September 19, 2021 The Love of God with Pastor Paul Zink II and worship with Nicole Norris

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[Music] [Music] good morning everybody i know the countdown's not done yet but that's okay we can go ahead and stand up together this morning good morning and welcome to church i don't know about you but i'm excited about today i am i don't have a keyboard in front of me which is very strange but that means that i get to dance more so just get ready for that so let's pray this morning god we're so thankful to be here together we're so thankful to be here as a family and we just choose we choose joy this morning it doesn't matter what the weather is like outside what we might have come in with god we choose joy today we put off the heaviness of the weak lord and we step in to your new mercies this morning and we just thank you that as we worship you all that stuff is going to fall off and we're just going to see your face today and your joy would be reflected in our hearts and we would just abandon ourselves to you this morning are you ready are you ready to worship all right let's do it [Music] we love you jesus [Music] we love you guys [Music] and there is no shadow that has ever overcome your light and there that could is stand against your mind cause you've always been with us and every battle you've already won or you've already won [Music] and there is no army with the power to conquer truth you've always been [Music] show me one thing he can't do show cause me the god of the breakthrough and anything is possible and show me one thing that's too hard [Music] is [Music] oh he me is thing he can't do and show me a mountain is [Music] i will turn is i will dance show me one thing you can't do show the me anything is possible show me one thing that's true i don't know about you but i've got a testimony that directly relates to this song anything is possible anything oh thank you jesus [Music] shake off despair as i sing out your name a victory dance i will dance out and paint [Music] shake off despair as i sing out your name [Music] shake off despair as i see not your name show me one thing that's too hot show me the water ah is how are you are you awake this morning come on give him a shout of praise this morning and tell him you're ready to enter in grab your seats just real quick if you would we have the honor of uh celebrating and um praying over i'm not sure which here they come some kids that were dedicating to the lord today this is one of my favorite things to do look at this crew man oh man when the saints come marching in good looking crew today god bless you guys all right mrs jenny hilly clayton with her daughter aura lynn clayton come on over guys everybody come on out this way tell me her name again aura can i hold her i know she's thinking no probably not so much come on out here and show her often this is aura guys look at that are you kidding me right now she looks like she's already in a wedding dress my goodness you are just beautiful they do they did pretty good job here mom and dad it's pretty awesome we're uh let's pray over her this morning why don't we have the rest of the family come on up here and i'll tell you what is it okay if he holds her okay there we go just she she's like it's fine just as long as the big white guy doesn't that's the problem [Music] what a beautiful lovely baby heavenly father we just thank you father we thank you lord that children are a heritage of the lord that they are arrows in our quiver father and lord we thank you that at the right time in the moment of destiny as parents we launch those arrows into the destiny that you've ordained for them and father this morning we pray over aura and her life we pray over her destiny and you we pray father that at the earliest possible age she will come to know you jesus as her savior and as her lord that she will be filled with the holy spirit that she will walk with you all the days of her life in the name of jesus we pray lord we pray that when the enemy comes to steal to kill and to destroy that you will raise up a hedge of protection around her life in the name of jesus we plead the blood of jesus over her life right now father we thank you that she'll walk all the days of her life according to that lord give wisdom to her family give wisdom to her parents as they raise her in the fear and admonition of the lords we dedicate aura to you today to your presence and to your life in jesus name amen amen god bless you god bless you or that wasn't too bad that wasn't so bad thanks guys [Applause] vitaly and anna lobota with their daughter ava joy lobota all right look at this crew man are you kidding me tell me tell me her name again ava ava so we have aura and ava we're doing a good game can i hold ava i can try she's saying no i'm just striking out today i don't know what i've done all right well come on everybody come on out a little closer and we're also praying over someone oh later we this is all family but we got two different babies ava how are you she's she's yawning a little bit she's thinking about you know i want to go to nursery and get some animal crackers or something so but what an awesome privilege it is why don't you guys gather around let's play for pray for her father we just thank you over we thank you for ava today in this beautiful family we thank you for her life and her destiny lord we thank you that she is ordained of god she is called of god lord that you've set her apart for the kingdom of god lord i pray that at the earliest possible age shall come to know you jesus as her savior and answer lord i pray that shall walk with you all the days of her life and that shall be filled with the holy spirit lord we pray that you protect her all of her days may the angels of the lord watch over her guard her and keep her in jesus name and father we pray that when the enemy comes to steal to kill and to destroy that shall raise up a standard against the enemy and we plead the blood of jesus over her life right now father i pray over her parents i pray over her family and extended family to be a strength to be a support for wisdom and guidance as they raise her in the fear and admonition of the lord we dedicate her life to you now in jesus name we pray amen amen amen all right i love it that girl's got spunk i'll tell you right now john and natalya laboda with matthew lobota matthew come on out gang now matthew shirley you'll let me hi buddy hi hi now matthew see matthew's a good disciple name so he likes me he's still looking back all right all right all right back to that i don't know what the deal is i've never had this problem before all right pal all right you got it you got it but i like those suspenders that's my type of guy suspenders and nose shoes and socks that's why i want to come to church from now on that's the way it is matthew how are you guys man just such beautiful beautiful family you're blessed amen why don't you stretch your hands out towards matthew heavenly father we thank you what a what a blessing it is what a privilege it is father that you've given us this opportunity to steward your creation your children father and lord we pray for little matthew right now that he will come to know jesus he'll come to know you as his lord and savior that he'll walk with you all the days of his life we pray for the gift and the calling to be risen up on the inside of him for him