What does it mean to by a Church administrator.

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[Music] hi my name is Angelo Michael and I am a church administrator well in my opinion in order to have that level of efficiency to be a church administrator first and foremost you have to pray and ask God to give you that proficiency and efficiency because the Bible says every good and perfect gift comes from above it comes from God and even with myself when I became an administrator I did know how to work a computer I didn't even know how to turn it on I didn't know anything about it so when I was asked to be the administrator the first thing I had to do was I had to pray and has got to Colt you know cultivate that gift with them well the most important attribute that an administrator should possess is one patience patience you have to have patience to work in that field you do need to know how to work a computer and know how to do Microsoft Excel in Word and Adobe what one other most important thing is that you need to learn to know how to listen and you need to know how to speak and when I say listen sometimes your pastor or whomever that you're serving may not communicate well so you need to be able to listen to what they're saying so that you can effectively write out and communicate is that you're trying to say the other most important thing is confidentiality because as administrator you are privy to confidential information you may ask to be sitting meetings you may ask to write letters or be involved in things that are not allowed to go out past the door so you must must must must must be one that can pull confidentiality and be able to sit in a room in silence and not speak I consider this particular calling to be a gift as I said before every good and perfect gift that comes from above and the Bible talks about how Timothy was gifted first Timothy that he was gifted with that gift of administration and what happens is God gives you the gift and then we're supposed to cultivate it by doing the work by studying done studying the show ourselves approved so that's not to send a word that's even in the gift that God gives us it's our job to cultivate that let it grow attend classes sit under people they know how to do that type of work that's what's important and be humble because you have to be able to learn how to learn and be able to sit under people and have patience if you mess up do how do I stay sane in this capacity well one like I said you have to have that reliance on God because no matter what he will see it through - you have to have patience got to have the patience for some people like I work well under pressure and I work well under stress but most people need to be organized you need to keep good notes you need to know where your things are you need to have flash drives you need to have records and you need to be able to have patience to work through the test as and second for you you got to know what the task is and you need to know what the expectation is like I said sometimes the pastor or your leader may not be a good communicator and they just may say I want you to do a program but you need to understand the leaders vision for you to complete that task it's not about your vision it's about what they want it's about what is supposed to come forth from it so sometimes you know it just takes you getting started if you've been asked to do a program sometimes you just need to start going through it but as you go through the process every day every hour you may be changing and change the cover change the content going over things and also it's always good to have an extra eye to read after the things that you do somebody that you can trust somebody that you can call wanna say can you read over this for me to make sure that it reads well can you look over this because what we put out as administrators reflects to church and it reflects the pastor so our stuff needs to be tight and it needs to be right this is a very big responsibility as an administrator because even though our job is behind-the-scenes we're not seeing we work every day some ministries only work on Friday or Saturday or Sunday or whatever day that you worship but an administrator works every single day because we are always constantly doing things to make the church run the Bible clearly talks about the gift of administration is the behind the scene things that helps Pilate to church so it's serious you got a um first of all you need to like doing what you're doing there's nothing worse than an ask the administrator but you have to um you have to like what you're doing you have to know what you you need to take your job seriously and always be aware of your surroundings got to always be aware of what's going on around you and it's a very important role it's a behind-the-scenes role so you don't get a lot of glamour you're not upfront you're not the one you know a lot of times you're doing that work behind the scenes to make the church and the pastors and the leaders look good you know when we're doing church presentations with certificates it's not for me to stand up there and say I did this my job is to make that certificate and give it to leader so that they can present it not for me but for the church and for the pastor it's a it's a humbling self-serving act of ministry who do I reflect myself as being in the Bible it talks about the proverbs 31 woman that you know she does the work at home she does some things to make her husband look good you know she knows how to buy a field she knows how to work her money she knows how to you know do all of those different jobs so definitely a proverbs 31 woman but also my I've always thought about Timothy because he talked about young Timothy you know doing that work he