Seoul Subway Ultimate Guide πŸ‡°πŸ‡· Best Apps, Where to Buy T Money Card, Elevator Access

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[Music] the so subway system is insane IT services over 7 million people per day and 2.6 billion people per year throughout and Beyond the entire greater Soul area going all the way up to the North Korean border about 40 km Northwest of soou 75 km Northeast to the city of chunchon in the province of kandoo which is over halfway across the entire country of South Korea and then about 85 km South all the way to the city of Assan in the province of chunchon namo it's one of the fastest growing Subway systems in the world and extremely affordable to ride with a base Fair of about a doll USD but it's not always the most straightforward thing for tourists to figure out and this video is meant to help out with that so in this video I'll just kind of simplify it make it easier and show you how to ride the so [Music] Subway let's start out with what you need first the t- money card this can be be used on subways buses and even taxis and so and all over the country too the t- money card can be purchased for 3,000 wanted convenience stores or at the vending machines at certain subway stations such as inchon airport and other popular tourist subway stations such as hongik University Station it can be topped up with cash at convenience stores and the card reloading machines located at every subway station but it can't be topped up with credit cards for those who are wondering as of 2023 the base fair for subways are4 1001 which gets you up to 10 km and every 5 km after that is an additional 1001 up to 50 km and then 1001 for every 8 km after that for example if you're riding the subway from Soul station to Nami Island a tourist spot about 75 km Away by car you would only pay 2400 W or less than $2 USD as you can see it's very reasonable however there are certain exceptions to that with the airport railroad being more expensive if you're traveling in in between inch on Airport and soul and the shimang line which adds extra to the base Fair depending on where you ride it also children and teenagers receive discounts on subways depending on their age you can do this by registering your date of birth at either a convenience store or one of the t- money public service centers at a subway station once you have topped up your card with enough cash scan the card when entering the gates at your departing subway station and again when exiting the gates at your arrival station if you exit the gates accidentally or need to use the bathroom located outside the gates you can scan your card once to leave and if you re-enter the gates within 15 minutes you won't be charged extra also you can transfer to a bus for free if it's within 30 minutes after leaving the [Music] gate to find directions between stations there's an app called caca Metro that makes it very easy to navigate Soul's subway system it's available in English and Korean and you just simply select your departure and arrival station and it'll give you directions on how long it'll take how much it'll cost where to transfer if necessary the fast transfer which tells you the Subway card to ride to transfer to the next subway line the fastest which can be seen on the ground at the subway station platforms just before getting on the subway however the preferred method to find directions is to use one of the map apps in Korea like caca Maps or neighbor Maps which are both in English and use the directions to find out how to get to your destination just like you would do on Google Maps this will give you the fastest directions and can be sorted by only using Subways or buses if you prefer that or you can use both so to help you out let's take the subway to Soul station from shinchon station where I'm currently located right now I'm in shinon which is uh an area close to hondai kind of a lot of tourists come here as well there's a nice view behind me and we're going to go to Soul station to see another view so let's [Music] go I'm going to use caca Maps as it's my preferred app for directions and you can see it recommends mostly buses to get to Soul station from here however I want to take the Subway so I'll click on subway and here you can see it gives me directions only via the subway it has me going on line number two from shinchon to City Hall station and then transferring at City Hall Station to get to Soul station from where I'm at it has me walking to Exit 4 and elevators and escalators can easily be seen on caca or neighbor Maps if needed if you require access to them now I'll follow my map by GPS to Exit 4 of shinchon station and when I arrive at the street level there is an exit like this with the name of the subway written in multiple languages the exit number and the subway line clearly written the app says I'm taking line number two the green line so I'm on the right path so let's head downstairs into the [Music] station I walked down the stairs into the main plaza area and immediately see the subway line number on the ceiling along with the stations that the subway is going to there's also an information booth in the middle if I require any assistance with my t- money card or if I've lost an item and I'm coming to find it and then there's Subway turn styles on both sides of me with t- money card charging machines to top up with cash which are at every subway station there is also a T-money card vending machine here but you see it hasn't been in service for a while and it's telling me to go to the nearest convenience store which isn't written in English so it's good to know in advance that you can buy them at convenience stores too it's also possible to ride the Subway by purchasing oneide tickets at these machines but you pay an additional 1001 when compared to the t- money card and you pay a 5001 deposit to get the card which can be refunded at any of the ticket refunding machines found at every subway station so so now I'm all ready with my t-- money card loaded up or one-way ticket and I need to find the right Subway on caca map you can see I'm taking line number two heading towards sunu and if I want to do a fast transfer I need to ride car number 1-1 you can follow the signs that are attached to the ceilings to the right line number but at shinchon station there is only line number two other stations like hungi University have multiple lines so just follow the signs on the ceiling to get to the right line number until you see the turn styles for that line so now that we found line two we're ready to enter the turn Styles but hang on a second this is the part where most people get confused and the most important part of the video so pay close attention here at some subway stations including shinchon station you can only take the subway in One Direction after you've entered the turn Styles therefore it's very important to make sure that you're headed in the right direction before entering and there are a couple of ways to do this the clearest way to make 100% sure is to find one of these Maps located next to the turn Styles which shows the direction the subway is going in on each side and the stations it'll stop at and they're usually located on the pillars or a wall nearby since we're taking line number two to City Hall station and transferring there we need to find city hall station on the subway map which I can't find on this map here so let's go to the opposite direction and here we are City Hall Station this is definitely the right way so we know we