Filipino Street Food Tour - BALUT and KWEK KWEK at Quiapo Market, Manila, Philippines!

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Filipino Street Food Tour - BALUT and KWEK KWEK at Quiapo Market, Manila, Philippines!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Albert110189 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I love kwek kwek and tokneneng. It's a must try!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KimDeMesa 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Filipino Street Food Tour - BALUT and KWEK KWEK at Quiapo Market, Manila, Philippines!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KimDeMesa 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
- Hey everyone, it's Mark Wiens. I am hangin out with my buddy. - Anton Diaz. - This is Anton. And we are in Manila, in the heart of Manila in Quiapo, and we came here to eat Filipino street food. So we're gonna show you some of the most iconic Filipino street foods, right in Quiapo market. (Filipino music) Along with the Quiapo church, which you can visit, you can come here for a really interesting, unique market in Manila. There's lots of street food there. It's like a flea market, an open air flea market, where you can buy all sorts of things and even just walking around here and just observing the cultures is very fascinating. (announcement in foreign language) So packed, and there's so much going on there's fruit, there's a lot of fresh ingredients as well. But then I'm also seeing a lot of dried fish, a lot of street food snacks, full of everything you can imagine, and lots of street food tucked in every corner. (children singing) Oh look at all these dried fish. (people shouting) - Sotanghon? You want Sotangon? - [Mark] Yes, please. It's called Tanghon? Sotanghon. The first street food we're gonna try is, they have a number of different noodle-looking dishes, and I think this one is Mung Bean noodles, and I'm not sure what else, but some spices, and it's made into kind of a soupy dish. (people talking) What is the name of this dish? - [Anton] Sotanghon. - [Mark] Sontanghon. - Soup. So it's a glass noodle with egg, and then palabok, one of the popular Filipino pansit. - [Mark] We just got some front row seats on some chef's table, yeah. Okay. There's an egg in here, there's the Mung Bean noodles, they're long beans, there's shallots. Oh and there's some bits of meat in here too Anton. Oh it's hot! Mmm! Oh yeah. It's a little bit salty and a little bit, kind of like oily, the broth is kind of oily, but then those noodles, they just kind of slide right down, you barely need to chew them and they just slide. I'm gonna dig into this egg. Oh yeah, an egg makes everything better. Oh yeah. You cannot eat this fast because it's so hot. Oh that yolk is on fire. So now you can do some seasoning, so I'm gonna squeeze in a calamansi, give it a little bit of a citrusy-ness to it. And then also, this is like fish sauce. Add in a little bit of fish sauce. Sprinkle in some pepper. (dishes clatter) This is really a slurping, oh, that almost slurped right out of my mouth, this is really a dish you've gotta slurp. Just been given some rice cakes, and these are like, I think they're steamed rice cakes. Break a piece of this, and they said that it should be eaten along with the soup. It's a little bit sweet, and very very spongy. And a little bit sour as well. This little street food stall is so tight that we had to set up the camera across the food from us so then Anton and I had got front row, these are the best seats in the whole street food stall. (Anton laughs) And we just finished with our bowl of the glass noodles, and now we've got another dish. What's this dish? - [Anton] This dish is palabok. - [Mark] Palabok? - Yeah, and also, actually, (Anton speaks Filipino with vendor) topped with poku, tinapa, chicharon. - [Mark] Chicharon, okay. - Before you eat it, you have to - Squeeze out some calamansi? - [Anton] Of course! - [Mark] Of course! (both laugh) - [Anton] And you also eat it with puto, the rice cake. - Oh this is a great atmosphere. (Anton laughs) Awesome place. And then the key to this dish is you've gotta fully mix it all with the sauce, with the noodles, with all those toppings, that chicharon in there. and there's minced meat I think in here as well? - [Anton] Yeah, yeah, tinapa, which is fish. - [Mark] Oh and fish also? And tofu? So there's a lot of ingredients in this little plate of food. You gotta eat it fast before it all slides off your fork. That's awesome man! It's kind of like goopy. But then you've got, what