Sadhguru-Don't be identified with your mind.

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called Krishnadevaraya you heard of him hmm not very famous here you have and he also had not a minister but a jester then Ali Ramakrishna you heard of him okay then and replica Telugu people okay pennilyn Intuit another recently in United States I met a doctor who second name is Tenali I was immediately excited about this I thought you're from Tenali I asked he said yes my village is Tenali then I was joking to him about Ramakrishna but the Infanta the unfortunate thing was he had never heard about Tenali Ramakrishna and he did not know that he came from his village maybe he went the United States too early anyway one day Krishnadevaraya was having a haircut the Royal barber was giving him a haircut he was civilized you know not and a crow came and sat there and started doing its usual caca the barber stopped the haircut with a resting attention Josh started listening to the crow Krishna the Orion looked at him and said what is this what are you listening to the crow as if you can understand what the crow is saying he said wait your majesty wait his he has a message and very carefully heard it for a long time and then shook his head Krishna they were I became very curious what is this you understand the crows yes what is he saying Your Majesty this crow has come as a messenger of your forefathers from heaven and what he is saying is that they're in heaven and uncared for above all there is nobody to entertain them there is nobody to keep them happy they are there everything is physically taken care of but there is nobody to entertain them so they're really longing for some help from you that's why they have sent this grow as a messenger we must send somebody to heaven to entertain your forefathers how can we leave them like that unentertaining your forefathers krishna they were i immediately became very emotional my forefathers are bored and suffering because of lack of attention and entertainment i must send the best entertainment so let's see what who is the best dancer who is the best musician who is the best whatever all this then a few other courtiers arrived and all of them said oh your majesty if you are willing I am willing to go but I can't sing for nuts but if you want me to go and serve your forefathers I will go to heaven and serve right now like this they built it up but then they said no for your forefathers they must set the send the best of the best how can we send a musician how long can he entertain you if you hear him for two days you finish with him if you were if you send the dancer how long if you see him for a few days you finish with him we must send somebody who can keep them continuously entertain who better than 10 Ali Ramakrishna he can keep your forefathers forever entertain because he is so ingenious he is the best guy Krishna there I also agreed there is nobody like Tenali Ramakrishna he is the best entertainment I won't like the part with him but my forefathers he was in emotion he said yes we will send Tenali Ramakrishna then Tenali Ramakrishna was called and he heard the story as to how he should go to heaven to service of war fathers immediately he to contact Oh Your Majesty I'm more than willing this is such an honor I am going I also know this whole thing how to go the barber had also received instructions as to how to send a man to heaven The Crow instructed how to send a man to heaven they said you must make the man sitting facing south and then you must get lot of sandalwood camphor and ghee the heap should raise well about an elephant a full-grown elephant and it should be only sandalwood pure ghee and camphor and keep the man inside build this whole heap and then set fire to it as it goes this fire should burn for a minimum of three days and then the man will evaporate and go to heaven and so the forefathers then Allah Ramakrishna said this is the correct method this is the best way I will go on serve your forefathers it is just that let me make the preparation I want to purify my body in my mind and everything before I go there I want to take off all the doshas in me give me just 30 days time a grand sight was prepared a huge thing going on then ulema Krishna personally went and supervise the whole process and he only set up this whole thing with this trusted laborer he created the whole sight the way he wants it Krishna they were I was moved with Tenali Ramakrishna dedication towards his forefathers that he's willing to go to heaven that they came and Tenali Ramakrishna went in into haystack first and then over that this whole hill of wood and ghee and camphor was built and then set fire three days it was kept burning after three days nothing but ashes were there then our Emma Krishna disappeared many months past Krishna they were I have wondered what is happening to his forefathers because the damned crow did not come again and tell what is happening every day when the crows came he asked the barber what are they saying what are they saying the this is not the crow this is just an ordinary crow not the messenger crow after eight months one day in when Krishna there I was in the full assembly of the coq10 Allah gamma arrived with long hair and a long beard and he bowed down to Krishnadevaraya and Krishna they were eyes were overjoyed that Analia has come back from heaven and he said what is happening on my fourth forefathers well did you keep them happy I kept them very happy they have been splitting in their sides with my jokes they're really enjoying everything it's just that they have one problem your majesty what is that they say he