Learn Power Automate Desktop | Create a Web Automation | Extract from web into Excel

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RPA_Champion 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome rpa champions and automation champions i am the rpa champion and in this video we are going to see build a robot that is going to automate different activities for us on a webpage now i have demonstrated in my previous video how i built a robot that connected me to over 28 000 participants at a tech conference called collision now i have used power automate to build the robot in a half an hour or less that has saved me countless hours of manual and boring activities in terms of connecting to different participants now in this video you will learn how to use power automate to extract data from a web page how to save it on excel and the second part of the video we will see how we can automate different actions inside of a webpage by the end of the video you will have a fully functioning robot that you can build on on the app that i'm building it on or on any other app that you would like saving you or learning how to build robots that are going to allow you to save countless hours of time so that you can go play with your dog or go make some bread now this video is intended for beginners and medium users of power automate it is there is also a little bit for everybody because i will be sharing best practices tips and tricks and uh things that i have learned along the way that are gonna help you save time when building your robots also when building your robots it is very important to keep in mind that uh the least actions that we use in our robot the best it is so that there's less to maintain less build and so on so building robot is like an art but you don't need any kind of knowledge or any kind of coding knowledge for it having said that let's jump right into this video and start building our robot with power ultimate desktop so in this example that this is the collision app that we are going to be automating now these are all different participants that are at net there is over 28 000 of them or so we can filter through them we can we can see different categories so we're gonna see we're gonna all do all this with our robot as well but what we wanna do is basically we wanna uh click on one of these people and we wanna connect to this person so we wanna request a connection and we want a robot to do that after that we want our robot maybe to engage in a conversation with this person so click on chat and we follow to the chat part of the of the app and send a uh a chat message now uh to do that there is different ways every robot can be uh can be built in different ways meaning that we could uh we can take different paths however as i said before or maybe i haven't but building a robot is like an art in terms that the least steps that we use to build our robot the better it is now what we want to do is we want to click on each one of these people and do those different actions now we could do it in different ways but i found a way that for me works pretty well and that is pretty fast as well meaning that not a lot of steps are required so what i'm going to do in this example i'm going to since each one of these boxes is a link to the profile i'm going to extract this link from each one of these boxes from all of the different pages that are here so we will go to all different pages and we are going to extract all of the different profiles now once we extract all of the different links to the profile so this is a link to the profile we are going to save these links to an excel file after that we are going to have another part of the robot that is going to go through this excel file and open or navigate through the links and navigate to each one of these links send the request message and send also a chat message so that is going to be our robot and it is going to do that for thousands and thousands of times until it runs out of uh runs out of requests or if something happens like it runs out of memory it breaks down the computer goes into standby or some other uh thing that we have not planned however we are going to include some exception handling or some things that are going to make our robot a little bit stronger and better so that if things unexpected things happen uh then we then the robot is not going to break but it's going to continue and continue doing what it's supposed to be doing so let's jump into power automate and see how we can build this process now we're going to start from a new flow uh just before starting i want to remind you that downloading and installing power ultimate is completely free and very easy i do have a video about it link in the description below so once you have downloaded and installed power automate you will be able to follow along from here this is behind of this screen this is the welcome screen now when we create new flow we're going to call this collision app to we're going to create a flow and once we create our flow we will be able to start building our process now as soon as the new flow is created a new pop-up window is going to appear that where you're going to be building your automation so this is the place where you're going to be building your automation as you can see is entirely drag and drop you have a set of actions that you can use you have your variables or different data items images of things that you store on the right side right here so once again variables data and things that you store on your right side and configuration parameters while on the left side you have the different actions that you can do and use grouped by different categories now there is a lot of details that we can see but i think we should see the details as we are building our process now this is our uh our canva this is our empty piece of paper or our empty drawing and we have to draw our robot on here so we said that the first thing that we want our robot to do is we wanted to go to this page and uh extract the link of each one of these profiles why so that we can have this link in excel sheet and then directly from the excel sheet we can just navigate to this different profile pages and request a request