SELF CARE DAY! Vlogmas Day 12 | Nicole Laeno

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[Music] hi guys it's nicole and welcome to vlogmas day 12. i cannot believe it's already day 12. this marks half of vlogmas already done which is crazy but also like i can believe it because it's been a pretty long 12 days anyways i thought for today's video i would do a self-care day this week has been kind of stressful not gonna lie and i think i just need today to kind of unwind i think having these days once in a while or even pretty often is really good just to make sure to check in with your mental health and kind of take like a step back from everything that's going on in your life so i just wrote down a list of all the things that i want to do today the first thing on my list is catch up on some sleep i'm gonna be totally honest with you guys this week my sleep schedule was so bad i was going to bed at like three or four in the morning each night which is terrible i don't know during the day i just had a bunch of things to do and then at night time i had to edit and i was just going to bed really late so yesterday night i made sure that i caught up on some sleep i knocked out at 12 a.m which is like considered early for me and then this morning i didn't get out of bed until 1 pm so your girl got 13 hours of sleep and it was definitely needed i felt so refreshed when i woke up and i'm feeling really good today so yes i caught up on some sleep feeling really energized and the next thing on my list is to tidy up my room because if you guys can see it's not the cleanest right now i just have to put some things away there's not like trash everywhere it's just like putting away some clothes or putting away i don't know random things so let's go do that whenever i tidy up my room i usually like starting with my bed first i don't know why but every time i like pull my bed together i think it makes the whole room look better so on my bed i just have some laundry to either fold and put away in my dresser or hang up and put away into my closet and then of course after that i'm going to make my bed with all my pillows and [Music] everything [Music] television [Music] doesn't that look just so much better now we're moving on to my dresser there's just like a bunch of random stuff on there if you guys have seen the past few vlogs you know that i've been working downstairs like in the dining room it's because they were working on my closet doors so i couldn't work in my room but now i can again so i had to bring up like all the things that i brought downstairs and some reason so like my school backpack is here now all my textbooks and stuff so i just got to put these things away and this is the last part i finished cleaning my room this is how it looks like i just feel so much more happy and just better whenever my room is clean because this is where i spend like most of my time so just making sure like my space and environment is clean i feel like makes me feel a lot better all right so now that that is checked off my checklist the next thing that i put on my checklist is yoga meditation yoga and meditation are just so good for the body they both like focus on your breath and kind of just slow things down so i really wanted to do that today i thought i would just bring a yoga mat out to my backyard and also like getting outside is really good for you like not being cooped up in your house all day so that's what i'm going to do yoga i don't have like the most experience with it i've taken a few classes with my high school dance team but i think i'm just going to look up like a 30 minute yoga class or something like that on youtube and kind of just follow that and then for meditation my family and i have actually practiced meditation a few times we've done like 20 minute ones but today i think i'll do like a 10 minute one again just focusing on my breath i think they're both very beneficial for you so i'm going to change into some workout clothes maybe just my top because i already have some leggings on so let me change and i will be right back oh my gosh this is the first time i'm using my closet doors in a video to show you guys a fit yay they turned out really good and i'm super happy okay anyways here is the fit i just changed into a nike sports bra this black one and then i kept on my leggings from lulu i'm not sure what style these are so sorry about that but they're super comfortable but now it's time to go downstairs i'm going to get a yoga mat from the closet and then bring it outside [Music] so i found this video it's by mad fit it's 20 minutes and it's a yoga video that focuses on stretching and breathing it looks pretty good so i'm going to put in some earphones and just do this [Music] i just ended the yoga video it was honestly super nice there were a few stretches in there so it felt really good on my body and then hold on there's a plane it just felt really good on my body and i was focusing on my breath and it's also just a really nice day out and then next i found a 10 minute meditation video this is from the channel calm on youtube it's titled 10 minute mindfulness [Applause] [Music] meditation i just finished it didn't even feel like 10 minutes like i felt like that went by so quick that felt so good i am so refreshed and like relaxed by the way i will link these two videos down below in the description box if any of you guys would like to check them out i'm going to take everything back inside and i'll see you guys in a second next thing on my list is to take a hot shower i don't know about you guys but taking out showers just always makes me feel better i'm going to listen to some christmas music of course make sure to check out my merry christmas playlist on my spotify at nicolino but i have my pajamas picked out already i guess they're not really pajamas because it's sweatpants in a crewneck but that's what i'm going to wear to bed oh also if you guys can tell this isn't my normal bathroom this is the one downstairs the one that christian uses the one upstairs the shower floor is getting redone so i've been using this restroom