September 16, 2018 - Tim Dilena - I Just Made A Really Bad Decision....Now What?

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father there are people here that are listening on video listening on a webcast listening in a home and listening here live that have made some really bad decisions in their life and are still paying for them right now but today you're gonna bring hope to this building you're gonna speak hope God the biggest consequence we have faced as a human race is the decision that was made thousands of years ago when a person decided to live listen to the devil itself and just decided to go above and beyond what God has prescribed and the boundaries that God has put on their lives and Lord this world this planet is paying for that today but thank you that we found hope in the midst of a bad decision thousands of years ago the hope came in the form of the Son of God himself that would die on the cross for us they're people that are in this place and see no way out they see no light at the end of a tunnel but I pray Lord God today is gonna be a different day somehow hope is gonna rise up inside of their hearts today something's gonna happen I believe God is your word goes forth let your word Oh God not return void today let the word of God be powerful this was your promise if we preach your word it wouldn't return void and if we lift up Jesus you'll draw men that was your promise so we have made a decision here this church we're gonna lift up Jesus so draw men will preach your word so don't let it return void no one will leave your untouched by the Word of God today that word can bring men a couple steps closer or all the way in but we're believing no void place but God your work to take place in everyone's heart today and God what we're asking for is just simply this that when men and women leave this place they're not going to say what great music what a great choir they're not gonna say what great preaching and what a great church they're gonna say what a great God they serve in Jesus name and everybody said amen god bless you you may be seated I'll let you decide the validity of the article I've read it some 10 15 years ago and because of the culture that we live in some people are trying to disprove this but I have a sneaky suspicion that God has a way of sneaking up on our culture and making himself known because it happened in Greenbelt Maryland almost two decades ago as in their lab they would do calculations on all of our satellites that we would send into space and those calculations were important because he had to go backwards and forwards to make sure that we send up when we send up our satellites or any and any whether it was a moon launch whatever that would be they wanted to make sure that because of the orbits of planets they're making sure that we weren't running into anything up there and they wanted to be careful about that well over two decades ago there was a calculation that was made and literally they said at Greenbelt Maryland in the lab that the computers came to a halt and it said when they went backwards and wasn't in forwards literally a red light went on and said when we're making our calculations determining by the days and months and years from backwards to forwards we wanted to make sure that we understood where all the calculations were going whatever we sent up into outer space we found out that our computers could no longer calculate because they said the computer said there is a day missing in history that they didn't know what to do with and some genius at the lab said I grew up in Sunday school and I found out that all the way back in the book of Joshua I remember the story where God intervened in a battle and made the Sun stand still and I missed the sign and I said and this is what they proposed let's go back as close as we can readjust the calculations and see if that's the missing day and sure enough the calculations all came back and the missing day was God's fault over 5,000 years ago when God made this stand still once again it's not science disproving the Bible it's science confirming what God has already done thousands of years ago and even one of the greatest minds that has been in human history Albert Einstein said this he said the more I study science the more I believe in God and I truly believe that what I want to do today is I want to bring hope and I want to take you to that very story today because I have to tell you this story backwards because everyone in this place if you would join with me would understand what it's like how many would say I've made some bad decisions in my life would you go ahead and raise your hand and if you didn't that's a really bad decision so now you could put your hand up right now and I want to show you the context of this miracle because some people are in a place that they would think I've done this and I have to pay for this I'm all by myself and God just leaves me to myself I want to show you the context that this is a miracle from a really good guy who made a really bad mistake and God intervened in the mistake and the really bad decision in fact the consequences went on for hundreds of years and I'm praying today that we're gonna find hope as I was praying for you today i'm believing hope is going to come to that home group that at home fellowship that are meeting those that are watching them at the jersey church I'm believing for those that are right here you're gonna find hope before you leave this place today so let me tell Joshua story backwards I want to read from the book