully moving a lot look that's it it is whoa it was a very peaceful looking and I walk that's no joke David what do you think yes phlegmatic just but man it's very easy like naughty the nicest person you can have why is it other like marriage why it's so nice whatever you say this flow even if you want to use it you'll let your like at the presence I say pushing the person who just flow with it yeah my wife is a black man so I know what is it like this is going yeah yeah they're just flowing they just flow with everything yeah as it is colera you become a discussion is a lot of fantastic to iron wires after sending the survey I always shop with iron ions a penis aisle okay no man could find him neither could any man tame him now the characteristic of the creature you are going to meet in UTS Catholic University whenever University Wisconsin very some also we need a long time make sense I will never give up I'll never take my mouth never go bus even if somebody comes the church out to the church always hey yeah no one who but that the nick of the day and the man has this characteristic because of the thousands of Devils are playing yeah yeah God also go was telling me use your church you had about 250 a couple of years ago isn't it how many years ago five six years five years six years ago right to 253 and to less than 300 to 50 to 70 on Sunday Sunday and when you when you came then you were preaching isn't it yes Lee you are preaching or stretching existed I was preaching constantly and as people were not really no kami kami no no no just not fit we have to take decisions to have meetings outreaches then we use call them yo essence now the battle and the shepherds were not working I will have meetings with a bucket and a bill if you're if you're this is not correct I'll pour water on udemy cycling haven't comes prayer meetings and slowly I could see that things where is he getting better this stubborn creature in a dental they didn't want to give up the people which are one way a bishop came to visit me at a dentist's on of our bishops with a pasta so when we approach the church building the pasta the way in the car coming hours injects so the pastor told the bishop that this is the church and the bishop said my eyes watch churches as it shall be remembered a dream I said with you some days or with ago is that what was a dream is that he had a dream that there was a village in a lighthouse cathedra exactly that message at a data and there was a junction which is the same Junction he saw and there were a lot of beef and lot he told the bishop the store before the UK so he was a very thin that this is the check I'll talk about there were a lot of beef are they dancing and that whenever people tried coming in and selling into the church the piece the beef source at them hey is this is the checks I just remember the story so the bishop came to the office and told me that this pastor said bees we're linking people by finance and again be a lot of be so people come they get to the junction and then they go back so that catches empty [Laughter] and then now a people come in and lots of people are coming wishes a lot of people I mean weekly even on I mean weekly service that normally I mean have the chest with a big Cathedral have the cakes normally house I said now the place is for the upstairs is home but it Sunday's Sundays what about weekdays that we with the service weekdays on a weekday service the places for we got galleries upstairs it's for with non mother a convent is a normal week they said normal and on Sunday one of our services we got three morning services and one afternoon but at one of the services the hole is full the galleries are full and we have got canopies outside with hundreds of chess sold so that's now an overflow crowd outside the Cathedral and that's just one of the cervical so you have to say that stubbornly for half how long have you been stabbed all over there I've been six plus six years plus stubborn a developer but as you are treating an understanding what I've been doing at the pastor here I didn't understand it yeah I was very frightened when we mentioned the beef Wow this what medicine do I use for this but I think tab bond is just deciding that you are there you are not changing your mind you are not moving this what my father has told me who I am doing this which have taught us what to do as pastas start over sense at that time how many things have come at this thing I'm not stopping it at all I will do it ah but they are now understanding that they are gonna now come in on Sunday on Sundays we last last under way 2200 so I think that there were two thousand-plus people bill stubbornly held by this prince of a dental bees the bees of adventure the bees and there are still more that more to come that oh you big Cathedral there are zombies that you have to you have to spray them his freedom with your help we'll is freedom freedom do you see why we need this is a person dictation that you go three days we are here and here to pray 27 hours or 30 hours that you just go further and commit identity into your hands gabbai ah that's all mama that's how to build a church brain with Sabonis pray with taco laser biases as subfolders and one day it