Seerah pt 71 - Umrah Al Qadah - Yasir Qadhi - 2013-11-13

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smilla rahmanir rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen salat wa salam ala sayidina muhammad al mohammed al al-amin why he was like me he woman send nobility he wanted everybody Yama Dini a mother so today insha'Allah Allah we will move on from the Battle of hiya and in the next six months a number of minor expeditions happened which frankly even though this is an advanced zero class but there's no nothing really a huge tangible political change through those minor expeditions so we'll skip over them the process M Central America thought we sent Abu Bakr he sent other Sahaba on expeditions where perhaps one tribe might have embraced Islam or another small area conquered but in the broad scale of things it wasn't anything as large as let's say hi but Ron de carajás AB and so we really skip over those small points because fact of the matter is we don't know these tribes that well in our times and we don't know the geography of each area meaning the audience here so there's no point and go over them so we just skip the next few months and we moved to Omaha which is the Umrah that is the color that is the making up of the room Allah so the room were odd that they were supposed to do nor the ABA they make up for it that's what it's called amulets we'll call doc it's as if they have to make up for the or mala that they did not technically do even though they did it in terms of Allah as reward right so the rumor of hudaibiya is an interesting rumor in that we assume that the process of them did it in reward even though he didn't do it in actuality so when somebody asks you how many home runs did he do we begin number one I'm gonna tell her debut we actually began like this why because Allah gave in the reward for it and he shaved his hair off so it's as if he did it even though he didn't it I didn't actually do it so the first Umrah that he actually did is Ramallah to Cabo and our motto follow the prophets of Salaam left Medina in the seventh year of the Hegira in the month of the lada 7a h in the month of dhul qaeda and he left with around 2000 muslims so this is now a massive amount of people going to Mecca and this time they took all of their weapons with them unlike the last time this time they took all of their weapons with them they were prepared just in case the haurache would prevent them and take them to battle so when the Krrish heard that two thousand Muslims are coming and they are armed when they came close to Mecca the Quraysh sent out a delegation led by makaras even Hef's who was also in the delegation of heard a BIA and Makara said to him o muhammad sallah salem we have never seen you be treacherous in anything small or big so what's with the weapons how come you're coming with these weapons when we had agreed that you would come with no weapons other than swords inside their scabbards in other words the bare minimum that's all you're gonna enter my cowards but we see that you have horses you have bows and arrows you have armor where how can you be doing this and so the prophets assalam said and we shall not enter Mecca except as we agreed we're not in Makkah a time outside Makkah we shall not enter Mecca as except as we agreed and once again here we have the process of being faithful to the letter of the law he brought the weapons all the way to the harem and then he left the weapons outside of Mecca and he entered Mecca with the swords inside the scabbards so he is fulfilling the letter of the law which is you shall not enter Mecca except with the she'd swords and he did actually have a supply of weapons right outside of the harem where 200 people 200 people guarded those weapons and the rest of them 1,800 of them they did blow off and then they swapped over two hundred came back in two hundred off so the point being that here we find the profitsystem did not trust the Quraysh and he made sure that he had the weapons but he still fulfilled the can the contract and treaty by not marching in with all of those weapons and the prophecies I'm entered Makkah and it appears when you look at the books of ceará that the Quraysh divided into three groups some groups remained in their houses locked doors for three days other groups another group congregated in their Parliament which was called dar una douaa their parliament was called out an ad WA and Outernet WA was their largest house as well and it had a large area and so lots of people could remain there and one group even left Mecca and they just camped outside in the valleys and hills for three days right so it was basically up to the haurache they none of them wanted to interact with the Muslims and they were did this for political reasons and for fear they're worried what's gonna happen so they either locked themselves in their houses or they congregate in doubt Lynette WA and they locked the door of denied WA or they some of them even left the city of Mecca for three days just waiting for the Muslims to leave and a rumor spread coming from the doubter Ned WA a rumor spread that the Muslims now remember the for I have not seen the Muslims for at least the bulk of the Haresh the women and you know those who have not gone on war they haven't seen their kith and kin they haven't seen their relatives for six and a half years now right they haven't seen them and this is a long time especially back then when a family lived together they haven't seen these people and so one of them spread a rumor oh the Medina has harmed them and they've come back weaklings the droughts of Medina and not the trust but the wobba wobba is like the the diseases of medina the plagues is the looking for the plagues of medina now remember Mecca was a sparse climate very little greenery so it was a harsh climate but there wasn't much because of the harshness there wasn't much disease Medina has water Medina has agriculture Medina has cultivation so they have a whole different type of diseases in Medina and if you remember when the Sahaba migrated to Medina they all fell sick they all fell sick and the process um had to make special dua oh allah removed the plagues of medina and throw it in jaffa another uninhabited place go throw it over there abu bakar fell sick and he thought he was about to die Bilal fell sick you started versifying poetry of how beautiful Makkah was right so there used to Makkah so they spread a rumor that the people are now returning weaklings they're thin they're they're emaciated and they have now been affected by the plagues of medina when the Prophet SAW Salaam heard this he commanded the Muslims with many things first and foremost to raise their voices with talbiya out loud secondly to show their right shoulders exposed their right shoulders and this was the first time that this Sunnah was introduced that we all know now that when we do our first off we exposed the right shoulders that only for the first off we exposed the right shoulders and thirdly he said that they should walk around toe off the first three with ruhmal which is almost a run it's a brisk walk which we all know from the books of Philly we know how to does we can never do this when we do toe off because there's always rush there right but imagine there was no rush then the profits are some of the Sahaba they were almost running and there's a walk that you do that is basically as fast as you can walk but you're not quite running you're not quite sprinting but you're walking as briskly as possible and that's what the Sahaba and the process them did and this is what is called the aroma that they were walking as fast as they could and they did this for the first three rounds and when the haurache saw this they said well laa there's nothing wrong with them we've never seen them to be more energetic than this and truly it must have been an amazing sight for the haurache to see imagine for the first time in history two thousand Muslims are around the Kaaba never before has this quantity come in the history of mankind remember right no doubt in the time of ibraheem and others you probably had you know him and a smile and maybe if there would be two three other people right then after this time where were the Muslims coming in mass congregation right and the haurache had their jolly practices some are doing Tawaf nakeds on this on that the first time in history where we see what we see to this day and that is the whole city full of people in a Haram talbiya be given out loud 2,000 strong in two thousand is a large