[Sep 30, 2020] [Attempt 2, Part 1] 1.16 All Advancements Speedrun (Random Seed Glitchless)

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papa hey okay mitch hope i'm well i'm okay i'm good hey everyone if we can get an attempt going today uh hold on to setting up everything like i said last time there's so much to set up but just give me a moment hey wayzone hey everybody what's up everybody your viewers oh man thanks for the 200 bits all right let's get to it let's get let's let's do it okay okay okay okay okay okay all right okay don't worry if i if i uh [Music] don't don't worry about it wait hold on i never mind okay oh village guys don't worry about it if i if i continue to do this entire run and we finish the stream will not be a night stream it's going to be a an all day stream but don't worry we said for ocean spawn that is true that is true i do need an ocean hopefully there's clark thanks for the twitch twitch prime wait there's an ocean wait this is okay wait this is my first run and we got an ocean let's go thank you for streaming again i get mad productive when i have your stream in the background only you specifically i don't know why thanks for the three dollars i don't i don't know why either but that's cool all right well we got a long ways to go we're not we're gonna kill the dragon asap 12 seconds getting their poggers but why are your provinces so stupid like just make edwards island part of another province damn um i don't know thanks for the cheering sub right all right all right guys stone pickaxe guys we did we got the stone pickaxe we just saved five hours from my last time or it took me five hours to make a stone pickaxe oh my gosh that's crazy literally five hour time save oh god it seems like a decent seed wait wait a minute imma take that don't mind me let's kill the golem i'm sorry buddy don't know how late it is yeah it's pretty late don't worry i'm fine no my dragon egg did not fall in the void no you're wrong you're very wrong okay hey nate almost midnight true where am i from alberta uh we better finish this round if we don't finish this run i'm gonna be very upset i wanna be i'm gonna cry i'm not gonna cry but we better finish this is there a lava pool uh lava please i should get like iron armor and stuff i don't know i i should just go nether i just need lava what do i sound like mr beast i don't i don't know you know what why does mr b sound sound like me have you ever asked that one i don't think so i was i was born first i'm the original mr beast i'll check the temple before i go nether do i have back pain no not really i'm just kind of uh i don't know i woke up feeling weird i just feel a bit tired but oh well we weren't we're fine not tired as in like i want to go to sleep i the last thing i want to do is already don't worry like the last thing i want to do is sleep right now but i don't know i feel i don't feel energetic i get i mean i don't know how to put it to be honest yo thanks for the twitch prime ron flesh we need one of those bone saddle let's go there's lava below me as well is what we're going to do raw rabbit i can check that off spider-eye check that off run flash all right let me just check off brad raw rabbit rotten flesh and spider eye hog that's four we're getting there okay let's get the tnt um i died the first time thanks for the twitch prime appreciate it very much buy a cherry coke what's the point of buying a cherry coke okay i need gravel you know what let's not make them the same mistake as last time let's like get the easy stuff if we can raw beef easy clown tip sending you good energy raw pork easy clap raw chicken easy clap ah where's gravel easy okay let me write those let me check those off raw beef raw chicken and raw did he rock pork chop i did right okay raw pork chop easy clap okay let's go thank you for the twitch prime julia appreciate it all right time to eat some raw dolphins no here rock cod rock hot is done check that off okay we're getting there guys we're we're getting there i need flint bam bam bam bam raw dolphin yeah i don't think i would what would i feel like this game would be much more controversial if you could eat dolphins just a bit cooked bread raw delphi that doesn't sound right never say that again hey where is my lava where is the lava okay no sizzler i died so i'm not continuing that i like i i lost my elytra so i have to redo it fortress please give me the fortress luck again we already got the fortress look last time can we do it again i don't think we're getting lucky again ah i kind of wanted to kill him what i think i'm dead oh okay oh god what is going on how did i not die the vex didn't kill me we're fine oh gosh this is so scary uh uh don't kill me please order where is that lava coming from why is there so much lava pouring down i feel like i've done something wrong game is punishing me uh what have i done wrong game oh god stop it stop it should i i wonder if i should just reset for a fortress i don't know well last time the fortress is in one of these blinds maybe you'll be here again maybe i feel like i should reset this world i don't know i don't know right a strider right well i should have gotten a mushroom here right i should have i should have i forgot i could do that oh god let's go we got the hardest advancement guys that's the hardest one we did it we're on good pace oh i didn't know this is wait what's another way i'm lost he lost me zach yeah this includes how do we get here hold on why would we do it like this hello claire thanks for the chance i appreciate it ah what is going on yeah we're out of bastion i don't like being in the spineless but i'm so mancha always yo wait hold on rov thanks for the tier one sub oh this bastion has a lone stone in it i can get that too yeah i need to get return to sender probably gives you a lot of xp wow stop it um what i'm dead stop don't even i don't even care if i die cuz like i don't know not a good run anyway i need i don't have a fortress i'm dead ah what's the hardest achievement probably how did we get here or just have every single effect at once i should probably make boots where are all these guys at is there a lodestone i swear there's a lodestone around here somewhere [Music] i think that chest has a load stone in it let's go i guess i could do another travel to get out let's down just for an advancement where's this other guy where the other guy what oh hog what don't i need don't need that yo i don't know yo can i get the obsidian yo q1 thanks for the gift sub appreciate it okay i need four more obsidian more pearls would be nice too yo thank you thunder i dropped that there [Music] 64 nuggies where's my crafting table whatever there's so much useless stuff oh wait i should probably keep the glowstone i can do this respawn anchor that's right oh my gosh this is a bit mocker oh i have that too wait i can do this right now i think hold on let's let's see let's see i need seven just have enough let's go [Music] look at all that obsidian i think we're done here right [Music] okay they're done and these guys are done let's get out of here we gotta find a thingy don't fall in lava dude ah oh that angle so bad oops we're fine we're fine we're fine come on fortress i just need a freaking fortress come on what [Laughter] [Applause] well uh i just need to not have soul send here we go oh i also need to kill a guest any casts in the chat oh guys i'm gonna lose like i'm gonna lose like most of not most but a good amount of my subscribers because a lot of my subscribers were from my uh all versions stream so i'm gonna lose a lot of them i think by the end of the stream i'm to lose a lot of them oh well rip die are you oh yeah i have fire res oh god i'll name it for 30 seconds mancha just get me out of here oh thank you for the subwoofer that was sorry i was trying to pick i was paying attention to not dying sorry make a shield you're right use right use right where is the freaking where's the thingy where's the fortress where's the fortress i'm charging thoughts thank you for the twitch prime thank you i will find the fortress i will demolish it i will burn it down i don't care if i can't do that i'm gonna find a way i'm scared this is probably the scariest buy i'm going to throw pearls in now i have lots of notes there's a lot of advancements where you need we need to like keep track of like what you've already did like a lot of them so have that checked i have like checklists of all those of um how did we get here stuff written down like all the things i need for that so yeah my my plan is to just beat the game as fast as possible which is not going well if i can just beat the freaking game then i do all the adventuring like the adventure achievements or advancements then i'll eventually go back to the nether and do all the other stuff so yeah and how do we get here is gonna be like one of the last things i do i don't know what the last thing i'm gonna do is it depends on like uh what happens but yeah how do we get here is gonna not be for a while how do we get here is every single effect in the game all out having every single effect not just like i don't like just having every single effect at once so it's kind of it's pretty hard how do you get levitation uh use it you have to use a shulker so i have to bring a shulker to the overworld i have to get a shulker in a bow and then bring him all the way to the overworld so yeah well i wasn't expecting that [Music] we got hot tourist destinations before we found a fortress that's just that says that says a lot about this freaking new nether kiln thanks for the gifted sub thanks for the good luck geo i don't think how did we get here is hard per se it's more like just a lot of preparation like the preparation is what makes it hard there's a lot of things you have to do sizzler why do i have your luck i don't want your look i don't want your nether luck is it possible to grab a bridge no i don't think so when tony williams thanks for the tier one dub do you have a gold time in mind under if i can get to under 24 hours i'm gonna be so happy but thanks for the sub i hope i get around around under 24 hours that's my goal i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do it especially with this nether okay i'm gonna reset i think anyway this is so bad i think i think i should just reset anyway yeah okay this one's over i'm dead rip oh wait i forgot about this yo ideas thanks for the tier one seven all right well everyone was dead anyway that fortress was so bad there's no freaking fortress anywhere whatever whatever wait as i actually have to set up my notes again pull up gonna take a second after like reset my notes [Music] okay we're ready again all right i mean i guess i can share my notes after the stream when i'm done it's kind of insane my notes are kind of crazy this is bad am i doing i'm doing pretty good i don't know which mama i'm gonna vote for i'm not really i didn't really look too much at the new mobs to be honest we got a lava if there was a village right here there was a village right here i'll be pogging hey dream what's good i don't know why i'm doing i mean i don't know why i'm doing this i'm gonna be honest but here we are what do i vote for you have words of encouragement wait are you calling me hold on oh lumina hello wow you're gonna do it right now you're going to beat the game and you're going to get all the achievements and you're going to win and you're going to do it in 10 minutes okay do you want to hear me do you hear me you're going to hear me 10 minutes you're going to do it i'm gonna do it yes i'm gonna do it you are you're gonna do it you're gonna kick some ass and you're gonna you're gonna get all the achievements all the advancements all the advancements on 1.16 on a random seed in glitchless you're going to break the record and you're doing it this stream right now so if you guys ever leave you are dumb you are dumb if you leave you better stay to watch this man beat this and you better use your twitch prime it's free you can use it you can click it it's completely free thank you i really oh i'm good um you know i'm just doing this challenge hopefully i can achieve it you know just just try my best you know chill vibes good here all right that's all i really had to say i just wanted to thank you so much that's so kind good luck on your uh your stream if you ever need more if you're ever doubting yourself you need some words of encouragement i am one call away i'm just just letting you know okay i'm here okay thank you okay thanks oh my gosh bye where the hell was that that guy was pretty cool no i think you dream guys i can click page i can click clickbait dream again [Laughter] the dream calls me in the middle of a speed one part two question mark nothing extreme dream is awesome i'm sorry if that was loud by the way because like when dream joke when dream like joined the call it was like for me it was very loud i don't know how loud it was for you guys and like i i get the feeling that there were probably people watching who were trying to sleep so i kind of feel bad oh my gosh well welcome back guys hope hope you're all doing good hope oh god [Applause] name a more iconic duo minecraft youtubers and yelling there is no more there's there's nothing more iconic look how much hay feels like up oh my gosh i'm gonna get a stack of hay from this village what the frick oh white cat potato apple i need to make sure i cross potato and apple off yeah thank you everyone for this by the way uh thank you helen for the twitch prime yeah i have to eat every single thing so potato wait have i eat bread yet i probably have you know what cook steak bam completed we're not completed yet i haven't aided yet but let me get let's get all these out of the way what is going on yeah let me cook a potato while i wait bam bam bam bam i'll be i should uh i could keep these but not a big deal i can leave them for now all right what did i eat guys bread bread is done apple is done potato is done okay let's do this uh raw pork chop is done [Applause] let me mark it off i'm not gonna let myself on fire this time okay we'll do raw beef next no drugs is not in the thing i don't have to do drugs okay that's done i still need to eat the baked potato okay raw beef is done cooked potato whatever i'll probably i'll i'll probably eat these at some point but for fish we'll get when we do how did we get here let's just get all the freaking hay bales dude i'm never gonna run out of bread ever look at all this look at all this what the frick okay let's go find lava let's make a bucket you don't need to do it in one sitting you can uh sleep like take a break pause the timer you're allowed to do that but i'm gonna try to not do that i'm gonna try and do this in one sitting if i like absolutely have to take a break like if i have to sleep like if i'm not feeling it then i'll get you know what i won't even sleep i'll get i'll get jim to call me again i'll i'll i'll get him to yell at me again but we'll see we'll see yo is it whoa desert dude this seems really good we got an ocean next to spawn and we got a village next to spawn that's really good the only thing better the only two other things we need for how do we get here next to spawn is well we need the ocean monument which i'm sure like this looks like a big ocean i'm sure there's one somewhere and i need a pillar drought post preferably as close to spawn as it can be but the closer the better hopefully there's pillager outpost somewhere i just need to focus on getting it done with another all right what are we eating baked potato done check that off yum yum yum yum we're gonna finish guys we're gonna we're gonna finish the run dream said so so it has to be true right kelp no it's just fine i just gotta focus on another we gotta get to the nether we gotta do it we gotta do it let's go please fortress please please please please i like the biome i like work is that a bastion okay we got a bastion at least i like i like where we're at i like this spawn let's go away from the bastion maybe there's like i don't know but i get gold boots i think i should let's do that because i might go to the bastion and gold boots are pretty staying useful for that i might just go to the bastion no uneasy alliance sucks it's just stupid i'm not looking forward to uneasy alliance but we're not getting there for a while we're not getting there like like i don't know like it's gonna be a while oh god what if i messed this up is that a ruined portal what is the ruined portal doing there let's go this way i don't know why i'm going this way but i could go to the bastion i don't know yeah i think that's a good idea actually just to go to the bastion and get lots of gold and hopefully get the pearls like that shut up piglet look at him do you guys think striders are cute or ugly what do you got one if cute two if ugly i think they've grown on me when i first when i first like saw the striders i was like oh god what is this but you know what i respect striders uh this is such a bad bastion it's like is this i think this is where did you come from i think this is the worst bastion layout actually i think like this is really bad this is like the worst bastion oh my gosh where do i go then where do i go i'll go in the person i guess i don't know i don't know where i go why can't i just get good nethers a hundred percent of the time if if a genie gave me three wishes i would wish for one thing and one thing only and that's for good nethers for eternity yes my priorities are messed up but it's a pretty good wish xp is nice i wouldn't even care about good stronghold