suddenly changes you don't even know why so when people ask you so how what are the secret is that what secret I don't know how it's happened the shop we are all going to be stubborn contact in background yeah cap phones project we are going to disturb on target I think the devil did not factor us come into this equation let's clap our hands for Jesus for this compromise beautiful through the sub for sub only building the church come on come back wow wow thank you yeah that is why see when you are when you free when somebody please but long time you see that I can point the peasant doesn't shout yeah doesn't side is like a long-distance runner never run like too fast but when you see somebody please for a long time serve doesn't that result yeah wow I give you the wig you shout when you're three it was don't breathe a lot yes it's official yeah if I'm fine I don't shout not because I don't but it's like for a long time you can start over my long time this afternoon yeah so that's pretty even your tongues you can when somebody speaking times I see this buzzing please for a long time you won't when the person speaks in terms you see oh yeah oh yeah yeah if I'm free and you are in the next room we may know you hear me and I will not be asleep I don't mean sleeping and waking up like you'll be praying so that you woke up when they wake up brainy wake up I just pray you may not know are you there are you listening yeah you want to do anything for God learn how to go in set your time is three days seven hours a day ten to five ten to five ten to five ten to five and I know it's seven hours because of the Guardians leg Oh Gladys I used to pray 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. that was my son that I live from in the morning I get to the goddess by 10:00 and I pray to fast five o'clock exactly I walk I drink what other political science department there's a pipe day I drink and I continue walking to the gate that's a private if you like when we go to campus I will show you the pipe that's why I drink water on my way like a horse that is drinking the water and on my way home yes that's my time does it we didn't have a session oh no it's a time for the top with drinks on them I've drunk water pumped up as many times I bent down I've opened up but what I'll be coming I drink it and then I hoo yeah oh you don't get it yeah and I'm sure if the Lord allows a lot of my wake up in prayer prayers preen preen preen yeah free awake prayer work prayer work prayer way prayer was stubborn prayer a relentless pursuit I'll never give up since our never go back I'll never come mom'll never become dark uncertainty pozdneyev a pasta and the minister Jesus name sit down now The Devil's one more characteristics that I want you to take note of is that the devil made the mad man cut himself with stones so that is a characteristic of the devil life makes people do things that harm themselves drugs hands you pornography hands you masturbation hands you fornication hands you homosexuality hands you smoking hands you alcohol hands almost everything is self I mean you cut yourself and you cry ah I'm having this problem you do it again ah I'm having this brother this my 19 boyfriend my friends are causing me to my death I'm good for 24 ah rise up smoking mass again I'm going on about 32 like that ah that's why I saw that you see people breaking the relationship that they shouldn't break they can't control themselves from doing the thing that destroys their own relationship that they need and they want they will to and them and they will be crying after and saying oh Lord why the very thing that they need and they want that's what they destroy yes so brothers and sisters whatever you are doing that harms you and you cry after and you do it again in crabs I mean do it again crafts they are demons oh and the people we have been sent to the devils are in them more easy and this is their very strong that's why I was teaching about marriage you may think it's a joke it's not a joke people who think they are strong sexually you watch don't think you are strong when it comes to some things few are able to fight the 10 things you have to always see yourself as a weak person says of me I'm not able to do this so I need to Mary does like you said I know myself I know this I had surprised seven years ago he said I need a wife he said I need a wife I cannot stay without I need to see something I need hey when I ever had something that I realized yeah I need it he's enjoying it yeah so those of you so I don't need I mean we are ok I have my fridge I have my KFC over here have this I have that hey and the lady she also thought I need a husband in the salad me I'm the type I media has died need one H that makes you humble away is the ob man I don't know me marriage it's something whether I mean I don't know if I did marry I don't know on the type of Wow the devil will bow at your feet in Jesus name I said the devil will power at your feet people sit down let me tell you something about prayer don't look for feelings and don't think that when you flip a lot a little ninja will appear or you had a vision Jonathan you have a visual you feel good though you the feeling you have is tiredness and the