number and there is no doubt that never in the year were two thousand people come except during the Hajj and here you have two thousand people crowding Mecca right it must have really been a daunting site for the Quraysh and this site actually did have an effect and that is why three very prominent conversions took place right after their ombres it's not a coincidence right when they're seeing this amazing site that has never been seen before in the history of man find Muslims aldress saying the talbiya and even the talbiya for the first time in the history of the world this tell BIA that we are now familiar with is instituted because the Quraysh had a jahaly tell BIA at lb of silk lab a column and a big lab a collage radhika locked in - a deacon who a lock assembly kaha mamela this is the tell me of the Harish the jihad it will be and we have of course the Baked Alaska Rica Lac that we don't add in Shetty can't emblematic we say lab a collage a laconic and we stop over there so the tell BIA loud the whole people of Makkah can hear imagine the psychological impact this is having on the Quraysh who is the superior now who has more quantity who has the more energy the tide has changed it's not changing anymore the tide has changed less than a year and a half from now or less than two years from now and Mecca will be in Islamic control and this type of showing this type of demonstrating of one's power of one's whatever this is something that is a standard part of the serie we see it in the Battle of Buddha Jannah wearing the red turban and the hen he's walking around in a manner that would otherwise be considered arrogant but what did the process of them say this is a mushiya a walking that Allah despises except at such a time in place we also see in the Battle of her they'd be in the story in the treaty of hudaibiya when the the when the mock consent the envoy and the prophet saw some said show him the camels and although the camels were put in front of him and paraded and this was a person from a tribe that exalted the hadith at considered the Hadi to be very important sign and all of this shows us what that PR as we call it is an important part of our religion legitimate PR and once again as usual we have those that are overzealous and hot-tempered and those that are on the opportunity opposite experiment could not care that we need to look at the image we give of Islam to others and it is a part of our that were to give an image of strength and positivity to give an image where the people see us and appreciate us and that image changes what image do you give from time to time place to place here is a man who respects the Hadi show him the camels right the haurache you're saying your week show them your strength you're strong right so in our time in America in other places in the world where we happen to be living when people accuse our religion or something that is false that is wrong we need to show them no that's not the case they say Islam is a violent religion we showed them no we're not we're a peaceful religion they say Islam is this we show them no Islam is that they say islam teaches you to hate Christians and Jews we say no well that we show them this is what we're doing and doing this type of quote/unquote PR we're doing this because we're not changing the Dena no doubt if somebody changed the religion and somebody if somebody said Oh Islam accuses you guys are let's say I don't know you guys are mean to women because you tell them to cover up we're not gonna say oh women don't cover up anymore because we're not gonna change our Deen for the PR right but if anything that is an illegitimate criticism and our Deen and our religion is free of this charge to emphasize that point merely for the sake of demonstrating that our religion is contrary to what you're saying this is not a stuff what a lot like some of the hard tempered people say oh now you're catering to the Kafar now you're whatever they want you to do you will do no this is being extremely rash and hot-tempered our profit system is not catering to the co foul when one of them is impressed by the hoodie and he shows them the hoodie when on the bottle of water Denise demonstrate strength when in the incident of Herman Ithaca bah he wants to show them no we are not weak right this is all a part of PR and living in the world that we live in there are different accusations that are given right and almost all of these accusations are false or misrepresented and it is our job to clean our religion and show a positive image as long as we do not change our theology and ethics now the process I'm stayed in Mecca for three days and the books of ceará really don't give any details of those three days which means that it was nothing strange happened it was just a standard he stayed there he prayed nothing strange happened we can assume that the process um led them in Salah five times a day in the in front of the Kaaba we can assume that it was a peaceful time nothing else happened or else it would have been mentioned because nothing else is mentioned we assume that the Quraysh lived up to their treaty and did not interfere with the Muslims and the profitsystem also ordered the 200 that were guarding outside there was a swap 200 went there took their place and they came in so everybody was able to perform their Amara and well llahi we wish we had details but we can only imagine the feelings of the prophetess and I'm after entering Mecca six and a half years right how was the process him feeling he sees the house of Khadija he sees where he grew up he sees the very valleys he seeds each and every corner somehow Allah when we returned to a house that we haven't lived in when we turned to a neighbor who haven't been to all of our memories they flood back to us right and things that we have forgotten about they come back to our memory and how emotional we feel imagine our prophets Allah I send them right imagine all of his memories every single one of them 53 years of his life he is in this city right his the city of his mother and father his grandma his grandfather the city of Abu Talib the city of Khadijah the city where all of the good and all of the bad that happened is happening here we wish we had all of this documented but we can only imagine that the feelings that are processed him had overwhelming all of these emotions and for three days they stayed there and then one or two things happen on the way out and of those things is that on a bus Rodie allahu ta'ala on an abbas he suggested to the profitsystem to marry my Munna and my Munna was to be the last of his wives though the final wife that he married was my Munna and my Munna was not only the last wife he married my Munna was the last of his wife's to die as well so she was the last of the Omaha meaning to pass away and my Munna my Munna was married to Abraham ibn Abdul Rosa and she became a widow and so she was without any husband and she was in Mecca and so she's a Muslim now and she is the sister-in-law of an Abbas so Arab as his wife is humble father Arab as his wife is humble father oh my father's sister is my Munna okay so I passed the sister-in-law so my Munna is now left without anybody and she's alone Macha and she doesn't have anybody to take care of it she's a Muslim she doesn't want to remain with the with the Quraysh with the non-muslims so she says - Oh Mel father find me a husband find me a husband and so amel father says to Abbas we need help she needs a husband so al-abbas goes immediately to the prophets as cinnamon says that I am the wali of my moon and he is now the one he's the one in charge of my Munna and what do you think Alice oulala of her and he praises her immensely and of course he knew maemunah Janna he knew of my Munna from the days of Makkah she is of course any horror she sees in Mecca and so the prophets of agreed to the marriage of maemunah and Abbas was the wali and Abbas was the one who basically took charge of the marriage ceremony and here there is a huge controversy in the books of faith which are not really relevant to al-qaeda and theology and so but it's a lot relevant to fill that one Sahabi his he is in a bus and even our bus is the nephew of maemunah even Abbas says the process of a married may muna in the state of a Haram now this raises a hue and his authentic hadith that he said this it raised a huge controversy because technically you're not supposed to get married now what about Abbas has he got married he meant then he got contract right by unanimous consensus the marriage was not consummated