Secrets to improving your website for sales and conversion (Carrd website builder)

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if you have a carrd website or you're thinking  about using carrd or a similar website builder   then it's so important that you optimize this  website so that you get the results that you   want and a lot of people when they start off  building a website let's say for an app and   they're building an app sales page they miss a lot  of the key elements that are going to set them up   for longterm success so in this video we're going  to go over how to optimize your carrd website or a   similar website for results and this is incredibly  important because this is all a lot of this is low   hanging through and the low hanging through that  makes massive changes to the end results because   if your website is converting at a low rate that  it doesn't matter how much traffic you throw at   it you're still not going to get the results  whereas if you can optimize your website with   what I'm going to go through today then it means  the traffic that you send to your website is going   to go much further so let's start off with the  general idea about what you want to do with a   website and this is optimization tip number one  so on your screen you can see a landing page using   a template using carrd not my favorite design  because I would prefer a picture to the right   and then have the text on the left for example  but you get the general idea and what we want to   do first is to have a clear path for the first  time user and lead them into taking action so   you can think about setting up your website for  the first time user and just leading them into   taking action and I like to do it like this  firstly benefit driven headline focus on the   benefits not the features then have a supporting  statement with more benefits have some text where   you talk about the problem people are having and  the solution and then a clear button to click here   sign up now this text is quite weak you want to  improve this a little bit sign up now sign up for   our app Etc so you want to include some benefits  and just expand on that too but the general idea   is that you're having a minimal design you're not  setting up for people just to browse your website   instead you're getting them to take action and  this works for sales Pages for email optin forms   for free trials Etc even when it's a sales  page as well when you're selling some type of   digital product so that is the core of the website  design you're going to be building with carrd to   have that clear path so that someone takes action  now I read recently that 60% of people who visit   websites do so on a phone and that's probably not  surprising to you but this means that we have to   optimize our website for mobile users and carrd  does this automatically but it doesn't always get   it right so if we click the mobile button over  here what we can see is okay we have the mobile   user looks pretty good except for I'm sure you  can see it this part here so if we click on this   part it takes us over to the title here but then  if we click the style button here the appearance   button then it takes us to this bit now if you  change the size it's not going to do anything   okay so what we want to do instead let put that  back to where it was um scroll down you'll see   mobile and we can change the mobile size so that  it fits nicely into that box now we might need to   change spacing letter spacing Etc and margins but  what we can do is just to make sure everything is   fitting okay as we scroll down the mobile and then  change things accordingly so we click on this text   you can scroll down and change the size on mobile  over here click manual and then change the size   say we want it bigger smaller Etc so that's a way  to fully know that it's optimized for the mobile   user and one more tip with this it's always good  to get the whole picture within that first page   of the mobile so someone lands on here you want  to be able to have that button showing as well   so then people don't have to scroll now I'm over  here on name Che because our next tip is to get   your own domain name for various reasons firstly  it's going to look more professional instead of   having a something. you're going to  have and it's very easy to set   this up with carrd now you're going to need the  pro account but at the time of recording it's   $9 per year not per month per year and that's  going to include hosting for you so you can get   the domain name here link it to carrd and it also  means that in the future if you use a different   website builder then you can just point that to  the different website builder and the hosting   over there so it means that you can move around if  you want to start using something like web flow or   Squarespace and in fact we have a video talking  about webflow versus carrd if you want to learn   the differences between those two website Builders  next we're at sender. now sender is a testimonial   tool that allows you to collect testimonials and  reviews from different platforms bring them all   together and create cool jits and images so you  can share them elsewhere now what we have here is   how to add testimonials to carrd because adding  social proof to your website is going to make a   massive difference just think about the last time  you were on a website and you're thinking okay   this is looking good but where are the reviews  what are people saying have has anyone else bought   this is this a scat so what you want to do is to  add any social proof that you have now we made a   video on sja where we talked about how to use  this tool now you can use different tools you   can manually input your testimonials but the idea  here is that we can use different tools and then   easily embed the widget onto your carrd website  and it just goes through how you can do this here   and you can see it um just has a a full guide for  you and I'll leave this link in the description   for you now in a recent video we talked about how  to optimize your carrd website for search rankings   and gave you five tips for this and this is going  to help you get found in the search results when   someone is searching for something that you offer  now I'm not going to go over everything here but   if we go back to the carrd Builder and we click  this publish button and then go over to settings   then down here we can do things like add Google  analytics to track people visiting your website   and then we can also scroll down and add any  meta taags that we we might want to have here   now because Cod is a simple website builder the  lad times are going to be quite quick but you're   also going to want to optimize your images so you  don't have large image files that take forever to   load so just little things like that are going to  help you when it comes to speeding up the website   for your users and then go watch that video to  learn more about SEO tips for your carrd website   I'll leave a link in the description but then the  last tip is to say include buttons throughout the   page so what action you want them to take include  this on your button and then copy it and paste it   maybe change to text somewhat to the different  areas like this I see people make the mistake of   when people get down to the bottom they're excited  to join but it's hard for them to join because   there's no button here so instead people might  think ah it's a small thing but to scroll back up   to the top to then click the button that journey  just doesn't seem quite natural and fluid so what   we want to do is to ensure that we have plenty  of opin buttons sign up buttons buy now buttons   throughout the page whatever page that you're  building so that people can easily take action and   you're basically telling people this is the action  that you need to take next you don't need to   browse anything else this is the button you need  to click and then you can continue your journey   with us so those are tips to help you optimize  your carrd website to get the results that you   are after now if you want to learn more about  carrd then definitely check out our full review   on the platform and also the playlist that we made  where we talk about the different ways to optimize   your site for example embedding videos the SEO  uh optimization techniques and much more we've   also built a full sales page for an app using  carrd as well as you can watch us do that and   then if you want to build something with no code  tools then go to to learn more you can   get access to 60 plus curated courses and projects  helping you how to build apps websites automations   and more we go through tools such as Glide bubble  webflow Etc now if you've enjoyed this video then   please like and share it subscribe if you're  new here and thank you for watching bye for now
Channel: No Code MBA
Views: 331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DuBvIoaw8SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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