SECRETARIAT - Full Documentary

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hello I'm Chris Fowler for sportscentury Secretariat came to us as a shining example of aristocracy big handsome and full of charge he walk with style stood tall and displayed the best manners on paper he wasn't perfect losing 5 of his 21 races as if to say I'm only human but to the eye he was perfection itself and when he performed he took our breath away yet some may ask how could he had been voted among the 20th century's 50 greatest athletes the answer because he was Secretariat more than just a horse he had a kind of a princely quality about it physically mentally he had the temperament he had the physique at the heart he had brilliant speed great stamina the girths which are made by Sadler's wouldn't fit him that special ones made to go under that big belly it is said by experts that he was the perfect horse in measurement you could look at secretary you knew that he was something special in addition to be an extraordinarily good runner there was a very imperious look to him had a big flashing copper coat on him when the sun's rays hit him it was a beautiful thing to say the way God intended to make a horse you can't anticipate greatness you can't really define it I suppose it's something that that God every once in a while sticks in somebody and and because it comes from God the gift can't be ignored and it can't be defeated and the great athletes use it even if they're not human despite the universal praise ultimately lavished on this horse in a million his career began without fanfare on July 4th 1972 as his trainer Lucien Laurin looked on from the owners box he made his debut as a tutor at Aqueduct and unfortunately he had some probably in the starting game got banged around the rider did a terrible job hadn't been in trouble alway I mean he was you know never had a chance to run and everybody saw it on the outside it's Quebec sixth followed by fleet Royal 7th version is eight jaco on the inside night Secretariat is 10 Lucien got up and the chair across the box he said damn that her should never be beaten and that's when I knew that Lucien thought we have a really good horse Secretariat chief problem in his life was he was handled by people had even handled by someone other than flawed human beings he would have been undefeated after finishing fourth in his all-too-human debut Secretariat won his next two races the second under a new jockey Ron Turcotte but it wasn't until the Sandford stakes at Saratoga that the horse who would capture America's heart gave us a peek into the future was sitting behind two horses I started to make my move because it was an opening and when two horse come back together they just ricocheted up him and it's just like nothing happened he went on and won by himself that was the beginning where he really impressed me Ronnie Turcotte wins it aboard Secretariat under the wire the winner by three lengths he separated himself from the rest of the crop pretty effectively especially his races at Saratoga that summer the time that he approached his third start then it was happening I mean then there was a lot being said in this red horse that Lucien Laurin has and could be something special no could be in the middle of the racetrack Secretariat with a rush moving to the leaders they come down to the top of the stretch sunny South has the lead by an Edgar comes Secretariat on the outside rushing to contention when Secretariat made his move in the hopeful it was unlike any move that I've ever seen a two-year-old make it was the kind of a move that you just take it takes your breath away that you could hear the collective gasp from the entire Saratoga grandstand it was just like wow did you see that they straightened away in the stretch and Secretariat takes the lead by Q Lake he circled the entire field in 22 and one for a quarter going around the turn about eight wide and you don't see any horse but alone two-year-old do that physically he was mature beyond his years he was clearly the dominant two-year-old in America there was a sustained interest in Secretariat and he was anticipated to as a Triple Crown potential to us right along for a two-year old to become horse of the year he can't just be a very good two-year-old he has to break the mold he has to do something really sensational and different secretary it looks like a two-year-old who could turn into a super horse beyond his explosive acceleration and lofty bearing Secretariat exude idatu mention that quickly gained him national fame Secretariat just had a regal way of standing before his going out to workout and he looked like he was in charge he was beautifully balanced and had this rich red color and the interesting blaze that the best thing about him was his eye he was incredible all of a sudden he'd be looking this stands he'd walked out slowed down finally come to a little halt like he was saying a lot of that pretty girl in the stands every time he heard a camera he turned he'd stopped and turned I saw secretary once watch an airplane fly over yet I'd never seen that before he had that star quality about him sort of like the movie stars arriving on the red carpet at the Academy Awards he would look over give you the perfunctory it's me good to see gotta go instead of a bit player on the New York stage he would have probably been an English stage actor doing Shakespeare if he could have talked he'd have been a son of a because he was arrogant he was the heavyweight champion of the world what do and he knew it that marquee quality sparked investor interest throughout the racing world in early 1973 reading shares for Secretariat were sold for a