except outside of Makkah even not even inside of Mecca because of what we'll talk about right now the issue is when he literally not lameta for Cle signed the contract when he did the act was he in a Haram even Abbas said he was and this raises a huge controversy the books of he'll discuss this and they try to figure a way out but the fact that matter is this is an honest mistake from eben Abbas as part because we have authentic narrations not the least of which is coming from my Munna herself that my Munna when she tells her story she said that when the processor married me he was outside of the Haram he finished his a Haram he finished and he was not in a Haram and he married me in the state of Hill not in the state of a harem and some people try to interpret even a basa statement that what he meant by in a Haram wha-hoo a more had him that the ZOA Jehovah had him not that he was in Haram but he was in Makkah inside of the right that is a problem linguistically that's that's not how you refer to somebody inside of Maca but it's not a problem from a filter perspective of course people in Mecca get married that's not a problem right a lot of people think that in Mecca you're not supposed to get married or even engage in intercourse and what do you think the married people of Mecca do right so this is not the issue the issues in the state of a Haram you're not supposed to get married in the state a Haram but obviously outside of a Haram this is completely permissible so the majority position and this related fifth issue the process um did not marry me muna except after the Haram finished and he was in the state of hell now he marries my Munna and it is now the third day and he has not yet consummated the marriage the Quraysh come excuse me the Quraysh come and they say three days are up three days are up and so the profitsystem tries to renegotiate with them and he says for hélder câmara what is the matter or and listen it's an expression in which English would be like is it really a big deal if I stay a little bit longer would it harm you if I stayed a little bit longer I just got married let me enjoy the marriage let me be a married man that may be a groom amongst you and tomorrow we can have a big feast come and enjoy food literally he said come and we will have the feast tomorrow right now Subhan Allah this he's offering them a celebration and he is saying we'll have a huge celebration you guys come as well and you enjoy the food here and he's using this to basically see if they can stay longer and there is no doubt that the heart of the process was in Mecca even though he was now in Medina there is no doubt that Mecca is his birthplace Mecca is the city that he's raised and it is the city that he feels emotional about however the Quraysh would not budge and up what I said the Hajj a 10 I feel dynamic we don't need your food it's being a little bit rude here we don't need your food you know it's basically three days three days he and he said I'm why they can we get out of here so they were a little bit blunt in this but that was the condition and the and so the Prophet says I'm honored the treaty and left without incident and therefore he was not able to consummate the marriage except at a place outside of Mecca called said if where they camp for the night and it is just coincidence that allah azza wajal willed that my Munna on her way back many many years later to perform an Umbra she actually passed away at Salif the very place where she got married and she is buried at set if to this day so she got married at setteth and she passed away at said if 53 years later no no 30 she passed away in the 61 of hijra so you do the match 61 he told she passed away the final wife of the process and him to pass away this is my Munna and men would have been till had it is her name and my Munna has been tell her this is the sister of as we said humble father she's a sister of humble father now and by the way we don't know much about my Munna my Munna is one of those wives we have very little information about Anna Sharla when we get to the wives of the process and whatever information we have we will give it now what we find from this is that there are alcohol their own raghava it shows now without a doubt that the tide has fully changed that the muck that them that the Muslims are in the superior hand they have the more quantity there the more better organized that the Quraysh are dwindling and they're about to die out and that's why number of Sahaba they converted as we'll talk about another fact that we benefit is that the fact that the process M is renegotiating the terms of the treaty even though he's in Mecca so he's saying give me another few days right even though they both agreed to three it shows us that you always have the option to go back to the drawing board if both sides agree treaties can be renegotiated if both sides agree if they don't agree then you have to stick by the treaty so this clearly shows us that the treaty was clear three days now the process M is trying to extend and why shouldn't you try to extend but when they refused call us okay that was the agreement and there's shows us again renegotiate is renegotiations completely hala another very interesting point you look at the the tactic that is now being tried and that is to soften their hearts I'm just married let's celebrate come and enjoy the food with me tomorrow now what is happening here he's actually trying to win them over through another means these are the same people that are at budded and owner than Honda these are the same people that have done what they have done but now that he's in the upper hand he needs to bring them in and he tries different ways and Allahu Alem if they had said yes any another twist might have happened Allah and Allah has his ways and Allah has something else planned but the tactic here is what the goal is not to be harsher to kill them or to enslave them the goal is to win their hearts and minds right so now he says come on let's celebrate I just got married he uses his marriage as a Dawa it's like I'll throw you a big party he literally says share time with me and we can imagine if the Quraysh had come no doubt he would have given them a massive feast and this would have been another type of Dawa right and again this clearly shows us you know next two weeks from now we're gonna be breaking bread and turkey with another group over here right and there's this is a part of who we are again we have so those that are ultra harsh and those are the sinner subhanAllah here's our process I'm saying with with pagans right let's come and break bread together well there is no bread but you get the point you know let's come and eat together and why why think about it why because when you intermingle in this manner when you you know break bread together when you eat together you cannot your hatred softens down your anger calms down right and now that the process amis have the upper hand he doesn't need to be on the defensive that much right now he can show them that look look at who we are intermingle with us and perhaps Allah would guide them through Islam but they were stubborn and hard-hearted I'm sure and again the book says here oh don't mention but I'm sure the leaders themselves realize we don't want our people to go soft we don't want our people to start feeling something soft against the Muslims we need him to be boycotted from the Muslims so the process of showed friendliness but they did not respond in kind one small incident took place on their way out of Mecca literally as they're coming out of Mecca a young girl six seven years old she comes running after them and she calls out to the process Eman his immediate entourage yeah um oh my uncle or my uncle take me don't leave me and maka so there's a young girl she has been in Makkah with extended family and she manages to basically escape not escape but run away I mean you know they're not gonna keep her she's not in prison but she's being taken care of she's an orphan girl and she now runs away and she says yeah I'm yeah I'm don't leave me in Makkah I want to go with you to medina and who is this young girl this young girl is Amara the daughter of Hamza binti Hamza now Hamza he had been married in Makkah but he had divorced his wife so he did not have women with him in Medina right but he had a wife in Makkah and for whatever reason we don't know the story he had divorced her and so they had a daughter by the name of Amarra or Amarra Binta Hamza of course Hamza has died not brother Oh Hamza has died in