Senior Pastor Steve Poe | Summer at Northview

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so there was a young farmer that was working out in the field that day and he was a new believer a new christian and he wondered if farming was supposed to be what he was what he was supposed to do for the rest of his life and so as he's out there thinking about it and praying about it all of a sudden the clouds are moving around and he notices up in the sky that the clouds spell out the letters p and c and so he was certain that this was god telling him to preach christ p and c preach christ so he put away his farm equipment he got out his sunday suit and he started preaching around the community well of course his friends were kind of taken back by this and they said zeb what in the world are you doing and he said well god showed me i'm supposed to preach christ so for the next several months i mean he preached anywhere and everywhere he possibly could but without much success which left him incredibly confused his income had dried up his family was hungry so after eight months he kind of gave up and zeb went back to farming and again a couple of his friends came up and said zeb what are you doing i thought god gave you a vision that you're supposed to preach christ he answered and he said well now i'm really wondering if pc simply meant plant corn so i'm back to farming listen guys i hope that you can see that this was not the best way to find god's will in his life it would not be the best way for you or me to find god's will in our life it's almost like i guess you could say it's almost like flipping a coin now i'm certainly not saying that god can't speak through a coin toss i'm not saying that but i wouldn't recommend it the flip of a coin might work for the nfl but if i'm making a life decision i want more direction than heads or tails so then how do you determine god's direction for your life how do you know what god's will really is the high school graduate has to decide which college they're going to attend the college student contemplates which career prep which career path they're going to follow the young couple must decide if they really want to spend the rest of their lives together the business man or woman has to consider if they should uproot their family for this job promotion or stay where they're at i mean how do i even know if god really does have a plan for my life maybe maybe things just happen by chance or by luck you know as a as a pastor i i often have people ask me they'll say steve how do i know that i'm doing what god wants me to do how do i know that i'm really in the will of god well in scripture jesus specifically taught the disciples to pray for god's will so we know that when you're asking whether you're in the will of god or not when you're seeking to find god's will you're certainly acting in accordance to god's plan for your life because jesus specifically taught the disciples to pray and ask for his will he also taught us that spiritual growth takes place when i do the will of god my spiritual growth takes place when i do the will of god for instance in john chapter 4 verse 34 it says then jesus explained he's talking to his disciples he explained my nourishment or some translations say my spiritual food my nourishment or spiritual growth comes from doing the will of god so there you go your spiritual growth is going to take place when you obey god when you do what he's called you to do so he says my nourishment comes from doing the will of god who sent me and from finishing his work listen guys some aspects of god's will are clearly spelled out in scripture for instance look at this in first thessalonians it says it is god's will and that's what we're looking for right it is god's will that you should be sanctified or in other words set apart that you should avoid sexual immorality so here's the thing guys if you're wanting to know the will of god you don't even have to pray about whether you should be involved in sexual immorality or not because he's clearly spelling it out that you are not in the will of god in sexual immorality it's god's will that you give please give back home it's god's will that you should be sanctified that you should avoid sexual immorality look at the next one 518 give thanks in all circumstances for this is god's will for you in christ jesus so you also know it's the will of god that you have a heart of gratitude that you have a thankful heart in first peter chapter two it says for it is god's will that by doing good all right it's god's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people so we also know that it's god's will that we do good so the point that i'm saying is there is a lot in scripture that is clear there's a lot of things that the word of god spells out to us so we don't need to pray about whether it's god's will or not he already tells us that it is and yet there are other areas there are other areas in our life that are not as easy to figure out such as knowing the right time to buy a new house or whether you should go back to school or not those are the types of things well they're just not as clear in scripture listen friends when we're facing a major decision please hear me when we're facing facing a major decision i'm sure we would all much rather have god spell it out in a cloud wouldn't we we would much rather have god speak to us audibly but guys he rarely makes his will for your life that obvious but why why not why doesn't he spell it out in the clouds why doesn't he speak to us audibly because he wants us to trust him it's all about faith he wants us to trust him the bible says without faith it's impossible to please god and he also wants you to be persistent in seeking after him you know if if everything were just spelled out for us we would become very apathetic and very indifferent about spiritual things because there it is it's all written out we hear what he or he talks to us audibly and we hear what it is god wants us to trust him god wants us to be persistent in seeking after him and focusing on him so today today we're going to talk about knowing