SECRETARIAT - Heart Of A Champion

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[Music] penny she knew that there was not just speed but stamina in in the bloodline of secretary she had the wisdom to have hope and faith that that little Colt might actually go further and of course it did you really have to have a product do you believe in and the determination that you can do it and by God I was gonna do that you know I think a lot of people around the horse really sense something very special early on you know that first race when he lost I think not so many people know there was a great expectation they were very surprised that he came in fourth because around the workouts around the barn they knew he was special I start riding three months before he ran his first race the first time up with my saddle on him and helped him around I was a little bit hard pulling horse eventually he cut going real nice after first few times I start working him I stole Lucien Laurin as you got a racehorse in your hand one of the most remarkable things about secretary is that not only did he have phenomenal natural ability anatomically he was almost without flaw you couldn't pick him apart he was a specimen I mean they called him super horse or the horse the god belt or the perfect horse he has the kind of build Rijn when he would walk into the racetrack he could blow himself up so he would seem into the larger than the other horses he had a great golden coat which looked like about a half a size too small and bulging muscles good-looking had great jowl deep big gorgeous shoulder you can feel all the muscle you know it he glide Jellico playing took what ground did it the rule you never just pulled out the red horse if a camera or the press were around he knew it and he was aware of his sight lines and camera lights first click of the camera the years would go up he'd swell up in pose you know like look at me I'm the man I mean and he was and he knew it he put on a show he played around a lot one day there with the eddy sweat he grabbed a rake and tried to put the rake into this to the stall and he handed a half way in and Eddie grab the rake in there having a little bit of a tug-of-war there and at the time he did grab one of Eddie's brushes and rented the back of the star with it and Eddie to come back here you were doing green my back my brush and secretary you know but he was really cute doing that he was not a horse he was him within to me if he gotta talk oh man oh man he woulda just cared you what do you wanna do oh he couldn't do it and many you want to do it Charlie was telling me after he lost it's one of his few races that he did lose secretaries knew it and it was mad about it but he said you know what Charlie said I always thought that he thought about it every time he did me he'd get in the back of stone he don't want to be bothering he's he that have you taken I said what do you thinking about every time he get beat he come back eating his next race taking sort of record sure enough every next time he ran he did break the track record that's a fact and they're off lo and behold he lost the Wood Memorial on the eve of the Kentucky Derby which ultimately was the greatest thing that ever happened and plus there was a real good horse out there named sham and I thought you know I just don't know if he can beat sham I have to admit that coming up to the Kentucky Derby and Newsday I picked Secretariat to finish third on the day of the Derby the horse leaves the gate on the wrong he's dead last they inside that xanga line for the lead on the outside Shecky Greene he starts circling the field slowly around the first turn on the outside novel by Secretariat for buck finally twice a friend down the backstretch in around the far turn he's moved up he's flying on the outside you could see those white and blue silks and I'm thinking man he's back Secretariat is fourth and moving up on the outside and is now third and moving us the leaders as they come farther out of the spread then he started ticking of horses and me tougher home and run it I said well you got this one they're outside of the special cameras Bellator he leads it violate hook sham and they run ahead and head together and we're all screaming up in the press box the place was delirious now in their distraction area if Secretariat moving then he pulls away to win the fastest Kentucky Derby in history 159 and 2 and the remarkable thing he did that day as he ran every quarter mile in that derby faster than the preceding quarter he literally went faster and faster throughout the Kentucky Derby he was going 36 miles an hour past the stands the first time and 39 miles an hour going past the stands the second time the fact that Secretariat would always be at the back and enjoyed the experience of passing everybody that was something to behold Secretariat Bob said we're still looking and there that deadly dream on the outside it co-lead Taj then it's also tertian on the outside as they pass the stands Secretariat is left again to the first turn he was last circled the field and the time that came out of the turn he was in front of the whole field that's the way he hit the horse rent he came in from behind and boom sham under an easy hole right now but here comes Secretariat he's moving fast and he's going to the outside he's going for the lead and it's right now he's looking for Ronnie Turcotte 10 team alongside e---coli Todd we have it hey Colleen powers is the leader but Jam brother Secretariat is right along hi he's in the Preakness I never seen him jump and take off that fast he just make one one leave us here kick me get outside he said let's ride there's no words it's something magical when Secretariat