Förnuft & Känsla: Hyundai Ioniq 5 | "En Game Changer!" 2

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- We are not at the ÖsWe Ring. - No, we're in Valencia. - Alrik? - Yes, that's me. I am I. I am me. We're driving the Ioniq 5. The interior actually feels luxurious. It's above 230. It charges super-fast. The energy efficiency is good. Hyundai and Kia are good at making efficient electric cars, they're as good as Tesla. - The police are looking at us. ---. - Masks on. - Alrik, for --- sake. - I can't find it. Put it on. You'll end up in jail! - There. - Just the nose. - Let's find a go-kart track. - This is a go-kart track? English? Spanish? No, no... - Danne, are you with us? Are you filming? - Just one big dog, he doesn't bite. - Holy ---. - You're scared already? Good job, Hyundai. Welcome to a special edition of "Sense and Sensibility" with Alrik Söderlind and Peder Karlsson. - We're not at the ÖsWe Ring. - No. We're in Valencia, Spain. <i>- Arriba. Tequila. Gracias. </i>We're in Spain. - <i>Por favor.</i> - Why are we here? - We're driving Hyundai's new electric car. - Do you have to pronounce it like that? - You can pronounce it like they do in Korea. - I pronounce it like this. You pronounce it like that? - You can pronounce it however you like. We all know how you pronounce BMW. We're driving the Ioniq 5, full of new technology. - I think it will blow Volkswagen, Ford and Volvo out of the water. - You think so? Why? Because of their technology. It charges in half the time compared to the others. - At the same charging station? - Yes, the same charging station. It's so fast... Yes, the same one. Exactly. I charges as fast as the Porsche Taycan. 800 volts. It's good value for money, it's cheaper than most of the other cars. You get more power for your money. - But it looks smaller. - Yes, it looks like an overgrown Golf. - Is it smaller? It's not? Is it the same size as an ID.4? - Yes. - Interesting. - You have to ask, what's wrong with this car? - So it's cheaper and betterů - Faster and better equipped. - Maybe the interior looks like ---. - Maybe. There's got to be something. - We'll clear that up. - And we'll try to find a go-kart track. Right. The ÖsWe Ring is a bit too far away. What's go-kart in Spanish? The same? Then, it should be easy. What do we have here? This is the cable compartment. - Blue fluid! What's that? - Coolant, I guess. This version has 24 liters, the rear wheel drive only version has a 57 liter frunk. It's tidy, compared to the VW, which doesn't have a frunk whatsoever. This is just for the charging cable. That's not nothing, you need a place to keep it. Is it called a clam shell? The hood goes all the way to the sides. - It looks good. - It's pretty cool looking. Normally, there's a line... You know what it looks like? It looks like a Golf in a movie from 1989, in a movie about the future, their vision of what a Golf would look like in 2020. - Right. - You know what I mean? - Why is it Norwegian? - This press trip was supposed to be in Norway. But they wouldn't let us in because of the Coronavirus. That's such bad luck for us. We were forced to go to Valencia instead. But look at these headlights. They're made up of tiny diodes. It's supposed to give you the feel of 1980:ies video games. They look good, I really like the design. The cameras and safety sensors are hidden way better hereů Do you remember what car did that so badly? - Lamborghini, among others. It's ugly on a lot of cars. - Audi and so on. This looks good. They did the design right. - The roof. - Wasn't it ugly on the Porsche as well? - How about the roof? - It's full of solar panels. It costs just above 1 900 Euro. Guess how many km they say you can drive using that per year. - It's so hot. - I don't --- know. - 2 000 km. - 2 000 km? - Per year? Is that right? It sounds like a lot. - Maybe they lied a bit. - How do you like the door handles? - They're good, if they work. If they come out and go in like they should. Well, the car isů Let's lock it and see what happens. - How much stuff is in your pocket? - A lot. There, they went in. - If I want to unlock it, do I swipe this? No, it's not working. - Unlock it? There. They work great. There. Whoa, I'm sliding forward. Guest, confirm. There. How about this? I'm really comfortable in these comfortable... - The interior feels luxurious. - They're roomy. It feels luxurious and subtle. Elegant. - It feels like aů - The interior feels way more --- lavish than on the VW. - Way more. - I really mean it. - It has some kind of "nature sound". - I'll take a sip. You can slide this nice little thing back, if you like. I don't really know why, but you can. - Why do you need space here? - For your dog. You can't put your dog here, it will make you step onů Svullo will sit on the accelerator! - It's not a Houndai. - No hounds in the Hyundai. - This is nice and comfortable. - I like that this is high. Here. When you just want to relaxů Let's see. You can relax. - That's an optimal driving position. - No, it's for relaxation while charging. Ohů But is there anything unique about being able to tilt your seat back? No, but you