just give me good nethers then then i'll be i'll be happy with good nethers there's one advancement down oh wait was it two i got monster hunter oh my gosh you guys are right it was two two for one deal you know me because of dream i also know me because the dream i i didn't know who i was until i met dream why did i say that why did i just come out of my mouth laughs okay okay [Laughter] oh that's pretty funny i don't know where to go let's go up what's up homies yeah dreams marrying fundy i think i ship them [Laughter] true a i'm a fundy and dream stan don't hate me wow i just want a freaking fortress man how hard is it to get a fortress around here downright impossible it seems like i'm not giving up i'm not giving up this seed i'm just not i'm not about that right now i'm not about that life you do you just do slash locate you won't snitch well guys will everyone not tell you guys will everyone keep it a secret if i do slash locate will everyone agree not to tell anyone i should probably make more bread oh i should eat the bam the pork chops done i just gotta eat the steak as well is that a fortress guys i did it i should also eat the steak okay cook pork chop and take done argue did i list off bread i did i did i did okay let's just go no i'm not i'm not writing i'm not writing anything down i'm deleting it i'm like checking it off oh no oh no well i don't know where this black stone wooded pickaxe will do i guess maybe i can just find iron or diamonds in here and then make it found diamond or iron pick see if i can find any of that i know i can get stoned in the nether i'm not stupid okay maybe i'm a bit stupid wait that was a magma cube i just killed a magma wait where is my my list is so freaking big i should get it i should buy an ipad so i can just have like more screen i'm using my iphone and it's just not that big i can't see like my whole list i do need to kill a pigment eventually that's a blaze done oh blaze is automatically checked off that makes sense what are they called magma cubes yep yeah guys they're they're called pigment in my heart they'll always be pigment to me oh that's where i came from i need one more iron just one more please give me one more iron i guess i can take the netherwart i mean why not come on give me both wither skulls come on i know we can do it oh my god what the f what the frick i was just kidding okay oh we got one second time has happened doing this awesome is there really no iron i care about iron more than i do about the freaking skulls to be honest did i go down that way have i gone no i definitely have that's where it came from what about over here this just looks like nothing what about nope that's all checked out that's all done what about this way just give me one iron that's all i need man just just one iron please please please ah you could hopefully um i can trade with the piglin and hope i get an iron like that but man man yeah did i check all of this way i know i went this way but did i man whatever that looks so menacing that looks like an army dude their their composition is is immaculate where's the spawner now i can't even find a freaking spawner i mean to be honest i wonder i want to avoid the uh the skeletons yeah i slept i don't even know how long i slept i don't even think i slept for that long but i'm well i'm well i'm well rested like i've slept enough i'm good why don't i have a shield oh yeah because i need iron i know but i want to save iron i want to save this iron man i want to make an iron pick i walked right into that gold picks so bad i'm gonna get some glowstone just in case i need it where'd you come from axe is going to break ow wow have ever been recognized in public no well people who know me only recognize me in public where they i've already am planning to meet up with them yes and i never grow out in public anyway that's i don't really want this to be honest mancha guys it's okay if i die because look wait here's a look let's go thank you for the twitch prime read seth i'm gonna do the unthinkable new meta we're in the wood age now boys oh god it's okay if i die though it's okay if i die don't worry about it remember we're fine uh let's go back well still don't have enough iron i'm probably just gonna have to find blackstone i think we've passed did we pass by basalt i don't even remember it's been so long guys are spooky you guys are so scary did i come from up here i've lost my stronghold bed let's go yeah i've already killed a magma cube dude i'm level 14 what the frick i'm doing good on levels yeah i should probably uh get some backups i'll get like six back up i should eat this i already already ate one so i have it checked down already yeah good eat that extra saturation i don't like you guys i didn't know how deep that hole was i was kind of scared i was like i might be doing this for a while all right i need to mine lots and lots and lots of gold time to mine some gold what happened to the seven hour run um i just i died i had to reset get out of here how did you die a freaking vex dude i was doing a raid and the vex killed me oh well can't blame me for dying then yep that's totally how i died yep no cap vexes are like those ever seen harry potter and the sorcerer's stone they're kind of like those things that like fly around that's of x or my am i i don't know they're a harry potter creature that's the best way i can describe them i'm dumb you're dumb screw you second book man the first and second movie are so similar it might as well be the same movie i'm just kidding by the way otter heads please don't kill me the third movie though now that's my jam that's a great movie i love them hey lumi i saw miranda bell call you this once and it was the cutest so this is your new nickname anyways good luck on your stream and please be sure to get your rest and stay healthy yo thanks for the five dollars what house am i in i did the potter pottermore thing i think i was gryffindor oh yeah i'm the worst one yep [Music] yo is that iron wait did i get up wait what what what yo pearls did they drop iron what did they drop oh that's iron damn oh we don't need that i could try going to the bastion for gold the best okay you know what freaking i'm going to the best and no one can stop me if i die then i'm going to the bastion we don't talk about it i have protection don't worry don't worry i'm an experienced traveler i really hate this freaking bastion this is the worst bastion of of all ah oh god why is there so many of them get away from me you guys are freaks guys are freaks of nature i said it why though do i even think about looting these um i need to like build a wall around myself stop falling in like random places dude i could probably just kill them with a bow guys i'm gonna make a bow just in case i feel like i can take them on with the bow now you can't break them oh wait that doesn't work mending whatever i don't really care about that i mean i guess i can take it thanks for the tip i step away for five minutes and someone mentions me and their donut i regret sentience thanks for the tip just don't forget we're just letting me take it oh pearls 11. they're just letting me take i'll get the magma cream later it's not a big deal throw that away plenty of time to get that [Music] [Music] yeah i kind of want more pearls what are you doing gas are all of those guys mad at me what is i'm just gonna leave i shouldn't throw those away whatever i can get lots of bones later i just need like come on just give me one more thing of pearls come on yo i'll take it i guess i can go back up then should i just do another travel should i make a portal here i think i should i'm gonna do i'm gonna make a portal right here oh my gosh even more pearls thank you i can worry about spectral it i don't know let's get the freak out of here scoobs i should have wrote down the chords of spawn no yeah don't worry i'll get some space level anyway later yeah i'm using f3 for this i'm not using it a lot i'm mostly using it for two advancements i feel like how do we get here in adventuring time like it doesn't really force you to use it but kind of if i was more prepared for this i probably could do this without f3 but i don't know are there two bees i don't think that works when they're mad at you foreign all right this one's decent i think oh this is a tiger biome let's see minecraft forest minecraft river is also not listed tyga let me look at my thing the tiger tiger hills is also done easy clap okay maybe i can tame a fun or breed fundies any fundies i'm trying i don't know crisis overdrive thanks for the twitch prime really appreciate it i am a funny stan i'm a big fundy stan maybe i can breed bees um dude sweet no sweet berries don't work what am i talking about come on where's the other bee i saw another bee i swear oh i don't need the pumpkin let's go mark off bees or are they listed bees bees are done pumpkin pie i can get a pumpkin pie in a tiger village i don't have i might not have to make it even my name is not that hard to spell guys it's literally just the word like illumi illumina illuminate or illuminati just take out the last two letters it's not that bad oh mutton die just get hungry meme though i'm not actually gonna let myself on fire this time oh yeah i can breed them i don't want to waste my i have to no i want to keep never mind i'm not going to do it i'll do it later i'll do it later oh my gosh i almost just spilled my drink i almost spilled my drink right on my keyboard i saved it oh my gosh that was monica i do need a bottle frank uh what did i throw away i guess i can i don't like how that crossbow is like i mean it has mending on it do i keep this it has no way i need a channel crossbow to get piercing for anyway so i don't okay i can't use that i don't think i can use that which is unfortunate but oh well does this work i don't have wood let me get one yeah but it's already low durability i might as well just make another one i don't know i should just make another one i don't know i i need spectral for how did we get here but on the other hand i can get special arrows at literally any other time so maybe i can get rid of them for now i gotta eat this okay let me uh look is my game still in new zealand mode is that why it says lamb chops is that a new zealand thing it cooked mutton this run is dedicated to new zealand i guess i'll keep it for now i might throw it away later we'll see yo yo yo guys i hope i hope this run finishes just so i can have dream at the beginning of it that's the only reason i want this to finish now there's no other reason no i'm just kidding obviously i just want to complete this almost nighttime manka it's like right here man it's right here man i'll throw i'm throwing away the spectral errors i don't care don't at me what is this come on i hope a creeper doesn't fall on me that would be tragic please i know i'm above it i know i am please how did i miss it i am sad did i possibly miss this how wait please don't tell me i'm getting the freaking stronghold glitch again please don't tell me not again oh i pulled a dmx i pulled a dmx i did it dmx would be proud yo i'm gonna leave that i'm just gonna leave it there i don't need it i don't need that pearl i can't even fit it i can't fit and my kit doesn't fit i can't put it in i'm sorry i should define the room and then make a chest actually yeah i could just make more eyes but i'll just find the room first let me let me find the portal room then i can just make a chest there ah what's down here what is this oh i need lapis okay i'll come back here later i just i just need to i'll come back later okay stop stop it why there's so many of you it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap that's copyright oh sorry am i gonna get dmcad sorry uh george lucas i don't know if there was a spawner i think i just got unlucky there maybe there's a spawner hey what if it's down here my theory is that it's here that's my theory okay my theory was right oh i need to kill silverfish do we need to kill serverfish thanks for the tip i hope you have a dope stream three yo thanks for the five dollars platinum yeah i'm chilling so far i don't have a chest oh my gosh i don't have any wood whatever i say i can just kill the dragon let me go back and get the chest actually i should sleep let's go find the chest i have so much junk don't need all this junk don't need all this junk can we kill the dragon in under an hour can we do it guys i have bows and arrows this time fog you um bam take the bottles i'll take the boat uh bam bam bam bam bam bam bam bam okay i think we're ready go go go go yeah i'll come back to the stronghold in a second i'll do that all that stuff when i i'm done with getting electro i think all right i didn't mean to get two of them i think i got that toughest world record well it's a hard it's a hard stamina challenge i guess you could just uh take breaks but i'm not i'm not gonna be my my goal is like do this in one stream like don't no sleep i'll see if i can do that though i don't plan on sleeping dude i'm just getting advancements left and right out of arrows feels bad man tennessee so she's ten tennis tennis oh is that tenacious g i figured did i decipher the name thanks for the twitch prime i've already took the dragon's breath did you guys not look with your eyeballs let me i got silverfish okay i need to kill enderman i need to kill an enderman okay that's done okay i haven't gone sniper julia at tubes thanks for the tier one sub your girl marley thanks for the gifted sub probably not a one cycle it's fine it's gotta wait not even a sub hour not even sub hour bad run what a horrible run still better than my 1.16 all versions run somehow somehow i don't know how but somehow come on do something do something i hit you with stick do something [Music] bam bam bam bam bam we alright what do i need how do i prepare myself i should just bring the chest i should bring one chest uh we got food archer from is there anything in here that i need thank you thank you so much for the 26 dollars thank you so much let's make this all blocks okay whatever let's just go let's see what happens oh yeah ender chest [Music] hmm let's do that i'll bring the gold why not bam bam bam let's just go let's see what we can do with the elytra stuff let's see how annoying this is i got the egg guys come on stop trolling yeah i got the egg and dropped it because i got i just needed the advancement same with the egg i just needed to pick it up i don't need it for any other reason come on end city please spawn right here come on i'll just wait till they load come on there's another thing there interesting write down i'll write down chords negative 985 portal and [Music] negative 305 okay i'm lagging why am i lagging i'm only using 32 chunks render distance i know about coors fruit um i guess i could do that now why not check i can check that off where is it on my notes my notes are so hard to navigate it's actually impressively horrible okay wait is that it oh my god it's right there let's go let's go it's the russell got the ship let's go there's the ship hog good good much much much better than last run oh no you don't need another chorus fruit you just need to eat it you don't need it for how do we get here i could purl across but i i'll just pearl across to uh-huh get on the ship i can't tell if that's an easy pro like it looks easy to me but like what if what if my judgment's just really bad you know i'll just pro here what's i guess i have to go up i wish i had more arrows dude i should have gone why didn't i get arrows in the village i i should have freaking done that i should have freaking got more arrows i need to turn down my render distance hold on huh yeah yeah yeah man okay this is a bit spooky ah stop falling stop it you know you don't need the egg to respawn the dragon no where's the towel all right up i go get me down okay the ship's up there oh god ah thanks for the tip not to get controversial but what is your opinion on tomato soup um tomato soup's really good thanks for the ten dollars let's go thank god i might just use hay bales to bridge if i'm being 100 honest yeah i'm gonna use that it's fine just plenty of more villages i'm going to get to i love tomato soup oh it's this room ah all right ah that was kind of cool not gonna lie yo what the freak efficiency five what the frick yo we're doing good this is good loot oh come on okay let's get out of here oh there's also more stuff oh god i don't want to have i been in here actually have i been up here i don't think i have yo oh there's another one let me down meanie meanie what a meanie where do i go i'll take the ender chest dude that breaks so fast what the frick efficiency 5 is open i did not mean to look at you that enderman's still mad at me i think he's gone is there any more loot i can get i think that's it right yeah i think that's it just pearl i guess i guess i can pro from here i should probably have kept him alive well not a big deal yo oh pretty good nice yo way prod 4 on dude that's crazy we have we have wait which one should i take both guys i should get rid of this right i probably don't need that right i could combine them right no i can't i don't need that it's my four for with a smite five for wither that's true that could help all right i need to do one more advancement oh wait let me drink these so i can get the bottles okay i need to do one more advancement where's that other guy hit me oh brewing stands frick good call good call okay we're good we're good we're good we're good just hit me hit me let's go [Music] is that it is that everything i need i guess i