to step into his destiny at an early age and to be filled with the holy spirit we pray in jesus name lord we pray over protection over his life we pray that the angels of the lord which would watch over him and guard him god when the enemy comes to steal to kill and destroy may you raise up a standard to defeat the enemy and we plead the blood of jesus over his life and over this family right now in jesus name lord i pray that you would give strength and wisdom to the to the parents to the extended family to the brothers and sisters as they support and walk with little matthew father we dedicate his life to you right now we honor you we give him back to you in jesus name amen amen god bless you see it wasn't so bad for heaven's sakes all right now we've got a few little now this is the part that everybody likes let me see here aura or lynn clayton aura this is for you a little lamb in there and a new testament and where's here's one from matthew can you can hold that for matthew there you go and and ava joy ava joy there you go let's give it up for this crew wow thank you guys bless you all right why don't you stand your feet are you ready to touch heaven today now listen you you got up you push through the raindrops and i know the enemy was saying listen just just stay in bed springs baptist today you could just stay right there brother pillow and sister sheets are right next to you you're comfortable but you got up so if we're going to go for it let's go all in all right let's go all in let's jump in god is in the room today do you know that he was here before you were he's ready to go so let's touch heaven today come on and all throughout my history [Music] your faithfulness is [Music] [Music] and all over my life is help me remember when i'm weak [Music] you are my strengths [Music] my life [Music] see the cross see the crosstalk because of you oh jesus i see the evidence of your goodness my life if i see the promises [Music] is is the evidence is [Music] because of is oh jesus [Music] is is [Music] [Music] i know the evidence [Music] [Music] lord i'm amazed [Music] how you love me [Music] lord i'm amazed by [Music] one last time in the lord i'm amazed by you lord i'm amazed by lord i'm amazed [Music] by you how you love me [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] moves the mountains and who is holding up the moon who is peeling back the darkness [Music] [Music] and who [Music] who is [Music] creator god he is yahweh the great i am he is yahweh [Music] [Music] and who is he who [Music] is he that gives me [Music] [Music] [Applause] who is [Music] [Music] yahweh the great i am he he is yahweh [Music] yahweh the righteous son he is [Music] is that gives me peace [Music] who is he that brings me comfort and every day he turns the bitter and you [Music] who is rising up in me is [Music] god he is jesus jesus jesus jesus you're the beautiful one we love your name we love you we love you we love you oh we lavish our praise on you this morning there's no one more worthy no one more worthy come on let's worship him today there's no one more worthy hallelujah we're joining with the angels around your throne singing holy holy holy is the lord god almighty holy holy holy is the lord god almighty holy holy holy is the lord god almighty holy holy holy is the lord god almighty holy holy holy [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] we love um [Music] we love you we love you we love your name up higher we love you you king of kings how we love you lord of lords how we love [Music] how we love [Music] [Applause] there's nobody like you [Music] holy is the lord god almighty holy holy [Music] holy is the lord god almighty holy holy holy is the lord god almighty [Music] holy holy [Music] holy [Music] we breathe you in we breathe you in let the wind blow [Music] the wind of your spirit the wind of your spirit [Music] [Music] wow [Music] open our eyes to see [Music] love [Music] love [Music] love love [Music] love oh [Music] [Music] my heart's burning [Music] my heart [Music] for you jesus [Music] god [Music] [Music] we sing it on [Music] for you my [Applause] [Music] oh we give you everything la [Music] straight to your spirit come on [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] my [Music] i'll fill the room [Music] thank you [Music] now [Music] in my [Music] heart it burns for you [Music] and my heart [Music] only for you [Music] in my heart [Music] [Music] in my heart [Music] this scripture comes from two disciples who were on the road to emmaus so they walked the journey with jesus they didn't know who he was it was after the resurrection they didn't recognize him the bible says that they walked seven miles and jesus opened the scriptures to them and began to explain all the way from the old testament what had happened up to that moment at the resurrection because you know you can see jesus throughout the old testament and then it's manifest in the resurrection but the bible says they sat down to have a meal with him and as they began to partake he vanished he was gone and then their eyes were opened in a sense says their eyes it was revealed to them that it was jesus he said how did we not realize and then they said did not our hearts burn within us [Music] as he shared the scriptures with us you see there's something about the power of the word [Music] the holy spirit breathes on the word this is not just information it's revelation that ministers to your spirit it doesn't speak to your intellectual mind it stirs something and gives life to your inner man how many know what i'm talking about [Music] there's something that's been the lord's been dealing with me about the written word the written word the written word and i asked actually i put a facebook text out yesterday i said bring bring the old bring the bibles the paper bibles bring the book the big book the good book how many got your bible with you this morning let me let me see it if you didn't if if you only have your phone that's fine but if you got your paper bible let's lift that up and just wave it around give a good old wave offering you know what this is it's giving the devil a absolute nervous breakdown and you know the book of nehemiah it talks about it says that ezra after the jews had been in exile they came back to jerusalem and the high priest ezra brought the scrolls so they had rebuilt an early temple listen to me they had rebuilt an early temple and for the first time i don't know how many years for their lifetime they had never seen it the priest was able to open the scroll and to read to them the scriptures the bible says that that ezra began to read at sunrise and he finished at noon day so six hours and it says the jews there they stood the entire time not not as ezra wasn't preaching he was reading the word just speaking the written word of god the torah and i began to think about the honor the reverence they they have you see we we sometimes take so much for granted we've got this we've got this this is god's voice to us what more do you need sometimes we come to church i hope i get a feeling i hope i feel if i get that fee you know that feeling i get when i start you know doing that what if you don't get the feel what if you just get is this enough for you and i'm not saying it's either war but what i am saying is there's got to be an honor to this i've passed out bibles in other nations i've passed out bibles in nations that say