Made a little road trip!

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[Music] [Music] morning guys sorry dirty there anyway we are going to mean some are going on a road trip today we're going down to a friend's place we got to get some aeration equipment he's got a set of air tubes that I can stick in the door and then run off 110 so that's what I'm gonna do today I guess gotta get the out of here this goddamn snow put the old harvesters stand still I got about three hundred acres of flocks to get off yet it's over we will be needing to dry some grain anyway there's my err been over there now you got set up in a previous video we're gonna take this old girl on grab a fan and some tubes and go look at some drill stem and some some aeration tubes and stuff so and I think I already said that we're going to head down there me and summer and get everything we need he's got enough stuff there for another two bins but I don't have power over on this side of the yard I have to use a generator to run my fan so I don't want to buy another generator so what I'm gonna do is go to probably one of those bins with the sliding doors and I'll just cut it into it and yeah go from there I guess so alrighty way well I'll see you in a bit when we're on the road here I gotta hook my cattle trailer yet to you so be a little while alright we're off on our road here we've got probably a three-hour drive two and a half I guess we're gonna take the number one this time as double a McCann just hammer down and give it what are you talking about oh I forgot that for going to workout this morning the Chuck even reminds you ABS ABS ABS yeah okay whatever I'll do what's wrong with you back there not even sure a all right okay mom we'll see and we're gonna go to town to grab a coffee and a doughnut for summer and we're gonna keep on truckin here so I'll talk to you in a bit he's a blesser here boys for Blizzard that's not too bad here but we got some coffee and donuts we're good Terry didn't have no chokecherry champ donuts and I checked it all out but did they're all fresh your honor of them but something's gone a sparkling one they're a summer yeah all righty then I guess they'll keep on trucking here softy in a couple hours my time you like the heck look at more crop out here Jesus Christ snow had to come it's not mine I don't know whose it is but that's a lot of acres they're full section of cannoli [Music] anyway whatever baby show melt and we'll get her later our possibly next year right summer yeah she says yeah so anyway we are a little over halfway there No so just saw the white board I guess took a different route this time see how long it takes going this so he might be my best bet now from now on so we'll see what happens usually when I go to Estevan I go south of my place and then over so it's a little bit quicker going that way to go down s fam but I get over to read verse ere bellegarde it's a little I can be shorter going this way all righty we will see you in a little bit here recording visor that is that but to start the home of the old seed haka to understand ended up selling I guess my father-in-law was a general manager here back in the day when they're still Seahawk and old hat mojo who sold his shares or whatever the happened her that bat Erstad bought a motor yes so anyways a little story there for you guys right sir what the heck look at more crop out here Jesus Christ snow I had to come it's not mine whose it is but that's a lotta acres a full section of cannoli [Music] anyway whatever baby show melton we'll get her later our possibly next year all right son yeah she says yeah so anyway we are a little over halfway there no so just saw the white board I guess took a different route this time see how long it takes gonna so he might be my best bet now from now on so we'll see what happens here when I go to Esteban I go south of my place and then over so it's a little bit quicker going that way go down this fan but I get over to read verse air Belgard it's a little I can be shorter going this way alrighty we will see you in a little bit here alright guys we are just about at our destination here was that a long drive or a lot yeah oh wow we're here anyway I'm to wait and see keep watching the video see where we are anybody recognize Park there anyway we'll see you in a bit show you where we are nice well guys weird hell are we to me we didn't come fix a baler but seeing them here might as well do something I guess can't hurt can't hurt yeah so the boys blew another bearing on the baler Jesus next and I'm not gonna video this that's enough videos of the same thing now I'll go guide them in pawn area is now gonna say now probably there we go I gotta get her unhooked here nozzle so talk in a bit but we decided to go for a drive it's too cold we left time to his own devices there so come to Grandpa Henry's he said it'll be a great old time other than it's minus 40 old it's kind of shitty but there's Dom's cousin old Massey man the old late 60s everybody likes to see actually this one everybody likes yeah a hundred thousand views for the old 1682 anyways we're gonna go look at some drill sim I don't want your Ford to break down and ditch no one have to walk home what alrighty we'll