feeling you have is weariness and the feeling we have is boredom and the feeling we have is sleepiness these are the normal police of prayer right now all these feelings of rare these are they're not obsolete of prayer I get nest boredom hunger wandering minds SSS me penis what else Hey tiredness huh and need to move on to do certain other things I tell you we have this to do tell it what about this what about this we have something to do I accept you overcome these feelings and you can never be a you can never bring forth in prayer Wow Wow is it amazing no what are the feelings of Prayer they're going to have what that need to do other things isn't it now tell me - Isaiah 66 verse 8 shall DF be made to bring forth in one day shall a nation be born at once for as soon as I own travailed she brought forth her children how many ladies want to bring forth a child Wow all the ladies as soon as what happens travails now Galatians 4 verse 19 says my little children of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed a men now what does it involved in travailing long hours is entered I remember when my wife was going to give birth profess baby she started a labor around twelve o'clock in the morning the day before and she delivered the next day at about twelve o'clock yeah so she was in labor for about 24 hours yeah first one long pain long shame tiredness and they don't allow you to eat when you are labor they don't allow you to you know why because if they are going to operate on you your stomach needs to be empty and when you are in labor the baby may not come out so if there's a problem or it stops on the way they may want to take you quickly to the theater and so if you are going to the theater you so much she'll be empty because if you if you're going to sleep and you something comes out of your stomach it can you can inhale it and you die from that so they don't allow you to you be in labor you'd be hungry you retired you it's like I mean I asked one day to answer a lady what is it like to be lay by that is like pooping it's like you're going to poopoo that is very big one that it's not family [Laughter] is it true joy is it true yeah so you have to travail to bring forth spiritual children and in order to bring for spiritual address no treviri like okay father thank you for the so that'll be sable UDS I just commit all to on I ask you to just save everyone thanks Lord take care Lord you soon I'll be back tomorrow hey is that how you deliver you have to stay so when we are spending hours praying we are we are supposed to feel tired that suppose I said I have something to do as opposed to a desperate you know you wanted to come you are bit scared attention yeah so that's what I'm trained I wonder what my prayers be answered yeah I want as a lotta system working sometimes when you are in labor eyes like is it coming is it coming when they check that ah it's not coming two centimetres three centimeter 1 centimeters oh it's not connoisseur communist or camel is not coming push the don't push them push until they tell you deposited a hey as I must honor your father no matter you don't know what she has done that's only way to bring four spiritual children all of you city here you are the product of some prayers that are taking place somewhere yeah grace of God appeared to use suddenly spiritual uses if you actually understand why you are here and others who would come in understand why there yeah there so we are going to stay in Shibuya baba so when you I labor uh uh uh uh uh something you wanted time to come in time it's not now if you are expecting the time people don't like human being you do think that there are some people want so happy lot I'm so excited to be here this is feeling all that I want to do I'm just Oh nobody like that everybody's just like you everybody's sad what it wants to lose everybody wants that time to go quickly a brother who cannot breathe you are not a good brother brothers pandava let me see a brother who is nothing to press oh no sister should be like I do somebody like you to declare ah like you are just into sporting and then six packs you have done press up what is what is the use of these bad muscles you are doing if you cannot pray for 10 hours I'm asking you the use of your muscles well you don't have spiritual muscles huh what is it I cannot do much somebody just bring his ganas si Oh our mottos will get finished girls are far more attracted to spiritually strong people than to muscularly overdeveloped brothers [Music] since that is it true [Applause] okay brother sit down sisters how many of you prepare and spiritually strong wait we are going to vote for one of the two spiritually strong or six-pack not school a develop whatever so those who want the muscular whatever I'll give you a chance for those who want a spiritual developed like preyas parabola like a prayer developed brother all those who want the prayer developer raise your right arm etiquette [Applause] some online [Applause] success if you are like God will punish you those who want to spiritually develop others are right on it put your hand on those who wonder muscular developed residue on I hear you are one of those who stand up is it true [Applause] how many one