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okay telling these beings attain tell he's being detained we're not asking you let's go oh let's go it's pretty early in 7:00 a.m. and I have five guys between six foot one and six foot five coming up to my house right now Loen why do you have these guys coming up to your house I'm glad you asked day I'm gonna be pranking my brother Jakob all now I gotta go get these guys they're all waiting for his father then they're all waiting downstairs and I feel like these two are gonna be woken up here shortly anyways so uh wake up guys good morning let's go okay big ding it is time to go meet these savages I wonder if they've ever been logged before and then be wrangled together by a 21 year old let's find out whoo-hoo there's my guys hey Dan what an intimidating group of guys I'm terrified right now what's up guys I'm just with my security guards just with my security guard that's all does anyone know why they're here no guns no they know they're here for a YouTube video they don't know what's happening yet okay so we are pranking my brother today my brother did a prank where he he did an overnight challenge in the White House kids slept in the White House overnight yeah then the next day he gets a call from the Secret Service like actual Secret Service and they're like hey we need to interview you we need to come to your house I'm like why don't I just hire my own Secret Service to go and Jake so that's what y'all another speech [Music] okay so I'm giving these guys the brief on what exactly Jake did they're kind of like scary this guy this tall guy he hasn't said a word the whole time what is it made you guys do not know what happened why don't I show you it's like eight o'clock right now and everyone's gonna go to dinner upstairs smiling shot to break away from the group this is where I'm staying I'll be real honest I don't know how to get out of here thing this is oh oh my god stay yeah row kids Loco I mean let's be honest I would have done the same thing but this kids still loco okay so that happened can we all agree that my brother is a little Loco just look homeys a little love Co okay and then and then this happen this is okay I had was the story instead bought two hundred dollars worth of Bluetooth headsets there you go here you go Dan gets the really intense one that looks like alien type thing because he's the he's the main guy plan for me was to sit in the back of the SUV and me and Dan I'm just gonna be talking I'm gonna tell him to say if anything don't stick out an extra one that's all guys I was talking about always gone literally just left Shady's looking guys gone ah yo toe is going down [Music] I'm ordered an SUV I tried to rent one but my producers aka me did not do a good job we're all going to pack into this uber and then head on over to my brother's house are you available to like be with us for the next like two hours sure you have an easy hi how you guys feeling let's go I told these guys that they can be as aggressive as they want with Jake if he tries to resist when you guys are like yo we're detaining you beat his ass so right now we're coming up with questions that we can ask Jake here what did you want to ask or you want do you take anything from the the residents from the White House that's a federal offense yeah what rooms besides the bathroom if you visited yeah I want to ask him be like yo slant anything did you play anything you have any connections to Isis like all the above MIDI recording equipment that was left on the property has to be seized yeah to see if there's a we're gonna sweep this place for bugs who are you working with who are you are you with exactly a spunky Jake I feel your metal Adam your food your Adam your Bowie okay we are down the street from Jake's house here is the plan one of his friends kate is staying with him inside the house kate is on our team everyone everyone's on our team everyone knows what's happening except Jake like even my dad okay he's gonna be filming from inside these guys are gonna when they see Kate Kate film either gonna say sir you need to put the camera down exactly so yeah which point Kate is gonna put the camera down not really so then once these guys have Jake seated at the table I showed them where the table was Spencer's gonna run around the outside of the house and get another angle with this sniper we got this sniper camera the long lens then have another conversation Kate set up a GoPro watching the GoPro and then telling these guys what to say through their ear and here's why this is going to work like I said the actual Secret Service is showing up at Jake's house later today and in Jake's a vlog my dad said this I wasn't that was legit but now I am I'm with that set handsome boys 4 to 3 like you subscribe haha there's my boy there's my boy ok we are pulling up and actually I am going to the back hopefully he doesn't see me hopping in the choke hold on yeah hi yo yo are you mr. Palmer yeah step away from the back up dude you're too close to the door ok don't go walking in the door ahead you need to calm down what is this man yeah I'm looking for a mr. Paul I'm miserable ah Jay Paul okay you're is that your son yes it Massapequa in place yeah hold on okay we've got a few people here so yeah s a free place thank you okay you guys when you can you scatter off the round side see if there's anybody in here I got outside matches two SUVs tonight yeah so they went talking out he's going man we're coming all right got a new chick ball hi channels services we need to speak for a minute so why don't we guys come on so let's walk it up here right okay the only inside no I just can hear that this is are