said there are no barbers in heaven look at me even I couldn't have a shave and your forefathers for so many years they tripping on their own boots it has become really difficult that they're carrying long beards around their neck and they're really having a problem they need a good barber we must send the best barber of course the best one is a royal one Krishna they were I immediately said I will send my personal Baba the barber quick then he came in felid krishna they arrived feet and admitted i did this horrible thing why I'm saying this to you is once you're identified with something your perception gets so distorted so distorted from the day you are born to increase your identity with your family your parents have been campaigning how you belong to them and what to increase your loyalty to your community and caste and creed and religion other people have been campaigning to increase your loyalty and you're even willing to die for your country some other people are campaigning on different levels people are constantly campaigning to ensure that you are deeply deeply identified with something so that you will serve those purposes nobody wants you to be a liberated human being because they're afraid of freedom they believe that the one is if one is free he may do irresponsible things only because one is not free he does irresponsible things if one is truly free why will he do anything irresponsible why will he do anything harmful he is not free in his mind that is why he does desperate things isn't it he's too identified with himself and nothing else so he can harm somebody else if he's not even identified with this one there is no harm coming out of such a human being it cannot come out of him so because of this campaigns you get so identified and everything gets distorted we can run a campaign to make you believe just about anything I want you to notice if we campaign hard enough we can make you worship anything we can make you hate anything we can make you love anything we can make you give up your life and anything it is just that we have to work on your identification how strong is your identity that is how much you go isn't it once your intellect is identified mind is no more a harmonious circus it's a mess of a circus the whole system of yoga the technology of yoga is only towards this right now what we are offering as inner engineering is fundamentally just this it's not a teaching it is not a philosophy it is not an ideology or a belief system or a religion it is just a technology to create a distinction if you go into this process what they're doing to you is just this if you sit here your physical body is here what you call as your mind is out here what is you is away from this once this little space between you and the activity of the mind between you and the activity of the body arises within you now mind is no more a mess it is a great symphony it is a tremendous possibility it can take you to great heights if this distinction is not there it is this distinction which unfortunately got misinterpreted as non attachment or detachment yes you must detach yourself from your body experience Li not detaching yourself from family or people or whatever else from life around you that's very easy when they become inconvenient you can detach yourself then a diverse is a detachment isn't it a diverse is not a detachment detachment means that you have disentangled yourself from the process that you call as body from the process that you call as mind because both these things are an accumulation from outside this body how did you gather this breakfast lunch dinner breakfast lunch dinner breakfast lunch dinner and snack how did you accumulate the mind all the impressions that you received through the five sense organs became the mind so these two accumulations if you have to gather so much accumulation naturally there must be something more fundamental than that within you or what we call as yourself should be something little more than the accumulation that you gathered so once this distinction arises within you once you liberate your mind from being identified with anything then mind is a miracle mind is a spectacular circus not a mess you have questions this Sadhguru what is the process for identification now whatever is generally being referred to as a spiritual process let's understand what that is you telling your prayers may not be spiritual why I'm saying this is 99% of the prayer on this planet is only about dear God give me this give me that save me protect me that is a survival process just that you're rooting your survival through heaven that's all so what you are referring to a spiritual ease that in some way the experience of your life has transcended the limitations of the physical the body is physical the mind is also physical when I say the mind is physical it is just like can very clearly see that this lightbulb is physical but the electricity behind the light is also physical the light that it throws out is also physical similarly not only your brain is physical the mind is also physical the thoughts that it generates also physical whether you're thinking about the god of the devil it is still physical now I am thinking spiritual thoughts there is no such thing thought is physical and whatever you think is always coming from a certain accumulated information within yourself information is physical memory is physical gathering of information is always physical isn't it it may get subtle but still physical so if your experience of life comes to a point where something beyond the physical becomes a living reality for you then your spiritual in what way is it significant