booth ah book does una sunup they're both both stand up I see both you want both both okay good the boss to stand up please those who literally a hundred they like both stand up come to the front come to the [Applause] bring them to me bring them to me [Applause] - line [Applause] he's our good [Applause] go back go back Sanna underneath you see listen how many of you agree that which how many of you agree that some of these girls were lying the first time it's like some wanted a six-pack someone other so then also they wanted a spiritual that when I needed both spiritual and whatever I am I gotta I gotta fire all of them you think we were for yesterday's fire all of them hey [Applause] okay go back to your seat next time tell life [Applause] what tend to Colossians chapter 4 verse 12 Colossians chapter 4 this twelve collusions of the four days 12 Wow collusions of the forest world apart for us who is one of you as seven of Christ saluteth you always laboring fervently for you in prayer labor what is labor the workers on the side many of them are laborious hard painful long work without a lot of intelligence needed just repetitive like many of them are not skilled like you know kill to do this or the bus I maybe have to carry sign from here to here from morning to disguise on here go go here go here people don't realize that spiritual things are very much compared to physical things laboring in a Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba it's repetitive you are praying in the spirit happy in the spirit he speaketh mysteries to God it takes faith to pray if you don't have faith you cannot break that's why a man of Prayer is a man of faith always if you want a man of faith is a man of prayer without faith you stop the prayer guess now especially prayers that labor labor impress ah ba ba ba ba ba ba ba da da it's like I'm going up to five o'clock and it is only twelve o'clock in the afternoon and I'm going up to 500 ah ah ah da da da da da da da da da da nan da ba ba ba and the ATIS neighbor it's repeated 30 days and from here to here come back Pazhani have sat at 8 o clock un - five so that is up the owner killing you feel it tiredness boredom there's no intelligence is what I'm doing that don't see I mean without it I keep anything what am i doing will I get money from this what I there's nothing to it that is how to labor if you don't lend laboring prayers you cannot learn how to be a megachurch but I'm telling you how to be a pastor of a mega church I'm telling you how it is done this is as I explained to you that you meet the devil privately in your private life like Jesus made the devil in the wilderness then you make the devil holding the citizens and the people in captivity and you are to deal with a couple enemy very unrelenting very stubborn and you need to labor to give birth to the people out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son Colossians 1:13 we have been translated if you are translating the people check Colossians we are in Colossians was a good time to go there Colossians 1 said you see right there wow who has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated or transferred us amen transfer us to carry away to remove to turn away isn't it to transfer from one place to another that's what it means so you are moved from the kingdom of darkness and you are delivered into the keynote but when you deliver a baby the baby is delivered from the environment of the womb which is duck no like you don't see its water you live in water and that is like a fish surrounded by water and music fluid and he lives in the water that's why HIV it's a like a when is pregnant you should play with it some of it is like a ball when you press it sort of moves it's like it's moving around it's funny now you see the head is like a ball move you just press it either energy to be moving around the babies I kept it till you are trans fat from this environment into a world of light a world of different people you personally see water and darkness but when you are born again you ask Lance's of this transfer process involves not only one thing labor yeah liebe iCal and if you see the woman if a woman is being operated the muscles of the room is like this do you see my hand like this it's like this thick the room is very developed and it become like your big muscle like this hey very sick like this and it's fully compressed and if it was to happen to be pushing it Hey for God is it amazing yes yeah it's not a small thing it's unsafe or so if you are if you do I experience pain if you try swear these hours if you not express these hours of laborious useless just being there can't I go up so what you going to do but you just have to be there you can't you cannot be at the right place it's very dangerous not to be at the right place when you are in labor just have to stay in a safe place so instead of going out for a crusade or going out for programs to stay in one place and be doing labor yes one day one day what my mother was in labor we thought it was going to be like the first one no no no this one was going to be she going to be fast she almost gives you give birth in the car almost more like this yeah almost get Beth in the car at the bus she was