see in a bit alrighty guys we're on our way back to the so sauce farm here just fine looked at a bunch of pie picked up some aeration tubes fix little keeg up from school straighter anyway we got our you know coming back we got the little munchkins in here so you hi you guys [Music] say hi no vodka today anyway ronery back we're gonna go help lon fix the baler here I guess for a little bit so we'll see you here in a few there's the bus [Music] other night on he won't say a word anyways see it shakes his head like you normally does yeah come on tell us what you done to the baler this time look at the slave labor here Hey okay what are you gonna use well the two JB Cooke belt how they both the same oh that's easy good but stronger it is stronger yep I don't know caterpillar engine block repair that's good I don't that's what it is perfect go there you go so here's OD there's a problem they're having the shop does water down on their baler and it keeps on moving the shaft over and and that and then wrecks our bearings right away so I gotta try some JP weld on the shaft and go from there so let it set up up to get the bearings on so how are you guys making out good Keegan good good all right seeing a bit oh we're back here again we just go back to the house we got all our gear on the back first drying some green hopefully we don't like on fire but whatever right guys right gig right summer right Nik you know what yeah oh yeah oh yeah well anyways guys were uh kids that fun us me and Nik the big kids we also had fun so anyways I'm gonna head her home here pretty quick we're gonna get some DEET right summer on our way home so we did good we didn't even swear once in front of the kids ha God sakes look what you have done now god damn it yeah cover your ears kids yeah cover your yeah good also we're perfect yeah all right we'll see and a few underwear get on the road here Sienna last look I'm easy he's just having a gay old time there today so anyway and we gotta stop and get some treats for the way home we got two hour drive ahead of us so anyway we will see you in a few minutes we're gonna do uh probably get some fuel to or just about empty ah no we got another tank or good way got time any summer so Robbie stop and read verse get some snacks for the way home and found her way there hopefully on the back of the old truck here a whole bunch aeration stuff so we want to get that set up me gone probably them all and then hopefully get back harvest and again I guess we'll see if the snow melts or whatever we can do with it so anyway I'll talk to you here in a few to sit near a deal Musa Minh Tim Hortons maybe they should sponsor us you know that's twice you've been here one day whoo hey summer you like Tim Hortons anyway just the thought well guys excuse me oh that was these a little break I guess from this stressful snow crap seeing a video I hear on Twitter about ranking your swathes with the snow on console I see the guy doing it that's around us here or so a guy made up to give that a good little shot here one of these days try it on the flax and maybe get some flats off but anyways we picked up the aeration tubes and fans got heater D another one so Nava got three so we'll set up a bunch of bins at home and get to grind some green castle all in all hopefully everything works out for us see how she goes thanks to so SAS farmer there mr. Nicklaus got us hooked up there so good visit get that fine I don't know like right quite the real good group of guys down there I'll tell you not much anyway thanks a lot guys and thanks for watching [Music] tuck the video here or is suppose to do not play over there that's the art there so seems Nick sent me sent everybody over to my channel here I'll finish the video like he doesn't want it to be are years old but yeah I don't know I guess we will give so much I had snow here again so now weather Curtis drop button mother nature always wins the old whatever is what it is and change in so anyway guys thanks for watching give her the old George Strait there Chuck yes or no subscribe to the channel leave a comment if you haven't subscribed to selfs ass farmer and get your butts over there and do the same you'll probably have a video here shortly I don't know one guy I want to give a bit of a shout out to there you guys if you haven't checked them all go check out hi farmer man he doesn't there's no swearing over there buddy it's just a young guy trying to try to make us make his way in farming and try to educate people on the cattle side of things they got a little small train farm there too so check him out but anyways guys like I said thanks Nick and everybody donuts so sighs farmer there and I guess we'll see you next time see how she goes we just got home there that's about I don't know two hour drive I guess we still haven't got her new well hooked up so I guess the next job is gonna be heading back to town we'll get some water Jesus Christ as the skin - already fooling back there in the next air do so anyway we will talk to you later I got a snow akkad sickening
Channel: Straight Pipe Acres
Views: 7,970
Rating: 4.9181104 out of 5
Id: VeyqzxDYGIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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