can lean back a lot and there's a cushion here to support your legs, during... - During your catnap? - Yes, it's really comfortable. It's actually nice. It's actually very comfortable. - Can you hear the ambient nature sounds? - I hear the crickets. The crickets are cricking. - The build quality is way better than I expected. I thoughtů - The interior actually feels quite snazzy. - This compartment is huge! - I don't know what to use it for. - You put stuff in it. - Where is the wireless charging point? Here? That's the wireless charging, here's a tablet. You can put a standing bottle of champagne in here. That's a good feature. - Without cooling. - That's a pity. Roll with the punches. - You can put another standing one in here. - Holy ---, what a champagne car. Show the glovebox, because it's not a glovebox. Holy ---, it's a drawer. - There's room for a lot of stuff. - That's actually pretty smart. - You don't pinch the stuff, like you sometimes do withů - This is clever. Spacious. I like this. It's not like a regular car. It doesn't have dials and stuff. It's digital and modern. But it's still much more of a car environment than a Tesla. - It has a tiny screen in the middle. - Definitely. Who the --- picks a Tesla over this? "I spend three hours a day in my car. I'll pick a pointless Tesla." - Teslas have other qualities that this doesn't. - What are those? We'll see when we drive this, but I don't think it's as sporty as a Tesla. - But the interior is way nicer. And I wouldů - It's way nicer than in many cars. I thinků Compare it to the S Class we drove. Sure. Wellů Well, it's... The sense of quality might be the same, but it doesn't look as good. It's an unfair comparison. It has paddles to set the regeneration, it has a great one-pedal mode. There are different drive modes, which change the instruments. Normal, Ecoů Let's see. Sport, Eco and normal. - Not hard to understand, right? - No. And it does have buttons. Both buttons and a touchscreen, so you don't have to fool around in the digital world to find the settings you want. As long as they look nice. I like nice looking steering wheels, no matter what the size. It's nice to touch and feels high quality. - This feels... The interior is a smash hit. Let's try the backseat. - Okay. Can you tilt the backrest? - Whoa! That doesn't look comfortable. - No, it's for... - It's for cargoů Hey! - Why did you do this? - Oh, look. There's stuff back here. - Thanks for doing this. Are you having fun? - Yes, that was fun for a while. - Let's see, if you push this forward... I want to tilt the backrest. There! If you push it forward, you can do this. The car has a three-meter wheelbase, which is really long. - It's very longů - These are luxury car features. - Feel this, I can almost lie down. - I will not feel that. Alright. But there's plenty of space, even though I'm lying down. - This looks like marble. - It does look like marble. I like this. Feel the inside of the door card. It has lights and feels really expensive. It also has a curtain. Right, a curtain. It has some luxury car stuff. Really --- simple stuff, which makes you mad that other cars don't have them. And what's this? An electrically heated backseat. - I don't want that today. - Not today, but it's awesome. - That's great in the winter. - This is really --- cool. Maybe I'm a bit too positive, feeling good about being in Valencia. - Cerveza. - Por favor. - We have to check the trunk. - We have to reset the backseat in a normal position. It's nice and comfortable, there's a lot of space for your feet under the seats. - And a nice position. - Especially since you can change it. - That, too. - I've set mine to a super-comfortable position. - And you even pushed the seat back. - Hang on. This might not feel super-expensive. What do you think? - That doesn't feel super exclusive. - A bit flimsy, but... - I don't like these curtains. - But you need them. But this ruins everything. You can't useů You can't use it, this is worthless. - The entire --- thing should retract. This is super annoying. - I agree, the entire thing should retract. - This sucks. - It doesn't feel high. - To put the dogs in here, I have to remove this. - You'd never put it back. And it would just end up standing in the garage. Right now, in my garage, as we speak, I have about 17 of these, I have no idea for what cars. That's actually bad. There's not a lot of space here. Right? - Is this the batteries or the motor protracting? Here's a cargo net. - That's great. - You have toů - The dogs fit in here, but they don't have that much room. They won't be super comfortable. I think the ID.4 was better in that department. We have trunk space numbers. This has 524 liters. - The Skoda is the biggest, 585. - That's practically no difference. The VW has 543 and the Audi has 520. The Kia, the sister car of this, is smaller. It has 490. - This is in the game when it comes down to numbers. - The dogs fit in here. If you fold it, you get something like 600 liters. I don't know if I'm that impressed by the panel gaps. Maybe it's modern, maybe it's supposed to be like this. I don't get it. - Maybe it's too