Sentinels vs MIBR - HIGHLIGHTS | Champions Tour 2024: Americas Stage 1

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he's watching at a slight and safe off angle so come back away here try and play for that retake a fight by Sentinels they're forcing the issue forward in the jump spot by 10's almost a little bit risky but the plant is down and the plant able to be committed because there was that pressure over towards waterfall wasn't smoked offroy M choosing to fight it and S find themselves in a 4v4 retake both raises down remember that paranoia didn't get used early round from 10 he still has it kicking here with a smokes propped up here dividing up the sight little bit more palpable for them paranoia now finally gliding through big connection onto a multitude of tack but again there's no follow up the are just delaying how's going to take this one with time of the essence sticking onto it sassy half already might just earn them enough time here Mazin All the Way Forward spamming and tapping all the way John just about gets it now they will be and now chance and opportunity look at this mazine yeah strikes correctly and precisely the right moment the problem is for Sen is that a lurker is that the full hit was it a fake or was mazine just playing a very aggressive look on viper they're unsure they don't know where to commit right now there only 13 seconds left pushing through the smoke I mean J taking out an open a sight that has sewn enough at least chaos there into the mix of the round they have to deal with these stragglers Jay a sting a shot to the Head he's still alive and kicking though and he is causing all sorts of distractions isn't he leave the tend here on the bonus don't to know where a lot of these players are single shot there we go straight to the chest one more in the chamber not enough though full armor just saving the day there for mazine but a 1 V2 and potential chances here for sassy but time running short you can start to hear it ticking and ticking away got to get a move on here if you want any sort of chance One spotted tap forcing them forwards but here it is MBR really only being posted off by mazine as's a parano exchange on either side out on the opposite section of the map with mazine falling a control now going to be going towards Sentinels and all in the middle of all of this Tu to the corner that's zel is here and he's playing again the bait switch and a snap to the side M at least with the trade but now he's just a solo player one left standing tp's up and it's too predictable and they want to make another go of this here over with the stay down at your feet I mean it's hard as he in no man's land that's not good enough at you need way more pressure and you also need to bait out that util the reactions here the dog P that connection onto the stun as well JS a seeking to capitalize he is so fast onto the Target now deciding what util he really wants to just offload here now to The Seekers but that's going to be causing a paranoid to go flying and it it's disjointed at best here but now they're finally starting to gain some of that ground and scaling into the sight but they got to remove these pesky players reinforcements arriving collection of kills out towards the back Nana swarm a little bit too shallow there doesn't connect in a snap of the wrist from 10 certainly does with mazine dropping spike out in the open and the last one spotted the solo player of FZ not H what a time to use the pit it's going to be defended as well in his place drop down here it's Elis he's going to try and watch the car what is that just preing up top there that will remove the pit now CIS he is in a bit of danger here going flying FZ this is a great Nightfall on top of it with the pit it is a collection cacophony of ultimates all offloaded here showstopper on top of it and who will be the winner who will be the Victor it's chaos thrown into the mix and it feels like it's all s son of bullets don't enough to break the lock down two versus two spike is down paranoia flying gliding here dropping down into main got to try and defend their positions and stop them from really getting themselves into position FZ holding it down decided a smoke and it leaves it to sassy in that one V2 1 V one still now being found here but here it is getting the time ticking tap onto it seeing if he can at least force that position out wide but he doesn't have a clue where f i is in the re position is immaculate so now there's another issue TS with the off through actually in through the one way they want to disrespect this one but as this was happening mine again losing that battle out towards a rubble feeling like he has to ere exert himself ever so slightly maybe connection there from tra Blazer will it signal the Go Button yes it will but they being blinded up and just sprayed down mibr don't seem to respect snake bites in the way that perhaps they should be because sen have got the follow up every time behind it mazin's died on these aggro lurks a little too much m i are not waiting for the main portion of their fight to cause a distraction before getting the look in a shot and it's just a catastrophe every block falling you just try and disrespect ego check through with the Decay and the snake fight heavy Rubble fight here for S again with a snake bite this time they are just coring collected up see if they can take that Gamble and that fight together Sentinels are the ones who are