her head right Hamza has died in her head and this is his daughter Amara and our Mara's mother her name is Salma bin tiro mace and she is the sister of the famous very famous asma bint Aramis as my bin Thomas is a very famous javea this is the sister of asthma her name is Salma binti roommate and and by the way Salma and asthma ha don't get confused here their mother not their father their mother was also the mother of my Munna that the process of just married so this is the same mother but not a father and so perilous a small society you know inter marriage is very common and this is one of the problems when you start going here it gets very confusing after work because in the end of the day everybody in Makkah is related to everybody else somehow and this is a tribal society right everybody is related somehow to everybody even if it's six generation back six cousins seven cousins but we can trace lineages and then usually when you trace lineage you only trace to the father and that's easy to do when you bring in the mothers as well then of course the mothers have their interrelationship as well so you have cousins through mothers obviously and you have other and so it complicates matters so just to give you one example here that in fact Salma being the sister of my Munna so the profit system is now married to my Munna and so he become a type of uncle even to Amara right you understand our Mara's mother is Salma send my sister is my moon a half-sister or sister through the mother and now the process has just married my Munna right so send my basically she's a young girl now why would she do this obviously we're reading in the books of cedar don't mention but they don't need to mention she's a young girl but she'd rather be with the Muslims then with the pagans is very simple right she does not want to be raised by extended family by her relatives in Mecca she wants to be with the Muslims and this really amazing that a young girl how has she heard of Islam what positive image does she have and she's seven years old or maybe she's seen them for three days Allah who are them again these are stories you just have to you wish you could but you don't know you know but we can just piece in the dots that whatever folklore or whatever not folklore but whatever she's heard whatever she's seen she has a very positive impression now of Islam and the Muslims she knows these are her relatives she's never lived with them right she's never lived with them but she feels so confident to leave whoever is in Mecca who is taking care for some extended family we don't know she doesn't want to live with them and now she is going and she wants to be taken care of by the Muslims so when they found out who this is that this is Ramallah Binta Hamza so I li evening Abu Talib he took her by the hand and he gave her to Fatima and he said here this will be now our your team to take care of we'll take care of her and when the others found out this is Ramallah so they didn't hadatha came and Zayde said the prophet saw some and made me brothers with hamza this is at the hydra right and so i am the brother of hamza so this is my niece so my family should take care of her right then Jennifer came in and Jaffa is the older brother of a body right and Jaffa said I have the same rank as Ali in terms of she's my cousin right but now another twist of lineage here my wife is her hala so I'm married to her blood challah right I'm married to her hala now asma bint your MA we just said this a smart mentira mrs. Jeffers wife okay a SMAP into your maze wallahi what a woman what a woman a smug bent you're amazed married to Java and then she married after Java she married we weren't over this I'm 100% sure we went over this were the note takers hmm he's busy writing abu-bakr as-siddiq and then after baccarat Sudoku did she marry I leave never thought it so she's married to Jafar and Abu Bakr and Adi right and this is a smile into your mace so so as my batteries right now is which offer okay and as we said her sister is Salma and Salma's daughter is Amara is that clear now right so Jennifer said not only is she my cousin I mean Hamza is my uncle she's the daughter of Hamza my wife is her Halle so now the three of them began disputing who should take care of this orphan and it becomes heated that each one is saying I have the most right and it is amazing what lie what ten years of Islam has done to the status of women when 10-15 years ago nobody would have wanted this girl nobody would have wanted to take care of this girl she's a girl and the story you don't want today if she would have been lucky if she had been remained alive right what would that - soo innit now she's coming as a atima as an orphan and each one of them wants to shut off to take care of her and they're having a bit of a you know fight verbal that who's gonna take care of her each one of them is bringing his merits that I am more qualified I have more right this is my atima that I because you know who takes care of the team at the closest relative the closest rather so all three are saying I have the most right and so the profitsystem had to get involved and this is very sensitive because no doubt whoever you decide the other two are going to be hurt right and so he begins by praising all three of them all three of them he brings their macomb very high up and so he says to I leave me I bethought him that an tammini one aminika you are from me and I am from you and this is aphid Lila that we give to Ali bin Abi Talib as I have said a few days ago every blessing for Ali and added and the Mohammed we give it whatever the Quran and Sunnah gives it we don't have any problem with this and our process and I've said to ali and tomainia when i Minnick that you are from me and i am from you in other words you have am a commoner fadila we were raised together in the same household that I took you in you know now you're married to my daughter right and so many other things that are similar I am from you you are from me and then he said too late that they you are our brother and our protector our Melania and tahuna wa mawlana right and again this is to calm him down even those aid was actually the adopted son now he's not the adopted son son icings eight you are my brother like and subhanAllah even though the relationship had been father and son right but now he's saying you are my brother and you are my Maulana meaning my the one that I turned to for help and see and comfort you my Mawlana and then he says to Jaffa that Oh JA for you resembled me the most physically and in manners and Jafra was remember ya any older than Ali and he was and Jaffa in the process I'm had I think was a 10 years difference for eight years difference like Ali and him had a 30 year gap right but Jaffa is much closer in age to the profitsystem and they both were raised in Abu Talib's house right so he has a very different relationship with Jaffa then he has with Adi right and so he says to Jaffa you'll resemble me in looks and in manners so he comes all of them that look I'm not being biased against any of you then who does he decide to give it to he says Jaffa she is yours because Allah let you be mangy little Alcala be mangy let alone that the hala the mother's sister is the same as the mother she will take the status of the mother right and so he gave the daughter Amara over to Jaffa to take care of and from this long filthy discussion which is not relevant to this class but these are the hadith that filth is based upon right that when a person when a person is an orphan when a young child is more friend who has the privilege to take care of him is it the Hara or the Amma the AMA is the father sister right so three of the mother have say the challah takes precedence and one of them at have says no that Emma takes precedence right so again there's a bit of a tension here and it goes back to this those who say I'm they bring their evidences of them as inheritance for example because the harder does not inherit whereas then I'm my inherits right so they have their evidences right and then the other three mother I have say no inheritance is separate than child custody or child custody is completely irrelevant to inheritance so they have their evidences but this is a crucial hadith that because ramadas am is now who can quickly tell me who is their mothers I'm Safi are very good mothers I'm not Sofia and Sophia is alive right now right but she's not handed over to Sophia okay she's handed over to to asthma and asthma as well hala so again this is a fifth point not really