told him how to be humble he told him how to work in that gift of administration Paul was teaching Timothy how to be a pastor and he was teaching him how to manage and run the church because if the administration ain't right then the church and I'm not saying that it's all about the secretary donate but if the administrative part isn't running right it makes it harder for the leaders it makes it harder for the pastor so I would say Timothy proverbs 31 and Timothy and a little bit of Paul should I like fall solution yeah how do I prepare my stuff to work with leaders and I gotta pray because each leader is different everybody has different personalities I'm in a minute I work under a lot of different people so I have to know who I'm working with what it is that they want I need like I said I gotta be a good listener and I gotta be a watchman I gotta watch what's going on I gotta see what they're doing a lot of times if I'm sitting in church and I'm watching because I got to see what my leaders doing I got to see if something is going on and they need something specific that has to deal with me so I got to be a watcher I have to observe gotta listen got to be prepared need to have my pen my paper my recorder you know I love my little recorders my laptops and things like that so depending on where I'm going what I'm doing who I'm serving for that day what type of setting if I'm going to be in if I'm gonna be in a pastors meeting you know I need to be prepared to go sit over in the corner and be quiet and tight and listen if I'm in a meeting that is you know real deep and confidential you know I gotta be able to type I need to have my laptop charged I need to have my phone charged I gotta have my phone turned off everything to make sure that I'm that chameleon in the back getting what it is that they need looking back over my life and knowing that this was my calling no I mean you know my background I didn't expect to do this at all you know I was making sandwiches in the deli so I had no idea that this is what God had for me you know when I when I came to Det and when Bishop asked me to be your pet her secretary and I'm like sure I'll do it and she's like no go pray and that's the Lord first and I did pray you know and now I didn't have a computer you know I didn't have any skills and Microsoft like asked me to make you turkey sandwich I got you that asked me to type something up I didn't have that so this was a total reliance on God all the way like 100 percent I had no idea that this is what God wanted me for knew and I get to do and I think about when I was working in that deli and those two professionals came and they're like we want you to go work in our office and like for what like what do you want me to do and they're like well we want you to be our receptionist and I remember I'm not wanting to take the job I went to Dennis and I cried and I'm like I can't do it I can't do it and then it's happened to be at my job the day that they came back down they'd be pulled Dennis outside and he's like man look we see something in your wife and we're trying to get her out of here so he made me leave the deli and go upstairs and sit on the 14th floor of this executive building with these two rich men with no experience whatsoever but only God you know what I mean I can I can all I can say is only God and so many times when I'm put with a test before me and I'm just pecking away and doing stuff and then I would see the finished result and be like this was only God you did this like I can't take no credit for it at all I didn't go to such and such school for Microsoft and you know I didn't do any that that was only the Lord and I may not be all the best I still make mistakes I still tightly Bionicle you know but the things that I do produce and I come back and be like that was only God only him only him well who exposed me to this type of servitude in a bishop costume you know by her asking me to be her administrator and you know I had no experience whatsoever in administration you know that was only god that did that and then the Lord surrounding me with you know sisters ira subpoena being able to sit with iris Pina Denise Bishop Ross's administrative assistant you know her and I became very close and she we have an actual sisterhood of administrators that we come together we pray we talked we exchange stories we giggle you know we cries sometimes Angelica Bishop Owens is administrator assistant who is my mentor whom I contacted and would ask to you know give me some classes over the phone because when I started to deal with people on a higher level you know when I was dealing with the bishops and having to write Episcopal programs I had to actually step it up a little bit with what I was doing so I was actually taking some online classes for her she wrote a book and you know Michelle Govan and just how we all are a sisterhood we come together we help each other we encourage each other there's a lot of times behind the scenes that we're calling each other you know funerals programs fliers you know I hope a lady down South Carolina at a church whom I've never met but one of our members move down there and asked me to help her whitterfly or so I've done there flyers programs ordination programs convocation programs so we all help and influence each other what does loyalty mean as an administrator loyalty is very important one we have to be loyal to our leaders and our we have to and there are times that we have to defend them to the end I've been quite in meetings sometimes with other pastors who were talking about my pastor you know because they may not have realized that was my pastor you know we may be in things and it is very very important to be loyal to your leader don't be quiet talking about your leader