record total of six million dollars then after winning his first two starts of the year the unexpected happened in his Kentucky Derby tuna and aqueduct the day before the Wood Memorial I worked him a 1/8 ago three-eighths of a mile and I had to kick him to make him work and I never had to do that I told the foreman there's something the matter with this horse I said you better have him checked out and this word never got back to Lucien lon Ronnie said the horse was acting funny in the gate and every time he pulled on the rein he jerked his head back that he had never that and he couldn't understand it 70 Hertz no finish a tango and in front sham on the outside and here's the finish angle i holding on winning it by your neck the big upset secretariat finishing third in a photo but I think turcotte was paying too much attention to sham because he thought sham was the only horse they had to beat in the race and somehow he allowed angle light to get past him when the horses hit the wire illusion wire a newly lost with Secretariat couldn't understand it and did not know that he had won the race with angle light with the Kentucky Derby just two weeks away serious questions arose about true cuts ability to guide Secretariat to victory in the first leg of the Triple Crown I thought he misjudged her face you know and he was too far behind it you know he can run any faster she did at the end but it was too late I said then you know I just don't think Ronnie is the caliber competitor that we need loosen then said no I really think that he'll be okay I'll talk to him we had a conversation and Roenick made a very emotional pitch to me not to take him off doors he knew he'd made mistakes but betting man if many didn't share Lauren's confidence in the rider others began to wonder about the horse this was after he had been syndicated for six million dollars and people wondered did these people waste their money was he this good was he not where we going to have another failure in the Triple Crown Secretariat came to Kentucky with it huge number of detractors all of a sudden Lucien Laurin brings him into Louisville and there's just all this controversy about the rumors that he might have hurt himself in the wood Memorial and Jimmy the Greek at that time was going around telling people the week of the Derby that the horse was lame this horse was such a great two-year-old he was horse of the year is a two-year-old and now he's coming in here with a chance to be maybe the greatest thing since man-of-war but you can't block out all these rumors and you wonder what's going to happen here today but for all the negative fallout from his poor showing in the Wood Memorial Secretariat was a three-to-two favorite to win the biggest race of his young life a record 134 thousand hums with expectations this is Churchill Downs Louisville Kentucky on this first Saturday in May 1973 I'm Jack Whitaker and this is the 99th running of the Kentucky Derby moments from the start Secretariat is in the gate Mike gallant is moving Secretariat throws his head a bit they're at the post on the rock all the leaves on the inside that Sangha light 4 million he broke dead last and he was dead last after a quarter of a month and Fargo on the outside novel by secretary into the spring mystery rolled here Secretariat really started making up his own mind he seemed to understand racing and seemed to want to dictate his own strategy Secretariat is fourth and moving up on the outside and is out third and movie got the leaders as they come far they out of the stretch there at the head of the statute Sam is the leader he leads it violates Secretariat is in the center of the record writing then he made this tremendous move and we knew that we had seen something has start and maybe perhaps we were going to have a great Triple Crown winner now there's a stretch it's ex-secretary Khalid sham holding in second in Secretariat moving away hasn't liked to have every bag and hit him a couple time and just took off I just put my stick down and he you wouldn't buy two and a half very easily jammed on the outside our native secretary just broke leo Kentucky Derby record people were looking at the tote board he ran the last quarter mile in 23 seconds which is unprecedented in the derby secretary did something that no horse ever did he went each of the five quarters faster it just defies logic another quarter mile he might have taken to the air and flown which is obviously what was in his blood as the first horse to run the mile and a quarter Derby in under two minutes Secretariat turned what had been uneasiness in Louisville into confidence in Baltimore he went off as a three to ten favorite in the Preakness the Triple Crowns tightly turned second leg well it's almost ready the horse is just about to move into that starting gate the weather is perfect and we're just waiting for a fine horse race secretary still running with an explosive style and centripetal force would carry wide on the turns and Pimlico is considered to have tighter turns that was the one I was worried deadly dream on the outside it kool-aid Taj then it's also torsion on the outside in the Preakness he broke last again now he's going to the turn you think it's going to be the same thing as the Derby then our native and Secretariat is laughing again as they move into the first turn turcotte took a hold of him made it almost an imperceptible gesture with his hands like a man adjusting his cuff took the worst of the outside anyone poop he went from last to first in about 180 yards jam under an easy hole right now but here comes Secretariat he's moving fast and he's going to the outside he's going for the lead and it's right