the will of god and yet guys please i'm not trying to tell you that i have this thing completely figured out because i don't and i don't believe that anybody really does i believe the more we study the clearer it becomes but i'm learning all the time just as you're learning all the time but there are a few things that i do know and so today i want to give you three realities of knowing the will of god three realities of knowing the will of god number one reality is knowing the will of god number one god has a plan for your life god has a plan for your life i believe that guys i don't know how to drive this point home any harder i believe that with every fiber of my being i believe the scripture makes it clear that before you were ever born he knew you in your mother's womb he had a purpose and a plan for your life i believe that god has a plan for your life you can go to the bank on that you see the first but first i think we have the first thing i think we have to understand is that we have god's general will for instance we know it's god's will for us to be holy to be sanctified we just saw that in scripture so that's god's general will you don't have to pray about it you don't have to wonder about it the scriptures always already spelled it out we know that we're to be set apart from the things of this world that's what the scripture just said we know that we're to be to have a heart of gratitude to be grateful and loving we're to avoid sexual immorality we know that we're to do good those things are true for every single believer if you're a christian you have an obligation a responsibility to live that out in your life friends we may not always understand what god's doing we may not always understand what he's doing in our life but we know that he's directing our steps in psalms 119 it says your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path so it's pretty clear if you're searching for the will of god you need to get in the word of god did you get that if you're searching for the will of god then you absolutely need to get in to the word of god i heard someone once say that the bible is more like a flashlight than it is a spotlight in other words it's to help you see just a few steps in front of you or to help us find our path i mean think about it if every step of your life if every step of your life were printed out in detail would it take faith no it wouldn't take any faith if you knew exactly what you were supposed to do and yet as we said a minute ago in hebrews chapter 11 it says without faith without faith it's impossible to please god it doesn't say it's hard or difficult it says it's impossible god wants us to daily walk with him and to trust him to guide our decisions in proverbs chapter 20 it says the lord directs our steps now i'm talking we're talking about the will of god and if you wonder does god really have a plan for my life there it is the lord directs our steps so why try to understand everything along the way well you say well that doesn't make any sense it does because he wants you to live your life by faith trusting in him i think i also think guys it's important for us to understand that every single detail is not predetermined one of the greatest blessings that god has given us is free will we've talked about that many times before one of the greatest blessings of life is that god has given us free will the freedom to choose we're not robots we're not a puppet on a string and if we're walking in the spirit and focused on him well god's going to direct our steps he's going to guide us but we have to make a decision that that's what we're going to do let's say that i want to retire in florida sounds like a great idea doesn't it let's say i want to retire in florida so i check out several places and i decide on one specific community that i want to live in you see i just believe that if i've prayed about it and i've asked god to guide my steps in other words i'm praying like god i really want to retire where you want me to retire i want to be in the community you want me to be in i believe that god the scripture says that god gives us the desires of our heart what does that mean does it mean that if i want a cadillac i get a cadillac no that's not what that scripture means it means god gives us the desires of our heart he begins to place on us the things that he wants us to do so all of a sudden i have a desire to live in a specific community that may just be god placing that desire in my life and so i also think that if i'm faithful to him you know you say well what if you miss it steve what if you go to another community and and that wasn't where god wanted you to go i believe that god is omniscient and knows all things he knew that i would choose another community he still has a purpose and a plan for my life and i believe that he's still going to use me regardless where i land now let's say that i'm i'm about ready to go to florida and i change my mind and say no i think i'm going to go to arizona to retire i believe he'll still use me in arizona now god again is all knowing so he already knows he already knew what decision we're gonna make we're not puppets on a string we freely make that choice but he knows ahead of time what choice we're going to make so guys i'm just saying don't get all stressed out over the details just pray and ask god to guide your steps just say god my heart's desire is to be right in the center of your perfect will i don't want to be a half inch off so god just leave me and i believe that god will begin to lay his desires on your heart but again the goal is to stay focused on him in psalms 37 it says the lord directs the steps of the godly if you're a believer you're a part of the godly if you've accepted christ in your life you're a part of the godly and the scripture says the lord directs the steps of the godly he delights in every detail of their lives okay so that what i've been talking about that is his general will but there's also god's specific will for instance in my life i know without a shadow of a doubt i know that god called me into full-time pastoral ministry and i know also