How Do You Speak To Your Lord? - Yasir Qadhi

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assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu we began as we began all of our talks by praising allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who is worthy of being praised and by asking allah subhanahu wata'ala to guide us to the straight path and we seek allah's refuge from the evil of our souls and the consequences of our actions indeed whomever Allah guides no one can ever misguide him and whom ever allah azza wajal chooses to misguide no one can guide him back to the straight path indeed I bear witness and I testify at esta fication of certainty of the Athene that there is no object no being no deity no god that is worthy of our worship our veneration our love our hope our prostration our dua our such that other than allah jalla jalaluhu and i bear witness and I testify that Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-hashimi Al Arabi al Karachi is the final prophet and the most perfect messenger that ever walked on the face of this earth as to what follows my dear brothers and sisters in Islam verily Allah Azza WA JAL is the best of all planners and it is indeed ironic that I stand in front of you today after having recorded two weeks ago just two weeks ago in a city far far away a short brief message telling you to come to this conference but also excusing myself and saying unfortunately I will not be able to make it this year for for reasons that are very complicated have just come from another conference in America the largest conference there and I said I cannot make it to this conference yet Allah Azza WA Jet had willed that I would be standing in front of you today and even though it was not my plan not because I didn't want to be here but because of logistical factors Allah Azza WA JAL had something planned and indeed the plan of Allah is always best so I am humbled and I'm proud and I'm very very very honored to stand in front of you today to participate in the greatest and the grandest and the most magnificent conference that this country inshallah tada has ever seen now the talk that I have today is about etiquettes of conversing with allah subhanahu wata'ala how do we engage in a conversation in an appeal how do we ask Allah and beseech him for what we want and I thought that instead of listing for you a bunch of points why not take one of the most important stories in the Quran and analyze this story in light of the etiquettes of beseeching allah and the story that I'm going to mention and discuss in detail is the story that touches all of us here because it talks about the beginning of creation it is the story of the Genesis itself it is the story of how mankind came on earth it is the story of creation it is the story of adam alayhis-salam and i beliefs and what i beliefs did to our father adam in light of this story in light of the story of adam alayhis-salam and what the ark enemy of mankind Iblees did to him and in light of their responses and reactions let us see what we can benefit and how we can gain in learning how best to have a conversation with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala what do we learn of the etiquettes of dua in the story of the creation first and foremost before even adam opened his mouth before even adam said anything allah subhanahu wata'ala had blessed adam with everything that he could ever imagine allah azza wa jal gave Adam Jenna and everything in Jenna Allah Azza WA JAL gave Adam his wife halwa Allah Azza WA JAL gave him the best clothing and the best garment and the best food and the best place and the best lodging without even Adam raising his hands to Allah and saying o Allah give me this and this shows us many Muslims wonder why is it that Allah provides for people who don't even ask him why is it that Allah takes care of those who even are so arrogant that they reject his existence and in the story of Adam we learned allah is rahim allah is Allah dude Allah is a Rahman Allah is al-quran allah is alman and Allah is the ever-loving the ever merciful the ever generous he is the Lord and the rub he will take care of you because he created you he will take care of you because he is your Lord without even you asking him there is an element of taking care there is an element of nourishment that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will grant even if you do not ask him that and we see this in the story of adam alayhis-salam without even doing anything Allah told Adam wakil nya Adam was kun anta was a joke al Jenna we said o Adam you and your wife you live in Jenna what cooler I mean how taller than - tumor and you eat bountifully you eat whatever you want but all that means the most luxurious fruits the most luxurious meats eat as much as you want so Allah Azza WA JAL bless this to Adam without even Adam making dua and that is because as we said Allah is the rub and the meaning of rub many of us don't even understand what does it mean rub the meaning of rub is the one who will nourish and take care of me from Tobia talbiya right the same root the meaning of Rob he shall nourish he shall envelope me in his mercy and Allah is the rub of the Muslim