Server Certificates - Self Signed and LetsEncrypt Certificates for the LAN

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(about certificates) We all know this nasty warning here when we open web pages in our own intranet. We don’t have a certificate. Today I want to show you three alternative ways to get rid of that. How can we do that? First option – self signed certificates. We will use this great free and open source software called XCA to generate our own Certification Authority or CA and our own certificates. No fiddling around with command line OpenSSL or the like. Nice software. I love it. Second option – We can use Let’s Encrypt Server certificates in our LAN – and the third option that I want to show you are Wildcard certificates with a dedicated sub-domain. Let’s go step by step (self signed certificates) In the first episode I have already shown you this very cool software called XCA by Christian Hohnstädt. It’s awesome and it’s free open source. As a reminder – if you browse to, then you can download it for various platforms such as Linux, MacOS or Windows plus there is a portable version. After you start the software, you first need to generate a database where we will store all the certificates. So you click on File – New Database, then you give the database file a name and after you have created the file, XCA asks you to assign a password to that database. Make sure you use a password you can remember – there is no way to recover it if ever you forget it. (create CA) So now, we can create our own CA – just like we did in the first episode. Click on “New Certificate”, select and apply the default CA template down here at the bottom, then move over to the “Subject” tab and fill out at least the fields Internal Name, countryName, organizationName and commonName. Last but not least, generate a new key for the CA and confirm everything. (create Server certificate) Here we go, we have our own CA. Now let’s generate a Server certificate that we sign with this CA. Again, I click on “New Certificate”, this time I select the existing CA for signing and I apply the default TLS_Server template. As an internal and commonName, I now type in the name of the server that I want to create the certificate for. Again – fill out the country and organizationName fields and generate or use a key. If you want this certificate to be valid for multiple names – for example short names and fully qualified domain names or IP addresses, then you can add these here under Extensions as Subject Alternative names. You could as well generate a wild card certificate, if you wanted to use one single certificate for a whole domain for example * (export components) Cool – now we just have to export the various components in the right formats and then distribute them to the right places. The web server which we create the certificate for needs the server certificate and the server key. Our browser just needs the CA certificate (again without the private key). So let’s export everything. There are various export formats. Some of them contain the certificate and the private key, others do only contain the certificate or the key in separate files. Let’s start with the CA. Click on export – the most common format without the key here is PEM – that’s basically a base64 encoded or packed version of the text certificate or chain. The file extension .crt just makes it easier for some software to recognize it as a certificate. So let’s call this one ca.crt. Next we need the server certificate. So this is the same game really, click on export, select PEM as the format, let’s call this one server.crt. Last but not least, we need the key on the server. So move over to private keys, make sure you select the right key, Export in pem format. Just this time let’s call it server.key. The file extensions and names are not really standardized anywhere. The PEM format itself is a standard but the naming of the files is entirely up to you or to the software that you are using. I just like .crt and .key because it clearly shows what it is. (distribute components) I want to use this certificate with an OpenWrt router. If I browse to the router’s address then you can see that I get that ugly security warning. Here’s the detail of the current certificate. I will now replace the original certificate with my own. I just need to copy the two server files to /etc on the router and name them uhttpd.key and uhttpd.crt. Before I can use them, I need to quickly restart the uhttpd daemon on the router. If I now open the page, then I get the same warning. Just this time the certificate is my own. In order to trust it, I need to import the CA to my web browser. I go to settings then security and down here I can manage the certificates and also import the CA. Let me do that. If I now refresh the page, then it shows up secure and without a warning. Mission accomplished. Let me quickly view and check the certificate – here you can see all the details like the issuer, the subject and also all the alternate names that it is valid for. Where exactly you have to put these certificates on your server and how you have to name them really depends on the server software. Check my cheat sheet repository on Github. I will try and make a short overview of the most common products and the place where they expect the certificates to be. So far for self-signed certificates. The advantage of this mechanism is, that you can generate any certificate really. The disadvantage is that you really need to import the CA certificate to any client and to all clients that want to browse to that server. Now for another method – Let’s encrypt certificates. (Let’s encrypt server certificates) Here is how you would typically use Let’s Encrypt certificates. You have a web server running in the internet and on this server you run the certbot software. That software periodically connects to Let’s Encrypt and requests a new certificate using the