"Self Love" Will Get You FIRED! | r/ProRevenge | #422

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hey everybody rob here it's time for a brand new pro revenge story i recorded a co-worker loving himself at work for eating my chocolate let's jump right in years ago i worked in a government institution where i live it wasn't a good job it was basically volunteer paid work that was an excuse to not give employees any security a real job would offer but i accepted because i needed the money and i had just finished college i used to work in the communication department with other four co-workers one of them was my boyfriend still together to this day and the youngest one mario was a guy who was still in high school and got his girlfriend pregnant his mom worked in other government institution and she got him that job that's one of the reasons the boss couldn't fire him we had to make designs take pictures do video post on social media check on the press when they wanted an interview with one of our bosses and many many other things mario was supposed to know some about photography and design because he told us that's what he was studying at school but we knew later that he didn't attend school often so he was very very bad at almost everything and we tried to show him how to do his work but he was really stubborn and lazy he never learned completely how to do the basic work he always had problems with many people not with us at the beginning because he acted polite that changed later he was disrespectful when taking pictures he was late almost every day and he used to post in social media about government and fight to other people who didn't agree with him sarah and john would talk to him about how working in a government institution you couldn't do that it's simply not okay however he never changed and told his mom we were against him mario went to work around two to four hours a day usually john and sarah would be the only ones to see him because they worked more hours than the rest of us but he would stay in the office around one or two hours alone or they would send him to take pictures for the same time one day he had to take pictures of some event practice everyone else was off the clock it wasn't a big event and he had been working there around a year by that time so we thought that he could go by himself the accountant had to go there and decided to take him with her and one co-worker of hers in her car he was late again and that's why he couldn't go in one of the work cars the accountant left her purse open in that space that's in the middle of the driver and co-driver's seats when they went back to the office she noticed her wallet disappeared she instantly knew that it had to be mario the one who took it they began to search him and our office and found nothing somebody found the wallet under the vending machine at first we took his side because they admitted they never found anything and because it wasn't right to search in our office without anybody else there mostly because we had photography equipment that wasn't exactly cheap however when we knew how the wallet was found and when we talked to him we knew it was him more money and stuff disappeared when he was there but nobody could prove he took them the bosses didn't want to create a scandal so they let it happen our office used to be the conference room so it was attached to the kitchen and the director had beverages there for visits we could use the kitchen but not touch those beverages but mario couldn't even get in there anyway the sodas began to disappear and the director's assistant complained to us we said we didn't take them and she wouldn't believe us one day jon noticed that our door to the kitchen was broken and that you could take the lock easily with a pencil we used to find pencils without tips he took it inside the mechanism and then the door opened it took its time but he proved that mario was getting in the kitchen when nobody else was there however that didn't make a difference and nothing was done not even talking to him one day john and i were on our way to work but i didn't have breakfast so we stopped at a store i bought something to eat and a chocolate i put it inside the fridge and forgot about it the next day i remembered about it and went to check it wasn't there and i got mad john and i checked the trash can it was clean and empty and we just watched and we found just little pieces of that chocolate so we asked for a video camera that someone offered us before it could record for long hours i want to clarify at this point that we didn't take the decision of everything you are about to read just because of a chocolate the chocolate was the last straw for like a year we had to put up with our bosses scolding us because of him he never wanted to learn how to do his job and things were always disappearing including personal things the first day donna left money in one of her drawers and left it slightly open so he could see the money we put the camera in the other building that was in front of ours we had big windows floor to ceiling and you could watch donna's desk and the hallway some ladies office our door and the director's office the other building just had empty offices then but had big curtains that's why mario couldn't see the camera we went home that day and left the camera recording the next day there was the money maybe because we left one billet equivalent to five dollars and he knew we would know he took it i checked the camera and watched him getting in the ladies office i don't know what she did there and he took some cookies from her office but he looked suspicious again with this we couldn't do much so that night jon found an old cell phone that could record for two hours the next day donna left the five dollars again but now she left one dollar bills in the same drawer slightly open we placed the camera in the other building and john disguised his old cell phone with a binder and some sticky tape that day he got alone for a little less than two hours and left john and i had a car so we were in a mall close to there just killing time and then we went back for the cell phone oh my gosh john watched a little bit of the video before the battery died he said that he saw something weird but wasn't sure because the screen was very damaged and we were in the car i was driving when we got in john's house we could watch everything he had done inside our office not the other camera because the building was closed and we didn't have access to it until the next day first we saw him getting in the office watching some youtube everything normal then he went out and when he came back we saw him putting something in his pocket but it wasn't clear what then we saw how easily he took a pencil opened the kitchen's door and took something like a yogurt then he closed the door then we could hear that he was watching something like a channel that's very famous in our country but then we heard noises yeah those kinds of noises we were supposed to have blocked those kinds of videos and websites i mean those were government offices and the it team had checked recently everything but someway he was watching porn on the computer i used to work and if you're thinking if he did what you are thinking the answer is yes thank god the cell phone didn't record his hands but you could see his shoulder moving i know very disgusting well he ended and didn't even wash his hands i was so shocked and disgusted when i saw that that i wanted to cry the next day the first thing i did was to call the i.t department to clean the computer we didn't say why because of obvious reasons john took the camera and we could watch him when he went out of the office and checked carefully if somebody was around then he went to donna's desk and took one dollar he went inside the women's office and took something but we couldn't see what then he went into our office we called donna to our office and she was shocked then sarah watched the video as soon as she got there then the director arrived and we asked him and amy to go to our office we showed them the video the director was very young and trusted us a lot so he didn't hold his laughter when the self-love part began amy was a young and delicate woman so she just turned around and covered her eyes while letting a small scream out we finally get the proof needed to fire him when he got to work they didn't let him in i don't know how the conversations went but i know some of the words exchanged you stole again and we told you and last time we told you it was your last chance i didn't do anything you're always blaming me we have proof you don't have anything all of you hate me don't make me show you well show me amy called our office john could you bring the videos the first one the video camera one or the second the cell phone one the second one when he heard that he was defeated and very nervous jon took his time downloading the video into his computer because it was in mine and went to the office amy was talking to mario john told me how he was about to show him the video and then he asked mario mario do you really want to watch this video he couldn't even watch jon in the eyes no i don't want play at least the first video for him i don't have that one let me go for it i admit that i just wanted to see mario's face so i went to that office to give them a usb but he didn't really watch me okay thank you that's gonna be all and we left the office we know she said something like after playing the video you always said it was us and even told your mom that we wanted to get you in trouble all the time you even told really bad things about this place you are fired and we don't ever want to hear about you complaining to anybody else in the central or we're going to show these two videos to your mom and he just left then we heard that he actually told lies to his mom like they hated me and told lies to make them fire me but no one ever told his mom not that i know of well this story made me realize that someone could be recording me anywhere i go i mean even i did it to someone i don't even care that this person stole the fact that they did some self-loving in the office was more than enough to get them out of there in my eyes i can't imagine i'd ever feel comfortable going back into that office knowing that had been done there you might actually be surprised how many places have had something like that done you probably don't want to think about it i'd like to thank op for posting their story to the prorevenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upvote once again this is rob from karma comment chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karma Stories
Views: 16,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, reddit revenge, reddit prorevenge
Id: S19rZxoVT24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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