to make this happen if a dimension beyond the physical becomes a living reality for you then naturally the body and the mind are two processes that you handle sensibly you will see the moment this experience arises within you the way your physical body reorganizes itself its capability to reorganize itself is absolutely miraculous you will see people go through one single initiation when they come out their faces have changed within a week or two you will see the very way their body functions will change the very way they look you will see there is a difference because body's ability to reorganize itself if you liberate it from a deep crippling identity is so fantastic the same goes for the mind to mind will go through tremendous transformation that may not be visible for other people but the body's transformation will be clearly clearly visible because it can be easily measured so what needs to happen for you to have a dimension beyond the physical alive within you is right now your whole perception is limited to five sense organs five sense organs in the very nature of things can perceive only that which is physical is it so you can see hear smell taste and touch only that which is physical that which is beyond the physical cannot be perceived by sense perception so if your senses or if your perception raises beyond the sense perception then that which is beyond the physical becomes a living reality for you why is it that it is not on in everybody why is it so it is simply because for the survival process to happen for your survival to be taken care of five sense organs are more than enough so they come to you at the very time of moment of birth and they are on these files and Sorkin's are more than sufficient for you to survive on this planet so they are on by themselves only if you develop a longing to know something beyond survival if you transcend the limitations of the instinct of survival only then the other dimension of perception becomes open within you otherwise they never open up they just don't open up because you don't create that possibility within yourself right now if you look at your life every single activity that you're performing in your life is all about survival physical survival psychological survival emotional survival financial survival social survival like this many levels of survival but it's all survival so when everything in you is focused only in survival the very nature of the instinct of survival is that it wants to build protective walls around you you are many concept concentric walls actually you will see these walls if a man that you do not know approaches you you have a wall there right there for him he has to stop right there even if your neighbor comes you have a wall there for him if your friend comes you have a wall here if your family comes you have a wall here but for everybody you have a wall isn't it you are many centric walls one over the other because this is the work of the instinct of survival it constantly goes on building walls of protection for yourself and these walls of self-protection are also the walls of self imprisonment when it starts suffocating you you want to break it but your instinct of self-preservation is on in everything so it won't let you break it so unnecessarily life goes through a totally unnecessary turmoil because your identification is so strong with the physical body there is a confusion between the two the only thing that needs to be preserved in you is your physical body everything can be trampled down right now and rebuilt the next moment isn't it so no we won't allow it your thoughts your ideas your emotions your personality if you are willing we can just demolish it right now this moment and rebuild it the next moment but no if I step on your foot and say if I step on your foot you'll say it's alright but if I step on your idea your emotion your personality you will be deeply hurt that is your problem right now the instinct of self-preservation has extended itself beyond its round instinctive press elf preservation is only with the physical body rest of it should be wide open to everything but because of a strong identification with the body you have made your personality also like a body the mental activity also like a body the thought structure also like a body emotion also like a body it is an emotional body a mental body you have and it hurts more than the physical body isn't it so so it is because of this identification a confusion has happened to the life within you it is not clear-cut now your intellect cannot function in a sane manner it cannot cut through and show you life just the way it is it is distorting everything how live with the same lady day after day throughout your life unless you identify her your wife and my second question is no no we'll handle one at a time is she here she's here okay recently I was in a place where a Jewish rabbi was speaking this rabbis from Denmark and talking and he was talking about some other rabbi I don't remember the name a very wise one who said this to someone a man went to this rabbi and asked him I love my wife very much but when I walk in the seat every woman that I see I want to do something to her what shall I do the wise rabbi looked at him and said son it doesn't matter where you work up your appetite as long as you go home and eat now if being with one person is happening only because you have identified them to be something to you it is a stable structure it makes a society but it destroys life if your being with somebody because you value that person you being with somebody because you love that person your being with somebody because