Senko Fishing Tricks! Beginner Senko Rigging To Advanced Fishing Tips

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what's up guys Tim little welcome back to tactical Bassin today's video we are talking about spring bass fishing with soft plastic stick baits you know we get asked all the time what is the best way to fish or how to rig a soft plastic stick bait or a Senko and honestly there's not a simple answer so today's video I am covering it all from beginner basics how to rig them all the way up to some of the most seasoned sinkhole fishermen I have some tips for you as well let's go today's video I'm gonna cover the different types of cinco's and how to rig them when I fish each because there's different sizes and how I fish them how I rig them when do I fish them weedless when do I fish them wacky rig all that sort of stuff I'm gonna cover today's video and we're gonna start with the basics you know how to rig them how to properly set them up so they fall correctly because there is a right and a wrong way to do it and discuss the different types of cinco's you know some of you guys may or may not have seen a seven-inch cinqo or a Pro Cinco or a thin Cinco this guy right here you know most often it's it's probably the 5 inch wacky rig cinco is is probably the number one talked about a size and how to rig it but today's video I'm gonna cover it all when to power fish with a cinco when to finesse fish with it because it's a very very versatile bait and we've done videos in the past before multiple ways to rig them I think it's probably one of the best fishing baits ever designed because it has produced so many big fish for many many people and so many fish from everybody from beginner fishermen to the most experienced fishermen it is a very finesse technique although you can power fish it we'll talk about that a little bit later in today's video but it's very easy to fish you know anybody can do it you can go to your favorite sporting goods store and grab a pack of obses goes or your favorite plastic sick stick bait as long as it's rigged properly you can go out to your body of water and catch fish so today's video how to rig and how to fish a Cinco and now and I'm gonna talk mainly about the Cinco because it is the staple in the soft plastic stick bait category it is one of the first ones out on the market and many many many many turnings have been won on this bait and many big fish have been caught on it and I believe it sets the standards for all other brands that are developing their stick base so today we're talking about the Cinco down below in the video description I will link some my other favorite brands and styles but today's video we're primarily talking about the different types of the Yamamoto Cinco the Gary Yamamoto Cinco and how to rig and fish them so number one way for me and probably probably the most well known the the most fish to a is gonna be a 5-inch Cinco rigged wacky rigged so it's rigged through the middle and used on some kind of a ring now the benefit of having the o-ring when used when you hook a fish on this bait the bait and the o-ring the bait slides through this o-ring and slides up your line and now you're just playing the fish on your hook so you get multiple fish caught off of one bait it just makes the baits last longer and it gives a lot different action that the fish haven't seen you know you can fit where them two ways Texas rigged you that's straight versus wacky rigged totally up to you but I'm gonna talk to you about when I like to rig them one way or the other if I am finesse fishing and I'm fishing slow methodical you know it's it's pre spawn spawn or post bond probably for 80% of the country right now one of those three stages they're they're either moving up they're either doing their thing or they've already done it and they're backing off a cinco is a killer bait not only this time of the year but the other other nine months or so but wacky rigged 5-inch Cinco if I am fishing around say those fish are just post-spawn they just did their thing and they're suspending up underneath the docks a five inch sink it was such a awesome way to present a bait to them it's very very subtle I typically throw it on a spinning rod because I can skip it a lot better you know this is a fairly light bait but I can skip it up underneath those docks and let that that just non-intrusive bait just kind of slowly fall and as this is falling wacky rig these two arms are just kind of slowly flapping as they fall down and and you don't typically give it much action you kind of let the bait do itself let it work itself and just let it fall the most important thing is let it fall on semi slack line and if you can see your bait watch your bait but more importantly if you can't watch your line and you'll see your line jump when they come over and eat it nine times out of ten you won't feel the bite you will see the bite on your slack line or when you go to lift up your rod will be a little bit heavier than normal you can fish this in ponds Bank fishermen if you're fishing around Tooley's or or bullrushes or reads or cattails fire this out there let it fall and you guys will have success you beginner fisherman or you pond fishermen shore fishermen that just want a finesse bait to go out and tie on and try and catch fish this is probably my number one bait I would recommend for you guys now if you are fishing around heavy cover or around grass or stuff like that where that exposed hook point is gonna get hung up switch over to Texas rig now what that allows this worm to do it still has same type of action but now it is weedless so you guys that like to flip and pitch or Shore fish or pond fish around vegetation typically you're gonna throw a Texas rig sink oh now I'm gonna show you guys on this seven-inch sink Oh real quick so you guys can see we've covered this in previous videos but there is definitely a proper way to rig a sink oh if you hold up a sink oh and I'm not sure all Bates do it but check out your favorite stick Bates you know we all have our favorite brands and models we like to throw but check out your favorite hold it up and just kind of spin it and see which way that bait tends to bow towards it has a subtle Bend one way or another Italy or at least the cinco's do so like this guy right here has a slow bend this way so I'm gonna want to rig that bait to fall down this way I want that I want that cupped part to be facing down so when