entirely favored not willing to give up that space that's a utility combo again sen have not fought with four players over this side of the map and they MBR certainly not expecting zelus to be tucked on the mound there but yeah Zen are really mixing up their defense side they haven't gone for a heavy Rubble [Applause] fight yeah tucking away he's worried about there being a slight Gap here but as the smoke Fades he might be able to get his eyes onto somebody one player maybe but not counting close Corner pushing him uhoh hello with the rocket at the feet and SE dealt with rgl Qui to take up that space once more and a deep flank all the way w around that's going to be causing distractions here paranoia flying through blinded up kills need to be found here in a three versus three making a three versus two there might be trying to withand this one they are still in the post plant maybe there are still chances for them here in the post plant position with his door snake by n swarms so now they know the rough positions of both players they do maybe enough time pressure could be purchased spamming through have already purchased and bought maybe the Packa PL Z BR down so N9 to three will be that final score line looking to move back over towards a they're going to have a good read here of where Center finishing down swarm will delay any sort of Engagement out towards Tre but guess what paranoia is dodged along the board at util The Kills at least being collected here it's evened doubt on either side here 3v3 still no ground gained here to get a safe plant down and there's a fast rotation from allbr players up top here it's game of timings and chates R just doesn't his out no one he's up against two very nice there from J and zelis to just put a pause in there double up make sure that they could trade out a player on site without any risk but J is weak yeah and that opens up an opportunity maybe for ma but he does need that one kill can he find the second attack from Z has reveals the position but matters not it's really not all the rifles online here for Sen clean move second what is that man I mean just understands the angle even though it smoked off just spraying down position that players who like to play Hello might be getting a bit over zealous but it is traded through hopping and that's a bit of disrespect isn't it t c unlikely Contender of the space but he does eventually take it himself yeah we're getting the sloppiness in here now send one to finish it out you can tell but they found themselves in a 2v2 health disadvantage no plant down just yet s bite El is low it's going to be Force wide yeah he's going to go down to it in fact pick your poison in that spot post though T can play this position he just needs to isolate these FL HCK side for S makes it very difficult for the Defenders to fight over this area and F frz tries to swing off turret contact doesn't realize there are two send players pressuring b instead of the more standard one lurker and they get punished for it Liberty's being taken entirely by Sentinel I think you're right it's the yeah the vibes from Sentinels right now we're just being so Loosey Goosey yeah can feel that they want to just try and put a stop to this map now they have called bit of a pause and a play here into this round after pressuring towards front B here's the flash o does actually catch infl to somebody that's I mean set up wide here much the by his side look going to take the fight there maybe expecting there to be only one player but they fall anyway to left to stand and pick up the pieces maybe Forge something of it for MBR J and arine need a miracle yeah I think uh have a little chat about bind at this point 2v5 123 sen I don't see how they lose this one but it would start with jayzz getting a pick is good delaying and buying a bit of time but they need way more kills where that came from and how did they set it up flash connection Zen cleared three left to stand and T is low but now with the smoke prop to again it just gets that much more difficult time working against some Ines for the map as a reminder here crumbling beneath them it will have to be heroics but I don't think it's in order not be right now not for m one full Focus set your sights onto the Sentinel they have come straight back into this for here a knife smoke being used to disuade and push back any sort of approach here underhanded flash as well seeking to refight but it's just stray shots at least onto zelus he was separated from all of that prior utilt yeah maybe a bit of a comms issue there zel is thinking that they were going to commit to the sight hit the rest of the team calling the cancel hello uhoh uhoh in time to fry time to farm as well with a spike drop down into his lap that is an amazing double kill there with the ghost Z almost walks backwards into jayzz just Dodges it but this spike is down in an almost unretrievable spot it should be MVR getting off to a great beginning here toxin going up almost unfathomable that JN and Zen could recover this situation especially with such little time remaining too yeah 30 seconds I mean he's poking around see where player is the AR more position he is he's Hing in the TP so okay boombot opens the door W did it timing it oh there we go reveal off that qine seeking to really do some damage and more but into the round so flanks pushing out on defense is good well dog as well seeing to really just pop in and clear this one hello