June 10, 2018 - Gary Wilkerson - How To Get What You Want

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let me pray for us and just ask the Holy Spirit's blessing on our time together father we we invite your presence to come and in a very manifest way that the presence of God be so real here that as it says in Corinthians that people would come into the house and they would sense the presence of God and they fall on their knees and say truly God is in our midst through the worship we've experienced that through the special song through that now the Ministry of the word we just come Lord Jesus to have your way we give thanks for it Jesus name and everybody said together amen a very unusual subject matter this morning maybe one you've never heard in church before maybe one when you first hear the subject matter title you'll think I've gone off the deep end off my rocker and maybe this will be the last time you'll ever see my face you've sent me off with a nice standing ovation and that'll be the last you see of me because I want to talk to you this morning about how to get what you want how to get what you want how to get what you wear this yesterday I had made my wife and have an amazing lunch I was so shocked it was here in Manhattan it was up on a upper level apartment building twenty-something floor it's up and on the table was spread out these beautiful fresh vegetables green salad different kinds of greeneries it was so fresh and then there's a beautiful protein some some some pork loins and what a lovely meal and then we went out to the the woman we were having lunch with she took us out into her balcony as a beautiful big balcony it was like wow this is great and overlooks part of the city and if you peeked over you could see the river I was just like wow what a great gift that she told me the story of how this came about she was in another apartment and through some economic differences in her life she was unable to sustain the rent in that particular place it was getting too expensive for and then they wanted to raise the rent as well and so she she needed to move she needed to find a different place to live and so she did what many people do that are living in Manhattan there's a change in cost of living or an increase you start looking maybe in you know further circles out into amazing places around the region as well and - maybe - you know it used to be Brooklyn now you can't afford Brooklyn right and then it was other you know then they went over into New Jersey says he was looking all around in upstate New York and New Jersey and Florida but not Florida looking for places close by where she could continue to work her job and have her friends and go to church here's church that she loves so much and she she was saying but but it was getting just she couldn't find anything there raising the rent where she is and everywhere else she looked even if she went out to the furthest parts of the region she would still be paying exorbitant prices than the transportation to get back in to the city and so she was saying Lord you know you know what my needs are you know I need a place and and maybe even if we don't mind asking the Lord sometimes you know what I want as well what I need a place to live with my daughter but what I would want is to stay in the city what I want is to have a place that is is right where we have our life already as she was praying for this she went into the lobby of her building and the building superintendent saw her and said hey you're the one looking for a new place let me show you place the building super town took her up to the same floor that she's already on opened the door of the apartment next to hers it was bigger than hers and had twice the size outdoor balcony and it was less expensive and that good news [Applause] what she needed was shelter what she wanted God gave her what we need we know God supplies he supplies all of our what's the word needs according to his riches in glory everyone in this building that has had any relationship at all with Jesus whether it's new or like me 50-plus years you know that God meets your needs can you say amen to that he meets your needs but I want to say to you today something that might surprise you he likes to meet your once Oh God look quieter but big a man with he meets your needs everybody's looking each other should be say hey man one day they said this or once Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 if you take a moment to go look there Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 says this now to him speaking of God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us all my math is not that great but I think I learned this in in school all is all right are you tracking with me and so to get immeasurably more than all those seams mathematically impossible if you already have all how do you get immeasurably more than all but that's exactly what was promised to us not just all in a sense of all your needs but immeasurably more than all here's my awl it's full and then God says somehow that overflows the cup overflows the the rivers overflow the blessings overflow the grace overflows the kindness of your father overflows the thoughtfulness of the father towards his children overflows the the the thoughts that he has for you and the plans that he has for you overflows into an abundance of grace goodness kindness and mercy that we don't deserve that we don't expect but the good good father loves to give to us my friend was experiencing Ephesians 3:20 when she found out that she needed a new apartment but that she got more than all that she could ask imagine according to his power I don't know about you but I have an amazing imagination it is amazing imagination when I grew up in New York here I used to play basketball every single day and so some kids want to be in the NBA I never really