Valley looking for it he just accelerated and to circle the field and I said good lord what is turcotte thinking about I mean his horse is cooked because you just didn't see a horse ever make a moves like that especially in the first time it was far too early for him to have been used strategically Ronnie wouldn't have asked him to run that soon in the race it had to be what the horse wanted to do Secretariat holding it by a length and a half here comes sham second on the outside now Secretariat the leader by like that I have with Jam moving into second once I get your delayed there and I just drop him on the rail I just turned his head loose and you went back to Cal from the whole South you know we just open alone you know I kept thinking Belmar Secretariat by two lanes driving second there's the strong Kim Chi he goes to my head he's been getting away he's been into another level of consciousness in the public eye there were actually kids standing on the rail as he came by this horse had now captured the public not just a racing crowd Secretariat did it again today he won the Preakness of Pimlico and he's now 2/3 of the way toward the Triple Crown expectations were very high for any horse not just Secretariat to win the Triple Crown after 25 years in citation had won it in 1948 there have been a lot of very good horses that had tried to win and failed winning the Triple Crown seemed almost impossible it was tantamount to the 400 hitter in baseball or the DiMaggio 56-game hitting streak this was something that most Americans had finally concluded will never happen again no one will ever win the Triple Crown again Terry it's run to history transcended a nation divided the lot of Americans didn't feel very good about ourselves because it was Watergate it was Vietnam our psyche was a little bruised at that time and this horse was our big uplift and thing for us all the front cover of Time magazine was Secretariat during Watergate and I think the country just loved because Secretary was a true hero we always beat sports heroes it takes our mind off other things Secretariat gave people sort of a scandal proof celebrity to to look at and to enjoy without the residue of messy politics it is the only honest thing in the country at the time as huge magnificent animal that wasn't tied up in scandal wasn't tied up in money he just ran because he loved running not since Man O'War in 1920 had a horse so captivated a nation now the one-to-ten favored had a chance to succeed where seven horses failed since 1948 to win the Belmont Stakes after taking the first two legs of the Triple Crown it was impossible for citation to create the excitement that Secretariat did because television was in its infancy at the time really but secretary was on a national occupation because they'd all seen him in color on television and he was really the first equine hero of the media age he'd been on the covers of Sports Illustrated Time Newsweek we were all under a lot of pressure you talk about attention when you're on the cover of three national magazines it was really hell week it was could I get through every day and it was really terribly wearing I would want to do it again there was a lot of cameras and a lot of people interviewers writers and all that and they kept sticking mic in my page and asking me if I was nervous and gee I was nervous then I wouldn't have been normal we had an overwhelming request for credentials people that had never seen a horse race that were in the newspaper business wanted to get up close and and see this horse it was really a frenzy of interest June 9th the day of reckoning broke bright and clear by post time millions of Secretariat fans had put their money where their hearts work some for the first time in their lives at the 70,000 that overflowed the stands a few had been at the track since sunup I was there at 6 o'clock in the morning is there all night and fell asleep begins to tree by his barn the fittest I have ever seen a horse his eyes were big as saucers his nostrils were flared he was nickering his ears were playing his muscles were rippling and he's walking around in his eye legs and I'm ever thinking to myself boy what are we going to see today before the race you could see not only what Secretariat meant to really veteran hardboiled you know step over a guy with a heart attack sure and get shut out at the window betters okay but also with people who are at that track who were not gamers who were the kids because we secretary this was the people Shores everybody wanted the seen Molly when to do it in a way that would really be authoritative I'm looking at it I think I've never seen him walk like this before he looks like the execution man he's going to the gallows he's about to dispatch on the rail and sham had been such a tough competitor for him in the first two races he wondered with this finally B shams day my instructions were to be very close to Secretariat from the way go and now it's sham the trailer is private he just felt like running that was the day he felt terrific I said just leave him alone I said just take the long world and let him run his own race Ron Turcotte he let him run come on let's see what he's got you've done the Derby you've done the Preakness come on let's see how he goes all out how good can this guy I looked at the teletype and saw that the horse had gone 3/4 of a mile in 109 and 2 which is the fastest 3/4 of a mile ever run on the Belmont Stakes and he's leaving sham at this point he is running and running and money and I turned to the guy next to me and I said he's lost the horse and I'm thinking he has gone insane and I'm saying I'm cursing under my breath you more what