Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - Endgame Upgrade Mats Farm - Grave Wax + Fulminating Mercury

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what is happening guys Cowboy here and today I'm going to bring you a quick video on farming up the endgame materials you need to finish upgrading your prosthetic tools Now spoiler warning as everything that we're going to be discussing in this video is post game as in after we have beaten the game so if you haven't reached that point I would suggest turning away because quite a few things are going to get spoiled but jumping on into it as we go on over to the sculptor's idol there are three main things you're going to need to finish upgrading you're going to need lumps of grave wax you're going to need fulminated Mercury and you're going to need lapis lazuli now as far as We Know right now there are only six lapis lazuli confirmed in the game per playthrough and at that you can only gain access to them if you've gone to the Fountain Head Palace you can buy two off of the carp Merchants you get one for completing the quest line where you kill the great carp you get one from the shiman warrior and Fountain Head Palace and then you get two from defeating that demon of hatred uh once you reach end game you'll get your initial six and you're going to need at least four more so as for going into new game plus I would suggest taking out the shiman warrior buying the two from the C merchants and then of course doing the C quest line that way you don't have to tackle demon of patri again and the first thing you're going to want before you begin farming is the Bell demon buff this is going to make enemies harder but also increase their drops so if you haven't found the Bell demon yet from the shugendo idol going to LEAP up leap up now you can get to this uh two separate ways this way is a little bit easier uh mainly because you can go down there and leap across but I find that trying to go down that way there tends to be a a frame dip as you're jumping across which makes it a a little bit tricky to hit so instead we're going to go up here just like we're heading to the armored Warrior Run up this way to where you got the red and white pin wheel an apparition enemy should spawn if you grab the red and white pin wheel don't worry about him instead just jump and then you can see those Ledges where you're just going to hit either X or Square grab that ledge clim on over this way do a multi hop now that you're all the way up top jump on up again on up go this way and here we are at the Bell so once you're here go ahead and ring the bell get that buff as I mentioned you'll see it down in the lower leftand corner you want to use this anytime you're farming and then anytime that you uh you don't want the buff anymore you simply go here use the item and that we'll remove it now for our very first farming spot we're going to start from the flower viewing stage idle in the Fountain Head Palace a couple things before you get started with farming if you have Temple Arts pick up both virtuous deed and then most virtuous deed and then on top of that before you begin your farm if you really want to maximize your returns pop a miu balloon of wealth and a meibo possession balloon The Possession balloon in particular is going to help with the item drop rate but you're going to be getting a fair amount of gold here as well so you might as well pop a balloon of wealth and between the two passive Buffs we get from the temple Arch tree The Possession balloon and the Beldum in you have the best drop rate possible in the game go ahead and kill this one guy kill this guy then just go up and hit this guy and sabii Maru will pretty much dispatch him all on its own as you can see he gets poisoned pretty fast and then from there you're able to just kind of uh you know aggressively put him into a corner and kill him and you'll get a couple things here uh you you can get lump of grave wax off these guys you can also get uh scrap magnetite regular fat wax as you saw there maybe balloon of soul as a very very Baseline drop uh bare minimum you have uh pretty good chance of pulling in a pellet so all in all a really really decent farming spot to get some of those mats that you're going to need every now and then you'll see this enemy do a uh a jump up lightning attack of course this is also excellent practice for getting off your lightning counter a little too far there there we go two lumps of grave wax uh if for some reason you're having trouble with this alternatively you could also go over to the feeding grounds idle just to show another one of these guys um I like this spot in particular because we're getting grave wax and we're getting regular fat wax from it which I think makes it a little bit better plus we just got to fight one guy but from here you could just jump across run over to this guy and get an easy back stab it's essentially the same enemy we were just fighting um so if you're only interested in farming them you can also just go to this guy but like I said we're getting a couple of other upgrade Mets by killing the Nobles over there as well for our second Farm point we're going to start from the outskirts wall stairway idle you can only do this after you have the Divine dragon teers and the castle being attacked but anyway once you reach this idle go ahead and hop right up here jump and death blow this guy drop down kill this guy here and kill this guy the last one we want is the Gunner you don't got to worry about The Swordsman at all gunner in particular though definitely worth getting he has a higher drop rate it seems uh and all in all this isn't a bad Farm as a very very base drop uh you have a chance to get oil off these guys uh as for some other drops you can get the ministry ding powder which is just more effective version of ding powder uh yellow gum patter and then of course fulminating Mercury as well so between this and your other spot your other spot is going to be great for the fat wax and the grave wax uh this one is going to be great for the um yellow gun powder as well as the fulminating Mercury and then of course you can get uh an a Manti scrap as well off uh you know the enemies back in the other area so just between these two spots you'll have more than enough opportunities to grab pretty much all of the endgame materials you need uh you can even get stuff like scrap magnetite back at the other the other mobs so all in all uh just two spots that work very very effectively for getting your farm I would say General I spent probably about 30 minutes total just running these routes um like 15 minutes at the last one 15 minutes at this one and by the time I was done with that I had more than enough materials to upgrade my stuff um the last thing once again just to mention the lapis Luli I don't think it's possible to farm it uh I'm I'm almost positive that the person that made the comment that you could get it from farming the Okami Warriors I think it's [ __ ] you know I don't know if it's someone trying to troll the community or what the case is but I spent probably about 2 hours farming uh with all these Buffs active never saw lapis lazuli so if the lapis lazuli does in fact drop from farming it is an extremely Dro or extremely drop low an extremely low drop rate we're talking in the range of like sub 1% um so to that extent I mean honestly you could you could just play through New Game Plus faster doing a Boss Rush versus the drops you would need to get the four lap Zuli to finish all your upgrades so anyway guys that's going to wrap up this one um hopefully this Farm helps you finish getting your prosthetic tool upgrade I will say uh New Game Plus with all the prosthetic tools is a lot more fun than just the regular Baseline game you know you you really start to feel like a badass when you have everything at your disposal so anyway that's going to wrap up this one thanks for coming on by I'll see you guys soon enough seiro New Game Plus run
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 380,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1080, 4K, Walkthrough, Let's Play, Guide, Tutorial, Review, FightinCowboy, Xbox, PS4, PC, Switch, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Nioh, Sekiro, Sekiro Mechanics, Sekiro Walkthrough, Sekiro Let's Play, Sekiro Review, Shadows Die Twice, sekiro gameplay, sekiro shadows die twice boss, sekiro shadows die twice review, sekiro shadows die twice, sekiro new gameplay, FightinCowboy Sekiro, sekiro farming, sekiro grave wax, sekiro fulminated mercury
Id: TFY2LAk4Bzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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