can get one hmm i'm fine i'm fine with just two things it's fine two is fine i need to save a lot of these guys for how did we get here i think we did everything we need to do here though so let's get out of here for my coordinates uh nice negative 985 negative 305. what is this way i need to kill enderman i don't need the dragon head for anything it's just a cosmetic thing i don't need it dude this one's going so well i feel like better not jinx it this one better not be jinxed this is why looting three's so good i had my shield up and you still hit me guys i need to keep my levels i need to keep levels dude i can't kill myself the speed run yeah there's a speed run of all advancements okay so i still need to make uh i probably still need to make another diamond sword and another diamond pickaxe i need an enchantment table so i think i should mine for more diamonds i'll see if i can get more diamonds i also need to find a library in the stronghold because i might be able to get good enchantments from there plus i need the books for enchantment stuff wonder i think this will take um my estimate is 24 to 30 hours if i complete it if i'm successful read another end city i don't know i don't think it's worth it at this point i do have a silk touch shovel but yeah i guess i don't need silk touch right if i have a silk touch shovel then i don't need silk touch for anything else i'm pretty sure i don't think you're wrong on that jump in the void for a hated advancement guys is he trolling is that a troll please dude ever whatever just don't give me keep your secrets then oh i need one more pearl okay okay okay [Music] oh yeah i should probably get so touched for the under chest like i should get a i should get silk touch on my diamond pickaxe for that probably actually that's a good idea i probably yeah yeah i probably do need that okay this is gonna be my how did we get here chest i think um i guess wither skull counts as that i guess i don't know i should make an iron pickaxe but i don't have any wood um bam bam what don't i need i don't need that clearly i don't need that clearly uh i think we're okay okay hey hey what's up hey smile thanks for the sub kind of board right now yeah i mean yeah this one's boring true i don't need that no monka let's find a library any libraries in the chat library library nothing over here library i want to go to the library i want to read harry potter i want to read harry potter oh this is where i came from what about this way what about brian moo thanks for the twitch prime really appreciate it ice steak thanks for the twitch tier 1 sub appreciate it very much there's just no libraries libraries canceled no more libraries guys people have stopped using libraries the society has advanced ass libraries come on come on audible ad this stream sponsored by no no sponsors stream is sponsored by tim hortons there's there was no libraries down there which is a bit of a weird champ ah ah thanks for the tip what house would you be in here um i did the thing and it was gryffindor so yeah i guess gryffindor thanks for the 420. where's my crafting table did i leave my crafty table somewhere what the frick oops okay well make that and that and that and that and that we're gonna use my shovel to get we're gonna use my shovel to get 15 bookshelves i think this is faster i'm shoveling books guys someone make a video of them hitting books with a shovel or hitting bookshelves with a shovel in real life and send it to me thank you we'll see what the enchantment books are in just a second okay it's been a second any other compass for the lodestone have i had a spider eye yet oh i need a spider eye get lots of books let me look at my list in a sec i think i still need to eat the wrong flesh and spider eye yes let's go so dutch let's go let's look run flash okay i can add that to this pickaxe make it an even better one um i'm looking i'm looking no i have not gone run flush or spider eyes yet oh i need to get iron for an anvil as well okay there could be another library though usually when there's a stronghold this big it usually means there's two libraries so we'll see that silk touch is big though that's really big spider eyes gone don't need to eat wrong flush when we have some eat the rotten flesh bam mark that off awesome thanks for the tip god game sonic thank you so much for the 1329 appreciate it very much top 10 speed runs number one this run yeah the goal is to do this in one sitting like no sleeping that's the goal i've never played minecraft before this is my first time playing am i doing good let me eat the sweet berries sweet berries is done sorry fruit for eating you had to be done let's go what's in here i've already ate an apple right i did let's go okay please come on imagine if i get looting three can you even get looting three i don't even think you can in a chess i have the exact same one don't i another silk touch one what the frick i don't think i need that though i'm breaking three oh i could use that for the elytra let's frickin go i already have feather falling i think yes okay let's go dude let's just put all of these in here all right now we should all right now we should get lapis and i think i need more diamonds i need diamonds lapis and iron or the freaking anvil i did not find a shipwreck yet where was the cave i need to find that cave system oh it's right here 29 that's huge get some redstone if i can find diamonds somewhere um [Music] yeah i need to find iron as well how many diamonds do i even have let's see okay i need two i need two for the thing and i need two for this sword is that only wait i don't need diamonds do i i don't think i do i think we're fine on diamonds for now i just need iron because we got the we got the silk touch we can just use that on the yeah so we honestly we just need iron that's all we need just just need iron where's coal i'll need a hoe but i can get that later i don't need it right away i can get that later like just just right now like the the priority right now is literally just uh looting three and mending and i need piercing for see how we're do we have any extra iron i do not okay let's check i need a few couple more in the meantime let's see if i can find anything yeah we do need a god apple eventually oh yes lapis let's go we should be going on lapis maybe we can find diamonds i don't know any diamonds yo any diamonds any diamonds in the chat this looks like it looks like there could be diamonds but there isn't guys it does not look like this is an hour and 30 minutes of playtime it looks like i've been playing for like at least three hours at at least let's go back let's go back is this where i came from oh god i don't remember is this where i came from oh god i'm lost oh there's a way back at least um yeah i came from up here i remember now yo sir i don't know how to say that service something hd thanks for the thank you so much for the sub let's go home guys i want to go home let's go let's go back home how do i get back home though that's the question we're going back to spawn what i mean is spawn we're going back to spawn that's what we're doing bam bam bam bam i forgot to break the bed the paga fine it's fine guys it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine we're fine we're fine we okay okay okay okay okay chicken do i need to kill chicken i think i do raw chicken and i think i need a chicken yes just die raw chicken is done put chicken i'm about to do i'll mark that off about to do it yeah i know there's cats okay just give me a second guys just give me a second let's do it there's grindstone right here four saplings okay we're gonna do it here one two let's make ender chests not ender chests let's make enchantment table that's what we should make bam bam bam bam and sword for looting three let's use the grindstone on this or use this get us some xp i'll bring that over bam i'll put that like right here don't craft a sword i might have to i think i have to yeah i'm gonna do it okay let's make a sword unless guys which one should i put looting through on i guess it doesn't matter it literally doesn't matter okay we're gonna make a sword and then i'm gonna anvil swords together the swords together um ready to make another sword okay looting three i need looting three my inventory is a mess oh yeah piercing 4. might for oh piercing three i just need loading three come on that's the main thing looting three is the main thing what am i looking for i guess channeling is the only thing i need because i already have one breaking but i guess i can also get looting three and piercing four from that as well so i guess it's worth checking rot4 is tempting fortune 2 is tempting but i can't do it looting two no it's not gonna cut it dude i really hope i get looting three from this but i really hope i get looting three i already have one breaking three as a book this is annoying no rick this is annoying mr b use the librarian don't waste your xp what are you talking about i'm using the librarian for mending i don't think it's good oh my gosh that's three of them have i not gone in piercing four yet oh should i use piercing should i get the piercing for now or should i so they got a piercing for now screw it yolo yellow i don't get looting three i'm gonna be very sad [Music] i usually always get it in practice but uh it's not this time okay this is what we're gonna do so hmm do i need it is any of these i can throw away i guess i don't need two feather followings all right nope how do i make a thingy why no this this is a librarian oh carrots ah i should sleep sleep here can i not sleep oh yeah i don't want to do anvil stuff yet because i need the xp so i shouldn't have gone in piercing for i should have waited dude i should have freaking waited on i that need sharpness three there's like what two silk touch i don't need this one what's my four i don't want that prod three though i kind of want silk touch and part three so i might just keep both of them right that makes sense right i already have feather fawn where's my bed where did i put bed so wheat for xp maybe maybe we have options we definitely have lots of options here how much xp will this even give me actually i need um i need it anyway i need emeralds anyway i might just do all of that hold on let me go back to my shoulder boxes let me organize things a bit put that down berries did that let's get carrots this went so well last time sucks that it's not going well we got a b root this time we didn't get that last time are you good now lose your job that sounds so bad but screw your job your job sucks yes we can tame stuff are there sheep let me tame cows or breed cows whatever same thing cows are bread there more than one chicken i kind of just killed all the chickens wait turtles i could read turtles is there more than i don't have my shears i guess i can kill cod let's go back and get shears i mean first we can do the looting i'm gonna leave my bread in there shears okay we got that at least and it's cheap too throw it okay i don't need beetroot soup or beef i need i need beaver soup but i have a b root so it's fine it's okay it's so touch frick do i have emeralds in shulker let's see yeah i do okay thank you so the electro is good i can at least try out guys i can at least travel so that's good even even if i don't have looting three can at least do that and i think i need to make a new lecture now because i think this is just gonna be the thing forever let's make a new lectern if i can how do i make a lectern i need a bookshelf i think do i need do i have what it takes do i need like slabs or something let's try yeah dude i did find another guy where you going screw you carrots guys frostwalker so can they give me looting three that's so unlucky whatever just whatever what the come down get down oh my gosh he wants to be a priest why i'll just trap him and i'll just trap him in the house i don't even care i'll just trap you in here ha ha another mending thing mending's pretty common it seems like alluding to do i just um no channeling i can get that later where are you going what okay i guess like i don't know don't fall off don't do it don't do it buddy you have so much well just a video game character you don't have that you're not even really living you're virtual sorry was that was that two meta guys what if we are virtual what if we are virtual to someone else that's do you think about that one frick fine i'll do looting two but it was it was expensive anyway i'll settle for looting two next time whatever even though i don't want to i don't even care anymore i don't think he wants jobs anymore never mind i mean is 2 am not existential crisis time charm is 5 that's a good okay alluding to 13 emeralds that's pretty good i think that's better than what i had last time anyway okay stay up there i need probably a fletcher's table i should make i should should i i feel like celtic should still is so touch it's still truck shovel bad or good i feel like it's bad yeah it's just bad for getting flint pretty much okay whatever i should sleep i placed down a bed i just don't know where i where i placed it i should eat a carrot let me eat a carrot carrot is done let me get rid of this for now perfect guys i can just see if i can get a looting 2 with a book i don't know where'd you go don't tell me you fell in a hole wait where'd he actually go where why are you going over here buddy come back buddy such a cute word buddy is such a canadian word people here say buddy all the time how's it going buddy maybe i'll burn maybe it's an alberta thing i don't know oh i shouldn't have slept you lost it i freaking lost it because i slept i forgot that's a mechanic rip you know on the bright side we can get looting three this time you know what let's just get looting three come on give me give me looting three looting three please i will get looting three i promise i promise frost walker 2 is my favorite advancement 15 emeralds okay whatever let's see um okay i'm level 31 now maybe uh maybe we can get looting too mr villager plaza give looting looting two rick thank you for whatever oh yeah true okay no i'm not doing anvil stuff now i want looting too should i is it common to get looting 2 here whatever let's go let's go and let's find another villager okay this one you guys are free you're free to go you're free to get out of here just get out of here shoo scram let's get another thing we'll get another looting 2 book i do not mean to place it might be wait it's not get in the hole oh i'm sorry just buy another book i'm papaya paga moments johnny bond thanks for the twitch prime um yeah i guess we could do anvil stuff right now then bam touch i feel like so touch is best with efficiency five i guess it doesn't matter yeah just do this right man this is a pickaxe should i use should i do it should i do it let's do it don't touch brought three i'll keep that feather falling forward i kind of want diamond boots for that all right let's get the thing now let's stop wasting time why because i can because i can i don't care about the levels i've pretty much got what i need like pretty much is that enough i think that's enough pog you oh god yeah i might have to get more levels though to add it yeah how do i get levels right now do i kill pigs smite looting is my looting better wait smite works on zombies right why don't i remember i think smite lootings makes sense right first might sharpen all right smite looting or sure i'm just looting uh i don't know it's my looting would work better on the what's my what's my five looting would that be really op for the uh drowned zombies would that be like would that destroy them and i guess i can do it all right let's get levels i i guess i'll sleep first look at all those advancements okay i'll just look at xp i'm sorry animals i should get cod animals i'm sorry let's breed some turtles are they attractive to secrets in the future you will finish that 2353 sub one day picks roomy thanks for the three dollars guys make sure make sure you write that down someone clip it they have to be on land to breed i'm on land let's let's make sure come here buddy no okay well come on land anyway whatever screw it just just just breathe okay let's look i counted right i got the xp okay um i bred a cow right i bred cow and chickens right so i'll mark that off i haven't done sheep yet right okay and i've done turtle turtle's done that did that count it's hard to know turtles are weird i don't know if that counted okay i'm sorry fish i'm sorry oh i need to do this pog now you must die you have served your purpose now die they're doing the thing i need to eat a cod eventually i should probably get a fortune pickaxe but i have plenty of time to get that i don't need it right away but what kind of cat is that is that tuxedo i think that's tuxedo tuxedo um okay is that white cat that's white cat white cat oc was done okay we're good um [Music] i gotta organize so much stuff okay ladies i want to keep that i want to keep okay bam go that way go away i don't need that go away go away i'll keep that i guess i don't need this anymore frick i made this for no reason go away go away go away go away i need you did i eat the raw chicken yet guys wait let me look at my notes did i eat that yet i think i think i did okay i think i did oh you know what i'll eat it again just in case just let's be safe wait what else do i need i need a rock cod all right rock cod okay let's get hungry grindstone put that in here bumpers can be in there guys this is this is a god pickaxe just saying do i have way way to have gunpowder anywhere two two gunpowder okay now what i