and the non-muslim Allah is the rub of the creation al hamdu lillahi rabbil what Muslim in a bill more meaning no rabbil alameen Allah is the rub of the entire creation therefore he shall take care of the creation even if the creation is too arrogant to acknowledge him or to worship him the story goes on of Adam and I beliefs and we know that Adam was told something and I beliefs was told something and we know that they're both of them disobeyed what they were told Adam was told not to eat of the fruit it beliefs was told to prostrate Adam was misguided and deceived by beliefs and he ate from that fruit and I beliefs was told to prostrate and he refused to prostrate so the both of them in one sense they fell into an error but what was the response of both of these individuals was it the same what was the prophetic response of Adam and what was the satanic response of Iblees Adam when he ate of the tree he realized that I have done a mistake and so he said Rob Bonneville Amana and foo sana oh my lord I have wronged myself I've sinned he made a drop and this is an essential to our going to come back to it over and over again robinov alumna and foo sana oh my lord I have wronged myself it's my fault were in them tell Phil Elena what our Hamner if you don't have mercy on us if you don't forgive us Leno Conan Amin al-husseini we have no hope there is no other hope we shall be of the losers there is nothing else on earth that can save us other than you oh allah azza wajal if you don't help us forgive us save us nothing can save us this was the response of adam alayhis-salam what was the response of i beliefs it beliefs are they he lana to law when he did the sin that he did when he refused to prostrate he didn't recognize a sin he didn't say o allah i made a mistake rather in his sheer arrogance he accused allah of the crime and he said order up be Bhima away Tony he said o my robe because you have misguided me you have misled me you have betrayed me Naruto Balaam compare the two responses Adam says I've made a mistake o Allah forgive me it beliefs says it's all your fault of Allah you did it you're the one who forced me to do this notice the response this shows us the difference between Iman and cover the difference between servitude to Allah and arrogance in rejecting that on the one hand the worshipping of Allah and their making dua to Allah and on the other hand the arrogance the refusal to make dua and that is why of the signs of faith is that that person must make dua to Allah and of the signs of a lack of faith is that person will refuse to make dua key beliefs of the signs of faith we learn from the story of Adam of the signs of Iman it is a part of Iman to make dua to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and it is a sign of arrogance and Cofer to reject that dora allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in the quran allah azza wajal says in the quran wha cholera boku mo duru nee esta become your Lord has said make dua to me I shall respond to you in lovina yes takbir Runa antibody tea syadaahally Naja hanami defeating those who are too arrogant to worship Me notice your Lord has said make dua to me I shall respond if you're too arrogant to make dua these are the ones upon whom the punishment will come there's two categories you either made Torah or you're too arrogant to make job Adam was of the first category he made or at least was of the second category he refused to make dua making dua is a sign of Iman making dua is a part and parcel of believing in Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and that is because when you have faith in Allah you recognize who Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is when you have faith in Allah you affirm Allah cares about me Allah loves me Allah hears my prayer and Allah is capable of responding to my prayer therefore when you believe in an all-loving all-powerful all merciful God you must raise your hands to that God and you must say oh Allah give me this oh allah prevent me from that oh allah guide me o allah this oh allah that because you believe in allah and when you do not have that faith when you are too arrogant to acknowledge allah when you too arrogant to affirm his beautiful names and attributes that is when you will become la following the sunnah of e beliefs by rejecting this type of drop making there are two Allah is a perfection of worshipping him the essence of worshipping Allah is dua the Prophet SAW said dua is the essence of worship the gist of worship the crux of worship the backbone of worship if you don't have dua you don't have worship there is no worship if you don't have dog that is because imagine somebody making dua to Allah imagine what is going in his mind when he makes this dog when you pray to that being Allah subhana WA Ta'ala you affirm you acknowledge this is the being that cares about me this is the being that here is my prayer this is the being that shall grant me what I want this is my all-powerful rub who will take care of and nourish me its goes hand in hand Iman and dua robada and drop and that is why Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala loves those who make dua the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said