Secret Invasion’s Biggest Twist Means More Than You Think | Ep. 4 Breakdown

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secret invasion's biggest twist means more than you think welcome back to Nerdist news I'm Dan Casey and today we're discussing Marvel's secret Invasion Episode 4 titled beloved confirmed more major fan theories and gave us clues about what lies ahead for the MCU we're gonna break it all down for you in just a moment but to do so we have to spoil what happens so if you haven't seen this week's secret Invasion yet well leave now before you see something shocking Fury what the hell okay let's get into it shall we the episode's title beloved is a reference to Raymond Carver's poem late fragment we learned this poem hold a deep significance for Nick Fury and his wife Priscilla who's really the scroll named Vara the poem itself is incredibly brief it reads as follows and did you get what you wanted from this life even so I did and what did you want to call myself beloved to feel myself beloved on the earth it's a poignant poetic dialogue about reflecting back on one's life in the face of certain Doom Raymond Carver wrote this poem in 1988 he was on his deathbed battling the cancer that eventually claimed his life at age 50. and there's a certain degree of fatalism with Priscilla invoking this particular poem even back in 2012 when she first shared it with Nick Fury that scene takes place in the immediate aftermath of the Battle of New York from Avengers it was a world shaking event that could have easily claimed Priscilla's beloved Nick Fury's life it was also nearly two decades after the Scrolls found them themselves a people without a planet in Captain Marvel roughly 1 million Scrolls as we know now fled to the Earth to escape Annihilation by the cree and it makes sense why Priscilla would gravitate towards this particular poem of Raymond Carvers it offers a moment of Solace amid the inevitable it's even more poignant in the present day when Nick Fury and Priscilla are reflecting back on the imminent death of their marriage while Priscilla wanted to feel herself beloved by Nick Fury the scroll people also wanted to feel beloved on the earth it's their adopted home but they have to live in hiding they're unable to walk freely in their own skin it's a sentiment that really hits home during the emotional conversation between Talos and Gaia which quick side note this is yet another example of Marvel's low-key obsession with having beloved father figures saying their final farewells on a bench I know it's a rock formation for Odin but it's bench like but I digress skrulls like Talos and Vara managed to get what they wanted from this life even so others like Gaia and graphic may have people calling them beloved but they certainly don't feel beloved on this Earth especially considering when we last saw those two graphic gunned Gaia down but don't worry folks because at long last Emilia Clark gets the Jon Snow treatment no she didn't kiss her scrunkle rather she came back from the dead and it didn't take an entire year full of increasingly unconvincing interviews to confirm it now as we theorized last week this is because Gaia secretly already underwent the super skrullification process she was able to extract the memories and knowledge from Dr Rosa Dalton she is the geneticist that's being held captive inside a fracking pot and Gaia used this massive device to give herself at least the powers of extremis as you may recall from Iron Man 3 extremists used nanotech to rewrite genetic code it gave users advanced healing factors and the tendency to look like they're in an arthritis commercial ow my back is healing and I feel like I could explode at any moment what's unclear here is whether or not Gaia gave herself the full gamut of superpowers it looks like she only loaded one vial of DNA into the machine but if you look closely at the screen you can see panels for the frost Beast of yotenheim from Thor the Dark World and call obsidian the member of thanos's black order who lent a helping hand to the Avengers in Infinity War oh the only one missing from the database entries we saw previously is Groot but much like Graphics arm later in the episode I don't think it's too much of a stretch to assume that Gaia gave herself everything on the menu even if we only see extremists so far now by the way I know there's like only 500 people working at the base at new scrollos but pretty impressive that they just left their super scroll machine so wildly unattended as for what the future holds for Gaia Nerdist staff writer Michael Walsh thinks that she could become one of the mcu's next major Heroes but for more on that check out his article over on Nerdist anyway that was hardly the most shocking thing that happened this episode because folks we got another one boom you looking for this the number one suspect in our ongoing scroll watch James Rhodes turned out to be a freaking Scroll after all boom I know I'm shocked too what look it's me I'm here deal with it let's move on anyway the Big reveal came when we saw a female's girl stepping out of the shower then morphing into Roadie now we don't know who exactly this scroll is yet but perhaps she could wind up being the mcu's version of varanki in the comics viranki was the scroll Queen who impersonated Spider-Woman and masterminded the overall invasion of Earth and the replacement of its Mightiest Heroes and given that she's masquerading as the highest profile Hero on the show so far it's entirely possible even if they ditched the royalty angle because roady's been acting awfully suspicious the entire season and fury seemingly called it from word one I got a lead on a rebel scroll was high now the biggest clue is when Roadie called Fury Nick that's what this moment right here right now is about Nick and as we established last week that's something that only dead people do sorry Nick don't do this Nick it's almost dead Nick Nick now I know shut up Cap's not dead but I have no object permanence so he's dead to me if you really knew Nick Fury you know that the other clue is that Rhodey mentions The Undertaker without mentioning that in 1998 The Undertaker threw mankind off Hell in a Cell and plummeted 16 feet through an announcer's table your move when Roadie asks if the bourbon is poisoned it's a nice call back to their sit down in episode 2. but as it turns out the bourbon is spiked with something specifically nanotech in the form of a liquid tracker so it looks like Fury was telling the truth after all Nano tracks man okay unfortunately while Fury seemingly knows roady's secret they still have video evidence of Nick Fury murdering Maria Hill the real question is when exactly did Roadie get replaced well we'll delve deeper into that in another video but our best guess is sometime after Avengers end game because to make it any earlier than that would really cheapen the emotional Stakes of the infinity Saga because as we've seen from quantumania The Avengers are basically celebrities now thank you Spider-Man so it makes a ton of sense that someone like President ritzen would want Rhody elevated to a chief advisory capacity in the wake of saving the entire universe that proximity to power both super and political is also what made Roadie such an attractive candidate to kidnap and replace in the first place it's also the perfect way to set up armor Wars whenever they wind up rescuing Roadie he's going to have his work cut out for him he needs to recover any Stark Tech that may have been misappropriated during his time in the fracking pot it's a plot that was teased all the way back in Age of Ultron boom you looking for this now as for the president written of it all for the time being it seems like gravic's assassination attempt failed and while Fury managed to save Ritson he couldn't stop graphic from murdering Talos and unlike Gaia I don't think Talos has the super strength to survive this one even worse Fury had to leave talos's body behind that's going to give World governments a major clue about these Scrolls involvement in these ongoing attacks and this will likely be one of the major events that leads to the creation of the Thunderbolts and people like General Thunderbolt Ross seizing power in Captain America Brave New World now during this battle we see two of Graphics four superpowers in action his stretchy Groot arm and his extremist healing Factor it lets him shrug off a bullet to the face like a mere bee sting and with just two episodes left to go we have to wait and see how exactly Cole obsidian and the frost Beast abilities will play out unless of course we've already seen one of those Powers remember back in episode 2 didn't gravic seem just a little too comfortable in that meat locker for us to be Baby Boom anyway everything's pointing towards a decidedly deadly showdown between Nick Fury and gravic but how can you kill someone that can heal from any wound go yourself well Fury is gonna get by with a Little Help from his friends newly superpowered daughter in the meantime though we'll have even more deep dives into this show over on Nerdist but for now tell us what did you think of this episode did you spot anything that we missed and who else do you think might be a secret scroll guess we'll never know anyway let us know in the comments below and for the latest and greatest in the world of Pop Culture make sure you stay tuned to [Music] foreign
Channel: Nerdist
Views: 32,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Secret Invasion, Marvel, Skrulls, Nick Fury
Id: e8nXRH5sSOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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