or chat alternatively what we could do is we could navigate this page and have the robot click here click make a couple of clicks and then click back to go back to the the page however with that if we are for example on maybe page page seven or page eight it is going to be hard for the robot to kind of keep track of everywhere or where we are and on being on the right place so that's why we're extracting everything and putting it in an excel sheet it is just going to be easier and the objective and the art of creating the robot is comes from making it as easy as possible so the first thing that we have to do is we have to create or launch google chrome so we are going to launch we have different options for different browsers to launch i have noticed that uh micros edge currently is not the most stable option for power automate it often loses connection so i would not recommend you using it i would recommend you to use internet explorer firefox and call keep in mind that internet explorer is being discontinued by microsoft so in the future all of your automations on internet explorer will have to migrate to the other browsers why because there will be no more support for infant explorer only edge so here we have the action that is going to allow us the first action of a robot that is going to allow us to open a web browser now uh it is pretty straightforward so what we want to do is we want to launch a new instance meaning that we want the browser to start from scratch also we want the initial url to be the page of our attendees the list of all of the attendees so we want the browser to navigate that another important thing to set usually is the maximized window this will allow the window to be also in full screen and it will allow you to see what is happening and it will also bring it to the form to the foreground not always we will have to focus it also so we can also decide to clear cache or clear cookies if it's required and also the weight for page load is enabled automatically i highly recommend that you use this uh this capability so what this does is it waits for all the different elements on your page to load before going on to the next step and this is important because the robot acts very fast and if you don't set this it's just going to go to the next step and some items might have not been loaded and your robot will fail now as you can see uh there is another option that says that if there is a pop-up dialog do something about it you can close it press the button in our case we're not going to do anything and one final thing about this action is that all the variable that is produced is going to be stored in browser so uh we can reference this later and you're going to see how this works this little x right here means that this is a variable and it's going to be stored as a variable when i click on it i will see that there is two percent signed the name and this represents a variable in microsoft powerpoint what is a variable a variable is just something that allows you to hold information call data call the name or hold some kind of data in addition to this we can also go and set directly exception handling exception handling is something that allows our robot to not fail and if it fails to do different things so we could show an error or we can continue with the flow or we can create a new rule with an if condition an else statement and so forth in our case for this we're not gonna set anything right now so let's create our first our first action so in our robot right now we have the first action which is to launch google chrome now when i hit the run button we will activate our robot and we can see that our robot is working it is opening google chrome and it's going to the correct page now the next step is to extract each one of these links inside of here and also to navigate throughout all of the different pages and extract every single link that there is there now there is a very simple way to do this also there is different ways to do it we're going to try to do it in the simplest way possible so what we are going to do is we are going to look for extract data from web page we're going to go to the web automation and web data extraction and we're just going to take the extract data from a web page and we are going to put it here however before we do that we might want to click here and maybe filter our uh filter our uh our list to only specific to only specific so let's say i'm interested in only media i would like to click here and filter on media so let's see also how this is done before we extract the link there is as i always keep on saying there is different ways to do it we can the easiest way to do it is using the web recorder so if we hit the web recorder it is going to open this pin we're going to tell it we're going to use chrome but before that we're just going to highlight this window so that it attaches automatically to this window how we're going to know that it tells us that it's going to go to a web page and this is going to be the first action that is going to create now if i just deselect this and i hit the start recording button i will be able to record all the different actions so if i click here we can see that a new element has been added right here and after that i'm going to select for example uh guests so we are going to filter for all of the guests we can also go for industry but i think this demonstrates the point and this is going to be enough for the time being now once this is done we can either pause the recording do different things or we can just finish and have our different actions and snaps already created for us now once you add something from a web recorder there is notes that are added to your process these are the two nodes that microsoft power ultimate has automatically generated so it tells you this is where we are going to start using the web recorder and this is where we're gonna end using the web recorder now i don't need these and i will delete them additionally it has also added a useful action which is go to web page this is going to redirect to this web page so since we are opening or the list page we do not need this now let's click inside of this and see what has been generated