I Can't Believe It's GameBoy Color | Punching Weight Ep 1 [SSFF]

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I love videogames even the bad ones well not all bad because you see my reviews you know that ain't true now I'm talking about the weird videogames then wasn't make you stop and say what wow why does this exist welcome to punching wait a celebration of ambitious weird or unnecessary videogames that maybe aren't good but goddammit they deserve respect in this episode we will be highlighting three incredibly unusual and ambitious games for a system that is basically just a souped-up NES the Game Boy Color our first game is one of the most popular arcade games of all time dragon's lair released in 1983 it revolutionized video games and stunned arcade patrons with lush detailed hand-drawn animation from secret of NIMH and americantale director Don Bluth though at its core it's a little more than a collection of quick tell events it is currently one of only three games at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC and in spite its complex graphics it has been ported to just about every electronic device imaginable even those that couldn't properly handle this game instead of taking shortcuts by making a weird terrible platformer would you believe they managed to squeeze the arcade original onto a Game Boy Color and the crazy thing here is that it works ladies and gentlemen if you didn't know it existed allow me to introduce to you dragon's lair running on a gameboy color this games very existence is a contradiction dragons lairs art stood out among the pixel and sprite based arcade games the time yet here it is lovingly rendered in what could be described as pixel tracings and this is a damn fine port it isn't a one-to-one translation there's obviously some frames missing and numerous brief pauses after every action but dragon's lair is a game all about trial and error death game over screens are a common occurrence but in a weird way it almost outclasses disk based versions of this game because I don't know if restarting a game of Dragon's Lair has ever been faster though to be fair it falls short in terms of sound which is almost completely absent here right now I'm using the music from the original Gameboy game which just look at this thing I can't even begin to explain what the hell's going on here but anyway it's hard to understand why this game exists at all I mean this is the type of thing you usually see on rom hacking or homebrew websites not a boxed game with a barcode on the back and a name like Capcom in the corner this may be the strangest version of Dragon's Lair truly a game punching way above its class so for the sheer audacity we salute you Game Boy Color port of Dragon's Lair an unnecessary game if ever there was one but a rare and impressive technical achievement next would you believe me if I told you that there is a real-time strategy game for the Game Boy Color and would you believe me if I told you it's actually pretty good or at least as good as an RTS on a Gameboy could be hell up the heels of t-mek for the 32x and the fantastic r-type deluxe bit Studios war locked or as the game puts it was for what it's worth the Gameboy colours answer to Warcraft 2 despite being released in the summer of 2000 but that didn't stop them from making this game the best it could actually be voice samples fantastic music those question mark blocks are actually the fog of war the whole thing was just too crazy not to own I bought a new copy back in the day and I still cherish it now you can imagine there's not a whole lot of depth in war locked and honestly you'd be mostly right this simplistic game manages to get a ton of mileage out of three buttons between the two classes there are three fortifications you can build and three units you can train dragons can join your side too but you'll need to find them and bring them back to your base alive this game features a pretty sizable campaign with 26 total missions split between the two races this alone is an impressive feat but bit Studios went further war locked features wizards no.not warlocks found throughout the single-player campaign taking a cue from Pokemon there are 27 total wizards with special magic like the ability to turn and mace into bombs or units into crows and to collect them all you must trade with a friend and that's on all you can do with a friend there's a shocking amount of multiplayer options to hint throughout the campaign our multiplayer maps and as you work through the game you stockpile units and fortifications and recruit users from here you can build stored armies and fight them against your friends armies or just do a good old-fashioned head-to-head I can't say I've ever played the multiplayer because I couldn't convince my friends to buy this game at the time and I doubt I could find anybody today but just the fact that there is not only an RTS on the gameboy color but one loaded with multiplayer components makes me smile it's a shame that GBA sequal never happened wrapping things up on the I can't believe they pulled this off theme of the show we end on a true showstopper and probably the best-known game on today's list Metal Gear Ghost battle or simply Metal Gear Solid it's Japanese name is ghost babble and that's usually what is referred to as so for the sake of simplicity here we're going to call it ghost battle now you would think would be impossible to accurately recreate the landmark PlayStation 1 game Metal Gear Solid on a little old gameboy color but you'd be incredibly wrong crazier still this is not a port of the PlayStation 1 game released a year earlier nor a remake of the MSX or NES games this is a 100% original game that while not part of the Metal Gear timeline does follow the events the PlayStation 1 game or so I'm told the metal your timeline is so insane I honestly have no idea ghost babble has all the hallmarks of a Metal Gear story with an intro that's almost 15 minutes long lengthy codec conversations between a large cast of characters crazy bosses even a late title card and it plays like a Metal Gear game with a helpful radar in the corner the ability to shimmy against and knock on walls to distract enemies air ducts to crawl through trucks dogs tall grass one difference is how progression is structure instead of one giant world to explore ghost Babel is separated into 13 still impressively sized levels oh man I'm terrible just like it's big brother PlayStation 1 game those controls take some getting used to but you can hone your skills in one of the 90 VR training missions double that if you count the practice and time attack mode separately need more get a buddy and play versus mode God how they fit it all into that tiny cartridge talk about a great game for a long plane ride notably it features one of the all-time greatest pieces of video games censorship Solid Snake's patented cigarettes are called foggers that's that's just amazing foggers okay for the record steam fogs smoke clouds so really they should be called clouters but maybe this is a pun on Frogger but either way of the three games discussed here this is the one absolutely worth checking out the graphics and animations are super impressive the writing and localization is great and it plays wonderfully it's just top to tail an impressive game but really all three of these games are just so crazy they might be worth owning just for the hell of it this is the first episode of punching wait we've got other episodes planned but if there are any strange but ambitious games you'd like us to mention in future episodes or if you've played intense matches of warlocks or ghost battled with a friend let us know in the comments below stop skeletons from fighting as a patreon supported show as always special thanks to our supporters and be sure to check out our other videos in our livestream channel thanks for watching we'll see you again real soon you you
Channel: Stop Skeletons From Fighting
Views: 334,853
Rating: 4.9513512 out of 5
Keywords: Derek Alexander, HVGN, Happy Video Game Nerd, Stop Skeletons From Fighting, GameBoy, Game Boy Color, GBC, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Ghost Bable, Dragon's Lair, Don Bluth, Warlocked, Warlock, Wizards, Gameboy Advance, GBA, Secret of Nimh, An American Tail, Metal Gear Solid GBC, Metal Gear Solid Gameboy Color
Id: 6k-7t5riimQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2016
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