I can really taste is the fried garlic in there. The fried garlic is really nice in there. And it's like goopy and sticky and this is just a wonderful street food, Filipino street food. Thank you very much! Thank you very much. - Thank you, bye bye. - [Mark] Sarap. - Sarap. - [Anton] And you say salamat. - [Mark] Salamat. Okay that was absolutely awesome. And you just cannot get a better street food environment than that. (Filipino music) This is a market where you can come to really get a feel of the real Manila. It really feels like you're in the heart of Manila here. The action, every, there's so many things for sale and people are really friendly at this market as well. Hello! - Hello! - It's a great place. When you're in Manila, this is a place you wanna come explore if you wanna really feel the culture of Manila. (people shouting) It's very busy today. Is it like this every day? Oh okay, it's like this every day. (music playing in distance) This is a super human traffic jam. Alright we made it through that intersection. (announcement over crowd) - [Anton] One of the iconic places here is the Quiapo Church. - Okay, and we're standing right next to Quiapo Church right now. - Yes, and it's home to the Black Nazarene, which is very miraculous. People believe if you pray to, if you have a devotion to the Black Nazarene, it creates miracles in your life. - [Mark] Wow that's awesome. (announcer over crowd) - [Anton] When we were growing up as a child, so fish ball, fish ball carts. - [Mark] Are they all fish balls? Is there chicken balls as well? - No, this is fish ball, squid ball, and what you call kikiam, like a Chinese. - [Mark] All mixed? - Yeah. - [Mark] Okay. - Yeah, so you just get. - [Mark] We're standing right in front of the church so it's a little loud. I hope you can hear me. And so Anton, you just grab a stick yourself? - Yeah. - [Mark] And then you just poke whatever you want. - Yes, but you get the toasted ones, usually the brown ones. - [Mark] You want the brown ones because those are more crispy. - Yeah, in a sense. - [Mark] Okay, so you then just choose as many as you want on a stick. - Yeah, ah you can put it here, yeah. - You just choose as many as you want on a stick and then you add the sauce, okay. - You can, now it's water, and you have to, you can put it in a cup. - [Mark] Oh you have a fork here to push it on. (Mark and Anton laugh) That's awesome. Come on. (man singing over speaker) Alright. Then you stick it in the cup? - [Anton] Yeah, you put it in the cup. Then you put, - [Mark] And then you move over to the sauce station - [Anton] Sauce bar, yeah. - [Mark] Where you add in your own sauce into the cup. - Filipino food is known for sauces. - And lots of vinegar as well yeah? - Lots of vinegar, lots of sauce, so you can add with onions, with chili, yeah. And so you usually have a cup so that people don't double dip, so you create your own sauce. - I think this is my favorite sauce here. And you take the spoon. (stall owner shouts) Oh ya that looks good. Do I need more, or is that good? - [Anton] Yeah just put more, and vinegar. - [Mark] Add some more vinegar. - [Anton] Alright, and then. - [Mark] And add some more sauce? - [Anton] Yeah, this is sweet. - [Mark] I'll just go with vinegar, let it absorb all of that vinegar, and those onions, and those chilis. Grab some of those chilis. Alright I got three different types of fish balls here. (choir singing) Oh it's still pretty hot! It kind of has a gooey texture. The vinegar mix is what really makes it good. The vinegar and those onions and chilis. Oh look at that bite. (choir singing) They're like hardy fish balls. - [Anton] These are a childhood favorite. Brings back childhood memories. You know and having mass, and then after mass. - [Mark] Okay. And I love the culture of just standing here around the cart, eating. It's so atmospheric and so much fun. Anton was just talking to the owner of this street food stall, and he actually said that they are chicken balls. - Yeah, because they like it bigger, and it's two pesos. - Two pesos per ball that we just ate? - Per ball yeah. So it's more profitable. - Ah okay. - The fish balls are smaller and one peso or less. - [Mark] Okay, okay so they're actually chicken balls here. And then right next door to the chicken ball stand is a dried squid stand. And this looks delicious. I smelled it, and I knew that's what we need to eat next. These are just the squid bodies. And then I'm also gonna get, two please. And those are the squid heads. So those are just gonna grill, those are gonna toast over the hot