there is no god and believers who've never seen a bible they've never held a bible because they live in a communist you give it to them and little babushkas take it they hold it they begin to weep they kiss the bible [Music] and here we are kind of nonchalant my dad used to always if he saw a bible that was not on top of a if it was at the bottom of a stack he said put the bible up pick it up off the floor put it up wow we want to give a place of reverence to it we want to honor it and then i think about this is i thought about the believers in afghanistan the taliban was going into public places and they were asking to see people's phone if they saw a bible app on the phone they would put them to death i'm going to tell you we have better hold this thing precious in our hearts we had better revere this this is god's word to us do you kiss it do you take it as your daily bread do you hold it dear is it is it the air you breathe is it the word the bread that you eat on a daily basis man we've got to cherish this thing i'm going to tell you what i what i see is it's not going to get any easier for a lot of believers it may not get any easier for americans this book's being challenged what we believe in even things we believed only a decade ago are being challenged if you don't have this thing not just on paper down deep in your gut [Music] it'll be taken from you holy spirit come on let's just lift the word high [Music] if you don't have it just lift your hands that's fine it's in your hands it's in your heart but we thank you for the preciousness of this word we ask you to breathe life today we thank you that your words burn within us reach your people today touch your people today speak to your people today free free your people today by the truth because the truth is what sets us free we honor you god we honor you we thank you we thank you we will never take you for granted we will never take you for granted amen amen amen come on say jesus name amen give him a shout here we go glory to god glory to god why don't you go ahead and say hello to your neighbor let's give it up for this worship team incredible [Applause] [Music] good morning new life family man these mornings are just incredible there's no place i'd rather be on a rainy sunday morning than right here amen amen what an honor it is to freely be able to come and worship god together we should never take that for granted we should do it with much joy every sunday amen amen i want to greet our online community i want to thank you for tuning in this morning we want to let you know we love you and if there's anything that you're going through that's keeping you from getting here we want you to know our church family is standing with you and believing with you so take hope this morning amen amen well hallelujah well listen next sunday we are so excited to have a special guest joel stockstill it's been a few years since he's been here but they uh him and his wife are coming we have a lot of amazing guests come through here and even though it's been a couple years he stands out so much in my heart and in my spirit and so we are thrilled that he will be with us it's going to be a sunday morning service at 10 o'clock and we're also having a sunday night service at six o'clock so make sure you don't make any plans next sunday evening get here there'll be a strong prophetic ministry happening uh he and his wife some of the words that i vividly remember some of the words that they gave that sunday evening it was really incredible so make plans to be here it's going to be just a wonderful time together i also just want to acknowledge our ties and offerings yes amen it is a joy a joy to give this morning you know i was thinking about our ties and our offerings and i realized you know sometimes we don't hit on the importance and the value of giving that tithe unto the lord i mean there might be young people in there in here that have never been taught this or you might be new to the lord but there is a principle in god's word about bringing your first fruits to the lord and offering unto god as typically it's 10 of your income and i'm telling you you know we can't separate our spiritual walk with the lord we come in here and we worship god and we can't say this is our spiritual walk our spiritual walk is our entire life and so everything that we're doing should point to jesus everything that our hands are to our parenting our work everything our finances need to point to jesus and it is such a great joy every time to be able to give that tithe it's the first thing our family does is we give that tithe and it's a joy you know just like the principles of god that come in and touch your heart and redeem your heart and change things there's a principle in the scripture that touches your finances you know our testimony as a family is we've always had enough it doesn't matter what our the numbers on our paycheck say god has always provided for us for all the surprises all the things that have come up our testimony is it's always been there which is truly a miracle honestly what a testimony that's amazing so it's a joy jesus to give today hallelujah so we want to just encourage you to give your tithes and offerings you can do that by grabbing an envelope out in the foyer and you can drop it in the bucket as you leave or you can go online you can even do it right now on your seat on your phone and so we just want to encourage you to be faithful and to please please do not forget about our missions giving we have blue envelopes for our missionaries i mean it is incredible to sit and listen in the world right now that we're living in what our missionaries are doing on the field it's incredible and they need us to keep them on the field so please don't forget about them this morning amen hallelujah we're going to bless our tithes and offerings if your husband and wife if you could join hands together hallelujah lord we don't come to you with our tithes and offerings out of routine or religion god but lord we lay it at your feet as an offering as a sacrifice lord to honor your name as jehovah jireh our provider and so lord to this morning i just pray that everyone that extends their offering unto you lord god i thank you that your principles ring true and lord that you will bless every giver and lord we thank you that the gift that is given lord that there will be eternal value assigned to it that we will see eternity changed because of it lord we thank you for what you're doing in this house in the name of jesus amen amen please turn your attention to the video screens [Music] good morning new life i'm pastor daniel and we're glad you chose to spend your sunday with us whether we're all together in one building or at home with our families we are still called to be his hands and his feet to everyone everywhere every day if your children are here with you in service we have an amazing children's ministry for them called kid life we have classes for all kids from birth all the way to fifth grade and it's a great way for them to have fun together in a safe environment with other kids you can check them in at the kidlifecheck encounter teens in junior high also have a separate service in the follow youth room and it's happening right now you can ask one of our welcomes in the four years to find out more [Music] are you looking to learn more about new life interested in finding a place to serve you should check