How to Farm / Get ALL Upgrade Materials (Lapis, Fulminated Mercury) | Sekiro

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so you're playing secure oh and you want to know how to upgrade all your prosthetics this guide is going to show you all locations you can farm prosthetic upgrade materials so you can finish almost all of those upgrades before you complete the game note that for some of these you'll need to be in late-game locations also as many have pointed out if you activate the demon belt and get the Sinister burden debuff or buff depending on how you look at it this will increase strop rates of all items let me know in the comments how these strategies worked for you and if you liked the video please take two seconds off your day and hit that red button that says subscribe below the video it's greatly appreciated and I'll try and find some more trivia type videos that other people haven't already done to make on sick adieu so you've probably noticed by now you can get scrap iron and black gunpowder from almost any enemy in the game but you don't need to farm it you can buy an unlimited amount of these materials for most vendors by mid game if you do want to farm you can get them pretty early by farming enemies in Oceania outskirts because they're very easy to take down over and over but for black gunpowder you'll probably want to farm this guy with the cannon and Oceania outskirts and there's also one in the poison pool area and aschen and depths that I seem to have better luck with scrapp magnetite is a rare drop for most enemies in the game similar to black gunpowder and scrap iron this is easy to farm in Ashima outskirts or from just about any enemy this process is made faster by having the demon Bell on again this is an early material so you'll probably have a lot of it but if you're missing some try just going out skirts and farming those guys you can farm lumps of fat wax from the SEM foam bunks or if you have Fountainhead palace unlocked and this is what I use the three flute players you can easily kill at the beginning of the area also drop lumps of fat wax spawn at Vermillion bridge grappled down kill these three guys and repeat you'll get a nice bit of XP and sin here too yellow gunpowder is a little rarer than its counterpart yet I never had any trouble finding it as I got a lot while farming for other things most often I would get this material from the cannon enemy at the poison pool idle the cannon enemy in Hasina outskirts and if you're at or past the final boss I've also seen a drop from Ministry gunman adamantite straps are used in most advanced prosthetic upgrades and locally you find them pretty easily in the late game once the blue samurai the antechamber idle is replaced by this purple ninja farming him over and over is going to be one of the fastest ways to get this material also you can farm it from straw hat monks outside the sinpo temples main hall sculptor Idol if you haven't gotten the purple ninja to spawn yet as that only happens once you can unlock the final boss fight for this you're gonna need a couple of things what I like to use is gachi and spirit fall but you can also use gachi and sugar as it has the same effect it makes you tougher to detect by enemies and the blood smoking in jutsu which is going to provide cover for you when you backstab one of these two once you have the blood smoked around you sneak up behind the second guy take him out and run back into the main hall these straw hat monks are probably the most dangerous regular enemy in the game so don't screw around with them if you mess up it's probably better to run back inside the main hall because they can't quite get to you in there you can also do this with golden vortex and the save emblems use the ceremonial tanto if you have it you can get got genes spirit fall from the hidden forest area in Oceania depths and if you're out of divine confetti you can watch my other video on how to kill headless without divine confetti to kill this guy pretty easily fulminated mercury is one of the most tedious things to farm for so just know if you're watching this part of the video you have my sympathies it's probably good to get this all out of the way as quickly as possible so the max you're ever going to need is 19 of this material and I believe you can only find two on the ground during the game so get ready to grind if you're not at the very end of the game or the final boss and the ministry hasn't shown up to Oceania yet the best way to farm this is going to be from the Canon guy in the poison pool area the one who also drops yellow gunpowder if you farm this guy for fulminated mercury make sure you have the demon Bell on or this is gonna take a long time also if you have skill points of spare and you're farming for a lot of stuff I'd recommend dropping some points into the temple arts tree specifically the latent skills virtuous deed for three skill points and most virtuous deed for four skill points these are going to make enemies drop more sin for you and have higher item drop rates if you're at the end game you can spawn at the aschen outskirts stairs idle and farm these three ministry gunmen I found this to be faster than the poison fool guy simply because you get three chances for run a few times I've had two of these drop per run so it's not too bad lumps of grave wax can be slowly but easily farmed from the flute players at Fountainhead palace and same as before I recommend using the Vermillion bridge Idol running down to the first