Secrets of Nintendo Rumble | Punching Weight [SSFF]

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Great channel that actually does INTERESTING game content and not just "DAE think wind waker Is underrated".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mathyoujames πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stop Skeletons From Fighting deserves love. They seem really genuine, and have gotten caught in the gears of the YouTube algorithm machine once or twice now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JacKaL_37 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember when this was just Happy Video Game Nerd. I've followed Derek for a while now, even Starship Amazing is pretty cool.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kensaiD2591 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a kid I thought rumble and the rumble pack in general was the biggest useless gimmick or fad that would pass super fast.

Now i see how dumb that is, it really does enhance games a lot. HD rumble is amazing and so are the few games that use the impulse trigger rumble in the xbox one controllers.

Stuff like driving games it can actually gives you an advantage with you being able to feel when you lose traction etc.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hyroero πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey I'm Derek it's me Derek and welcome to stop skeletons men fighting I'm gonna shout out to Shelby this is not an ad this is actually just Shelby watches a show and want to say thank you so much for watching and also a huge tanks to a Shelby's family for helping out the channel and helping out the show so thank you so much and with that said hey let's talk about rumbling controllers vibrating controllers are something we take for granted but like all standards there were the early days and Nintendo in particular did some ridiculous stuff welcome it's a punching weight where we celebrate the weird ambitious and unnecessary and because progress is never a straight line I'm gonna take you through Nintendo's history with rumble technology that they're rocky rough-and-tumble shaky rocky history with Rumble do we have all that out of our system Rumble made its debut on consoles with the n64 Rumble Pak Nintendo is a company that's at its best when it's innovating and the rumble Pak is definitely among their greatest innovations it's an extra layer of immersion that's so good that it became weird for a controller to not have some kind of Rumble support ever wonder why controllers got so much bigger over the generations was it because our hands just got bigger was a floor more buttons was it to make room for that Rumble hmm look at these guys these cuties they're so small look at them they're all so small it's at the genesis controller dancing that's a thick boy right there damn chances controller damn Rumble or haptic feedback existed in video games before 1997 but a first can of the living room packaged with starfox 64 that's round talking about the debut baby the n64 rumble Pak and that's Pak not POC see how it feels to feel what you see he says the back of the box it's a new jolt to your gameplay experience it didn't hurt that starfox 64 was an amazing game but it also wasn't long before he started seeing rumble Pak support for almost every n64 game from golden I'd say Yoshi's Story to heal a fortune it's like I'm really there I'm really spinning that wheel I love video games starfox actually wasn't that big of a hit in Japan but japanese-exclusive three releases of Mario 64 and waverace 264 aka the Shindo versions helped popularize the rebel pact over there it was still humble beginnings for brumbley controllers and what I mean by that is the rebel PAC had lots of room for improvement it compromised the memory card slot it required batteries it was a bulky heavy device to slap on to an already weirdly shaped controller Nintendo may have been pioneers with the rumble pack but they quickly found competition Sega answered back with the Dreamcast jump pack but Sony clapped back hard with the Dual Shock credit starfox 64 being the first but PlayStation Rumble was in both sides the controller had no batteries necessary and contained probably the most iconic Rumble moment of all time the PlayStation Dual Shock set the vibration standard however Sony's haste to respond to Nintendo got them in some hot water for patent infringement from a company called immersion Microsoft was actually slapped with a similar suit however they settled with emergent out-of-court Sony on the other hand fought the lawsuit only to eventually lose the lawsuit in 2007 they then cut a deal with immersion and suddenly rumble technology no longer affected the PlayStation 3s 6 access technology funny how that happens who'd knew that was what it was I forgot that yeah oh there's the DualShock 3 but the PlayStation 3 didn't ship with a dual shock 3 shipped with sixaxis it's video games are dumb but not Nintendo the rumble Pak technology was based off of their own patent and so they were free to evolve their rumble technology with again not the greatest results entered the gameboy color Rumble cartridges who needs accessories when you can just build the technology right into the cartridge but remember the Gameboy colors of