thought about that I just wanted to be my favorite player and so I'd be dribbling basketball and you have to excuse me from my old school like I don't you know LeBron and and then curry stuff I don't you know I don't know as much of them but Willis Reed and Walt Frazier and Dave the butcher so it's like I want to be Willis Reed you know I hope my skin turns black because I want to be black and I want to walk down the streets of Manhattan we're in a mink coat that was that was Walt Frazier if you remembered him back in the back in the day this was back in the 1840s for those of you that don't know you know Abraham Lincoln used to come to their games that was know and so I wanted to be that so I would just imagine you know I could and I would actually play old game and wolf Frazier has the ball there's 10 seconds left there's there's five guys covering him and he shoots falling away on one foot and his cores and they win the game and they carry him off and that's my imagination so and that has not gone away I still have an imagination I still things like Gary ten seconds left in the sermon that's why the crowd went wild more more than also so if he says Gary I gave you that imagination whether it be for your family I imagine amazing things for my family ah I imagine my children thriving and loving and and warm-hearted and Hospital having great hospitality and thriving in their destinies and their calling and being fruitful in life and love and ministry and and and being blessed to be generous everywhere they go I picture them be able to see a need and orphanage and be able to write a check just here or pay for that I just that's the kind of stuff I imagine and so god we have this picture of God saying like hey wait a minute wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah let's not get out of control I know I said above and beyond all that you think are magic but you know like writing checks for orphanages and your kids being content and you know healthy families like that you know you're asking way too much you know you know tamper it down sometimes we have that image of God that he's just a god that he sees some basic needs and says that's all you that's all I want to do for you I don't want to go beyond that because if I go beyond that you're gonna get proud or haughty or selfish or you're gonna get indulgent or you're gonna become materialistic or gonna become consumeristic God has a way of dealing with those things but he still loves to give he's a good good God he if he asked you to give where does that nature come from if you ask you to be generous is it because him in heaven saying hey I'm not gonna be generous but I expect you to be I don't want to give anything above and beyond what you think imagine but I expect you to do that no no no he is more giving than you are more giving than you'll ever be he's more generous than you'll ever be he's more more more thoughtful of things that you need and he knows it like you will never know I don't know all that my kids need my wife needs that my friends need that my church needs that you need but Jesus does he sees all that you need and the good news today is he sees what you want don't be guilty don't live in guilt and condemnation and shame don't don't keep rebuking yourself for wanting something God put a lot of those wants in your heart the message translation is Ephesians 3:20 says this God can do anything you know don't you like that God can do anything you know that he can do anything for far more than you could ever imagine or guess that's a good word too I guess God could do that way you can do a lot more than you guess he can do or request in your wildest dreams I believe that God is a God of our wildest dreams and it's still quiet in here but maybe before it's over will would be a little bit more tracking on the same page wanting has a bad reputation in Christian circles it really does we feel like well I'm not supposed to want I'm supposed to I'm supposed to just like accept what he wants to give and I know he'll meet all my needs so if I once I got to stop wanting something it's seen as selfish it's seen as greedy the Bible says he shall supply all your needs but we add he doesn't he doesn't promise - the Bible says he shall supply all your needs we quickly add our own non scriptural reference after that but he doesn't promise to supply all of our once have you heard that before I heard that my whole life he promised to supply all my needs but he didn't promised to supply all my once good thought makes sense but it's not biblical you added that I added that God didn't add that he likes to meet some of your wants not all of them we'll talk about that in just a moment what we fail to see is God's amazing goodness in supplying all of our needs and his extravagant nature of kindness as he adds the provision of many of our wants that he doesn't want us to live in guilt because there's something we have a desire in our heart he says that he loves to give us the desires of our heart and sometimes he'll give us the desires and sometimes he gives us our desires it's the desires not just it might sound more spiritual if he said he'll give us the desires of his heart that that I feel safer to me doesn't it to you because sometimes my heart you know asks for things that I shouldn't be asking for again we'll talk about that just a moment but but he wants to align our hearts to him to in such a way that become these wants these longings these desires these ambitions many people Christians don't like to wake up in the morning your snooze button barely exists because it's so worn out because I don't want to get up like because it's another day thank God it's Friday is the expression of many Christians where I think Christians should be saying thank God it's Monday because Monday I get to start a week loving on people and sharing the good news