modern for me. - Did you say something good? - I complained about the panel gaps. - Is it bad? - Don't you agree? They don't align. - Are they different on each side? It's twisted this way. Look, it's bigger on this side, isn't it? Look. - Compare this to the other side. - Yes, I agree. So forward should be... The wheel turned. - So, how do you turn? - To turn... I'm holding it in. This is if it's parked in a space that's too tight. The parking garage at my place is super tight. It's to drive it back and forth if you can't even get in. There. You push forward or backwards. Then, you let this go. - Will it go off the pier if we don't stop it? - Exactly, so you let this go. Yes, please. Talk about the fact that it's run by the car, you think that's fun. - We can seeů - "You think that's fun." We can see that they're using the car's battery to run this fantastic little juicer. It can output 3.6 kW, which is great. They say you can run an AC and a TV for 24 hours. - Can you use this car to charge your phone? Incredible. - Yes, you can. - You can do that inside. - You can? It also has a socketů You don't have to use this to charge things. It has a socket... - Why don't you drink freshly squeezed orange juice more often? - I don't know, it's really tasty. - It's a bit hot, I'm going to complain. - I had ice in mine. The battery is 70 full and charging at 146 kW. That's very fast for a battery that's at 77% capacity. It can go above 230 kW, so it charges super-fast. That's the best party trick that this car has. It's impressive. This car is cheaper than the Volkswagens, it charges twice as fast, the tow bar can take 1 600 kg, the others can take 1 200 kg... You almost crashed into a Citroën. - The interior is great, just compare it to the interior of the ID.4. - There's just no comparison. With this super-high spec with the leather and so on, it's less than 60 000 Euro. Of course, it's a lot of money. I get it, but the others are just as expensive. It's cheaper and better equipped. - But is it as big as an ID.4? It can't be. - Yes, it is. Well, it depends... It has a bigger trunk than the Audi, but smaller than... Can you drive all day, so I can have a <i>cerveza</i>? We just have to ask the satnav for a go-kart track. - Oh, right. We have to get it on a track. - I want to. You can't behave badly just because we're in Spain. - It's hot. - Right, it's heat stroke. Follow the green thing. I like this satnav and the entire infotainment. It feels really modern, good-looking and well thought through. You can't go onto one-way streets. You would have if I hadn't stopped you. - This also works. - It's great, we're on our way. - At least the AC works. Which car had a broken AC, some Porsche? - The Porsche, but that was after driving on the track. - It just gave up. It didn't like that. - A lot of cars just gave up when we drove them on our little track. It'll be interesting to see how this handles... - ůthe track. - I don't think so. We'll see if it breaks, it's been working well so far. I like that they used the design from the Pony concept car of 1974. - Did you see that? It's so cool. - They said that in the... I knew they used that, because they also made a new Pony. - They made a new version of Hyundai's first car. Let's seeů - There. There it is. There it is. You love the satnav so much, but you refuse to listen to it. - He told me to turn back there. - No, he said to drive this way. It's cool that they made their old design more modern. They also made an electric Pony concept car, which is really cool. The great thing about Hyundai's design is that they make cars that look different. Many brands make one shape and all their cars look the same. - You can barely tell an A4 and an A6 apart. - Please focus. Keep right. - Should I follow the car that's reversing out of the roundabout? - Then a really sharp left. A lot of brands make their cars look exactly the sameů The police are looking at us up there. - Put on your face masks. - --- masks. - Facemasks on! For --- sake, Alrik. Put it on. - I just can't find it. - You're always the problem. The rest of us are exemplary. - Let's see. Really --- fast. - And you're opening a new one. Hurry! You'll end up in jail! - I'm doing it! I'm doing it! - There. - It's just on your nose. It's on, that's the main thing. - If it's on, it's on. Right? - Sure, that's true. That went well. I don't think they saw us. That looks great. No, leave it. It looks nice. - Is that better? - Sure, that's great. Hyundai's design willů There is a Ioniq 6 and 7 coming. The 6 will be a really cool sedan and the 7 will be a big SUV. So theyů There's a 4 coming, as well. - I see flags. - This is the go-kart track? Holy ---. - It's really tight! - It's long as ---. It's ---ů This is impossible. It has 10 000 turns. - If you go off, you're in the tire barrier. - Then we have <i>el problemo</i>. - There's no run-off whatsoever. - We have <i>el problemo</i>. Hello, is it your go-kart track? - A colleague of mine called you or your bossů - I am the boss. Filming, yes. "I am the boss." - Did you insult him? I actually think you did. - How? - You said you spoke to