so this is click on a web page element and this comes from this from the web automation on the right side of the actions we can find it right here but first let's see what it has generated so web browser instance here if you remember we put the variable of our browser now this allows us to connect to that browser if we had open different browsers we could select which browser we wanted to use additionally it has also added something that is called a ui element and right here we can see the link to it now if i i can add new ui elements or i can see the ones that have been produced by the recording it's an svg and an input field so in this case we're using the svg and also we can set some advanced parameters like wait for the page to load this is always good to keep on and also we can add some exceptions at this point we're not going to be doing any of that now if i go to our ui elements right here on this pane first of all i can at the top i can see the variables then i can see the ui elements and the images now this is just the different elements i'm using to insert inside of the different actions so for example for the variables i can see the web browser variable is right here here i can add input output variables we're not going to be using this in this process additionally here in the ui elements i can see all different elements that i have spied and identified so this is the filter item and input is the checkbox so very simple very easy very straightforward so we launch we click on the svg in this example so this is on the filter and i can if i want i can rename this with f2 i believe yes so i can call this filter and i can call this guests to make it a little bit more easy to work with so we have filter and guess we have our two actions now let's launch this process and see if it's working so far that we don't need to add any weights or anything so it has opened the filter and has clicked on the guest it has filtered the page so the next step is to extract every single link inside of this table that has been generated for us now let's go and do that so we're going to use this we're going to use this action or we can also use the web recorder now let's continue using the web recorder since we have been using it so far and again we're gonna do the same steps we're gonna click on chrome we're gonna click on next and we're gonna click on the start recording now the only difference right now from before i'm not going to click i will right click on this and a new menu is going to appear the menu is going to give me different options such as extract element value and i can extract different things and here we can see that i can extract the link we can also wait for the web page to load so when it contains some text when the link appears and so forth we can also take a screenshot and we can also select a parent ui element to make references now in our example we're just going to extract the link so once i have extracted the first link i have other links to extract however this is a smart system and if i click on the next link and i just do the same you will see that it has identified all of the different links and is going to extract all the different links now the only difference or the only problem right now is that is going to extract only the links on this page let's take it one step at a time let's finish this and see what we have inside of our process once again we can see that it has generated the notes an additional navigate page so we're gonna get rid of all of that and it has generated the extract data from a web page i will move this all the way to the bottom let's click inside of it and see what is happening so we can see that it's attaching to our browser instance the variable and it's also producing a output an output variable this is where all of the data is going to be stored now i can choose automatically if i want to store the data inside of variable or inside of an excel structure if i want it automatically and directly inside of an excel so that i can work with it and use it i will just click excel spreadsheet alternatively if i wanted it as a variable so that i could use it later on inside my process for different things it would be easier to keep it as a variable and work from it as a vacuum in this case i'm going to select excel spreadsheets why because i would like to see everything that is extracted right away in excel sheet and after that i will use that excel sheet for my for the other part of the process so let's click save and let's see what is going to happen with our process so it should launch the web page it should filter the different elements it should find guests and it should extract all the information and save in excel sheet now we see that the excel sheet has open and i have and i have 24 24 links but this is not enough this is just 24 we are aiming for 28 000 and going back now we have our excel list of 24 participants but it is nowhere near enough now let's see how we can find out and how we can extract all of the all of the different users now if i right click on this if i open it and i go back to the browser that we were using and i click on the right on the right click i will automatically this window is going to appear so what is this window this windows is showing us the extraction preview so once again let me just walk you through what i have done i have opened the extract data from the web page window and then i went to the browser that was created i right clicked uh on one of the links or anywhere and the extraction preview has been automatically opened for me now i can do different things such as for example advance go to the advanced settings and click on the use paging now once i do that i will have the ability to select this item that is going to allow us to cycle through the different pages now if i click on this item so once again we are going to we are going to refresh this and start from scratch with the advanced options of using paging enabled so i will click on this i will extract the link i will click on the next one i will extract the link as well after that i will click on this button and i will set the element as a pager now when i arrange the different elements i can see that everything