Summer Worm Fishing Tricks

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[Music] hey guys matt allen here welcome back to tactical bass and most of you know i was in a pretty bad auto accident recently the doctor has not cleared me to get back out on the water yet but i am starting to get my mind back i'm starting to get some more clarity i wanted to jump back and do it with you guys start using my brain exercising a little bit so today we are going to talk about shaky head fishing we're going to talk about worm fishing in the summertime when to do it why to do it the gear that i use to do it unfortunately like i said i haven't been cleared to actually take you out on the water today but we're almost there so let's jump into the baits themselves summer worm fishing i love doing it uh you know i love frogging i love heavy flipping but there is something special about just relaxing and unwinding tying on a shaky head with a confidence worm and just sticking fish so technique wise i try to keep it as simple as i can i keep my colors simple my gear simple even my baits fairly simple i'm going to use all straight tail worms in the summertime personal preference some guys love big curly tail worms personally i really really like that straight tail worm i mean brand after brand after brand i'm throwing straight tails so the big differences between them are going to be size and color i'm not super brand specific i have three or four brands that i throw a lot i throw basically the baits that i throw i throw the k the strike king i throw the bull worm in both the 8 and 10 inch and then in striking i also throw the fat baby finesse worm that's this one that i have rigged up right here great great set of options there strike king really stepped up their game in soft plastics over the last couple years next brand of course is going to be zoom i use the magnum trick worm the regular trick worm and then both the magnum and regular swamp crawler that's bait we've talked about a ton the swamp crawler just flat catches them and then last but not least i use netbait uh and the netbait worm there are some very specific reasons i use that we'll come back to that but let's talk color first and then we'll jump into the the specifics of the gear and when and why and how i'm throwing it color i try to keep it extremely simple i'm basically going to break my entire summer fishing down not by color but by type i'm either throwing light colored worms natural colored worms or dark worms specifically what i mean by that if i'm going dark i'm either throwing june blah june bug black or black blue that's it but a dark worm i think between those three it's almost it almost doesn't matter which one you're either throwing a dark one or you're throwing natural and in natural i'm either talking plums green pumpkins or watermelon or some variety thereof and and i don't really get too specific you know if i go to pick up green pumpkin and they're out of them but they have green pumpkin green and purple flake i don't care that's green pumpkin if i want watermelon seed and all they have is watermelon red flake typically i don't care i don't get really really hung up because i think summertime fish tend to be aggressive they've got warm water temps uh if they are going to feed they're going to lash out they tend not to to play around as much as other time times of the year they either do it or they don't do it there's no in between plus i fish my shaky heads pretty aggressively most of the time or my worms in general it's not always a shaky head i'll throw them on a texas rig as well but given a choice i throw shaky heads in the summertime i only use three hooks by the way the three that i use that's a canterbury and down in the video description i'll link you everything you guys don't have to be trying to keep up with all this stuff i throw a canterbury for my standard so like a trick worm or a swamp crawler or a fat baby finesse that's in fact that's what that fat baby finesse is rigged on right there then i throw a stand up head which is basically just a bigger beefier hook and then i'll throw depending on how big the worm is when i throw the bull worms or the magnum trick worm uh then i'm gonna i'm gonna jump over and i switch to a straight king still with the screw lock i really like shaky heads that have a screw lock personally and then the strike king you know they just offer it in a bunch of sizes and that's how i'm able to throw all those bigger worms so i keep it very very simple three different head designs three different hooks but all very similar basically just getting larger to adjust to the different worms color we keep very simple and then the baits themselves also very simple all straight tail all similar colors i'm really just changing sizes more than anything i don't care about the difference between an eight-inch bull worm and a magnum trick worm you know they're they're here i'll pull a couple out they're very very similar sizes and profiles okay so eight inch bowl magnum track this is a zoom this is a strike king very similar green pumpkin black flake green pumpkin purple and green flake who cares i mean truly practically the same bait i'm just adjusting the size of the hooks to match the baits now why a little worm versus a big worm two things if i'm catching a ton of fish i go bigger second if i want to catch a big fish