out first steps this is a one hour class right after service and it's open for everyone today is step three discover in this class you will learn more about the gifts and passions god has given you to be salt and light to the world you can go to these classes in any order and we will provide child care and some light refreshments we will see you right after service in the fellowship hall god wants you to live a life of breakthrough and deeper connection to his love and his art if you want to encounter god in a deeper way we will be hosting a freedom retreat here at new life from september 30th to october 2nd pastor pharaoh will be joined by gary webb from christian healing ministry to help guide you in total freedom in christ the cost to go is 25 per person you can register by going to forward slash freedom retreat joel stockstill is a longtime friend of new life and has ministered to hundreds of churches across america with prophetic ministry we are excited to welcome him back to speak next sunday september 26th for our morning service we will also have a special service for him to minister with us that sunday night mark your calendar and get ready for an amazing outpouring of the holy spirit this year we are once again hosting our fall carnival trunk or treat edition on sunday october 31st this year we'll be setting up our cars filling them with decorations and welcoming families from all around jacksonville to celebrate the fall season with us we had so much fun last year and it was a huge turnout by the community we will need your help again to make this event a success we need enough candy to last the whole event be on the lookout for some bogo deals at publix and drop off candy at any of the bins found throughout new life thank you for being generous with your candy donations we should never forget the goodness of the lord in every season we're in we trust him with our families with our health and our finances through ties and offerings there are lots of ways for you to give to new life quickly and securely wherever you are if you download the new live app you can find a place where you can give as soon as you open it you can also text give to 904 513-2911 on our website you will find the giving tab near the top of our home page you can also mail your giving directly to our church office or find a white envelope in the foyer your giving allows us to reach out to the city of jacksonville and to the nations in fact we have multiple missionaries at new life supports around the world this week we would like for you to pray for dr generate and beverly williamson as president of go to nations dr jerry is tremendously influential in the global impact of world missions be praying for him in beverly as the lord gives them new strategies and opportunities if you would like to give directly to our missionaries select missions in the menu or pick up a blue envelope in the foyer again thank you so much for your faithfulness to the lord for updates and more information follow us on social media and check out our website now let's continue with our [Music] service come on make some noise in the house all right you ready to jump into the word i said the word let me see your bibles today let's do this one more time i want us to get into the habit and i know this is a surprise for you so that's all good today i'm going to give you a pass but i want to stick in the habit of bringing these old-school books all right just bring the book look at your name say bring the book you know the bible it's it means so many things but you know the bible is also is is is a symbol to some people just by seeing the bible it it makes a statement and so i want us to get back into the habit of taking your bible take it to work take it to church take it to school let it be seen amen it's important now i have a question for you i i want to see if there's someone here that has a bible that they have spent so much time in that it is just like falling apart like you've written in it you've marked it up it's coming i mean it's just coming unraveled you've had it forever it's like the type of thing like you could never get rid of it because you spent so much time with it does anybody have one of those old raggedy let me let me see that thing bring it up here let me see is it really now now is it i mean is it really falling apart is it marked up in anybody else have one thing they could compete oh now there's a few here oh no i've only got let me see it's literally falling apart it is literally it is oh my gosh it is in absolute pieces look at this that is impressive here's another one let's see that wow let's give it up for these guys huh thank you now hang on because you responded quickly and with such confidence i have a gift card for you for crumble cookies it is for ten dollars which means you can get a half a one basically now now i want to see just i'm so i'm planting seeds here right now is what i'm doing i'm i'm putting some incentive into the ground is there any teenager in the room right now that has a marked up bible maybe a teenager that has a bible would help any teenager let me see is yours marked up you got come on down here girl come on down here and get yourself a gift card mask and all bring it she's not sure which way to come she's so excited look at her she's going to go in and out all the way down to be careful let's give it up for her and listen just for you because you are so sweet brewster's brewster's ice cream ten dollars which can get you a half a milkshake pretty much what's your name alicia let me see your bible look at that look at that that's what i'm talking about that word that stuff will not return boyd those words are seeds they're seeds they're seeds they're seeds they're put in the ground they're put in the ground listen when you put the seed in the ground don't pull it out leave it down in there meditate on it you know just take care of what god has put in because there will be a time come when you're going to need to pull some fruit from that from that growth amen so i'm going to tell you uh one of the things that we've been doing with our our young people the kids the kids in kid life which is so important both kid life and little life you know we're doing the same thing they've got something in little life and kid life now called bible books bible books bro which is like you know when you bring your bible when you bring uh you know a guest when you bring your offering you get by you get bible books that you can exchange for free things mostly candy because it's the cheapest but but see what we're doing we're so we're investing into them we're helping them realize how important the word is to get the word to memorize the word knowing scripture how many you know scripture that you learned when you were like maybe kindergarten first grade second grade going coming to church let me see your hands looking a little higher right how many know scriptures because you sang them come on somebody see there's reasons why the lord's really smart he's very smart he tells us to meditate on the world why so that we can get it so we can learn it so we can understand it see why does he have us sing songs rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice what are we singing we're singing the word why so we can remember the word i mean i know i know entire stories of the bible because i used to sing things like father abraham how many sons and man he