and walk in the streets of my city and getting on the subway and and sitting next to a homeless person and wrapping my arms around them and telling them jesus loves you so much looking for people who I did this yesterday in the hotel we're staying at one of the maids who is in the hallway with her cart and she walked up to him her and just said hey I want to tell you some good news I just I just want you to know this morning something greatest is happening and that what is it she said that's what's happening is that Jesus has love in you 24/7 and and she went well I'm a Muslim and and watch the world that didn't change anything Jesus loved is still good news jesus loves me 24/7 she tried to argue love it the way try to argue a little bit Kelly just kept saying that doesn't change anything jesus loves you and finally she said we're gonna be praying for you we're gonna see the glory of God that woman just lit up and so when you live like that you don't want to push the snooze button you don't wish you had another 10 minutes of sleep you you you would you you you're you get up before your alarm clock goes off and you say this is the day that the Lord has made I gonna rejoice I'm gonna be so so glad in it because because God's not just meeting my needs but he's meeting my as well I want to love people I want to touch people I want to minister to people I want a healthy family I want to I want to pay my bills don't you yeah so there's things that I want and God loves to meet my needs you see there's very few things we really need did you know that I need to be saved and that's about it I'm serious like you said well you need food no because if I die I'm saving I'm gonna have a feast it's waiting for this I don't I don't need food I mean look like I need it but I don't I don't need a you need a house to stay and no if I don't have a house to stay in all the elements might kill me and I get a mansion in heaven so I don't need a house I'm okay without a house I live in Colorado I can get a tent if I don't have finances I got richer stored up for never heaven on streets that I walk him in gold so so I don't need it I just need to get saved you know and once I'm saved then I got everything I need I got Jesus I don't need anything but Jesus so everything else in my life is a want I want a healthy family that's that's that's a want I want a good job that's a want I want a nice if you don't mind me saying that sounds greedy maybe but I want a nice house to live in I I much prefer living in a nice house than I do in a you know a shipwreck you know living in some ratty place you know I just don't want to be there you may want to be there and say like I'm suffering for Jesus like well and so I'm gonna say I'm gonna go crazy right I don't even need air hold my breath till i faint and I and I go do that go to heaven it's like you know somebody's all I need is the air I breathe now I don't even need that so so when it comes to him supplying all my needs according to his riches and glory that my list is very short I don't know about yours so everything else for me is in the category of once and that makes it fun it's like I kind of want this Lord I kind of like to see this happen I I I want to be married I am already but that but I want to be I want to stay married and smooth oh look would you want to stay married to this in here I'm gonna called you this before look at this look at look at her look at her she's amazing she gets pretty every year we've been married 40 years I want to stay married and I want to be happily married I don't want to and and whose God say to me well you know gave you a wife now you're asking for a happy one you're keeping me far too busy son just just stay satisfied that you got married you're lucky you got married I can't believe you're asking me for more now that that's ridiculous stop it I want to see my four kids live great I want to say when I want to when I see them I want to see I want to see the huge smile on their face and in order to give me big hugs and say I love you dad I'm so how are you doing I'm so and I don't want him to say I'm fine fine fine is an excuse for somebody who's covering up my life is miserable I wanted to say I am amazed I am delighted I am overwhelmed God is good life is amazing I'm so happy I'm so filled with joy this is this is where the way our life as Christians is meant to be everything else that we have or once but I have a lot of of once I I want to live a life that's fulfilled I want to I want to I want to be radically in love with Jesus every single day I want to know the word really well I have other wants too I have other ones I want to I want to lost a little bit of weight I want to keep it off because if you charted my weight loss up and down it would look like the stock market you know it usually it would crash at times and then to be like and so I want I want to lose weight but I want to keep it off I want to I want to stay in good physical health I want to exercise a little bit more because I find when I exercise I wake up a little bit more refreshed in the morning and I have a little bit more energy in the day then I get to serve Jesus even better so I want to I want to be in good health do you want to be in good health you want to be in shape those 16 people that are clapping their hands right now there's a class called body weights Church and Sun so you don't have to go because you're already there it's those who didn't clap need to come to that class check it out you may be laughing but I'm serious I'm serious I do that every day Pastor Carter does that everyday just moving the body as we get older if we don't move our bodies somebody else will have to I want all God has for me I want I want to live I wanna have a fruitful ministry I want people that I minister to to prosper and be blessed and grow and be challenged and stressed stressed