need xp i don't need xp [Music] can i kill turtles for xp or does that not work thank you for the thousand bits i did not mean a name at that but it's a good meme i guess can i get a diamond picks that pickaxe are in the chat rock cause done i'm pretty sure i've already ate that but whatever okay rock cod's done okay whatever just just get out of here for now can i oh i don't have my later on papaya okay am i going where are we dropping boys good morning darius i need roofed forest and root forest hills is there more than one sheep here i haven't bred sheep yet have i let's look i don't think i have i've not done sheep yet sheep is done argue let's go to that ship there was a ship right we we zoom new yo i don't need emotes anymore guys why isn't on my diamond why is my diamond sword not breaking ever i don't understand already i already got everything i need from here i mean tnt is good ending no it's unbreaking three i don't even have mending on it get out of here i need suspicious dude but there's no guarantee that's the right one i need i i need to make my own stew i need i need to wait till it's nighttime so i can get xp and gunpowder where's going to wait till night we need to get root forest and roof forest hills no i need blindness i need blindness due dark forest are there any dark forest hills there's a swamp is this not dark forest hills why not is there a witch hut any witch huts in the chat okay dark forest mark that i even need dark forest hills no i don't need dark forest hills i need dark forest papaya i'm still paper okay now let's kill stuff if i ate let's look at what i've ate i need raw rabbit raw salmon i need to cook a card i need to cook a cod and cook a salmon where's my furnace [Music] i'm so far away i did not go the right way at all okay let's get gunpowder [Music] my don't name it i could put cards done or some cooked salmon where are the creepers at look at that look at that where are my where am i going for this i have to go north west just north i also want villages whatever die die die die die die i need this cooked salmon yay mark that off good good good where do we go guys we can go anywhere our heart desires no i just ate the code cod there's a pillar drowner post let's go that's amazing the only thing we need wait is that an ocean we need an ocean monument as well next we need it we needed that we needed a pillar droppers close to spawn so we got one that's really good it's gonna be huge for how do we get here i know where it is relation to spawn i know where we are we're not far from spawn at all i know where it is relation to spawn guys suck you guys suck what don't i need get me out of here oh is that a birch forest let's go or any bird forest and bridge forest hills i think let me look i need birch forest and bird forest hills i don't need the map yet let's go okay let me mark that off but not get extreme hills look stone shore we got that don't shore in mountains let me mark those off stone shore mountains and we got a lukewarm ocean right i think we did deep blue core motion i wish that's one kill we got lukewarm motion and deep lukewarm deep lukewarm lukewarm okay i should have killed more creepers you know what i should look for like temples for gunpowder i mean 23 is okay how's my day going my day's going pretty good just chilling just minecraft and chill you know i need cod let's get the black cat it's white white cat's nemesis that screw for you i don't want that okay you're very stingy okay black cat done okay swamp is done i don't think i've done that yet swamp easy clap enchanted golden apple please brick frick oh i've gotten savannah i think i think i did i left the cat i don't need the cat there's an ocean monument how far away that's not bad you know what that's not bad i could mark the chords maybe you know i should do that did someone write down someone write down the chords now wait negative fifteen hundred five seventy i gotta write that down ocean wait a minute negative 1500 i have 70. got it we got war motion let's write that down or check it off not write it down warm ocean is that all the ocean ones oh i need the cold ocean ones no i'm using my iphone to keep track i think a pen and paper would be better because i can just mark it off so much easier now that i think about it where's my how did we get here chest i put it organizes better is there anything else that's for how do we get here i don't think so okay that there i guess i'll take bread oh yeah heart of the sea bam is there any bread i'm kind of running out of food cats i need cod let's get more cod i need to eat a salmon right i don't have raw salmon i don't think so raw salmon yeah i need to eat raw salmon uh [Music] died i wish the sword still had mending like from last time his mending was so huge for my sword but at least we have one breaking three what cat is this i don't know what kind of cat this is we're just short here i think yeah it's pretty short here that off let's look at my advancements i still need to do that neither i need to do a lot of nethers not even even bother looking at that okay we got a lot left can i do our ballistic right now let's see if i can do our ballistic here maybe sheep i think we can do our ballista guys okay let's do our ballistic i don't know if the skin you have right now is new or not but i only saw it yesterday and it's super cute thank you i like it it's very cute thank you so much for the 250 bits let me mark down raw salmon what even i was at the top i keep that on the top i'd never remember i don't need to do rabbit stuff okay let's get carrots wheat carrots okay it probably hits you come here come over here my list is very chaotic there's a lot of things i need to keep track of our ballistic is kill five different types of mobs with one crossbow shot that's what that is [Music] i'm here buddy where's chicken i think i saw a chicken somewhere get in there fit where's the ch i swear i saw chickens right hold on any chickens i could use a cat but i don't really want to kill a cat i mean if i have to sure yeah we found the chickens i know about sheep i was just wondering where the chickens were oh this is attempt to get on land what are you doing what an idiot ancient debris i'm gonna do i think most of the nether stuff at the same time so basically when we're done most of the overworld stuff is one do that i'm gonna turn you into kfc if you don't come over here and i need the sheep i need to hurry up i could i should i want to sleep but i need gunpowder so probably shouldn't sleep i need to hit you i'm here i really hope i don't mess up the shot guys i'm really scared when i do this shot because it's like if i don't get the shot first try i have to do all of this all over again i'm here saw a skeleton should probably also get those flowers after i do this hold on get in the hole let's go hog [Music] okay pog let's kill uh let's get the flowers uh wrong chest uh i don't need that i don't need that i need that i don't need any of that okay i just had to kill creepers well let's go in the tiger or is there any more creepers let's kill some freaking creepers i want to kill all the creepers look at that wait is that a mega tiger wait i think that's a mega tiger dude let's go giant tree tiger whatever it's called i don't care i got the hills too giant let me look yeah giant tree tiger hills i got did i get the hills i wasn't paying attention yes okay i did where do i go i don't think i have hay bale so i can't tame llamas yet let's look for a try jungle let's go fog i should sleep let me sleep actually i should i'm gonna kill lots of creepers first you know what i'm just going to kill as much papers as i can before it's daytime i just want to get like a i just want to get as much rockets as i can no i haven't done we're doing phantoms till like we're not doing phantoms and for a while pretty much uh let's go i'm owning these creepers i've already ate a potato i think i've ate both of cooked potato and the other one does looting work well on like does looting work on pigs i don't think so oh it does i didn't know where's my rockets ah i mean i kind of figured it worked but i don't know things that minecraft change all the time okay how am i supposed to know methi thanks for the twitch prime okay that creeper's guarded that creeper is so guarded i don't want to do anything i don't want to have to do anything that involves that creeper don't worry guys i won't die i'm not a noob i only died of x's that's what the only thing i died i need i still need okay three i really would like fortune eventually i really want channeling and i really want wait fortune channeling and what's the other thing oh i want like power four i want a power four bow it's also what i want hopefully i get those eventually bam bam bam bam bam bam vexes are stinky dumb heads i agree they just ruined my runs all the time i'm out of here no [Music] look at this dude look at all this gunpowder okay that was papaya let's just sleep i want to sleep oh slime i do need slimes actually i don't even think it well i need like i don't need that much are slime still around i think it's too late for slimes no maybe not we're good that's all we need slime for leads enchanted golden apple let's go rip i already i might have already checked this at some point i don't know anyway let's put the slimes away as for how do we get here i think i guess it can be used for that okay how do we get here chest let's go to you guys ready to tame pandas and ocelots are you guys ready for this i'm not i also need a cookie let's get a cookie do i even have wheat on me i probably do let's go cookie cookie you guys all get cookies that's my shulker box all right i should probably get more cods for the ocelots i might need more there any more cods is there a chest i didn't even see it guys it's totally going to have an enchanted golden apple where's the chest i don't even see it where even is it you guys are trolling me i got you baited all right we need to find pandas and ocelots oh yeah jungle um jungle hills is also what i need got jungle hills did i get jungle edge yet are you in his jungle edge i don't know i just said so weird juggle edge might be the weirdest the weird biome the weirdest biome there is jungle edge please thanks for the 100 bits is that a wrap not the parrot i was like why is there a rabbit in the jungle no this place doesn't have bamboo forests i don't think pandas can spawn in like spawn here wait there's more jungle i'm just trying to find jungle edge can i get a jungle edge i don't even really even know what it looks like i just know that it's a biome that i need whatever where i'm gonna find a different jungle later there's bamboo it's not a bamboo jungle whatever i might just have to find another jungle guess i'll take that so do any of you possess tridents don't jungle with less vegetation i don't think there's one then this looks pretty vegetated to me i was so ready to read pandas and ocelots i guess we'll have to wait on that yeah there's no jungle edge i don't think i don't think there's a jungle edge wait deep cold ocean did i read that right let's mark that off deep cold ocean oh and cold ocean okay i still need to get a trident so it might be worth i'm going back to spawn you know what let's go north let's just go straight north you should leave in your chest at spawn and keep shulkers in it thanks for the 250 bits uh i think it's okay i think we're okay i just don't die again we're fine all right i think this is my the first temple i need to eat the cookies still i think this is the first temple of the stream sweeping edge okay did i eat spider eyes already i think i did yeah i did i definitely did what do i throw away rick i should probably put that sword away probably i need to eat the cookie let me let me eat the cookie eat cookie i still need a lot more villages so i can breed cats did i take the sweeping edge no i did it i did not why would i take that oh why didn't i take the sweeping edge because this sucks beeping edge is stupid what is the meta elytra elytra is unironically the meta cody clark thanks so much for the twitch prime appreciate it oh i know where we are this is spawn why would it be ironic i don't know good question three hours guys three freaking hours we're not doing horrible i think we're doing better than last time i'm pretty sure i need to eat dried kelp as well do any blistering melons i actually don't know i didn't freaking eat the cap thing let's look at my notes do i need this i need clustering melons no i don't i actually don't need it that's where i got our ballistic i don't need them let's go this way thanks for the tip good luck yes thanks for the ten dollars appreciate it very much um my electro is fine you guys are lame lame-os limo is my favorite word lame-o yo snow biomes i need to find a igloo with the basement which will complete the basic minecraft advancements curing the zombie villager oh yeah let's look frozen river snowy mountains from frozen river snowy tundra i need to kill this guy okay we're doing a lot right now we're doing an overwhelmingly a lot of stuff right now let me look at my thing we killed what is that guy a stray a husk stray they're all the same to me we got a stray um frozen river snowy mountains i think we got snow yeah snowy mountains we're in it right now and then snowy tundra and then snowy beach did i get that screenshot let's go snowy beach i did get a snowy beach over here is a snowy tiger and i need snowy tyga hills and i saw an igloo snowy tiger and snowy tiger hills yep we got them both og um you guys see any igloos guys aren't dying yet eat the cookie thank you i ate the cookie let's try some kelp dry that kelp that's frick i'm dying don't need a melon slice dried kelp is complete awesome if i can find an igloo i really want an igloo that has a basement that would be huge oh there's a ruined portal yeah i still need to tame the fun or breed the fundies and breed the wolves oh igloo please have a basement i don't like all these mobs yo let's go i gotta stay around here though i can't leave i gotta wait till i'm like stuck here forever it's potion then yeah all right we gotta stay here what for a while all the glues have a basement you are wrong anything i can put in here is there anything i can throw away um that be root do i have dirt i do yeah i should grow stuff yeah can i do that right here can i can i do that or do i need sunlight i wish i had two i wish i didn't waste my diamonds on this i wish i had i wish i used that for the hoe be honest i think we're okay oh it's just stone i also need i should probably get another diamond pickaxe at some point um so i'll just make this um give me poisonous potato uh this sucks yes and put those away okay what else beetroot and i need to do carrots how do you do beer oh i need do i need beer seeds i thought i could just place a beer i guess not i guess i needed the beaver seats frick i didn't realize let's go zombie doctor pog you i need to eat a golden carrot and also i should um make some anyway like i should make like eight that's fine we can get other bee roots see it's fine we have time gotta eat those let's get out of here you can craft seeds from beetroots let's check i don't think so maybe you can but i don't know let's check out this village no keep the fibs coming guys more fibs i'm gonna need some more fibs i haven't gotten this one yet stop running from me what have i done what have i done to you maybe i can breed some cats or yeah i need to breed cat stuff what cat is that what cat is this yellow and brown wait no yellow and blue yellow and blue eyes count calico alico at cal calico chicago we got the chicago cat i don't even know if b roots can like spawn here where did my cat go cat come back where'd you go why'd you leave me wait there's another cat wait is that the wait is that the is that the what is it called ragdoll you gave me so much trouble last time oh hey there you are get out get out of the water you're gonna freeze to death you're gonna get hyper hypothermia all right teleport to me come oops come here cats why aren't you teleporting teleport come here this cat can teleport why can't they're not sitting no they're just this cat just doesn't care it doesn't care it just doesn't get on land what it was sitting how how okay now come back yeah cats are bread your rag doll big doll is complete and let me jot down cats guys i'm done minecraft minecraft is complete this is the true any percent minecraft run okay and then we need five more cats let's eat the poisonous potato that's what that's done poisonous potatoes complete and then golden carrots about to be done cool i'll be back one day just don't i'm actually i'm actually not coming back to them don't tell them that just wanted them just wanted to [Music] make them at ease okay we should really focus tried it trident is so important we need to we need to get that there's another ocean monument i kind of want milk if i'm going to do if i'm going to go in there i kind of want to get milk first i mean i could go in there but it won't be pretty i heard a drown [Music] um can't fit anything in there i should use the under chest thanks for the good luck em i'll try not to die i'll try not to die i'll do my darn best and not die elytras are really good you know 1.9 was a controversial update but elytra's dual wielding and what else was what else was good shulker boxes those are good additions i thought i saw a thing we come on god apple why can't i use my rocket why can't i use my rocket sometimes in the water but not always guys i need the clock to tell what time it is i still need hay