to our class but you see where filter comes from this that these are the types of things that we can decide from but the process also a cousin so that's and that's why she's coming she knows this is my family here and she's saying o uncles who come and take me so the point being that Subhan Allah will like it's amazing how Islam changed the mentality of the people now that instead of a girl being despised now she's a girl and she's an orphan and Islam has put into the heads of every one of us we should take care of orphans right and that a girl is a someone to be honored in the family so there are now wanting the father who's gonna take care of the daughter of Hamza and of course this isn't just any girl her father's Hamza let's not forget this as well that all of them feel an obligation to Hamza as well and that's why Zaid even though he's not quite blood but he says look the Brotherhood was there and it's my responsibility so he's now arguing right that you made me a brother with with him so surely it's my responsibility to take care of her so the processor as we said gave it to Jaffa now this is the the story of the rulers of Kobol and this is really one of the fine psychological blows upon the koresh the conquest of Mecca is around the corner there's really nothing major that takes place in terms of political move change between America and the conquest of Mecca the battle has completely turned over the Quraysh are clearly on the lower side and this is proven in the conversion of the final three people before the conquest of Makkah the final three and all three of them converted right after Omar all three of them converted right after luminous the Kaaba which shows us a psychological impact on Rabat had on the Horus and we'll mention all three of their stories as briefly as we can the first of them was a medieval house Alma de blouse and his conversion story is one of the strangest conversion stories in the entire serum how would have been in a house he felt insecure seeing the power shift in favor of the Prophet SAW set up and he began wondering what would happen if Makkah is conquered where would I go and this was especially true after the Battle of Han duck eyes up that I would have known as he narrates his own story and he said that it became clear to me after Honda that it's only a matter of time before Mecca is next to remember hun duck was when really the shifting of the tide really began right and so it became clear to me that Mecca would be next so I told a group of my friends that would look up to me and remember I would have in an Aussie is the politician he's one of the sea ASSA he's one of the diplomats and he has been sent to know Joshy to secure the release of the immigrants to Abyssinia this is Amna bananas he was the diplomat the statesman the politician so he has a group that looks up to him so I went to this group and I said to them that you know I have been telling you that the affair of this man Muhammad SAW sanam shall be supreme very quickly and I have an idea what do you think they said what is the idea he said let us emigrate to Anna Joshi and live under him and he had a friendship with Anna Joshi and live under him so if Muhammad SAW Sam is successful over his people then we shall live under nagashi because living under him is preferred to us than live under Muhammad SAW Salem but if Quraysh wins over mohammed salah salem then we are who we are we can always return and make an excuse and the college will accept his back right so imma did not want to engage in any more battles he just wanted to live his own life okay and this shows us his animosity was of a different type and that's why he was more open to islam he just wanted to live his own life he said okay let's just leave and live and go living under the new joshi so that they all of them they said that's a great idea let us then leave Mecca and the fact that they left Makkah at this stage clearly shows us they know that it's only a matter of time now so the ammidon announced moves to nagashi and to Abyssinia and he takes with him the most expensive furs and camel leather and that's what Najah she would love they knew this was his they loved HeLa and this was but Mecca was known for giving fine camel leather so they took these fine camel leathers to nagashi as a bribe basically and they went to the nagashi and they visited him and they found out that while there in the town of Jaffa is still inhibition Jaffa is still in Abyssinia at this time and the prophet salallahu alaihe salam had sent a message to the new joshi through honorable mayor abu marry one of the Sahaba that tell Jennifer to come back so now this is the message to come back and eventually Jennifer will come back at the Battle of Claver right so this is now the message to come back so al medina romania is in town and he is delivering the message to nagashi now Alma is a messenger he's not under the protection of nagashi unlike the other Muslims of habesha right Amal is a messenger he's coming he's gonna go back so and of course in the jaw she's a Muslim Amer doesn't know about this right so Amer says that let me ask permission from the nagashi if we can kill this and void and get rid of him in order that the Quraysh will then respect me in order that I have a a privilege over the Moorish just for revenge basically so he entered in upon the Nanashi he gave him all of the the the fur and the leather and he then asked permission to kill ya neither the messenger of the messenger of the process at him and he says this man he represents someone whom we despise and he has killed many of our noblemen will you allow me to kill him in revenge for all the people that that basically the Muslims have killed at this the Najah she got so angry that his face became cloudy with anger and he took his hand and he smacked it on his own nose now we can assume that this was an expression of disgust and anger in their culture right that we can assume that this is something that is expressing extreme revulsion like how could you ask this of me and I'm a says I'm liberal says that I became so terrified when I saw his anger because this is the Emperor now you know at that I thought I wish the earth would just open up and I would just be swallowed that I didn't have to now you know see what is going to be next and as soon as he sees the anger I'm gonna you know falls down and send and and and and says I'm sorry I should I did not know you would get so angry and if I knew you would get so hungry I would never have asked this of you and then a jaw she says that do you ask me to hand over to you the envoi of the one whom the Great Spirit descends upon and now Musel Ichabod you want me to hand over his envoy to you the same spirit then a moose that came to Moosa and you want me to give him to you so you will kill the envy of this man and I'm gonna kept on excusing himself pardoning himself asking for forgiveness then then a Joshi said an adjacent Nam but had a relationship remember we even in the Serie he was the one that came a few years ago you know seven years ago and seven or eight years ago now and told the joshi to bring send them back so they have some relationship so Najah she says yeah I'm away huh quo to you obey me in this regard and follow this man for while llahi this man is upon the truth and for sure he will be victorious over his enemies just like Musa was victorious over the hill town now this is amazing here that Alma has run away from mecca to run away from the prophecies message and he comes to the Emperor of the hibachi and lo and behold the Emperor of the hibachi is a Muslim as well and he is giving him that one and they say this is the only time that a tabary gave that word to a Sahabi and the Sahaba converted and the tabie remained the temporary right because nagashi is not a Sahabi in that sense he never saw the prophesy sir right and any he is a type of tablet called the mahabrahmand Malhotra means those who live during the time of the process but never saw him there's a category of table your own they're called Mahad or a moon and the Muharram is the one who lives but there's still tab your own who lives during the time of the processing but they didn't see him so now Joshi is a temporary and Albert becomes a Sahabi so the tab it gives that word to a person who becomes a Sahabi right and that's an amazing you know you can ask a quiz question on in in in gatherings and parties for the sake of although not to impress anybody right that what tabary was there that gave Dawa to the convert who converted to become a