you have formed some kind of intimacy in connection with that person now it's what being if you have not done any of this but you are staying with somebody just because somebody is your wife or somebody is your husband oh it is definitely a torture to be with those people being with your wife is a horrible thing if she is a woman that you love is wonderful thing you can't stand her but she is your wife that is a horrible thing a lot of people have done this to themselves so being a husband or wife is a social thing it is not an individual thing individual thing is to human beings have built a certain relationship that the value that is what is the individual thing somebody is my wife is something that you only tell somebody if you believe she is your wife and she has to be this this and that then it is just tortured between two people it is only socially you tell somebody this is my wife between the two of you she must be your lover otherwise you should not live with her yes we are conditioned to 14 million in frequencies and we see only thing which is within this space and time no polarity and identity are simultaneous things you say get rid of all the ugly and we get rid of identity which is physically not possible and simply because we are conditioned to space and time have you ever gone beyond space and time and had the taste of eternal bliss now both space and time is a creation of your conscious mind if you transcend the limitations of your conscious mind there is no such thing as space and time modern physics is also working its way towards this direction they're talking about eleven different dimensions in the same space it has always talked about 21 different dimensions in the same space many years ago on a certain afternoon till then I manage my time and space very well on a certain afternoon I was I happened to be sitting on a small hillock which which I was involved with which allowed which I knew where intimately till that moment I always thought this is me and the rest is other I handled the other quite well but still this was me and that was the other suddenly I burst forth into an experience I did not know which is me and which is not me what was me was all over the place the very rock that I was sitting on the very air that I breathe the atmosphere around me everything became me that doesn't make logical sense because if you want to make any kind of logical sense you need to without - there is no logic and suddenly there was not - it was all me everything was just me I thought this lasted for about 10 to 15 minutes but when I came back to my normal senses about 4 and a half hours had passed I was sitting there with my eyes open fully conscious I was not in any kind of trends or whatever I am fully fully conscious but time just flipped and I found for the first time in my adult life tears were flowing through my eyes me and tears were impossible but I've always been peaceful and happy that's never been issue but here are my shirt is wet it wet with tears and I'm bursting with a completely different kind of ecstasy it is just the body cannot contain when I really shake myself to my normal senses and try to and ten what is happening to me the only thing that my mind could say was maybe I'm losing my balance maybe I'm just going off but it is so beautiful I don't want to lose it for a moment the next time this happened to me I was sitting with my family at the dinner table actually it was in my experience just two minutes it was only two minutes but seven hours had passed this started happening and one day I just sat down and I thought it's maybe 2025 minutes but 13 days had passed I'm sitting right there eyes open fully conscious I'd never occurred to me that I should eat or sleep or anything i sat in one place for 13 days not with any effort not with any intention not with any attitude towards the attainment or anything I simply sat down and looked at on 13 days were past so time and space is very much the creation of your logical mind once you transcend that there is no time and space and you don't even have to cross time and space to be blissful blissfulness will happen to you in so many ways right now I think there are lots of people here who practising Jamboree Maha mudra you sit down in the morning 21 minutes you become totally blissful drunk but fully aware look into my eyes and see I'm stoned all the time but fully conscious this moment if I want I can flip at this moment if I want I can be alert and conduct the situation the way I want and if you were aware of the culture as recurrence Inge was mentioning Shiva is known as the Adi yogi he was in aberrated all the time he was drunk at the same time he's a perfect ascetic sitting there an absolute meditation and drunk at the same time this is what it means and this is what how this is how all of us should be absolutely inaugurated but perfectly stable within ourselves now the need for seeking something from outside will completely disappear once you are blissful by your own nature your life becomes an expression of your blissfulness not in pursuit of happiness and that's the shift that needs to happen in every life
Channel: know Thyself - Познай Себя
Views: 524,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sadhguru, mind, spiritual teaching, human mind, inside mind, awakaning, enlightenment, Don't be identified with your mind, YOU are much more fundamental than just your mind, or body.., Sadhguru talks, Yoga, Spiritual wisdom, Spirituality, Mind, Mystic, wisdom, Yogi, master, Guru
Id: QIOpjy2IuEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2016
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