How can I reach my loved one who has passed away? | Dr. Shabir Ally

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this is a question from one of our viewers someone very close to me has passed away I'm struggling I'd like to know that he's safe and happy is there any way I could reach my loved one after death separates us is there a prayer he could possibly hear or could he possibly visit me in my dreams I heard the emotion and the question and and I wish the answer were simple what we know about the human soul is very little the quran says they ask you about the soul say this is from the command of god and you have not been given our knowledge except a little some scholars have tried to answer this question because people sometimes hear bizarre knockings and they want you to know you know are my loved ones coming back in America at one point there was a movement where people were trying to go through so she answers to see if they could actually invoke the dead and bring the people still do that yeah and sometimes there are fakes and gimmicks and so on to make people believe that this is actually happening but none of this is actually proven to be a fact now sometimes your psychological projection somebody really wants to see their loved one and they could actually see a glimpse of their loved one somewhere in the background or something like this and one of the translators of the Bible JB Phillips actually related that actually he saw a presence of one of the dear stalwarts of the Christian faith there with him in the room as he was going through his work of translating the Bible but again none of this has been improving to be dependable in the Islamic faith is understood that once the soul leaves the body this soul is then given to the care of the Angels if this is a good soul the soul will start to enjoy the Bliss of paradise and there is no reason why this whole would want to come back into this world whether to meet a dead a living person or or otherwise and if this soul is a bad one and then this soul is already in in some sort of confinement and and that's all would not have the freedom to roam around and visit loved ones evermore so yeah it is also related that the of the of the dead persons do get some information about what is going on in in the world so if there are good things happening especially if they're dead relative if they're living relatives are doing good deeds in their favor then they will get the reward for that and they will know that my relatives have actually done this good deed in in my favor but God knows best if this actually happens and how it actually happens as a set of the soul we know only a little thank you for your answer dr. Shapiro le you're welcome
Channel: Let the Quran Speak
Views: 82,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Shabir Ally, Quran, Muhammad, Islam, Safiyyah Ally, Let the Quran Speak, Koran, muslim, mecca, Allah, Islamic, Shabir, Imam, Mosque
Id: EZclxRbaqiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 46sec (166 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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