Sahabi right and this is the response to this that in the Joshi gave that one to I would have denounced and I would have never asked them converted that I'm gonna be said time would have been announced that basically you're running away your and this man will be victorious follow me and obey me in this regard and become a Muslim so Amma was so overwhelmed by all that he had seen I mean can you imagine for two or three weeks he's running away from Mecca he's gonna start a new life and all of a sudden lo and behold the one person whom he thought would give him refuge from the process of them turns out to be a follower of the profitsystem think about that right so I'm gonna basically realize this is it you know the this is the truth and so amo says to him will you accept my Islam on the behalf of the Prophet SAS Allah because he's obviously sending messengers to you will you accept my Islam and so then yeah she says yes so he gave the Bay tuna Joshy for Islam I'm live in a house accepted Islam in front of the new Joshy right then and there and when he came out to his fellow companions he didn't tell them what had happened I mean after all he's the one telling them to come to ABBA now he's gonna turn around and he knew they would maybe he'd get physical with him so he didn't tell them anything and he eventually made an excuse to go back to Mecca and so he returned to Mecca and on his way back into Mecca he finds two people walking out meaning and not literally in an output and there's one road of Makkah and as he's on the road back right he meets two people basically on this Highway and this is a desert highway I mean you're gonna meet everybody in it and interact with them you know and so on the way out he meets two people and these are holiday banana Walid and Earth man it been fun huh and he says to them where are the two of you going what's what's up where we were you leaving you packed your bags all of your belongings where are you going and they say we are going to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them and we are going to accept Islam the matter has now become clear to us harder than Walid says Estevan and Umrah now it's very clear it's crystal clear that this man is a prophet and I am going wallahi to embrace Islam for how long Allah Metta listener I said for how long are we going to deny this right so I would have been outside wallahi that is exactly why I have come back to Mecca right that he wanted to come back to Mecca changes affairs whatever finish up everything and then migrated to Medina and so the three of them emigrated together and they became the very last batch to embrace Islam before the conquest of Mecca and when the three of them came Holly the vanilla was the first to accept Islam we will talk about Hollett inshallah today as well then it was almost turned to accept Islam in front of the Prophet system and we just coincidentally mentioned this hadith yesterday in our after Isha ha ha right coincidentally now we're talking about it today where the process of them stretched his hand forward and according to one report Amer pulled it back according to another he held two onto his hand rather than the palm and so the process I'm said yeah I'm Monica what is the matter with you and so I'm I said before I embrace Islam I have a condition the problem said what is that condition Hamas said that all of my past sins be forgiven I don't want anything to be brought up in the past whatever happened happened now Hollis is a new slate now right that all of my past sins be forgiven so the prophet Sasaram said yeah Alitalia under Islam yo boomer kind of table one that hit you at the Juba mechanic Abraha one Nell had jaw here Juba mechanical blow don't you know or armor the three things wipe away everything before them number one embracing Islam number two migration and you have just migrated right and number three hedge and the fact that hedges mentioned is our only hope for us who are born Muslims and we have emigrated this way rather than that way some of us emigrated I have been born here so there is no immigration but for the rest of us mashallah Hajj is where we need to be considering Aisha Allah Allah insha Allah so the point being our process instead don't you know that this is already accomplished by your embracing Islam and going for hedge and so this became the final batch that embraced Islam so this is a more as for haunted heartless conversion story as well is very interesting hearted of course who is Khalid holiday Blin Walid and of course Al Waleed is al walid abnormal era and I would either am ohara he is the chieftain of the Banu masoom and I've done this so many times I hope all of you know now who are the Banu Musa zoom the venom of zoom is Abu jahil Abu jahil tribe right and the bonhomie zoom are the Statesman and the Banu makhzoom were the ones who were the most rivalry and the most jealousy of the process and there were three major like again what is the Palacios composed of many small tribes right and many of the smaller tribes they knew their level that we're not going to get to that level like the Benny ID which is our Aloha pops tribe and whatnot these are average poorer she drives and to be a Qureshi you are already honored in the rest of the Arabs but within the Quraysh they had their own our key and there were three that were at the top basically right and one of them kind of sort of dwindled out after Islam and to only remained the banu hashim in the middle may yeah right but pre Islam in the days of jahiliya there was the banu hashim the Banu Amalia and the Banu masoom these were the three that they all had major roles to play in the days of Julia and they would all compete with one another and the Alwaleed of mahira was the chieftain of the Banu makhzoom just like Abu Talib was the chieftain at the venue Hashim right so al walid arena was basically the the most famous of the the by numark zoom and he was also the official poet of the chorus when the Haresh competed in competitions they would send a lowly to represent them al walid was the the official poet of Makkah nobody was close to Al Waleed when it comes to poetry and that is why when the Quran was revealed they all came to him that you need to say something they all came to him what you have to give us an official statement so he says let me think a while right and he as Allah says in the Quran this is surah would that say this is all Sudan would death still write that tomorrow service or some Admiral Ackbar that from another call it only one cut off to Waheeda is that so Allah says darling woman conduct wahida which alter the human Imam Duda what Bernina shoe Hooda this benin one of them is khalid even a bullet he is referenced indirectly in the quran right what Benina shoe hooda many children one of these children is Holly do know it right when I had to know him he's a Mad Magazine Cal in know Canada a Tina Anita in Calcutta he plotted and he thought in plant right from kuchela kafir but there may be cursed look at how he planned some Mapuche like a de may he be cursed again look at how he planned meaning he had an evil agenda when he was asked what will you say about this new poll on this new revelation he plotted and planned and Allah describes his emotional state of mind his psychological state and his walking about in the house right all of this in the privacy of his house Allah revealed in Sudan with death death in will LA he one of the most eloquent passages of early Makkah Sudama death if you read it it's so powerful so any you know we don't we shouldn't say the Quran is poetic because it's not power poetry but there is some rhythm and rhyme in modesta that is very unique right so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala exposed and wounded animal here in this manner and well it is the same one about our Torah and Gerald armor well mildly catalog is eka with a comforter with a mom and it's tells Anna as for the one who thinks he has everything this isn't what it right so when even only Maktoum came the processor was speaking to Al Waleed right and Al Waleed was a nobleman who no doubt he was an enemy but he was not a vulgar enemy like Abu John he was an enemy that was attracted a little bit and that's why he was listening to the professor and that's why the Quran affected him as we learned from the Quran as well and that's why when the process was giving him that wa he was so hopeful then tip tip tip if Norman Bethune comes along right with this with the stick at the staff and then at Walid says chin you want me to follow a