are you doing you know you're gonna kill the horse you're gonna lose the Triple Crown don't you know how fast you're going nobody knew that that was going to happen uh not the rider not the trainer not the owner I think probably not the horse whoa and he still has a quarter of a mile to go and I'm thinking to myself he's going to totally collapse in the stretch he can't keep this up and I'm asking other guys are on the track what are you thinking and everybody to a man is thinking he's going too damn fast Lu she said to me oh my god run just don't follow don't follow finally after I turned for home my curiosity got the best of me I had to turn around when I looked at it I scared myself I believed in Pegasus that day because I saw may I never saw anything like that in my life 31 lengths I mean if it's a think of what that I mean that's unbelievable it's likely it's like they were racing on two different racetracks it was like the Lord was holding the reins Secretariat was one of his creatures and he may be whispered to him ago and that was really when it was really an almost supernatural experience really was I leaped up out of my chair at Belmont Park shouting we'll never see this again and I get to the elevator to go down to the winner's circle and I'm standing next to Pete Axton and he said I used to think that the ali-frazier fight in Madison Square Garden was the greatest thing I've ever seen this was even greater everybody was speechless and then when it said in people were crying Ike you saw people crying at this event I mean it was such an overwhelming thing they would these coeds finding the rail this sounds hard to believe but I swear half of them were weeping as he went by the day that Secretariat won the Belmont I went back to the barn with him and I was standing outside there was a mole probably thirty fifty people there and they were giving him the saliva test and I remember a woman saying they're treating him like just another horse Jack Nicklaus once called me over and said you were at the Belmont you saw that race and I said yes and he said I was all alone in my living room watching and as he came down the stretch pulling away I applauded and I cried and Heywood said to him in a brilliant moment of Epiphany and in sight he said Jack don't you understand he said all of your life in your game you've been striving for perfection and he said at the end of the Belmont you saw it many people bought mutual tickets I'm secretary in the Belen which they never cashed that was to be their souvenir because when you are in the presence of something marvelous some little bit of it like a piece of glitter drops on you and you got it you've got that ticket part of Secretariat's glory is with you you didn't care about the ticket when you beat a track record you normally be to buy a fifth of a second he not two second maybe two and a fifth off of the track record and won by 31 lengths it was there's no horse in the history of horse racing could have ever beaten Secretariat on that day I was just so devastating it was like the 29 foot jump it was like Tiger Woods at masters his performance is right there with with Wilt Chamberlain and Donna Larsen you're not supposed to win majors by a dozen strokes you're not supposed to score a hundred points and you're not supposed to win the Belmont by 31 lengths the desperate way in which the losers were so beaten and so battered by this horse it was the Confederate Army staggering home after Appomattox I mean these are all flowery ridiculous things you could say hey it's nothing but a voice race I'm sorry this horse was an athlete a great horse will make stars of the people around it and it was certainly the case with Secretariat this is more than than the story of a single horse race or or the story of the great American horse as athlete this is just what we started one of the great American teams the team's leader was Penny Chenery Tweety in 1971 with her father a victim of Alzheimer's disease penny left her comfortable life in Denver and traveled to the east coast with hopes of saving the family horse farm we paid our bills but we weren't earning a lot of money my brother the economist said you know I really don't think we can keep this up dad is no longer aware and we ought to sell the horses and the farm and invest that money in the stock market coming in hope for meadows table was sparked in 1972 when one of its horses Riva Ridge won the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes again it was a great movie script to have Riva Ridge indeed her farm manager of an old mr. Gentry said to me after 1972 well I'm sorry Heywood from his Tweety next year she knocked me she had all that excitement with Reba next year she got nothing and of course nothing was Secretariat Penny's greatest contribution to Secretariat was herself were it not for Penny Chenery I think Secretariat would have been as famous and his popular a racehorse but I don't think we would have remembered him in quite as completely satisfying way penny was the perfect owner for Secretariat she was this attractive intelligent gracious woman and I think because of her probably a lot of the women in America really became interested in Secretariat maybe more than they would have been had there been a man honor I hope I've been a role model for women but it just was never in italics in my game plan I just happened to be a woman after taking control of meadows table penny searched for a trainer she could believe in pollution Lauren was about ready to retire when he was approached by Penny Chenery she thought Roger Lora and his son would train and he got another offer and left and I said what am I gonna do and he