Clear Quartz - The Master Crystal

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[Music] hello I'm Adam barlay and welcome to this Crystal connections video we're exploring clear quartz also known as quartz crystal and rock quartz quartz is the second most abundant crystal found in the Earth's crust making it a universal Crystal and so it helps to bond us all together it's a really amazing Crystal because it has so many uses it's kind of like your jack of all trades master of none being clear it infuses all the different colors of the rainbow so it's white light and so you can use it for absolutely anything if you don't have a crystal you can use it as a substitute if you need to amp up another Crystal and give it a bit more white light then you can use Clear quartz for that as well but let's explore some of the main reasons you might reach for your clear Quartz in your day-to-day life clear quarts can help you on on all levels it can help you with your physical stamina it can help you balance your emotions it can help you think positively and it can also help you to really grow spiritually and to transcend and get clarity in your spiritual life one of my favorite things I like to use it for is that physical stamina now instead of when you're feeling a bit flat what you want to do you don't want to reach for that soda or that unhealthy candy bar or chocolate bar try putting a bit of clear Quartz in water and then drinking it after half an hour can really help to boost you now you do have to kind of do a little work with your clear quarts and build your relationship with it because it's so abundant all around the world you will find that they have different effects now a lot of the clear quarts that we get around the world is from places like Brazil and Arkansas in the USA and this has a real uplifting energy but you can get clear quarts from places like the Himalayas or Tibet and that although it's uplifting doesn't quite have the real vibrancy of it so you know instead of when you're reaching for this at 2 or 3:00 in the afternoon when you're starting to KN off at work if you're reaching for a Tibetan quartz it might actually you might just want to go outside meditate or something instead of giving that real burst so this is a real great one just to give you that real burst in that way it's great for you know elderly people it's also good for old pets or old animals that starting to get a bit of bit frail then a bit of clear quartz can help to give them a bit of a boost during the day now ideally wear it higher on the body unless you're actually specifi specifically using it for something to do with the lower body if you need to strengthen your legs or something like that illness and disease results in the body when it's out of balance and clear quartz helps to bring the body back into balance because it contains that white light it's especially great when it's to do with any issues with the brain whether it be concussion brain damage or a tumor because this is our Master organ this being a master Crystal they work really well together to bring everything back to how it should be now if you're taking liquid herbs for your well-being then drinking that out of a crystal um a clear quartz crystal cup or even putting a little bit of clear Quartz in it can really help to boost that in a great way another way I like to use Clear quartz is to help with any pain because again pain is when the body is out of balance now what you can do is you can just rest with one bit of clear quartz on there or put another real soothing Crystal you know flite's a really good one as well or any kind of Crystal that you feel is right for wherever you're experiencing that pain and it has some little clear quartz kind of pointing in making a little grid on your body as best you can and that will help to infuse and help to take away that pain now it's also known as the milk Crystal so I can't speak from personal experience but I've heard that by having a piece of clear Quartz in your bra it can actually help with lactation as well now word of warning when you are working with clear quartz and its balancing effects because it's an amplifying Crystal it may not be the best Crystal to have in your bedroom because what happens is whatever is happening in whatever is in that area it'll help to amplify that so I've had some people that just don't have a good night's sleep because especially around the full moon because if you think about the full moon what's happening it's a very intuitive magical channeling kind of time and so while you're trying to go to sleep at 3:00 p.m. or 3:00 a.m. in the morning the clear quarts is sitting in the corner going let's do some channeling so if that's kind of happening to you try taking clear quarts out of the bedroom and I've you know I know some people that sleep fine but I've had other people email me the day after I've told them that and they said oh my god I've had the best night's sleep in 8 years so if you're not sleeping and you've got clear Quartz in your bedroom try taking it out and just working with it during the day clear quartz isn't just great for your own personal healing or people that you're healing maybe in front of you on your table if you are a Healer or just a friend who you're helping out or a loved one it can also be used for what's called absent healing or distant healing where we send white light or balancing energy to someone else in the world who's requested it now because clear quartz grows with these points you kind of use that as a laser beam so hold your clear quartz close your