Seeding Last Fields Of Canola. And Little Horse Clip For My Nephew Paxton!!!

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or just uh making some pens here and all what well and hurry now good and you nice so I guess what the plan is now we kind of change the plans a bit here because this wind won't really right off already like this stupid ATK yesterday 90k the day before mol gusting to 50 today like oh my already this is so we've changed plans and as I said in my last video there I got a goal that would have had to go and burn the flag shop but I can't get there and I want to get that straight ahead because there's lots of folks on that one Ansel so that's kind of the plan I guess but now like I said what the new plan is we're gonna go home and seed canola piss on I was gonna see flax and like a I put my grain trailer in front of my flax bin so that's good I'm pretty sure I could skit it away but whatever it do the canola first and I'm gonna switch out and do the flax and then I'll go back and see dot top section a week at the end and then I'm done so other than some feet barley ever see that much that won't mean till I get the college open pasture so hopefully that will be here soon - but anyway I'd like to get the canola in before the rain comes and I guess I'm hoping that will work out for a guy but you know how it goes on wrecking everything ranch so my guest that is the new plan so alright we are going to I gotta clean the weed out of the tank here on this on the drill yet and I'm just gonna put in two tote bags probably what would be in there like 30 bushels so not even quite it's a full ton so I'm gonna clean that all leave it in a bag that now I don't have to contaminate press my seat in case I don't use it all or whatever so that's a plan but I guess I'll see you in a bit when I get home I'm gonna wring clean oh hey boys we got the roller changed that's a coarse roller fine rollers in there a little blue one and the fine ladies at Patterson green in town brought us our canola seed oh man and when doesn't know what to do it's gonna get that flax burn but anyways we're going to hoist that up there and then only trick is it hot in here whoo it's like a glass huh there we go like I said we're gonna lift these pallets up top of the drill and then I can just load them in from there cause it'll run over Billy over to hack he's gone to so pull it taut okay it's like 30 degrees today anyway I guess swing around here put these up on top of the drill and then it off to yank him off her gentle have to do is yank him off and I'll have to carry him up so that'll be really good let's say they don't want to monetize me for static and we're gonna get this closer I'm optic distraught over with the cultivator and make a better fire guard here in a bit so we'll see how she goes so anyway I'll get these dumped in and I'll bring you back in a few I guess guys how's that sound yeah really good yeah okay yeah okay seeing a few how are you now well we're just I got a head up to the neighbor's place and get their Deutz in there disc er I phoned them and they said I could borrow it again so I don't like the fire guard on that flack says a little bit of straw and stuff mixed in with the dirt gets old excuse me I'm thinking on a hot day like to the egg it might bugger off boss you go on Metro way over there spraying so I'm gonna borrow there's actually Don and Ken's a doctor and disk and we'll fix up the old fire dirt so anyway on another note I had a comment on my last video that here's what it stated I think you swear too much all you do is cus and swear I think I'm gonna stop watching because all you do is cost pen swear well right off I couldn't give a flying what do you think I'd subscribe it doesn't matter I really don't care oh I lost the subscriber today whatever you don't need to leave a comment telling me now you're gonna quit watching I really don't give a so anyway now that that's out of the system let's go and get some burning done all right seeing a few are you now this disk enough a storm here the neighbors dudes old dudes dudes dudes it's a pretty sweet old girl actually it's a little hot here but pretty sweet doing a nice job anyway see here the fire guard was pretty good but you get like where the outside round was where that guy was bailing and it's kind of shooting like the swath or whatever is right along the edge where we dropped the straw and some of it I guess the other guy didn't bail it all up so basically what I'm trying to do is take one Morse one more pass pass the swath here and then we should be okay so man away I guess see in a few if you guys never burned flack shop before you don't know how hot this is holy Christ melt the guy anyways I think the fire guards pretty good now I'll take the old Dukes over and probably gonna be pretty good I think we'll see how things go okay take one more pass down the old trail there like I said it just it's just that one side so it's not too bad I got a good fire guard I think down there right just shot the truck there so pretty near down all that way I might do you know what I might do is go up to that corner and bring another one back and then not wait that way I won't have to worry about it son with my luck soon as I bugger off or take the tractor back and the damn fire will take off or something so anyway I'm gonna leave or do it so I'm gonna get back to the grill yet [Applause] rest of my stuff calibrator fertilizer loader so until all right seeing a huge you guys started to travel they maybe that's okay that's why I pulled her to light up their first I way it can bugger off on her and away looking pretty good looking pretty good here we go are you know boys woohoo going on - man making the headlines here on the old wheat stubble just where we had wheat last year that ran pretty good so I just got the depth set on the drill I think I'm gonna go up to this corner here and then we'll a lot I'll hop out and get a quick look at it and see where we're at so I checked the wings and everything and we're all they doing about four and a half four and a half around the headlines here so about 27 gallons an acre our plan is to top dress this - we tried got one year really worked well so anyway that's the plan yeah I don't know whether or not I'm gonna leave a little fence check and Road here for the vod's and the horse and yeah I guess that's it so miss the fence here