coals, it looks really fast. Go ahead, go ahead. - [Anton] With chili, of course! - [Mark] Chili. - [Anton] Tastes so good. - [Mark] Tastes so good. - [Anton] Yeah. - [Mark] You need to get a lot of onions on there. Is it onions or shallots? - [Anton] Onions, yeah? - [Mark] And what you can do is you can try to scoop up as much onions and chilis and vinegar as you can on top of your squid. Alright man. - Alright. (both laughing) - I was trying not to do that. They're really tight. They're really tight on the skewer so if you pull too hard all the onions come flying off. - [Anton] That's what happens. - Oh, that's amazing though. Oh that's delicious. It's like, yeah, it's salty dried squid. Has a little bit of a crispiness to it. And then, hello. - Hi. - But I love it with that vinegar and those onions. - [Anton] Yeah. - That's delicious. That is a wonderful Filipino street food. - Hey, we have to go, because of the mass. - Oh. - You have to dip this. - Okay. What's your name? - Patrick. - [Anton] This is yours. - [Mark] You can have that. - Nano. - Natali. - [Mark] My name is Mark. - Patrick. - [Mark] Patrick. Nice to meet you. (speaking Filipino) - [Mark] Bye bye. Quiapo market, there's two sides, right? - [Anton] Yeah, yeah. - One is by the church, surrounding the church. - And one is around here. - [Mark] So we just crossed over the street. (woman speaking Filipino) Oh do you pick and choose? Oh you get bowls. Oh okay. (Anton speaking Filipino with vendor) We are at the next street food stall, and here we're gonna eat kwek-kwek, which are, it's one of the most famous of all Filipino street foods. - Yeah, it's quail egg. Quail egg with flour. - Looks like it's ready. Thank you. And then you add your own sauce. Thank you. These are one-day-old chickens. And she deep fried them and then she put it on top of our kwek-kwek, which are quail eggs with flour batter deep fried around it. And so then you move over here to the sauce, condiment station. Gotta go in for some onions. And also a lot of that chili, oh yeah. A one-day-old with some good chili on it. And then I think I'll just go straight for the vinegar next. You can never have too much vinegar on a one-day-old. (Filipino music) (Anton speaks Filipino to vendor) Okay. - It's so good. - It's boney. It's crispy. It's like meaty, it's rubbery. Okay, next up are the kwek-kwek, which are quail eggs in the batter. And I think you can one-bite this as well. Oh yeah, that is a big mouthful. But you got the really creamy egg yolk in the center and then it's like crispy and very fluffy batter on the outside. Alright, so we are moving on to the next street food. (Filipino music) So this is for takeaway. Very cool, yeah, the national sport. Basketball is the favorite sport in the Philippines. So you'll just walk around in the neighborhoods and basically in any spare place throughout Manila you'll see little basketball courts. So this is just in the neighborhood. What's up man? Hi. Watch out. (kids speaking Filipino) Watch out, watch out. (car engine rumbles) Yeah, balut. - [Vendor] 18, oh maybe 16, 17. - [Mark] These are duck eggs right? - [Vendor] Duck eggs. Anton and I still have not eaten the most famous, or maybe it's the most infamous, Filipino street food, and that is balut. - Balut. - [Mark] And Balut is a duck egg which is partly fertilized, it's an embryo. - [Anton] Yeah, and usually it's 16, 18 days. These one are 18 days old, okay. - Okay so they have different stages of the duck egg. You can get one that's eight days, or you can get one that's six, 12 days, or 16 days, or 18 days. - Or 18 days. - 18 days. That's what he said, these are 18 days? - So, if it's 18 days, just imagine you would see the chicken developed already, in a sense. - [Mark] A more developed chicken. - Yeah, with beak. (Anton laughs) - [Mark] With feathers and, okay. - [Anton] More developed duck, sorry. - Okay so he said he has 18-day-old balut, and that's what we're ordering right now. Here's the balut. Oh it's nice and hot. This is a steamer so the eggs are kept nice and hot. And this is a pretty good-sized egg. Check that out. That's a fistful and it's very nice and warm. (vendor speaking Filipino) Crack this egg? This one yeah? - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, alright. - So the pointed one. - Oh the pointed side down. It's pretty even. Oh this is the pointed side? - Yeah this one is pretty even, but they know. (both laughing) - [Mark] Okay so then you crack it. (egg shell cracking) And then kind of peel back a little bit of that. There should be some soup in here