bales i don't think i have hay bales on me i need hay bales for the llamas right now i'm trying to get trident i really really really want trident did i get this rune portal is this even a ruin portal what is this no it's not where'd you guys come from i love how smite five literally two taps them it's kind of convenient what is going on over here die die trident please i thought i saw an enchanted gold apple die what is that why is there looks so weird i know this is like a ruined what do you call this i know it's oh ow there's like three of them jesus shield shield where's my shield so none of these are right right it only drops as an item not like as a actual china right is there another one i i swear that like i was getting impaled by three of them but i guess i guess there was just two that was so spooky there are three i don't see the other one i think it was just two is there any more anymore i should have i should have i should have started killing with my electro on by that i could repair it or whatever man oh man that was spooky i thought i was going to die that was so spooky oh ah this is a good ocean i like this ocean what you did not drop it let's go back to the other one i think you guys think drop the other one might have more spawns now did i just go back and forth between these two does that is that efficient or no let's let's just find out and see if it works i'll just see if like they spawn fast enough i don't think so i don't think any spawned i might have to like come back here later let's go this way how many have we killed i feel like we've killed a lot now we definitely haven't killed 10 and it's once you kill 10 is where it becomes 50 50 that you get it like if you kill more than 10 then it's that's unlucky territory i think that's where like you should be getting it i guess kind of like gravel you know once you get about 10 you should get it but i guess that's like gambler's fallacy i don't know did i check that rune portal probably did yeah i think i killed five two the other killed five or six i think it was five what are the chances of it dropping gold it's so stupid that i'm getting the gold drop and not the trident i think the gold's rarer if i can find fundies should i sleep i should sleep i'm gonna keep my bed here in case i die there's a drowned what is the drown doing there i'm also i'll keep my spawn here um there's my chords just in case someone wants to track that i don't care oh creeper on the house i don't have a base society has progressed past the stage of base no bases necessary ow i do need a campfire i already have dried kelp roberti at that see if i can find a fundy two funnies to be exact is that a wolf please don't be greedy i don't know what i was expecting i turned it all into bone meals why were you greedy i need two i need two of them i need to breed them break frick do you need to tame them though to breed them i guess i can find out i don't know i think you do no i think you do yeah you do you do this is painful let's go pumpkin pie good that's done pumpkin pie is that oh golden apple's done i need to check that off okay you can't freaking believe this let's go back to the walls i might have to find a cave i'll see if i can find a cave i doubt it this drop bones what no i don't think that's true [Applause] whatever screw this game this game is suck huh i'm taking down again give me bones give me bones yeah we're going for all the advancements all 80-something of them i will why did i i i feel so stupid dude all because i am stupid but i still feel stupid yes haha yes i don't care about bedrock i said it okay i'm gonna say it bedrock sucks i said it hey stay right there where'd i come from can't see all right well if you can come with me are skeletons patched do they patch out skeletons i've seen just about every mob except skeletons i hear one is five enough hey okay let's get out of here um we got nine that's that's enough i don't need to kill you i'm going to anyway because you annoy me my dog is glitched my dog has gone through a lot man hold on let's let's see if it is still let's see if it's still the case when it goes to the surface no he's fine oh oh wait where's my other dog yes wolf's complete still need to do rabbits i haven't done wait have i done pigs i haven't done pigs it's not listed so i guess i didn't do pigs yet let me do pigs i need i need to do fundies as well uh you did well it's not it's still listed so i'll just do it again just to be sure yeah i know i still need jungle okay pigs are done that was that was easy i still need to do horses don't have hay bales yet i'll get that eventually okay let's find fundies bundy where are you [Music] bundy i don't think there's any fundies here where the frick is fundy whatever let's let's let's go back and let's go back try it let's go try to hunt it again we need to let's do more training stuff we've killed five let's kill some more let's kill some more trident drowns what i already tried is there any drowns here i feel like i should i should oh i'm gonna get mushrooms as well i need that for how do we get here and stuff let's get mushrooms i also need a new axe brick which one has my iron there we go do i not have a crafting table or what i messed up i done goofed i don goofed i didn't put anything in my inner chest yet minor chest is empty i could do that i should probably do that or whatever let's do that let's do that um campfire pajama table and he i guess anvil i guess okay gold i have a shulker box for that okay this should go in the how did we get here ones although first i'll make some bowls don't worry i won't burn myself again we're fine trust me we're going to be okay okay that can go there that can go there that can go there wait bam mushroom stew check that off that is done okay yo sleepy what the heck thank you so much for the raid whoa yo how's it going everybody right now we're trying to get a trident we're doing a speed run of all advancements every single advancement we're trying to get there's a lot of hard ones i i suspect the speed run to take anywhere from like 20 to 30 hours so we're gonna be here a while assuming i don't die and have to like start over this is probably gonna take 20 to 30 hours so yeah but yeah i hope you're streaming well sleepy right now my main goal is trying to find a trident we need a china to do some advancements the hardest advancement by far is how did we get here which is have every single effect every single effect in the game at once like have them all and at the same time that's going to be the hardest one but we're not we're not doing that until like the very end so yeah right now i'm just trying to find tridents which is very tedious i just have to go around finding drowned zombies and hope they have a trident like it's a small percentage chance that they have a trident and it's a small percentage chance that when i kill them they drop the trident so it's like so tedious to get this but once i get this it's gonna be pog it's going to be pog champ if i die i have to just i mean it depends it depends on the death really like the last time i had a reset because the only reason why i resell last time is because i didn't uh have my later my lights are burned so i wasn't able to recover from my last run what are we doing on the ocean bombs i need like the really cold ones yeah i need deep frozen ocean don't need bamboo jungle i didn't get jungle edge i got jungle i needed i've definitely gone in desert in desert hills there's no way i didn't get that already jungle hills i got that okay i'm also trying to find an enchanted golden apple which can spawn in those ruined portal chests let me see if i can find some fundies please fundies bundy minecraft please exist wait is that the same jungle that i found earlier this might be the same i might have just come across the same exact jungle i need jungle edge let's see if i can find jungle edge guys i think this is the exact same jungle are they one hit now i don't understand are they suddenly one hit wait is that a temple wait i don't think i've seen a temple maybe i just didn't find it when i was flying around i don't know i kind of needed i need sticky pistons definitely i'm going to need these uh sticky pistons okay oh i need the repeater i might need the repeater i don't know if i need it we'll see i have an idea for the repeater is it a thunderstorm i think it is oh gosh see if we can find a jungle edge is this a jungle edge i already have i already have smite five we're fine the sword that i'm using right now is smite five yeah rip the bit right guys if i get struck strike by lightning and die because of that i'm going to scream i'm literally going to scream this has to be the exact same jungle because it's like the same thing okay i just kind of just want to go in one direction i just want to go in one direction for a while one direction i'm a one directioner maybe i can find a fundy as well couple fundies running around a fundy is a fox because fundy is a fox is this where i did our ballistic i'm just going in circles i'm gonna go in one direction from now on this is where i did our ballistic okay even the items are still there that's hilarious let's just go in one direction we're just going this way forever i thought that was a thought there'd be drowns there guess not yeah i probably did come from this direction oh guys look at this wee so epic our ballistic is kill five mobs with one crossbow shot five different kinds of mobs and i already got that maybe there's a fundy over here maybe i was already here let's keep going this way this is a good direction we're going we're going in a good direction i feel like there's two llamas right next to each other do i have hay bales can i get hay bales stop that's my response here now wait cat what kind of cat is that is that a oh that's a freaking that's the rag doll i already got that one now i get ragdolls okay now now is the time for me to get ray dolls i make hay bales do i have any wheat or hay bales at all i should probably check i do have some wheat okay i guess i can use that no i should just grow wheat hold on what am i doing right i'm not i don't want to use all this though i'll keep some i'll keep some of it let's just make two do i only need two yeah i think i only need two to tame them bam bam or not tame them not freaking tan i always get i don't know why i always get breeding and taming mixed up for no reason i just always say something different each time okay let's go ow file was taken thanks for the tier one sub how am i sus how the freak am i sauce shut up no i did not get it i don't even have an enchanted cat boy yet now i still need bees i need to get the uh honeycombs honey honey bee hives honeycomb cereal what's the cereal honeycomb hot honeycombs that's some good cereal llamas are bread we got the llamas i can do horses by the way i have the golden carrots for that now any horses guys is breeding animals tos are gonna get banned i need home cereal honey what is it called i don't know let's tame horses that was fast honey nut cheerios oh yeah cheerios that's what they're called i love cheerios that was 10 good good good no one luck tos please don't look i warned you horus is done can i make paper i need more sugar cane whatever we're fine for now are we fine yeah we're fine oh i don't need this title it's fine wait i might need it i'll take it i may or may not eat it but i'll take it i'm not gonna kill the horse why would i kill the horse i still need to kill a cave spider that's annoying top 10 most annoying things to do ah come on come on come on come on come on let's go i got it get me out of here that's good i still need the freaking shells and i don't have one do i even have one shell let's check let's check if i have the shells i still need eight shells so it's kind of annoying do i have any shells at all i do not have any shells am i gonna have to fish for them that's gonna take so long that's gonna take forever wait deep frozen ocean wait deep cold ocean what do i need what do i need i need deep frozen ocean pog pog champ deep frozen ocean is done okay good i don't need polar bears or anything i would say yeah killing drowns is better i just haven't found any shells yet wait isn't wait let me make channeling is it is it no it's not a thunderstorm there's no way it's a thunderstorm yet here let me let me put channeling on it hold on hold on wait i think it's in here channeling where's channeling did i not get handling no i don't think i got channeling yet did i i didn't get it yet okay i didn't get it yet i don't think okay i didn't get it um i need to be like level 30 to get it or something or no i can i can use i can do the [Music] librarian strat i can i can get it from there from a librarian i might do it from that i think channeling is only a level 30 enchantment i need to be level 30. i mean it kind of sucks if it's a thunderstorm right now but there's not really much i can do about it so and i have plenty of time to i still have all the time in the world to get another thunderstorm even if it does thunderstorm and i don't have it it's fun but the biggest deal in the world already cured a zombie we've done that i still need a mushroom biome rip of the bit right bit rate's gone there's a lot of biomes i need i'm i'm lacking in the biomes department to be honest fundees i still need fundies i saw fundy i see fundies there's fundies okay here i wish i had a bed but i don't have a bed oh i can sleep i'm gonna sleep i don't care i don't have channeling anyway whatever um three berries i need sweet berries there they are any boats one boat two boat where are the fundies there was fundies here why are there dead chickens everywhere there's one fundy i don't know if there's any more i saw more i don't know if they're still around i should've broke that was dumb maybe i can chase it in the water go in the water all right one let's see if i can find another one wendy's where are you is that the only fundy i don't see anymore i swear i saw two just saying i promised that i saw like two did one of them die somehow did one of them despawn or like die i don't know i thought these pumpkins were fundies why why why do you have to be orange i don't think there's any more fundies i don't see anymore this is annoying oh my gosh all right come with me get in loser we're going shopping there another one maybe on this side of the biome okay you stay there oh my gosh the evil eyes i might just have to leave i can't find another one i swear i saw two they just dipped they dipped well i'm gonna have to leave that fundy i think which really sucks because i can't find another one man we were so close fundy where are you someone at fund you tell him where where is he at where where fundy at wait adam okay we got more food that's a pog champ okay let's make more paper okay that's good um i need that that away i just have two boats now i guess don't need that don't need that if i had a diamond hoe i would use that oh wait i can get guys i should get channeling right i should do that right now i should go channeling oh i have a hoe i didn't realize okay well let's see if we can find cats anymore we need any cats any cats in the chat any cats in the chat oh we got a librarian imagining that he has channeling right now that would have been awesome um come on take the job take the job come on i need to sleep any beetroot seeds oh are you okay what kind of cat what kind of cat is this it is that a siamese no it's not i don't think it's siamese is that it kind of cat are you yellow eyes um that's a tabby okay i don't have you yet first try let's go okay tabby's gone four more cats we just need the siamese red persian and jelly right yeah 7-eleven okay wait can you take the job yet oh you can oh other villagers want the job that's the that's the issue whatever i'll just i'll just get all the villagers to come in here i suppose what infinity i kind of want that not going to lie i kind of want that infinity book i should sleep do i have a bed or i don't need mending i just need um any channeling for my tridents this might take a while how do we get here is every single effect in the game all at once i know i need to do the target i guess i can do that after i do this we're in the right ballpark these are a lot of sea ones come on channeling come on channeling come on channeling come on channeling i'll just do this this is a 200 iq strap i don't know if this helps he was in the way come on don't don't decolon me for that i guess i can do this does this even work i'm not scared of no golem mending ending's good but i really need channeling i don't see no golem i'm fine multi-shot still touch come on i'm breaking useless useless to me frost walker ah i'm breaking two a bit better than unbreaking one but nope sharpness three nope i don't need to save durability i got mending you literally never run out of elytra ever i better get channeling soon oh thank you scripted by the way i need seven do i have any extra emeralds anywhere no okay let's get more hay let's go gamers we're gaming we're gaming gamers wait do i need that cat um white and gray green white is that jelly i think that's jelly okay i can get that later i need to get more fish probably i made too much oh nina's only needed six let's go i am pogging out of my chair where's my anvil where's my anvil am i blind do i have it on me where's my anvil did i leave it somewhere i think i left it somewhere oh i have it i thought i'd put it in a chest yes trident plus rock hot equals okay uh we got the child into channeling now we wait for a thunderstorm uh thank god we got that thank god