verily the most noble act of worship is dua and he also said the one who does not ask Allah Allah gets angry at him if you don't ask Allah Allah gets angry who are you not to ask Allah Allah loves those who ask because this is what we as human beings must do so this is another benefit from the story of Adam and the creation the third benefit that we derive from this story is that we see that there are different types of door there is a door that is of a noble nature asking spirituality asking forgiveness asking Hidayah and then there are the eyes of this world you want money you want wealth you want status you want to fancy car he want etcetera etc of the signs of the believer is that he asks for both types but he prioritizes the spiritual drop and of the signs of a person of weak faith of low faith he doesn't care about the spiritual drop he just once the worldly matters he just wants things of this world how do we learn this from the story of Adam and I beliefs look at what Adam asked for adam alayhis-salam he understands he's committed a sin and so he says o my lord forgive me have mercy on me what's on his mind is forgiveness and mercy guidance spiritual nourishment from Allah I beliefs he didn't care about that what was the request of I beliefs beliefs said called al merini Allah o me o Bethune give me life I want to live until the day of judgment he's greedy for this world he doesn't care about two hereafter he is greedy for this dunya that's not the way of the believer the way of the believer is that he prioritizes the affero and he also asks of this world and Allah mentions this in the Quran Allah says in the Quran Femina nasi minyak Korriban a Tina Fey dunya Ramada waffle a vitamin colic there are those who say give me a dis world o Allah give me money give me status give me power give me Fame give me this give me that but they do not ask Allah for guidance they do not ask Allah for mercy they do not ask Allah for forgiveness so Allah says these people because they were greedy for this world they might even get it but they won't get the hereafter women whom and there's also a group of people they say Rob bana a Tina Fey dunya husana what will I feel at the asana Joaquina i've happened now there are those who say o Allah give us good in this world but also give us good endure Hereafter and save us from the fire of hell emphasis is on the Hereafter hola Akala home now ze boom in Makaha wallah who said you rehearse on these are the ones they shall get a share of Allah's mercy and Allah is Swift in reckoning so brothers and sisters the third point that we benefit from this story if you find yourself only making duaa about this world then there's a problem if you find yourself asking Allah for good grades for a good spouse for good world for a good job for a good car for goodness for good that and you're not asking Allah for guidance you're not asking Allah for Jenna you're not asking Allah for Iman for taqwa for forgiveness ask yourself who are you imitating more which of these two characters are you closer to the Mortman once this world yes but he is more dizzy rias more greedy for the Acura so he makes dua for this world but the emphasis and concentration is on the Acura and this is of the benefits of the story another benefit of the story another benefit of the story is that it beliefs was forced to turn to Allah when he needed Allah and he refused to worship Him when he thought he didn't need him whereas Adam continued worshipping Allah subhana WA Ta'ala even after this incident and this shows us that of the prophetic methodology is that you are consistent in your dua and your worship when Adam came down to this earth he didn't stop worshipping Allah he continued worshipping he continued praying he continued making drop it believes only turned to Allah for a worldly matter that he really really needed he said oh he said God I'm living in Ionia by throne he said allow me to live until the day of judgement he needed this and he knew a lot give it to him so he begged and pleaded for that which he needed even though he was too arrogant to do such death just a little while ago just a little while ago he couldn't prostrate it's too arrogant but now he needs Allah so he turns to Allah o Allah give me this and once Allah gives him that that's it for all of eternity beliefs has turned his back away from spirituality therefore anyone who turns to Allah only at times of distress and neglects Allah for the rest of the time that's a problem if you find yourself making go out when your son is sick but you don't make dua when everything is fine and dandy in your life a problem the Mortman always ever is involved in the worship of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and as we said continuous dua is a sign of Iman the movement asks and asks and asks because the movement always realizes he is in need of Allah but the one of little faith or the one of no faith such a person only turns to Allah when he thinks or she thinks they need Allah even though they need Allah all the time but they don't notice that they don't realize that and that is why Allah says in the Quran in over a dozen verses over a dozen verses Allah describes the