his boss. - To him or his boss, is what I said. - Right. "I am the boss." Let's go in, then. - Yes, let's go in. - It's up to him to solve it. - We're supposed to drive, but he's not filming. We shouldn't waste valuable track time not filming. I feel like anything could happen. I have to move up closer. He has to unlock the doors for them. Everyone's wondering who these idiots are. Okay. Only one dog, he's very big, but he doesn't bite. No worries. Hey, guys. Danne, are you ready? Hello? - There's birdsong. - It's not every day we hear birdsong on the track. - It's nice and quiet. - We should empty the trunk. It's very nice and forgiving, easy to steer. - You almost had to grab the wheel again. - The entire track is in a knot. And itů And thenů Whoops. - The brakes wereů You'll notice they're a bitů - They might fade. - They might have a problem with this. - A big problem. This track gives you motion sickness, even when driving! And it's a long ---. - You're almost over the line. - This is the longest corner. It's very forgiving to drive, but it's not quick. It's not aggressive. - The driving is a bit jerky, maybe that's standard. - It might partly be the driver. - I don't think it feels that bad. - No, it's nice and easy to drive. It feels quite safe, but it accelerates too hard in some places. That's me. This is full power. ---, this is fast. We're doing 50 kmph, 60. There we go. Dear god. - Get a feel for it. - You have to choose the right lines. - Holy ---! - You're scared already? You went fast into the corner. Maybe I went faster. - It's well-balanced. - It's comfortable. - Is it in sport mode? - Yes. I can't see the inside of the corners. The ABS is very rudimentary. What's the track record? - What? - In a car? - 36? - From a stand-still? No, when moving? - 36 seconds? No problem. - Standing still? - Andů - No, not a standing start. Okay, we will break the record now. Are you ready? Ready, set, go. - Great acceleration. - The start was good. My sandal slipped a bit. I don't like that corner! - I thought you were going to go straight on! - Every muscle in your body just tensed up! ---! It's not a drifting car, all the system alarms are going off. - There's body roll under braking. - It's not a sportscar, this isn't... - It doesn't want toů - This is when they crossed the line. They're already across the line? ---. There's a few corners left! Itĺs a good ÖsWe Ring time. No, not really. Now! 47.87 seconds. You know what? There's tire squeal really early, did you notice? - Instead of goingů The ABS isn't quite right. - It's not set right. - It works too slowly. I wonder if it's to do withů - It should brake hard around there without tire squeal. - I think itů - See, these tests are important. It's made for regenerating energy. That it brakes using regeneration. It's not optimized for braking using the steel discs. Thank you very much, it was a pleasure to drive at your great racetrack. We're famous in Sweden for driving cars on go-kart tracks. That's our thing. - They're small tracks. - Small tracks because of our small minds. - I have loads of great questions from our readers. - Great! - Should I start with mine? - Do whatever the --- you want. - You can butt in at any time. - That's what I always do. "Tesla built their brand on 0-100 times, range and their charging network." "What is the Hyundai hype built on?" asks Mr C. - Good question. - It is. I think that the hype... - ů is fast charging. - If there's something that sticks out about this car... ůit's how high quality it is, compared to Tesla, for instance. Sure, but I don't think that's where the hype is. People are talking about this car without seeing it or knowing about the quality. It's very technically advanced, without being expensive. It's priced in the mid-range, but super hi-tech. - But I agree that the build quality feels way higher than on a Tesla. - I think so, too. "What does it take to make a car perfect, and how close does this car get, according to you?" asks MC. - "Perfect" is a very big word. - It's impossible. If I could tailor this car for my personal needs, I'd make it even sportier to drive, if I got to decide. This is a bit vague, geared towards comfort, it's nice and cosy. - The Mustang wants to be super-sporty, but it wasn't. - It wasn't. This doesn't want to be sporty, but it's nice to drive. Even more driving joy, and it would be perfect for me. Probably if you could make it even lighter or make the steering more sensitive. "Among all normal cars, how can the hype be so huge about this?" Well, this isů I'll probably give this my highest electric car score ever. - Higher than the Taycan Turbo S? - The Taycan Turbo S? No. - It'll get the highest score among normal electric cars. - But why is the hype so big? - It's a normal car, but it's cool and high quality. - And I think the range is about 300 km... - I think I burnt my toes today. - Sunburn? It has a range of 300, 400 or 450 km and it charges super-fast. Going on a 500, 600 or 700 km trip in this is not a problem, it's easy. It makes this car usable, you don't have to sit there wondering "How far will we make it?" and so