Send dynamic emails from Excel using Microsoft Power Automate Desktop

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this morning i woke up and i had sent dozens  and dozens of emails with the same message two   different people now i did not want to send all  of them in bcc and i did not want to use marketing   email marketing tool i decided to automate this  so welcome rpa champions in today's video you   are gonna be saving so much time that you're gonna  be grateful to me for the rest of your life we are   gonna be automating email marketing or sending  emails with microsoft power automate desktop a   completely free tool available from microsoft that  is extremely easy to install all you have to do   is search for microsoft power automate desktop  and you will find the tool online we are going   to automate an excel file that has a list of  different emails that we need to send in this   example i am using the same email but you would  use different emails that you need to send let's   say you are sending different birthday invitations  or invitations for wedding or maybe you want to   contact all of your customers regarding a  specific order and you don't want to send   every single one a specific email with the same  text but you would like to automate that process   let's jump into power automate and see how this is  done we are gonna build this process in four steps   this is step one and we're gonna start by creating  a new process from scratch we're gonna name our   process with something meaningful so that we don't  lose it amongst all of the other processes that we   are gonna be creating because automation is gonna  help us save so much time you will make hundreds   of processes now with step two we are gonna be  extracting things from excel we have created a   blank process and the first action that we have  to is to launch an excel file now we're gonna open   the excel file where we have our excel information  that we want to use inside of our process now   let's select that file and we're gonna be opening  exactly that file the next thing that we have to   do is we have to find an action that is gonna  give us the ability to extract that information   and let's read from excel worksheet we're gonna  select also arrange because that is the simplest   and quickest way of selecting information  from an excel sheet where we already know   the limit and where we already know the content of  the exact sheet so let's say we have our emails in   we're gonna start at column a and we're gonna  end in column b and we're gonna get all of the   information from cell one all the way down to  cell 37 and that's going to collect all of the   information that we have inside of our excel sheet  now this is going to be the variable that is going   to be produced we are going to rename it so that  it's more meaningful and so that our process is   easier to work with and manage later when it keeps  on growing next thing let's just close the excel   sheet because we don't need it anymore we don't  want to leave it open there so that it stays in   memory all right with all of this done now we have  to do the web automation part so sending the email   i'm not going to be sending it via web i will be  just sending it via an smtp server i will be using   gmail so you need to get the smtp information from  your server before sending the email however let's   create a loop now what a loop is going to allow  us is going to allow us to send this email and i   will configure the email in just a second but for  now let's configure the loop the loop is going to   loop through all of the contacts that we are going  to extract from the excel sheet and we are going   to be using the current item the current item is  the item that is currently the one being processed   inside of the loop so when we send our email we  can refer to anything with the current item now   let's set up our email so let's configure  our email and before we do that let's just   set a default display message and let's  configure our email now in our email we   are going to be using smtp as i said before so  we're gonna ins put the default smtp configuration   from google and you can do this with pretty  much any provider of mail so like this we   have inserted all the information that we  need and we have also inserted the variables   and now for the final part of our process  we need to add this this this and this   variable to our process these are the variables  that we are extracting from the current item   and are the rows in the excel sheet now once  we have added that we can add a wait for two   seconds to make our process more stable and  we are finally ready to test our process   everything should be good and we can go to  microsoft and check out all of the emails   that are being sent right now and being prepared  by microsoft power automate for us and we can   see the first email that has been sent here is  another one that is being sent all of them are   using a custom message a custom email a custom  content and all of the parameters that we've set   so ladies and gentlemen this is how we  can create a process that is going to send   emails from an excel sheet thank you very much  for watching and i will see you in the next one
Channel: RPA Champion
Views: 143
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft power automate tutorial, microsoft power automate desktop tutorial, power automate, power automate desktop, microsoft automate, powerautomatedesktop, power platform, power automate desktop app, how to, mail merge, send email from excel, excel mail merge, mail merge example, bulk email, excel email automation, excel mail merge tutorial, mail merge with attachment, how to mail merge, mail merge with pdf attachment, rpa champion
Id: xMM3gMMelUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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