Forbes 30 Under 30 Summit | John Shahidi | Q1 Describe your business plan with Shots Studios 360°

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[Music] a lot of people in the tech world like you are kind of looking to create the next Instagram the next YouTube the next vine but instead you said no no we're going to create the stuff that's going to go on that so kind of could you tell us a little bit about how you decided that was the smart business plan yeah we actually we actually went that path first we launched an app called shots it was a standalone app that was on iphone and android then we may be about a year and a half two years later said you know this is you know we spent almost half the money that we had raised on trying to compete against the Facebook's and the instagrams and then snapchat stories and that's when we decided like maybe we should actually build on the build the content that these creators are creating within our platform for suspend the rest of our investor's money trying to go after Facebook and snapchat was just crazy [Music] [Music]
Channel: PodcastOne 360
Views: 16,240
Rating: 4.7026024 out of 5
Id: Jz04xjxCNAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 48sec (108 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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