SECRET INVASION: Fury’s 8 BIG SECRETS Hidden from the Avengers! | Hero Rewind

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and Marvel's secret Invasion makes the MCU in 2023 the year of Fury considering we are going to see this guy again in the Marvels this November but our man Fury has spent many years on this Earth and he has one of the most interesting biographies of any MCU character and it's filled with secrets that are even now as of secret Invasion Episode 2 finally coming to life so in this hero rewind let's shine a light on this one-eyed super spy to see how he's been saving the world from the Shadows since the beginning and a reminder to subscribe to all three of the channels on the new rockstars Network including our new channel the break room which is the new home of our secret Invasion after shows inside Marvel okay Samuel L Jackson is the longest running actor in the MCU playing Nick Fury for over 15 years in 11 movies 4 episodes of the what if Disney plus animated series and two episodes of Agents of Shield and ABC which we will include for when Kevin feige finally brings in agent coulson's life model decoy and Chloe Bennett Quake to save this franchise there's still time and all that before what I consider now to be finally his story role in secret Invasion when we first meet Fury in 2008's Iron Man but in 2019's Captain Marvel set 1995 filled in more of his history we see his ID listing his birth date as July 4th 1950. July 4th is also Steve Rogers birthday He's listed as Shield level 3 back then later in his career Hill rise to the clearance level 10. his low clearance level here probably explains why up until this point he was unaware of the existence of alien life forms and that there were likely other individuals and shields who did have that knowledge but the events of the Captain Marvel film will show his first witnessing of a scroll when one takes the form of his partner Agent Coulson but in this movie when he's talking with Carol Danvers we learn more of his backstory and his upbringing where were you born Huntsville Alabama but technically I don't remember that part first job Soldier straight out of high school left the rights of full bird colonel then spy where it's a cold war we were everywhere Belfast Bucharest Belgrade Budapest I like the bees I can make them right ah another one of those bees is Bogota when he became Deputy Chief of a shield station under the command of Alexander Pierce the Secretary of State in Captain America Winter Soldier Pierce's daughter was taken hostage by a rebel group in Bogota and fury came up with a plan to rescue them and his success here put him on a path to becoming director of Shield interesting to note now Bogota does show up show up terrorist strikes in secret Invasion Episode 1 maybe a sign of Fury taking his eye off the ball now in the Captain Marvel film set in 1995 as Fury meets Carol Danvers upon a return to Earth and helping uncover her Cree brainwashing win back in 1989 as an air force test pilot she got implicated in the creek killing of the scientist Wendy Lawson for helping the squirrels build a tesseract powered Lightspeed engine to find them a new home World throughout this movie Fury has a cut over his eye a bit of a fake out that we thought would lead to his famous injury that requires his eye patch but nope twins but to scratch by gustaflirkin that was a close call huh goofy you okay yeah it's just a scratch this movie also reveals Fury's Infamous toast-cutting pet peeve name a details so bizarre a squirrel could never fabricate it a toast is cut diagonally I can't eat it and no fury does not cut his toes diagonally in Age of Ultron trust me on this but Fury does make a big deal about how everyone just calls him Fury not Nicholas not Joseph not Nick just Fury mom call you Fury what do you call her Fury what about your kids if I have them they'll call me fury it explains how he knows later that his boss is actually Talos excellent work Nicholas but we have definitely heard other MC characters call him other things over the years specifically Maria Hill and the Avengers Infinity War post credit scene in Captain Marvel Fury helps this girl refugees escape the Creed he sets up a pager Communicator with Carol Danvers befriends Halos Soren and the young Gaia in Louisiana in honor of Carol's call sign of Avenger he renames his new hero initiative The Avengers Initiative and he feeds Goose to Tesseract and thank you to better help for sponsoring this video here at new rockstars we like to figure out what makes movies work go frame by frame to figure out what's really going on but when we need Insight on what's really going on with ourselves we use better help betterhelp is the world's largest therapy service and it's 100 online with better help you can tap into a network of over 30 000 licensed and experienced therapists who can help you with a wide range of issues to get started just answer a few questions about what you're looking for from therapy and what your preferences are better help will then match you with a therapist from their Network that's right for you after that talk to your therapist however you feel comfortable whether it's via text chat phone or video call you can message your therapist at any time and schedule live sessions when it's convenient for you if you your therapist isn't the right fit for any reason you can switch to a new therapist at no additional charge 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learned from the end of this film that on Fury's radar is both wakanda and talocon pings on Shield's world map in the background of that final scene now the events of Iron Man 2 are all part of what was later referred to as Fury's big week which included the events of Iron Man 2 Thor the Incredible Hulk and the ending of Captain America the First Avenger this leads us to Loki's invasion in the 2012 Avengers movie when Fury headed up Project Pegasus to research a tesseract sir please put down the spear we have no quarrel with your people an ant has no quarrel with a boot Fury calls us back later and boot now in this movie Fury talks to the world Security Council a board of shadowy figures some of whom later turn out