don't little he's getting away with it but a flash maybe will contain it that is just Anarchy In the Mix it's a 2v3 they got the pl in the midst of that you are joking you can't let it to like this please M they just couldn't get any momentum going on map one be to rip it away so early but Senna not in the mood to make friends no not at oh man that's a win broken and that stops him from going for some kind of showers crunch he's moved way far away from it as MBR tried to take space Oh brutal man at least a Diz he pointing forward here with the rifles trying to take the fight Out close and personal here second wave of all of that util great Movement by John QT just s stepping all of the damage and the threats navigated that sand crunch yeah KN T to in is in a close position tued and well hearing that sound no way sh over the top second takes him out was he in midair when those bullets were coming out I believe so I mean we'll see it on the replay I don't know whether I want to see it on the replay absolutely disgusting stuff here comes Zs as well got to be the star defender of this one rocket no kills far that was just from the spray of JZ seeking to make something off the moment but still it's got to be another save round I mean everything was pushed into this round are they trying to go for this they're facing this time they're making a call they want to go for this one with the Trailblazer right behind it and there it is okay two more kills going their way orbital strikes on orbital strikes TS it's in the middle of all of this one and he is fried to a Cris 6 to one but M looking to put that second one on board John QT just spotting shoulder poken out receives the one but he's got more targets where that came from shouldn't let that one slip and they're not going to so six to two BO the snake B does well to push them back in away with a M oh Z does not care about it man satel straight over full disrespect here from the util J far to deal with pop flash mazine wasn't quite set up for it but he can't reset the aim for a second follow through is Perfection from Sentinels that's an Immaculate take as well there's actually a brimstone mly from zelis that lands in elbow to keep JZ trapped on site so he can't fall back there so many layers to put pressure on somebody who's going to be playing around garden and somebody playing around hookah so well played by sen couple of teams are going to be stealing that oh yeah so well timed with it revealing everything while the pit will drop that's big and a backs away here maybe some time space being purchased here from but now Reveals His position out open now one one more time time time starting to tick and that forces the issue it's not the macro that's really been the Difference Maker though this is a oh they want to refight this Call's being made it's a dry swing no not quite there's a left Flash from mine and his support up elegantly Precision we lock that round away and we just discussed it Josh talks about it that refight you've got the double flash comp it's the bread and butter it's what the comp is good at rash is time to clear CLE it way all the way through entertainment there it is sitting dark FZ there's no health no rest fight and that's because of that Molly again you see it no chance of a pop flash player anybody else that can support them through here zelis now with a PL and Zen extra weapon in his Arsenal that showstopper s ready and pretty ready to be popped off at the first signs of Life of MBR player to be met here with the thrash leading the charge right into Alo to tment there show stoer on top of it it's all combined it it's overwhelming at its core you don't stand a chance orbital strike for rgl okay I don't think they were expecting an OP no posted up onto the position here but the smoke up in their faces right there it feels like a lot of these defense setups are based on where the KO is playing they don't have as much proactivity on the other side of the map rgl can't even find a timer to use the AL find a time for the kill but his back's going to be open wide an open okay eventually kill claim there for zelis and that's Al online post plant Molly zelis is going to be able to delay this defuse for so long M need to get a move on here Tempo needs to be increased first wave of that util you can see it line up Larry on for it now with the mly dropping it down just just bu them even more time bodies out in the open desperation and a 93 half so they are hitting themselves now into the side but I enough to really dissuade it but finally PL on line of forwards space taken scaling now in a flank here of zis right behind them can't win out the fight mazine just tucks it there shoulder peing out but now a clearance now into lamps no connection not from the Flash rgl beautiful shot with the ghost ringing true diffuse half from wingman hello anybody is he going to stop this they do eventually putting a stop to it but has time being p on Q Point push back now mlbr have long sassy goes for a reexploration and hits that unfortunately MBR losing another player that's in that kind of lur spot reminiscent a little of lotus losing those players early reclaiming the gun all that ground has been gained here for mazine he's not in a position to go on really any more exploration there's too much to worry about with the smoke drop down still s must have plenty of players tuck close to the sight knife deep and across second though still has all of