my passion result believe two years ago I know I better get off the bull and air pay attention I hate the seat and canola so risky so anyway we'll get it all set and I'll bring you back here in a few guys grass is actually coming good in there but anyway got a giver writer on the lake I'll bring you back when I get a nice view so I'll talk to you in a bit okay boys it's checking everything over here got fertilizer dripping from the tips oh ho let her drip from the tips oh yeah anyway I can't really check depth on a headland but when I want to check is my liquid we're kind of on of an angle here and I would say we're close to 600 gallons so we've used about 200 US gallon Samara Imperial so I gotta figure that over to us but I think everything's looking pretty good back here so usually what I do then like say when I was looking for the week there should be some canola's [Applause] I might have to reset my depth again when I find gonna get going across this last year I seated this huh see the deceased last last year so I have to I'm gonna see it in north-south so there's one you know you saved a little guy and you just cover it back up very cool so I've got about 3/4 of an inch that's pretty good on the headline goal don't forget your rent the reason why I do it a little bit deeper on the headline is because you can see my rose from last year the depth gets off and then I end up having canola seed sitting on top of the gum which they will grow if a guy gets rain but if you don't get rain like we have me in the last couple years it's not worth the ship oh yeah look at this view guys [Applause] there's a thumbnail if I can stand on a post [Applause] anyway there's the lake so I'll go set my pumping and I'll bring you back in a bit here guys how she going boy well we're filling up the liquid here I did 67 acres last night so I was good this rocking Oh with old Luke Holmes there go check out the OL and stuff page boy anyway we're filling this up and we gotta blow my rat out yet don't mind the wind noise and hopefully we get rolling here pretty soon I got the pit all loaded up boss is loaded in the back again just got to fill this up date hunter and ever go in a bit Oh metro and speedy look at I'm giving her these guys mystic governor all right Tina bit well boy she's a windy one again so we're about half full here we've already put up its offer in the cart built the canola built the boss again and we're just hopping her up with UEN and we're gonna give her hit here again pretty good I give the kids a break a run into the house for a little bit there so that was good right cool in there it's so humid today my air conditioner was dripping a bit so I come in and charge it up a little down a little wee bit and I blew my radiators out and high air filter behind the cab there too so hopefully it'll be good to go at all but hopefully the wind noise isn't too bad for you guys anyway I guess we'll get her fill up here and keep on trucking so well see you in a few I gotta get another load of super B load of fertilizer yet my god what if I got left 3,000 gallons in this one so might be close to be empty tonight so hopefully we'll get a load here by the end of the week at least I gotta be pumping quite a bit on here with the canola and then when I get over to Louisa straight night utensil anyway I guess I'll be in a little bit it's too good to be true I was having a real good day and then I went on the hill over there and I lost the shank spring I gotta go to the shop and see if I can find if I can enough to take my truck right away and see if I can find it there was a bolt with two pieces a square tubing on either side inch and a quarter inch and a half and there cotton not just a spacer for a flat mark and then and holds a spring on I think I had a who knows what our it's something anyway so to send back to the yard I got to frickin windows are dirty I got to come back here and see if I got one in the shop so that's I'm going to do first to get here I'll pull up and go up by the shop I guess and then have a look in there and see what I can find for parts there's also a flat piece of steel that goes in there are two bolts that holds the spring and I'm not sure if I got those are not much probably on something that will work so anyway I guess see you in a bit then oh not at all my darling our man away it was shank right on the left side of your screen I guess and behind their side I loose not pissing off to you clap sit slide it over I didn't find the piece but I found the piece in the shop so that's on come on it tomorrow we're gonna think what I'll do is I'll just I'll head over out there with the truck in the morning and then that way I should be able to see where the pieces I hold them so anyway I guess we're gonna go back and give it to eyes okay see in a few how'd you like those apples boys we got her done okay so this frickin thing and that's as far as I can zoom up I wanted to show you the whole field but it won't dang it anyways that's her so we got the canola done or this quarter anyways I got another 80 acres to do here I'll probably gonna start that yet tonight Oh what time is it here I think it's about 10:30 quarter 11 so I'm gonna head home and fill everything up and give her again man is it windy here again like 80 K freakin sickening already so anyways look at this I wanted to show you this too [Music] not so much Foss I got left in my opera can see the roller so that's a pretty good setting there boys for the amount of boss that I needed so I guess we're gonna fold her up here and bomb her back to the archives I'm gonna drive over to the other piece I'll just just drive like this to the art oh hey my guys I guess thanks for watching we see in the next one and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't if you have thanks a lot guys sure appreciates it trying to weed out these liberals here so wrong anyway this boats killed her there so I guess thanks for to calm at sky so I really appreciate that too so hello wait can I go and like a sad head back to the yard fill up but canola fill up with liquid we gotta fill the boss too and I start on this last corner canola here so all right thanks for watching see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 4,340
Rating: 4.9586921 out of 5
Id: 3YfMjtftbCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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