portal system it's kind of weird to manufacture cartridges that make your system bulkier but that never stopped then tend on the past or in the future didn't stop anyone who made portal game soap what do you do plus it once again required batteries this time a single triple-a you know didn't I should look the patents but I wonder if all the batteries are how they were able to dodge the patent lawsuits anyway there were fourteen rumblepack gameboy color games released in North America a majority we're racing games but there was sports action and of course pinball the flagship game being pokemon pinball but yo shoutouts to Little Mermaid to pinball frenzy actually most of these are gameboy color only games but feature a little notch cut out of the top meaning that they do physically fit in a standard brick Gameboy still physical compatibility aside I think pokemon pinball is the only Game Boy Color rumble game that's backwards compatible with non color game boys these Rumble games are pretty neat and there are great for collectors but they were far from perfect because the label is exposed it's hard to find copies these games where the labels that aren't all scuffed up the battery is held in place by a little piece of plastic that isn't hinged inside so it was gobbled up by school bus floors and backpacks immediately I mean they're basically the GI Joe plastic missiles of video games Barbie shoes GI Joe missiles they're and Barbie shoes thank you Bruce a grace for that perspective they're like Barbie shoes but that was all basically in the late 90s by the new millennium Rumble was the standard for console controllers Xbox ps2 and GameCube controllers were all made ready to rumble in just half a generation too which is pretty incredible when you think about it and Nintendo mostly took a break with Rumble games on the GBA except for a few notable exceptions why are you aware twisted is not only a ridiculous looking cartridge it is an amazing game with both motion controls and Rumble again not the most portable set up but it wasn't the only one there was also drill dozer made by Game Freak this is a super charming game that features a vibration but in a much less ridiculous cartridge it actually goes deeper than that most Rumble action on the GBA was through the GameCubes GBA player for example your copy of drill dozer plays fine the bumble has stopped working plug it into the Gamecube and the drilling is once again a killing but through a GameCube controller and you can tell this by the GameCube player logo that you see at the start that's how you know it is extra compatibility with the GBA player and there are a few other games with this logo at startup like Super Mario advance for Super Mario Brothers 3 e pokemon pinball ruby sapphire and mario and luigi superstar saga rest in peace alpha dreams secret rumble on the Gamecube I had no idea this whole time that's what I get been using my fancy Super Nintendo throwback controller school controller though still yet Nintendo still did not give up on their Rumble and ambitions and the next generation was even wilder after the GBA came the DS and Nintendo made a rumble pack special for the system's GBA slot we covered all this in our secrets of the DS GBA slot videos but it was first bundled with Metroid Prime pinball in North America and a ton of games work with it however if you don't have a Nintendo DSi humble pack but you do have a copy of Lhari where twisted just flying around guess what you have a fully functioning DS rumblepack I mean plug that sucker into your GBA slot and get that force feedback with partners in time interestingly though drill dozer doesn't seem to work in place of the rumble Pak and WarioWare twisted doesn't have as strong of a rumble as the official pack but maybe that just might copies of the game of course the original DS and DS Lite slot solution represented a last hurrah for portable gaming vibration as you Nintendo DSi and every 3ds 2ds model would go on to feature no rumble whatsoever I guess they went all-in on the visual tech and the we had plenty of immersion and feedback if you wanted it Nintendo was still innovating you know 3d motion controls that cute little speaker on the Wii mote in Tendo kept innovating but Rumble feedback was no longer at the cool kids table but you know what that means that cool 3ds remake of Mario and Luigi the only way to play that with Rumble is with a Gamecube and the original Achebe a cart and WarioWare gol it's got a lot of levels from twisted but no Rumble at all and also the cartridge isn't crazy they should have made wiring wear gold with like an extra thing up his boot over the side should I had a little yah lovely lady lumps on that goal should a missed opportunity but from here it did seem like grumble wasn't ever going to evolve in any significant way and the wii u ps4 xbox one didn't do anything to write home about rumble wise but then came o they snap like that right so how they do it snap snapping nintendo switch came and thrust upon the world rumble HD the a chest of DS our collective DS had never been rumbled so h before so yeah we all remember that Ice Cube demo thing right basically Nintendo finally decided to partner with immersion who you might remember as that company with a stranglehold on Rumble patents