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[Music] some of the most vivid dreams that people will see in their lives are usually of their loved ones that have passed away and sometimes those dreams have really deep meanings to a point that they scare the person that saw them how do we come to terms with this are we actually seeing the dead when we dream and i was thinking about you know which dream to narrate and i remembered this incident with tufa bin ahmed adosie there are numerous dreams but i want to start with this one for a reason ahmed dosi was of course famous in his uh interaction with the prophet saw sallam he brought the tribe of dos to islam to accept islam with the prophet salallahu and he made hijla he migrated to medina and when he migrated to medina he had a man with him from his tribe and when this man made the hijra left everything behind made the hijra with tulfa with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to medina the climate of medina got to him he became ill and as he suffered his illness he cut his fingers and when he cut his fingers the the blood would flow from his hands and eventually he passed away now this is a very interesting situation says i saw him in a dream and he was in a good state meaning you know he looked to be from the people of al-jannah but his fingers were still cut off or he was he had his hands wrapped and it was clear that his fingers were still cut off so he said i asked him i said what has allah done with you and he said allah subhanahu wa to add a pardon me because of my hitra with the prophet saw islam because of my migration with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam but as for my fingers allah said to me i will not restore what you yourself ruined i will not restore what you yourself ruined and what did the prophet saw salam do tulfa says that the prophet slice and raised his hands to the sky and he says for his hands forgive him o allah and for his hands forgive him there are numerous dreams that get narrated and we find not just from the prophet's life some of the companions but throughout history of students seeing their teachers how do we come to terms with this are we actually seeing the dead when we dream are we seeing them are we seeing a representation of them how do we come to terms with this well first and foremost establish the understanding of the dream in general that bad dreams are from the shaitaan and we are to seek refuge and allah subhanahu ta'ala from them and not to entertain them so if you see a dream that displeases you say aw seek refuge in allah and don't seek the interpretation of that dream when it comes to good dreams when it comes to us seeing our deceased ones of course some people might be having you know just hadith nafs just regurgitated thoughts but the possibility of actually seeing a person that has passed away is established by the scholars of islam he describes it as the following he says that the soul moves freely at the time of sleep you know when when allah subhanahu ta'ala compares sleep to moat it is a minor death every time you go to sleep you are saying in your name o allah i die and i am given life you wake up in the morning alhamdulillah right all praises be to the one who gave us life after he took our souls after death so every night you're going to sleep there is death your soul travels it moves freely during sleep and it meets with the souls of others and so if that while you are asleep it may be that your soul would meet the soul of your loved one remember we're not limited by the dimensions of this dunya at the time of sleep and so a person might see a dead person and the dead may give them might give them advice the dead might comfort them right to let them know that i'm okay that everything is good alhamdulillah they might see their dead loved ones in a place of jannah or where you know something really good happening with them and the soul will comfort the soul of the living to say that i'm okay alhamdulillah i mean it might be that the dead asks the one who is alive to go and pay off a debt maybe they weren't aware of it remember we talked about the first thing that you do for those that have passed away so you know go to this person and pay off a debt or go seek forgiveness from this person because i hurt that person someone in my own family you know passed away in hajj and this was years ago and passing away in hajj is a form of shahada but when he passed away his children all saw the same dream at night they saw a dream of him and i'm talking about numerous children saw a dream of him asking them to go seek forgiveness from a very particular person they all woke up and they all saw the same dream of him asking them to go seek forgiveness from a particular person they did so they went to that person and then they saw a dream of him in a jannah as if to say subhanallah i mean hurting people and having those things can prevent even a righteous person the person who dies the most ideal of death from reaching their desired place with allah subhanahu so sometimes you might see a dream and your deceased one is telling you go pay off that debt go seek forgiveness from that person because i hurt that person these are all things that we find narrated over and over and over again and sometimes they might remind you of the hereafter you
Channel: iLovUAllah™
Views: 597,822
Rating: 4.9507113 out of 5
Keywords: seeing dead people in your dream, dreams in islam, dreams, 2021, mufti menk, allah, muslim, islam, ilovuallah, quran, muhammad, mercifulservant
Id: 0S4uGIAiGSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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