almost standing up what was sofa yeah you don't mind labor you can't be going on good to see somebody okay I will make a call and since I'm I'm sending a text I'm doing this no you have to say retain the house or safe at the safe place and then you are in labor give him back so those of you from different campuses it is you do soon on University tentacles universe you have to know how to stay in your room and just extend to five and in labor I mean velocity to energy to translate people from the power of darkness to the kingdom of his dear sign to transfer them those of you from India those of you from different places it's all really fix it by are not coming Oh a lot of people after the Indians they don't know we're just going to label my friend getting to watch labor get into what labor get into what getting to watch get into what put away your Facebook your Twitter your dis your communication your whatever you can between those things was Ryan liver you've ever get to the job and Stella oh one day I met a lady she said oh I said why did you have your baby sister ship under the tree this tree so I held the tree ah ah and she delivered by herself by a tree right yeah kiss a man village yeah I just I just leave it under this tree here that's all when we are praying something you see yes ah ah so that's I think the holy shotput ah so now you see all kinds of different styles [Applause] because when you go to the level one is the same you see people doing all sorts of things there how do this ah doctor where then they'll be moving around true or not true that's pregnant one right here yeah Christianity look mega church wek this is how it is done is it so some of you one otherwise that when I preach this image doesn't have they take how come I'm preaching about no one is listening how come there is nothing to my ministry how come it's not growing yes and if you stop on it is needed and time and prayer and travailing can you point back to our hours in those prayers it is this prayer this group prayers is different from I've never seen like we are 28 we are all going to deliver let's all go we are all going to deliver the we all go okay what I tell ready go they will all such labor Ready Steady Go ah there's nothing like that a ministry listen and ministry subtraction it's you your ministry it's your calling and your labor on your day of labor so if you ask me what I would like to be with you or be on my own I prefer to be on my own I almost of those our prayers either my own or with one or two people yeah there are these group presence on this repair we are teaching you to learn how to be impaired for a long time but the real one is going to be you on your own for our so a group something as you're all what we ready to come out and show you how it is done things you see don't just appear things don't just happen it takes all these things are part of the whack yeah working together like I started at the beginning you don't want to do it sorry you have to find you have to be an accountant you just have to be gonna be an encounter that you can't be a megachurch pastor I shall never are you going to accept that constancy now accepting that constantly how many now understand why some people go to the mission field and it does not seem to be working one is they are not stubborn enough to stay forever you have to stay forever here you have to be there and you have to do these things one day I went to the mission field I'm xampp as I said what do you do in a zoo i watch films in the morning then from around 10 o clock then around 3 o clock I go out for witnessing around 4:00 but usually in the mornings and I watch films so I said oh really I was I was afraid that he was even confident to be sharing all these things such a watch film that he was mentioning alligator there's different films Wow that is why our chatty start growing the wet I speak to you they are spirit is like it says character often it's not a speech it's a spiritual way that is being said so if you yourself are not deeply spiritual behind the scenes yeah and don't be thinking about your sexuality after sexual this thing like I told you it's there Elijah he was a man of like it just like you like the Bible says and none of like passions like it was very positive irrelevant in going direction oh my god we are having a private in our direction how many apart direction are the privacy before look at her brother so you see I told you huh Sunday morning Chester decided you are just like Elijah how many are glad that Elijah was quite similar to you yeah so if you are going to follow your life passion you will never work for God you will always disqualify yourself the life's passions they're telling let Elijah be your greatest comfort but he prayed he prayed he prayed and God had him in spite of this with a passion because the Bible says God knows our friends it knows how weak we are how useless we are and he has pity on us he has picked me all our friends if you went across a part I used to having pity on people when you are mature you never condemn people again it's when you are immature that you condemn yeah ha ha yo when you go everything you say please sorry for people when you see the person's got this problem