this bait is falling it gives more resistance so it falls slower and it gets more action on the way down so that is a little tip for you guys hopefully you guys you Cinco fishermen have seen our previous videos and knew that already but if not that is a killer little tip right there to catch more fish because it definitely works gives a lot better action fall slower and definitely try it out so the 5-inch Cinco typically I fished that on a spinning rod just like every video I will link the baits the specific hooks rods reels line all that stuff down below in the video description but a 5-inch Cinco if you are a beginner fisherman and you're watching this video a a 5-inch Cinco go to your favorite sporting goods store or tackle warehouse it's yourself some five-inch cinco's some or ings some hooks and you will be all set to catch fish now like I said down below and video scription I will link my favorite wacky rig hooks and my favorite Texas rig hooks because they definitely matter and they can affect how the bait Falls and when there's money on the line or you want to catch more fish it definitely matters so that is the 5-inch Cinco and kind of talked quickly about how to rig it wacky rigged or Texas rigged I want to kind of show you guys how I actually wacky rig because there's two really easy ways to do it there are two kind of different ways now the most common way is go get yourself a wacky tool and some earrings now what those do I mean you absolutely you could take you could take your favorite wacky rig hook and hook it right through to your bait and fish it just like that the problem is is you're gonna go through baits very very quickly the benefit of the o-ring is it lets that bait slide up the line as you're playing the fish down here and you get multiple uses out of that bait so totally up to you but I recommend an o-ring so get yourself a wacky rigger tool and you know there's a bunch of them on the market will link them down below but some rings you preload the o-rings on your wacky rigger tool and check this out you literally just slide your sink go in to the tool and then slide your o-ring on to your worm now I like to be very symmetrical I want my bait to fall perfectly horizontal I don't want to angle down or anything like that so what I do is I fold my bait in half and then I walk this Oh ring down to the very center of that bait you guys that are real detailed driven I believe it is the [Music] fourth little dimple or rivet or whatever you want to call it behind the little egg sack on this worm so right there perfectly right in the middle now I will take my favorite wacky rig hook you can do them weedless or non weed lists totally up to you and I will actually just skin hook the plastic just enough to get a little bite and then come through that o-ring and that is how I'm gonna fish that 5-inch Cinco wacky rig very very simple to rig it is a killer bait again where the Cinco shines and I won't say it's a dummy proof bait cuz you can definitely make mistakes but if you just fire this thing out there if you just blind cast it out there let it fall again watch your line let that thing go to bottom the the less movement the bat it better when you're really shaking it and moving it around I found that I don't do as well firing out there and letting it fall watch your line on that initial drop let it hit bottom give it a few seconds slowly lift up and watch your rod tip just check for that weight to see if that that big bass came and just sucked that bait in and you didn't see that line jump so slowly check it pop it let it fall do that a couple more times and reel it in and fire it fire against somewhere else you guys are really target fishing or if you're fishing a certain doc pol a nor a certain clump of grass or something like that make sure you pick those pieces apart and give those bass an ample opportunity to get that Cinco it is a very subtle presentation but it catches big ones so we talked about how to rig the wacky rig Texas rigged a couple ways a couple different hooks I like said I'll link them down below in the video description I take a little like a one otter a two OTT your favorite owner Gamakatsu trocar whatever favorite hook you got take a one autor to hotfoot offset shank try and get you guys some close ups of these again look at your Cinco figure out which way it bends you're gonna want that down so coming right through the face about a quarter of an inch come down pull the the hook eye all the way through so it's sitting like that and then you're just gonna rig it back into itself you guys are fishing heavy cover or areas with bigger bass you can absolutely up size your hook so that right there that is a Texas rig Cinco another little trick give yourself a little bit of plastic up over your hook point so it stays weedless that is another killer again both ways rig it weedless where you get texas rig totally up to you but that absolutely works yeah one or a two hot hook and your favorite offset worm hook will be perfect so we talked about the five inch now you more advanced Cinco fisherman I want to talk about the pro Cinco or the thin Cinco real quickly because I believe is often overlooked in the whole cinco category and then we're gonna talk about six and seven inch cinco's where you flippers and pitchers can really take a cinco and put big ones in the boat so this is the thin Cinco this is a very very finesse Ebates now this bait when I when I downsize from the five inch normal Cinco to the pro Cinco or the thin Cinco as you can see a lot smaller profile in diameter it really tapers down here at the tail so you get a lot more action but more importantly it's a lot lighter bait so you got to throw this on lighter line five six seven eight pound test and I downgrade or I switch to this bait right here if I am fishing very very clear water and I just want a little bit different fall I rigged this up with this is actually a cover shot hook owner cover shot again I will link them down below in the in the description Gamakatsu makes a rebar that works great too but what you do figure out which way you want to rig it come right in the head again about an eighth of an inch a little less than a quarter of an inch come bring it all the way through and then rotate it on itself this this specific hook has a little bit of monofilament hook keeper so it keeps that bait pegged right up top and then you rigged it just like that again just skinned hook it when