Selling Half of my Lamborghini Collection.

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well we have quite the video for you guys today brought to you by simply safe there is no safe like simply safe and just like that we're back baby ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel and welcome back to the Vlog now unfortunately today's video is going to be a little bit heartbreaking we've done this two times in the past and we're doing it again we're going to be selling a bunch of cars the OG's might remember back in the year 2020 we sold my purple CA Corvette with the white voson Wheels we sold the purple Mark 5 Toyota Super the pan and widebody that car was crazy we sat center stage at SEMA the purple AR me as far as just like an era I feel like that was Peak that was such a fun time we sold the Focus RS and then of course we also sold the 20054 GT I bought that car in Hawaii it was white with blue stripes it had that fi exhaust that abely screamed like a wild Banshee of all the cars I've ever sold I probably missed that one the most I want to buy another 4D GT someday one day of course you also remember the reason I sold those cars was to buy the Veyron we bought that in August of 2020 and then of course fast forward to 2023 we did it all over again we sold the Nissan GTR R35 got Godzilla the bug killer that car was so insane that was the craziest car I've ever had in my life 60 to 130 let's go what 143 baby the bug killer we sold the Corvette Z06 we sold the markv Toyota Supra ironically actually listed my Ram TRX for sale I still have that it's in Pennsylvania with the 812 probably not going to sell that anytime soon but at the time I was trying to get rid of it and then of course we sold the razor you might remember I bought that same day I promptly tipped it over with 17 Mi on the odometer and of course the reason that I had to sell those cars was because of this house the original budget was $2 million I started construction right at the start of covid prices of raw materials concrete Lumber steel got hyperinflated and by the time I moved in we were sitting at $3 million so we were a million do over budget I took out a second mortgage called a HELOC for $500,000 but I had all these cars in the garage I probably had 13 14 cars you know 12 13 of them were paid off the Kos Theon were not and it just didn't make any sense to have all these cars paid off and take out a second mortgage on the house I was swimming in this financial turmoil I had all this stress and cash flow is always King and my cash flow I just I just couldn't sustain it as long as I needed to and so selling cars just made sense and and it got me out of that situation and I also want to admit this goes without saying I haven't made every single perfect financial decision the last 10 years here on YouTube some decisions you make with your heart you see a certain car and you fall in love with it and you buy it and you realize later down the line you didn't think with your brain you thought with your heart and you got to correct it with your brain now the reason we're selling cars is a little bit different this time we're not selling cars to buy a hyper car and we're not selling cars because of financial stress associated with the house kind of sort of but a little bit associated with the house I want to take these cars I want to sell them and I want to finish this house I want to finish that underground garage I want to do it the right way I want to finish the backyard and then also completely opposite of that we're working on opening up strad pizza and there's a lot of financial burden associated with that me and my two other partners were self-funding that and there's going to be a lot of cost associated with that and that's a passion project that I'm super excited about and I got 18 cars in the collection right now and there's a lot of cars that I've driven maybe two maybe three times in the last year there's other cars I've never driven now we have a couple updates here in the garage the red Huracan Technica is not mine I'm just storing it for a friend just like the white Mercy logo that is also not mine uh different friends however now the doors here in the office you might remember they opened up this way and I said they were going to be rotated they now open up like this now here in the house my first priority is this staircase I want to finish that you'll also know there's no baseboard here in the garage it kind of has this unfinished look it looks a little bit grimy add baseboard and then of course the majority of the money that I get from selling cars is the Batcave there's basically nothing's done down here for lack of a better term the Batcave is turned into one giant junk drawer I got tires I got brick I got skis I got extra Wheels I mean this just I got a Ferrari half of a Ferrari bumper we got the super got the M2 we got the indie car and then of course we have this and this looks like my Kos this is not my Kosh now most you guys know my buddy Josh he's got the long red beard he is just the absolute Legend this is his replica Countach he's going to do a crazy build on this thing now the trailer that has the 812 in Pennsylvania