building you see killing all three of these guys and teleporting back to the idol and repeat this is not as slow as the fulminated mercury grind and again these guys also tend to drop quite a bit of sin and xp for you and you can also get this rarely from the sinpo temple monks but if you have Fountainhead unlocked I definitely use that because the flute players can't really do anything to stop you and the sin PO hooks definitely can't unless they make you old don't let them make you old old people have no chance in the world of second Oh [Music] you lapis lazuli is something I see come up on reddit a lot people asking if you can farm it as far as I can tell it does not drop for Mikami warriors in Fountainhead I've wasted a lot of time farming these guys I had bail diamond on I was using me boo possession balloons I was using the scent po temple skills not even a single lapis lazuli dropped for me in two hours so don't be like me and don't waste your time in each playthrough you'll have the opportunity to get approximately six of this material I used it on the accent flame vent and for my new game+ playthrough I only had to get four if you're looking for all six here's how you can get them one will be dropped when you kill the human warrior at the base of this waterfall in Fountainhead a good strategy here to use that similar to my last video is to use the Phoenix's lilac umbrella if you use that to block his terror beam you'll be able to absorb its power into the umbrella and when you attack with projected force you'll do heavy posture damage it also boxes little spirit projectiles which is useful because he spawns a lot of them also if you see him jump in the air and you have the anti-air deathblow that's a super easy way to take one of his little stalks off you'll get another lapis lazuli from feeding the truly precious bait you'll get from one of the two pot nobles to the giant carp and fountain head this also kills the carp and the opposing pot Noble to get truly precious bait you'll need to spend about seven scales at one of the pot nobles and then exhaust is dialogue there's one pot Noble and Fountainhead and the other which you've probably found is in Hirata estate when the other guy dies the one that survives will get his inventory so don't worry about losing access to the other guys mask fragment I would do this after you feed the carp a regular precious bait because the dudes standing next to the feeding area will give you one treasure carp scale for the first feeding and then use the truly precious bait because he gives you three more after the second feeding you can also buy two lapis lazuli from the pot nobles for six scales each and finally the last two lapis lazuli you can get in a playthrough is going to be from the demon of hatred I have a video showing the strategy I used on him if you're struggling on that fight but if you can defeat the final boss you can definitely defeat him now were the very specific items there are three specific items to get certain prosthetic upgrades you can buy phantom kunai from on uyama the peddler for three thousandth and you don't need to fight lady butterfly to get this item he'll have it anyway I don't think he'll have this item until his inventory expense for the first time after you give him a little donation to get his shop started if by some chance you actually don't only killed him the phantom kunai will show up in the offering box at the dilapidated temple for 4500 Sen after you defeat the divine dragon personally I don't think you need to get the phantom kunai it's not much better than gouging top but it is a prerequisite upgrade for the great feather mystery van and therefore also the laser light shuriken so if you're going for prosthetic completion you'll need this item you'll need pine resin Ember for one of the flame vent upgrades and you can get it from me boo village so fast travel to the movie village idle and go to the lake swim to the dock on the right side you can grapple up once you do that go down into the ravine to your right run past all the guys down there grab it from the top of the house at the end I've already grabbed it in my game that's why it's not available to pick up here to get malcontent ring you'll need to have defeated the guardian ape for the first time then traveled to his den in the poison pool area and defeat him again in that horse [ __ ] boss fight where you have to fight two of him at once and you'll need to have severed his immortality by hitting him with the mortal blade after he's dead you may notice that this area's Idol is greyed out after you leave if you spawn at poison pool and run back here you'll find a Shi Chi Minh warrior who has apparently decided he wants to live here now if you kill him you can get malcontent ring as I mentioned before Phoenix's violet umbrella is going to be very useful against this guy that's it for the upgrade materials you'll need for all your prosthetics if you follow this guide you'll be able to get every single one of them once again if you like this video if it helped you out and you want to see more like this hit that subscribe button and I'll be sure to keep making these
Channel: Sloppy Moses Gaming
Views: 705,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lapis, Lazuli, Fulminated, Mercury, Sekiro, Farm, How to, Upgrade, Guide, Grave Wax, Adamantite, Pine Resin Ember, Phantom Kunai, Malcontent's Ring
Id: EFo2vLjaNGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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