Secret Restaurants Hiding in Plain Sight

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My personal opinion is that the original Chew Kee Eating House had better soy sauce chicken. Both are pretty close though.

I've tried both....

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/shibiwan 📅︎︎ May 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
great food is all around us even in hidden or completely unexpected places but when one bite is life-changing the journey is worthless first stop a delicious surprise at one very special car wash [Music] getting your car washed is normally a bit of a chore but here in Northridge people are getting more car washes than necessary and that's because of something delicious lurking inside they always say what we say the car wash how come what happened how did you get here it's really funny because nobody would think that we are here I'm Lillian and I'm the owner of Lillian spreading sweets and we're located inside Lillian opened her restaurant in the car wash for one simple reason she knew that being located in a car wash would provide foot traffic and some new clients when you walk into cruisers you were confronted by the smells of little tree air fresheners steering wheel covers and other car cleaning paraphernalia but you are also confronted with the smell of home-cooked Filipino food Filipino food is simple but delicious with a lot of pork chicken and beef and rice of course we cannot keep our food without rice we are famous for our hollow hollow our hollow hollow they always say is the best in the West it is to die for as someone who ate three hollow hollows in 24 hours I can attest it's really great Filipino food tends to be overlooked internationally but it's gearing up to be the next big thing in the culinary world on average in a day I will sell about 300 meals cooking is really a passion for me yeah because if you are not passionate with what you're doing then you won't be able to succeed I'm really so grateful and thankful that I have my team because without them I am nothing I think that's my secret so the next time you treat yourself to a car wash you can splurge am more than just a pine-scented air freshener you can splurge on that empanada scented plate of Filipino food guaranteed to make your car smell better than a little air freshener ever could now that the car is nice and shiny it's time to fill up on gas and some more amazing food all in one stop at the Bombay Frankie company you'll find Hiram and his staff making Indian food at a gas station Hiram care to explain okay the reason why we chose this particular gas station is because our families actually in the gas station giving you store business we had this space for you for quite a while and we thought well what a great launchpad traditionally what you might find it is unhealthy non fresh fare and when you're coming across something that's not only fresh but it's true to the most raw ingredients so when we start with that completely off the wall pairing you're gonna be starting from a really low point so all you can go is high and higher and we're trying to just set the bar really high since they've opened the Bombay Frankie company has received both critical and commercial success definitely our most popular item is the Frankie in Bombay sometimes it can be a rolled-up sandwiches sometimes it can be an enclosed sandwich what we tried to do is make it ultimately relatable to the LA market and make it really similar to a burrito it's one of the best things you've ever tried people say never mix business with friends or family I say don't knock it until you try it the key members of the bumpy Frankie company it's my sister Priyanka our esteemed chef mr. Komal Jeet Singh and our staff having someone come in for the first time who's never tried Indian food and are completely engulfed by the experience they truly realized that not only is it an Indian food coming from a gas station and being served in the gas station that they would try it elsewhere so by preserving traditional ingredients traditional corporations traditional recipes were staying true to not only ourselves but the region of food for which we serve and we want to make sure that you're leaving feel like you got the true experience for more clothes in corriander head east to New York to a place where the food is simply divine on the surface the ganesha temple in queens seems like just a place of worship for hindus but if you take the side entrance down the hall with all the lights follow the signs down the stairs follow more signs down more stairs you'll find the temple canteen a restaurant serving food to rival anything you would find in india this is dr. uma Mysore Carter namaste I'm the president of the Hindu temple Society of North America in Flushing New York the temple came into existence in 1977 and as one of the first of its kind in North America the temple has become a cultural hub for Hindus throughout the US this is a place like home people who come to the temple spend their whole day here they have their worshipping services in the morning and then very often we have cultural programs but also they come here to eat they come to the temple to eat yes they do come here to eat some of them come just only to eat not even to come inside the