to be Hydra like Gideon Malik it was designed for exactly these two isn't ready our enemy is we need a response team The Avengers Initiative was shut down now phase two obviously a joke to Marvel phase two but there's also a Shield's plan to roll out the Tesseract powered weapons and we learned that Nick Fury before 2008 had been trying to recruit other Avengers over the years but the world Security Council shut it down which is important to know there might have been other Avengers that we have not met yet and he has one detail I'm obligated to mention from the 2012 Avengers film wind Fury briefs Steve Rogers the finally handsome mentioned Thanos the infinity gems and Mephisto Mephisto so technically Fury knew about memphisto back in 2012 Fury exploits the death of Phil Coulson to motivate The Avengers to work together down to snaring some of coulson's Captain America trading cards in his own blood and while the Avengers fight Loki's forces Fury fights the world security council's called to Nuke the city I recognize the council has made a decision but given that it's a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it now this brings us to Agents of Shield when Fury uses Creed blood and project Tahiti the project designed to resurrect a fallen Avenger to resurrect Coulson Fury shows up in the second episode of the series just after colson's recruits come together as a team really really Colson six days it only took you six days to take a completely renovated piece of state-of-the-art machinery and turn it into scrap now the intention was for Agents of Shield to be MCU Cannon but over the years Marvel Studios ignored the events of the series but again I repeat it is not too late to clarify Agents of Shield as proper Cannon and Captain America the Winter Soldier fury expounds on his lack of trust when he tells cap a story about his grandfather who worked as an elevator operator who is apparently based on Jackson's actual grandfather you ever get mugged hmm every week some punk would say what's in the bag what would he do he chilling bunch of couple ones and a loaded 22 magnum Granddad love people but he didn't trust them very much Perry tells another anecdote in secret information episode two talking about how he and his mom would have to take train rides from Alabama to Detroit and have to ride in a segregated train car and how they pass the time by playing games like tell me something I don't know which is how he got so good at lying but more importantly knowing when other people were lying and when her Soldier Fury survives multiple attempts on his life and fakes his death to expose hydra's corruption shield and their plot to use project insight helicarriers to assassinate their enemies the movie ends with Fury going off the grid so you've experienced this sort of thing before you get used to it now that quote on its gravestone is Ezekiel 25 17 a nice little nod to Samuel L Jackson's famous speech from Pulp Fiction we actually learned that in secret Invasion Fury has fake Graves everywhere Fury should have again an Agents of Shield just after the events of Winter Soldier chronologically coming out of Heidi an attempt to nail another Hydra operative so you don't have to call me sir Coulson look at me I'm just like I live under a bridge Fury shuts up again in Age of Ultron on Clinton Barton's Farm back to spotting that eye patch artificial intelligence you never even hesitated Fury has likely been wary of AI ever since seeing the cree and Captain Marvel who were governed by a corrupt Supreme intelligence and yeah he saw how dangerous Zola's AI was in Project Insight once again Fury sets The Avengers on the right path like the good dad that he is and gives him the Boost they need to get back in the fight back in the day I had eyes everywhere ears everywhere else you kids had all the tick you could dream of here we all are back on Earth with nothing but our wit and our will to save the world and in the final battle he saves all the zakubians on a hill carrier with some old Shield contacts now we do not see Nick Fury again until and summons Captain Marvel after the Avengers reverse the step in endgame Fury shows up at Tony Stark's funeral and then in Spider-Man far from home the real knit Fury was off world having assigned Talos to get Peter Parker Tony Stark's eated glasses while Fury was on the Scrolls space station that we later Learned was saber now far from home did some serious damage to the city of London which Sonya Falls were the references in secret Invasion Episode 1 showing that these two spies also have a history together and now in Phase five of the MCU we're seeing a lot more of saber which is part of Nick Fury's interplanetary defense system signed off by the White House Fury apparently trying to continue Tony Stark's longtime mission to build a suit of armor around the world and as we will see in the Marvel's trailer he has Allied himself with Monaco Rambo to pick back up with swords astronaut programs so some fresh takeaways about Nick Fury as we celebrate this year of Fury one he's learned not to trust people after growing up in Alabama in the 50s too he but in the Cold War and has been has been since cities all over the world three in 1997 he promises throw new home planet but never followed through and now spends most of his time on saber four previously works with other Avengers we haven't met yet like maybe Wolverine 5 has a wife who's a scroll six kids weapons and supplies and several fake Graves seven knows how to resurrect people via Tahiti which could come in handy and eight knows about Mephisto you can support this growing Network by grabbing something from our store nerd subscribe to new rockstars along with the Deep dive and the break room on YouTube and all social platforms you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter at eavos thanks for watching bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 371,790
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, Secret invasion, nick fury, nick fury timeline, nick fury avengers, avengers, skrull, nick fury wife
Id: 76TnjGCuXWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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