said well my dad's retired but you know I think he'd help you out for a while Lucien Laurin was very confident in his own abilities he didn't allow the media or anyone else to second-guess him and I think that that kind of confidence is very important otherwise the grind of going through a Triple Crown could have caused a lesser trainer to self-destruct obviously it worked out very well because he won five out of six consecutive Triple Crown races Lauren's selection of Ron Turcotte to ride Secretariat had its own special logic like the trainer the jockey came from similar routes and hardships as a french-canadian he grew up as a lumberjack working in the woods in Canada and he was not the type of jockey to go out there and give out sound bites he went out there and he rode his horse as as hard as he could I think Ron was just perfect for that whole Secretariat team may be a jockey that was more outgoing and the demanded the limelight more and all that might have kind of upset that chemistry a little bit the thing that worked about Roni was Secretariat is that ronnie came to trust the horse the rider couldn't do an awful lot to change him there was no particular need - biggest thing you can say about riding a super horse is he didn't screw it up he bit the horse the horse ran for him but this is a horse it would have run for just about anyone in 1977 Lucien Laurin was inducted into the horse racing Hall of Fame Ron Turcotte was less fortunate his riding career ended in 1978 when an accident on the track paralyzed him for life it didn't bother him when he was paralyzed from that accident and he he just accepted it and a lot of people would have said why me Ronnie took the attitude of why not me and eventually went back into his life Lucien Laurin and Ron Turcotte were always I think be ranked at the top of their professions as trainers and jockeys but being associated with Secretariat has really given a special place as a national icon Secretariat was asked to run on an even faster trend the celebrity steaks freshly signed to a contract by the William Morris Agency he shared the same talents table with Sophia Loren and Elvis president we saw the value of secretary who was quite a sex ed mode and but he was an incredible boss we felt we could make a lot of deals for Caesars Palace called and they wanted Secretariat flown to Vegas and walked around the outdoor fountain three times a day and for that they were going to pay 75 100 thousand dollars so we decided not to do that because it would be too much on the horse though some guy who wanted to market his manure in a plastic queue I thought that was pretty constant look despite the sweet smell of ancillary success generated by his fame Secretariat continued to do what he did best they had waited so long for us like this to come along and he really showed that Cup he filled it to the brim this is Secretariat day in Chicago Illinois on the outside Secretariat Secretariat insights by June that's the 16th Bull Run checkout avoid Secretariat Secretariat input his first time over the turquoise a winning on secretary at the three months after winning the Belmont Secretariat ran in the Marlboro Cup against a horse he knew back in his early youth that meadow stable the 1972 Derby winner River Ridge was now to challenge let's wave a ridge on the outside and along the inside there goes onion now moving to contention onion on the ridge on the outside those two hands apart and I look and there comes a big red head with this chapter breakers on him and there was nothing I could do I don't know if you knew it was a stablemate but he knew that he got out run for sure he was totally out of it and suddenly kept from nowhere he kept coming up faster and faster and I was standing on the finish line with another member of the broadcast crew and I said he can't do it he'll announce it interested I'm excited Secretariat Secretariat increased by two we were made second and cougar Secretariat what a Secretariat do he roams by his stablemate Riva Ridge sets a world record for Milan an eighth Secretariat ran his last race in a cold wet October Sunday in Woodbine Ontario Ron Turcotte serving an unrelated suspension season jockey Eddie maples sat uneasy in the master horses saddle maple was a nervous wreck didn't wanna how would you like to be the hurt the guy who lost on foot in secretaries last race you know you wouldn't live that down for a while if something happens and he doesn't win but they're just tar and feather me right I told my wife and son goodbye you know maybe we'll never see him again everybody knew this was the end that he was not going to race as a four-year-old and everybody wanted him to go out doing something spectacular and he did and as the horses came out of the final turn you could see Secretariat alone in front and steam was blowing out of both nostrils there we exhale like a locomotive I mean it was an incredible sight and that was the the final competitive moment of a career that probably could have known no limits had he kept racing when the race was over I went down and I reached down and grabbed a handful of grass which as best as I could tell was the last step that Secretariat had taken track like all great athletes who quit at the top Secretariat left racing fans to wonder what might have been we waited a long time for him we waited since Man O'War I don't expect in my lifetime to see another one like him we might see another affirmed or we might see another native dancer or something but he was perfect his final appearance on the track it's very rare for people to come out to see a horse when he isn't actually racing but Secretariat drew that kind of crowd at Aqueduct