religion where these are your followers thanks but no thanks basically right and that's when I wish I were to learn Jonah that the process of felt he's so close but he wasn't close because he had given but he felt he was so close so that's when I was thought well I was revealed in any case I'm all of this is al walid and what eat son is Khalid ib'n Alwaleed and Holly the new lead of course was raised in the lap of luxury and the lap of horsemanship and the lap of being trained by the best trainers because his father is the chieftain so he learns the arts of war and he did not participate in whether because he was on an expedition but after this he participated in every single battle and in every single battle he caused the most damage we know what happened in ordered it was haunted in early in the Battle of the Honda Holly there was one of the very few people who actually broke through the defenses made it into Medina he jumped over the trench with a small group made it into Medina then he was surrounded so he then wisely retreated but he actually broke the defense mechanism and hard it was also the one who was sent to her they BIA to block the profit so I send them and the process I'm outmaneuvered him once again right and and this by the way this little point here that the process and outmaneuvered hotter than her they bid clearly shows that he was the better military commander obviously because he has a law on his side right that he was the better military commander that the processor managed to outmaneuver audit and still camp at her they BIA and the story of harlots conversion is mentioned by holid himself in the first person and even kathira and others the naritasan indent in their history that holla'd says that when allah wanted good of me he threw the love of islam into my heart and i said to myself i have witnessed all of these battles against mohammed salah salem and every time i have participated i have sensed that I am being turned away that something is beyond me I have sensed something supernatural right and that Mohammad Ahsan shall be victorious then the final straw was at her they BIA when I met him at as fan and I was prepared to charge but it was as if he sensed us and even in the Salah they prayed so that took off when I thought hardly thought they'll attack during Salah right Khalid thought don't worry and we talked about this by the way that when they were praying so Hollis said don't worry I know exactly what to do when they're going to such that we'll just fire and charge right and what happened Allah reveals a lot to the hope right then and there right and so it is as if he said he knew what I was thinking and not only that he outmaneuvered me at are they be after this incident and he managed to outflank me and pass us by and so he said I realized that this man is protected that I cannot get to him and I realized after the heard a be a treaty that he will be victorious once again and this is very clear now that the tide is changing so I thought to myself where should I go first place that all of these people think about it is Abyssinia but then he says to Abyssinia over there what am I going to do there and his own followers are also over there right then where should I go heraclius Rome if I go to Rome I will have to become a Christian and I will have to change all of my culture and leave my land and live as a stranger so what should I do so I continued remaining confused in my state until the omelet will follow when the omelet acaba took place and the process I'm entered matka and he did not find me and he asked about me so my brother left me a message a letter now harlot's brother his older brother hadas older brother was named al walid ib'n Alwaleed so his father is what it and his brother is Ali and then walid IBN al-walid embraced islam in the as a prisoner of war in the Battle of Badr so Al Waleed was captured in the Battle of Badr and he became a prisoner and Khalid brought four thousand dirhams for his ransom and Al Waleed had embraced Islam as a prisoner and he waited for his brother to come and pay the money and in wali then Holly then went outside and back to Mecca and the first night they camped when Holly the woke up well it had disappeared and taken his horse and gone back to Medina and he wanted the processor to have the money from the Quraysh and he himself returned this is Carla's first exposure to what Islam does like your loyalties become to Allah in his messenger right so so and Walid wrote him a letter and the letter said bismillah ar-rahman rahim as to what follows I have not seen anything stranger than you running away from Islam and you are as smart as you are for how long will you oppose Islam and the Prophet system asked about you when he came to Makkah and he said where is holid and I responded Allah will bring him someone like him the process Adam said it is not befitting or appropriate that he neglect Islam and if he were to put his talents and energy with us against the mushrikuna it would be better for him and we would give him honor we would prefer him over others so my dear brother make up what you have already passed because many opportunities have passed you by what Sena meaning what you've missed all of these great battles and I was a part of them right before it's too late change over or else everything will be gone and Allah wanted a good of Hollett so he embraced Islam the very last batch before the conquest of Makkah so when he received this letter Halas he decided I'm gonna embrace Islam and he talked to himself who should I go to to bring me company and we go to the process I'm together so he went to saffron even Omega and so finally we know Maya his father had died it brother his uncle has died it but it and but they were friends so he went to so funny Benny Romania and he told him what do you think of embracing Islam and Safwan said well aji if I'm the last person alive in the whole world I will not embrace Islam from the only horror she pagan that it doesn't matter I'm not going to embrace Islam so he said I left him thinking this is a man who has lost his relatives that budded he's not going to be interested then I went to my childhood friend Eric crema even Abidjan so Abu John and his father are best friends Eric Kadima and hearted are best friends as well and they've grown up together and they are literally there are second cousins and there are the best of friends so he went to his cousin second cousin and his best friend Eric kuma eben abuja and they're of the same age as well and their confidences well they're basically very close friends so he goes to a crema and he tells him about his feelings and thoughts and he says I feel that I should embrace Islam Akuma panics vikrama panics and he starts raising his voice and yelling and shouting and it is the middle of the night and he says you are going to leave us well like this is not going to happen you the son of Al Waleed you this you that how and in the panic he goes and he calls Abu Sufyan and he calls others of the seniors of the Quraysh and they all gathered in the house of a crema and a crema basically spills the beans that hearted wants to embrace Islam now he's surrounded by all of the seniors of the boorish and according to one of the versions of the story that it actually came to unsheath swords in front of Khalid that one of them said if you embrace Islam and this is the threat here not you if you embrace Islam then you're gonna have to face this now at this point Akuma himself was shocked now and he said will you kill him merely because he changes his opinion now Akuma then did not want the matter to get violent nikodem I just wanted to stop him but he didn't realize that if you're gonna set this in motion the natural consequences this right so it Kadima diffused the situation and air crema told them to go home and he would deal with it right so hardly realized he can no longer stay here and so that very night and according to one report he had also given that word to earth might have been Talha how did we know about it so uh on that very night when this incident takes place Khalid and earth man even Talha they decide to leave Mecca without telling anybody and they both of them basically start walking and within the next day or so they bump into a medieval house who's on his way back from Habashi and they realized and confirmed that all three of them are going to the Prophet SAW set up now by the earth man have been told how he is the key holder of the Kaaba right the ben-wa of the DAR they have the keys of the cabin