Seeding Grass In My Enormous Yard

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foreign [Music] good morning everybody it is a beautiful day in Nebraska the sun is shining there's a few clouds in the sky corn is coming up and fields are getting sprayed which means the next logical step is to get pivots going he has already sprayed the pivot that way so now we're going to start the pivot moving this way and you can spray everything over here and under the pivot drive it just moves like just move it out of the way so you can spray it underneath the pivot exactly at the end of the field you can see the little mobile Spray Station that's set up there's a semi truck and a flatbed trailer and then the flatbed trailer has all of the equipment needed for the sprayer so it's got a big water tank all of the pre-emergent chemicals and if you come and look out at the field our corn should just be starting to come up and as soon as this field is done being sprayed we are going to start running the pit with water oh I see little baby corn plants pick this little guy out just starting to poke his head aren't they so cute what are the odds it starts Grant oh a 10 out of 10. even if at the start we brought the handy Ranger with some supplies in case we need to fix it all right I'm ready oh might have been a little mouth now might have been a family of mice living in that thing this winter it's kind of hard to tell but trust me it's moving thank you [Applause] what you're seeing him spray is about 90 water and then there's some fertilizer in there and just a few chemicals to suppress any weed pressure that might harm our Corn's chances for survival and thriving we want our corn to have the best chance to grow as quickly and as strongly and as efficiently as possible [Music] come here Scotty come here we gotta tell him what's been going on oh yes put his Dirty Paws in my face so it's been a little while since we told you guys what's been going on with the yard we've been kind of busy planting and so I just wanted to give you guys a little update on what's been going on around here Scotty's been uh minimizing the Gopher population around here he's being ferocious lately now the Gophers don't have any more grass to eat since we tilled it all up they have been scrounging around and so Scotty's been lying and we've been able to pick off a lot of gophers which has been incredibly helpful actually so as you can see luckily we don't have any weeds growing up and that's a very good thing because we don't have our sprinklers installed yet but that's soon to come but I have gone through and picked out all sorts of concrete chunks bricks cans bottles I think there used to be some kind of Old Farm set here and so when we went through and tilled everything up and then tilled everything up again and then tilt it up again and then tilt it up again and again and then smoothed it and then tilled it again these big chunks here they just keep working their way up to the surface so it was definitely an old Farmstead here at one point being a big work in progress to try to get rid of these but we have had everything leveled and graded out and then as you can see from these markings we're going to widen this drive because as you remember the whole point of starting this project in the first place was to make this yard more maneuverable for our farm equipment so we want to be able to pull a combine here through here to be able to pull a fully loaded semi we have a Circle Drive I want to be able to make the most use out of it so this is um like a really old original well and today we're going to be having this pulled we are going to be finishing seeding um we're doing some nice like lawn grass or doing a lot of natural native prairie grasses um which is going to be really fun I don't want to have to mow a lot of it so I want to be able to keep a lot of natural Prairie but what I do have to mow luckily we have a very nice mower to do that with I want to show you that to you [Applause] ta-da I realize that it's in the corner of a shed and it's by above a pallet of old pivot parts so it doesn't look like it's much but wait till you see this thing in action before we get started we have a little checklist to follow we need to check the engine oil grease zerks and transmission for proper lubrication and uh just give it a little once over make sure everything looks okay ready to find the dipstick oh I think that's just is this just where you add on no hey [Music] [Music] this is my second year in a row running a Toro Z Master 2000 and once this lawn project is complete I'm excited to put many more hours on this thing we got some uh different looking tractor colors on the farm today Grant you're matching that one I suppose so we got a Kubota and this is what we're going to be actually seeding the lawn with open it up back here see what we got that's not corn seed there's some native prairie grasses and brown grasses we're gonna be putting out there and then with this super cute little lawn tractor a little bit different than the big tire tractor I'm used to running we're gonna be putting some dried fertilizer on and I think if I ask nice enough to let me do it myself can you handle 170 horsepower it's pretty different looking I don't know I think I can figure it out buttons in here it's got a sunroof like that it's her battery uh kill switch Yeah these buttons green underneath the cold I'm done things are firing up all right I think you can run this Chipotle I think so I've never run one of these before you're a ran an orange tractor before I have not so you're just pushing the clutch okay and then on this little lever here up now I'm in gear now I'm going to press my three point down and I'm gonna shift up a little throttle [Music] and we're planting grassy we're playing grass seed just like that [Music] look at that easy as that Where's the auto steer button I don't think this thing has that I don't think it has it it's gonna have our grass in perfect straight lines boy we're doing full circle here we we're mowing grass and planting grass in the same video in the same video hopefully Sunday soon I guess I will be mowing these grass but hopefully someday soon I'll be mowing that grass right there around the house that hasn't been seated yet all right now rate this Kubota cap what do you think you know I find it to be pretty similar LG that's kind of what it feels like those telehandlers we have oh yeah it does feel like that that's kind of what it feels like but that could just because you shift with you know this thing over here the little paddle thing or you put it into gear over here I guess you through it um and maybe it's just because it's orange I don't know the color you think you're making pretty straight lines back there I'm trying to it is kind of nice like once you set this thing down it's just a drill so you don't have to press any fancy buttons to start that yeah it's all chain drive maybe I'll hop out and uh go check that out okay foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] I didn't want to steal all the seed time your parking brake isn't off dang it great it's got to be all the way down hey uh don't forget to put it down you're not doing anything right now just checking just checking [Applause] now we really need a rain thank you it's a capless tractor I think so too wanna do that real quick oh there you go [Music] you guys have watched so much lawn progress happen this is something that Grant and I were really really excited to do ever since purchasing our house we rented this for a long time and couldn't do anything with the property and so being able to not only upkeep it but improve it and then maintain it and show you guys the journey along the way just found some wire out here is really a privilege and I know that none of this would be possible without you guys so just know that I really appreciate it and I'm glad that you guys are along for the ride whether I am planting 80 acres of corn or I'm planting a yard of grass seed so thanks for watching today's video and we'll see in the next one bye
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 383,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Vlog, John deere, tractor, machinery, construction, truck
Id: JuBZFCNmee4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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