know that he called me to write i believe these two things are a part of his specific will for my life and yet within the pastoral ministry there's a lot of different roles there's a lot of different options that i could have pursued you know i could have i could have uh been a worship leader i i could have ministered to to singles or whatever i could have picked any role within a church and that would have been okay but as i was going into the ministry and believing god had called me into the ministry i began to think about my gifts and my talents that god has given me and that's the reason that i pursued the senior pastor role because i believed those were my gifts and my talents i also believed that he called me to write now i've shared with you before i've i've been disobedient to that i felt from the time i was 30 i was supposed to write but i've always put it off i've always made excuses why i didn't have time for it but i believed in and i still believe today that god called me to do that i know in my knower do you know something in your knower you know it deep down within you just know it's a god thing and and so therefore i think i could have written on a number of different topics and still been right in the middle of god's will and yet guys at the same time if god has a specific place he wants me to pastor or he has a specific topic that he wants me to write about don't you think he's able to plant that in my heart for goodness sakes i do he's a big god and he loves you and absolutely wants the best for you well psalms 37 says we just read when you delight yourself in the lord he gives you the desires of your heart let me give you an example that maybe he'll help out of the old testament moses was busy obeying god's general will he was obeying god's general will he was living his life for god but when it came to god's specific will well moses resisted you remember the story the israelites had been in slavery for over 400 years and when the lord told moses to go speak to pharaoh about letting his people go what happened moses came up with all kinds of excuses god i'm not a public speaker you need to get someone else now guys hear me on this have you ever been guilty of making excuses when god was trying to get you to act upon his specific will you know i think we're okay christians listen to me on this i think we're okay living in god's general will in other words it's like okay i've invited christ into my life i attend church on a fairly regular basis you know i pray over my meals at night when we eat we even serve in a particular ministry but as soon as god gets too specific oftentimes we just get very uncomfortable we're afraid or sometimes just lazy we don't want to be inconvenienced you know i i live a pretty easy going life and i i can i can i can just kind of go with the flow and try to be fairly good read my bible on occasion and still live in god's general will but if i'm going to be obedient to god's specific will then it often becomes more of a sacrifice does that make sense when i start to live in god's specific will for my life it oftentimes becomes more of a sacrifice it often times means i've got to be maybe inconvenience myself just a little bit and it can be a little intimidating it can be a little scary or frightening and yet at the same time guys please hear me say it also is more rewarding because you know you're making a difference in a lot of people's lives henry blackaby in his book experiencing god i've i've told you this many times over the years it's one of my favorite books henry blackaby wrote on the title of experiencing god which is one of the best books i think i've ever written or have ever read on knowing the will of god in your life so if you haven't read it i think we have it in capstone i'd highly recommend it but he wrote he said you don't find the will of god it's revealed so oftentimes we spin our wheels trying to find the will of god but he's saying the will of god is revealed when you're just obeying him when you're just living for god staying focused on him god will reveal his purpose and plan to your life he said god always takes the initiative i love jeremiah chapter 29 it says for i know the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future okay so the second area that i want to mention is that even though god has a plan for your life number two you have the choice to accept or reject his will not hard you have the choice that you're either going to accept god's plan and say that i want to live it or reject it i accepted god i i rejected both of god's specific plans in my life i i felt called of god when i was 18 to go into full-time ministry but i wanted to be in business and so i ran from it for 10 years until i finally stopped running and said no i want god's will in my life at that point i felt a call to write i rejected that for 30 years so i'm not pointing the finger at anybody i'm just saying that when you do reject the will of god in your life then all of a sudden you miss god's blessings in your life as well many people want to blame god for everything a child dies cancer strikes a spouse leaves loneliness failure infertility on and on i could go and yet the reality is that bad things happen to good people because we live in a fallen sinful world jesus said in john chapter 10 the thief satan he comes only to do what to steal kill and destroy you that's his goal for you he says but jesus said i have come that they might have life and have it to the full guys there's no two ways about it satan's out to destroy you jesus said he was the father of lies so he'll drop a thought or lies into your head and try to try to create bitterness try to create temptations try to create anger whatever maybe he whispers in your head and said you know what god this person that you love that just passed away god took their life he doesn't care about you he doesn't care about your loss well guys that's just not true god didn't cause this person to die in fact his heart is as broken over that loss as yours as yours friends listen to me there is a difference between what god causes and what god allows we