of Joshua but I want to start with it backwards because it was one of the greatest he's considered one of the greatest Jewish generals to ever have lived in the history of Israel and when you read Joshua there's not a blotch on his record except for this one bad decision with coincides with the son having to stand still in fact let me tell you that story in fact the miracle day this is what the Bible says about that miracle day Time Square Church let me read it to you in Joshua chapter 10 verse 14 there has never been a day before and there's never been a day since when the Lord stopped the son all because of the prayer of one man think of that the Bible says there was never a day like this when God literally intervened in his creation not only do we read that we begin to go how did that happen and I have to just give you quickly the who what and why for just a moment really the what was the miracle is basically God gave them more daylight so they can win a battle God literally intervened in his creation stop the Sun stops the moon so they can have more daylight to defeat an enemy that they didn't realize that was going to become an enemy which is the who which is a group called the Amer rights that weren't even on the radar and now they're having to fight a group of people that they didn't think they were ever gonna fight but I'll explain that part later but it's the why behind the miracle is that what blew me away as I was reading the book of Joshua because Joshua chapter 10 is a miracle listen to me close now it is a miracle because of a bad decision Joshua made it's not a miracle because God was going on blessing all these battles which he did he says but it's a miracle because she really really blew it when you made a decision all the way back in Joshua chapter nine it was all because Joshua decided something and all of a sudden his life and he thought even the history of Israel was going to be messed up let me tell you the story really quickly Moses has led the children of Israel out of Egypt he's got them right to the edge of the promised land passes the baton to Joshua Ned I am NOT allowed to go any further but you're gonna have to take them in Joshua takes the baton and that's where we get the Book of Joshua from he steps in to the Jordan River and is about to face his first battle which is the story of the city with the giant wall that we call Jericho the wall comes down they go in and all of a sudden they get on a roll and are defeating everybody God's hand is upon the children of Israel they're about to take over the promised land and all of a sudden as words started going out on how they were defeating everybody there was a very very cunning group of people called the Gibeonites that said if we don't come up with a plan these guys are about to beat us and all of a sudden some guys came up with a plan that said let's try to defeat them and let's see if we can begin to go ahead and trick them and let them believe that we are from a faraway country and that we just want to be in alliance with them when actually they were around the corner let me read to you the story from a paraphrased version Joshua chapter 9 tells the story Joshua chapter 10 tells the miracle listen to this the people of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and AI and looked up and began to cook up a ruse this is a paraphrase they posed as travelers their donkeys loaded with patched sacks mended wine skins threadbare sandals on their feet tattered clothes on their body and dry crust the bread did you see what these guys went through they got a bunch of old clothes went to the second-hand shops sewed on a bunch of patches let bread get really crusty and old they got the oldest pair of shoes to make them think that they came from many many many miles outside of Canaan and we're just coming to build an alliance the Bible says they came to Joshua Gilgal spoke to the men of Israel we've come here from a far country make a covenant with us what did Joshua do now here's the part I want you to listen to today and then we're gonna really dive into be practical and unpack what this means to us what did Joshua do listen to these words Joshua 914 the men of Israel look them over accepted the evidence here it is but they did not ask God about it listen to this so Joshua made a peace peace with them formalized it with a covenant to guarantee their lives the leaders and the congregation swore by in does those do those words echo inside of you but they didn't ask God about it think of the decision that they were about to make a covenant they were about to walk into and all of a sudden a giant decision never asked God about it I want you to get something just to jot down some thoughts you can do it on your phone your iPad in your Bible and I want to give you some big rocks here because when I read this story I know that there's some really bad decisions I've made in my life and some of us have made such bad decisions that consequences while you're sitting here are still being paid for today and I want to help you through this today not only when there are consequences but I also want to help you not to find yourself in that position ever again number one jot this down there is a danger when you leave God out of your decision-making there is a huge danger when you leave God out and you decide just to make the decisions all by yourself in Joshua's case it was who he was to get connected to and walked for a long time that's why I listen to me single people listen to me before before you get married get God's advice