state of mankind way that must sell in Sanibel when mankind is touched with an affliction a little pinpricks you Dan he makes dua to us alright then okay i'm an al qaeda standing sitting or lying down always saying o allah save me o allah please cure me of this cancer of allah cure my son of this oh allah make me pass the exam allah give me a job I don't have a job oh Allah do this do that and then Allah says as soon as I give him what I want what he wants as soon as I respond to his prayer they turn away to turn to Allah only during times of need even it least did that that's not a sign of faith that's not a sign of Eman that's not a sign of spirituality to turn to Allah continuously frequently persistently to always be engaged in worship this is the true sign of a loss of having allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in your heart and in your life and the prophet sallallaahu adding who seldom said in an authentic hadith whoever wishes listen to this listen to this beautiful heady whoever wishes that Allah responds to his dora at times of hardship at times of difficulty then let him increase his door at times of ease this hadith ain't admitting whoever wishes that Allah responds to your dua when you really need it then you must increase your door at times of ease why is this very simple I'll give you an analogy that all of us understand a friend of yours always contacts you is in touch with you visits you cares about you and then he calls you up and he goes okay I'm I'm really in a bad situation I need a loan can you help me out will you be more willing to help this friend compared to somebody you never see you only see him at either something and then he calls you out of the blue and he goes I'm in a bad situation can give me a loan which of the two are you automatically more inclined towards well I had met Allah - Allah belongs the better and the most perfect example but this is an analogy we understand somebody who has a continual relationship with you it shows that this person has a genuine concern and care and love for you somebody who is always making dua to Allah always praying always fasting always has a conversation with Allah don't you think when he needs Allah Allah Azza WA JAL will give him what he wants versus the one who ignores Allah 24/7 has nothing to do with the religion and then when he falls sick in bed oh god help me o God save me which of the two do you think has a better chance of getting a response therefore as the Arabic saying goes whoever continually knocks on the door eventually is let in if you continually knock on a Las door eventually you will be let in so persistence persistence persistence of the benefits of this story of the benefits of the story is that both Adam and I beliefs Adam the leader of the prophets of his time the father of all of humanity and beliefs the leader of evil they both realized that Allah Azza WA JAL and only Allah could give them what they desired even though they desired very different things even I beliefs realized only Allah can give me what I want despite his evil nature despite that the filth that he was upon when he really needed something he had to turn to Allah he realized nobody else could possibly give him what he wants now if even it lys understands this is it not strange to find many groups of people some who even call themselves Muslims who think that other than Allah can give them what they want is it not amazing that people some of whom call themselves Muslim of course there are many of other religions and faiths who pray to other than Allah but unfortunately we even have some who call themselves Muslims but they turn to other than Allah they turn to a dead Saint they turn to a share they turn to appeal they turn to this they turn to that even at least realized only Allah can give him what he wants forget Adam and the prophets of course they know this but even it beliefs when he really really really wanted something he didn't say yellow third album yeah alia full-on yeah I learned he didn't say this he said oh my lord let me live till the day of judgement I find it amazing that a Muslim says la ilaha illaallah which translates as there is no deity worthy of worship other than Allah and Dora is the essence of worship and yet he still goes to the grave of a saint and he says yeah oh that album yeah Heidi yeah abdul qadir jilani a fool anya allen give me this and give me that where is our Iman and taqwa where is our understanding of la ilaha illallah anybody who turns to other than Allah for Dora has not understood the meaning of la ilaha illaallah and that is why Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in the Quran you know there are over 500 verses in the Quran and I'm not exaggerating over 500 verses where Allah prohibits making dua to other than him explicitly of these verses woman a volume in man yo men do nila Himalayas Najibullah William opium who is more foolish and misguided not even Iblees fell into this that's why I love saying this who is more foolish and misguided than someone who makes to add to other than Allah to a creature and a being that will not even respond to him until the end of times who can be more foolish than this Allah says in the