stretched I want I want you to I want to preach sermons I love preaching I want to I want I wanted to preach to that woke up I cannot wait to preach I can't believe they invited me to preach a Time Square charge one of the greatest churches in the world I get some I didn't come here today like another sermon I got a preach oh my goodness of count wage and I got to fly to this place and I got up now I was like yay high Square amazing Church and I get to stand up here and take two hours to share my heart with you I want to preach what I want to preach well today too is that is that is that greedy or selfish evil or is that from God I want to preach well today and I want you to be more than ever before and I want you to experience more now than ever before the the nature of God and the character of God and the love of God for you so that you might wake up every morning and live every Monday and live every day of your life saying this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and I promise I'm gonna be I'm gonna be glad in it I'm not gonna survive in it I'm not gonna press through and it I'm not gonna survive I'm gonna thrive in it because he made it for me and he made it to be filled with my needs being met but he made it to be filled part of the great desire a joy fulfilled is a happy thing when your joy is fulfilled when things are not there's a discontent oftentimes in our heart so desires unmet can cause discontentment and sometimes yes we have to suffer through that and there are hardships and there are long periods of times where we go without and Paul understood that like we do we know what it's like to be shipwrecked we know what it's like to be beaten we know what it's like to to be in trials and tribulations beyond our understanding and to be Greve we know what it's like to grieve when we noticed like to suffer loss but the reality of our day is through it all through it all as Andre Crouch said years ago I've learned to trust in Jesus I've learned to trust in God and when I could and I have joy when I wake up when the calm Lakes are all around me and I wake up with joy when I'm seeing storm waves rage and roar and roll and thunder clouds and claps of thunder and peals of lightning or all surrounding me and threatening me my life my family my ministry my finances my health when I needa that's under threat as it has been many many many times I can say through it all I've learned to trust in Jesus and Jesus and Jesus makes me happy I'm a happy pastor I'm a happy man Oh God I'm a happy prayer warrior I'm a happy intercessor I'm a happy missionary I'm a happy evangelist I'm a happy leader of world challenge I'm a happy guest speaker here at Time Square Church today is that selfish is that greedy is that evil then if it's not God suggesting that good healthy beautiful love and giving experiences of things we want is selfish greedy and evil then who is do you hear what I'm saying if if what I'm talking about is not evil selfish and greedy then who's suggesting to you that it is the devil there are times where I've I've asked God for something and I felt man that seems kind of selfish years ago when Time Square Church first started my wife and I were on staff here I was working for my father we had one son our second son was born we moved to New Jersey our third we started to be given this bigger family and so and I'm kind of an outdoor guy I grew up in New York but then I moved to Texas when I was in high school I got a job on a ranch working with horses and cattle and and it was like the greatest time in my life so I fell in love with the country please don't hear me saying second-class people live in the cities because these are the great cities of the this is the great city of the world and you had of an envious position as if you live here in the city but just for me my nature I'm built for the country but I was living here working in the city and I was getting a little bit like huh I want my kids to grow up with some land and some you know just some property and and the Lord said well what do you want and I said I rebuke you in the name of Jesus [Applause] and uh and the second time the Lord said to me the same day no tell me what's in your heart what do you desire what do you want second I did as I said I rebuked that voice in the name of you foul spirit you will leave my house we do not take authority over me and the third time the Lord said what do you want I said I rebuke it stop rebuking me it's Jesus this is ridiculous I've never been more rebuked in my life ah so so I stopped and I said well I said and I was just so shy as I can't believe I'm gonna say this I'm gonna say this I hope there's no lightning it's Oh God I want to live in Colorado and and the Lord said Wow beautiful that's a great place to live let me make the arrangements I went and took a shower my phone rang I just reached over got out of the shower for telling me it was my friend Steve Steve said hey this is blue but I've been praying for this past week I'm opening up a ministry in Colorado would you be willing to move there and help me start this ministry [Music] I hung up the phone about an hour later another friend of mine colleague goes hey I'm in Wyoming every every week I travel down to this Bible study in Denver Colorado and it's just going to be too much that's growing and a lot of people there I was wondering if you would be interested they're looking for a pastor would you be willing to move to Colorado and help start the small group of people to launch a church in Denver Colorado this is the same day this is two hours later thank you Jesus he gives us the desires [Applause] now now there are times he says no would you remember James and John wanted to call fire from heaven and strike down a whole city and burn them up and you said yeah we're not going there today let's hold off on that idea but pretty