Ranking Every Faction In Skyrim

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in the land of Skyrim there are many factions that dot its Landscapes from the skin-tight BDSM loving Dark Brotherhood to the furry addicted companions but which of these factions deserve the attention of the slightly sociopathic narcissistic demi-god of a Dragonborn well my fellow aiella freaks I will be ranking who in this very video but before I start ranking these factions let me explain the criteria behind my rankings I will be ranking these factions based off of aesthetic and how good their quests and lore are as well as inserting my own personal opinion every once in a while I will also be combining the Stormcloaks and Imperials into one rank as to avoid a bunch of nerds making essay long comments on the Civil War I could give less of boethia's [ __ ] about lastly I will only be discussing factions that you must consciously join that means no factions you can't refuse to join like The Nightingales gray beards blades and unfortunately house telvani although I may make specific videos on them in the future anyways on with the overrated tear list number eight the bards college absolutely nobody is surprised by me putting the bards college in last place this quote-unquote college has only one trainer in speechcraft and there is no possible way to be taught how to Bang a Drum or whistle a tune without the addition of mods the bards college only has one fetch quest to retrieve some book about Olaf one eye in order to join the college then after some long boring dialogue some other bards may give you some miscellaneous fetch quests to retrieve some other instruments and that's it and that's another thing the bards college seems to be dedicated to vilifying King Olaf one eye the same ancient Nord king of Whiterun who trapped the fabled dragon pneuminex the bards college would burn an effigy of King Olaf calling him a deceiver and a betrayer believing Olaf did not indeed capture numenix this however is more of a lie than the tribunal because parthenax literally confirms he spoke with the captured pneumonex and Olaf one eye can be found in sovngarde now I'm not sure what the specific requirements to be allowed into the Mead swelling Halls of shorar but being a deceitful bastard does not seem to be one of them also you can see the skull of pneumonex and dragon's reach aside from the miscellaneous quests which give you a generous amount of level ups and skills the barge college is useless boring and full of petty history of petty bards number seven Clan volkaha now let me start by saying that I am slightly biased here because I hate vampires the lore around them is cool but the idea of sucking blood having blood fountains and anything blood repulses me I also feel that the cons of being a vampire vastly outweigh the pros and makes the game an absolute chore dodging the Sun and not in the funny telvani chore kind of way I never actually played the vampire side of the Dawnguard DLC until about a year ago when I decided to give in and make a vampire character and I must admit I found Clan vocal hard to be extremely disappointing and it is clear the vampire side was rushed heavily the vampire side of the Dawnguard DLC plays out exactly the same as the Dawnguard side with slightly different dialogue and unlike the Dawnguard where the final quest is to raid castle volkahar and kill Harkon and his underlings the vampire side just has you walk in and kill Harkon deal with the Dawn Guard is actually a [ __ ] radiant Quest and it's a coin toss on whether you'll get it or not I never even got it on my vampire run which made the ending all the more dissatisfying on top of all of that disappointment many characters actually have potential but don't go anywhere then galmo and orthyolf are two vampires who scheme and plot for the throne and will send their underlings to kill you when you retrieve the Bloodstone chalice but when you kill Harkon they are pretty chill and just give you more radiant Quest nonsense all in all Clan volkahar is probably the worst faction and the most disappointing but hey at least they behave like an actual faction and give you some unique and in some cases powerful rewards unlike the bards college number six the Civil War factions now as I said previously I am putting the Stormcloaks and Imperials together as just the Civil War factions for three reasons one they both behave the same Quest wise two I really don't want to see essays of people bitching about their favorite side that isn't number one and three because I also don't care about the Civil War in general but putting aside the finer points of Skyrim Politics the quests for both the Stormcloaks and Imperials are rather linear and mainly involve getting a crown looking at catapults shot like shooting stars and Whiterun and making pit stops at Forts and raiding either Solitude or Windhelm what I do like about these factions is that there is actually a ranking system that is reminiscent of how Morrowind and Oblivion operated with having the rank of a common foot soldier to being a legate in the Imperials or storm blade of the Stormcloaks I like both ranking systems for both sides Imperials for feeling like you're in a proper Army and storm quotes for feeling like a rebellious badass I do feel that the Civil War quests could have been done more like instead of just raiding forts you would actually first take over the fort and use it as a staging area to invade all of the cities like Dawn star or even Markarth I would love to see a raid on Markarth into the Mountainside the factions also have their ups and downs for Stormcloaks raiding White