and who sued at the kravid a Sony in mm HD Rumble is not a huge selling point for Nintendo's latest system but it's something that's found I think great use on switch games one two switch features many games that rely entirely on Rumble and not even looking at the TV mario odyssey i think does a great job with a bevy of very feedback from jumping running sliding to a stop though some games go a little overboard like a classic doom rumbling when you shoot get shot pick up an item reload your shotgun I appreciate the extra work guys but it's a little too much lumen is remastered allows you to hook up additional joy constant pulse to the music take that res trance vibrator golf story used it really well I thought it also enhanced lock-picking and Skyrim and indie game humble seed claim they wanted their game to be the flagship demonstration of HD Rumble yes someone had to do it I mean once you switch didn't do it somebody had to yeah no it actually it turns out this game didn't sell that well either so yeah but is HD Rumble related intend o innovating here I mean this nuanced level of Rumble is now standard in most smartphones and watches but wouldn't you know it immersion even sued Apple for the haptic feedback in iPhone 6 so Nintendo at least deserves credit for putting it in console controllers and who knows maybe Sony and Microsoft will put some form of HD Rumble in their new controllers if that happens I think you can once again give credit to Nintendo for pushing the industry forward even if it is just a little jolt to your hands all that videogame grumbling you might need a snack might work up an appetite I love snacks that's why I'm happy to say it but this video is brought to you in part by neat snacks there's snacks but they're neat this is a box of snacks that you can get check out the link below use the offer code take five get a $5 off in order for you you get a crazy box full of surprise snacks like this thing Kadena spicy doesn't smell spicy well if you get your package is gonna be giant red with a giant red pepper on it you guess I expected a little more spice it's more salty than spice two and a half stars out of five yeah this looks like Japanese some peach stuff oh that's really sweet it's chewy but it has this nice like layer of sugar on it this is like four stars out of five yeah essence really good yeah try some that says juice soup MSSP tea and this has been Japanese corner with Derek I like this guy I'm vibing with this guy that's confidence in your candy win like this is your logo what it's it's like freeze-dried french fries I was imagine than me Salter saltier not bad that's not bad but we got a cool lucky kitty oh wow purpley little Marbley things great beat tastes like grapes 3 out of 5 3 of 5 stars the next we have got some cool cows oh wow the test run a little cracker here oh it's like salty rice flavor it's like a rice umm a rice treat for four out of five I don't I don't yeah oh I like this guy I like this this this is cute it's like a cute ghost I have no idea what it is lemony lemon kind of creamy sugary Claudine Cobb makes you comfortable with the scent of Rose who's not comfortable of roses I'm not comfortable with the spiky nasaan the Rose whoa whoa it's like not comfortable I'm uncomfortable with the intensity of that well buddy I'm like tasting it in my nose like it's definitely interesting what they're doing here but I don't like it I don't know Oh get that away from me I'm good you want to go on your own neat snack adventure hit the link below and take five look into the code five dollars off they send you a box of snacks once a month and you know you don't expand your palate you're gonna find all kinds of weird stuff so I want to say thank you so much to me snacks for sponsoring this part of the video but I must stop snacking for now thank you so much for watching this video is also brought to you in part by our lovely patreon supporters who have been supporting this show for almost 5 years also one of our supporters let us borrow their copy of Pokemon pinball why you are twisted and drill dozer we've used them in videos before we might use them again but we're just about ready to send those back to you man thank you so much for letting us borrow them let's see man we're back to screaming is 2020 we're back full-time working against streaming or on Instagram or on Facebook we're on Twitter or on your YouTube hit a like if you liked it go ahead and hit the bell if you're feeling well if you feeling swell Rumble the bell and wrestle the thumb there we go yeah keep watching week 2020 just get started man we are just getting started it's gonna be a year that's always a year but definitely a year with uncle Derrick produce the grace stick around stay tuned see you again real soon
Channel: Stop Skeletons From Fighting
Views: 137,552
Rating: 4.8821063 out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, rumble, n64 rumble pak, game boy, game boy advance, gba, switch, gamecube, gba player, vibration, haptic feedback, sony, dualshock, playstation, warioware twisted, 1 2 switch, Ssff, stop skeletons, derek heafer, hvgn, grace kramer, stop skeletons from fighting, retro gaming
Id: xQJFVnz_Ts8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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