Serenity Now: Meditation for Lasting Inner Peace

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welcome my dear friend today let's spend a few precious minutes together in meditation focusing on cultivating inner [Music] peace this short session is designed to help you connect with a deep sense of calm and Tranquility within find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably without interruptions sit with your back straight but relaxed in a chair or on the floor wherever you feel most at ease gently close your eyes [Music] this will help you turn your attention Inward and start to disconnect from the external chaos Begin by taking a deep slow breath in through your nose fill your lungs fully and hold the breath for a moment at the [Music] top now exhale smoothly through your mouth releasing all the air and any tension you may be carrying feel your body begin to relax as you let go continue this pattern of breathing now visualize a soft gentle light descending from above and settling over you like a warm blanket as you breathe [Music] in Imagine This light growing brighter filling you with peace each breath draws more peace into your core as you exhale imagine any disturbances or unrest leaving your body with the breath with each breath out you feel lighter and more at peace let yourself be completely immersed in this experience feeling the light of Peace glow within you allow it to spread to every part of your body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head stay here for a moment in this peaceful state [Music] enjoying the quiet and the Stillness bask in the glow of Your Inner Peace feeling it stabilize and Center you when you're ready to conclude slowly bring your awareness back back to the present notice the ground Beneath You The Sounds around you and the air on your skin wiggle your fingers and toes gently grounding yourself back into the moment take one final deep breath and as you exhale slowly open your eyes thank you for taking this time to nurture your inner peace remember this tranquil space is always accessible to you carry this calm and and serenity with you as you move through the rest of your day
Views: 758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inner peace, meditation music, meditation, meditation guided
Id: 8Rlq24PT8OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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