on. It takes less than 20 minutes. You go for a bathroom break, have a coffee and it's done. "What is the charging curve and how fast is it to 90 kmph?" asks the electric motorist. We haven't had time to do a charging curve, but we looked at the charging and it crushes the competition in the same price bracket. That's enough of an answer. And it is energy efficient. Hyundai and Kia are good at making energy efficient electric cars, they're right up there with Tesla. "Is it a competitor for the Tesla Model X?" asks Valdemar S. I don't think so. - It's too small. - It's smaller, but... No, they're just not in the same bracket. It's a plain no. "Is this the best bang for your buck electric car when it comes to build quality and driving joy?" - Yes, I'd say so. - I agree. - "Is this the best-looking Asian SUV?" asks Johan J. - Is this really an SUV? - Hyundai call it a CUV, a crossover. I agree. - It's not an SUV. No. - No, it's a crossover. It's a bit taller than a normal car. - It's sturdy, but not an SUV. - But it's definitely the best-looking. - I think it looks cool. I like small details like the lights and so on. It stands out. This car doesn't pass by unnoticed. "Do you think that the car has a lounge feeling?" asks EV Bobo. Lounge? Hyundai like to thinks so, but I don't know. Sure, it's kind of cosy. It's cosy, it has details that make it feel more relaxed. It doesn't feel like a driver-focused speed machine. It's very airy. I think that the design language is very sparse and beautiful. - I like it. - That's our answer. And we've listened to birdsong all --- day. - You can choose what to listen to. - We didn't find the setting again. - "Does the interior feel as cheap as it looks?" asks Mike. - Definitely not, it doesn't feel cheap at all. "20 years ago, I laughed Hyundai. Are you the same?" asks Robert V. - That you laughed at it? Well, they were bad when they started. - When they started, they were bad. - It's the same when Skoda started, it was just junk. - But funny junk. They just rusted to pieces, they were hopeless. It's completely different now. But yes, I probably though they were bad. - Yes, the early cars were junk. - The Sonata and so on. The first ones, but then they got better. I think Hyundai have been good for the last 15 years, at least. Really good. - There, those were all the questions. - Let's to the scores, while we're in here. Alright. I'm excited to hear your score. I'll give it a high score, because I actually like this car. It's one of very few electric cars that I would actually consider buying. I'll give itů I'll give it... - I'll give it six points. - Six points? I think that's one of my better electric car scores. Maybe even 6.5. - Why not a higher score? - Well, it's a small car. It's not my kind of car. I'll have to squeeze Svullo into the car if I want to bring him. - It's actually too small for me. - I think you gave cars with smaller trunks a higher score. Well, you gave the GT3 ten, and you're the sensible one. It's the most sensible track-day car you can have. Sure, but you decide yourself when to divide it into different classes. - It seems a bit arbitrary. - You have to judge cars from their bracket. - Sometimes you do it and sometimes you don't. - I try to do it most of the time. Well, I give it a 6.5. - What would make me give it a higher score? - Right. - I think it's too small. I would likeů - What if you had an estate? I would probably like the Ioniq 7 more. - Right. - And... It's a bit too small, but I like it. It's just not my type of car. It's notů No. - It's not as boastful as you would like. - No, it looks like a Golf. - It looks like a really cool Golf. - It's cool, but it's still a Golf. - Okay, so 6.5 is all you get. - I'm happy with that. - Well, there's only one score I can give it. - No... Right now, you can't get a cooler, better family car than this. Not at this price point. It's fully specced with all the packs. I give it ten points. It's taken everything a step further than everyone else. It's at the cutting edge, it's really comfortable and has a great backseat. It has a great style of its own, its own identity and is really hi-tech. Ten points. Congratulations, Ioniq 5. It ends up really high on the list. But it's worth it. It's time to go eat. Do you know how many hours we worked today? Sixteen hours. - You think we're just sitting here having a good time. - We are, but we're working. - We're having a good time while working. - Sixteen hours, we got up really long ago. But good job, Hyundai. - Because it's a nice car, no doubt. - It's a really nice car. You like it, you really do. - I think 6.5 was a good score from me. - And I had three sandwiches today. In sixteen hours. - Okay, so let's go eat. - I want much more than that. - What are we having? - A big --- steak and fourteen pints of beer. - Alright. - Let's agree on that. - You missed the stop button. - I missed the button. Bye. Translation: Emil P.W.S Holmgren
Channel: auto motor & sport
Views: 56,982
Rating: 4.7223797 out of 5
Id: Lc-uoD4sTAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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