Quran in to whom listen to this ayah in Tarot home is mud or Arkham if you make dua to these dead people they can't even hear your drop one Oh Samira even if they could hear they could not give you what you want mister job well Akuma they wouldn't have the power even if they could hear you they wouldn't have the power to give you what you want on top of that why yellow malkia mati yak fur on a basilica comb and on the day of judgment this is a beautiful verse they will do cover of your yak fur una basilica come they will dissociate from your and when you look at that f seat of this ayah when you look at what this ayah means the scholars of tafseer they say this ayah is a reference to those spiritually guided righteous human beings who were worship besides Allah and they never called for that worship for example Jesus Christ Jesus Christ v7m Elohim a noble prophet one of the greatest human beings to walk on the face of this earth one of the five mightiest messengers whom Allah sent someone whom allah gave miracles the like of which he gave no other prophet did Jesus Christ ever tell his followers to worship Him did this noble prophet did this worshipper of Allah ever tell mankind take me as a god besides God worship me ask me of anything not once did he do so not once and yet what do many Christians of our times do know Jesus saved me oh Jesus grant me salvation oh jesus oh Jesus Jesus Christ ace of Memoriam only told us to worship God only told us to be sincere to God and yet his followers elevated him his followers took him to a level he himself never wanted and so Allah says in the Quran about Jesus Christ and about people such as the righteous Saints Abdul Qadir Jilani is an author a scholar and academic and Imam and Adam you read his books they're still in print it is nothing but quran and sunnah abdul qadir jilani is a great Imam Zayed he never told the people to worship Him and yet what do we have now we have millions of Muslims yeah abdul qadir jilani yeah fool Anja and then these people were righteous Imams they never told the human beings to raise them to gods just like Jesus Christ so Allah says in reference to these people if you make dua to Jesus Christ tab do qadir jilani to chisti to this to that they will not even hear your door and even if God gave them the power to hear they wouldn't have the power to give you what you want and to top it all off on the day of judgment they will come and they will say and we know this from other verses in the Quran surah al-ma'idah Allah says in the Quran I will ask Jesus Christ article today NASA today of Omiya Allah Hanuman do neeli God says Allah says I will ask Jesus Christ did you tell people did you command your followers to worship you to worship your mother besides God and Jesus Christ will respond to hanok exalted be you I never said to them anything other than what you told me to tell them I never increased the message I only said worship God my Lord and your Lord God is my Lord Allah is my Lord and your Lord that's all I told them so on the day of judgment Jesus Christ will tell Christians I didn't tell you to make me a god or a son of God Abdullah did al-jilani and all the righteous people insha'Allah if they were truly righteous and it looks like they were truly righteous they too will come and they will tell on the day of judgment I didn't tell anybody to worship me I didn't tell people to build mausoleums and huge structures around my grave and do thought around it and make dua to and I didn't do this the people did it so we learn from this story even if lys understands this and who is more misguided than somebody who falls into something that I believes himself did not fall into of the benefits of the story of the benefits of this story is that both Adam and I beliefs they asked Allah subhana WA Ta'ala for something very great and very grand Adam was only told to not do one thing he had the entire fruits of Jenna he had an infinite amount of land and luxuries and sweets and meats and everything just one tree stay away from it yet it beliefs seduced him and I beliefs misguided him and he ate from that one tree and he begged Allah for forgiveness after this one commandment he that he broke he begged Allah for forgiveness it beliefs asked Allah for the longest life that anyone that we know has ever had any creature no human being as far as we know and no Jin has been given the length of life that this one individual at least this one Satan the leader of Satan's I believe saw Lucifer as the Christians call him this one individual has been given a longer life than any other human being as far as we know and any other jinn both of them are asking Allah for something magnificent and great and this shows us that the both of them understood and realized allah azza wajal is capable of all things Allah can give you everything you want the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when one of you asks realize that he's asking from a lord who is generous and he gives so increase your duas increase you're asking increase asking Allah for whatever you want the Sahaba the Companions they said if that is the case then we're going to ask for a lot of things if you want us to ask for many things we're