on the situation before you make a covenant with somebody but he's so good-looking there has to be more than good looks because you're gonna wake up the next morning and the looks will be gone so you have to understand that it's not simply I feel good we need God's Word we need God's mind on the decisions that we're about to make and we need a posture because what we're basically saying is this if we were to pray and involve God think of how much we would save ourselves in pain we would save ourselves if we just involve God in the decision first baptist dallas pastor w a Kris law said it this way we go further on our knees than by any other way there are a thousand mistakes we make that would never have been made if we would have just took the time to pray there are hasty decisions we follow after hot and intemperate remarks we make false goals we pursue and lost souls that we never win all because we didn't stop and just pray first my goodness I've been there I've done that then all of a sudden I have examined the evidence but I never asked God about the situation and that's why proverbs 3 4 and 5 God invites us five and six invites us to ask God's counsel listen to these words trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your what own understanding here it is in what all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths at such a great word when he says the words in all your ways solomon chooses a word which literally means not a main highway he says it's a word that was used for little goat paths that were made there from the hoofs of goats and he says not even on the giant decision but even on the little things just ask God he is inviting you to ask his opinion on things if Joshua just paused and said let's see what God says about this decision here let me let me just say something about this for just a few moment here's what I've learned fast feet are very dangerous fast feet are very dangerous listen to me close here are some important words that even Solomon says from from the from the good news translation he says in proverbs 19:2 a person in a hurry will always make mistakes a person in a hurry will always make mistakes what do you mean pastor Tim fast feet are dangerous when making a decision and there is an uncomfortable deadline the answer is no if you have nothing from the Lord those who rush into something usually make a mistake with what Solomon says always get this when you are called to make a rush decision it's usually a rash decision and that's why when we when people tell you we need a decision immediately we need to know if you're gonna do this if you're gonna do this you're gonna buy this house you're gonna buy this car we always remember this I'm unable to do that and I have to decline because I'm unable to wait which basically says this if you're being rushed today then the only place you need a rush to is not into a decision but into the presence of God to get God's mind upon a situation that's words that's where that's where Joshua missed it he missed that and his fast feet all of a sudden brought him into a place that he want didn't want to be Joshua makes a covenant with the people that he never should have made and this is so important what do you do pastor to when you begin to find yourself in that another name for covenant even for us today could be a contract not even just a piece of paper it's something that binds us whether it's by our name my handshake whether it's simply by us giving our word from our name and our character one of us and here's what I've learned number to jot this down prayerless decisions will add more battles that could have been avoided prayerless decisions prayerless decisions will add battles that you probably never would have had to a fight if you just would have prayed in the first place if you just would have asked God if I just would have asked God there were decisions that I have made without God that brought an additional set of battles that I wish never would have came but I had to fight him because and that's exactly what happened with Joshua when you make a covenant the end their enemies become your enemies their assets become your assets their liabilities become your liabilities and all of a sudden it becomes us together whether this covenant mean to Joshua it meant that the Gibeonites battles would also become Israel battles that day Israel was on a on a tear to go through the Canaan land and all of a sudden it got poured off course by a decision that they'd never prayed about and not only did Joshua have to fight the battles that God prescribed but he also had a fight the Gibeonites because of their mistakes and the lifestyle that they lived and all of a sudden what seemed to be one set of battles now began to grow and you find yourself being pulled aside in every situation and in every direction listen to what happens it didn't even take a dozen verses when Joshua said we'll make a covenant all of a sudden he finds out these people live around the corner they don't live far away this is all this was all a lie and here's what happens in less than 12 verses their battles have to become Joshua's cuz he made a covenant listen to this Joshua chapter 10 verse 6 the men of Gibeon hurried hurriedly sent messengers to Joshua come and help us your servants they demanded come quickly and save us for the kings of the Amorite hsihu it's never gonna have to fight in the Canaan land who live in the hills are here with their armies so Joshua and Israel army had to leave Gilgal and begin to go rescue Gibeon Joshua now