live in a fallen world so there's going to be sickness there's going to be death and yes there will be some things that we're not going to understand until we get to heaven we can't always explain every circumstance or situation but you know what i trust him i believe that he loves me and i believe that he has my back so even though i can't always explain it i trust him and that's why paul said in first corinthians chapter 13 he said now i know in part now i know in part but then i shall know fully paul's saying as i walk around this earth trying to live for god it's like looking through one of those glossed over glass you just can't really clearly see through it but one day when i stand in the presence of god then i'm going to have a clarity then i'm going to have a full understanding so paul's trying to explain that we would not have the total picture of what's happening in our life until we stand in his presence in heaven now i know i know there are times we get angry and frustrated with our situation or with our circumstance so we question or we wonder if god even loves us we get ticked at him because he's not he's not doing what we want him to do or responding the way we want him to respond but friends please please hear me on this god's love for you has already been settled you know if if you're mad at god and trying to say well i know oftentimes we get mad at god so we want to hurt him and so we'll say well you don't love me you don't care about me but we do the same thing to people don't we when we're mad at them we want to hurt them and that's what we do to god we're like well you don't love me if you love me this wouldn't have taken place god's love for you was settled on the cross period in john 15 it says there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends so the challenge is how will i respond to this difficult situation am i going to trust god or am i going to do my own thing again i knew at 18. i knew at 18 that i was called into full-time ministry but i didn't want to go into full-time ministry and so i rejected the will of god i ignored god i came up with 101 different excuses i even tried to bargain with god which is a story all its own that that he would if i would do certain things if he just let me do my own thing and of course you know what he did see that's the thing you're not a puppet on a string you're not a robot if you reject god's will and you choose to do your own thing god's gonna let you do it but you're not going to find yourself in the center of his perfect will therefore you're not going to receive the blessings that come with that you're not going to receive god's best in your life and therefore in my life i wasn't going to receive his best either and i don't believe that i did during that time period i just wasn't finding i can tell you that in those 10 years where i was running for ministry i was actually running from god i just wasn't finding the fulfillment and satisfaction that god wanted me to experience i wasn't experiencing the joy and peace that comes with being right in the center of his will you see guys we often think listen to me on this we often think we know better than god we think nobody knows me better than i know me i know what's best for my life come on give me a break i know that this would be good for me and so we're praying god this is what needs to happen it's like we're explaining to god how it has to be we want it done our way and yet even though and then when god doesn't do it we just determine we're still going to do it because we know that's our best and so we reject god do our own thing and yet we still expect god to bless it we still expect god's favor to be on it and when it's not we're ticked we're upset with god we thought eventually god would get on board that he'd get on board with all of our ideas that he'd get on board with all of our plans listen to me friends ignoring god's will ignoring god's will might not cost you your salvation it won't but it'll keep you from experiencing his best and it'll keep you from experiencing contentment and satisfaction in life i love the message bible on this matthew 6 33 one of my favorite passages the message translation is kind of a paraphrase it kind of drags it out it's more wordy but i love it it says if god gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers most of which are never ever seen don't you think that he'll attend to you take pride in you do his best for you what i'm trying to do here is to get you to relax to not be so preoccupied with getting so you can respond to god's giving people who don't know god and the way he works fuss over these things but you know both god and how he works steep your life in god reality god initiative god provisions don't worry about missing out you'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met that's great that's such a great translation of that particular verse i have one final area that i want to show you today about knowing god's will and that's number three you can discern god's will for your life you can listen you can discern god's will for your life the disciples asked jesus to teach them to pray why because they saw how effective jesus was i mean when you think about all that jesus did when he walked the earth you would have thought the disciples would have asked you know teach us to forgive teach us to preach like you do what did they ask they said teach us to pray why because when jesus prayed things happened when jesus prayed he was right in the heart of god's will for his life and so he said so the disciples said teach us to pray so in matthew chapter 6 he gave them kind of an outline or a model i've talked about this with you before it was kind of a i think it's a model the lord's prayer is what we call it in matthew chapter six and some people memorize it and recite it and that's okay there's nothing wrong with that but i believe it was intended to be more of an outline that we literally can we can literally break it down into like five different parts in matthew chapter six verse nine it says the very it starts out the lord's prayer says this then is how you