says you know the left arm right arm turn around i don't know squat who knows see it's it's god getting the word in us it's getting the word in us it sounds simple it sounds elementary don't pretend like you're all higher than that we are elementary you guys say preach to me deep it's about as deep as it's gonna get today all right this is spiritual not all things that are supernatural are spectacular there are some things that are very supernatural that don't seem spectacular are you here but they are eternal these words you're even preaching sometimes we think well we're just preaching today it was just a normal service he just preached don't don't minimize those words that way you don't know how much time i've spent praying and seeking god for what is about to be spoken right now and i don't get up and just recite everything there's there's an unction that comes when you stand under the anointing of the holy spirit begin to proclaim his word he has anointed me the scripture jesus said he has anointed me to preach the good news so you have to listen with anointed ears as well all right that was just sermon number one [Applause] can i just say i want to pray i'm praying for all the gator fans it was a tough loss i'm praying more for the seminole fans i mean it's not looking good guys we we we're at death door over there pray saints for the seminals i told you we needed bobby back but he ain't coming he ain't coming i will say you know i'm uh let me just i'm just on football for a moment i'm not a big bama fan uh i know there are a few here i've kind of had it up to here with roll tide for like 12 years anybody with me any any don't act like all spiritual so you know i i have a whole slew of cousins out from birmingham i've actually lived in alabama my brother was born in alabama so in theory i could be an alabama fan a little bit but i'm so over than winning all the time is anybody else like that i thought the gators man they had them they had them right there but i did hear i did hear you know some some there were some bama fans in the airport the other day two of them and uh they heard over the intercom will the pa well the uh passengers for cancun please come to gate 27. passengers for cancun please come to gate 27. and bubba he heard that you know he's from alabama he said jim bob do you hear that he said they said cancun cancun i never heard of cancun now i've had a roast i've had and dumplings but i ain't never heard of no cancun i'm gonna have to try me some of that cancun all right there you have it i just had to dig a little bit at the gator i bet this at the uh the roll tide because those boys help us all right all right enough of that enough of that carnality zephaniah chapter three zephaniah chapter three zephaniah chapter three yes there is a zephaniah in scripture you're going to look long and hard for that one however it will be on the screen as well zephaniah 3 17 the lord your god a victorious warrior will take great delight in you everybody say great delight the lord i want to tell you the lord delights in you he delights in you he doesn't put up with you he delights in you the bible says his thoughts are always on us david said who is man that you are mindful of us he's thinking about you he delights in you in fact it says he will quiet you he will quiet you with his love and he will rejoice over you with singing he is singing over you he is rejoicing over you he is dancing over you wouldn't it's not an amazing picture think about god himself delighting in us to the point that he's singing and dancing and spinning over when we when we think about heaven we think about a great heavenly father sitting on a throne and angels and angels singing and dancing parading around but we don't always think about god the father standing up and saying i'm about to get down right now with my bad self because i'm delighting i'm singing over my creation and not just us in general not just us as a group of people he knows you by name he knows you he knows your name he knows the details of your life he was there when he formed you in your mother's womb he pulled you together and i want us to understand you know i've been talking the last few weeks about about identity about dealing with insecurity about dealing with condemnation about dealing with the the traps that the enemy sets to to cause us to question who we are to question our identity and it is time that believers once and for all settle some things we settle some things that when we are forgiven and the blood of jesus has cleansed us from that point on we can walk with god that we can walk cleansed by god there are going to be days where we have down days there going to be days where we make mistakes but those are the days when his mercies are new every morning and we come to and say god i blew it today i repent of that today and our hearts are broken for that today but he draws us right back in see there's a difference between condemnation and conviction of the holy spirit and the lord always draws us up he lifts us higher he is an encourager he is a lifter he's not a condemner the enemy came to condemn the holy spirit came to convict are you guys here this morning and so there's three areas that i believe that christians have got to get settled within the word of god i'm talking about basic maturity types of things one is identity the second is authority and the third is our inheritance identity authority and inheritance you've got to get those things settled and one of the things i mean it sounds really basic but what i want to talk to you today about is simply the love of god god's love for us god's love is is is infinite by nature you cannot exhaust the love of god you will not be able to outrun it it will always be there his love is everlasting towards you john chapter 15. and verse 9 jesus is there he's this is this is the night of the last supper and so he's sitting with his disciples and he's beginning to comfort comfort them these are his last words that he's saying in human flesh the way they know him and he's beginning to speak how many know when you the the last the last words you have you're going to say some of the most important things that you have to say and this is what he says and this is mind-blowing to me it says as the father loved me i also have loved you he's saying just the way the father loved me i've loved you as much as the father loved me i've loved you the same way jesus prayed in john 17 he said father you love me as much as you love them that's mind-blowing to me how could the god of the universe who has an only son jesus says you love you love them your creation humanity you love them as much as you love me that's how much he loves us he goes on to say in john 15 abide in my love everybody say abide in my love if you keep my commandments you will what abide in my love just as i have kept my father's commandments and abide in his love three times he brings up this phrase abide in my love abide in my love abide in my love remain in my love you've got to get this this has to become a part of the the foundation of who you are abiding in this everlasting love that i have for you remain in my love it's faith hope and love and the greatest of these is love see it's the basic it's debate because if you don't understand the love of god you'll never understand all of the gifts that he has for you if you don't understand the love of god you'll constantly be