gonna ask we're gonna look fitter we're going to do acts are and the prophets thought I said have a smiled and he said Allah who occur Allah is even more than all you can ask for Allah is more than all you can ask for each and every desire that you have that is religiously pure even if it is of this world each and every desire that you have that is a permissible desire you should ask it of allah subhana wa ta'ala as aisha the beloved wife of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when your lace when your shoelace breaks when your shoelace breaks make sure you make dua to allah to give you another lace because if Allah has not willed that you get another lace you're never going to get it this is what is you said don't trivialize anything if your shoelace breaks make dua to Allah and Allah is more than anything you can ask for increase your quantity your quality your frequency of dua because you are asking al karim the ever generous you're asking Elmen and the one who gives and gives and does not count and you're asking the one the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said Allah Azza WA JAL is how ye he is shy and modest that when his servants raised his hand ups to him when the servant raises the hand up to Allah Allah is too modest to allow those hands to come back down empty something is going to be in those hands Allah is high e you know when we're walking in the street and a beggar comes a lady comes with a child please give me something please give me something even if we don't give don't we feel a bit bad don't we feel a bit guilty it's human nature right Allah made us merciful how about the one who is merciful how about a remand himself when we raise our hands to Allah and beg of him and plead of him and ask him o God oh Allah give me this give me that the Prophet SAW said I'm said never does a Muslim raise his hand up to Allah except that by the time those hands come down there's something in them Allah will bless us with something and this is of the nature of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala he is the ever generous the ever merciful their ever loving the ever giving of the benefits of this story a follow-up at this point as well but more explicitly of the benefits of this story and this is a very very profound benefit both Adam and I beliefs got what they asked for even the doora of ivelisse was accepted I want you to think about that even the dua of beliefs was accepted why because Allah is the Lord of all of the creation and it releases of the creation never ever despair of the mercy of Allah never ever give hope of having do I answered never ever presume that oh I'm too sinful for having my do I answer the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said in a hadith until midday there is no person who asks Allah for anything that is permissible except that Allah gives him something in return either he gives him what he wants or he prevents an evil coming from him or he blesses him with a reward in the Hereafter something happens to you in other words no do I do you make accept that there is some type of response and by the way this explains why many of the time we think our dua has not been answered but in fact it has already been answered Allah Azza WA JAL gives us something better than what we asked for because Allah knows what we're asking for is not in our best interest suppose we want a job suppose you want to status suppose I want to degree suppose we went to rank we want something and we pray and we pray and we pray and we pray and we don't get it don't give up and say oh Allah didn't give it to me how do you know Allah didn't give you something better because of that door something more useful for you something more conducive to your nature something that will bring about better blessings for you in this world and the next don't you trust Allah that Allah knows what is best for you and you know what I challenge all of you sitting here now to think about your life to think about your moments of crises to think about the things that you desired and were not given to you at that time and you were disappointed and depressed every one of you eventually did you not see the fruits and the blessings of that decision that Allah had decided did you not realize that whatever Allah had decided for me was the best I wouldn't be Who I am today I wouldn't be Who I am today if I had a different course if allah azza wajal had not tested and tried me in that manner if he had not deprived me from this and from that and i stand before you today and i say yes well la ye well la i swear by allah many are the things that i desired many are the things i made though r4 and r4 and r4 and r4 and they weren't given to me and in retrospect and every one of those things was a blessing in disguise each and every way that Allah took me was a way that would lead me to where I am and I have full trust in Allah that whatever happens happens by the decree of Allah and Allah knows what is best for me better than what I know so put your trust in Allah and realize that everything that happens happens for a wisdom and remember remember if even the door of a beliefs was answered do you think you are more sinful than