is Josh's trailer and this thing was stored in Josh's trailer he let me borrow the trailer so we're now storing the Kosh this thing down here in the backat cave is just so fitting like it looks like a a a old school barn find he's going to turn this into the craziest twin turbo widebody cach you've ever seen obviously the indie car I still want to put that on the wall we're still going to put that on the wall and that's another thing I want to do with the money from selling cars now to finish up the Batcave there's still a ton to do we got to get power ran down here we got to get light fixtures little more framing drywall paint work finish work uh flooring ceiling uh sound deadening it's going to cost a lot of money in this garage I think cuz it's an underground Batcave it looks a lot smaller on camera it's about 4,000 ft and I'm guessing to finish this the way I want to which is really really cool and nice and unique it's going to be between 150 and $200,000 it might even be more than that given my experience but we'll kind of sort of see it's going to cost a lot of money but it's cheaper to do it right the first time than it is the second time and when you guys see this garage and the vision that I have for it I think you're going to love it now on that bombshell I'm excited to announce today's video has been sponsored by simply safe now imagine most of you guys are just like me in the summertime you're on more vacations you got more summer activities and your house sits empty a whole lot more of the time and contrary to popular belief the majority of break-ins they're not in the middle of the night they're actually during the middle of the day when nobody is home and in the summertime with the longer days it actually spikes to an all-time yearly High there are more break-ins in the middle of the day in the summertime than any other time the rest of your year protect yourself before it's too late you guys know how much I love Simply Safe I use my Simply Safe home security system every single day at some point during the day I check the live feed from the simple cams on my cell phone to make sure Oscar is safe the cars are safe the house is safe Simply Safe there's no long-term contracts you don't have to sign your life away there's no hidden fees you can get started for less than a dollar a day that is less than half the cost of traditional home security now I have Simply Safe Smart Security devices located throughout my entire house you can see the outdoor camera there that covers the front entryway the driveway the main street as well as the CAC I installed my Simply Safe security system myself it took me less than an hour now Simply Safe does have professionals that can do the installation for you now my favorite part about Simply Safe is being able to access this live feed anytime anywhere if I'm laying in bed late at night and one of the simply camps detects motion it actually sends me a notification directly to my phone I can access the live feed and determine if the thread is real that piece of Mind laying in bed like you can't beat that it also has this microphone right here you can actually talk to somebody within the live feed whether it's an intruder or a family member in real time and Simply Safe has 24/7 lifeguard protection this means a professional monitoring agents can see and speak with Intruders in real time and stop them in their tracks and being able to convey the unique details to emergency dispatch is going to help prioritize emergency response check out the link below to Simply stradman you can save 20% off your simplysafe security system when you sign up for fast protect monitoring and the first month is free simply stadman to customize yours today there's no safe like simply safe [Music] now don't worry we're not selling the Gladiator hurus 6x6 we just got to go for a ride around the property since the TRX has been in Pennsylvania this has been my daily driver and it has been awesome I love this truck so much one of the coolest builds if not the coolest build I've ever done on the channel the most unique now my house sits on 1.7 acres and the property line is that back fence right there and I'm going to show you the back corner and in the prop of that we are going to destroy some weeds I hate these weeds so much the size some of these guys is just out of control so my property line is everything to the left of the gravel road up to my neighbor's fence there and then on this side is obviously everything in so this corner right here these weeds these are all mine I got to landscape all of this and I didn't mention I sold my markv Toyota Supra to really landscape my front yard that was like $992,000 they sold it for and that's what it cost to landscape the front yard and the backyard is probably 2 and 1 half to three times bigger than that we got this rockout crop over here as well I mean this is just absolutely disgusting I hate these weeds and that's one of the main reasons I want to finish this backyard is just to get rid of this stuff I mean these things are just notorious I mean look at this guy oh that is so gross now luckily the Gladiator does have full prank protection film but I'm going