condemned with who you are feel like you're not worthy to receive any anything from the lord the the issue is and the truth is is we're not worthy we never will be worthy in our own righteousness that's why we come through the blood of jesus and his blood makes us worthy to receive [Applause] and then verse 11. are you guys with me is everybody with me so make sure you haven't slept yet or anything come on these things i've spoken to you that my joy may remain in you that that your joy may be full he's saying i want you to abide in my love abide in my love remain in my love abide in my love and if you'll do that your joy will be full and the joy of the lord will be your strength why is he saying this to them at this moment because they're going to be challenged they're stepping into the next few days some of the most difficult circumstances that they've ever been in they're going to be confused jesus is going to die he's in a tomb what's happening some of them are going to begin to deny him later on many of them are discouraged by some of the encounters that they're having they they don't understand but what he's saying is please don't forget to abide in my love remain in my love stay there if all of all of these things if you understand the love of god then your joy will be full that means in difficult circumstances in challenging times when temptations have come even when you've given in to temptations if you will step back into and understand the love of god and understand the mercy of god then you step back into the fullness of joy depression has to go anxiety has to go fear has to go why because we understand the love of god our joy is now full perfect love casts out fear see love is supernatural joy the joy i'm talking about here is supernatural joy not happiness happiness is based on happenings happiness is based on on you know events circumstance if the jaguars win today we're happy if they lose today oh some of you look at me like you're the biggest gator fans in the world just like pastor you're gonna have to preach better than this today to get me going disappointed in the loss rejoice in the lord always look at your neighbor and say and again i say rejoice look at your neighbor point number one god is not big he's infinite god's love is not conditional it is unsurpassed and everlasting god is not big he is infinite what do i mean i hear people say god's a big god and i know what they mean but i'm like he's not big a hot air balloon is big god is infinite the universe doesn't contain god god contains the universe he holds it in the palm of his hands [Applause] the bible says he measured off the universe with the with with the span of his hand he went okay that's about right right there he lives outside of space and time listen you can only understand god to a degree our minds just can't comprehend the vastness the of how infinite god is the power that he contains the glory of heaven the glory of who he is do you know the bible says in romans that jesus was raised from the dead by the glory of the father i've always thought you think about that and you think well he was raised from the dead for the glory of the father right to make to glorify the father that's not what it says it says he was he was resurrected by the glory of the father the power the essence of god it was the touch of the father that resurrected jesus from the dead and the scripture says the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead quickens your mortal body that essence that power of god the god that cannot be contained in a universe lives inside of you oh god's a big god not not big it's not a good word for it we can't describe it and and his love his love is not con conditional it is unsurpassed and it is everlasting i i realized today that i wrote that out i thought unsurpassed was a word apparently it's not in the dictionary actually my i think unsurpassed is somebody corrected it for me because unsurpassing is what i actually typed isn't that right jennifer i'm sharp guys just not really no but i did i wrote it's unsurpassing and everlasting his love is unsurpassing and everlasting and uh the i wrote that on on purpose because unsurpassed is is like defining this is is the inability to catch up to you can never catch it you'll never be able to outrun it it's going to pass you every time it's inexhaustible you'll never catch up to the love of god it will always be greater than what you are it'll always be more powerful than your most powerful sin the love of god is that good news it's unsurpassing [Applause] it's everlasting ephesians chapter 3. man i just love that god is not big he is infinite ephesians chapter 3 verse 17 this is in the amplified so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and may you having been deeply rooted and securely grounded in love be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints god's people the width and the length and the height and the depth of his love fully experiencing that amazing endless love and that you may come to know practically through personal experience that's not just theory it's knowing because our testimonies have required us to realize the love of god to whom much has been forgiven much has been required the love of god we love him because he first loved us so to know him practically through personal experience the love of christ which what does it do it far surpasses mere knowledge or understanding it far surpasses everybody say far surpasses so he's talking here about the love the love of christ the love of god the supernatural love and it far surpasses our understanding now i know some of you there's this you know sometimes i like to do like little illustrations so i'm going to have asher throw me that football real quick some of you this is going to be the only thing you'll remember all day that's why i do stuff like this like like i have people come to me i was a great sermon i remember when you threw that football or whatever i'm like that's all you got out of the whole thing and i'm pouring my heart out here all you remember that's all right so i need a um i need a young person you yes yes yes okay we're gonna we're gonna throw a little bit come on up here yeah jump remind me your name bud blake blake let's give it up for blake give it up for blake so we're going to toss a couple passes here think fast no it's not it's not very good let me just tell you listen you got to stay listen trevor lawrence right here no no honestly come up here i didn't say come up here and stay down there we're doing some out routes right now toss me the ball okay so now let me tell you you know i grew up before the jaguars okay back in my day and i was born born and raised in jacksonville and dad knows this my brothers know this we didn't have the gyrus we had the dolphins that's who i had so i grew up i grew up watching dan marino dropped those bread basket bombs mark clayton and mark duper anybody remember those two dropping them like i mean 60 yards so that's you know i cut my teeth on on that so you know trevor lawrence i don't know whatever we'll see rookie so let's let's line it up here like okay throw me another one back up here there okay he's got an arm it's a little low was that your drop ball or what was that okay i want you to cut up that aisle right there a little bit just a little bit just a little bit there you go come on what the what are you trying to break the equipment up here