for the past week or so but yeah i'm gonna take a nice and hot shower these are the products that i've been using the same ones cytophil gentle skin cleanser and then the pantene shampoo and conditioner i will see you guys after i shower i finished my shower and here's what i'm wearing i have this crew neck on it's purple and it says nike right here and then i have these sweat pants on they're purple and they're tie-dye now what would be a self-care video without a face mask so i'm going to be applying this florence by mills low-key calming pilaf face mask this is from millie bobby brown's skincare line oh no makeup line but she has some skincare in it as well this one looks like this it's super pretty it's like pink and shimmery i'm literally going to apply it with this paint brush or like the end of the paintbrush because i used to have like this face mask applier but i don't know where it went so oh my god it feels really good i'm trying not to get it on my clothes because that would be bad i look crazy but this is the face it's a peel-off one so i just have to wait for it to dry and then i can peel it off and stuff how long i think this takes like oh it says 20 to 30 minutes i was expecting like 15 to 20. but 20 to 30 minutes i think i'm going to watch some youtube corbs just posted a new video i'm getting it in my hair oh yeah this is this is bad this isn't bad [Music] so i just took off the face mask i peeled it off i feel like my skin is looking pretty shiny i don't know like sometimes face masks i feel like they make oh my gosh you scared me to hide the video i was saying that sometimes face masks make your face like really red after this one is nice so next i'm going to do like my normal skincare that i do every single day i wanted to update you guys on how my skincare fridge is going if you guys didn't watch my 15th birthday haul i got a skincare fridge this is from the brand cool luly and it's just a mini fridge and i put all my skincare in it that's how it looks you guys i literally love it so much whenever i put on my skincare it feels so good on the face oh and then i'll also show you guys how i use my shade roller as well i'm gonna apply my retin-a on oh by the way i just unplugged my fridge from the wall because obviously it has to be powered when it's cooling so i just unplugged it real quick so i can do my skincare at my desk [Music] and then we have my moisturizer this is the cerave pm1 you guys the bottle is literally so cold i love it get ready it just feels so good oh my goodness [Music] then before eye cream i'll use this big side of the jade roller it feels so good it's super cold and then i do it like this and then lastly i'll just go in with some eye cream the keels creamy eye treatment i love this one i just put some like this under and then on top of my eye [Music] all right and then i'll go in with the smaller side of the jade roller and go under my eye again it's like super cold and i love it so much and that is everything i'm doing for my skin i look very dewy right now i just opened a pr package and look who it's from these little gifts are from mario badescu and i wanted to open them on camera and show you guys what they sent they're sadie by the way but mario badescu is such a good skincare brand and i can't wait to see what's inside let's unbox these oh my gosh also this is so perfect for this video because it's like skin care and self-care and stuff i'm going to open this little can first there's four products in here and it's called the dewy skin delights first we have this mini size of the facial spray with aloe herbs and rose water i feel like mario badescu is like known for their rose water spray i'm gonna try it right now next in this little guy we have a special hand cream with a vitamin e this is perfect because it's been getting so cold and whenever that happens my skin gets dry so i'll definitely be using this we have a mario badescu lip balm i love lip balm so i can't wait to use this and then lastly the hyaluronic dew cream i'm pretty sure this is a mini size but it just looks like that and that's the first little package then we have these guys let me open the ribbon look at these this first one is the hand cream collection these are three different hand creams this one is lavender this one is rose and then this one i think is like the original one and then this last one is called do it for the glow we have five different products this is another rose water spray we have the enzyme cleansing gel witch hazel toner oh the bigger size of the hyaluronic dew and then hyaluronic dew drops thank you so much to mario badescu i can't wait to try out all these products and the last thing on my self careless is my nails i feel like i've been putting off doing my nails for a while i don't know why but like it's much needed because the nail polish i had on before it was like red they were all chipped and i just need a new color so i picked out this light purple one it looks like this it's from china glaze and it's in the shade a waltz in the park i think it's super pity i was thinking of doing white first but then i kind of wanted some colors i'm gonna paint my nails and i'm gonna watch some netflix while doing it [Music] here are my finished nails my left hand looks better than my right so that's what they look like i really like the color but this is the last thing on my list so this is where i'm going to end the video i hope this video reminded you to take care of yourself whether you spend a whole day or just some hours out of a day and do some of the things that you like that are good for your body and good for your health but thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed make sure to like or comment on my community tab subscribe to my channel turn on my post notifications and go cop some coley merch i will see you guys tomorrow back with another video i love you guys so so much stay positive [Music] bye so
Channel: Nicole Laeno
Views: 583,081
Rating: 4.9765553 out of 5
Id: xl1inWuYqEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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