SECRET OP WEAPON ATTACKS - HOW TO DO / Complete Guide - Lords Of The Fallen Hidden Weapon Art Skills

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so guys it seems as though there are many players in this game that don't realize there are certain weapons certain pairing of weapons in this game and wow all my life look at this frame rate loss Jesus Louisa look I can't even turn in a circle what is going on with this game let me quit out and go back into it I'll be back in a sec guys okay so we'll try that again hopefully without any loss of that F rate okay so most people guys don't realize that there are certain weapons when pair together that have secret animations just like this one right here pretty amazing with that Splash animation for sure now I know of the light Reaper swords and these two right here Elana sword as well as P sword now the certain things you have to do in order to be able to do these secret animations but today guys I'll explain to you exactly how you do this with these two swords and what I know how's it going guys my name is dpj and if you do enjoy the video Le a like really helps out and if you like what you see and want to see more be sure to subscribe so first things first you need to get these swords petta sword obviously defeat petta you get her remembrance then need to finally ball of Revelations hand it into big old dude up there then you'll be able to offer him remembrances for beating certain bosses now Elana sword is it Elana Elana who cares the star sword this is the other one this is the purple sword you see in my hand right there this one you also need but this one guys is tied to the omra ending and the true final bus upon you're defeating this bus you then get the remembrance to use you can get this weapon now I don't want to spoil it for anybody I mean if you're interested in this just search up on YouTube the true um ending final boss I mean or just write in the name of the sword I'll show you exactly how you do this but for people that are watching this video that don't want to be spoiled that are early in the game as of right now yeah well that's it you get you get that's how you get this weapon so once you have the weapon you have to Max both of these weapons out and they do this with jalinda so you come to jalinda and you level up both of these weapons so make sure they both fully upgraded that's all you got to do make sure so they're both uh boss weapons so they max out at a level five I mean mine's a level six my friend dropped it for me I'm not sure how this is achieved but as you know bus remembrance weapons max out at a level five every other weapon in the game game can go up to a level 10 so you know this guys you know this already don't need me to explain it so once you have that once you have both of these weapons both of them are leveled up and maxed out there's another item you need and you need to have it in your inventory now it doesn't matter which hand is in by the way you can put these in left or right it doesn't matter what again to prove that they both need to be maxed out so if I take this off and put on my level four P sword you'll see now guys that this don't work I do I do that sure the same move but it don't work now if I put the put the sword back on the level three version of it you'll see now how it does so it definitely needs to be maxed out and don't forget this uses your soul play charges as well so keep that in mind so I'm just going to rest up now the actual move itself is a secret move but in order to be able to even achieve the special animation even by doing the secret move there's another item you need but firstly the secret move now on Xbox and Playstation I can explain this quite easily I'm PC it's going to be a little more difficult so on Xbox all you need to do is on Xbox and Playstation is press that block button the block button for me is left bumper on Xbox on Playstation this will be L1 and then so just tap that quick and then just press your right trigger so your right trigger there you go simple as that that's all you got to do so tap it and let's Press Your Right trigger I mean obviously if you're running it will do a different move but tap it I'm I'm failing now guys I'm failing it is a bit of a a difficult one to pull off once you get the hang of it you're fine so again left bom pad and quickly the right trigger and you do it just like so now in order to even be able to do this guys you need to get a specific item now that item is called the Odd Stone which I don't actually know where it is in my inventory um okay so this is it right here under consumables now this item guys is something you need and you need to have it inside your inventory if I drop this on the floor right now which it won't allow me to do well if get rid of this which you can do um you won't be able to do this ability uh I've tried it prior to doing having this Odd Stone and I couldn't do it as soon as I picked this up it worked for me now the things about this guys is you also can hand this into P which I ain't going to do because I don't know if it does remove the ability to use this special move so I'm not going to hand that in if someone wants to confirm that down below I mean if you've picked up this odstone and you've handed into p and now you can't do this ability that is why but yes do let us know down below but to get this odstone guys you need to come to this location right here so we'll go here guys we need to go to um the a house the lower C of hour house the vge of lyia the non witch so we need to come here and that's right by the vti I'm not going to lie take you a couple minutes to even come here and grab this but yeah but yeah people so let's go but this is great I mean there's probably tons of these weapons in this game that um that pair together do this secret animation so from this actual vestage you want to come this way get out more weight tables and you want to take this lad down push this ladder down if you haven't already then take it down then let's drop down here there will be enemies here that going to try and attack you but don't worry about that as long as you know where you got to go you're good so here guys there will be something you can s play right there so what you got to do is do that sofl that and then guys you are good you'll give you the weapon you'll see the on screen I mean not the weapon sorry the stone it'll give you the stone and once you have the stone guys you then just have it inside your inventory and you can now do this secret animation now what I will also say is it's like weird and glitchy sometimes the stone disappears outside of your inventory so it just vanishes but to get it back you simply just rest at a vestig so yeah keep that in mind too now I've also heard as well upon you having this Stone inside your inventory and you do rest at a Vestige it gives you some of a special kind of boss that I can't confirm I haven't tested it myself yet but I'm pretty sure that's what I did read somewhere else now the other set of weapons that you can do this with are the light Reaper swords you get this from defeating the light Reaper boss but there's something you need to do now it's called the paladins request now I'll link uh the Wikipedia for this down below if you haven't done this already keep this in mind again I piss this up the fence I can't do this now I can't do it with these weapons I can't get the secret animation cuz I've unless I gone to New Game Plus or start a new character I can't do this quest line This quest line is needed to be completed in order to to do this secret animation with the light rer SS which are these right here and again I can't do it I can't do it but these are needed you basically complete that Quest I don't know if you get an item and then you can do the the secret animation with these two weapons now if you've seen and thought the like rep already you know this guy's got some badass weapons um badass animations on his moves and I'm guessing that's what you're able to do again I can't confirm um anything it's just what I've heard and what I've read but it is supposed to be official so yes do what you got to do so yeah I'll link that um that quest in the video description for the light R it's called the Paladin's request you do this and then you defeat the light Roper boss you do by summoning an NPC to help you your weapons need to be plus level fives I do believe maybe after doing this as well after you've completed the quest line and got these weapons after you brought them from the remembrance um but upon you then slide them in your left and right hands you do get secret animations by doing the same moves of a quick left tap a quick tap of the left bumper and then pressing your right trigger that's actual move there but I ain't getting no animations from it but yes Guys these are the secret animations you can use in loads of the fallen and they are pretty badass and there probably loads more to in the game that we haven't seen yet and people haven't found that are tied to individual quests individual items that you can find randomly in the game and this that and the other if you know of any more please let me know Down Below in that comment section and there we have it guys guys if you enjoyed the video leaveing a like really helps out if you like what you see and want to see more be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 40,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen op weapon, lords of the fallen secret attacks, lords of the fallen hidden attacks, lords of the fallen pieta and elianne, lords of the fallen op, lords of the fallen op early, lords of the fallen op build, lords of the fallen hidden weapon abilities, lords of the fallen hidden weapons, lords of the fallen secret weapon art, lords of the fallen secret weapon abilities, lords of the fallen secret weapons, dpj, dpjsc08
Id: 9DWmX0zirT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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