Serpentine - The Crystal of Shedding Fear

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hello I'm Adam barrel and welcome to this crystal connections video where we're exploring the Crystal serpentine now serpentine is actually a whole family of crystals it comes in a whole range of greens from a light green to a really dark olive green but what they all have in common is if I give you that extreme close-up they have that real serpentine kind of skin look on it now the look of it is not where the serpent kind of energy stops or the parallels stop in fact serpentine has a very snake-like energy and snakes we know they shed their skin they get rid of fear and they transform and they grow and that's exactly what serpentine helps you to do helps this shed what doesn't serve you anymore and helps you to grow into the person that you should be fulfilling your full potential serpentine is a potent healing crystal and there's lots of different ways you can help to bring their physical well-being back to its ideal using this serpentine it's really good for getting the flow of energy going through the meridians as well as activating all the energy centers of our body so wearing serpentine over the heart could be one way to do it or if you're doing a laying on of stones maybe putting some stones on your chakras or on other points of the body and also include serpentine to help get that energy shifting and moving around the body it's also really good for activating with Kundalini energy so put the serpentine at the base of your spine and start to visualize this serpentine kind of either a white or green lights up the spiral up from your base chakra maybe even seeing a Great Serpent and as you do this this will awaken all those latent energies helps to get rid of toxins and contaminants it can really help you to not to get to know your body more and actually help you recognize you know if you're gonna unknown illness what the actual cause of that is and this serpentine energy is quite a sexual energy as well so it can really help with your you know awaken your sexuality awaken your libido and serpentine is renowned there helping women that can't orgasm actually find their orgasm as they relax into it and allow those energy centers to awaken and that sensuality that snake light serpent energy to really awakened within you not only does it wake up the energy centers within you but serpentine is great for helping you connect with the energy of the earth it's a really nice one to take especially if you go to a sacred site someone you want to draw up that energy and really hold that there you know even after you've left that site then working with serpentine can be great there's a variety of serpentine called infinite stone which is renowned for that but what you do whether it be just in your own backyard which can just be special or any sacred site wherever you are in the world sit down hold the serpentine off place it against your heart even in a pendant is great put your hands on the earth and just allow yourself to sense that energy coming up through your hands and up through your spine and bring that into your auric field bring that into your energy and then send that into the serpentine our serpentine to hold that so when you leave this sacred space and go back into your everyday life you can still keep that healing magical sacred energy from the earth that you've been gifted as you bravely step into the world with serpentine helping to release fears about the past and things that have held you back in the past it helps you to follow your heart and that you guided along the right path in fact serpentine has been used since the Middle Ages as a protection crystal they used to carve it in ugly faces in the stone and call it a fright stone their own to scare away evil spirits or anyone wishing el in the Middle Ages and in the past serpentine has been used to protect you from gossip false friends enemies poisoning and all kind of you know savage things like that in the modern world you can still use serpentine you may not be worried so much about poisoning but it's really good for protecting you from people that might take advantage of you or Canales especially when you're online so she's shopping online or or dating online hold your serpentine nearby to guard you and shield you from people that may have ill intent it can also help to guard your physical health as well putting serpentine near your supplements or your herbs or whatever you take to maintain your health can actually give them a bit of an extra boost and help you to be a bit strong yeah make them even stronger and more potent and of course serpentine being associated with snakes can help you guard you against snakes so if you're going bush walking it helps you to kind of tune in with your energy and work with the snakes rather than against them in fact not only snakes but serpentine has been used to guide to you against snakes scorpions bees and other reptiles and insects things that may cause you you know you may come into a bit of problems with you can also use serpentine to guard pets they get things like mites fleas and ticks and other things that would cause skin irritations and by popping it on their collar or near their bed it can be a really great way to get that energy around the animal and add getting rid of all those things that you don't want to affect you or your pets serpentine is a great crystal to have around during turbulent times what it helps you to do is it helps you to follow your heart and it really inspires you to find the peaceful resolution to any scenario now one word of warning that I have heard when people do work with serpentine a bit too much is it can actually help you well it makes you kind of sacrifice yourself or compromise yourself too much just in the name of peace now if you're worried about that you may want to work with the lesser known Egyptian goddess named wedge it it's built w ad je je T or u ad je T now she is half Cobra and half woman and she's a real protector of children as well as leaders so as you become a leader and a messenger of peace what she'll make sure happens is that you aren't compromised when no one takes advantage of you in that way what you can do is you can hold your serpentine in your two hands hold it against your heart connect to a wedge it feel her energy and ask her to guide you through the day as you become that messenger peace that nothing you know bad comes your way Russia already start way through the serpentine but first let's cleanse it being such a transformational crystal I find the best element to cleanse it with its fire placing it about a metre away from an open fire whether it be a campfire an open fire at home could be the best way to cleanse and allow that heat to bring it back to its optimum energy now if you don't have access to an open fire and passing it through a candle flames free times quickly making sure that the crystal doesn't get too hot and that you don't burn yourself can also be really effective the animal guide did I call on when I'm working with serpentine you guessed it it's a snake and it's interesting that so many people fear the snake because snake lessons are so powerful and so relevant today because snake is all about overcoming fear snake sheds its skin and it teaches us that in order for us to grow we must shed everything that constricts us and holds us back from the past how to snake shed its skin by moving and basically to confront a fear state teaches us to take action don't try and think about it overcome it to take action and confront the fear and that's the snakes lesson in that way snake also is a cold-blooded animal so needs heat and warmth and able to be effective and so when you're confronting fears you don't need to go and stand out there on the own surround yourself by the warmth and love and support of friends and family and loved ones and people that can help you confront those fears now when it comes to plants as a great plant a mystical tree called Palo Santo that's been used in South America since the times of the Incans now you can burn the wood and it gives off a beautiful scent kind of like a sage smudge stick or you can burn the incense you can get it as an essential oil or even drink it as a tea it's great to submerge yourself and infuse that energy of Palo Santo all around you when you're working with surf in time and especially when you want to get rid of fears and come out as a brand new new improved full potential you astrologically I find that serpentine works really well with satin in Saturday so this is going to be the best day for you to work with your serpentine now have you worked with serpentine remember I'm just holding one green piece but you may have a light green or a really dark green piece there are amazing crystal and really good to have in your toolkit if you have worked with serpentine please share with our crystal community in the comment section below thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video I met him barely blessed be you
Channel: Adam Barralet
Views: 35,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crystal Connections, crystal
Id: jkzUSS1BI8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2016
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