had to fight their battles because of a prayerless decision now bear with me because there's some good news coming Joshua had a choice here think about it do you honor the cover and that you made even under deceptive terms because I have to believe that Joshua was thinking do I honor this or do I cry foul because she lied to me and I'm wondering if this was a mindset that Joshua was going to do I have to do this because she didn't tell me the whole truth about you you get married and don't realize that they snore you get married and you didn't tell me you don't pick up your clothes and you don't do dishes you got married and you didn't tell me that we're not sharing bank accounts and you got your account and I got my account and that's my money because I you didn't tell me so my question is this can you break that can you break it when you find out they have six kids in New Jersey and the question is when you find out the information prior to making the Covenant can you get out and I have to believe that's the question Joshua's even asking on the way to going after the amorite thinking if I just would have pray do I have to do God do I really have to do this because it came under false pretences they didn't tell me the truth and all of a sudden I made a covenant but do I still have to keep that covenant let me just say some people will look for a loophole on anything they will try to find I look this exactly happened doing a marital counseling situation upset wife real sheepish husband and he just looked and he just all of a sudden started off she goes tell him tell him what happened and all sudden he goes all right we're walking in the mall a pretty lady walked by and I looked at her and my wife said Jesus said that if you have less than your heart that's like adultery and now she wants a divorce I said ho ho he said hold on one second here I said I think somebody has bigger issues than what just happened in the mall because everybody could look for a loophole on anything I was reading the story that was sent to me of a man that was doing so good on his diet because the problem with them was every one time he went to work he went right by that bakery where the smell was amazing every single money you know what I'm talking about you're going right by it he smelled it every day so what he did so he can begin to make sure that he is going to keep his diet he changed his direction going to work every single day and then one morning just out of habit he went by the bakery smell the pastries and thought to himself and this is what he said when I drove by it he wrote this down he says Lord this is no accident [Applause] Jesus it's up to you here's his prayer he wrote in his journal if you want me to have any of those delicious items create a parking place directly in front of the bakery for me and then he said and sure enough the eighth time around the block there was the parking place you can find a loophole for anything and I can see Joshua go look at this gold calling the Jewish lawyers Hey look at this can we get out of this Gideon I covet it they didn't tell us the truth see you give God the opportunity to do something miraculous with the bad decision when you keep your words you give God the opportunity listen when you honor the covenant that you want out of and you honor it you give God the opportunity to do something miraculous with a bad decision the miracle listened to me close some of you need to hear this the miracle was not getting him out of the Covenant the miracle was God showing up in the bad decision that he made that's what was good about to happen in Joshua chapter 10 the Gibeonites the see then Joshua didn't pray and Joshua's stayed and God showed up because she knew that integrity was important his word was important it's like David Jeremiah the Baptist preacher from San Diego said this integrity is keeping a commitment even after the circumstances have changed it's not me looking for a way you lied you didn't say this I'm out of this thing Joshua honors what God honors and that is covenant he fights for these people wins the battle with the amorite on that miracle day I remember a verse the pastor Carter used to talk to me about from Psalm 15 he says this word is so important to me this verse is so important to me and it says this in Psalm 15 for you keep your word even when it costs you Thank You Joshua chapter 10 is it's not trying to get out of something it's not getting out of a marriage it's not getting out of this thing it's not getting out of this commitment or my my circumstance has changed at my job so I'm not going to go ahead and pay this I'm not going to pay this bill I'm not gonna pay this thing and all of a sudden you're trying to get out of something God goes you don't need to get out you just need to get me in the situation that you're going through right now can I want to give you just in the last few minutes my personal revelation on this story what I thought had God spoke to me about a bad that I've made so just pause for a second here's what God does Joshua goes to battle is about to lose the extra battle and prays and I'm thinking you should have did that in Joshua chapter 9 but he knew how to pray in the battle that's kind of what Greg was talking about people would just start calling upon Jesus usually when the consequences start not to get wisdom before the consequences happen and so he prays in 10 when he should have prayed in 9 and God didn't go because I would have gone I would have simply just been mean and just simply said well you should have