oh thank god i guess i can combine these two as well we might do fishing later i don't know ooh 12 i'm gonna hold off on that i'm gonna hold up we might do that later 420 let's go i need more fish probably let's get fish and get the jelly fish i should probably i feel like trident at 4 20 or around 4 hours i feel like that's pretty good i feel like that's pretty good guys no i did not kill all the bosses i'm doing the with wizards wanna withers not gonna be killed for a while an elder guardian honestly i can do elder guardian uh i should probably do that soon i still need shells though that's the annoying thing shells are so hard to get i need the conduit so i need to get shells and it's so annoying to get that that white cat did i get white cat i did we already got white cat osu where's the jelly you can fish for shells but it's such a long process dude it takes forever to get shells i don't want the white cat i want the jelly where'd the jelly go i saw a jelly cat i know i did even with leer and luck of the three or look of this c3 it still takes forever to get like it's still it still takes forever jelly j jelly i'm tempted to kill the white cat i'm i'm so tempted luck of the three c's i want to kill this cat out of anger because i'm angry where's the freaking jelly did a d spawn can they even despawn in the game wait fox oh it's just a baby fox i guess it works i guess it works i can grow it up it can grow up even is my helmet just part three i can probably fix that up come here um here dream and tommy are much better calling tommy in it better than me is such a that's like an in that's like the biggest insult i ever had in my life yes i can't sleep i probably shouldn't sleep wait is that another fox hey hold on okay screw the baby uh i didn't mean i didn't mean to hurt it but get the adult fox get out of there no i got debated hmm doesn't even happen okay i just like run at you and boxes are too fast you can't even do that what if i go around and chase you back can i chase you back go back stop yeah go towards the skeletons that's a great idea oh yes good good good get in there why'd you go on the boat yes okay finally finally jesus christ man that's fundies finally i took forever a little bit in me has died inside but it's okay i just i need to keep two weed for mushrooms so i'll do that in the inner chest where's the jelly by the way i think the jelly's gone i don't think i can find the jelly anymore i actually think like the jelly despond which really sucks that's really unfortunate i feel like the jelly turned into the white cat i don't have any evidence to back this up other than that the jelly's gone and the white cats here so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna say yeah that's that's it okay let me look at the biomes that i need do i need a flower forest is a flower forest something that's even on the list no it's not okay thank god they bred the fundies i still need to get shells so it's worth it to look for it's still it's still worth it to look forward look for them and i can't sleep anymore guys rip sleeping is impossible i got the white cat wait donkeys did i do donkeys i don't think i did donkeys it let me look no i haven't done donkeys yet okay let's do donkeys donkeys donkeys do not count as horses now yay oh and i can also do a meal you can also do the freaking meal yay i'm down buddy what's wrong with you where's my saddle i also need my golden carrots don't throw my pickaxe i need that first off okay i gotta tame this guys so i can breed this guy with the horse and i can make a meal wow i can't sleep because i need a thunderstorm to i need a thunderstorm to do the channeling channeling one channeling advancement yup i have a china with channeling now with with channeling so i can just do it whenever as long as that's there's a thunderstorm and as long as there's a village okay that's a meal right what what i'm confused why didn't it work what what no i don't need any bills i need golden carrots or hold on just a second no i need golden carrots no this donkey didn't breed this donkey did not breed oh it needs to be full health wait that makes sense are they i think they're good there we go oh finally good good good good guys we just need we just need mushrooms we need to breed mushrooms hoglands pandas ocelots rabbit striders that's all we need where's the saddle okay where's my under chest why do i have one under chest i let did i leave it somewhere i guess i left my under chest somewhere should be soon thanks for the two gifted subs appreciate it very much ender chest in the ender chest what an insane idea okay that can go in there i can go in there furnace man i don't know man any cats chibi son thanks so much for the two gifted subs appreciate it i need um paper all right we can do that we can do the target now it's a good idea very good idea i'm gonna have a i have a strat for this i'm going to need some things redstone repeater sticky piston redstone um i need the hay bale i need zahey bill we're gonna do this right guys hear me out bam um i need redstone peter where's my i have it on me right yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine and 11 12 13 14. yo thanks for the gifted sub darius appreciate it okay where's my bow i have one let's go epic that's the fruit for showing me that that's a fruit strap okay put that in there okay we did that let's look at what we need to do breed yes 15 more right wait five more oh six more pega okay uh three more wait four more cats i don't know i can't do math sorry i need to catch a fish oh i need to do b stuff sniper do i need to do that still we'll do those those at the same time lots of monsters to kill iron golem i'll do that phantoms we gotta do that pillager gotta do that adventuring time we're getting so close it's so far from that all the nether ones a lot of them still need to respawn the dragon wooded hills hold on and i haven't marked that off yet even though i most likely have gone in already let's see i don't have let's go down for one second let's go down okay let me let me look at the did i get wood wooded mountains probably did at some point i don't know see if i can get wooded mountains because i don't know if i've gotten that yet yeah i do need hives yes true i haven't i don't think i've seen many bees this run actually now that i think about it there's just a forest is this a watered mountain this might be a wooded mountain i don't know if this is what a wooden mountain is no it is okay now i can check that off i still need badlands bamboo jungle jungle edge mushroom biome savannah savannah plateau although i might have gone on those already i don't know and wood wooded badlands plateau those are all the ones i need we really gotta find a mushroom man i need i need i need paper let's get sugar cane is this a cool speeder on a watch are people enjoying this i don't know i don't know ooh it's definitely like a long one that's it's obvious definitely long so if you don't like long speed runs you probably won't like this still need the enchanted golden apple ah i still need obsidian i'm gonna get like a lot of obsidian it breaks so fast i need a lot of obsidian for an easy alliance i might as well start mining all this yo thanks for the 110 bits i mean yeah if this takes over 24 hours i'm going to be streaming for more than 24 hours yes i was using the wrong thing i just got this as well i guess where did the other obsidian go did i pick it up i guess i did get the gold block are we doing four rockets decent i need to kill more creepers eventually eventually i don't want to be in this biome anymore there's no reason to be in any of these biomes right now i need to be in an ocean probably because mushroom responding to oceans so let's stay near an ocean and also i should look for shells still need shells we're doing so bad with shells yo meow t thank you so much for the 5 000 bits thank you really appreciate it that's amazing thank you og nothing freaking nothing ooh elder guardian stuff um would i kill the guardian right now i feel like i should you know let's get a milk bucket can we get a milk bucket cows i need cows i need minecraft cow egg can i milk pigs asking for a friend i should make like two other buckets ah oh i should frick i've i've done goofed i done goofed man i done goofed like another one frick why did i let that happen we're gonna get a diamond helmet eventually it's just it's annoying rip okay let's get out of here wait no i need uh i need wood why you can't you stack milk that's tilting i'm tilted doors or even was it was it this way i think it was this way right it passed it okay i did um okay i'm going to need like 20 blocks or so i need like 16. i didn't even need to use milk jeez well i'll probably i might get mining fatigue still yep it happens we got milk don't worry guys don't worry get one more just for good measure okay i need to kill a guardian come here die that's it right they're not at the light oh papaya go go away now this way gold that's too much effort i don't really care why is there a plane's desert in the village don't eat sponge okay this goes and how did we get here chest i don't need any of these buckets uh why do i have i don't want that no i don't want that okay oh yeah let me check it off elder guardian and guardian is done oh and the dragon's done i didn't check that down either ender dragon's done and guardian's done husks husks did i kill a husk i think i killed a husk husks are done oh slimes are done too man i didn't kill did i kill a witch yet is there a witch have i done that i think i killed a witch already no i did kill a witch when i killed the when i got the cat yeah i did witch already i should have shield there instead that was bad i'm gonna die thank you for the twitch prime reputation i've gotten to return this ender haven't got the gaster yet but we're doing all the nether stuff later i'm not worried about the nether right now any cats still need like four more cats miggy thanks for the twitch prime appreciate it very much oh yeah i need to kill a rabbit i need to eat this raw rabbit i've killed a witch which is gone let's see did i need did i even need to do that i might not even need to have done that did i do i have rob rabbit already i do not okay i still need rabbits too i can do that now actually i need cooked rabbit and rabbits do let's see if i can find a cat cat any kitties is that a jelly what is that i don't i think i've gotten that one that's not a jelly is it i think i've gotten that no that's a jelly that's a jelly right come here jelly come here stop running i can chase you all day i can chase you all day i don't care right great green eyes yeah that's a jelly oops okay guys three more to go we need the persian we need the red and we need the siamese there's three more kitties okay let's get the rabbits if we can do that oh there's a temple any rabbits i need to get savannah savannah plato i might have gone those already but i didn't mark them off yet so maybe just to be on the safe side i should just get those to make sure i haven't gone into not yet i'll check that temple in a second is there any more cats i need bunnies i need to kill bunnies that doesn't work oh i guess they don't always drop it 100 of the time i i guess brick i do need to breed them you are not wrong you know what let's do that now okay they're bread bunnies are bread uh bam with only three um the only three we need the only three two or the only three breeds we need is mushroom panda and ocelot so let's go slug slug thanks for the twitch prime okay and i need to make rabbit stew how do i do that i need this i need brown mushroom i need to cook a potato potato i think i need a brown mushroom okay this let's cook a potato bam [Music] guys chef illumina let's go shinju thanks for the tier 1 sub we're a chef now we are a chef can i do this in there in here but how do i make it do i like am i missing something is this how i do it rabbits do um yeah i'm missing that rabbit stew done complete um tricked rabbits done let me check that off i still need to eat a melon that's crazy then i still need to do that [Music] um is about to be done okay i need a tropical fish as well i should probably kill more fishies i've already did a cookie yeah they raw rabbit okay five hours pog fog you let's bring the carrots back even need carrots for anything anymore i don't think so i think carrots are like done so let's get sugarcane while we're at it oh yeah i need any carrots for potions that is true yeah right all right you actually don't need to make a cake for the eat everything advancement cake doesn't count for some reason what is my minecraft or what oh sorry what does my girlfriend look like um minecraft air air block minecraft air block okay let's get savannah plateau if we can i need to eat this stew stewie griffin we got stew let me mark it off stew is done i think that's a savannah plateau we have beetroot beetroot soup enchanted golden apple honey bottle melon slice puffer fish suspicious stooch and tropical fish that's all we're missing i'll do it i'm gonna be doing suspicious stew at the very end though one that's gonna play into how did we get here i already have efficiency five oh i can make the hoe the hoe let's get out of here we okay let's mark off savannah and savannah plateau done dunzo you're done kid oops i miscalculated that one where do i get a tropical fish you don't need to kill the squid for anything pedro thanks for the terence i appreciate it more motion oh i should have done that when i found a warm motion you know that makes sense right you would think that i would do that efficiency five hoe hmm that doesn't sit well with me another ocean monument okay i still need shells so it's still worth it to go to these freaking thingies ruined ocean things i wish cells weren't so painful to get they're literally so painful yeah we got the china with channeling we actually did it somehow i don't know how we got it but we did we just need the shells we don't even have a single shell we got the trident but we didn't even manage to get a shell that's so weird i don't even know how it's possible i can't fish but fishing takes forever so i don't know fishing this is so tedious i might do that but like as a last resort kind of thing guys lyra and luck of the c3 like it they help a lot but it's still going to take forever like trust me it's still still going to be a lot of fishing shut up ah we just need jungle and mushroom i hope i get i hope it doesn't take me five hours to find a mushu biome i hope i get a mushroom volume i need bad lens the the only biomes i need now are let's take a look badlands bamboo jungle jungle edge mushroom and yeah just badlands jungle and mushroom that's all i need i don't think burning treasure has shells i don't think that's true i don't think i don't think they do do they i don't think they do i'm pretty confident they don't gotta make more rockets dude this is the most pathetic excuse of a desert biome i've ever seen look at the tree how this is a lot of mobs i still need to wait for thunderstorm so it's not like i'm wasting like time by looking for these biomes so yeah it's good i mean yeah worst case scenario is just fish for shells i mean [Music] whatever wow it's a pretty bad worst case scenario but you know whatever whatever furry treasure can't have shells i don't think maybe they can i don't know i don't have the answers for this guys i don't i don't know uh it's probably i don't really care about any of that to be honest so bad at killing creepers right now only creepers is impossible probably don't need that cod i know i need cats but i already have fish let's make rockets come on bro i need it i need obsidian or uneasy alliance tropical fish please any tropical fish i'm sorry don't blame me blame mojang for making this an advancement i can't be blamed for this i still need an enchanted golden apple man is there a chest here uh i don't know dude um why don't you guys just give me shells are those puffer fish no those are cods where was the savannah i'm blind dude narrator narrates all oh how did i turn you on narrator narrates chat narrator narrator off all right need to take down tropical fish done i need a puffer fish but i'm going to eat it once we do how did we get here i'm not going to eat it until then dan thanks for 100 bits appreciate it do i need that cat let's look at the cats um i think i got that cat already right did i get no i don't think i got that cat did i not get that what is that is that a siamese are you a siamese uh no you're not i got you already enable narrator that a white cat already doesn't matter already got you uh i think i got that's i got that cat already brick where are you cats cats you can screw right off find a wandering trader in my cell this show i still need bees i have not gotten bees yet i can't believe i haven't found a beehive here that's crazy you think i would find one by now but i guess not i have a freaking trident with channeling before i found bees i got an elytra with mending and unbreaking three before bees do any of you have shells yes not i bred bees but there's a lot of other bee advancements i need to get okay i bred bees but shut up you're not wrong chat but shut up it's like that angry mom who knows that you're right but wants you to shut up anyway what if i get two tridents oh i was just i was just kidding i was just joking [Laughter] i never thought i'd throw a shrine in a way but here we are here here we are i can repair there's no there's no reason for me to repair it there's like i could repair it but that would not wouldn't do anything my