should pray they're asking how do we teach us lord and he says this is the way our father in heaven hallowed or holy be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven but what i want you to understand about that particular verse is it's really more of a declaration than it is a request in other words it really is you or i not trying to change the mind of god now think about this guys prayer is not about changing the mind of god prayer is about changing my mind and your mind it's about changing us so that we so that not so that god lines up with us it's so that we line up with god so really i believe that's more of a declaration in other words it's come thy kingdom be done thy will in other words i'm making a declaration that i want the kingdom of god established in my life i'm making a declaration that i want god's purpose and pla and plan for my life established in me i'm not i'm not accepting anything less i want your will accomplished in my life god i don't want it to be any other way than your way determining god's will listen determining god's will it's not a matter of following after a few steps it's really more of a process it's more of an it's more of a journey than it is an event oftentimes we think well to find god's will it's like all of a sudden bingo there it is and it's all spelled out that's really not what finding the will of god means finding the will of god is being so focused on him and following after him that he's literally guiding the steps of a righteous person or order to the lord and so it's literally means that he's guiding your steps it's a process so let me give you six questions that i think will help you find god's will in your life number one questions that help you find the will of god number one is it consistent with biblical teaching guys don't miss this one is it consistent with biblical teaching god will never hear me god will never lead you to do anything contrary to his word how many times have i talked to someone that's having an adulterous affair and they will say you know steve you have to understand i know god brought us together i know this this is a god thing and i know that doesn't make sense and and i know what you're gonna say but i'm just telling you this is a very special relationship and god brought us together no he didn't i'm sorry but he didn't it's adultery and it's sin god makes that clear in his word and god hear me god will never contradict his word and it's not like oh this is this is my word for everybody else but you know what you're a special case and so because you're such a special case i've brought this person in your life to cheat on your spouse it doesn't work that way god will never contradict his words friends that's why this is the first one listed this is why this one's the most important question because if it's not consistent with the word of god then there's no need to bother asking the other five questions think of it this way we need to run listen to this we need to run the pursuits of our heart through the filter of his word we need to run the pursuits of our heart through the filter of his word the second question is have i asked god to reveal it to me you know there was an instant i love this story there was an instance in the book of acts where peter is in prison you might remember this peter is in prison and most likely he's going to be put to death so the so all of his christian friends the rest of the disciples and all the those that are following following uh the new church the new testament church at that time they all gathered together and they're praying for peter that god would somehow supernaturally release peter from prison and so while they're praying god does it an angel comes and miraculously releases peter from prison you ought to read the story if you haven't and now get this peter then goes to the prayer meeting and he goes to the prayer meeting where it's taking place and he begins to knock on the door and finally one of the girls gets up from the prayer meeting and goes and opens up the peephole and she looks out and she's shocked at what she sees it's peter she's she's so shocked she doesn't open the door she runs back into the prayer meeting and tells everyone else peter's at the door peter's out here and the other christians are saying yeah right you're dreaming girl peter is in prison and then after they kind of blow her away or blow her off then they go back in and start praying again and peter's still out there going he's still knocking on the door he keeps knocking finally someone gets so frustrated and they get up and they go open the door and there's dance peter listen we laugh at this because i laugh at it because it's similar to my own prayer life it scares me sometimes i pray for god to do something and i pray that consistently for a long period of time for god to do something and when he does i'm the one that's most surprised by it it's like oh my gosh i didn't see that coming well then why was i praying number three what do mature christian friends think what do mature christian friends think and so i think it's healthy that you're asking some christian friends this is what i'm struggling with i'm trying to determine what i should do whether god's leading me to do this could you give me some advice proverbs chapter 12 says the way of fools the way a fool seems right to them but the wise listen to advice often times as a pastor as you might imagine people come and ask me for advice or for counsel concerning god's will for their life and hear me i can tell them what god's general will is because the scripture spells it out i have no issue with that i have no problem telling you what god's general will is for your life but i can't tell you what god's specific will is for you and when and when you get a when you get a friend or a pastor or anyone telling you this is god's specific will for your life run the other direction because nobody knows that but you i can also tell them what scripture says that might be applicable to this situation and maybe i can give you some things that i would encourage you to pray about but i can't tell you god's