Satan himself than Shaitaan do you think you're worse than Shaitaan Shaitaan hatas do our answer Allah gave it to him Allah said okay fine live till the day of judgment Allah gave him what he wanted you're not worse than a police you're not worse than Shaitaan if even Shaitaan got his door answered surely me and you have more of a right of having our door answer also of the lessons that we learn in this in this incident there are many etiquettes that we learn of drought and this is a topic in and of itself the etiquettes of dwop there are many etiquettes that we learn of how to properly make drop and of these etiquettes is the realization that only allah subhana wa ta'ala responds to the door sincerity in dua this is of the primary etiquettes of the being sincere to Allah and realizing only Allah can give me what I want and we learned this in many many incidents as well look at the story of Yunus audience and of the prophet Jonah when the whale swallowed him up and he was in darkness upon darkness upon darkness he called out to Allah in the darkness oh Allah save me I made a mistake and he had full certainty only in Allah that Allah could give him what he want and indeed Allah gave him what he wanted have that certainty and sincerity to Allah of the etiquettes of the route that we make that we learn from this incident is the presence of an attentive heart the presence of an attentive heart you must concentrate on your dog don't parrot doors don't just pick up a prayer book and repeat those things like understand what they are and say it with humility say it beseeching allah earnestly meaning what you say desiring what the door is asking for and not just repeating it with your tongue and this is something that is clearly shown the desperation and the humility of adam alayhis-salam is clearly shown robinov alumna and for sana oh my lord I have wronged myself I've done a sin we hear the plea we hear the cry of desperation I've done a wrong go Allah and if you don't forgive me if you don't have mercy on me there is no hope for me there is no other source of Hope other than you o Allah then hakuna and Amin al-husseini this is begging and pleading this is beseeching this is crying in earnest for allah azza wajal to give you what you want this is of the primary etiquettes of drop contrast history please compare this to a beliefs on vanilla Yoruba though let me live till the day of judgment contrast the two to us in the one we hear a plea in the one we hear that begging that desperation oh Allah I need you oh allah give me what I need if you don't nobody else can give me and on the other hand we have nothing but arrogance give me life till the day of judgement we notice as well adam alayhis-salam beseeches along with his names and attributes about Dinah robbed by Nevada Memphis Anna and of the strongest etiquettes of dora you use a Las names and attributes you use a Las names and attributes in your drop it believes on the other hand he says as is mentioned in suited out of called I'm didn't need a young new bathroom let me live till the day of judgment not even in this verse not even Rob be in another verse it is mentioned in this verse it is absent the same surah that tells us Adams Donovan m94 sana the same surah when it mentions it leases that there is no Rob unbidden Eli mu bathroom let me live till the day of judgment notice the two of the strongest etiquettes of the earth of the strongest ways of guaranteeing your door is accepted you use a las beautiful names and majestic attributes Oh you full of mercy all loving God whoa dude oh man Orihime Oh Kareem Oh ever generous Oh Samia do add the one who can hear me Oh the one who knows what is in my heart you beseech Allah with his perfect names and majestic attributes and that is exactly why Allah has told us of his names in the Quran when Allah he'll a smile husana feather ooh who behalf to Allah belongs the most beautiful names so make dua to him using those names Federer who bia we make dua to allah using the names of allah subhanahu wata'ala of the etiquettes of the art of the etiquettes of dua is that we make dua having an optimistic mind as well even though we're scared of a response we want the reward we want the response as well fear and hope go hand in hand we're scared of a rejection but we hope for acceptance and this is exactly what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when he said when you make dua to allah be certain in your hearts that Allah will give you what you want don't be pessimistic don't have this attitude of oh I don't think Allah will give me what I want that's wrong Allah will give you what you want if you are sincere to him Allah will give you what you want or maybe he'll give you something better than what you want if you are sincere to him order Allah this is a hadith make dua to Allah one to MU K no nobility Java and you are sure that Allah will respond to you your state of mind should be optimism the Prophet SAW some said that Allah says Anna in Devon near Abdi be I will be as my servant thinks I am to him if he thinks good thoughts of me I will treat him nicely and if he thinks me to be miserly and stingy then I will be miserly in stingy I am as my servant thinks