his abilities and more he's going to be hearing Rumble of the footsteps backing away but also for seconds maybe trying to sound bait ever so slightly yeah okay Z thinking the coast was clear will get caught and the head clean off JN Q though is a crossfire and him alongside it sassy TP reinforcements arriving just to try and help them out but Mi s scurrying there's only 13 seconds left which direction you're going into they don't know 10 seconds left there's no time at this point you're too much to get through and it's a l round for mibr and it's not like sener fighting them for alop control at least at the beginning o that's a nice one to find double up JQ falling real impetus now being placed huh what is that the thrash opens the door and second topples him over like Skittles absolutely ridiculous stuff J showing his presence here in towards short with a bit of a jiggle of the movement and now they are putting that squeeze on El don't realize he is there still tucked towards pocket time available for him to just drop down that smoke but sprayed down in place two players here have standing out for MBR and it's two versus two taking that back side control planning for it trying to flip the site entirely it's a silent jump up now up through into heaven Trailblazer from sassy seeing to lead the way and SP surely he's got to think about it he is being flanked from F frz but no he's po flash through now and clearing most of the site with the trou are not being broken painted a pretty picture indeed for Z FZ though he's got to be that Difference Maker and he's found the first one still planted for him time is on your side he's got to slow it down and take it against one of the best players in the world One V One Tap from Zen facing the wrong direction expecting expecting that reposition second again now which way is he facing still expecting it from the spa angle andt alerts himself now with the position there's a n At His Feet 65 lets it rip and somehow finds that one on seeing close Corners into the fight taking it picking up apart it's meticulous in its nature or a strike has to be uploaded relatively early here they might be are just feeling the heat do they have enough to try stop this one TS ready to diffuse onto wingman half I don't believe they got it goes down to the mly but only two players are left standing and know exactly the positioning of them stinos going to be ready now just to try and face them no matter what John holding it down onto the diffuser the rest of his team cleans it all up massive answer back the other side of the timeout chers contained and held down here defense by 10 he was a solo player in there really no picture in their mind of how they really wanted to try and earn themselves around for m just wondering around the map hoping that they can be offered a few kills maybe with the sheriff I mean there was a flash there mazine tried to sink it up with a bounce flash off the wall but uh they weren't expecting people to be on the off angles they're thinking they're just holding a default Crossfire small adjustments and it gives s the round almost assuredly oh spotting possibly on the box there t know at least that they've lost control of this one yeah even if f was able to get a kill get the plant they still don't have the fot from P long he's really just trapped here or is he I mean where's the swing where's the trade he is just taking these duels willing them into existence also try and take the fight the N won't clear him Satchel though and the what is going on oh it's silly and it's messy might even describe it as Whimsical but it does gr at least access to the sight second 1 V2 now five bullets left got to play for to reload boot believe shot down so everybody healthy now and slow down take a bit of a bever if you are MBR it's the series on the line Second there's no pressure on he's just taking it in it [Applause] stride Crossfire set up not sure who will be the first Contact most likely mazine here just holding onto no way snaps it doesn't know where the second player is but it all comes down to him versus mazine PP and trying to flood themselves right back into this one behind them second and TS coming to together a spray through and it's an open sideline it's not smoke for that kind of tempo injection into the round here with the Viper pit maybe enough coverage onto the sight to try and provide some level of safety but it's a player Advantage for Sentinels and when they're put in this spot they capitalize they can feel it they can taste it one more round will make the difference mazine he's fully blinded up there we breaking it first layers of it still two left to stand here for mibr and the pit is still up no more snake bites though another tap second out in the open they know where FZ is they made himself noed surely evacuation but not enough to evade just few few few straight shots and it's all Sentinels now 13 to7 M two def don't get me wrong they were pushed and tested
Channel: Daily Valorant
Views: 125,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant vods, sentinels, sentinels highlights, sen, sen vs mibr, sen mibr, sen - mibr, mibr vs sen, mibr sen, mibr - sen, tenz, tenz highlights, valorant america, valorant na, vct america, vct 2024, daily valorant, daily valorant highlights, dv, sentinels vs mibr, sentinels - mibr, sentinels mibr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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