that has been inserted extracted so we have 24 links and we also have a 25th link that corresponds to the next page now when we click finish the window is going to change a little bit so extract data only from the first five pages so we can tell it that it should skip through the different for the first five pages now if i click save and we run this process again what the process should do is it should open google chrome open our list of attendees it should filter them and it should select all of them after that it should navigate through different pages as you can see however there is a little a little confusion going on why because it is clicking on this button instead of this button now i've tried also in in the previous example to figure out why why it is clicking on this one when i have exactly selected this one i was not able to figure it out but there is many easy workarounds that we can do so for example something that i came up with was that i could just leave it as it is and i could just click on this button a bunch of times and then i could use the pages just to go and cycle back so in theory if i were to click all the way to the end and count how many clicks there are like maybe 30 or 40 or 100 i could i could then use that extraction without changing any further now let me show you what i mean so the first thing that we need to do is we need to go to our web page let's close a couple of browsers to have a little bit of more memory and let's refresh this page now once the page has been refreshed let's use the web recorder again now we are going to use on chrome and we can start recording and select this button immediately now we can see that this is a button a ui element that is a button and it has been obtained with the on-screen recording i'm just going to finish this automatically and i have and now i have this button so this is let's see what this button is going to do and let's change this to just two maybe so let's delete all of the extra actions that were created and let's run this process again so we're gonna launch chrome we're gonna filter as previously we're gonna click on the button we're gonna go to the one page forward and then we're gonna use our extraction and it's going to extract also from that page and from the page previously so if we go to our excel sheet maybe the third excel sheet has been created we should have double the connections and as a matter of fact we do we have 24 plus the other 24 we have 48 connections now we are almost there ladies and gentlemen what do i mean by we are almost there we are one step closer to extracting the profiles of the 10 000 participants at collision so with every robot you are going to run into little little difficulties little issues but with just a little bit of thinking and a little bit of out-of-the-box thinking you can save yourself a lot of time in debugging and trying to figure out uh how to make it how to make it work the way that you wanted to when you could just create a little walk around for it now let me just uh give this one more try and see if i can change the if i can change uh the pager so we can see that if we go to the advanced settings we have already a pager that is this now if i take this and i open a notepad element this is going to be the selector that we have ident that has identified automatically for us now that is perfectly fine now if we go to the button that we have added here and we go into our elements and we click on this button we can see that this element on the other hand has a different selector now what we could do is we could take this selector and maybe replace it with the other selector so if we go to our notepad we can see that this is one of the selectors that was created for us and this is the other selector that was created so we can see also there is a little bit of difference so just to take a look uh it is actually pretty it is pretty identical and pretty similar but for some strange reason it is not working now if i were to replace this if i were to replace this it would still it will still select on the other page so what we should do is we should uh go back to our google chrome and what we need to do is we need to click on this button a bunch of times like let's say we want to click on it 50 times until it reaches the end so do something like that it is extremely simple we just need to add a loop a loop is a cycle of different activities and you will be using this a lot with your robot so we want to tell it start from zero and and at 10 for example increment by one and then we're gonna put our button right here so we're gonna press our button 10 times after that we are going to click the back button 10 times and extract everything and extract everything so let's see if this is going to work let's close our different excel so in the previous one we had 24 we're not going to save this and we're going to run this process again and see what happens so what should be happening you should filter we have seen that this works and now it should click 10 times to the different participants so it is going to scroll to the different participants once it features cycle number 10 or loop number 10 it is going to start extracting information i was going to extract page 10 page 9 page 8 page 7 page 6 page 5 and so on now once all of this data has been extracted it is going to save the link inside of our excel sheet and from this excel sheet we are going to be able to go to the next step of our process as you can see we have currently how many participants have we managed to connect we have managed to get 240 participants excellent we are we are even closer to our goal of 28 000. now if i were to do this same action for every single one of these participants and if i were to cycle to the end page just by counting how many clicks i have uh i have or just by setting a random number like a very high number it would it will click all the way until here then it will continue clicking but nothing would happen and then the pages would start going back all the way till the end so ladies and gentlemen this is the first part of our robot we have launched a web browser we have extracted we have clicked interacted with the web page we have we have been