ACME protocol. Let’s Encrypt would then do a DNS lookup of your server and check if this is the server that made the request. If yes, then they would either say – “no need to renew, your certificate is still valid” or they would give you a new one. So how could we use this in our LAN then – in our local network? Let’s first have a look how we can use server certificates and then look at wildcard certificates. (How to use Let’s Encrypt in the LAN) If you own a domain – like I do with – then you could do the following. You define your internal domain name, so the DNS domain that you use inside your lan, to be the same domain like the one that you use in the internet. I could therefore use the domain inside my LAN. Why not? I have control over the DNS inside my LAN because that’s running on my router. So my proxmox server for example would then be called It’s not reachable from the outside, it’s just a name I give it internally. So how would I give this server a public certificate then? Well, I would just make an entry for the server in my public DNS as well and let that entry point to the same server that has the certbot agent for let’s say That entry could be an A record pointing to the server’s IP address or it could be an Alias or CNAME pointing to the name of that server. The certbot on that server can now request certificates for that name. If I browse to that server name from inside my LAN, then I would not be redirected to that www server, but rather the machine that I have running inside my LAN. So all I’d have to do is copy those certificates along with the server’s private key from the WAN machine to the server in my LAN and that server would then have a valid public certificate. Those certificates are located under /etc/letsencrypt on the public server. This solution has a couple of challenges though. Of course, the certificate would only work if I called the server page by it’s fully qualified domain name. Because the certificate had been issued to but not just to pve. So I would still get a certificate warning if I used the short name. Also – I would potentially need to make a lot of entries in my public DNS if I wanted to use this for multiple servers. Plus – I either need a cloud server or I have to open ports on my firewall so that the certbot can be checked by Let’s encrypt. Here’s another solution: Wildcard certificates. (Let’s Encrypt wild card certificates) Wild card certificates from Let’s Encrypt work like this: your certbot requests a wildcard certificate let’s say for * – now, rather than connecting back to a specific host, Let’s Encrypt now give you a challenge: They tell you to put a txt record named something like _acme_challenge into your dns. They give you an arbitrary value to put into that record. If they can successfully query that txt record and if it does contain the value that they have requested you to put in there, then they know that you are the owner of that domain. They issue the wild card certificate. Yo do NOT need to open any ports. You do NOT need a server in the cloud for this. This method of course does have challenges as well. If you want to automate it, then you would need an API for your DNS provider. But there’s a lot of howtos on the net for digitalocean, cloudflare and many others. I am using a German Web space provider who do not offer an api. In this case I can use a manual authentication hook script that basically logs into their web ui and makes the entry as requested. So now I have a certificate that is valid for any host inside and also for any domain under – I could therefore use a subdomain inside my lan – such as And I do not have to create any public DNS entries for my hosts inside my lan. Any host in that sub domain would show as valid in the browser if I provided a copy of the wildcard certificate to it. I am using this in my network on a reverse proxy server running nginx. Whenever I cross network or rather VLAN boundaries, then the traffic is redirected over this proxy server in order to ask for a second factor of authentication. That reverse proxy has a wildcard certificate for my domain. That means that all SSL or TLS traffic that I have running via that nginx would automatically be shown as secured and OK. Just to round this subject up: If you are using the Let’s Encrypt Certificate method, you should be aware that due to Certificate Transparency (CT) or rather Audit requirements the CA Authorities keep publicly available logs of every single certificate that they issued. That means that everyone on this planet may know that I have a server called and also everyone may get a copy of that certificate. Of course without the private key. But still I am exposing the naming scheme of my servers. May or may not be an issue for you. Perfect – I hope I could give you a couple of ideas on how to use Server certificates in your LAN. Let me know if you want to have a follow up on anything – leave me a comment here on YouTube or start a discussion on my discord server. In the next episode I want to show you how you can secure access to web servers by using x.509 client certificates. This does not seem to be used so frequently. However it can shrink the attack surface of your servers exposed to the internet considerably. This is going to be a very interesting episode. Don’t miss out on it. Until then – thank you so much for watching, liking and leaving comments. Stay safe. Stay healthy, bye for now.
Channel: OneMarcFifty
Views: 33,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Server Certificates, Certificates explained, X.509 Certificates, CA, X.509 CA, Certificate Authority, XCA, X.509 GUI, OpenSSL GUI, OpenSSL, LetsEncrypt, Letsencrypt Certificates, TLS Certificates, TLS Server certificates, Self Signed Certificates, LetsEncrypt LAN, LetsEncrypt Wildcard, Wildcard Certificates
Id: Z81jegMCrfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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