did that before good luck for you Joshua but God didn't do that because God's not like us and God goes I wish you would have done it here but I am gonna honor it because she kept your word and I am gonna show up here and this is where this is where you have to realize God's not like you and God's not like me thank God we're not gods he finally prays when he should have prayed in Chapter 9 decides to pray in chapter 10 and this is what God does he makes the Sun stand still okay let me help you on this for just a moment the Sun is the largest and most massive object in the entire universe okay stay with me for a second the Sun is the largest and the most massive object in the universe okay how big pastor Tim the diameter going across the circle of the Sun is 864,000 miles which means you can line up a hundred and nine planet Earth's to go across the entire Sun a hundred and nine of our planets go across the Sun listen to this the circumference of the Sun is 2.7 million miles which means it's so massive you can throw in 1.3 million planet Earth's to fill up the Balch all the Sun and that Sun begins you ready for this is always moving at 43,000 miles per hour okay not a trick question how many would say that's pretty big just want to make sure that we're on the same page four of you okay stay with me now here's what I think God did God says you made a bad decision Joshua you made a bad covenant it didn't pray pastor Tim you should have prayed about this and I think God shows up and says in this story I can take the largest and most massive object in the entire universe and naked do whatever I want it to do so I am able to make all things work together for good you know what God was saying this look like this you understand my boss he's a big net bigger than the Sun my husband's a big dummy bigger than the Sun I've got big debt bigger than the Sun my kids have big problems bigger than the Sun you don't want to counsel with me when you come in and go I don't think I can make it through this marriage and I'm gonna look at you and go he made the Sun stand still I think I got to get out of this debt so I'm gonna head and I'm gonna claim bankruptcy he made the Sun stand still if you're sitting here telling going like I don't want to do this anymore I'm out of Christianity because the battles are too big he made the Sun stand still I don't think I can make it here in New York City it's too tough he made the Sun stand still I don't think I can [Applause] there are some here and listen you're about to get a divorce from a covenant that God goes you didn't even invite me in you drove down the Jersey Turnpike saw some stupid lawyer advertisement I can get you out of a covenant for $300 and you didn't even realize you never got God into the Covenant and God says you didn't pray before but this is a good time to start praying that you're not going to become one of those other people that your kids are gonna have to see your husband on the weekends because I can take somebody who's a big atheist a big agnostic and the big and all the other other junk and I can turn this thing why he made the Sun stand still so you look why you angry and don't know [Applause] I'm the hangry I'm not angry he can make the Sun stand even if you prayed too late he can make the Sun stand still he wouldn't get his big body out of bed but God can make the Sun stand still I'm here all by myself he can make the Sun stand so I can't make it financially he can make the Sun stand still it didn't pray before pray now and invite God into a bad decision and say I can't do this by myself anymore and if you would just show me mercy because nobody else everybody yells at me about Joshua chapter 9 but I needed Jesus to show up in Joshua chapter 10 let me close and tell you two things the end of the story the history of the Gibeonites is pretty amazing Joshua was so upset with these people you know what he does in Joshua chapter 9 these people come from an idolatrous nation and this is what he says listen to Joshua 9:27 he says you know what you're gonna do you're gonna cut wood and bring water to the temple he does tells me says you're not even going anywhere your whole people are gonna be drawing water and cutting wood and you're gonna do it for the temple and you're gonna know this is what we do for God because Joshua was upset and those words in 9:27 seemed pretty angry words he just goes you're not even going home cut wood and bring water and you know it's amazing Bible historians tell us something incredible that the longer that the Gibeonites were cutting wood and drawing water what was amazing was Joshua's mistake because he invited God into the mistake started to turn the hearts of these people hundreds of years later you're ready for this this is incredible after the Babylonian captivity and after the destruction of the temple do you know who the next group of people to replace the Levites to start doing all of the work in the temple and they came a god-fearing people the Gibeonites hundreds of years later what you thought was going to be a problem God goes hang on if I can make the Sun stand still I can take an idolatrous people and I can make them God worshipers with everything that's going on in their life pastor Tim I don't want to make this mistake I don't want you to either but let me just say this making a good decision so you don't have to manage a gibeonites decision is really important can I just say these three things to you really quickly number one in every decision you have to make one start with prayer - does the Bible