Run is really fun but just breaking into Castle Dao or not the Blue Palace is rather lame the opposite is true for the Imperials with defending Whiterun being super lame but breaking into the Palace of Kings being very fun and a much more satisfying conclusion to the Civil War a way to fix that could be maybe for Whiterun to have balgruth join the opposite side of what ever you choose and for the storm cloak she would still have vignar but for the Imperials would be Alfred battleborn playing into the rivalries of both Clans and if you're a storm cloak instead of breaking into Castle dower you would Infiltrate The Blue Palace itself anyways the Civil War factions are okay but the quest rewards could be better aside from just randomized Loot and the Windhelm house Harem that's why they are number six number five the companions the furry faction of Whiterun is the warrior Guild of Skyrim and the companions have a very unique and Rich lore dating their Origins to izgrimor and his 500 Companions and there is even a book describing a few of the other harbingers in the Deep history of the Companions and its Evolution through time however this is where my positive affinity for the companions ends and my critiques start rolling in the werewolf Arc in the story makes zero sense Kodak white mean the current harbinger of the companions describes that a previous Harbinger made a pact with some hagravens to Grant the companions great power and so they became werewolves and while they may have enjoyed or regretted it I don't understand why you have to become a werewolf in order to achieve higher prestige in the companions in the days of these grimor and after you supposedly had to earn a place in the circle as the harbinger by proving yourself in battle but for some reason you have to not only prove yourself but also be forced as a werewolf by skewer sure he says you have a choice but if you wish to progress further in the quest you really don't have a choice and if codlak vilkas and Farkas dislike being a werewolf so much why are future members forced to become werewolves anyway if they don't want to Kodak calls it a curse but it's not you can make an argument that the dude who made the deal with the hag Ravens was cursed but everyone else after that just took it and if everyone regrets it so much then why don't they just stop spreading like anthropy it's so simple aside from the werewolf dilemma the story is actually pretty interesting in my opinion finding ruthrad reading codlax Journal avenging kodak's Spirit after snooping through his journal companions could have been fleshed out so much more specially with their fight against the silver Bloods but I give them a meh out of 10 which is why they're number five and speaking of numbers number four the College of Winterhold a lot of people give the College of Winterhold a lot of malacath but I am someone who really enjoys them I find the quest with the Eye of Magnus wrapped up with the sidgic order and the thalmord to be quite enjoyable as well as expanding on the ancient history between the ancient Nords and the snow elves and why is grimor went about his genocide I also highly enjoy the characters of the College of Winterhold and While others may not find them memorable I kinda do the one-sided rivalry between neria and feralda Colette thinking everyone hates restoration uraggro shub being an orc librarian and breaking stereotypes the infinite Mysteries of the auger of dunlain and many more the only complaints I have about the College of Winterhold is the reason for being archmage is stupider than a wrinkling I mean yeah you saved the college found the staff at Magnus and a whole bunch of other stuff but that doesn't necessarily make you a good Mage you can easily go through the whole quest line using simple Dollar Store spells that even a novice can cast additionally after the great collapse I don't understand why the Mage has never tried to use their magic to fix Winterhold or at the very least it fixed their damn bridge that shit's treacherous considering you can turn iron to Gold I have no doubt the college has the funding so conjure up a freaking Hammer already and fix the goddamn Bridge number three the Dawn Guard personally I love the Dawn Guard the most because the Dawnguard has access to the coolest faction armor in the game sick ass crossbows regular and Dwarven make Troll and husky followers we never use for more than 10 seconds and a badass like isron as the leader of the Dawn Guard the Dawn Guard is simply the better version of Clan vocal heart without all that edgy [ __ ] that comes with being a creature of the night the radiant quest for the Dawn Guard aren't that amazing with most being go to this dungeon and kill everyone including a vampire however there is one radiant Quest that involves going into a city and murdering a vampire that is integrated with the civilian population although if you kill him in public it may result in a bounty which makes it quite enjoyable and makes you plan out your attacks isron is also very unique because he is the only faction leader that will not die or be replaced by the Dragonborn he will lead the Dawn Guard to Victory and you're gonna [ __ ] like it not much else I can say about the dawn card the Dawnguard DLC Quest is the same as the volkohar version with some minor caveats but the ending of the Dawn card is just all the more satisfying and rewarding number two the Thieves Guild now personally I dislike the Thieves Guild in Skyrim I feel like they lost the charm that made them unique in both Morrowind and Oblivion and they're simply just the mafia but slightly less violent however I cannot deny