that's a 20 000 camera come on man that's why i got a nerf okay oh he's not fast enough okay he'll never be a jaguar all right let's just that wasn't my fault blake i'm just kidding you bro i'm just i'm just kidding you bro i'm just kidding you bro all right okay one more one more um go to the back back by that camera what are you hey taking a day off run boy you're 14 years old thank you now cut across that way run oh come on [Music] toss it to me toss i told you this would be the only thing you remember from the day one more one more blake this isn't my only point this is all right no now now now now let's read this scripture again blake go back over there back over there to where we okay don't be afraid all you people don't be afraid husbands husbands if you have a helmet put it on your wife right all right the love of christ which far surpasses knowledge can't be understood can't be can't you can't outrun it you can't catch up to it it's everlasting it's eternal so this is the love of christ okay i want you to start streaking and this is how the love of this is how the love of christ works you head that way [Applause] good snag [Applause] blake you can have that i bought that because of the georgia bulldogs who are the only team black and red okay so you'll remember that right far surpassing what does that mean you can't you can't outrun it the love of god we try to go after the love of god it's so far past us the grace of god the love of god the treasure that he has towards us he delights in you you know i remember when we had when we had children you know i had we had hannah came home she's 22 but when she came home from the hospital not at 22. she came at two days and and you just you know how it is you you and you you fall in love with this child you start and the more you get to know the more you love and you think i could never love anything as much as i could possibly love this child and then your wife gets pregnant and you start thinking i'll never be your you get nervous as a husband i don't think i'll love i love this child as much as i love the neck as hannah i'm getting confused my wife's laughing at me but when that child came home ethan came home you realize that love doesn't divide it multiplies that love is supernatural [Applause] and you fall in love with that child as much as and and down the line the preciousness of the love of god that's the way the father loves you i know for some of you this is very basic i know that i know some of you sort of just check out we said well we're talking about the love of god but i'm going to tell you there's people that need to hear this there's people that need to understand this and what i'm trying to get you to grasp is where the lord said remain remain in it too many rollercoaster christians are up and down he loves me he loves me now he loves me he loves me not for a good day and we've behaved ourself well he loves me if we if we've messed up he must not love me anymore stop saying that don't say anymore i don't know if god loves me i don't know you know i i think i've made too many mistakes or i'm too far out i'm too lost i've gone done too many things stop saying that especially out loud firm yourself up in this promise that the lord delights in me he delights in me deeply rooted point number two deeply rooted and securely grounded in love this phrase right here is what i want you to get deeply rooted and securely grounded in love and it's referring to god's love for us not our love for god it's really important you know we're all we're always singing god we love you lord we love you we love you we love you we sing a song our heart burns for your heart burns for your heart burns for you and that's it that is important but what he's talking about here is not our love our love for god it's his love be rooted in his love for us that he loves us have you ever heard you know the apostle john the apostle john refers many times to himself in scripture as the disciple whom jesus loved the disciple whom jesus loved it's funny because you think about peter we think we you know peter was the one who said lord you know you know i love you you know i love you lord i love you you know i love you you know three times i love you lord you know i love you of course i love you jesus or peter was the one who went on to deny the lord but john is always saying i'm the one jesus loved he wrote that about himself that must have been really annoying to be around him imagine we're going to get to heaven and you know meeting all these disciples meeting peter and meeting you know whoever all the prophets and we're going to come up to john like who are you i'm the apostle john i'm the one jesus loved you see he he understood he had a revelation of it he understood it where peter knew i love you no question i love you and then fail and then deny him and of course there's mercy and grace to be received back but john had the understanding oh no i don't love you you love me that's that's that's the power i understand of the love of god you see i'm telling you christians have to get this what would it take for a christian afghanistan to not to not deny christ at the long end of a barrel well it would be yeah i love him but it's also he loves me he died for me i was headed for destruction i was headed for certain i was headed for eternal damnation yeah i love i love jesus but he loves me you see what we always do as many times as believers we're trying to earn we're trying to earn love we're trying to impress god the works if we do works if we do works if we if we do something for god he will love us for that it has nothing to do with what we do for him it's just who we are when my kids were little i built them a swing set this big old swing set i mean it wasn't even like the ones the wooden ones today i bought this thing at sam's it had like those railroad ties the first thing it says is you need three people at least three people i'm like there i'm a man i'll need one one of me bro it's all you need i'm out there for like seven days trying to lift these things i'm using my back to lift them up and trying to screw them in the kids are outside hey dad i finally the last day finally get this thing up to where they can go on it and uh hannah comes out she's probably five she's like this is this is so she's so mad at me for telling stories about last week i told her about when she wet her [Applause] this is the mode i'm in right now hannah this is this is the way it is to be a pastor's kid you just you just suffer through it bro the persecution oh dear hannah comes out hey dad hey hey baby how's it going i like the swing set dad it's awesome yeah i'm almost i'm i'm closing in on here it's going to be amazing dad i love it okay and ethan's out there and he's like you know two or three and all his ethan's phrase was the only two words but why you remember that but why that was everything we even bought him a shirt said but why he said jeff why why you got to swing you know why why so you're going to like it but why because it's going to be fun but why go inside but why because i'm going to whoop you oh why [Applause] so hannah goes hannah goes uh uh she leaves i says okay i'll be done soon so she turns around and walking walks inside and said she says on her way in she turns around looks at me she goes dad thank you for building the swing set and i said you're welcome and she said and dad i love you and then she