speak to the issue and three did I get wisdom from the people that have more journey and a wiser and smarter than I am I need wisdom from people that are not my cheerleaders going to go you go boy I don't need all that greatest words I've heard in this last month I told the men yesterday at the men's ministry and in in North Jersey was this I need people in my life listen that can know me and not just know me what does that mean that him I need people that can know and owe me and not just KN o W me I have to have people to go no don't do that no that's the right to say I don't need you going man I don't need you to do that it doesn't help me I need people that can know me and go that's dumb that's stupid huh yes I start with prayer I go to the word to see if the word speaks to this man I don't really sure if I should tithe to the church let me pray about it go to the Word of God let's see if it's there and then you're gonna come to somebody they're gonna go no it's not right you are supposed to give God wants that God won it in any decision start with prayer go to the word and go to wise people in your life it's so much better to pray in Joshua 1:9 than to pray in Joshua 10 but if you have to pray in Joshua 10 here's the joy God shows up it's so much better to get wisdom and 9 but man if I need a miracle God doesn't go you blew it you're on God's mercy is amazing for us as we close it goes through different seasons where's Greg thank you for singing the song that you sang today I there's two songs right now in my life that make me cry it's just two songs the first one is the star-spangled banner I don't know what it is I cry every time I could be at a Yankee game I could be anywhere if they start it's on TV I could I'll start crying I mean I'll just go like thank you God for her country I mean I cried every national and I I mean the star-spangled banner not like all the nation's national anthems the mayor so I'm a wreck during the Olympics every time we win something I just it just gets me second song is I can only imagine I cry every time I hear that song just something in me and you know what you know what I started even crying about today I'm going there people that are sitting here they're listening to my voice and sitting in the sanctuary that can't imagine that day you can't it just doesn't well we're going surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel well I bow before you Jesus or just in moments while I dance will I be quiet when I think about that day that I get to see Jesus my heart is just but some of you don't even have that imagination because you don't understand how much God loves you even in the pad decisions you've made can I just say this do you listen to me close the greatest decision you made today was to show up a church thank you for being here today you may be some friend listen I'm speaking to Monday Tuesday and Wednesday people maybe some friends sent you this and just kind of shared it with you on your on the text and your you're jogging right now you're on an elliptical you're at the gym right now you're driving you're stuck in the Lincoln Tunnel listening to me but let me just tell you this you are doing the right thing and I want to tell you that you've made a right decision just to listen just to pause and just to go because you can't imagine that day and that's why I want to just say this to you as we close listen to these words as Greg comes and plays that song but don't play it loud or I'm not gonna make it through okay listen thousands of years ago the story is told of another son another bad decision and how somebody kept the Covenant even though everybody else was was messed up it wasn't a constellation but it was actually the son of God himself the bad decision started all the way back in the book of Genesis and has gone throughout like a thread throughout of Hume at throughout humanity it's called sin and God begins to tell us today listen to me close the reason why we don't understand or can imagine heaven because we don't think God would even answer us or love us even in Joshua chapter 10 I didn't do what was right in Chapter 9 and I'm living so much junk in chapter 10 of my life would God even show up this is what makes God so amazing the Bible says in Romans chapter 5 while we were sinners enemies of God he died for us and kept the covenant with God himself folks look at me for a second he didn't say when they became good when they became when they got off their habits when they really came to church he didn't say that he said in your worst possible condition God loved us enough to die for us and to keep a covenant with God that literally God stood still for those hours while his son died on the cross for you and for me the Sun Stood Still for you today pastor Tim why can't I imagine heaven why doesn't that day become an assurance for me why can't I know today or how can I know today that if this life was over just like that if a hurricane Florence can be take out and just come and take out people's lives what how can I know today how can I imagine that day that I get to stand before him but what you say what would you cut him a good person that's good but that's not the way Jesus said you get to my house I've been going to church that's good thank you thank you for being but that doesn't get you to heaven it got you in the building but it doesn't get you there because you could be sitting here and still not imagine that day I haven't heard anybody and please continue home with that but that still doesn't get you to heaven I was confirmed