on November 6th 1973 just 16 months since his inauspicious debut 33,000 of the faithful gathered to watch the big chestnut canter past the stands on his last goodbyes before retiring to stud I can remember being there the day that that he arrived back at bluegrass field in Lexington to be sent over to Claiborne farms and there's almost like Air Force wanted landed and the president was getting off it became such a an attraction but also almost a cult hero people love to go to Claver to see him after he was retired they couldn't really really get over this is secretary we had people even lay down the stone you know God let me let me lay on that straw that's where secretary sleep when I moved here from California I had never seen Secretariat before and you know before I went out look for a place to live before I went out shop for furniture before I did anything I just felt this compelling need to go out to Claver and farm and and see Secretariat and in 1976 when the Today Show in the in celebration of the Bicentennial went to around to each state I arranged for them to come to Claiborne farm in Paris and we set up right by the Secretariat paddock and it was one of the great performances of all time because it was like he knew he was on national TV he sat there any posed with his head in his ears and it was like the star knew that the red light was on it's time to before I asked Hancock no how could you tell I mean they all look so magnificent how how could you tell that Secretariat was any better than anyone else he said you know it's their eyes you know the great athletes have great throw breads it's their eyes and as he said eyes Secretariat snapped his head and stared at me like that to say and you better believe it just looked me right in the eyes and and he told me that he said even out in the field when they feed the horses they wait till Secretariat eats first standing up as applause of the crowd for his horse maybe the greatest horse anybody's ever seen Secretariat stud career began with high expectations but he would never come close to passing on his greatness he was not a failure in stud he was a useful sty and but he you'd have to say that Secretariat was a bit of a disappointment secretary it was a terrific broodmare sire his daughters turned out to be very successful brood mares but I think the expectations for him were so unrealistic the people were going to be disappointed no matter what he created he produced some pretty good horses general assembly then ladies secret who was the horse the year in 1986 but I think people expected him to produce horses like him and of course that was just going to be impossible in September of 1989 it was clear that something was wrong with big red he let out one of the loudest pitiless nickers that you've ever heard of a horse let out he was his hurt and he was begging for him there'd been stories that he was in some distress because of laminitis laminitis is a truly devastating disease the hoof walls start to separate that's like you having a fingernail that's slowly being pulled off and and that's excruciating ly painful and there's no way for the horse to get away from it because they have to stand on their feet and you hate to think of a horse like that being in any kind of pain it was sad because he did mean so much to the sport the horse who became so tremendously popular that he was once described as the people's horse has died we all grieved in our way none of us could bear to have Camelot fall when I found out he died I just broke down and wept for a long time in my hotel room the sadder we'd been at 10 o'clock on a Thursday morning you look at everybody's faces tears rolling down the cheeks that's that barium and be thankful for what you had going back to your job and see if you can come close to getting hands on another liking which will never happen and you know it but that's what you're in it for when Secretariat died at 19 an autopsy revealed what every poet knew that his heart was huge some two and a half times larger than those who ran so far behind him when I did that autopsy on Secretariat we were quite a stone age he was certainly unusual he was almost a freakin nature but a freak in terms of being so abnormally perfect he had a larger motor and he was able to crack up oxygen and synthesize it faster and more efficiently than any other horse I've ever seen he just had a superior power pack and he was showing it to the world I wonder what he thought he must have had a sense of accomplishment every now and then some athlete is touched for a moment with a kind of higher level of greatness which they may never achieve again but at that moment they were more than life allows it was the same thing that Babe Ruth did for baseball to someone that everyone can relate to think about the amazed about and that's what he did for racing in recent years off-track betting has made horse-racing a sport in absentia races are often run before near empty grandstands which only lends greater significance and mystique for the memory of Secretariat he sired one horse of the year but nothing even close to himself an American original Secretariat could not be duplicated
Channel: Horse Racing
Views: 2,860,204
Rating: 4.7785802 out of 5
Keywords: SECRETARIAT:, Full, Documentary, sports, century, horse, racing, 1973, triple, crown, kentucky, derby, preakness, belmont, stakes, ron, turcotte, sham, best, fastest, famous, peoples, horses, 1970s, epic, amazing, big, huge, run, for, the, roses, super, superior, new, york, penny, chenery, bold, ruler, riva, ridge
Id: Lhfi6zOLdK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2012
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