Seeing beyond the illusion of knowledge: Jason Latimer at TEDxWallStreet

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Translator: Tanya Cushman Reviewer: Peter van de Ven Have you ever leaned off a cliff and stared at the vastness and thought what it would be like to just step off and soar through time and space? Okay, why are you guys looking at me like that? No, there was at least one time in our lives when we used to wonder about the world. Do you remember? Do you remember wondering if you could fly? Do you remember finding out you couldn't? Dusting yourself off, pulling those tree leaves out of your hair? Refusing to accept these results, it was our sense of wonder that made us look back up at the tree and wonder why didn't that work. We were insatiably curious back then. We had impossible dreams. We had unanswered questions. I've spent my entire life just wondering what hidden secrets the world possesses. I've spent my entire education studying applied sciences, just wondering what is possible. And with all those hidden secrets I've collected along the way, I ended up creating my own style of magic - illusions that would not only help me win world championships, they would actually help me inspire wonder. So when I got the call about this event, I was so flattered and so excited about this event that when they said this year is about filling the void, I thought I was filling in for someone; I actually thought I was filling the void. Then I realized what that meant: that the art of magic, you know, the art of magic fills a void by creating wonder. Wonder evokes those questions, and those passionately asked questions are what fill our voids. Arthur C. Clarke pointed out that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. And it was that magic, as a child, that led us to destroy our family's kitchen appliances, guided by our screwdrivers of wonder. No, you remember the moment. You know, that sense of wonder ignites that passion and want to know more. I know that first hand. I was nine when my parents took me to a magic show, and I saw a beautiful red-haired lady fly high above the stage, and I saw beautiful white doves materialize out of nowhere. I saw a screeching motorcycle vanish into thin air. I saw the impossible take place that night, and that magician onstage challenged my entire understanding of the world. Everything I saw went against everything I knew, and I couldn't even fathom how he had different rules than I did. (Snapping) And then it hit me; this eruption of questions and possibilities just blew my mind. What are these new rules? And I needed to know what is ultimately possible. First, I questioned everything I knew about science. My fifth-grade teacher retired that year, by the way - just putting that out there. As I grew up, so did my approach. First mathematics, then applied physics. Studied chemistry. Went on to pursue psychology and even economics. As you can imagine, I was in college forever. I was the only undergraduate to receive tenure. (Laughter) No, I'm serious. Because I was too busy wondering about these rules. They kept changing with every new question, you know? I started thinking that every fact had what I call a tipping point. Every rule had an exception. You cannot walk on water jets. Unless the upward force would be equal to the weight. And then people would say stuff like "You can't manipulate light." Unless there was a change in its density, a change in gravity or a change in the density it went through. I started going at it the other direction. People would say stuff like - even magicians would say - "You can't play the game of follow-the-ball-under-a-cup if the cups are made of clear glass." Unless you found a way to induce inattentional blindness through a perceptual psychology class. I found out that every fact and every impossible feat had what I call one condition where it would fail. It would absolutely fail. In that pursuit of rules and answers, I found out that the right question changes everything. The secret to bringing impossible situations to life is wonder. Let me show you what I mean. I'm going to need some help from the audience. We're going to be using this table and this guy. Will you help me out? Great. Come on up. Let's give him a round of applause. (Applause) Perfect. What's your name? Adam: Adam. Jason Latimer: Pleasure to meet you, Adam. This is your bowl of wonder. We're going to use these two pitchers of water. I need you to place your hands over the bowl. I'll pour these pitchers of water through your hand if that's okay. All right. Face up. I want you to make sure nothing comes out of these pitchers of water except for water, okay? Adam, right? Adam, put your hand inside the bowl. Make sure there's no hidden compartments, trap doors. Now, more importantly, with one finger feel along the side of the bowl. Along the sides, it's smooth, right? Adam: Totally smooth. JL: Perfect. Here you go. Now, I want you guys to dream about magic with me. Let's dream about the magic of controlling water. Could we actually shape water without a container? The idea alone is a void; it's something we'd never even be familiar with. But if we really want to do it, we'd have to ask questions. What would that shape look like? What would that mean? How strong would surface tension have to be for us to control water? How can we change surface tension? More importantly, what would it look like, illusion or not, what would it be like if we could shape water? If you place your hands together, I'll place this in your hands. Please do not pop it; otherwise, we're both getting wet. How magical does that feel? So that everyone can see it. How magical does that feel? Adam: It feels ridiculous. JL: To see it ripple, to see it wobble, right? Right now, we are rethinking water, and we are wondering. This is not something I knew was possible. There was no magic section at Home Depot where you can pick up the latest shaping-water manual. Everything I