that the quest is quite unique and features quite a large number of unique characters many with unique voice actors like brynyoth Delvin and Vex seriously it should be a crime that the Thieves Guild has four unique voice actors while every other faction has like around one or two excluding a faction that I will be mentioning quite soon also one thing I appreciate about the Thieves Guild is unlike every other faction you have to work to become the leader having to do enough jobs to bring every major city in Skyrim Under the thumb of the Thieves Guild makes being the leader feel very rewarding as if you truly deserve it the Thieves Guild also has the greatest rewards out of every other faction completing the Thieves Guild questline and becoming the master gives you around four fences that can have up to 4 000 gold in their inventory making them the perfect for selling all of your stolen and not not stolen loot very quickly and becoming very rich Additionally you are able to bribe the guards if you ever commit a crime like thieving or you know Murder which makes you completely Unstoppable and you are able to do whatever the [ __ ] you want without limit the quest line I must admit is also pretty good being betrayed by the original Guild Master and tracking him down killing him while also pulling off a legendary Heist is a lot of fun however I despise the fact that you are forced to join The Nightingales and you don't have a choice to say no Carlisle says that the only way to stop Mercer is to become a powerful Nightingale but I find that to be total scrib [ __ ] considering you're the last Dragonborn who is so powerful clavicus vile himself admits that you are as powerful as him in his weakest form that's a [ __ ] Daedric prince saying that all in all I don't personally like the Thieves Guild but I simply cannot ignore the good quest line and the insane perks and rewards that come with joining and leading the Thieves Guild number one the Dark Brotherhood now personally I hate the Dark Brotherhood lore wise I just think they're way too [ __ ] edgy and I never like a faction being evil for the sake of being evil and most of the killing puns that members use when describing their latest assassination exploits make my eyes just roll however I simply cannot deny that objectively the Dark Brotherhood is the best faction they have the richest story and all the members of the Dark Brotherhood are very unique the story for the game starts off rather normal with murdering an old woman but as you go through the story and start murdering more and more people you will become the listener and talk to homicidal corpse who will then guide you to kill the emperor of [ __ ] Tamriel or at least cyrodiil the Empire is pretty small nowadays the members of the Dark Brotherhood are also rather unique and I'm pretty sure everyone remembers all if not most of the members from vampire children to college dropouts to even furries with axes and all the members will assist you in each of your quests which allows you to better connect with them unlike most of the other factions in the game aside from the main Emperor killing Quest there is a character named Nazir who will contract out much smaller targets for you to kill from mining bosses to Mad Men to the next star of Skyrim's Got Talent all of which are very enjoyable quests and because of how the game is designed at its core you also have a variety of ways to take them down from illusion to walking up to them with a big bone Warhammer I also very much like the dialogue options the player has in the dark brotherhood I know that it's just redoing what Oblivion did as a callback but it's still nice nonetheless you can either talk normal talk like a sadistic disciple of sithist or don't talk at all until you do the quest rewards are also pretty cool from enough gold to buy the white gold Tower to summoning the legendary Lucian LaChance and even the Blade of Woe which is my personal favorite dagger aside from mehrun's Razor I will say I don't like the armor in this Guild with it just being the worst I never liked the idea that the most feared assassins in Tamriel are dressed up in [ __ ] suits and look like they're ready to entertain the deck like the buoyant armagers do and I do hate the Dawnstar sanctuary and the fact that all your cool assassin companions die and become replaced with generic no-name assassins that are super [ __ ] lame however again personal gripes aside I do believe that the Dark Brotherhood is objectively the best faction in Skyrim and that's all I wrote me ranking every single faction in the game and remember everything I said in this video is complete that so if you believe otherwise you're wrong I'm kidding of course but I really do hope you enjoyed this video this was without a doubt the longest and most detailed video I have ever done since my yarls ranked video and I made sure to spend the entirety of Thanksgiving break on it uh kill me so with that being said if you liked the video like the like button and like the Subscribe button and I will see you whenever the [ __ ] I decide to upload again house televani be with you please oh hero of Skyrim
Channel: Master Neloth
Views: 328,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, Factions, Skrim, Facshons, Companions, Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, Dark Brotherhood, Dawnguard, Clan Volkihar, Stormcloaks, Imperials, Bards College, Aela, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragonborn, Kodlak, Savos Aren, Mercer Frey, Astrid, Isran, Harkon
Id: urAt6HbdaJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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