can enter the turn Styles now if we've confirmed it like this the the other method is what I normally use but it's a little bit trickier sometimes and it's to find the right direction by looking at the signs above on the ceiling where you can see which stations the train is headed to listed next to the line number we got lucky this time because City Hall station is written right on the sign so it's easy for us to confirm but let's say I was going to Chung jongo station which is in the same direction but not written on the sign well in this scenario I can look at the subway maps on the pillar or I can look at my phone to see if the Direction I'm going in matches up with the stations written on the sign and once I've finally found the right direction I enter the turn Styles luckily at the majority of subway stations you can choose your direction after you enter the turn Styles but it's always a good idea to confirm where you're going before scanning your card just in case it's similar to this station in chinon now that we have confirmed we are definitely on the right subway line and going in the right direction it's time to enter the turn Styles we can scan our T-money car or oneway ticket on the little scanner on the right side or in my case my phone which only people living in Korea can do here you can see there's a bunch of stairs so if you require elevator access to the subway it's best to seek out the little signs with the elevator on them which vary from Station to Station typically if there's a wide Turn Style labeled for wheelchair users like this there will be an elevator to use as well and if there aren't any turn Styles like this you'll probably have to look for an elevator located outside the turn styles down to the subway platform and it'll usually have its own t- money card scanner as well okay so now we're going down to the subway platform which looks like this you'll see a big glass wall with a bunch of glass doors at most stations that open when the subway arrives there are usually TV or LCD screens that show you how long the next train will take to arrive and above the door to the subway you can see the current station as well as the previous and the next station that the train is heading to I always double check here just to make sure that I'm heading the right direction and in the case where you're at a station where the train goes both directions opposite from each other at the same platform you can find the same maps on the pillars like this just like before that lists the direction the train is heading in on each side there are also arrows that indicate what type of seats there are inside the arrows without any markings are for General seats the Arrows with the person with the cane are for the elderly pregnant women mothers with children or disabled but it's almost only used by the elderly to be honest and you shouldn't sit down there if you're younger and physically able to stand the Arrows with the wheelchair are for people with a wheelchair or with suitcases to store them and in the general seat sections you can find the pink seats labeled clearly for pregnant woman which you can also see in the glass doors outside if you have a bike you can only ride the Subway on weekends or holidays on the first or last car of the train unless it's a smaller folding bike then it's always allowed okay we're ready to board the subway the trains can get really packed so I recommend avoiding weekday mornings between 8: and 10:00 a.m. or evenings between 5: and 7:00 p.m. if possible and to be honest Saturdays are pretty packed all day as well just so you know you can tell the next station by looking at the screen or listening to the announcements and the announcements will play in multiple languages as well as what sides the door will open and the display will also show the information in multiple languages as well now the next station is City Hall which is a transfer station and every trans for station plays a song and the ones in Soul sound like this city hall City Hall the doors are on your left it's now time to get off the subway and immediately look for the signs for line one to transfer to Soul station since we took the fast transfer Subway the transfer to line one is right in front of us and we can see the stations that the train is headed to on the sign and do another comparison with our subway map to make sure we're going in the right direction don't just blindly follow the signs for the subway line number because there are times when the train with the same line number but opposite direction as your train transfers at a totally different location so you need to always be confirming the line number as well as the subway Direction when transferring Subways as well and you can conveniently transfer to your next train without leaving the subway station which is absolutely world class in my opinion we can see the transfer signs for soul station online number one here so now we can follow them to our transfer platform and you can see we've arrived at another set of glass doors and on our app it says the quickest car number to our exit is either car 1-2 or 10-4 so we can choose to ride one of those cars if we want we then double check the map or above the glass doors to make sure it's going the right way and ride the train one stop to Soul [Music] station this off is soul station Soul station the doors are on your right you can tracker to line number four chy airport railroad now we've arrived to our final destination and it's time to find the exit number of the subway station and we can also see on cacao Maps or neighbor maps you can see we need to go out exit 6 and we can see the exit numbers written in yellow at all the subway stations we just simply follow the signs to exit 6 scan our t- money card to get out of the station exit the station and we've arrived conveniently at solo 7017 which is a really nice Viewpoint of one of the busiest intersections and bus transfers in Korea including a view of the old soul station which is built in 1925 when Japan colonized Korea all right so as you can see it's not bad exploring on the soul Subway you can go all over the city and uh it does take a little little bit to learn for sure but I hope this video helped at least to just understand the basics and maybe just to make it a little bit easier for your first time riding yeah let me know if you have any questions or comments about the soul Subway I'd be happy to help answer anything and uh yeah I'll just uh enjoy the view up here and we'll see you [Music] soon thanks so much for watching the video if it was helpful please press the like button because that helps us out a lot and if you want to watch similar videos in the future consider subscribing and joining our patreon if you have the financial flexibility to do so thanks again and we'll see you [Music] soon
Channel: Lost Then Found
Views: 8,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost then found, korea, travelogue, kvlog, κ΅­λ‚΄μ—¬ν–‰, μ—¬ν–‰, κ΅­μ œμ»€ν”Œ, 브이둜그, adventure, 세계 μ—¬ν–‰, LTF, korean vlog, korean life, ν•œκ΅­, living in korea, gukjecouple, μ½”λ‚˜λ‹€μ»€ν”Œ, seoul subway, how to ride the seoul subway, seoul subway guide, where to buy t money card, how much is the seoul subway, how to find directions in korea, korean subway, korean transportation, seoul, μ§€ν•˜μ² , μ„œμšΈ, sinchon, seoul station, seoullo 7017, kakao metro, kakao map, naver map
Id: GguCbalesf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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