much some anything else you might want let's talk about that but so there are some things that that we don't want James chapter 4 verse 1 says evil desires that war within you you want what you don't have you scheme and you kill to get it this is where the enemy has twisted scripture just as the enemy did when he was tempting Jesus to be derailed and so Satan has twisted the scripture where we no longer say Satan wants you to get to live for evil desires and if he can get you to live for evil desires he'll get you to believe that all desires are evil did you follow that he wants you first of all to live for evil desires carnal fleshly sexual immorality drunkenness greed but if he can't get you to do that he just wants to take one word out of this scripture evil and put start the sentence with desires desires then war within you you want and you don't have your scheme and kill to get it and so he Satan wants us to believe that desires are evil not evil desires are evil and and just in case you don't know I'll make it super clear for you evil desires are evil good desires are okay Wow there you go you're with me 100% thank God me as I told you earlier wanting health wanting a family my friend wanting a new apartment was that evil or were those those things that God has a good good father loves to give gifts to his children desires are not evil evil desires are evil you want what you don't have what you want why because you don't ask see most of us would if we had to fill in that blank ourselves say we would say you don't have what you want because I have an evil and unbelieving heart my heart is deceitfully wicked and therefore I don't even know what to want everything is evil but that's not you know because your time score church and you know the New Covenant what has God given you a new a new heart so your heart is not wicked and unbelieving your heart is not deceitfully wicked anymore you have a new heart and it is starts with the letter C what is it CLE CL Co how far we have to go before you get to see now e a and wait go clean you have a new and clean and Jesus like heart it's in you the same spirit that raised Christ was dead dwells in you that is amazing so so your heart now has love joy peace giving prosperity security family wonderful friends meaningful work those are not evil desires are they no no no they're not evil desires you have these things because you ask and you have a loving father who likes to hear what you're asking him and likes to release all the powers of heaven and all angelic forces and all resources of heaven to come to earth to see that he is showing and demonstrating his love for you that's good news when I was about 8 years old I was looking at a comic book and on the back page of the comic book there was this I think a 300 or so piece civil war set I don't you ever seen that the little plastic men and half of them are blue and half of them were grey you know what that means right north and south and they had cannons a little bait little cannons little plastic cannons and and horses there is a Calvary like 12 of these guys of the 300 of blue and 12 of the grey were on horses and then there was this huge like unrolled like a tablecloth and it had rivers and pictures of mountains and fences and then he actually had even more plastic fences that you know you can get guys caught on and like paint some blood on it was just like just my imagination went wild I can't wait to get this and my dad is a very generous if you remember him or know him personally so Jen and so I said this is a done deal I mean it just you know if he says no just tell me like you know hey you helped thousands of drug addicts around the world your own son you it's just once so I took the I took the comic book out I remember I'll never forget I just like like it happened yesterday this like he was sitting in a lounge chair in our back patio and and I show the dad look at this 300 sets Civil War set you know only $29.99 three easy payments it's like even you could afford this this come on this is gram we get this we could play together be amazing and this look I never seen it on my dad's face he's never been cranky one day and my life growing up he never yelled at me he never once raised his voice of me but looked amigos why do you ask me for things I give you everything you need and you come out here and now you're asking me for stuff like this no you can't have that and stop asking me for stuff and I just went wow like this I was shocked it's like I felt so guilty I felt ashamed like wow I'm so I'm so selfish so greedy it's just you know he's right you know I got a nice house to live in and wonderful family and go to church and I pray and and it's just like you know so I got everything in need so I'm so ashamed that I wanted more than I should have the more than I deserved and and I and it kind of started me thinking like you know it's not good to ask for things it's not good to want things it's not good to ask somebody you trust for things because they might not be in a good mood they might be going through something bad maybe God does a lot of us see God in a bad mood a lot of times don't we it's it's it's his son that's in the good mood Jesus is happy and the father is you know Destructo and so so you know we don't ask the Father for things and so it kind of set something in motion in my heart six weeks later my father walks in he has this big box I'll never forget it was big this big box and he says Sam look your name is on eight years old I've never gotten mail before in my life this is my first piece of mail it's bigger than any mail my any of my family's ever gotten so like man I am special I got this piece of mail like this open and I just ripped it open it was that Civil War set and and we and he put it on the table he opened it up and he says let's play and I said okay but I get to be blue I