thinking creatively of how we can uh walk around different issues different parts and different things that might happen in our robot instead of breaking our head and trying to figure out how to do that exact exact action the objective of the robot is to extract all of the links to different participants how we do it it doesn't really matter what matters is that we kind of do it in as little time as possible and in a way that it is not going to break and is going to be accurate and effective now there is always again better ways of doing it this is just one way of doing it so uh getting back to us what is the next step that we want to do the next step that we want to do is we want to navigate to each one of these profiles and we would like to connect with them we would like to connect and we would like to also chat with them so the guests are the only people that i have still not yet connected with the therefore leaving some um some area where we can practice and work and work and see how the robot will work so the next thing that we have to do from this process once we have extracted everything we have to we have to navigate to one of the links inside of our excel sheet so we can see here that we are saving all the variables inside of the excel instance now the next thing that we have to do is we have to get the data out of the excel instance so to do that we have to we can do it different ways but an easy way is to look for the excel action right here and see the different options and capabilities that we can use straight out of the box so we can launch excel we can attach to running cell we can read from an excel worksheet we can save write on excel so already read from an excel worksheet this sounds like it could be doing uh like it could be useful for me so we're going to retrieve retrieve the value of a single cell we are going to retrieve not the values of a single cell but the values from a range of cells so we're gonna start column at column a we're gonna start at row one we're gonna and let's see our excel sheet we're gonna end at pro 240 and in the same column now there is a way i can get these values dynamically in my case i don't need to get them dynamically because i know exactly how many rows and how in which columns my data is so to avoid adding extra and additional steps i will just hard code it in this exact way um that is that is pretty much everything that we need to set we can also see that the variable produced is excel data so this is going to be a table of the different uh of the different uh information that is inside of our excel sheet now this is also a additional steps that that can be a little bit redundant why because if we say this to a data table already we do not need this uh we do not need this to extract from our worksheet why am i doing it like this because in in case i want to build another robot so one robot will be just in charge of extracting from different filters so for example uh i would have different robots one that is extracting the attendees one that is extracting the guests one is extracting the investors and saving all of this in different uh different excel files so that could be one robot now let's see how we could create another robot but let's not complicate our life and let's just create a sub flow and let's call this well let's do it like this let's call this extract and let's create another subflow and let's call this connect or how about message yeah let's call it message so in this one we are going to message the different participants and in this one we are going to extract them so in the main flow we are just going to leave the launch chrome and we are going to move all this information into our extract here we are going to add a subfloor and we're going to call our subflow extract subflow we are also going to add another subflow and we're gonna call our subflow message subfloor that is excellent let also let us save this file as well we can save this file inside of this folder and we can call it test collision participants now i can close this file and i can uh let's just disable this activity and see if this is still working so when i run this i should i'm expecting that all the same things happen the only difference is that i have added an extra action that is going to extract all different information and put it in an excel sheet now again i have this is going to do it for the first 10 pages of this participants however for the sake of time we're not going to do it for all of the 28 000 participants or for all the participants inside of the uh inside of the list because it will take too long so we're just working with the initial 10 pages of these participants 10 times 24 there is 240 participants that we have inside of our excel sheet that we can work with right now we have saved this excel sheet already now if i go back to power automate and i see that this is also this is also worked so it has inserted the data inside of the excel worksheet it has extracted it and it has read the excel worksheet now once it has read the excel worksheet i could i can move this in here and after that i can start cycling through the different rows inside of the excel worksheet now how would i do that with the loop the only difference is that i wouldn't lose the loop that i used previously i would just use for each loop and this is also so simple so the only thing i would need to do is i can see that here it has produced the excel data variable now if i select the excel data variable what this is going to do it is going to loop through each single row inside of the excel data the excel data is 240 columns that we have and one at 240 rows and one column it is also going to produce a current item and that is going to be the row on which we are currently so current item could be 68 which is this link or 75 which is listening and so forth very simple very straightforward very easy i hope that everybody is following along if you're not leave some comments also questions in the messages below and i would love to explain different things and how we are doing things also if you think that something can be done better differently please share your thoughts and ideas i have read all of your comments very