i go bigger i mean it's really that simple i mean i'm not even going to try and complicate it beyond that that's it if you want to get a bigger bite throw the bigger worm it's not that you won't get big bites on the smaller worm but you're selecting four bigger bites if you're if you're passing in front of the same amount of fish you're more likely if you have you know a bunch of little ones and a couple big ones lined up and you're throwing a little worm through there the little ones are often faster they often are more aggressive they'll pick it up quicker than the big ones but if you throw that bigger worm maybe some of those small ones will pass on it and you'll land in front of more of the big ones more often it's not that a big one won't eat a little worm versus a big worm it's not that a little one won't eat a big worm versus a little one but more little ones will pass and you just end up spending more time not in the mouth of a little fish or you have the potential of getting in the mouth of a bigger fish simple now i did say briefly there that there's a reason i throw the t-max that's that net bait worm and i love this worm so this bait and a zoom trick worm basically identical they smell different this one has more of a plastic smell this one has like a little bit of a fruity smell but essentially the same bait right little tiny bit of size difference here is the difference because this is gonna save you worm guys a little bit of frustration not a lot of frustration but a little bit here's a tip you're gonna enjoy all right let's get my regular shaky head shaky head with a screw lock if i go to put a zoom trick worm on a shaky head the head of that bait is so narrow that it really won't thread on there and i have to just pinch part of that worm off sometimes more than once until i get it to where it's fat enough to really take that screw lock okay super basic super genius thank you netbait they made the head of the worm fatter it is a trick worm i mean seriously it's the same stinking worm very very similar colors available except you don't have to do anything to the worm it will thread onto any shaky head straight out of the package that was smart so quick tip for you guys save yourselves a little tiny headache but if you are on a wide open bite the difference between changing or biting the tops off of 50 worms a day versus zero worms a day that's a lot of plastic that you don't want in your mouth or you don't want to take the time to pinch off it's a nice option okay now when where why basically guys if i'm shaky head fishing or worm fishing for that matter in the summertime i'm focused around shallow rock why is that well there's a couple reasons one there's a ton of fish on shallow rock in the summertime especially on lakes that have high populations of bait fish they tend to corral them up on that stuff it's really easy for them to feed on it the bait fish have nowhere to hide so once they get pushed up there especially if you're in a river system any of the damned up lakes that have current in them even here in california a lot of our lakes have current even though they're not river systems they draw a lot of water any power plant lake where they draw a lot of water that shallow shallow rock is going to get bait pulled up onto it or wind blown up onto it the fish are very aggressive there that's where i like to throw a shaky head i tend not to throw it around grass and it's not that it doesn't work it's that when i get around grass let's be real i'm either throwing a texas rig creature bait or i'm punching and flipping or i'm frogging right i mean it's you don't have to throw it on that stuff so i don't throw it rock to me is where that summertime worming really really shines now you brush pile guys it's going to apply to you obviously weed line guys fishing that outer edge fishing deeper water it works fantastic fishing on ledges but if they're on the top of the ledge i focus on that shaky yet if they get off the side i start deep cranking doing some of those different things um so again i focus on rock as far as actually fishing the bait there's a handful of different ways to fish it you can just slow pull them and we're going to get to a couple really important things right after this but you can just slow pull them on bottom basically just drag it reel up your slack drag it reel up your slack second way of course it's a shaky head shake it right just work that thing and let it sit reel up your slack shake it reel down third way is very very aggressive i mean we are we are being hard on that worm full on double rip reel up your slack double rip reel up your slack super hard i mean as hard as you could fish jig in the summertime just rip in that thing when they eat it they almost always eat it as it's falling back down so almost every time you're gonna rip rip reel down and there's gonna be a fish on it or you're gonna rip rip go to reel down and you're gonna have nothing but slack because they come so fast to eat it that they drive that bait forward they leave you on a slack line it's a really fun way to catch them a lot of people don't do that with a worm a lot of people think of a worm as finesse and it is but it doesn't have to be you can get very very aggressive with a worm in summer i tend to go to heavier weights for doing that so you want to you want to typically upsize your worm go to