says I remember that I couldn't wait to be blue and goes okay I'll be the sound and and it's no offense if you live in the south watching online we love you in the south and so so we set up this thing and I remember like we had all set up and I was I had my horses here on my Calabrese attacking my Calvary's attacking David Wilkerson yeah and I'll never forget he took his Calvary we're like oh I'm getting out of here he ran away it was like one of the best days of my life it was amazing my father taught me a lesson I prayed that you would learn in this house today you have a good good father he knows what's in your heart he loves you so much he he wants to meet all of your needs according to his riches in glory but he wants to meet the desires of your heart as well and then not only that he wants to surprise you with it and open the package and then be there with you and experience it with you it doesn't just say yeah I'm gonna help you have a happy marriage but I'm gonna be there with you in the marriage I'm gonna have wonderful children but I'm gonna be there with you and celebrate your children yeah your children are doing so good I'm so happy for you it's not like your children really should be much better than they are right now I just my expectations were much higher around your children I just it's like I'm not sure why I'm talking like a nerd I don't think I've ever talked like a nerd before but we flawlessly see God sternly demanding us to live things we don't want to live and to light things we don't want to like and to do things we don't ever want to do and to avoid pleasant experiences at all cost and and make sure if you're having a good time you cease immediately get back to tithing money you don't want to give to anybody make sure you're going through enough church services each week that you're sufficiently no I don't want to say this because it's a good church but some people would say board make sure you're reading enough devotional books and make sure they're from people who are already dead because because dead theologians obviously must be better than the new ones today because God's not doing anything good or new today he only did it back in two seventeen hundreds and before that that's not make sure you you you I was at a meeting in Poland recently and a young man walked up and there's like I guess there's a division in eastern air between Pentecostals and charismatics Pentecostals they don't clap their hands when their church that we're head coverings what sometimes women sit on one side men are those charismatic sar crazy they dance and they saying and laugh and they and and this man walked up to me and said you sounds like a covers medic and I went like yeah charisma means in Greek means gifts I have gifts in spiritual I am a Pentecostal I hate charismatic s' I said wow I'm so sorry brother so sorry you hate them because that's nice but what he was talking about hating the joy hey in the life hating hating the freedom and so it's like some of us was like you know we want to it's like we feel like if we don't go to the Church of our perpetual response to Our Lady of Perpetual responsibility we're not you know going to a healthy church it's like we have to go to two places that are difficult on us and and I believe God is saying to us he wants something for us that is good for us that he's extremely passionate about and I'm impatient the reason I love being here this morning is I am passionate about seeing people's lives where there's lost people that we meet in hotels or airports or restaurants in our hometown to sharing the love of Jesus but I'm also passionate about them or us in this church today coming alive once again coming up and saying this is the day and coming up and not hitting that snooze button coming up and saying thank God it's Monday and thank God it's Tuesday it's not I thank God for what why wouldn't we want to thank God for every single day of the week I'm extremely passionate about seeing the will of God fulfilled in your life I wanted to see you thrive and not just survive I want to see you living not just lives but abundant lives that's what Jesus said he had promise for you I don't want you to just exist or survive I wanted to see you come into the fullness that Jesus has for you you say isn't this just positive thinking or Gary have you got off the trail like into positive thinking imagine this with me David King David or where before he was a king the young man and he sees Goliath there and and he says to himself I'm gonna take this guy down keep my little stone knocking this dude out instantaneously watch this oh wait a minute that's positive thinking I better think like who am i what am i why am I here hey brothers come help out because I can't do this that's the mentality that many of us believe is holy I can't I shouldn't I shouldn't try that's why so many Christians are living bored mediocre mediocre lifeless abundant list less challenge less exciting less lives because they are afraid of positive thinking they're afraid of thinking I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you're afraid of thinking with one stone that giant can fall they're afraid of thinking hello we're at the red edge of a river we better go back no there think positive thinking godly thinking is saying no this river will open and we're gonna walk through on dry ground it's believing God it's not a worldly positive thinking that's a bunch of hogwash that's a bunch of pop psychology and Oprah Winfrey nonsense it's it's it's it's just it's it's this is Jesus thinking Jesus yes is the glass half empty or the glass half full for Jesus the glass is overflowing it's overflowing it's not even four it is it is more than four okay I'm gonna wrap things up real quickly here three quick things take about three minutes one minute on each one three things you can do to experience