china has plenty of health already so it's not it's fine i tried it's not gonna break it won't it won't freaking break let's go for the three timer ah how have i not found one that's holding shells that's so stupid i'm going to cry on stream i can't get these shells uh any mushroom biomes okay i still need to look out for bees so looking in forests and stuff is not a bad idea not bad okay where's that chest okay bam bam bam bam oh i don't think i have that cat do i not uh wait do i have that cat wait i might have wait is that a red cat orange and white with green eyes i think that's what that is yeah okay it's red okay good we don't have this yet come here i hope it starts thunderstorming soon that would be so clutch then i won't have to wait for a thunderstorm yes two more we just need the persian and the siamese oh my gosh thank god just two more we're getting there can you only find those in desert villages is that why i haven't gotten them yet i don't know what cat is this whatever give me lasaga john give me a saga i do need beats you're right uh so much stuff to remember feels bad [Music] we for eating us out of house and home garfielf okay no can i jump up get down jump up jump up and get down jump up get down to pop japan get down bees the bees is there a nest are these just wandering bees i i swear that i thought that like if there's bees there's nests i could be wrong i could be totally wrong new guys will lead me to your nest where's your nest on the left um [Music] wait for night this is annoying the other left okay over here the other left am i right am i getting debated you know what i'm just going to get the sugarcane while i wait i still need to do endermites eventually looking at my list looking at my list i don't think there's bee nests anywhere right there where where uh [Music] just follow them guys where's your nest where'd they even go where'd they even go oh wait no where's your nest [Music] oh that's one of them all right let's get out of here still need to get a couple more i think a couple more helps i think there's at least one bee inside i could be wrong is it an emptiness how do you tell how can you tell i think there's bees inside oh i still need more bees come on thunderstorm please give me the thunda any bee roots can you get beavers and chests oh that was paper take the paper you freaking idiot marija thanks for the tier one sub get out of there oh yeah cats i forgot cats existed what do i need persian um i don't need that i need persian and siamese the prince of persia i don't know why i'm making them leave their bed get out of your beds wake up everybody wake up wake up the prince of persia i can't purr i'm not a pervert get let's get out of here screw this bees i need bees give me the bees there's gotta be bees around here somewhere i guess it's nighttime so they won't be easy to find is there a phantom i also need phantoms this just looks like the exact same village as before wake him up okay get up i should take a one melon i need that for making a golden yo yo melon did i miss melons hold on any bee roots where was the melons no you just called the pumpkin a melon oh oh i feel stupid i had the double head get owned i need this i picked it up where's my how did we get here chest i need it for that any chests i don't think i've seen this house ever recognize that house i wish i didn't throw away the b bruce i honestly didn't think i needed them i thought the beetroot was good enough actually i should eat the beer right i should just eat the freaking beer right now let's bring it out i need to make beetroot soup so i need more i need b root seeds or b roots i'll eat this to get beetroot done um yeah okay what am i doing i'm looking for all the stuff i need i need b roots i need bees i need enchanted got cappell i need badlands i need mushroom buy them i need jungle bamboo there's a lot of things i need you can't craft you can't craft seeds from beetroots doesn't work i've already tried that you need the seeds and what seed is this anyway oh oops i need six or seven total rick i ran out crookedy frick boom boom speed roots done boys boys and girls it's done okay nice nice nice nice nice let's check that off stilling a melon slice i think we have to get that in a savannah village or no jungle or jungle we still need a jungle anyway okay any cats any freakin oh i think i need that i think i need that yeah i think that's what i need oh i might need more uh fish though i think i need this wait do i need this yeah i need this wait yeah i need that it's a siamese that's siamese i don't think i don't think two's gonna cut it though wait wait wait one more let's go we need the persian right wait no is this the persian wait wait wait wait is this the persian or the siamese it's a persian okay we just need the siamese just siamese okay one more finally frick dude you can stay here forever bro i care we need the persian no sorry siamese pega siamese guys once i get a complete catalog i'm gonna die because that's how i when i got a complete catalog last time i died so it's not looking good for us once we get it it's not looking good once i get it it's gonna be monkey from there on out guys i just need five things to eat i just need well i need a chanted golden apple and puffer fish um and i'm going to get those or how did we get here or i don't know we'll see honey bottle we still need to do bee stuff anyway melon slice i need a jungle for that and then suspicious do which we're gonna do for how do we get here as well so it's looking good for the food stuff no i did not catch a fish yet i'm probably gonna automatically get that when i get shells anyway do puffer fish spawn here i've already got the tropical fish already ate that dude do pepperfish spawn here where do pufferfish spawn i'll probably get the puffer fish anyway when i use fish i'm probably gonna do fishing oh there's a puffer fish anyway i think that's a puffer fish this is a puffer fish no that's tropical whatever we'll just get out of here i really need a mushroom biome how far are we out okay okay okay yeah i'll probably just do fishing eventually so it's fine but usually you usually get puffer fish when you fish pretty common decently common at least i'm going to do to do a raid for how do we get here so it's going to not be for a while we're there as well weather's gonna be for a while jungle let's go i just hopefully wait don't get too excited i still need bamboo stuff i'm not getting too excited yet i need jungle edge as well oh my gosh this looks pathetic please tell me there's more jungle nearby oh this looks pathetic there has to be more please give me more please give me more but i need melons give me the melon give me the three cheese pizza melons i need to find a bamboo jungle though is there a jungle edge anywhere i don't really care about temples to be honest please have a jungle bamboo thing i'm begging you um i beg of you please uh let's get let's get more obsidian it can have notch apples whatever i don't know yeah there's a thing of bamboo but it's not a bamboo jungle i need the bamboo jungle biome fine i'll check the temple whatever i need the obsidian for an easy alliance which is bring a gas in the world so i want to make a big portal yeah i've already ate the cookie i found a jungle earlier but it didn't have what i needed it doesn't have bamboo jungles okay let's go back to the temple then oh the jungle is on fire guys there's an ocelot i'm not gonna do ocelots yet until i find like two next to each other see if i can find another one is there another ocelot nearby they're hard they're so hard to find dude where's the temple oh ocelots are so bad my life would be so much better i need a let lever i think do i i think i do i need that for something i need that for how do we get here [Music] okay let's go this way yeah it's i can't craft a lever i don't know how to do that i'm too i'm too paper i thought this was i should eat the freaking melons frick brickety frick they get a jungle edge yet i better get that oh god deja vu i don't like being on fire being on fire is monica don't do that flashbacks there's no bamboo jungle i'm so upset dude i'm so sad i want to cry i still don't know if i have jungle edge or not bug okay i don't want to cry anymore i need bamboo jungle and bamboo jungle hills yes yes let's mark that off finally uh i still don't shoot i messed up something i missed all my notes guys i messed up my notes hold on i'm sorry sorry i messed up something i'll give you a minute give me like two minutes you mean like give me like three minutes hold on okay we're good don't die i need to breed some pandas let's see if i can find any pandas come on any panda oh eat the melon okay let's mark that off well you still can four more foods guys just four more and two of them and at least two of them go into how do we get here there's a baby panda as well okay i think we're good i think we can i think we can grow the panda right can we grow the panda no i don't need blistering melons or anything i don't i don't need melons for anything melons are useless to me now we're fine we don't need melons i think i need to make the baby an adult i think that's where we're at your your mother can go in here guys i don't need i don't need no i don't need them for potions do i just feed them do i just feed the baby jungle until it becomes old do yeah let's leave the boat alone um you guys don't know that they're uh that's that that was their son you don't know that just saying okay let's mark that off uh i don't even have it listed okay four more as well we need ocelots which we can do right now we have two nether ones and we need the mushrooms still mushroom all right let's get out of here the obsidian put that away let's breed ocelots the worst thing i can do with my life i think ocelots are the worst ones to tame or breed you can't even they're the worst ones to breed for sure actually i should go to the other jungle ruin portal let's get that first wait is that a i hope a mushroom biome doesn't take me 10 billion years that's my only hope you don't need to breed parrots that's not a thing if they can't be bred it's not part of the list it's not and it doesn't and it's not required i don't even think you can breathe i've already done foxes okay ocelots frick frick ocelots ocelots are stupid there's one can i find another i should put him in a boat oh i need fish i need fish frick i forgot about fish um okay i'm gonna see if i can put this one in a boat are you stuck here please don't fall off oh they fell off i don't think i'm catching this guy without fish oh god let's go okay it's just that easy um whatever i don't feel like marking the cards i'm gonna be honest someone in chat could do it i wanna check and do i don't care okay let's find fish i need to find fish hold it longer someone mark that or doe you don't want to it's fine you don't have to either longer no you guys only get you only get three seconds oh oh yuki boy let's go it's just that easy easy as one two three abc all right get those chords um let's see i need fish though where can i find fish please don't despawn cats if these cats despawned i'm going to punch a hole in my wall i just need two i don't even need that much like i just need a couple oh no no i think ocelots despawn i think they do girl i'm just going to go fishing there use a fishing rod dummy i got it shut up thanks for the 250 bits is leer better than luck of the sea that's easily we got an advancement pog okay i think that's all we need okay what's the chords for the other guy negative negative eight zero six three negative five that way oh come here [Music] um let's see are the chords aha okay oh can i just fall down i don't really want to risk it that should be fine we're almost at six hours can i do this before the six hour mark oh it's right here i didn't realize okay stop trying to run away from me you cannot escape me i am eternal a paga s s i don't think i can i look too fast frick sadness sadness please please please no that would have been perfect that's such a good spot if i just chase okay okay don't make that same mistake please don't eat the fish is it safe to do this okay you can't get out i fixed it come on let's do this in under six hours let's go let's freaking go okay we just need mushrooms we just need to breed mushrooms hogland and strider so we have left good job good job me and pat you know i deserve a pat on the back for that one okay under six hours we did it okay we just need to get the freaking mushroom and then we could do the nether ones um let's make more of these get rid of that i don't really care right now uh put that away do i have everything good good good good let's get out of here oh jungle edge i need a jungle as that's true i don't know if i've gone well that's like the frustrating part is i don't know if i've gotten one already i guess i'm just flying around until i see jungle hedge john girl edge please yeah i know jungle edges are like the hardest one yes yes check that off let's go let's check that off we just need badlands and mushroom that's all we need we need badlands and mushroom that's all we need that's it that's literally literally it um it's just a mushroom biome guys how how hard is it to find a mushroom biome i don't know but it can't be that bad right right right right right guys why don't you guys have shells i might have to up my render distance true not false i'll um let's do like 28. i don't want to like go all in you know i don't want to tank it this is why you don't take it already got tropical fish any drowns that have shells preferably and these shallow drowns i was my legs were not dead because i have mending and unbreaking on it i'm breaking three and mending so as long as i kill things it's never gonna break i didn't see you fundy i i uh i bred you i bred your kind uh just just letting you know okay just putting that out there i don't i don't even know if his hair am i getting debated yeah i put bread on you is that okay do you like bread you know i thought i thought you would like bread you know i did it as a gift i don't know maybe you like it maybe you don't you love bread let's go fundy loves my gift anyone anyone feel jealous yet i impressed fundy not even vip um true i can give i could give him vip but i'm in the middle of a run mom wait till my game is done mom i'm playing minecraft mom where is cat i need siamese come on siamese please that's not a siamese that's not that's not what i need any more cats is that it there's got to be more cats there's gotta be more is that siamese uh white and pale brown with blue eyes is that it i don't think it is it looks like it looked like a ragdoll to me as someone who uh hasn't seen a ragdoll in a while and got it at the last one my last run that was stupid by the way friendship ended with ragdoll no friendship ended with siamese right doll wait you know what another thing about it all cats are enemies cats suck none of the cats are my friends friendship ended with all cats i'm a dog person now and it's only because i'm doing all advancements random t clutches 1.16 and for no other reason that's the only reason please give me a thunderstorm i've never wanted a thunderstorm this badly in my life um there's not even a gold block what the heck what the frick guys i should have gotten the dispenser from the uh i forgot to get the dispenser i mean i guess i could just make one but i should have gone into the dispensers from the jungle oops guys my speedrun is unoptimal now should i reset okay let's turn my render distance back down i don't think it's handling 28 very well very well i don't think there's gold if there is it's hidden and i don't have the time to check ain't nobody got time for that because i don't i don't got time for that no i don't understand minecraft is an unoptimized garbage game and it can't handle the best cpu because it's coded coded poorly modders are better at optimizing the game than mojing i don't know why mojing just doesn't hire people who do sodium and optifine i don't know or just copy them literally just copy sodium just copy what they do they won't even care i bet i bet they wouldn't even care i don't like that there's wolves in this village thunderstorm maybe let me get my trident out don't charge your creeper it didn't work wait it's not a thunderstorm brick feels bad there's no cats in this freaking village the wolves kill can wolves kill cats that would be stupid if they could is riptide any good riptide's okay they don't really need it though should i just stick around here in case it turns into a thunderstorm i don't know i don't want to go too far let's go yo thanks for the 250 of soberish appreciate it very much i think this could turn into a thunderstorm i need to repair my elytra let's put my where's my shield i got most of the well the easy ones that i need are in the nether and i'm not going in the nether anytime soon so i'm gonna wait on the nether i need bones anymore ow okay yeah i do need a cave spider but i might be able to get that once i get the uh that lands by them because baby spiders can spawn in those we'll see let's get more sugarcane i kind of need sugarcane there's ever if there's even any sugar cane here is that a music disc what the heck we got 11 boys jukebox when i gotta play 11. man let's get some sugar can if we can the thunderstorm yet nope how many useless does this even have oh we have 78 78 use that's plenty plenty of uses there's no way we're gonna break it these zombie one shots are crazy ah oh it's only one i need two of you where's my bow i put my bow away yeah i need i need two of them