Secretly Spied upon by 4 Devices

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>> Today's episode is brought to you by >> Sign up over at and get 5% cash back on everything you purchase for three months! It's free money! Who doesn't like free money? >> Everybody likes free money. >> Scrooge McDuck doesn't like free money. He earned his money, exploiting his nephews, [Jason hums the Ducktales theme] putting them in da-- Oh don't you get it stuck in my head. >> ♪ Life is like a hurricane... ♪ >> BRIAN: So what do we got? [light cough] And this transcranial direct current stimulation is different from the magnetic? >> Correct. >> BRIAN: What is that one called? >> I think it's just transcranial magnetic stimulation. >> Got it, transcranial. >> If I'm not mistaken. >> BRIAN: Should we be sitting for this one? >> I think it's going to be kind of dynamic. I think we should start it here. >> Okay, so is there going to be motion, or just in general it's more exciting for us to be standing? >> I think, well, it's more exciting for us to be standing, talking about it. I'll pull the device out, because the device is kind of creepy looking. We'll have the reveal of it. and then we can come over here, and I figure we'll play a round of Overwatch without it, play a round of Overwatch with it. >> Okay. >> And see how that works. >> That's pretty good. So why, allegedly, does it work? >> Neuro priming. The neurons that fire together wire together. >> Oh interesting. >> And so, if you're targeting the appropriate part of the brain, it will start kind of activating those neural pathways, and make them easier for you to access, is the idea. And it's kind of anecdotal. >> Yeah everything is, we're in the wild west days of this, where nobody really knows. >> Right. >> You can get it on Amazon? >> Oh yeah. >> Wow. >> Multiple, multiple devices, or you can build your own. >> Are we doing one of the off-the-shelf ones? >> Yeah. >> Okay, which one? >> It is. >> Or what's it called? >> It's a different box, let me find it. >> Should I not see the, can I see it? >> It's a good reveal you shouldn't see it. >> Okay, all right. Yeah, you need a slate. Dude, ready to dive in! [beeping] [beeping] [beeping] That's right people, three beeps. I'm not messing around. >> Okay. >> "Lawnmower Man." How did how did that, why? >> I have to go change clothes. >> We have one rule. He said never, ever again. [in echoey room] >> JASON: I'll just be a second! [stifled laughter] [in disbelief] >> Is he actually changing clothes? [distant] >> BRYCE: He's doing something in there. >> What is going on‽ I thought we were doing an episode [through laughter] on transcranial direct current stimulation. I thought he had to change clothes because he felt dirty, because I mentioned "Lawnmower Man." And then I thought, like, "Oh, maybe he has to change clothes "because that was so exciting "he had a moment in his britches," but now I'm beginning to suspect he's up to something? [laughing] [clearly busy] >> JASON: Hold on! [uncontained laughter] >> What is happening‽ [belt jangling] >> JASON: Have patience! [laughter] >> This is like one of those awkward cut scenes in a video game where it's like characters are just they have looping animations and they wait for you to do the right thing. [door busts open with a tiny squeek] >> You're being surveilled, Mr. Brushwood. >> Oh no! Oh no! They're back, the pants. President Kardashian, she's in danger. >> I will have her! [sustained] >> No! >> This room... is watching you! The powers of TMZCobra. [yelling] We have you in our clutches. There is no tDCS! >> Oh [bleeping]. >> It's all a ruse! >> This is a very surprising episode. >> There are multiple devices in this very room watching you right now, Mr. Brushwood. >> Oh you mother [bleeping]. This whole thing was a setup‽ >> It was all a setup. [maniacally] It was all according to plan! [cackling] I don't know why I'm holding this right now. So, yeah. >> That's too much! >> We got you. >> It's too much. I got got. [soft music] >> ROBOT VOICE: Hidden surveillance devices. [roomy sound] >> I think how it's going to go is we're going to pretend like we're setting up for the thing, right? We're setting up for the tDCS and then I'm going to be like, "Hang on, I have to go change." Step in there, come out in my regalia. >> BRYCE: Yeah. >> JASON: It is now going. >> BRYCE: Wow. >> And the camera is right there. >> Oh, okay. [clattering] >> BRANDT: We can set up and start recording early. >> BRYCE: Yeah, I say turn on all that stuff now. >> JASON: Yeah. [object sliding across floor] >> BRANDT: And then we'll give you the signal by... coughing. So that way if we have to cough normally we'll just hold it in and suppress it. >> JASON: Okay. >> BRANDT: But when we cough, you'll know that all cameras are rolling. >> BRYCE: Do you want to put it over here, so it can kind of shoot out? >> JASON: Yeah. >> BRYCE: Because I re-arranged this one up here on the cabinet, so it sort of faces the set, so hopefully that catches. >> BRANDT: Are you going to have anything printed out? >> JASON: Oh! For the...? >> BRYCE: Yeah. >> JASON: The thing, yeah might as well. [clattering] ♪ ♪ >> So what do we got? ♪ [lively music] [cough] [keys jingling] ♪ ♪ You printed it out show prep! For this whole thing. I prepared from the wrong show, but now you're telling me I have to--? [laughing] I have to find electronic surveillance devices? >> Didn't like lying to you. [laughing] >> Asking