turned it on you're just awestruck at what he could decide to do here comes Sam sucking on the outside now now I'm secondary as my leader by all they thought I have with him we'll begin the second sham that was the horse to beat the horse was great when he just met something greater there on the turn than here's the race folks Secretariat trying to hold us and Sam is driving to get him he expected to win he had taken his career entirely into his own hands Jim under a strong left-handed whip and he's making it on now but it's still Secretariat holding on he left to run he's a fix legs up and went out and grabbed the earth and just kept running powerful okay [Applause] he's been getting away Secretariat won the first two races in record time it wasn't just that he won them he won them faster than any other horse had ever run them when he won the Derby in track record time at God everybody's attention then when he duplicated that performance in the Preakness it was like wow look here and then leading up to the Belmont I think he was on the cover Sports Illustrated in time and Newsweek and you just hoped and prayed that he wouldn't stub his toe because you know it was just such a great story let this go on and be completed and then for him to go on and do what he did in the Belmont just do it was it was jaw-dropping it truly was and so we come up to the day of the Belmont Sun is just coming up little pony girl and was taking care of her pony and she rattled a bucket on the wall and secretary - heard that and he went up in the air and he started walking around he was pawing at the sky like this and he comes down and he's now he's dancing he's on her like a desaad shorris on Springs and his nostrils are flared and his eyes are big and round and he's snorting he literally prance into his stall and I thought to myself oh my god what are we gonna see out there today damn now go again he's the this tremendous everybody's in line and they're off looks like yes my gala going for the lead with price of prints on the outside secretary the way very well has good position on the rail and in fact he's not going up with the leaders when they broke and secretary didn't hang back and he moved right along from his inside post and then Sam engaged him and sham even it head part of me thought well sham you've been a gallant horse if you can do this I'm all for you those two together sham on the outside sham getting in heaven fun at second make an eight-lane anyone who was familiar with horse-racing said what are they doing they're cooking each other I mean neither one of them two windows they're on the backstretch it's almost the match race now Secretariat's on the inside by a hip jam is on the outside it's kind of tragic to me to think about sham he's the only contender up until the moment when secretary just decided to defy belief [Music] [Applause] Boeing does increase make it clean herma thinking oh no he's going too fast three quarters in 109 there's champion horses today who sprint that have trouble going that fast just running a six furlong race much less to do that and then still keep going for another three-quarters of a mile I mean it's just it's just unreal [Applause] he's out there almost [Music] when he shook off the other horses and was clearly in the lead that's when it got surreal he said I won your race now I've got to show you what I can do on my own half track [Applause] he kept picking up speed and he hit the finish line 31 links ahead of all the other horses it's almost impossible to believe to be on the horse what it's doing that I just to be one with Secretariat in that moment of history Ronnie Turcotte was elevated to the status of first man on the Moon it's that archetype aliy untouchable that race was really sort of supernatural that horse was doing something that horses just can't do he's left a mark as a legend since I was a kid and since he had ran all we talk about is Secretariat you know if a big horse wins a race it's like well he's not as good as Secretariat there's never been any horse that could even warm Secretariat up as far as I'm concerned I mean I've seen some really good horses since then but none like him with each passing running of the Triple Crown you realize more and more how special he was [Music] unfortunately nobody lives forever and in his autopsy of course it was found his heart of course metaphorically it was twice the size but biologically they found that his heart was well over twice as big as any horse's heart they'd ever seen which a kind of fitting metaphor for him after he died I made a mission to try and keep his legacy alive because he was such a and a standing horse and I really just care for my horse so much that I've just kept honking his horn and the great thing about us getting to make movies is that we get to make Secretariat in some ways who live on Secretariat will be remembered for generations he's immortal [Music] [Music] [Applause] there were so many emotions bringing this story to the screen and I think the most touching one the one that will linger in my heart the most is that penny could be there [Music] it's just amazing to me that penny could enjoy this the common reaction is to love what he did which we couldn't have forced or created for him he just picked his moment and just ran because he was loving it
Channel: Vintage North American Horse Racing
Views: 2,545,952
Rating: 4.8788309 out of 5
Keywords: SECRETARIAT, 1973, Penny, Chenery, Ron, Turcotte, Eddie, Sweat, Charlie, Davis, Lucien, Laurin, Jimmy, Gaffney, Seth, Hancock, Randall, Wallace, Diane, Lane, John, Malkovich, 2010
Id: klP5dwGh88U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2011
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