could research said that this could never be done. It simply did not exist before. But in the end, all it took was just one person to wonder if it could. Let's give Adam a big round of applause. (Applause) Now, wonder urges us to ask those questions how and why. It's actually the first step in the evolution of science, math, arts, medicine and everyday life. Wonder changes the world. It makes us challenge what we know. And right now, we need to be doing that more than ever in this day and age. See, for those of us that saw the birth of the internet and those of us that love to wonder, we thought we had found the golden goose. But for the next generation, it's different. Stephen Hawking pointed it out best. He said, "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it's the illusion of knowledge." And for the first time in history, parents have to deal with the fact that our teenagers can actually say they know it all. Because they grew up believing that in their hands, they have answers to everything. And no one has to wonder any more. Our screwdrivers are obsolete. No one has to wonder what's over the horizon. You can find the center of the universe just as fast as you can find the next Starbucks. And you can do it on the same website. You know, while incredible - the internet is incredible - the accessibility to information is really undermining wonder. See, we search a question, we get an answer, and we move on. And no one's really challenging it. No one's really - everybody looks at the internet like it's a magical crystal ball of knowledge. And we've become complacent with whatever its answers are. But I do like pointing out on this topic right now, "Don't forget: we gave the internet its answers." So how can we expect to challenge what we know by asking it questions? Wonder about it this way: If the internet were around when we collectively thought the earth was flat, we would never have been able to search the true shape of earth on any search engine because all of us would have known different. We would never have known. See, when we don't have an answer, or at least a definitive answer, we wonder. We question the environment; we question the rules. We wonder if the water was actually shaped. But when the internet pumps out an answer to that question, we assume it's definitive, and we have to remember that the internet is just a massive library on steroids. That's assuming any of us remember what a library is, by the way. Despite all its information, despite all its answers, the library doesn't think. The internet doesn't wonder where the answer came from. It doesn't challenge what it knows. Search engines don't determine what's right or what's wrong; they simply give us what's relevant to the majority of its users. Search engines give us the most popular opinion on the subject, and let's face it, those really revolutionary ideas don't start off too popular. Generally, it's the opposite. Every time you click that very first result on a search engine, whether the next page is right or wrong, you've just reinforced that popular opinion to the next user. You know, we have to remember the internet's a passive technology. We're the active technology. We have to be insatiably curious with our rules and our answers in the age of information because looking at our history of knowledge, we've been pretty good at being wrong. Think about it. We thought the earth was the center of the universe. Until someone questioned it. And then we thought the atom was the smallest particle in the universe. Until someone questioned that. Now, up until recently, up until this year, there was no debate that the speed of light was constant, and up until 10 minutes ago, you thought bringing a magician to a TED event was a great idea. (Laughter) I think it's awesome that science has actually pointed out that most of these wrong ideas were true at one time. I mean, there was always those that felt differently, but the idea is that the popular opinion accepted common knowledge as scientific fact. Now, in all fairness, we weren't really wrong to be thinking this way. We were not wrong to think the earth was flat. It was simply a matter that our data was limited at the time. Right? Our data was limited. So how do we know our data isn't still limited? And the wonderful answer is we don't. We don't know the rules. We don't even know if there are rules. All we can determine from our history is that the only thing separating the impossible from the possible was the individual that was wondering about the right question. So we need to bring out that child-like wonder so that we can see beyond the illusion of knowledge in the age of information. Because if we really want to change things - in ourselves, in our community or in the world - we need to embrace, we need to believe in those unanswered questions and those impossible dreams. We need to embrace wonder, to ask questions, hundreds of them, as if we were children. Because unless each and every one of us fills our own voids with those hows, those whys, those what-ifs, those can-I's, nothing will change. The world wasn't shaped by its answers. It was shaped by its questions, and there's no reason why that next question can't come from any of us. Thank you very much. (Applause)
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 43,423
Rating: 4.9041533 out of 5
Keywords: TEDx, Technology, Science, Entertainment, Global Issues, Psychology, tedxwallstreet, filling the void, united states, english, Jason Latimer, World Champion of Magic, Magic, Magician, Illusion, inspiring wonder, motivational, laser magic, bend light, bending light, walking on water, walking on fountain jets, fountain walk, cups and balls, shaping water, magic with water, truck to truck, teleportation, wonder in pi, Illusion of knowledge, Stephen Hawking, Arthur Clarke, TED talk
Id: DVlyc1sncwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2013
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