for a friend, how long have these surveillance devices been in the warehouse? [civilian cackling] [evil villain cackling] >> Uh, just like 30 minutes. >> Okay, okay, but they're here now. >> They're here! >> And I get no tools? >> You get no tools. It's mainly to really demonstrate how effective they are. >> Okay. >> But you get no tools. Some of these wouldn't even work with the tools you're familiar with. >> These, multiple. [chuckling] >> Multiple. >> That's right. President Kardashian will be safe, because-- >> She will not! >> You've already tipped. >> She will not. >> Let me get my phone. Okay, so I'm going to assume some of them are audio, some of them are video, and I know that we-- [laughing] -don't, you can't distract me. Did we ever come up with the name for who you are? >> No, I don't think we did. >> They call him... Grandpa Pants. >> Grandpa-- >> Grandpants. >> The Evil Grandpants. [laughing] >> BRIAN: Grandpants Murphy! >> I like it. >> One of the things we learned in the previous episode was that you're able to get a reflection off of lenses and almost anything that has video has lenses in it. >> Yes. >> Now ideally you'd have a ring so it would reflect right back into the ring, but absent of that I'm going to try using my cell hone. >> JASON: Okay, that's a good call. >> So, for example right here, it's really helpful because you can see the reflections moving around. I see it off of Dress Pants Robot Man. I see it off of all of the plastics on all this stuff. I even see it on the cellophane wrapping for some of the stuff. How much did you love it when I said, "I forgot my credit card. "I'm going to need to leave you guys unattended "for a few minutes while I go find it?" >> Originally I thought, you know what, it's going to be even better if he's here and I plant these, which for one of them you were. You were sitting right there and I planted one of them. >> Goddamn it! Okay, all right, what are the boundaries? >> I wouldn't even go past the camera line. >> Okay, so everything back here in this area? >> Yes. >> All right, so what else do I? >> I think you've got a good technique there and that will probably work, but without the little device that we used last time. It's going to be a little bit harder I think. >> Even that one I mean the cameras get so small nowadays that it would be really hard. Okay so I'm going to imagine. >> Oh you wouldn't believe. >> You know what's funny is I'm just doing what I would imagine the secret service does, is just. >> Yeah just a sweep right? >> Yeah, right? Did you know that transcranial direct current stimulation is similar to transcranial magnetic stimulation, which apparently has no long-term side effects. Dude, you were even dropping catchphrases like, well the neurons that fire together wire together. >> Well, that's actually true. We are going to do that episode. >> Okay, J. I studied for the wrong test. This is a living nightmare. This is not it. >> Oh, but that would be really cool. That is clearly obviously a spy device, but I have no idea what that is. >> Oh no this is the sonic nausea. You plug it in and it does a very unpleasant, like barely audible whine that induces nausea in people. Available at So there's really only two types of surveillance. There's video and audio, Of course, I guess data surveillance, but we're not really doing any data things here. >> Look at this. [cackling] [upbeat music] >> Tell me, you're, no! No, okay, okay, okay. So it's obviously, it's up there. It looks like it's right around here. No! Oh wow. [laughing] >> JASON: That's the one, that's the one. >> This thing is tiny. >> Yeah. >> And it's connected what, through the wifi here or on its own? >> JASON: It gives off its own wifi signal that I connected to on this phone. >> Holy cow! >> And you can record it. That was just streaming, right? This is the the FREDI device. It's $43 on Amazon. >> That's it? >> That's it. You've got multiple settings, you can have it record, you can have it take still photos. It records directly to a micro SD card. >> Okay so everything happening right now is being recorded onto the micro SD, but on top of it you can live monitor if you're near the premises? >> Exactly, audio and video 1080p. >> Let me see if the wifi shows up here. >> It's that one, it's all that gobble gook. >> Okay so it doesn't show up like FREDI Spy Device. >> Correct you can name it whenever you want. I left the jumble of letters. >> This is unreal. Okay so here's my question. I wonder if our previous techniques will work on this. You know what, sure enough, take a look. Look right at it. Oh, yeah, right? >> Yep. >> It definitely pops. >> Mm-hmm. >> I don't want to say I should have seen it, but it's a testament to just how effective that technique is and how precise you need to look for it. >> Yeah, and you can hide that in anything, right? It's super small. $43. >> Wow. >> And it's got a 32 gigabyte microSD card in there. So plenty of storage space. >> So it'll run out of battery before it finishes. >> Most likely. >> Filling everything up. >> But there's more. >> This is the darkest episode. [laughing] This is the crack in our friendship that, well, that I can't unknow this happened, right? >> Agent Brushwood you have failed. Three more. >> Three more?! >> Do you want a hint? >> Yeah, yeah, I do, I do. >> Okay, over by the desk. >> Okay by the desk. >> By the desk over there. >> I don't know if I'm looking for an audio thing or a video thing. >> You