I took my first communion I was water baptized those are all great things but that's not the directions to God's house the person that knows the best way to his own house is Jesus himself and Jesus said it like this listen to me these are Jesus's words these are Jesus's words who cannot lie jesus said this John 3:3 unless a man or woman is born again he can never enter the kingdom of heaven that's what Jesus it's not Time Square Church but I'm a Protestant I'm a Catholic I'm Jewish I'm a Muslim those are great great great that doesn't get you there listen to me close there will be no Protestants in heaven there will be no Catholics in heaven there will be no Muslims in heaven and there'll be no Jews who follow the Jewish faith in heaven it'll be only born-again people in heaven because those are direction screw that listen folks that's what Jesus said Jesus said that not us if you have a problem then take it up with Jesus he says I'm just repeating what he said no man can go to the kingdom of heaven unless they're born again pastor Tim what does that mean listen now listen close as sure as you have a birthdate a first birthdate you have to have a second birthdate I was born on December 22nd 1963 but there has to be a second birthday that's called being born again how does that happen pastor Tim but how does that take place listen close now because this is okay look at me every button here cameras everything eternity is too long to be wrong because if you're here today going are you going to heaven I hope so it's too long to hope so are you going to heaven I think so I want you to imagine that day and today can be your second birth date the Sun Stood Still for you if you're here and you go well I'm a Christian and amen Sun stands still for you but for you that are here and going how does it happen pastor Tim it's as simple as ABC a I admit I'm a sinner there's something broken inside of me that I can't fix with a priest the pastor a promise or a program only God can fix it from the inside out it's called sin none of us were born a floor model all of us needed assembly required how many know that's true every one of us were broken inside and it's admitting that the problem is called sin it's sin how do i how do I fix that pastor Tim it's be a it may be believed that Jesus died in my place that sin debt had to be paid for God but I couldn't pay it but God loved me so much because I didn't take care of the right things in Joshua 9 Joshua 10 says God still showed up out of his mercy and said listen I'm gonna pay the debt for you so here listen to me close so how do i how do I go ahead if he just then I'm good no no you have to RSVP for the party he died for the entire human race but you have to RSVP em you have to say I want to go to that party I want to be part of heaven I want to go to that place that I don't know if I'm gonna dance I don't know if I'm gonna fall I don't know if I'll speak I don't know if my mouth will be shut but I'm gonna imagine that day because and you need to know today that if I made that decision then all of a sudden I have my second birthday today I can be born again today a BA admit B believe C confess him as Lord saying you're the boss now it'll be things that God will veto and things that gotta say don't do that watch out for this do this the church will try to tell you religion will try to tell you if you want to be a Christian you got to stop this and do this that's not Christianity Christianity when he is Lord of your life you don't have to get good and then come to Jesus when I stop this I'm gonna become a Christian you come to Jesus with all your junk with all your baggage with everything that's going with all your Joshua 9 problems don't let anybody ever tell you don't let anybody ever tell you once you stop this you're gonna no you're gonna heaven than what they've done is they've added to the scripture the Bible says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that God has raised him from the dead and confess with your mouth you shall be saying he didn't say stop this continue this do this because I can't do it without the Holy Spirit in my life I need just simply to believe confess them as Lord and say God I'm starting the journey today I want you to bow your head with me please today the Sun stands still for you s o n today can be your second birthday born again not a Time Square Church word not a Protestant or a Catholic word not a religious word it is a Jesus word and I'm telling you before you leave this place today you can know that if I was to die today I get to go to heaven can I just say this a bad decision is just to walk out of here and not settle this this decision today that I want to be bored again you're gonna have a whole bunch of consequences pastor Carter said it the best when he says it is great growing old with Christ in your life can I just tell you growing old without God is a real rough path it really is and I have to tell you you can walk out of here and not be born again and call upon him at any point of your life that's the mercy of God he didn't go like you had your chance he's amazing but today I'm trying to save years I'm trying to save pain and tears today you could be born again balcony annex watching online sitting in this main floor I want to pray a born-again prayer I want to invite you to pray that born-again prayer and if you're here today and say pastor Tim I want today to be my second birthday my second birthday today I'm making that decision to be born again I'm making all over the sanctuary annex watching