eyes and visualize white light leaving the crystal coming through your energy field and out to that other person the other great thing because as I mentioned before clear quartz is found all around the crust of the earth and we find it everywhere you can help to activate so if your person you're sending energy to maybe is in London or the USA or Asia or somewhere where you're not you can visualize the white light of the clear quarts in that area in the ground coming up and helping to heal them as well as what you're sending out through your laser quarts as well clear quartz being an amplifier is great when you do doing any other Crystal work as well because what it does is it amplifies those crystals so if you want a little bit more happiness then combine it with a citrine if you want a little bit more love then combine it with the rose quartz a little bit more luck combine it with the green adventurine and so on if you're not feeling much from a crystal or you want to give it an extra boost then add clear quartz to it basically it's going to boost you your crystals and everything it just lifts the energy whenever you need that to happen if you've watched some of my other Crystal connections videos you would have realized that I use different elements of nature to cleanse different crystals but when it comes to clear quartz I actually use all of the different elements depending on what I'm using this Crystal for because it's so multifaceted and has so many different uses then use different things and try out and see how your Crystal feels so for example if you're using it for Vitality then I would cleanse it with the sun and ideally on the summer solstice or Midsummer is the best day to put that out from morning till night from sunrise to sunset but if I'm using it for more magical and meditative purposes cleanse it under the full moon for healing maybe use the element of Earth and bury it in the earth and maybe if you're using it for clarity and study and focus in that way then cleanse it with the element of air play around see how you and your clear quarts come up with and find the best technique for you and your individual quartz now you know I love to work with animal guids as well and with clear quartz because it's so powerful and got so many uses I have four Animal Guides I love to use with this Crystal the first one is camel and camel teaches us about endurance and how to find that strength and that resilience and keep going on even in really hard and suffering kind of circumstances so if you've if you're burning the candle at both ends and you need some help tune into camel connect with camel's energy and medicine and call upon your clear quarts to help you in that way the second animal I really like is shark shark has total awareness of its environment and total control of its environment as well it can sense things far far away and you also see shark fly swimming amongst other fish choosing not to eat them shark is in complete control so if you need to regain control of your life work with shark and clear quartz horse is another one I love to use and horse you know power Freedom all those beautiful things and clear quarts can really help us in that way if you want to be free and really take control of your freedom in your life the fourth and final one is an Australian animal it's the red kangaroo now the red kangaroo is found in the deserts of Australia and it has its unique ability to pause its pregnancy at any any point if the environment isn't kind of great for giving birth so if there's a lack of water or the temperatures are really hot it'll actually just pause it it can pause it for days months the years however long it needs to and when it more favorable it will then continue on with its pregnancy and its gestation so clear quartz and red kangaroo really guide us into taking total control of our creativity of our lives and how we want it to turn out when it comes to plants I work with ginger and ginger brings Vitality to us it's great for our digestion it's great for our V you know strength as an essential oil not only does it help us physically but it helps us mentally and especially spiritually it adds more strength to any working uh creative visualization spells or the like so clear quartz and ginger have a really simal energy in that way astrologically again clear quartz can work with any of the planets but I like to work with it with the sun and the moon mainly because these are the most powerful and the most influential on us so thus Sunday ruled by the Sun and Monday ruled by the moon are the two power days for working on clear quartz now clear quartz has so many uses and I'd love to hear how you've benefited from Clear Quartz in your life also let us know how you go sleeping with it in your room if you'd like to bring more Vitality into your life then check out my volume three happiness and protection there's a clear quartz meditation on there to really help you with Vitality share with our Crystal Community do the meditation work with your clear quarts and leave a comment in the section below to let us know about your experiences thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video I'm Adam baray Blessed Be
Channel: Adam Barralet
Views: 153,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Barralet, Crystal Connections, crystal, absent, distant, healing, clear, quartz, Google, stamina, energy, ginger, Horse, Camel, Kangaroo, Shark, Moon, Sun, pain, vitality
Id: cmptCseBe9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2016
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