these fish bite it those sharp hooks will come right through and penetrate you don't need to worry about hook penetration with these with these hooks so that is the pro cinco very very finesse so if your fish or line shy your fish aren't really reacting to or committing to that normal-size Cinco maybe they see it all the time try this bait out my two favorite colors in that bait one is going to be natural shad again very finesse II and then two baby bass those are my two favorite colors because ultra clear water very light line very unintuitive and the fishes swim over and eat it so if you guys haven't tried that out try that out now the next bait that I want to talk about or the next size I'm going to talk about them very quickly don't want to go too in depth with all this stuff but the six and seven inch Cinco now these typically are a little too big to throw on a spinning rod so you bait cast fisherman you guys that don't want like to fish the fairy wands or the sticks whatever you guys want to call it you guys want to straight up power fish you know straight braid jungle beast hook or jungle hook 7 inch Sinko big largemouth you can do that too you know a lot of guys in the summertime will get up shallow and they will flip and pitch jigs they will punch they will take a big heavy tungsten weight and punch through that stuff what I have found if you take a more subtle approach you can still power fish you know this is 65 pound braid with a 7.9 go hook and a 7 inch Cinco again rig same way just like I did the five inch Texas rigged but you start flipping a Cinco around the same place as you would with that jig you'll be surprised with the size of fish and the amount of fish that you can catch on that dude right there so seven at Cinco completely different size and profile than the 5 inch Cinco a lot heavier it falls quicker so you power fish from you guys that like to run and gun on the trolling motor you know one of the Fate and one of my favorite things to do out here in the summertime when the bike gets tough is literally just put the trolling motor put the put the old tracks on I don't know probably three or four and just run the shoreline and I look at each individual tule point each indle individual area where those two Lee's are those reads stick out farther than everything else and I flip this seven-inch Cinco in there the six-inch or the 7-inch Cinco in there and let it fall if I don't get bit I reel up on to the next one and I just move and I cover water and you'd be surprised how many fish and how many fishermen don't do that how many fish don't see it and it works so if you guys haven't tried the six or the seven-inch Cinco you definitely should you know probably my I don't use the seven-inch Cinco as much as the six here I'll show it to you this is the six compared to the five and here is the seven you just see it is a lot bigger profile a lot heavier bait so if you want to just up size just a little bit from the normal five inch sink of the real common 5 inch sink oh definitely try out the 6 inch Cinco you will definitely get bigger bites and it is is fun to fish especially if you're a power fisherman so a Cinco is super Universal you can fish it on four or five six pound test all the way up to 65 80 pound braid totally up to you but very Universal and puts big ones in the boat and if you aren't experienced this is your first time fishing or you just want to get out and catch fish again if you just go out get yourself some cinco's give yourself some hooks Texas rig it you guys will catch fish to kind of talked a little bit about how I fish them I talked a little bit about the 5 inch Cinco and you know fishing docks and such I definitely fish that a lot slower than I do the sixes and sevens again this is more of a I will say a power fishing finessed technique your upsizing your bait your upsizing your gear your line this is 20 pounds straight fluorocarbon typically when I am flipping and pitching and punching I am going straight braid but again it's just a different approach to your traditional Cinco fishing and your your flip and pitch and punchin so straight fluoro 20 pound floor oh this is uh FC sniper twenty pounds I have that rigged on a jungle hook owner jungle I will exact a link the exact model down below in the video description but that is a six inch green pumpkin Cinco and that is a must right there guys I don't care if your fish in ultra clear water shallow water whatever give that bait a try if you like fishing shallow you other guys definitely try out the Cinco fishing the 5-inch Cinco because you will definitely put fish in the boat my kids absolutely love it it's their favorite thing to do they catch big ones on it the wife it's very easy for her to fish it's just one of those baits that is very very easy to fish out of the package and hopefully those tips helped you guys so there you have it guys kind of covered all sorts of stuff but hopefully if you guys are just getting into fishing this is a number one way to get out and have success fishing you know that is that is my ultimate goal is to get you guys out there the more people that are out there catching fish enjoying fishing the better for all of us the entire industry so if you haven't definitely try out a cinco you more advanced fishermen definitely try out these different different techniques because they are different presentations most likely the fish haven't seen them and they are tried and true and they work as always guys if you have any questions please leave those down below in the comment section if you haven't already please like and subscribe to the channel we do three videos sometimes four five or six strictly teaching to help you guys catch more and bigger bass as always guys we appreciate you have a good one [Music]
Channel: TacticalBassin
Views: 195,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: senko, stick bait, bass fishing, fishing, beginner fishing, plastic worm, rubber worm, how to fish a senko, how to rig a senko, Yamamoto, wacky rig, texas rig, best bait for bass, how to wacky rig a worm, worm, how to catch bass with worms, beginner fishing tips, senko tips, texas rigged worm, tacticalbassin, tactical bassin, how to rig a worm, worm fishing, bass fishing tips, bass fishing tricks, Spring bass fishing, Summer bass fishing, yum dinger, senkos
Id: bTlj9cL53B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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