specific will for your life some people ask for an opinion but if they don't get the answer they're looking for what do they do they move right on to the next person and they ask their opinion if they're still not getting what they're looking for they just keep going from one person to the next until they find somebody that agrees with them we often look for the path of least resistance it's like the person that's contemplating divorce oftentimes will go to other people who are unhappy in their marriage or they'll go to somebody that's just come through a divorce and ask their opinion not wise proverbs chapter 15 says plans fail for lack of counsel plans fail for lack of counsel but with many advisors they succeed listen godly friends can help you take an honest look at your situation so don't hesitate asking a friend for godly counsel don't ever hesitate ask and just say can you just give me your thoughts on this or maybe can you pray about it and then once you've prayed about it just give me your thoughts on it as well i just need to i'm just trying to get a feel whether what god's trying to show me here and number four have the doors have the doors opened or have they closed this one seems pretty obvious doesn't it if god closes the door then don't for goodness sakes don't try to force it open sometimes we don't like it so we try to force open the door on the flip side don't miss a wide open door that might just be full of blessings just around the corner number five does this decision make good sense again that ought to be an obvious question in other words is it wise is it logical friends being a christian doesn't mean checking your brain at the door just use some common spiritual sense in james chapter 1 it says if you need wisdom ask our generous god he promises to give you the mind of christ he promises to give you wisdom and he'll give it to you he will not rebuke you for asking number six do i have peace about the decision do i have peace about this decision that kind of peace is not usually it doesn't usually come to us overnight does it that kind of peace is a process it comes by slowing down and quietly listening to god it comes by putting yourself in a place of total trust it comes by putting yourself in a place that you say you know what i don't understand what's happening right here but i trust him i totally trust him i know that he loves me and i know that he has my back guys i know that stepping out and trusting god can be a bit scary at times for all of us but when you know it's god he'll give you a peace that passeth all human comprehension in colossians chapter 3 it says let the peace of christ rule i love this passage let the peace of christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you are called to peace and just be thankful when jesus was in the garden of gethsemane he knew what god's will was and it was pretty horrifying think about it jesus knew exactly what awaited him and it was pretty horrifying he then went through a struggle he went through great turmoil trying to figure out whether this was god's plan whether it was in stone or whether it could be changed and so he began to pray and he began to pray with such intensity that his the capillaries along his scalp began to burst and he began to sweat great drops of blood that's what the scripture says and he prays to his father and he says if there's any way that this cup can pass before me can we do that is there any other way this can happen but he said i want your will to be done not mine and from that moment on when he came out of that prayer meeting it was a done deal he spent time with god he rested in the fact i don't like what lies ahead of me this is not going to be pretty this is going to be horrific but i trust him i trust my heavenly father and that's exactly where we need to be in our life even though he was about to go through incredible suffering i believe that at that moment he began to experience a peace that's beyond our comprehension he then concludes his time on the cross by saying what it is finished it is finished i have fulfilled god's purpose in my life i have fulfilled god's will and my life friends there's a lot of painful circumstances that you're going to go through in your life i wish i could tell you otherwise but i can't the scripture makes it clear that we're going to go through difficult times there's going to be a lot of landmines in your life but what if someone were to say to you i know exactly where every land mind is buried between here and the other side of that field i know exactly where they are and all you have to do is you just stay close to me if somebody said that to me i don't promise you that i'm gonna i'm gonna step exactly where they stepped i'm going to stay right behind them and i'm going to stay close to them and i'm going to step exactly where they step or are you going to say i don't need your help i'll do this on my own i'm my own man i'm my own woman i don't need you well that would be kind of crazy wouldn't it i would want to stay as close as i could i would want to make sure that i was following every step because his instruction his instructions is what would save my life well friends god does want to lead you through the mine field but it's important that you follow his instructions it's important that you follow god's purpose and god's plan you see the question listen to me guys the question is not so much what's god's will the question is are you daily focused on jesus and are you walking in the spirit because i am 100 confident i am 100 confident that if you are daily focused on christ and you are walking in the spirit you will see god's will fulfilled in your life i will promise you the spirit of god will direct your steps we just read it in scripture the spirit of god will direct your steps into his plan and his purpose for your life
Channel: Northview Church
Views: 858
Rating: 4 out of 5
Keywords: Northview Church, Northview, Steve Poe, Carmel, Fishers, Westfield, Lafayette, Indy North, Indianapolis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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