you the only residents of the house right now for are you the only one living here yes yeah all right I just let's make one thing clear there's been a federal offense so some of the things that you put on or no yes sir we really cannot have on its own this is a federal situation we're dealing with here and this cannot be broadcast okay by UPS on so I can hear what Dan is saying and I can tell then what to say all right [Music] okay so let's let's establish something right away what happened the other day can you just say in your own words what happened and why you were in the situation for that longer time making me sir yeah just it just changed no matter what was it you know actually I was invited to the White House and basically I had this idea like there's a trend on YouTube where you do overnight challenges just try and like stay overnight and I had the idea I was like you know I wanna like stay overnight in the White House right off the bat is is you realize that staying over the White House is a federal offense if you are not invited and if you're in a property scare guys guys let's cool it let's keep it nice and cool you realize that's a federal offense you could actually really locked up for a criminal crime but hands actually really good this like I'm that he's going off on his own anything you say from here on out is is legally a federal offense if you lie to us so this could actually be taken to court for this okay I so please just I didn't pick it up from when you're not in I didn't know that it was legal like I was I was invited I had a badge and everything yeah but you beat it and he went off on your own and hid in the bathroom that is not labeled did he remove anything from the property did you remove anything from the property did you take anything that even even the most simple thing from the White House did you remove anything from the property or the resident I didn't move anything I didn't talk to anyone that I did Louis was this on yours at 3 a.m. like were you really pooping that whole time because that's impressive mr. Paul were you actually pooping that whole time because if so yes that's pretty impressive i sat on the toilet eggs going below the toilet I was completely was there any foreign interaction did you meet with anyone from any other foreign country that might be at risk to the United States ask him if he has any ties with Isis do you have any ties with Isis at all I mean have you ever Google and searched anything about Isis or looked into that because we will need to probably take your computer and and wipe it and actually look for including if there's an including are you including your YouTube channel we're gonna have to wipe your YouTube channel completely okay telling me is being sane that is being detained this is a matter of national security and it's homeland security that you're dealing with down so we're actually going to have to and you know again just as our guest as an addictive detainee we're gonna have to go we're actually gonna bring you have to bring into Washington so so we're gonna have to search your yo-yo set a all these time hey hey hey we're not asking you let's go oh let's face it Oh Jake you will come with us back my dad off and Ricky bringing them to the car I won't go with you you won't go offending him come I don't like I don't like them don't fight now for your region oh go go go get in the car get in the car yo bro they got you too cuz they got you too Road The Secret Service is in here [Applause] yeah Papapa was he on it lovable acting career I hate you guys get this man in Oscar get this man oh I love you bro I do I do I love ya I love you bro can't say the same these guys these guys did it today brought he was acting yo yo you were mr. aggressive I was like dad calm down it made it so much more real noise I know but I was like I was worried that these guys would be like yo mr. Paul's a psycho I'm gonna take that man down all right I told him I was like I was like yo my dad is a hard-ass he's gonna be aggressive and then yeah they did good acting man actually low Jake is leaving any any final goodbyes any last words screw you love ya I'll see you later Logan I by Jake a little bit a little bit a lot of my Oh Hertz hey yo so that was a day I think that one's going down in the books I still don't know what happened to the one guy that one tall intimidating guy find it weird that he just left but okay yo can we get this video to 100,000 likes I'm just kidding I know we can let's make it one hundred twenty-five thousand one hundred and twenty-five thousand likes in this video if you liked it the low gang got this let's go today's notification shoutout goes to Tristan LP productions so stir in my boy thank you for having my notifications on brother and uh yeah I think that's it dude frickin bangers out here in the low gang ending the vlog a little early I don't think and get so much better than that subscribe if you are not a part of this family breath and I will see you guys tomorrow take it easy peace [Music] that's your bid [Music]
Channel: Logan Paul
Views: 25,984,091
Rating: 4.9367094 out of 5
Keywords: logan paul vlogs, logan paul brother, jake paul disney, jake paul arrested, jake paul white house, secret service prank, arrested prank, detained prank, jake paul detained, logan paul pranks brother, brother pranks brother, brother vs. brother, jake paul secret service, logan paul secret service, pranks, best pranks, jake paul whitehouse, secret service, white house, paul brothers, rise of the pauls, jake paulers, logang, logang for life
Id: TnmEX6mpSHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2017
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