said dad i said yeah you know mom told me to say that [Applause] true story not even kidding but anyways i build this swing set and they come out on it man they're playing on the swing set dad watch this dad look how high i can dad look how fun watch me you know and they're doing all this stuff that they can possibly do up in the fort down in the slide across the monkey bar swinging up there look how high look how far i can jump you know like dad am i you know sort of am i impressing you wanting my affirmation wanting wanting me to say you're so amazing look at you and i did that but what they didn't realize is they didn't have to do any of that they didn't have to do any of those things it was just who they were and we've got to get this love and i you know last week i talked there's other aspects to this there's aspects to the glory of god there's aspects to our relationship with god there's aspects to understanding repentance and mercy but there's but this is really really foundational jesus said remain in my love remain in it be rude be rooted in it abide abide in my love you've got to stay in that place don't pull up the word of god out of the ground so many chris too many christians are questioning the love not that we have for god but that god has for us everybody bow your heads with me this morning i i only got halfway through my message because of that football it was my it was my wide receiver that threw me on but i just i just i believe that there's a call from the father to come home there's a call from the father to come home and some of you have been estranged some of you have been a long way off some of you have sown your wild oats some of you have ended up in the pig pen you're spiritually a prodigal and i just believe the lord of the father is standing outside on the porch and he's saying come home please come home the bible says that to inherit eternal life you must be born again you have to receive jesus as savior and lord and it's because of the love of god the scripture says for god so loved the world he gave he's so loved and he's there saying please please come home you've sown your wild oats and you've you've struggled long enough or maybe you've just taken you've taken the wheel back of your own life and you realize i've got it you've got to give it back to jesus today the bible says there is a way that seems right unto man but in the end it will lead to destruction you know there are some things that god won't do there's things there's actually things god can't do god will not lie and god will not override your will he's not going to force you to love him you have to choose he wants to be chosen just like if i were to to to go to my to my wife before she was my fiance she needs she wants to be asked and i want to i want her to say yes i choose to love you i choose to live with you i'm making the decision to give my life to you for the rest of my life i'm betrothing myself to you my passion is for you my love is for you and in exchange is all of those things see that's what covenant is you hear the word new testament the words new testament literally means new covenant i'm making with you a new covenant it's not an old covenant it's a new covenant and the laws of the old testament are not just on paper anymore now they're written on our hearts because it's not something we have to do it's something we want to do because we're betrothed in passion to one another [Music] see in jesus the bible says is knocking on the door of our heart one of the difficult things to understand in scripture is that the church is called to be a bride [Music] this is the picture i have right now jesus is saying will you marry me [Music] will you marry me [Music] will you be betrothed betrothed to me will you give yourself to me and in exchange is i give everything that i have to you we get the good end of this deal folks we don't have much to offer him we give him our weakness we give him our sin we give him our crazy mindsets we give him all of our baggage and he gives us the blood of jesus he gives us forgiveness he gives us relationship with him he gives us healing through the covenant of god [Music] he gives us freedom and breaks away all of those old thoughts that all those old mindsets and he puts us on a path this path to life and i just know that there's there's a few here this morning that would want to say pastor i need you to pray with me today i'm not going to embarrass you i'm not going to make a big to-do of this but i want you to lift your hand right where you are so that we can pray together thank you for those hands two hands thank you for your hand thank you for your hand thank you for your hand [Music] today is the day of salvation now is the appointed time when god speaks harden not your heart you're not promised tomorrow your only promise this moment raise your hand thank you everyone's staying to your feet with me this morning we had about seven or eight [Music] just with every head bowed give me just just a few moments we're going to pray together those of you that raised your hand [Music] we're going to pray this prayer [Music] the bible says we confess with our mouth and we believe in our heart that jesus is the son of god heavenly father repeat this after me heavenly father i come before you today because you're a good father you love me and you sent your son jesus who willingly died for me he paid the price i could not pay he paid for my sin and his blood washes away all of my sin i receive jesus christ as my savior and lord today [Music] i will serve him all the days of my life [Music] jesus guide me [Music] lead me show me the way in jesus name amen amen amen let me say one more thing and i'm going to dismiss you it's very important that this this expression this this prayer that you prayed and i believe that you meant it you've got to go public with it just like when you at a wedding and you go to a wedding why do they have a wedding they have to have people publicly watch they have to see there has to be people there watching yes i saw this happen it's public i know that they're married in the same way we have to go public we have to make the statement before god and everyone that i am a christian [Music] and the way jesus told us to do that is to be baptized that's the outward expression it's the ring on the finger if you will to be baptized maybe you've never been baptized or maybe you've been baptized long ago but i want to encourage you in just a few weeks we will have a service where we'll have baptisms together and if you need to be baptized or would like to be re-baptized that's fine too but don't don't pass up that opportunity the next baptism service make that stand make that statement before god man the enemy and everybody that i'm a follower of jesus christ amen amen heavenly father we thank you for your blessing upon your people thank you that your face shines upon us the countenance is turned towards us we receive your peace and shalom in jesus name amen have a great week love you so much [Music] is [Music]
Channel: NewLifeJax
Views: 265
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: NewLifeJax, New Life, New Life Christian Fellowship, Church, Church Online, Paul Zink II, Christian, Sunday Service, Worship
Id: x0liJ7Uko1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 50sec (6710 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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