carefully and i'm very grateful to the comments that you have been giving me on my previous videos so that i know how i can make it more entertaining more educational and just better for you to watch and love and one more thing just make sure that you give yourself a pat on the back because you are doing amazing if you want to learn automation this is a great skill that you are going to require and need in the time span so thumbs up for you keep on learning automation keep on learning our automated desktop and other technologies as well back to our video so we have created our for each loop that is going to navigate to each one of these different links so what we have to do is we have to go to this link we have to go to the following link and so forth so if we need to navigate then we should go to the web automations and we should see if we have anything that resembles what we need so we could go to a web page the current item is currently the web page so if i go here and i select the current item by clicking on this x i will have access to all the different variables that i have i can also open the different variables and i can see uh how i can get different values of the difference so i could for example get how many i can get the count or i can get the column names i don't need that i just need the current item so current item navigate to the url and use the browser instance perfect simpler than this it cannot be so what this should do it should navigate to each one of the different pages let's see if this works so we have our first part which is going to extract all the different things and then we have the second part which is going to read from our excel sheet that was created and it's going to iterate through all of them and then in our main in our main flow we have the extract and the message and we have the launching code let's see if this magic works so far so we're opening the browser i have forgot forgot to set to a number less than 10 the different pages so we're going to have to watch the different 10 pages cycle through them once again so let's have a little bit of patience and see the final part of our robot so it is cycling to the different pages it has finished now it's extracting the 240 participants it is going to save them to the excel sheet the excel sheet part is a little bit redundant in this example why because we can also save it to the table and use it directly from table but just to show you how you could visualize it a little bit better we have decided to uh to save an excel sheet and what we can see right now it is that is opening the different links inside of the excel sheet and it's navigating to each one of those different links what guess what we're going to do next we are going to connect and chat to each one of these participants we could do also other things such as for example extract the name the location their interest and do whatever kind of we want now let's stop this and let's finalize the final steps of our robot we can see that it's just cycling through this until it has finished all the 240 rows let's add a couple of more actions to this so what we want to do is let's open the browser let's close a couple of these browsers so what we want to do is we would like to connect this guy and maybe chat with them so for let's see how we can connect that that is going to be the easiest thing so let's use the web recorder again let's select the page in the background let's click on chrome and now if by now you should be getting the hang of this because this is pretty straightforward let's start recording let's click on our uh let's click on the connect button and then let's click on the request button as well so we have button two and button three keep in mind this is one tip or one suggestion that i would like to give to you as you can see that this button has different elements inside of it it has this checkbox it has the request and has the button which is appearing in red now you don't really want to click on the span you don't really want to click on the svg here you want to click on the button that is going to give you the most stable uh most stable action possible because you're using the web element that is a button and you're clicking on the button you're not clicking on the svg or on the span which will still work because you're clicking there but if you are repeating it a thousand times and we're going really fast it might break in some parts excellent so we have we have our button two and we have our button three that is pretty much all that we need to do to connect with the different participants now let's click on finish and we can see where it has created different elements in our in our process so it has decided that it is going to go to this webpage now we don't need that and it's going to press the button on the webpage and press another button on the webpage now if we test this this is going to work but let me ask you one question what is going to happen when we come here and it cannot click on this because for some reason maybe that participant i have already requested now this is on the only part where we need to add maybe a little bit of stability to our robot so it doesn't break when it comes to a page where we have already requested and we want to click on request and it cannot because it has already requested now this is extremely simple to do the only thing since this is in a loop what we will have to do is go on error and just continue the flow on error by going on to the next action we will do the same with the same with the button below without adding any logic or any kind of complex code what this is going to do is it's going to go to the current link and if on that link we cannot click on the button because we have already requested it then it's just going to go to the next section the next action is click the confirmation button but if that button doesn't exist also it's just going to continue and it's going to start with the next link and it's going to do that over and over again let's run this process the only thing that we are going to change we are going to change well it's fine it doesn't matter let's have it run 10 times and see what happens i mean this is a really cool