(Sermon Clip) Actually Dying to Self Not Pretending by Zac Poonen

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now we have spoken about this soul many times but we really have to die there's a dear brother Ariane here a friend of mine he told me a lovely story yesterday I'll tell you for the benefit of all of you there was some place where they were acting a drama of the crucifixion and they had one fellow standing like this and people had to pretend to spit on him and all that and while he was hanging there this is one chap standing there actually spat on him and he said you wait till I come back from abroad how did you that's what happens with a lot of people say I want to die with Jesus and all that type of stuff till somebody actually irritates you and all that acting disappears dear brothers and sisters we have to die not pretend to die not act as if we are dying it's not a drama it's a real thing if you want to follow me you're going to take up the cross and die and God will raise you up that people spit on you let them abuse you let them kill you and the Lord said to me if you choose the way of the Cross you'll have my power rest upon you but the day you decide no I've had enough of that my power will depart from you and that is so imprinted in my mind you know the Lord said that to me 1963 53 years ago yea more than 1963 and I've never forgotten it there are many times I've wept in my bed and said Lord I never want to go any other way I'll go the way of the Cross and no matter what happens whatever people do to me I will not retaliate I will not fight back whatever they do they can take me to court they kill me then do whatever we like I will not fight back I will not if you hate them that is a way of fighting back I will not hate if you wish evil for them even if you don't say it like this fellow who was acting you just wish boy for I'll teach him a lesson you just wish that you haven't dead there's a verse which blessed me and used when I used to meditate on this matter of dying from the Old Testament which it says you know in in the book of Job job says you know I wish I had died in my when at Birth job in chapter 3 and verse 11 and he describes that what death would have been if I if I was like a miscarriage he says in John 3:16 that means I died as a baby and then he describes what death is like that and I said Lord if I really die with Christ it could be something like this verse 17 the wicked will cease from reaching and the weary are at rest I this wicked man Zach ponen will stop getting angry and I will be addressed and I'm a prisoner and I'm at ease and I don't hear the voice of the devil anymore the task master and the slave verse 19 is free from his master great I said I want to die I want to die with Jesus and I can't say that I followed that faithfully all these 53 years but I understood the principle of it sometimes I would slip up and fall and get up and repent and it took me time to learn how to really die and things would come and I would get discouraged and then after a while but as I developed a ministry unfortunately I got taken up with my ministry and I did not I sort of ignored my life you know when your ministry becomes very important it's a great danger it happened to me I began accept to be accepted and traveled here and there and I began to slacken off in my inner life and that's when I began to see God again I said Lord I'm a hypocrite I want you to meet with me fill me with the spirit again and that's how we met with me a second time what I want to say is there's a very close connection like that wasn't Jesus Baptists between his choosing the way of death and the holy spirit coming and even many of you are seeking for the fullness of the Holy Spirit I believe I was I want you to see there's a very close connection between the way of the cross and the fullness of the Holy Spirit and I believe that is what our dear Pentecostal charismatic friends have missed they wonder stood the importance of the fullness of spirit but they haven't seen that the death of the cross is very closely connected the spirit drove Jesus to the cross it says he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem it says in Matthew 26 after the Last Supper they sang a hymn and went to the cross he went to the cross you know them that's one of the things he did before you after the Last Supper they sang at him magan's singing a hymn before going to the cross he was so excited and I say Lord that's what I want to go but over the period of years as I've struggled and fail and I gradually come to understand that the way of death is the way of life if we die with him we will live with
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 9,214
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Zac Poonen
Id: h19hZNnf8ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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