When Customers Cancel | Retention Account Mock Call

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hi thank you for calling starnet customer service this is Claire how may I help you today hi this is Samantha I'm a bit confused by a $5 charge on my recent Bill and want to know what it's for I'll be happy to help may have your email and full name Sam aol.com Samantha Jones I've been with you for about 5 years now and this is the first time I've encountered this just just one moment Samantha let me pull up your account first fine okay all right I see the charge It's associated with a service upgrade shows here that you've opted in for automatic upgrades and with this upgrade you get a new user interface and an additional storage of 30 gabt okay I do remember opting in for updates and such but I was under the impression that any major changes especially those involving charges would be communicated to me in advance well it was communicated to you in advance we sent you an email last Friday and we informed you about the upgrade and then we rolled it out last Tuesday you might want to check your email for this I certainly don't recall seeing any notification about this this was quite a surprise well did you check your spam folder because it's it's not uncommon to miss these kinds of emails and as I mentioned you did opt in for upgrades so so the system just followed your settings I understand the system followed my settings but it's the lack of clear communication I'm concerned about can I speak to a supervisor to understand this better well what kind of clear communication do you prefer you opted in for an automatic upgrade so I assume you're already you're already aware of this right yes but I thought it would be free or at least send me an email first before charging me well we don't do that if you sign up for an automatic upgrade then that is a paid feature which means it'll automatically charge you otherwise you you need to disable that setting on your account well I get that now I still want to talk to a supervisor I can do that but I doubt the supervisor is going to give you a different explanation but if you insist I can take down a request I'd like that I'd like to discuss this further okay I will put in the request for supervisor to call you back otherwise I suggest checking your email to avoid surprises in the future you know what why don't you just transfer me to the cancellation Department okay I'm sorry for the misunderstanding but but if you want I can I can have the $5 charge reimburse to you you also have that option what do you say no honey it was never about the charge just cancel my service please I understand okay to cancel the service I will now transfer you to the appropriate Department hold on okay hi thank you for calling starting at retention department my name is Candace how can I assist you today hi Candace hi um so I've been with starnet for about 5 years now but after my last interaction with a woman named Claire I've decided to cancel my subscription oh no can you tell me about your interaction what seems to be the issue certainly so I called today because of a mysterious $5 charge on my bill Claire got my call from the very start she sounded impatient I tried explaining my concerns multiple times but she repeatedly interrupted me when I asked her for clarity she sounded dismissive and made me feel like I was the problem that does not sound at all like the service we aimed to provide here our goal is to always assist and clarify not to make you feel like an inconvenience well that's what she made me feel and inconvenience it felt like I was being brushed aside she was very dismissive Samantha first and foremost I want to apologize for what you experienced let me just say that that should never have happened to you never is it our aim to treat our customers like that exactly it was such a stark contrast to my previous experiences with starnet I really am sorry to hear that um here's what I'm going to do I will personally initiate an investigation into this I'll pull up the recording review the conversation and address this with Claire believe me this shouldn't have happened to you and I apologize that it did um you also mentioned a $5 charge are you referring to the charge on August 10th for a service upgrade yes I am and honestly I still don't know what it's for okay give me a few seconds to check I'm pulling up your account right now thank you okay I see the charge um it was for a service upgrade because your account has its upgrade button on you automatically rolled into this new feature which provides a new user interface and an additional storage of 30 gabt did Claire inform you about this she did and I got confused for a while but I get it now I haven't checked my spam but she's probably right the notification went to spam but see that is not my problem anymore my problem is her condescending attitude she was dismissive rude and passive aggressive I just wish she'd explained it more nicely you know she said I really should check my email to avoid in her exact words unwanted surprises in the future and she repeated herself with this tone many times that I just couldn't take it anymore I just had to cancel oh I'm so sorry Samantha I I have no explanation for what happened I wish I do but I don't the only thing I can do now is to take corrective actions to prevent this from happening in the future and not just with Claire but for the whole team also before you decide to cancel I I understand your need to cancel but before you do that I'd like to try and rectify the situation would that be okay with you well I'm not sure what you can do at this point but I'm willing to listen okay to show you how much we value your loyalty and patience we'd like to offer you two months of our service for free and I understand this does not change your recent experience with Claire but I hope this can serve as a start to rebuilding your trust that's a kind gesture Candice and I will accept that but my concern is more about the treatment I need to know that if I call in the future I won't face the same issue absolutely understood Samantha we'll definitely be addressing this feedback with Claire and our entire team to prevent this from happening in the future we're invested in making sure that all our customers especially our long-standing ones like you feel understood heard and valued I mean there shouldn't be any other way to treat customers really I appreciate youing Tak this seriously Candice let's go with your offer but I really hope I won't have a reason to regret this decision Samantha I will make it my personal mission to ensure that you don't regret staying with us thank you for giving us a chance to make amends after this call I'm going to send you an email containing the code for the free two month subscription and again I apologize this happened to you thank you Candice I'll keep that in mind and thank you for being understanding Samantha is there anything else I can help you with today okay no thank you so much thank you for listening know that I truly appreciate this you have a great day bye you're most welcome Samantha have a great day bye
Channel: Kwestyon
Views: 13,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 28Z8HvRpCnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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