online 600 home fellowship groups listen to me close today I am going to imagine that I'm gonna be before him I know today because I was born again today I did what Jesus said and now I'm born again if that's you and say pastor Tim when you pray that born-again prayer I want to start today's gonna be my second birthday without any hesitation if that's you balcony main floor annex with every head bowed let me ask you this if that's you hold up your hand as fast as you can right now say put me in that prayer I want to be part of that hold it up high I want to make sure I see every hand that's up balcony keep them up keep them up every hand that's up here's what I want you to do if your hand is up do me this favor right now stand quickly to your feet balcony main floor quickly stand of your feet because I'm gonna get ready to pray with you quickly you're gonna have people that are gonna cheer for you right now come on grab for your app if you're standing quickly quickly okay listen this is important I'm so happy I'm so at and if that's you do me this favor you got a whole bunch of people gonna cheer you they're gonna be the kindest people if that's you balcony you got to do this for me I want you to get out of your seat and come right here I want to pray for you quickly as fast as you can come on let them go tap them on a shoulder go right decision great decision our Usher's will help you annex our Usher's will lead you I want to pray what a great decision you're making today come on quickly quickly you come Hey as they're coming can you clap for them and this be excited what God's getting ready to do come on this is a specialty this is gonna be a good day I'm excited I'm excited quickly let them come stand stand with them as they come come on stand on your feet and we're gonna play with them right now as these are coming to be born again I'm so excited that you're here today to be born again greatest decision of your life how many of you hear it are coming down and going like I've had a lot of bad consequences I've made a lot of bad decisions before okay look at me now you're about to make the best decision of your life today and that's why we're so excited we have some more coming and we're gonna wait for them to come this is so exciting for me today because this is that day okay this is let me just I want to just tell you one thing many of us have made a lot of bad decisions those chapter 9 decisions but you are making the greatest decision of your life today you really are and here's what's amazing some of you are still paying for those decisions but I'm gonna tell you this when you step into that brand new second birth you don't go by yourself God goes with you the Holy Spirit here's what I want you to do we're all gonna join with you I want us to pray this prayer together this is our RSVP saying I want to be in heaven I want to be born again can we all say this together come on let's say with these episodes say dear Lord Jesus I believe you're the son of God I believe that on the cross you took my sin my shame and my guilt and you died for it you faced hell from me so I wouldn't have to go you rose from the dead to give me a place in heaven a purpose on earth and a relationship with your father today Lord Jesus I turn from my sin to be born again come on say this would be God is my father Jesus is my Savior the Holy Spirit is my helper and heaven is my home in Jesus name and everybody said amen [Applause] right now what is that about you don't know Oh perfect okay look at me some of you go like what does that mean okay let me tell you what I want you to do your next step is I want you to go after this get coffee you're gonna have people high-five you so excited for the decision but here's your next decision you ready for this your next decision is this I want you to come back at one o'clock it is the we have a small setting right here in the sanctuary there's no music or anything it literally is just gonna be you and a few hundred people and the next class is called right now what know what now what's happening no I'm kidding what now is what it is which means what do you do after this this it could there be a better class for you what's the next what's the next step I'll do I got a dress up in suit so I got to do all I don't know what now what's the next step after being born again here's the here's the way I want you remember why are you going to heaven because you trusted Jesus directions to be born again that's why not because you're a Time Square Church because she trusted your life to Jesus he is forgiven of your sins and why don't I tell you this you can't imagine now because that day God goes you're my son you're my daughter can we just did I want to ask you this Greg greasing is one more time before pastor comes and here's one ask abuse this is gonna be maybe a little bit new to you maybe just lift your hand just a little bit just kind of like like this this may be this may be new for you you can even keep your eyes open it doesn't mean you have to close your eyes you have to some of you even here's what happens some of you can keep your hands up and even read the screen at the same time because you don't know the words to this but this is now you saying I can't imagine what's gonna happen on that day
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 10,831
Rating: 4.7794118 out of 5
Keywords: Tim Dilena, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: QY0OavuaJQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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