a much heavier head that's where some of the striking heads really shine because they offer them in those heavy heavy weights [Applause] you know that guy with an eight inch worm on it i mean you can really pop that guy and it'll dart back to bottom very aggressive very fast moving it's fast moving up but it also crashes back down quickly they just they just snap react to that thing and that is something that most people's fish have never seen because most people are not out fishing a worm that way now the bite is interesting in the summer you would think because they've got all this energy and they're in hot water they just smash that thing a lot of times that's not the case now maybe they do maybe they hit it hard on your lake but a lot of fisheries they don't summer time they tend to just really gently eat that bait now if you're really snapping it up they come hard at it but if you're shaking it or you're just pulling it either one of those they're really really soft on the bite they're very easy to miss them so i throw a shaky head on literally my most sensitive rod i use an 852 nrx it is an aldebaran reel and we're talking about a very very high-end combo and it's because the bite is so light and i don't want to miss it and in the summer time there are some really really big fish that eat the worm i don't i don't want to miss a single bite so so i use the highest end gear that i can afford to use and everybody's budget is different but i recommend using the highest end gear for summer worming that you can afford whether that's a hundred dollar setup whether that's a 300 setup whether it's a thousand dollar setup it doesn't matter but the most you can afford the most sensitivity that you can get is going to be very advantageous for you now if you are on a budget here is a tip we talked about this in a winter time maybe six months ago seven months ago eight months ago something like that it was early winter tim and i did a video together talking about how to use a longer more limber rod to see the bite before you can feel it because this this worm bite that i'm talking about i mean they'll come up and they just they just mouth it and then they just sit there and hold it so what you're actually feeling on your rod you very very rarely feel the tick i mean maybe you do maybe they tick it maybe they pop it but most of the time you're just gonna be picking that thing up or shaking it and it's just gonna get weird it's gonna feel like grass it's gonna feel it's gonna feel like you're hung up on a rock except it's soft it's got a little bit of give to it uh any time that that worm feels we'll call it strange anytime it feels strange you better hammer home but again if you're on a budget if you use a little longer rod i throw the worm on a fairly short rod shorter than most of my techniques but if you're on a budget switch to a seven three to a seven six anywhere in there a little bit longer rod a little more limber a little more tip and instead of waiting to feel that tick bite watch the tip of that rod when you pull it if it looks like this every time you pull it and then one time it looks like this when you start to pull it set the hook hook sets are free any time it gets weird swing on them but that longer can you guys hear these birds this is insane i must be under a bird's nest it is going crazy up here in this tree seriously back on track any time it gets a little weird if you've got that longer rod it's going to show it sooner if you're fishing a six foot six and a half seven foot rod and it's pretty stout in the tip it's not gonna have a lot of give to it and they're really gonna have to be on it before you see it now you may feel it but you won't see it but that longer softer rod it's going to start loading early even before you feel it it will make all the difference for you guys again i keep my worm fishing simple lights and darks i'm only adjusting size of worm to try and upsize my bite and i'm only adjusting the heads themselves to adjust to the size of the worm use the most sensitive rod that you can focus on that rockier stuff you're going to see great results this summer down in the video description like i said we'll link all the gear i'm also going to link what heads i match to what baits as well as the colors that i like in those baits uh yeah i'll link you all my gear just like always guys i really appreciate you i'm sorry that i'm not back on the water yet i wish i was i mean the bite is rocking out there and i wish i was out there on it but i'm glad that we could just sit down and really delve into one of these topics i hope it helps you guys this summer get out there and stick some more fish if you enjoyed the video hit that like button subscribe to the channel we'll talk to you soon [Music] you
Channel: TacticalBassin
Views: 368,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, shaky head, bass, bass fishing, jig head, shaky head worm, how to, shakey head, how to fish a shaky head, finesse, tips, bass fishing tips, shaky head fishing, worms, fishing with worms, worm fishing, plastic worm, how to fish, fishing baits, bass fishing tips and techniques, how to rig a worm, rigging a worm, texas rig, tacticalbassin, summer fishing, senko, rubber worm, wacky rig, neko rig
Id: VNpe37Zrw7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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