automation so it is always fun to watch it work and watch it play at least for me i'm quite passionate about rta and automation and i think it has helped me save countless hours of times from different tasks and activities that i do and this what we are doing right now might be considered spam or might be considered not the most meaningful way of creating connections with colleagues or with people but from this we can elaborate this and make it more complex so that it does exactly what we wanted to do and as we can see that right now it is going from different uh to different connections and it's just requesting it's just requesting and confirming the request now if we wait a little bit we might probably uh come upon somebody that we have already uh sent a request to and in that case our uh our robot should act accordingly meaning that it should not uh it should not it shouldn't break but it should continue now for some reason i am not i'm not meeting the participant that we have sent the request to so the robot has is just continuing [Music] so this is it ladies and gentlemen this is how we create a super fast automation now just as a little extra bonus on this process we're going to also send a chat to all the different participants now let's do this very very quickly so again just following the process of what we have done so far let's use the web recorder once again let's use it on chrome let's identify the button of the chat we can see that a link has appeared in this case it has taken us to a different page let's identify this area right here so for the text area i'm going to click the right right button and i'm going to add text with i and e hey nice we're going to add some text right here and we're going to write hey nice to meet you hope you enjoyed collision we're gonna add this text and we're gonna see that here we have all of the actions that needed that needed to be here to generate this text after that we are also going to click on this we're going to also click on this and we're going to send our text now let's see we have created quite a little bit of elements that might not be all of them might not be required so let's go back to our process flow and see what we can remove and what we can leave so i'm just going to uh think about this again so this is going to press the connect button if it fails it's going to continue with the flow after that we're going to click on the other button on the chat button we are going to populate the text field we are going to emulate typing so that we activate the send button and after that we are going to click on the send on the send button so i think that that is pretty much everything that we need to do click on the click on web page svg and click on polygon i'm not really sure what these are so let's go back to our elements that were created so this is the plus button i'm not really sure why we will be hitting on that and this is the other buttons that haven't been captured properly so let's try this so far and see what would happen so going back to here i'm going back to the profile person so we click on the chat we are redirect different page we are in here and then we click on this button so that should that should do it and we theoretically don't require any more of these pages now let's run this from the beginning and let's see what happens so again we are cycling children different participants with 10 pages of different participants once it has finished cycling it is going to start going back to the different pages extracting the information and saving it into an excel sheet from that excel sheet it will start opening the different the different web pages it will connect with an individual and it will after that it will send them a message now uh in this example we're going to see already requested colleagues so we see that we have already requested to her the process is should not break it should go to the chat once it's in the chat it should go to the other window it should type in the message and it should send the message now in this example the message has failed to send for some reason so we would have to investigate and see what that has why that has happened so maybe we'll have to add a weight or in this example it has worked so uh let's see again why it is uh if it's going to work with with this lady as well or if we have to add some maybe a weight for it to wait no it is working also not really sure why did not work with the first uh with the first chat let's see on this chat if it's going to work or not so we have requested for this guy let's go to the chat and let's add the message so it is i think it's going a little bit too fast so to avoid something like this let's stop our robot and i would just add a weight before populating before populating the text so i can add a weight i would add a weight here and that should solve the issue so this will give two seconds of waiting before populating the text make sure that the page is loaded nicely and then it will insert the text and then it will also uh click the send button so like this it will work uh it should definitely work i'm not going to check it one more time because i have seen this already a gazillion of times but it is not you now build the robot try it yourself and tell me if it's working and ask me all of your questions i really hope that you have enjoyed this video leave me a like and subscribe and comment and i will get back to you thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next video
Channel: RPA Champion
Views: 9,694
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft power automate tutorial, microsoft power automate desktop tutorial, power automate, microsoft power automate, power automate tutorial, microsoft flow tutorial, powerautomatedesktop, power platform, power automate desktop introduction, power automate desktop tutorial, power automate desktop web automation, power automate desktop app, power automate desktop flow, power automate desktop free, web automation using power automate, web automation, rpa champion
Id: YdyxF18sF5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 1sec (2941 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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