right and the keys of the Kaaba is a great honor to have obviously and this is the one who is in charge of the keys and so if not even thought had also embraced Islam and the three of them therefore marched into Medina simultaneously earth might have been pala ha the symbolic basically one who is in charge of the Kaaba I would have denounced the symbolic statesmen and and foreign politician of Quraysh Harden and Walid not just the symbolic the real military leader of the Qureshi right and noticed the three things put together here the Kaaba the military genius and the political leader of the Statesman right there's not a coincidence obviously a lot other this is clearly assigned to the Muslims and against the Amish your time is up your time is up completely the the keys of the kappa now write your military genius your statesmen they are all leaving and the three of them they embraced islam and they became the last batch of muslims whom allah azza wajal says in the quran liest the women cumin unfuck time in public fatima parted would like an album with illegitimately never coming back on sale what kulilin wanted allah krishna not same or those who embraced Islam before the conquest versus those who embraced Islam after the conquest those who embraced Islam before are better and the both of them Allah has promised good what kulilin wanted the local personnel now from this story both of these stories of Khalid and Alma we noticed so many things first and foremost the joshi's love for the Prophet SAW said him that he gets angry when Amber wants to kill the envy and this love this Liara we called this protective jealousy it's a sign of Eman and I've said this many times we should not be embarrassed that our emotions are riled up when a loan is messenger are mocked or anything that is done to hurt our image and our faith and our religion that's where our priorities life and we should never be embarrassed of this right no doubt we don't get violent we don't get extremists but to feel anger look at Najah she is boiling now you want me to kill the envy of the man whom Jubilee it comes down to right his anger is just bursting so much though that Amin says I wish the earth would swallow me up and this iman is coming from somebody who's never seen the prophets asana right so this is a part of our Iman that when Allah and His Messenger are mocked and ridiculed when something is done to harm the prestige of Islam in our religion we should feel that sense of violation and anger and this is a part of having faith in Allah and loving Allah subhana WA Ta'ala also we have over here that I'm gonna knew everything that Najah she told him but when Najah she told it it finally clicked the jaw she didn't tell him anything he didn't know that this man is claiming to be a prophet that Jubilee is coming this is exactly the claims of the Muslims right but when it comes from Najah she what happens it clicks in him and this is human nature that all of us have experienced sometimes the truth depends on who it comes from and if it comes from somebody else then it might actually make sense to you right I'm gonna say something get it to a lot of trouble for this but husband's when your wives say something understood okay no need to go on okay this doesn't want to be embarrassed okay tell us frankly why is this a two-way street is all but anyway okay the point being it's human nature that it doesn't matter if a spouse says it right it's human nature like yeah I want to hear from somebody else okay and if the same matter is said by a stranger oh you know what so-and-so said oh you know what I heard honey didn't I tell you the same thing uh who are you that guy on the anonymous internet blog site he said it right it's human nature so here we have again human nature as well and this shows as brothers and sisters sometimes that what you need to be think a little bit more broader that it's good that that was given through different manners and channels and mechanisms and mean the truth is the same and we see the same thing by the way with Abu Sufyan and Oh Sophia and the Caesar her acne is the exact same thing that Heraclea says to Abu Sufyan that are you basically are he didn't say this and saying are you a fool he doesn't lie about gold and silver you yourself have told me he doesn't lie and now you expect him to lie about God himself right and I was sophie-anne said that was the first time you know Islam became something in my heart is the same truth but it's coming from somebody that you don't expect it to come from so this is human nature when it comes to Dara also notice over here the the psychological dower too hot it that the process is mentioning his name the processor say if he comes over we will honor him that he realizes a big deal for him and you want to tell him look we'll also take care of you and this is also a part of giving Dara also notice over here the concern of Ahmedabad and house and in fact it is also said that Khalid asked the same in condition as well that that is all Messenger of Allah can my sins be forgiven when I accept Islam the concern for Alma that now and this shows us genuine Iman this isn't just political Iman genuine Iman that he's worried about his sins ya Rasul Allah I want my sins to be forgiven now when a clean slate to begin with and this shows us again the ma calm and the status of mohammed apna house and the fact of the matter is that a lot of people stuff for a lot they talk about Amida in a matter that is not appropriate because of what happened afterwards he did become a politician he was on the side of wowee he did what he did but there is no doubt that he is a Sahabi a companion a great companion a companion who embraced Islam before the conquest of Makkah and a fundamental principle of theology this isn't history this is Ikeda a fundamental principle of al-qaeda we do not speak ill of any Sahabi we don't doubt their nia we can disagree with their fear and their political decisions we don't have to follow everything a bus that X's halide and a bit more said X's Haram okay we look between the two of them we don't have to follow the one over the other even Omar had this position it been a bath another position okay we can disagree but we never ever ever criticize the intention the Nia the Islam of any companion even if they commit a sin we say this was a sin they committed and a lot as o Aegina meaning open sin it is true some of the Sahaba did sins that they they're not Muslim right only the processor is Muslim but we don't doubt their nia and their Islamic their sincerity to Islam and I'm gonna pronounce we see his sincerity in this one incident and also we talked two days ago about his death bed and that's a different story but when he was dying the guilt that he was feeling I don't know what I did I hope Allah forgives me that clearly shows a sense of Iman and we conclude by pointing out that the conversion of these three people and I already explained their their symbolic conversion here that the keys of the Kaaba and that's the religious conversion right and hearted and that's the military conversion and a murder that's the political the statesman he's the envoi the conversion so with these people coming wallahi it's basically complete it's a done deal now that the whorish are Bey basically about to be completely in a wiped out from the political power and this was a precursor to the next step there were some many other you know expeditions as well that took place after this incident but again for the purposes of this serie these minor expeditions that the process um did not participate in we will simply overlook them and then a shadow move on in our next Sierra to the next topic on with that inshallah Giacomo la who later on you
Channel: Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)
Views: 63,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Muhammad, Shaykh Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, Abu Ammar, Islam, Muslim, Memphis Islamic Center, MIC, Quran, Koran, Sirah, biography of muhammad, Prophet Mohammed Mohammad, life of Muhammad, Mekka Macca, Medina Madina, Misconceptions islam, yasir qadhi, khandaq, ahzab, battle of the trench, battle of the confederates, Treaty Of Hudaybiyyah, Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi (Person), Prophetic Biography (Written Work), The Banu Quraydha, Battle Of Khaybar (Event)
Id: U_rwpbFbZs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 55sec (4195 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2013
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