to have to wash it and that's one thing I want to add to my backyard is my own self car wash and then of course another thing I want to do is finish the fence section right there you guys know about that Fiasco it's not a lot of money but add it to the list you can pretty much tell where my property line ends on this side so this lot over here this is owned by somebody else this acre lot I do not own this you can actually see they're getting ready to start construction I'm guessing sometime this summer so in addition to the Batcave I want to landscape this backyard I want to clear all these weeds out of here I want to add a detach garage eventually but I don't think it's in the budget quite yet at least maybe pour the concrete pad for the detach garage one of my goals though is like Landscaping is amazing but you got to water it you got to maintain it you got to cut grass you got to pull weeds etc etc a sports court is a lot easier to maintain and it'd be a ton of fun so in summary we got the back cave we got the entire backyard we got the fence we got the staircase in the big garage but then we also have the basement now I really don't need the additional space down here in the basement if you remember correctly so the Batcave is underground beneath the main garage the basement is under the main house and there's the tunnel right over there that connects the two the basement really has turned into car parts storage you can see we got all sorts of Aventador Parts Corvette Parts etc etc it's just a junkyard now I definitely don't need this basement space to be completed per se but if they're doing the Batcave they may as well do this side because having one drywall crew come in and just knock out the entire thing in a week is going to be a lot easier a lot cleaner and a lot more affordable and just a quick refresher if you're new to the channel we came down that staircase and then this is the underground tunnel that goes underneath the driveway that connects to the back cave garage right here where we were earlier and of course as I was mentioning earlier put the indie car on the wall there little ice cre marshmallow good morning bud and in the kitchen as well you'll see I don't have a kitchen Hood I want to sort that out too so Priority One when I sell some of these cars is the Batcave and then everything after that so finish the Batcave and then do everything else and I know I told you guys that I sold the Nissan Z and I was going to take that money to finish the Batcave I said that before I found out about the Ferrari a12 and the frame repair that's going to be 30 4050 60 $70,000 so I'm kind of holding that money setting it aside waiting until I sort out the a12 which by the way I don't really have any news so we're putting up four cars for sale and when I say we're selling four cars we're actually only selling three cars with the possibility of selling two cars so the Lamborghini LM in White and the Lamborghini LM in Black I'm putting both of them up for sale the one that sells will be sold and the one that doesn't sell I will keep so the carburated ones for sale the fuel injected one is for sale whichever one sells goes away and the other one I'm not selling as most of you guys know the black LM I have never driven this thing because unfortunately it does not have an engine in it although there's no engine inside the LM it does come with an engine the engine just so happens to be in Ohio at Auto in Columbus that's exactly where I just got the white truck from so this one this needs a lot more love whereas the white one is TurnKey it's ready to roll now that being said though the interior on this thing was redone it is absolutely Flawless this thing is pristine inside black black is super cool this is a fuel injected LM that is a carburated LM if you guys remember I was looking for an LM for a long time and I was negotiating on both of these trucks simultaneously and ironically my offers were accepted simultaneously and I found myself in a weird predicament in one week where I bought two Lamborghini LM I'm not going to say it was an accident it was definitely one of those heart decisions it wasn't a brain decision and I had a vision for this truck putting a guyardo V10 or a Huracan V10 in this or an Aventador doing a 6x6 build and it seemed like such a fun proposition in theory and then once I got the truck here and I started having conversations with shops and I realized how much money it was going to cost and then the flip side I was going to destroy the value of a Lamborghini novelty a very rare truck that there's 300 in the world it was like this doesn't really make sense like this isn't logical it it doesn't make sense to have two Lamborghini LMS so this truck you know there's not TurnKey this is a project but for the right person the spec on this thing is gorgeous now I'm looking to get 220,000 for this LM obviously like I said the engine is in Ohio and there's a lot more like finer details to this truck but if you are interested uh yeah let me know this is a sales pitch right here come on fires up every single time you can see the interior this is a properly used truck most Elms are this way but yeah yes sir yes