of me if you have positive thoughts of Allah if you think that Allah will give you what you want does care about you does love you that is the way Allah will treat you but if you are so arrogant and cheap as to say oh Allah can never forgive me well why should Allah forgive you if that's your attitude you show sincerity like the Prophet says that I'm said whoever comes one hands bank to Allah Allah comes an arm's length to him whoever comes to Allah walking Allah comes to him running in other words when you make an effort Allah doubles triples quadruples the effort you need to show the effort to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and of the etiquettes of dua of the etiquettes of drop is acknowledging your sins acknowledging your sins acknowledging that despite all that Allah has given me and you despite all these blessings of health and wealth and food and peace and security despite each and every blessing that even if we try to count them we could not list them we have fallen short in our duties to Allah we have not been good servants of Allah we have not been true servants and Muslims our sins are too numerous and this is exactly what Adam added he said I'm said Rob Bonneville Amina and Fuu Senna o our Lord we have wronged ourselves that's how you began Dora oh Allah I know I'm not the best Muslim oh Allah I know that I have fallen short oh Allah I know I am at fault and yet I still turn to you because there is no other being out there I can turn to there is no other God besides you there is no other Lord no other ever merciful ever caring loving God other than you you acknowledge your sins robinov Adam not and husana our Lord we have done wrong and then you turn to Allah begging and pleading your state all Muslims there is much to talk about and time is of the essence and we need to wrap up and we can conclude by stating that dua is the heart of worship and its foundation beseeching allah having a conversation with the law it is a sign of a love of allah well la here is a sign of a love of allah when you love somebody you remain in touch with them when you love somebody you call them up all the time I travel frequently and every single day I have to call my kids up I have to be in touch with them wherever I am because I love them and I asked them the silliest questions what did you eat for breakfast who cares what they ate for breakfast but this is a sign of love isn't it right I love my kids I have to talk to them I love my wife I call her up that's a sign of love so when you love a being you are always in communication with that being if you truly love Allah you will worship Allah if you truly love Allah you will always be making go out to asking him beseeching him begging and pleading him this is your conversation with allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala never ever give up hope of a las mercy do not be in distress do not be up to do not be pessimistic the believer is always optimistic o Muslim realize that our honor lies in humbling ourselves before the one who has honor and that is Allah sees our honor lies in humbling ourselves before al Aziz and our strength lies in admitting our complete weakness in front of alka we this is how we become strong by acknowledging that the only true alcoa is allah subhanahu wata'ala and i conclude this talk by giving a very beautiful statement and piece of advice that one of the famous scholars of the past said Ibrahim even at him he was asked by his students he was asked by his students why is it that Allah doesn't answer our prayers we've been praying for a long time why doesn't he answer our prayers and so Ibrahim Adham said it is because you know Allah but you don't obey Him and you know the Prophet but you don't follow his Sunna and you know the Quran but you don't act upon it and you eat from the blessings of Allah but you are not thankful for those blessings and you know paradise but you're not striving to get to it and you know the fire of hell but you're not running away from it and you know Shaitaan but you not fight him and you know death but you do not prepare for it brothers and sisters Allah says in the Quran what does a body on e4 in nikko deep when my servant asks you about me tell him I am ever close oh gee Buddha with a diary either Dan I shall respond to the call of the one who calls out to me phileas dodgy bully let them call out to me well you mean who be and let them believe in me Lyla whom your shoe doon so that they may be rightly guided may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala grant us the Eman and the toefl and the Amal to believe in him the way that he deserves to be believed him and to worship Him the way that he deserves to be worship and to make the to him the way that he deserves to ITV made to him wha-hoo that wanna Annan hamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik ala muhammadin wa aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in [Applause] so before
Channel: SaqibSaab
Views: 193,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yasir, qadhi, allah, lord, god, journey, faith
Id: _uHlNYVa62I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2009
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