so there's just one then i should just kill them i can i need phantom membrane i think wait yeah i need phantom membrane for potions so i should kill them i should kill the phantom annoying annoying yo that's for how did we get here put that in my how did we get here thingy phantom membranes can go in there i guess i also need spider eyes i forgot that i needed spider eyes forgot about that this is not becoming a thunderstorm i'm i'm upset by this fact let's get wood i have plenty of mushrooms i just need the spider eyes have i been hogging spider eyes at all let's see and the one i don't think i have been no see a youth chaos well hopefully it doesn't become a thunderstorm i mean i hope it does but hopefully i can get the advancement if it does become a thunderstorm yeah you need to get it yeah you need a shulker in the overworld i need to get it i need to bring a shulker in the overworld which is very tedious but you know has to be done thanks for the twitch prime oh you have to put a shulker on a boat no i haven't visited the bottoms yet i need the mushroom biome and the badlands biome get all the freaking obsidian why can't you do it in the end guys what sounds easier to you bringing a dolphin to the end or bringing a shulker to the overworld what seems easier chocolate overworld exactly exactly yeah so how you're going to bring water in the how are you going to bring so much water in the end with so that the dolphin is going to be able to swim to where you want it to like it just doesn't sound practic it's just easier to do in the overworld this is way easier there's no argument that was crazy i love doing that wolf on the mountain you guys see that wolf that was so cool there's a wolf that was sick the temple okay i think badlands can spawn next to deserts so i think it's wise to be in deserts actually is it a thunderstorm this looks like a thunderstorm to me but i don't know if it is wait i think it's thunderstorming hold on is it whatever guys does channeling work in deserts and savannas i don't think they do oh why am i doing this wrong always oh they it works wait what i'm so confused it looks like thunder do you see that i thought i saw thunder let's bring this out where's my crossbow hold on guys let me let me let me do this wait where's my i have to kill one yes okay where's the village guys i don't i don't need battle i gotta wait for bad omen that's where i'm doing bad omen once i get due how do we get here which won't be for a while is it a thunderstorm i don't think it is i got my shulkers ah wrong one why is there another thing we can ruin portals welp no more storm it's not a big deal i don't think it was a thunderstorm anyway okay we still need the mushroom bomb and we need the persian right is the persian no siamese we need the siamese sorry sorry i'm getting those two confused i need fish as well where do i put my where should i put my carrots yes there um the nt away i don't need those boats anymore you know what i need boats i need those for how do we get here why not why not hoard things i'm a hoarder so respawn point good point good point i am comedian yes we bread fundies already where's the cats got down chords here's the chords jeez we're far is there no cats why no cats why you no cats please have shells man i should get fish damn bam did a fish drop bone meal someone well it's not bones if they drop bones i would have been mad because i was arguing that they don't draw bones ah thank you for the tier one sub over to someone else i'm thinking for the suburb elsa sorry i missed it i'm just really focused right now appreciate it though ah to see let's get the third one oh six enough depends on the cat village zoom new please have a siamese man i just want to be done with this stupid advancement that shouldn't really exist if i'm being completely honest that assignment is what are siamese white and pale brown that is not white and pale brown is that white and pale brown no that's a that's a persian right just kill them all that's so mean why would i do that i need bees if someone sees a bee nest yell at me yell in my ear yell in my ear i still don't have an enchanted gap yet that's sad i'm actually going to cry this is one point sixteen point one like i said we're not wasting time because we need to wait for the thunderstorm anyway so we have like it's not like fine well we need to find these things anyway but it's even better that we haven't tried it now like it's awesome [Music] me i just want to find i want to find the last biomes all i want to do like before i take a break my goal is that i want to find all the bombs that's my goal you have a siamese cat can i have it for this advancement can i have it no i don't have a survival world or anything like that i used to play uh a lot of survival like years years ago i still need that god apple give me that god apple you'll love your streams hope you do in all versions speed run again yo thanks for the gifted sub and butter eyes i forgot um we i need to make let's organize some stuff what can i put away that how do we get here spider-eye there's some sugar cane could be in there and what nah i'll keep it where's my bow by the way do i have a bow did i throw away a bow did i never have a bow this run i don't know wait put away my diamonds and that and that i don't know where my bow went i need to get two birds so phantoms could spawn that would be pog be a nest come on get the advancement now get the advancement now come on yes yes guys i have the shulker boxes stop debating me i have both of them shut up stop it i threw away the blue clay it just looks like a shulker box a complete catalog more like a complete stupid advancement i'm losing it i'm losing it guys i'm losing it i think this is our first desert village of the run i don't think we found a desert village this is the first one it's kind of insane maybe they spawn more commonly here maybe that's a rag doll right is that one no wait is that one pale wait is that one is that one right there let's go dude finally we did it again all right now everyone's gonna die because last time when we completed this our run died so now everyone's gonna die if history repeats itself hopefully we don't die um oh thanks for the sub appreciate it very much i la la la i'm bored i should set my spawn post my chords let's sleep bam those are my chords we still need a mushroom we still need to get the channeling one i need to do b stuff but i'll do that later once i'm done the other things because that involves waiting anyway so yeah i just need to look for biomes i just need this last two biomes that's all i need buddy all i need is those last two freaking tricky biomes no that's my shulker guys this is not a shulker just so you know i don't want you guys to spam at me okay that was not a smooth exit you've been hit by you've been struck by wall i don't know i said that so villagers are useless to me now i'm going to go down here and get a cam i'm going to tame a cat nope debated i don't need to do that anymore get your baited idiots i don't even know what sweeping edge does i said it was a bad um i said it was a bad enchantment but i was bluffing i don't even know what it does to be honest with you i was i was bluffing what does it do mario we okay well that's obvious i kind of i kind of figured that's what it did i i kind of oh shell we got a shell that's one out of eight where's my how did which one's my how do we get your box this is my how do we get here box okay let's go guys there could be a badlands around here badlands usually spawn around deserts so let's see let's look around the deserts let's see if we can find a badlands yeah you need eight shells which is so stupid why why i don't know i i just i don't know why they thought that was a good idea you know they they did someone thought that that was a good idea someone did it's meant to be hard i know but screw screws through them anyway screw whoever thought of it anyway i'm still i'm still allowed to be mad okay i'm still i'm still allowed to not believe in that at all yes yes okay bam bam bam bam look at that it's just as easy as that getting rockets is just as easy as that did i get that temple i don't think i did eat bane of arthropods [Music] oh oh let's go i was i was just about to say we need that we need the enchanted gap we got it let's go pog let's go dude i need to organize i need to organize stuff uh organizing is so bad so so slow where's my business um let's put away the wheat put that away iron can be put away i need that don't forget don't forget that that would be bad okay let's go get more sugar cane while we're at it we still wait how much tnt wait wait oh yeah this is a good check how much tnt do we have i can get more tnt because um is there any tnt in here okay i could use more tnt because like i need to i need i need to i need tnt for netherright to do netherray mining so i i honestly i'm i should probably get like two stacks of tnt or something i'm like that i've got apple away true can't what's tnt for um it's for netherright farming pretty much thanks for the tip can you do my homework he thinks for the five dollars um man i was bad at school uh if you want an f sure i'll i'll help you out i'll help you get an f that's what you want i have food you can use beds but it takes way too much inventory space i mean i could get a shulker box just full of beds i could do that t is way better tnt is way easier to use and it's much better so i don't know i don't think i should use beds i think i should just i think i should just use tnt because like using beds is risky because you have to be next to the bed and it's just not a good chance is way easier to use can t is a vibe i guess i'll take all that run up here well now that you say that i could i could use a p now that you mentioned it no matthew you don't give me your shells you still need eight shells which sucks i can use more xp uh why won't my rockets work i shield my brick true oh god wait is there any shells if there's no shells i'll just leave okay i'm out of here i don't see any shells i should make another shield let's do that right now bam bam wait i should make that into real iron bam bam bam matthew already got we already got a channel and we got this like a while ago too we got really lucky with each other now i'm just looking for the two rare biomes the mesa [Music] and the mushroom i just need these i might be looking for these for like hours for a lino i hope not also get the feeling that maybe i'm not like doing things efficiently go up i just want to swim up we [Music] we how much gold do we need um i'm getting gold for the beacon i need lots of gold for that i need a full beacon which is blocks 164 blocks of gold 164 blocks of gold yes i said that correctly no i didn't find a mushroom bomb yet i'm working on it i'm working on it boss chill have to try it i need the shell get out of here six more shells guys i did not eat the god apple yet i might save that for how do we get here it could make it easier you thanks for the tier 1 sub there has to be a mushroom bomb in this ocean somewhere i i there has to be man uh if we look in the ocean i don't know it's probably somewhere in there ah for a thunderstorm how did we get here is every single effect applied at once there's 26 26 effects let's test it out nope i don't know which mob i'm voting for i haven't really looked at the new mobs that much so i don't know i haven't decided any shells ah shell now we're getting shells it took a while three out of eight let's get out here no we haven't tried it already i just need a thunderstorm yeah true matthew oops oh there's a village here so i don't need the bell guys still need the phantoms desert is nice more chance of badlands and also more tnt's good as well right now i'm trying to find i'm trying to finish adventuring time um adventuring time i'm missing where is it located i need five i'm missing let badlands mushroom and woodland just just mushroom and badlands was i here already no there's no way what was 1.5 15 dead category no 1.15 is just worse than 1.14 in every way dreamed at a speedrun of 1.15 because he's papaya oh yeah he only used it as a toggle sprint but that's not a good excuse this is a thunderstorm are we there yet i don't i don't hear thunder this is not a thunderstorm well guess i was here where am i let's go north [Music] i thought i was going north but i've been going south this entire time my electro's fine come on thunderstorm please the funny thing is is that i can still breed mushrooms with my channeling i don't need a motion buy them i can just read mushrooms if i need to this that's not efficient at all but i could do it you know i could i'm not going to do it but i could do it poseidon please aside and help me out buddy i was probably already here but i'm going to check anyway because i'm stupid actually just go this way no we have a we have most of what we need for balanced diet there's only a couple things left so we just need a puffer fish which we'll get with how do we get here enchanted golden apple which i'll probably also do for how do we get here and then suspicious do which is also for how do we get here and then the enchanted golden apple is um wait no the honey bottle i'm gonna do that like i'll do the bee stuff later there's a bunch of bee advancements i need to do there's like there's like two other bee advancements i need to do i think so we'll do that eventually is that a beehive i'll take it i'll take the beehive actually i don't probably don't even need it i probably don't even need it actually i already have a campfire we're fine on the campfire don't worry about that i almost hit the tree i'm just missing these two stupid volumes i mean i'm not really surprised that i'm missing them they are the rarest biomes but still it's annoying still annoying i hope to get it before 10 hours if i can complete all like the main overworld stuff before 10 hours that was my goal that was my goal so if we can do that that would be amazing i'm missing five volumes but it's badlands plus or badlands badlands plateau mushroom field shore mushroom field and then wooded badlands plateau so yeah it's five biomes but they're just like they're variations oh you don't need modified jungle edge i didn't get jungle edge though you do need juggle jungle edge but i got that so it's fine thankfully you don't need jungle edge no in the in the world record the guy literally found a badlands next to a mushroom which was hilarious i wish that could happen to me i wish i had that biome luck but i really don't guys i'm so happy i don't have to tame any cats anymore holy that's awesome yeah i know my render distance is lower just i know it's low just my i don't want to take my computer i could i could up it i'll try uh 24 maybe see how that works out moo bloom how tired am i from scale 1 to 10 i don't even know i'm like a bit tired but also like i don't want to go to bed i'm tired but not sleepy i'm collecting gold because i need it for the beacon i need a fully charged beacon which is 160 164 gold blocks please mushroom please i beg of thee a bake of the mushroom i gotta watch out with my elytra use my trident it's not thunderstorming it's just raining if you hear thunder that's where i panic and try to find the closest village now i've spawned in many motion biomes like i've done that many times now after the speed running the game for so long another ocean monument my plan is to get a fortune pickaxe and just mine gold in the nether that's my plan for beaconator i don't know if that's efficient or not but that's what i'm going to do anyway your badlands please thunderstorm i want to hear thunda i want to feel the thunder [Music] hmm isn't that a song probably give me xp dude the best way to get gold is actually just from killing tridents a bunch i figured out the meta shell dude we're owning these shells right now four that's four out of eight now when i'm really tired i i misspeak a lot so just get ready for me speak or misspeaks galore oh no i threw my shulker away oh no what does the world come to come on man i gotta get a bad lens there's gotta be a badlands come on there's gotta be one i believe i believe in the badlands i believe we couldn't guard it but i think electros are up you know i should just kill the creepers right now like i really need xp oh village where's village is there a village back here let's go dude let's go ah done oh let's go okay you got that fog that's amazing all right let's kill creepers that's good oh my gosh thank gosh thank gosh we still need phantoms guys if we do the phantom one if we kill the phantoms then there's no need for us to not sleep ever we can sleep again which is really good so hopefully we get the phantom one soon i actually kind of want phantoms to spawn here i'm gonna wait around for phantoms i feel like i'll see we'll see if they spawn let's um organize a bit let me bring my uh crossbow out just in case just in case four more shells oh is it just one though i think it's just one rip i need two at least two phantom membranes good though need that for advance or for how did we get here come on badlands please i don't think there's a badlands oh man yeah i need to kill i should kill mob still let's still kill mobs gotta get that lighter to heal no i didn't do a raid yet but we're gonna save that for how do we get here oh you
Channel: Illumina VODs
Views: 5,012
Rating: 4.964602 out of 5
Id: Rszt20Bw6gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 468min 37sec (28117 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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