right? - [Anton] Yes. - One of the best things about eating balut in the Philippines is that there are many different components all in a single shell. So first you've got to drink the soup. There's some natural juices and soup inside of the shell, so you drink that first. - Alright. - Oh that's delicious. (Anton laughs) Oh, that's just like concentrated chicken soup. - Yeah, it's chicken soup. - Oh wow. That's like the purest of all chicken soup because there's no added anything, it's just straight from the shell. - Yeah. - [Mark] Oh yeah, you can now see you can start to see the embryo in there. - [Anton] The hairs. - Oh the hairs, oh some juices. Alright, there we go, yeah you can see those feathers. - [Anton] Wow. - [Mark] You can definitely see those feathers now. Okay I'm gonna add some salt. - Yes. - [Mark] And vinegar, chili vinegar. Okay, I'm gonna season my balut next. So add a little bit of salt. - [Vendor] A little bit, a little bit. - [Mark] Alright, a little bit of salt on there. And then, so I wanna get some chili vinegar, which is my, yeah this is my seasoning, my condiment of choice in the Philippines. (Anton chuckles) Oh yeah, season that with some good vinegar. - [Anton] Oh, yeah. Yeah good. - You can definitely see all of the feathers, all of the feathers on this balut. That is 18 days old. Okay I'm gonna go in for the chick since it's on the top here. Oh I think that is a chicken foot right there. See that? - [Anton] Ah yeah. - [Mark] Alright. Wow, those are definitely feathers. There's no denying that in your mouth. But they are kinda like slimy feathers with a very strong poultry flavor. A very strong like duck, actually I taste more of a chicken flavor than a duck flavor. - [Anton] That's the best part. - [Mark] That's a giant yolk, wow. - [Anton] Ah that's so yummy. - [Mark] Wow look at that, Anton check that out man. - [Anton] Ah yeah, very good. - Oh that yolk is gigantic. I think I'm gonna add a little more of the chili vinegar on this bite. You can never have enough chili vinegar in the Philippines. When you're eating Filipino street food that is the, one of the ultimate flavors. Oh yeah. - That's the best part. - That is awesome. (Anton laughs) Oh it's just like so creamy, but it tastes almost like it's whipped a little bit. Really creamy and fluffy. And then at the bottom of your balut you have this like rock hard, what is it? - It's the white part. - That's the white that's undeveloped? - Yeah, yeah. - It's the white part of the egg that it's undeveloped, and it's like rock hard so you don't eat that. That was delicious. (Anton chuckles) I'm not saying that balut is something I would crave all the time, but I think it's actually tastes pretty good, and it is quite fun to to eat as well. It's like the ultimate hard-boiled duck egg that you could possibly have. Within a shell you have all the different components and all the different textures and tastes. And it's so pure, it's all just in a single shell. When you come to the Philippines Balut is something, if you're up for an adventure, you gotta try balut, and yeah, I think it's pretty delicious actually. We have come to the end of this Filipino street food tour, in Quiapo, Manila. - Yes. - Go check out Anton, he's Our Awesome Planet. - Yeah, in YouTube, Our Awesome Planet Originals. - Yeah and I'll leave his links in the description box below. He's also making videos on YouTube and Facebook. And he's just a cool guy. - Yes! - And we've been great eating friends for many years now. - For many years. - I wanna say a big thanks to you too Anton for taking me around. - [Anton] Thank you Mark for being really cool about eating all the street food. - [Mark] That was a lot of fun. - [Anton] Yes it is. - And thank you very much for watching this video, please remember to give it a thumbs up, click like on this video, and also if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe for lots more food and travel videos. Goodbye from Quiapo in Manila. Thank you for watching. - Alright.
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 4,503,790
Rating: 4.8272781 out of 5
Keywords: Filipino street food, Philippines street food, Pinoy street food, Manila street food, Quiapo market, balut, extreme street food, street food, Mark Wiens, food tour, Filipino food, Philippines food, best Manila food, Quiapo Church, food, travel, food travel, where to eat Manila street food, kwek kwek
Id: C1EwhDGdv14
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Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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