The horse tamer - Enigma
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: El Domador de Caballos
Views: 4,212,210
Rating: 4.5312977 out of 5
Keywords: Horse tamer, Horse trainer, Horse whisperer, horse breaker, horse, horses, horse charmer, horse tamers, horseback riding, pony, horse racing, horseshoe, horse breeds, wild horses, equestrian, dreamhorse, quarter horse, horse riding, equine, horse videos, horse movies, horse tack, horse jumping, hobby horse, horse reins, draft horse, horse stable, ponies, horse back riding, charmer, horse training, horse halter, horse boarding, horse show, thoroughbred horses, Fine Step Horses
Id: ol-O5QQR7Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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