you just these are so fat it is so sorry but you know that is like the human being is so weak the flash needs to have a meal and go to sleep you can't kill the flesh now a good meal instead of concerning yourself with all these passions and whatever that is always worry you give yourself to the spiritual wealth and and I say sometimes at the end of Pasadena you even become more sexual you wouldn't use up so that you would have such you would have thought that the fasting we like sexuality and whatever global you see sexuality comes up when you are in need of risk so sometimes that's why erections come when you are rested what it is it for him or it comes it is only that you will not hear volume now what was I saying it come as a feature of rested machine so that after the fasting it's like I've left that orb work oh I've really achieved the ritualization of my life I need now to rest a bit and before I realized Oh [Music] [Applause] are you listening to me sit down it's Afra lettering amen why was he in labor to deliver people from darkness to light amen be a spirit trumpet you know you'll get your second if he was going to start a church again it would just go into a room and call the people in from the room that's why I will be in the room and call the people from the room yeah they will come they will come is that thin happiness in the room before it happens outside it happens in the room what you see that happen already yes if it doesn't happen there it will not happen here so what we are doing now is practice for you to sleep time meetings where we can be here between free drink by spatula you learn how to go into your room and pray yes God has spoken to me so many times in my on my own I can't tell you how many times I've been with the Lord whenever I am living I tell him Lord this is my favorite time when I'm just only me and you my best time of F yes it's my first time my favorite yeah it's like my life comes alive when I go to be with the Lord only for hours and days yes but my life comes alive I tell you cannot lie to you so you don't most people don't know what they are missing but you have been lent it you know and you learn how to stay with God for a long time raining train I spread usually between three to five hours every day yes usually yeah occasionally I am not able to that most of the time I will be with a lot for about 3 to 5 hours yes spirituality is not something you can achieve that by shouting of a revelation and moving at a revelation you understand yes and you will learn how to be with God over time and one of the first is to prevail just by ah y ou papaya for hours like it hello I'd like this in action motor my scarce ten to twenty five thousand much much 25 35 35 but I couldn't do was all night now I can do all night what I couldn't do was all night but 10 to 5 10 to 5 into 5 6 & 2 10 8 to 8 yeah eight to eight alone eight to eight ten to five two to five but all night was my problem but I'm able to do it now are you listening to me spirituality or I'm sorry how we be a mega church pastor it's not about that timing they do it's a preaching with all this and that no it comes from somewhere and that's what I want you to learn all of you the brothers I'll say this more to the brothers because you are the man yeah man and man is a man when it's a spiritual man yes it's not that false you half-wit it's not your balls you have that makes you a man the spirituality yes that's why the sixth person at 9000 others he doesn't even it's not powerful you may have it's a thousand bucks even even in a nut shop it clear what is it is this tiny school fool what are you going to do with it nobody will use it it now nowadays somebody who just call it security guard to clear you from their strength is not in physicals and split the spirit and it is physically you know one day I had a had a bodyguard small short guy short guy I was wondering are these guys strong then he told me he said I can do 45 percepts in 1 minute 45 yes put your iPod on somebody's professor [Applause] get down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah well 45 [Applause] yeah to be into being the army unit we need to do 50 in an age of 45 [Laughter] [Applause] I divide [Applause] forty-five [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and sit down stop quality Boozman Hey [Music] it's not by the press ups you can do by the anointing the anointing is spiritual power you may be doing all these precepts but you need a power yeah either how many only become spiritual brothers yeah all right glory to God how many keys have I given you to fulfill that megachurch vision key number one is what kena Matthews was kena mitrice was all right
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 1,614
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2015, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, MACHANEH, MAMPONG, GHANA, FIRSTLOVE CHURCH, OBLIGATIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN WORKER, 10000 CHILDREN OF GOD, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: 6HPN-0EbKu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 12sec (10152 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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