don't. >> So at this point, this was hidden from sight. And this took advantage of the natural camouflage of all the other different clutter around it. To be honest even if I laid eyes directly on that I just would have thought like, oh it's one of the many gizmos. I see something right over here! [laughing] What is this? >> That is a voice-activated audio recorder. >> Oh my god! This thing's beautiful. So it looks like it's got a micro USB on it and I see holes that I assume are for, doesn't have a speaker on there? >> No. >> Okay, so this is recording only. I assume it records to a? >> Micro SD card. >> Yeah. >> No this has internal storage actually and you just plug this in micro USB to your computer and pull the audio off of there. This is one that I planted while you were talking. I had it right here, then while you were looking around I grabbed it, and I was going to put it in your makeup bag and then I dropped it. And it landed in the chair and you just kept going, so I thought well leave it. >> That's amazing! >> Yeah, this one is the aTTo Digital Voice Recorder. It's $80. >> Okay. >> It will record for a long time though and you can set it to record continuously or just voice-activated. >> Oh that's brilliant, that's brilliant. So it's the kind of thing you just drop off and leave in someone's house, assuming that you have legal cause to do so and then and then after the fact you're able to scrub through all the audio and get the important bits. >> Exactly! >> Wow! >> Yeah, fascinating, right? Again over by the desk, there are more. >> I didn't even find the original one. Okay so we had an audio bug. We had a video bug. We had, what is this? These are our products from the store. It shows how little I'm around. Did you attach it on the back of the monitor or something? >> I'll give you a hint, these are both video. >> Video? Okay, well so, wait both? There two by the desk? >> There are two by the desk. They're both video. >> Wait a minute. [laughing] This pen has been here all day. >> Yes. >> When we were shooting the other episodes. >> I didn't turn it on until before this one. >> Oh it's warm. What's funny is I saw this pen, and I thought wow man David like some fancy pens. Didn't even pick it up. >> Okay check it out. All you do, and it's running right now, you hold down the button for a couple of seconds and the camera is right there. >> BRIAN: Oh my god, that's amazing! >> JASON: And you can slide that thing up to cover the camera, and it does audio as well, >> Oh it does?! So you're able to walk around with it. >> And it's a functioning pen. So check this out. It actually comes with ink replacement cartridges and everything and there's your micro USB card right there. >> Wow! >> And then this is just a pen. >> All right, so I guess just be paranoid all the time. There's just so much footage of me picking my nose out there in the world. >> Also, 1080p. >> Often times with these you run into quality situations, but 1080p is super good. >> Guess the price on that one, also off Amazon. >> What, 40 bucks? >> $27. >> Wow! >> Yeah. >> And so the idea is you would set this I guess rotationally, when you do it sideways, you're going to get like. >> You can also do a setting where it'll just do audio or just take snapshots. >> So you just set it inside their pen cup and it just sits there grabbing everything. >> Or in your pocket and you're getting everything. >> That is terrifying. >> It's $27? >> $27. >> Okay. >> There's one more. >> There's one more still here. At this point I'm just looking for anything out of the ordinary that I don't definitely already know. I guess I can't even go with that because I thought I knew that pen. >> I'm going to tell you, you're probably not going to find it. >> Is it because it's underneath or something? >> You would find it eventually, but it could take you a while. [sighing] >> Okay, give me a hint. >> Look right there. >> Holy [bleeping]. This is above suspicion. Oh you diabolical mother [bleeping], That is. >> There you go. >> Awful. So there's a few different ways to hide things. You can camouflage it, you can hide it where nobody'll see it, or as magicians put it, you can hide it by painting it red by so obviously putting it out in front of everyone as long as it's socially invisible, which is exactly what this is. >> JASON: USB charger, it's got internal storage, about 32 gigabytes. >> And then you use the USB to hook it up and download. >> Yeah, 38 bucks, also Amazon. >> I'm terrified. I'm just going to be hiding at all times. President Kardashian is in very big trouble. >> She's doomed. [laughing] Okay, I'm not going to do that anymore. >> So what's the lesson here. I guess the lesson is number one, don't believe Jason when he says we're doing an episode about transcranial direct current stimulation. Second of all, I love how organic this experience was because all of these are utterly invisible. Even knowing I was looking for them, I couldn't find any of them. >> Well, I mean there's a lot of clutter in here, right. So it would be a little bit more difficult in an office or something like that, but that's when you have something like this. >> You know I think about Santa Claus. He knows when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good. That kept a lot of kids in line and it was a fantasy. Now it's a fact. >> You are always being watched. >> You are always being watched. The metadata in your phone says where you go, how you