a life full of your desires being met in Christ Jesus according to his riches and glory according to the desires that he places into your heart number one eliminating all evil and selfish wants and desires if you say I want to hold a grudge against my surly deadbeat in there Darrell husband the rest of my life thank you God for giving me everything I want I want him to get hit by a bus today okay number one eliminate evil once and how do you do that study to show yourself approved dig into the word you'll learn here so okay don't want jealousy don't want sexual them don't want your neighbor's wife okay so that's that's off my list now you know okay don't be greedy so you'll be satisfied I've got you know I got enough now I can give more and and I thank God through his abundance but I'm not gonna live in greed and like you know every book I read it has the title money in it you know just not gonna go there and so I read my Bible that says okay so I can eliminate those things and and and then begin to ask the Lord Lord if you're gonna give me my wants the first thing I want is to not want this that's what I want I want to not want to be greedy to be selfish to be angry to be prideful to be bitter to be unforgiving I don't want that's a once right so even are say they're not supposed to have what you want well maybe you might not get that then and you'll be practicing these things that God says eliminate to illuminate from your life number to illuminate all the good and cure wants of Scripture love joy peace patience kindness goodness generosity health provision prosperity grace peace just presence of God love of Jesus evangelistic power love from your neighborhood all these things saying I want that yeah a family Matt it's not bad but to if you're single your day and you want to get married don't let go to vibe you know as Paul says is so better to be single like as I so please God please God no please god no don't just throw around scriptures like a blanket like I'm supposed to wear this say what you want tell god what you want and tell people what you want I mean maybe not today during the church service as you see somebody back that could be scared hey I want Gary said I wanted to be Mary the baby I want you you know it's not don't don't go there that's so illuminating illuminating all good things many of us been afraid to ask or want because of fear of disappointment you grew up in a family I had about one experience that was somewhat minor really traumatic to me I remembered it but you have had traumatic experiences in your family you've grown up where every day you've been hurt and abused and wounded and neglected and forgotten and and so for you to want something this is very dangerous but I want to say to you please I pray that the Holy Spirit would anoint you to hear this with your ears and receive it in your heart you have a good good father who's not like your earthly father he loves you he cares for you he's different he's he's other he's he's unique he's one of a kind and he does nothing but he blessings upon his children to eliminate the things that are evil in our heart so that we could live a good and godly lifestyle identify it clearly don't be afraid to say it quick experiment all right in 5 seconds and 10 seconds I'm gonna ask you what you want and I want you to shout it out okay and and and just what and don't don't say Jesus cuz you already got him okay and and nobody's gonna give you like you know you're offering back today if you yell out Jesus that's now if you don't know Jesus that's please say that cuz that's the best thing in the world seek him first and everything else to be added unto you so so maybe if you don't know Jesus that'll be the greatest thing you'll ever do and so just in five seconds just I want you to shout the name Jesus and and we'll pray for you today to get saved to get to know him to fall in love with him and to receive the knowledge and insight of who this good good father we're talking about is today but but if but if you already have Jesus you have all that you need something that you really want okay something specific okay ready five four English shout out five four three two one that was decent I didn't hear anything anybody said so but for many of us it's hard to actually think of something we want because we've been so trained no no no no please don't want to I want to do you know I want to give one of the others take take care of yourself salt proverbs says my own vineyard I haven't kept I've kept the vineyard of others but my own vineyard I haven't kept it and it's not selfish to say there are certain things in your life that our desires of your heart lastly is activate so eliminate illuminate get clear have it in your mind put it on a prayer journal here's what I want God here's what I'm praying for here's what I'm believing for and God might say no and you don't get disappointed with him and and you just just learned okay that's in the category of a no that's fine sometimes it's a no lastly activate your once through actions so I've talked to people they say you know I went to the doctor that day and my blood pressure is through the roof it's crazy huh I want my blood pressure to come down wow they're eating a doughnut I want my blood pressure to come down meet me at Long John Silver's we'll have some fish and chips together I'm gonna pour you know this much salt on the french fries and then we'll go to McDonald's and have a McFlurry extra large you know it was like okay if sometimes the things that you want you have to participate with the father who's giving it to you so he so he has given you DNA molecules blood types things working and functioning in your body that if you will do what he says to do and be live a healthy life and eat well the if he's if he's telling you that yeah I wanna I wouldn't lose a hundred pounds or I want my