sir well third times the charm the oldest girl the 1974 spotter come on come on come on work with me it's so hot in this car right now and the Windows like Unfortunately they roll down they work though I mean that is functional if you buy my pink asata I'm not going to say she's going to start up the first time that is not part of the buyer agreement okay there's no warranty with this thing she'll fire up eventually you just got to give her some tender loving care back in the 1980s you'd be hard pressed to beat these three right here you got the 74th spot of the 87 Kos and the 87 L now at some point during the year 2021 I became obsessed with owning vintage Lamborghinis like my childhood I always love these three vehicles but I made it a goal to collect all of them and we almost got there I I never got the Diablo but you know we got the aspada the Kosh the LM the LM but unfortunately and this looks amazing by the way like this is so sick un unfortunately these three cars especially in the black LM I never drive any of them now today here in the state of Utah it is 102° f and if I was to drive any three of these cars for an extended period of time more than likely they would overheat the air conditioning doesn't work in any of them and so what I realized is for half the year I can't drive any of these you can't drive them in the winter here in Utah you can't drive them in the summer so you got a couple days in the spring and a couple days in the fall that you can really enjoy them and at the end of the day like the Kosh is worth $700,000 the asot is about $150 and the white is about 350 so you add that all up and you're at $1.2 million and you drive the cars collectively less than 10 days a year doesn't make sense so yes unfortunately in summary these three are all for sale as well including the blackm that doesn't run so I couldn't pull it outside the Kos I'm looking for $700,000 the asot I'm looking for $150,000 and the white LM I'm looking for $350,000 the biggest issue at the end of the day is I'm a YouTuber and I have all this money in all these cars and it's very hard to film anything with them because they're so valuable they're so fragile it's so hot today here I am filming a video on these three cars and I don't feel comfortable to actually take them out on the road to Showcase them because I'm worried they're going to overheat catch on fire break down there's no air conditioning and it's going to be an allout cluster as far as the asking price for the three cars Ed bullan from vinwiki and John tamaran from curated they did an appraisal video on my car collection they valued this at 700 that at 150 and that at 350 and so that's why I'm asking what I'm asking I'm just kind of going based off their analysis I have to admit seeing these cars together I am questioning my decision that is such a cool combination and the hardest part is like kosas are going up in value LM are going up in value the asata is like kind of it's never going to be worth that much money but as a trio that is cool one key detail about the asata the odometer is broken at 98,3 to so as far as the actual modage on this vehicle I have not the slightest idea and just to reiterate I don't want to sell the white one I realized I just got this back last week how could I sell it I don't want to sell it I want to sell the black one but if there was a buyer for the white one then I would fix the black one that makes sense yeah I know a lot of you guys were not expecting this especially on the Kosh because I realized multiple times I said I would never sell this and when I said that that came from a point of view of enthusiasm I wasn't trying to lie to you guys and I truthfully didn't think I would ever sell this but as you get older circumstances change priorities change Financial choices change and sometimes it you just go a different direction and and that's kind of life and you know owning these vehicles has been incredible but when it comes to the vintage cars you got to Ure them you never drive them the maintenance is crazy even though you don't drive them if you don't drive them they break more and if you drive them too much they break a lot so it's kind of sort of a crazy circumstance but I'm kind of dropping this on YouTube first I think these vehicles I'll probably need to sell somewhere else uh publicly whether it's an online platform of some kind uh but I'll keep you posted on that as well if you are interested send me a message on Instagram or send me an email but yes we are selling those four vehicles really three because I'm going to keep one of the LM but on that bombshell today's video is over
Channel: TheStradman
Views: 549,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheStradman, Stradman, Supercars, Super Cars, hypercars, Exotic Cars, Money, Rich, Wealth, Finances, Financial Advice, Buying a Supercar, How to buy a supercar, making money, how to make money, Stradman House, Dream House, Mansion, Dream house Build, Real Estate, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Aventador, Ferrari, 458, Ford Bronco
Id: c9PbHBopFGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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