temple so in addition to a place of worship a community center and a wedding venue the Ganesha temple serves cuisine authentic to South India and is open to the public and the food is pretty fantastic just as the New York Times for New York magazine or Anthony Bourdain it's not easy to find Indian food everywhere around the corners so people come to find authentic Indian food okay so if you don't know anything about South Indian food here are some of the must-haves there's vara I always called it as a salty doughnuts Italy there's nothing but puffed rice sambar it is made of lentils very healthy and most notably dosas there are at least about eight or nine kinds of dosas it consists of dow and there is a filling inside we have about an authentic Indian cooks in our Hinduism we strongly believe without the offering of food to the deities our prayer is incomplete and that's how it really started but I think when you go to a canteen or a restaurant you want to enjoy your food we want to make sure that whether it is a Hindu or a non him though you should be able to enjoy the food who cares really whether it is an Indian restaurant or a non Indian restaurant you just want to go and eat food so the next time you're hungry in Queens try the temple next a michelin-starred meal that's actually affordable at a humble spot in the middle of Singapore's Chinatown whoa michelin seek assurances Oh potato so Fannin Longo Taleo adi sankara little [Music] washington jo han min-koo Shastri vitreous our horses hie and elaine shereika or insouciance life Shankaran Pillai Singapore that's all Congress has tree that's all today UTC person pursue research on some little shop we drove us over to trader 2003 so in the services being delivered as a loggia what a yo Qi Qi Liang Liang Shan Shan Ito Chanel higher water stirring child L to the cow to the Sangha Nyepi choice and a towel cheetah what's your engine Hisle Georgia fan troll a traumatic event or Java mentor Hondo cooker tomorrow 77 Tony Leung chun-ying Miccosukee yo yo yo yo can ye were maintained as a family man ke my tau y batata yo G the sources may chilling to un like water self-enhancement way like a schwa water Tom a healing service Johnson sir on general sufficient alone see ye and ye th the council the Joe Garagiola know what honey oh yes it out each head totally okokok a water so a towel ah so what rating hyung-nim Pechanga psychologically met thousand I see yeah well I see yo the judge and mayo Tania water damage healing using the Cyril Soho woloson we can determine that email in child height or or to Sir Stephen the control and since our woman only be healing leasing yochim and finally a restaurant that is so elusive the path to find it becomes a journey all its own this story is about a secret restaurant in Madrid oh yes tapas oh we are here for Chinese treats whoa whoa whoa how did we get down here again buckle up that's a long story it all started when we go to tip saying Madrid had the secret Chinese restaurant the most authentic food ever but very hard to find let's go there was no email no proper address all reviews pointed to a mysterious underground location we call the one number available no response oh what a shame no wait we didn't give up that easily we got a friend in Madrid to get to the bottom of it and she got us the right directions good thank you I got it I got it there are no signs so follow these steps we got to Madrid and followed the very detailed instructions take notes people go to Plaza de Espana Chuck get to the southeast corner check find the parking lot entrance go down the stairs double-check oh look Assad's the restaurant remember there are no signs oh yeah forgot go down more stairs go through the corridor welcome its whoa wait I think that's it that's how you find cafeteria you lose ooh better known as the salsa everyone me chilling zoo and Lou Fink's or merciful to formally CT in these Jews are some of the most genuine Chinese food in Spain looks so good tenderly me a woman would hear the howl with Cynthia la ba la serda video - these delicacies are not just your average Chinese dumplings they're from the couple's hometown shin-chan in the surrounding province Zhejiang in southeastern China it's actually where the majority of Madrid's Chinese population is from or may see what's the warm ethnicity eisenbergers so you want me to chant identity ha located Almaty no to her and she went along well you can see one like really like it for a restaurant I was this hard to find seems like this place never stops going it's already deep in some tofu you can you gotta tell us who does your marketing didn't wait until May or deep-well ah come on man what about one for us we'll take that as a maybe ah that was totally worth the trouble please can we start filming now I am really hungry [Music]
Channel: Great Big Story
Views: 1,348,279
Rating: 4.9124489 out of 5
Keywords: great big story, gbs, lag, documentary, docs, restaurants, hidden, food, meals, lunch, dinner, new releases, great big reels, food & drink, drink, los angeles, diner, filipino, chinese, madrid, dumplings, tasty, low-key, bread, sweets, car wash, indian food, india, hiding, hide, secret
Id: _kw88z3WMD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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