and don't be caught stabbing your leader in the back you know you got a defend your leader all the time in any case they may call you at two o'clock in the morning and need something at five and you need to get up and do it tired or not you can cut yourself out later but you know you need to get done because um they rely on the administrator they rely on you and they rely on you getting work done and like I said it's a thankless job sometimes and you may not get those act acclimates but you've got to be loyal you've got to be there you know one that's gonna be tired like I said administrator works every day but you got to have that loyalty I remember we did that workshop loyalty and how it is the most important thing to operate them well if you if someone would like to be an administrator and I know I keep saying this and people don't but the first thing you need to do is you need to pray and ask the Lord if that's what he's calling you to do a lot of people and I remember talking to Denise about this when I first met her that a lot of people think the administrator is like this big limelight job because you sit with the pastor you up front you know you could see what the pastor and it really has nothing to do with that it is a unique you you it is so important for you to know that that is your calling that God has called you do it that you are remain humble it is a servant to position all the time you have to learn you've got to listen it is just so much to be an administrator it is not about being upfront it's about being behind the scenes it's about you digging those trenches making other people look good but I I would have to say you got to be humble and you need to really sit with your pastor leader whomever it is find out what it is they want they may not be able to express what they want that's where that watching comes in that's where that listening comes in that's where that observing you know and being there I can't tell you how many times that I've got dragged to a service you know or I didn't want to go where I didn't want to do something I didn't want to be someplace but it's that loyalty that's that humility that's knowing that God has called you to do it not wanting to be seen you know and being able to do whatever you call to do sometimes you may have to put a fifty booklets together sometimes you know you've got to do programs sometimes you you're called in so many different areas to do but you gotta do it be willing to do it ooh how did i navigate being an administrator for three different pastors well I am on my email all day all day every day and I have different emails that I have set up for each one what I do is every day I check in with each pastor every day I text our email some pastors don't like that some pastors don't want you to check in with them some don't want you calling and all that stuff but I check in every single day how you doing is there any you need I follow up with them I keep good notes I keep income on constant communication and I had to get to know it each one wanted some could care less I'll do flyer they don't care how to work gets done they just want the finished work others are very proactive they want to see it step by step by step others will send you some ebonic will text and say something that they want and I need to understand what it is that they want and then try to produce it and then I need to follow up and if I can't get it done I need to get it done no if I can't get it done I need to let them know I'm still working on it things that they ask you to do you got different calendars different preaching engagements and you got to stay organized because there's nothing worse than sending an email to the wrong person the wrong thing the wrong account that's why I have three different emails so I one is for this entity one is for this entity one is for this entity so I'm not mixing them all back and forth and before you send an email you need to check and check again because there's once it goes out I know you got that little recall button but it don't work it still goes out so you just need to be organized you've got to check in you got to know who you're working with the most rewarding part as an administrator for me is um seeing a finished product knowing that what was asked of me got done and that they look good that church looks good that things are done and things are done right that's my joy my happiness it has nothing to do with me our job is to help propel the church the vision the bishop the pastor to go forward so when I see that going forward that's what makes me happy that's what gives me that joy that's what allows me come in and sleep that's what allows me to say praise God we did it now what's next what's the next next thing a lot of times I'll get an assignment and when I close that chapter that's real keeping off but what's next because there's always something that's there's never a time when you can be like boo boo done I'll see you next week know that next chapter is next because there's always so much to be done Bam Bam Bam you know administration is such a big field administration falls under everything that falls on administration finance maintenance you know all of those things fall under administration under that umbrella so even though my hands may not be in each one or in charge of each one but someway somehow I'm there doing something to help give it to that person to be controlling [Applause]
Channel: Deliverance Evangelistic Temple
Views: 3,460
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: admin, aministrator, church, how to, interview, angela michael, deliverance evangelistic temple, det
Id: LvkxIpMbexg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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