blood pressure to come down then he says to you okay I want you to have that too but you have to eat well it doesn't it doesn't just disappear like I said at the the pastors conference like you cannot have a three scoop Roundy sundae with extra fudge and pray over it say Lord take out all the calories it doesn't the New Covenant as good as it is does not cover that and so so you have to activate through action some of your saying I just wish I had a steady income at a better job even though I've quit the last six jobs because my boss wasn't nice to me or the working that somebody was smoking during the break or I didn't get a raise quick enough stay with it work hard you want a steady income then take some action you have to maybe invest in learning a little bit more about your Treanor or go to night school or just say there's certain things that that I want in my heart say once you release the once once you illuminate the once in your life it's going to give you the action plan you're gonna say yeah I wanted to go there yeah I want to do that I'm going to be an artist but I don't want to go to art school and I just wanted to come as a gift just like looks like Mickey Mouse let's say not good no Study Bible even says in a study to show yourself approved does that mean you just only if your preaching sermons and you study your Bible no it's study your craft studying the things that interest you find something that you're passionate about and give yourself hold hardly to it it is not wrong to say I want a few minutes a few minutes ago when I was saying to you what do you want you shouted some things out was there anybody in here today that was an agreement but yeah I like this thing about want and maybe the first step if if the Bible's true and says seek first the kingdom of God that's Jesus and then everything else will be added unto me that reality let me start off today by taking that first step in getting to know Jesus then we'll start dealing with some of the all these other things will be added unto you a little bit later but if that's you you said that or maybe you didn't say it but you would wish you would have said it and you or you want to say it you want to get prayerful right now that that Jesus thing might become your reality today would you just raise your hand wherever you are up in the balcony you're saying you either said Jesus or you want Jesus yes ma'am yes sir yes ma'am anyone else come on raise your hand there's some others here over here is there more there's got to be more there's like there's probably a hundred people that probably will raise their hand right now just AG yeah anyone else it's just for wait for you just say I'm not gonna ask you to come to the front I'm just gonna ask you to raise your hand we're gonna pray for you right where you are anyone else all right Jesus three or four people here today I'm blessed there's no way I could I love walking through hotels and talking to staff and I like walking down the streets and stopping and praying for people but there's no way I could leave three people to Jesus today and I got a chance to do that right now and I'm leading three people to Jesus here maybe maybe more I didn't see but everyone that raised their hand Jesus introduce yourself to them tell them I'm your friend I'm your Savior I forgive all your sins I take away all the evil of your past if you just confess your sins you'll forgive me for all my unrighteousness and now Jesus you will give me a whole new heart and a whole new life I receive that now in the name of Jesus my friends the Bible calls that being born again like a whole new start old things pass away and all things become new come to the one o'clock service to begin to learn about this new life that your experiences but right now thank you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you have received salvation let's put our hands together thank you lord I want to pray for your once now I don't know if you've ever had anybody prayed for what you want but I'm gonna do that right now how many have a big want in your heart maybe it's even a desperate one maybe it's even a crucial like this is kind of life and death it's it might be close to a need and so relieve your head your head up for long leave it up the whole time I'm praying would you even if your hand gets tired get in shape in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Thank You number one deliver us from false guilt shame and condemnation number two delivers from evil desires that we'd not want selfish ambitions we've got one strife we do not want selfish gain and and filthy lucre as the Bible calls we'd not want things you don't want us take that away oh but God there are things in our heart that you have planted from long ago there are things you put in our DNA that we were created for and God there are artists in this room and there are financial geniuses in this room and there are business creators in this room and there are singers and dancers in this room and there are administrators in this room and God there are people who work on construction sites that just have a love for that you know get ripping things up and getting things done and bless them God their creative nature and all that there are teachers in this room God there are some that are just ready to give up now and we say no in the name of Jesus you will not give up and we put now behind us all shame combination we walk out of this building today say wow this following Jesus is much better than I ever imagined because he's for me and not against me in the name of Jesus amen [Music]
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 9,211
Rating: 4.4556212 out of 5
Keywords: Gary Wilkerson, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: ge91SbAEnFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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