go, what you do. Google knows what you spend your money on, and now there's never a moment of privacy. >> No, you have to live in a Faraday cage in the mountains off the grid completely, but someone is always watching, you like TMZ Cobra. [laughing] >> All right, so which of these do you like the most? If you're going to make recommendations, let's say somebody had a legitimate cause. Let's say, for example, they're worried that an employee was stealing from them and it's on their own property, somebody wanted to monitor or you know heaven forbid your kids to have a black eye and you want to make sure it's not the babysitter, like the ultimate nanny cam, what do you think you? >> You know I like this one because you can dial in and just check it. >> Instantly. >> Yeah. >> And I'm sure you could set up some kind of relay where even remotely just over cellular data you'd be able to dial in and find out what's going on. >> Oh yeah and get notifications and all sorts of stuff like that. Second to that, I really like this one because these things are just ubiquitous. >> Well, and I love it. This is the magician in me that it really stimulates that, like it's sneaky. It's very sneaky because it actually plugs into its own power source and everything's recorded locally on this one, right? No wifi adapter. >> Correct, yeah. >> Okay. >> So it's not giving off any signal or anything. >> You just plug it in, forget about it, and check the stuff later. This one might be my favorite because anything that takes advantage of the human angle. This one's good, I would imagine it would be best served with a little bit of sticky tack or something. >> Right, exactly. >> You just press it. >> Yeah, pop it under a desk or in a closet or something like that. >> Here's the other thing, both the first one and this guy, if anyone runs across either of these it's very obvious that these are bugs. >> Very clear these are surveillance devices, right? >> Yeah, this one could probably last a very long time without being discovered. Somebody might even use it as a pen for a very long time, but at some point they may notice like, oh what's that thing right there? >> Not even what the charges on this, but it'll run out. >> Right, whereas this thing runs forever, is totally socially invisible and terrifies me. >> Yeah. >> And I'll bet it even works to charge your phone, right? >> Oh yeah, absolutely! That is a functioning USB charger. >> This is a beast and I'm scared. This friendship is over, and the chess game begins! I'm out! >> Am I the Moriarty, now? >> Yes, you are always the Moriarty. >> I kind of think I'm Moriarty. I like it. [laughing] >> You hear about that big hack, last week? >> You're going to need to be more specific. >> Exactly, because they all get hacked eventually and the moment some big retailer gets hacked, what's the first thing you think of? >> Did I give them my credit card. >> Yes, and the answer is of course you did. >> Of course. >> Now you got to get a new credit card, giant big fat pain in the butt. What if there was a magic genie that you pressed a button and the genie showed up and would create individual burners for every single retailer and you could set limits on each one, so you didn't get looped in to paying full price after the free trial expands or any of that stuff and then when they get hacked, because they will get hacked, all of them are going to get hacked eventually, you have no financial risk because you used a burner card. >> So basically cards that tie to your account that you can use and dispose of. >> The only way this could get better is if the magical genie also said, "How about 5% of everything you spend "on these burner cards I give you back." >> I don't believe in genies, but tell me about the genie. >>, that's this is our third time working with them and this is the best offer they've made yet. not only do you get the privacy of individual burner cards, not only do you get the protection that comes with it you get cashback, free money, for using it and remember there's two sides to your privacy. There is, of course, the fact that when somebody gets hacked they won't be able to access any of your accounts because you set the spending limit on there, but on the flip side on your bank statement it just says >> That's important if you're someone who orders lots of strange or maybe dangerous things off of the internet. >> Exactly. >> For your job. >> It's not weird, you're weird. It's >> Guys, we personally believe in this one. We use every day. It is necessary and important to protecting you online. Otherwise you might as well just post your credit card number on your Twitter. Just post it! >> Don't, go to Get 5% cash back on everything you spend for three months, make us look good, keep us in business, protect your privacy and have a magical genie that [blowing] makes burner cards for you. >> I think they need to implement that noise now. >> Yeah, a little pop of me, it'll go, poof. >> It's Brian. Ghost genie Brian. >> Dressed up as a genie. >> Out of a lamp, You got all these bangles. [fire crackling] >> Pepper down. Pepper down. Pepper down. >> Pepper down. >> We have a pepper down.
Channel: The Modern Rogue
Views: 935,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the modern rogue, brian brushwood, jason murphy, spy cam, surveillance, hidden camera, test
Id: pEnKR1kzoHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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